That was fricking stupid

That was fricking stupid

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  1. 8 months ago

    I agree, the moss should have eaten both of Tendi's boots and her socks

    • 8 months ago

      Should the moss also tickle her bare feet and make her laugh until tears come out?

  2. 8 months ago

    Your own fault for watching Lower Decks and expecting something that wasn't fricking stupid.

  3. 8 months ago

    You're just mad because Rutherford had a baby and didn't tell you.

  4. 8 months ago

    >aww it's okay we can get along with misinformers! but their ideas are still dangerous and they're only right sometimes
    their hearts are in the right place.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Trek & Morty is stupid
    Who could've seen that coming?

    • 8 months ago

      >I love complaining about shows I don't watch!

      • 8 months ago

        So true, wubbalubba upvoted!

        • 8 months ago

          People who only speak in sarcasm have no personalities
          Clinging on to a 2013 meme. Cringe and sadpillee

          • 8 months ago

            You and this show don’t deserve anything better. People already tried to explain to you why it’s bad. You just told them to frick off while fellating the smuggest, most self-satisfied hacks in the industry.
            And while those talentless hacks are alienating their audiences, talented indie creators are winning more than ever.

            So do the smart thing, and stop giving this show attention. Don’t make threads, don’t watch it. Don’t even think about it.
            It’s not worth it.

            • 8 months ago

              Whether or not it's bad is a subjective opinion
              I can't think of anything more smug than saying "I literally just explained to them why they should stop like it and they're not listening!"
              I don't think it is particularly good or bad, but the writers clearly are fans. I have only seen season 3 and 3, but they don't just make fun of specific references, they parody a lot of tropes, cues, and story beats in subtle ways too
              If you don't like it, that's fine. You can say they're shitty writers. But their knowledge (at least in the new seasons) is that of a dedicated fan with admiration for the series.

              • 8 months ago

                >But their knowledge (at least in the new seasons) is that of a dedicated fan with admiration for the series.
                It’s Memory Alpha, dude. They’ve literally admitted in interviews that they’re mining it for references and plots. It’s a simulacrum of Star Trek that looks authentic enough but doesn’t understand what the franchise is all about. This show is deeply dishonest at nearly every level.

                I’m done trying to reason with you, I’ve already tried. You clearly have no self-respect, let alone respect for Star Trek. But this show will piss you off eventually, because it’s written in that mindset, and then you’ll admit I was right all along.

                I won’t help keep this thread on Page 1, if doesn’t deserve it in the slightest. Complaining about it just gives it more visibility that it otherwise wouldn’t get, because no one but the select few superfans -- the ones who will defend every bit of spiteful writing -- care about it anymore. Peace.

              • 8 months ago

                See you in the next thread, biatch

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but unironically touch grass, for the love of God. You're gatekeeping for a 60 year old sci-fi nerd show at 1 AM on a Friday on a digitized Mongolian horse breeding exchange. Take some stock of your life, I'm honestly begging you here

              • 8 months ago

                My knowledge is that I watched the show.
                Yours is that you saw an interview and refuse to.
                Many of their references are clearly that of someone who has actually watched it. For example, they'll parody the pacing sometimes by having plots play out a certain way. They'll do satire on how the plots often resolve themselves. They'll poke fun at the themes of certain episodes. Theyll parody how a guest character speaks or carries themselves. These are things you watch the show to find out.
                It would be quicker to simply watch TNG than to study the episodes in this way.
                I doubt they've watched Voyager or ENT (those references seem from memory alpha), but they have definitely seen TNG and DS9 and are big fans.
                I can smell the identity politics reeking off you from a mile away.
                I get it. It's new and you hate New because you love old, so you have to make them sound EVIL and HATEFUL. They're kind of shitty writers, but they don't hate Trek
                Grow up and stop taking tv so seriously that you'll lie about people and make it personal

              • 8 months ago

                Nothing about this is impressive, and half of it is you imagining writers’ intent where there was none. The show has a flanderized perception of legacy characters, the kind you’d get from asking random people about them. For example, it makes multiple references to Kirk being a playboy who bangs Orion slavegirls whereas anyone who actually watched TOS knows this is just an example of the “Kirk drift.”
                The show doesn’t understand the source material it’s trying to parody, which is why it doesn’t work. It’s the frat boy’s idea of what Star Trek is like, and they’re parodying that, because they either don’t know Star Trek, or have watched it, but didn’t pay attention. So they think Kirk was literally Casanova.

                LOL. I'm getting plenty of enjoyment from watching you lose your shit every thread. Especially the ones where you got your ass banned for being a complete frickhead.

                >the whole thread is shitting on the show (rightfully)
                >”I’m the one who’s right and everyone I disagree with is the same person!”
                Sureee, man. You’ve driven everyone away by ruthlessly attacking anyone who dares to criticize your favorite thing in the world. The only threads on this show that do take off, are the ones shitting on it. Otherwise, it’s just you hopelessly slavebumping for hours before you give up and just let it die. You also take pleasure in watching other people get mad about something because they’re passionate about it, but that’s a bit of your character you ought to examine yourself.

                But this is your own kingdom of shit. You wanted to have a place where only the “correct” opinions are allowed, so you have it. You reap what you sow.

              • 8 months ago

                I never said it was impressive, I said they have basic knowledge of the show and clearly watched TNG
                You think they went and interviewed people about the personalities and mannerisms of guest characters rather than just watch a 40 minute television episode?
                We all know Kirk didn't act exactly like that. It is called a joke. Every character that appears is an exaggerated version of themselves because the show is a parody
                You are real sticking by your entirely baseless claim that they refuse to watch Star Trek
                I think you do this because you aren't smart enough to process subjectivity and need your opinion to be fact
                I thought we weren't worth your time?
                The only person reading about a show on memory alpha is you reading about Lower Decks lmao
                I barely like Lower Decks so I mostly avoid these threads. Is this dullard always commenting?

              • 8 months ago

                >. Is this dullard always commenting?
                No. But it's very obvious which ones he's in and which ones he isn't. He also ban evades, and is constantly completely making shit up to try to fill the thread with negative garbage..

              • 8 months ago

                >I know folks like to hold Trek up on a pedestal as Shakespeare-tier
                I think that's an interesting way to put it, because no-one actually does this except Star Trek itself, which was obviously written by a lot of people who held Shakespeare in high regard, and notably had a Shakespearean stage actor as its most recognizable Captain. But never, ever, have I heard any actual fan make this direct comparison. So is this projection from actually having watched the show, or is this a random namedropping of a thing you know is respected but know little about?

                >it's a silly space show with lasers and goofy costumes
                Yeah, this is peak midwittery. You're not wrong in this regard, but you are wrong in the sense that you think this is relevant in any way. Things can be serious and silly at the same time. Looking at the set dressing to declare something silly or serious, rather than the content, just means you're not fully engaging with what you're watching.

                >it's actually earned the right to turn around and make fun of itself like LD does.
                Star Trek already made fun of itself. But LD isn't Star Trek just because a studio owns the name and loaned it to the writers. At least, not in the sense of the building blocks that made the OG Trek series. None of the same people work on it, none of the same company culture applies. And I think you know that, because just now you were shitting on OG Trek. Ultimately NuTrek is made to appeal to people who never liked OG Trek, but for some reason you all get pissy when people point that out.

                Don’t bother, man. This is one of those fandoms that are allergic to any criticism, and will go through extreme mental gymnastics to shield their fragile minds from it. In their mind, everyone loves the show. It’s a trait they have in common with the writers, who would rather surround themselves with Twitter sycophants in their little internet bubble rather than to take criticism head-on. Old Trek writers were humble enough to acknowledge and apologize for a misfire, but modern Hollywood writers simply cannot handle criticism.

                Everyone who hates the show (or some aspect of it) is either:
                A) a chud
                B) the same person
                C) all of the above

                >You make it sound like this is discovery or picard.
                Because it is.

                What happened to quitting these threads like you keep saying?

              • 8 months ago

                LOL. I'm getting plenty of enjoyment from watching you lose your shit every thread. Especially the ones where you got your ass banned for being a complete frickhead.

              • 8 months ago

                Now that I gave examples of things that aren't from memory alpha he won't reply.
                I don't care if someone hates the show, I can't even finish an episode sometimes.
                But I hate when a dramatic dweeb starts getting personal and bringing in the identity politics "they hate me" drivel. This isn't NuHe-Man or something

  6. 8 months ago

    No shit. It's modern Star Trek.

    • 8 months ago

      hey prodigy is good

  7. 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    Still managed to be better than prodigy. I rate the episode 9/10

    • 8 months ago

      hey prodigy is good

      who was in the right here

  9. 8 months ago

    Smells like the withered joyless posers of /trek/ in here

    • 8 months ago

      and somehow this has more joy than the star wars threads

      • 8 months ago

        nuTrek is garbage but they at least let the old content have its dignity. Mouse Wars just threw the baby out with the bathwater right away and barely manages to cling to NPCs with memberberries, sunk cost, and wokeness.

        • 8 months ago

          At least with SW Bad Batch is still going. I hope season 3 can hit as hard as the ending for season 2. I am not holding my breath, but I can hope that a story about some clones can slip under the shit radar.

          • 8 months ago

            >he thinks that slop is good
            lmao, mousecuck

            • 8 months ago

              First part of season 2 was b tier plot threads you would stuff into a 24 episode season. The second half, when there was an actual plot picked back up.

  10. 8 months ago

    This season is so bad, the only saving grace was T'lyn but even then the series is going downhill.
    The shittiest is probably the badgy episode though

    • 8 months ago

      Is this the schizo? Because I care and I loved this show until this season.

      Season 3 was worse

  11. 8 months ago

    It's cute that you guys don't really care about Trek, you just want to belong.

    • 8 months ago

      Is this the schizo? Because I care and I loved this show until this season.

  12. 8 months ago

    Just let it die. It doesn’t deserve your attention, or engagement.
    The writers hate you, and no matter how much they try to convince you otherwise with memberberries and half-hearted attempts at optimism, they also hate Star Trek and everything that it stands for. It’s smugly written -- the interviews make it painfully obvious that they think themselves above Trekkies and the franchise -- and it won’t change as long as you keep consuming, even as a hatewatch. It’s time to stop.

    • 8 months ago

      >psycho babble
      That's not the show I watched

      • 8 months ago

        But it was, but you’ve deluded yourself into thinking that it was something else, and you still are doing that. You’ve accepted all the bits of spiteful writing, dismissing it as a skill issue on the writers’ end. But if you look at the interviews, they’re proud of all the spiteful writing and attempts to outsmart their audience, because they think they’re better than you. They think they’re better than Star Trek.

        Just the show for me then
        I enjoy this in spite of Star Trek

        Honestly, frick trekkies
        The most pompous and entitled fandom ever

        A mean-spirited show for a mean-spirited person -- like God intended.

        Honestly, I prefer to just ignore threads about this show here, but this just had to be said. For the good of the franchise, this smugly-written farce has to end.

        • 8 months ago

          Anon, it's Lost in Space with philosophy lessons thrown in. I know folks like to hold Trek up on a pedestal as Shakespeare-tier but at the end of the day it's a silly space show with lasers and goofy costumes. One that's been on long enough that it's actually earned the right to turn around and make fun of itself like LD does.

          • 8 months ago

            >I know folks like to hold Trek up on a pedestal as Shakespeare-tier
            I think that's an interesting way to put it, because no-one actually does this except Star Trek itself, which was obviously written by a lot of people who held Shakespeare in high regard, and notably had a Shakespearean stage actor as its most recognizable Captain. But never, ever, have I heard any actual fan make this direct comparison. So is this projection from actually having watched the show, or is this a random namedropping of a thing you know is respected but know little about?

            >it's a silly space show with lasers and goofy costumes
            Yeah, this is peak midwittery. You're not wrong in this regard, but you are wrong in the sense that you think this is relevant in any way. Things can be serious and silly at the same time. Looking at the set dressing to declare something silly or serious, rather than the content, just means you're not fully engaging with what you're watching.

            >it's actually earned the right to turn around and make fun of itself like LD does.
            Star Trek already made fun of itself. But LD isn't Star Trek just because a studio owns the name and loaned it to the writers. At least, not in the sense of the building blocks that made the OG Trek series. None of the same people work on it, none of the same company culture applies. And I think you know that, because just now you were shitting on OG Trek. Ultimately NuTrek is made to appeal to people who never liked OG Trek, but for some reason you all get pissy when people point that out.

            • 8 months ago

              Don’t bother, man. This is one of those fandoms that are allergic to any criticism, and will go through extreme mental gymnastics to shield their fragile minds from it. In their mind, everyone loves the show. It’s a trait they have in common with the writers, who would rather surround themselves with Twitter sycophants in their little internet bubble rather than to take criticism head-on. Old Trek writers were humble enough to acknowledge and apologize for a misfire, but modern Hollywood writers simply cannot handle criticism.

              Everyone who hates the show (or some aspect of it) is either:
              A) a chud
              B) the same person
              C) all of the above

              • 8 months ago

                Don't be so salty that the writers are ignoring your brilliance on twitter. You make it sound like this is discovery or picard.

              • 8 months ago

                >You make it sound like this is discovery or picard.
                Because it is.

              • 8 months ago

                I never said the guy was a chud, I never even said the show was good. I literally just said he is lying about the writers because he wants to turn his opinion into fact
                You culture war snowflakes are the worst. Nothing can just be bad. It has to be le evil
                Just say it's a shitty Rick and Morty clone. That's fair. But the writers are familiar with most of Trek clearly

            • 8 months ago

    're Shatner, aren't you anon?

              • 8 months ago

                Shatner...would have a greater sense....of the dramatic.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon... you have mistaken... me... for someone... else.

        • 8 months ago

          >spiteful writing
          When did this happen
          >writers hate Star Trek fans
          When did this happen
          >you've deluded yourself
          When did I do that

          • 8 months ago

            It's all in his schizo head

    • 8 months ago

      Just the show for me then
      I enjoy this in spite of Star Trek

      Honestly, frick trekkies
      The most pompous and entitled fandom ever

  13. 8 months ago

    you are watching the lower decks, you have given up all rights to b***h about this kind of shit.

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