That's exactly it. Are the best parts of life. really just finding momentary. distractions. to keep yourself busy

That's exactly it.
Are the best parts of life
really just finding momentary
to keep yourself busy
so you think about the harsh
realities of life for a second?
I can ride roller coasters,
meet new friends,
and spend time
with my family all day long.
It doesn't change the fact
that the Sun
is just going to explode,
and all this was for nothing.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Things would be better if you killed the system instead of yourself

    • 2 years ago

      What he’s talking about isn’t systematic, he’s saying every action done in life is a distraction from death.

      • 2 years ago

        But by invalidating everything, you simultaneously validate it as well. If everything we do has no meaning because we will eventually die, then everything we do has equal meaning and merit, which means the things we choose to do hold the exact amount of weight that we ascribe to them, and in so doing we give them meaning and reason. Nihilistic fatalism only works if you choose to play the role of cosmic victim, rather than the sub-divine creature you are. You are human, and with that you are given the gift of choice to do whatever you want with it.

        • 2 years ago

          Didn’t ask

          • 2 years ago

            Never said you did.

        • 2 years ago

          By your own logic every action does have the same merit, which is none.
          That doesn't suddenly wrap around and make every action important, ignoring the fact reality is inherently finite and nothing accomplished will ever last is delusion, not truth. Truth, justice, love, all collective concepts we created attempting to understand reality have no meaning objectively, though I treasure these things that does not make them real or have value inherently. WHEN the last concious being dies, not if; truth love and justice cease to exist.
          Even if you fool yourself into thinking that a finite existence has merit, that is merely a product of your own perception which is subject to change upon mood or experience.

          Furthermore, even if reality wasn't finite or thermodynamics didn't mean our universe is unstoppably doomed, humanity would still be complete shit. Period. Nothing about us is salvageable, from our selfish nature due to our separate subconscious that is ready and willing to help you believe lies you tell yourself, our analytic minds betray us in an uncaring and nonsensical world by remembering negative instances in our lives more vividly than positive ones ensuring we are always miserable and want for "better" things, and finally our shortsighted nature leaves us impulsive and susceptible to stagnation through convenience and laziness.
          Enjoy your divinity moron.

          • 2 years ago

            If you’re such a bad and cursed being then why trust your judgement on these issues?

            • 2 years ago

              As I said, perception is subject to change, this is merely the one I have now. I may be someone else later, but that doesn't change the argument at hand. The fact you had to resort to attacking my person instead of my argument shows how weak your position is.
              It's ok, to error is human, the mistake that is your being won't be around forever.

              • 2 years ago

                That’s a lot of gymnastics. I’m only going by what you yourself said, that humanity is inevitably complete shit, nothing about us is salvageable. So why trust yourself or humanity when they talk shit? Humanity is unsalvageable and selfish and has an inferior split subconscious, we’re all liars? Then why trust yourself or anyone when you act so sure everything is shit? You’re like a man who says everyone including himself always lies so you should trust him when he says you shouldn’t be happy

              • 2 years ago

                Not him but why should he trust the words you’re saying in opposition to him, because by his logic, you and him are both liars.

              • 2 years ago

                Neither of us can trust eachother or ourselves. Attraction and care might be a force for good, who can say? I suppose misanthropy might be smart but honestly I use this as a strategy against depression. I’m not sure it helps anyone to be sick of it all. This whole exercise is to deny misanthropy, you can’t be objective in your judgement of humanity while saying humanity has poor judgment.

          • 2 years ago

            You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an butthole
            I recognize that humanity sucks, nothing has inherent meaning, and the human race will deservedly be wiped out within the century. I also still enjoy video games and food and the company of cats, and I still have a preservation instinct, so I'm going to value those things subjectively until I die of an infection because of my autoimmune disorder.

            I don't blame you for being stuck at anger, but your grief is gonna have to evolve eventually

          • 2 years ago

            You're awfully militant in your simmering hatred of life and reality.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, we're all pieces of shit, that's my point ya dingus. My shitty trait is I hate seeing people delude themselves and it reminds me of when I was young and held naive world views, so I gotta preach about it on the internet where it does the least damage.

              You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an butthole
              I recognize that humanity sucks, nothing has inherent meaning, and the human race will deservedly be wiped out within the century. I also still enjoy video games and food and the company of cats, and I still have a preservation instinct, so I'm going to value those things subjectively until I die of an infection because of my autoimmune disorder.

              I don't blame you for being stuck at anger, but your grief is gonna have to evolve eventually

              It would be nice to have a different world view, unfortunately this one is new, so I'm gonna be here a while I think; and a while is being optimistic.
              Am I an butthole for talking about this kind of thing in a thread dedicated to the topic on the butthole of the internet where no unbroken person has any right being? Maybe.

              Truth be told I wish someone would change my mind, but so far I haven't been provided with any reasonable arguments that stand scrutiny.

              It’s not your consciousness I’m attacking, I’m going by your chosen premise that humanity is all bad action, corruption and selfish abuse. If humanity is that bad, if our main function as a species is to just be rotten and difficult with eachother, why would I trust demoralizing philosophy coming from a human? This is honestly a method I use on myself. If youre feeling self hatred and are thinking a bunch of nasty things like that everyone is shit and you should feel hopeless, why trust that rottenness? You think it’s bad, don’t you? Why suddenly merit this stuff?

              Getting tired of repeating myself here, but if what YOU say is true, then I can't trust what your saying because it's coming from a human. See how that argument defeats itself?
              You took my position from the previous argument, which is saying that humanity is self sabotaging and worthless, and now using it against the same argument, which is that humanity is shit and can't be trusted.

              • 2 years ago

                wow so edgy, fricking zoomer

              • 2 years ago

                I'm 31 my guy, but attacking my character is pathetic.

              • 2 years ago

                Nobody attacked your character, you spent a paragraph calling the human race all these nasty things and I said ‘If that’s true how can we trust our rotten selves when treating ourselves like shit?’ It’s like you know the bully is just trying to hurt you, you say humanity is a hurtful bully and you’re a part of it, why accept bullying from a self that’s just doing it to hurt you because you know they’re a bully?

              • 2 years ago

                ok, let me rephrase that
                Wow so edgy, fricking 31 years old guy.

              • 2 years ago

                doesn't make it wrong!

              • 2 years ago

                Only true edgelords are still optimistic in 2022, legit brain damage

              • 2 years ago

                We can’t trust either of us, that’s why we have to think outside of ourselves, that’s the point. You really are immaturely seething though, ‘oh I keep explaining it to you, for the last time!’ How about shut up you little suicidal runt? I know what you’re saying and it doesn’t impress me because it’s some very default sniveling. I say ‘we are occasionally hateful beings, so oftentimes we can’t trust our hate’. That’s all there is to it. And you’re all suddenly precious about character? ‘No you’re all attacking me, I say everyone is an evil shit but you should NEVER insult my character!’ Dude you’re insulting the character of the human race, how are you going to hide behind decorum like that? Saying nothing matters while demanding ETIQUETTE, taking shit about the species while thinking people who disagree with you are attacking your precious self? You’re not even a nihilist man. You’re just a sensitive shit talker who people are trying to talk down, and you’re so vapid about it you actually think people not agreeing with you is an attack on your character! Interrogate yourself, please

              • 2 years ago

                Unless you are

                wow so edgy, fricking zoomer

                , you didn't attack my character, calling me a zoomer would be attempting to discredit what I said based on who I was born as. I said consciousness here

                We are technically attempting to decern the truth of my argument by debating right now, attacking my consciousness holds no intellectual weight because that argument could be turned on your own logic as well, which by debating that consciousness is flawed by nature you are already conceding your position by agreeing that my previous assumption was right.

                Please finish school folks, and actually pay attention.

                , which was not as accurate as I should have been but I was referring to questioning the soundness of my argument based on me being human, which can be turned on the questioner and so is useless logic. So nothing I said was unwarranted, and while my ideology comes from a place of anger the only one mad here is you.,

                I'm not insulting the character of the human race when genocide, rape, and slavery are concepts we created. I advocate for humanity to be better but that doesn't discount how horrible we are. We are more than occasionally hateful, we are flawed at our core and even if we fix ourselves before the heat death of the universe it won't ultimately matter.

                Gonna live a long time thanks, I gotta live with humanity I'm gonna enjoy the perks like internet, comics and video games while I'm here.

                Keep using broken logic and I'll keep verbally beating you down. Also, interrogate yourself? You mean try being introspective?

              • 2 years ago

                I’ll give you that yes there is plenty of terror in the world and we are an often horrifying species, but there are other things going on about humanity besides terror. When you’re feeling misanthropic, take the chance to evaluate if you’re ignoring all the good things about humanity just because you figure they’re extinct or don’t count because of the bad. I know this is cheesy, but I’m not going for that Christian emotional thing here. I’m saying you care about this stuff enough to curse the world for hurting it, but all that stuff does exist. Thats not to say genocide and everything isn’t horrible and doesn’t happen, or that it happening proves there’s good in the world, it’s to say that when you get in this mood calling all of humanity unsalvageable, you’re calling the persecuted trash, too, just because your mind gets carried away. I mean you said unsalvageable, like there’s nothing good in humanity. Then why not enjoy the the war and genocide? It’s because obviously those things hurt what you deeply care about, it’s just harder to hold hate and love at the same time
                And yes interrogate yourself, evaluate your beliefs as if they may be wrong, see what happens. Evaluate if you completely toss out the things you cherish, in thinking too much about what hurts them. Self-interrogation is a real thing.

              • 2 years ago

                And by the way I’m not saying humanity isn’t more bad than good, I’m saying how can you have a correct moral auditing if you actually believe that’s the case? How can you be a moral judge while saying you are part of a people who cannot be free of cruelty? You’ll never be perfectly accurate at least

                Never heard it phrased like self interrogation, but introspection or self-reflection I've heard, neat.
                Yes, we created good concepts like Morality and Justice which are profound and likely the best work we've ever done as a species, but the fact we essentially universally know these concepts and still we have people who choose willingly to disregard them and do evil OR who think they are just and flanderize the sacrament of the ideal poisons any good that could be done through them. It's the dichotomy of existence that is most infuriating. We are beings of the moment and naturally of chaos, but we crave structure and meaning in an ultimately pointless existence. Our minds are both conscious and subconscious. And it's precisely because of our conflicting nature that I simultaneously want the best for humanity and for it to improve but also believe in fabrications like Love and Fulfillment while simultaneously also believing that we are inherently flawed beings that I do not trust time, evolution, genetic tempering or luck to solve.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah but you’re thinking too big lol just increase your income and buy a house

              • 2 years ago

                I’ll give you that yes there is plenty of terror in the world and we are an often horrifying species, but there are other things going on about humanity besides terror. When you’re feeling misanthropic, take the chance to evaluate if you’re ignoring all the good things about humanity just because you figure they’re extinct or don’t count because of the bad. I know this is cheesy, but I’m not going for that Christian emotional thing here. I’m saying you care about this stuff enough to curse the world for hurting it, but all that stuff does exist. Thats not to say genocide and everything isn’t horrible and doesn’t happen, or that it happening proves there’s good in the world, it’s to say that when you get in this mood calling all of humanity unsalvageable, you’re calling the persecuted trash, too, just because your mind gets carried away. I mean you said unsalvageable, like there’s nothing good in humanity. Then why not enjoy the the war and genocide? It’s because obviously those things hurt what you deeply care about, it’s just harder to hold hate and love at the same time
                And yes interrogate yourself, evaluate your beliefs as if they may be wrong, see what happens. Evaluate if you completely toss out the things you cherish, in thinking too much about what hurts them. Self-interrogation is a real thing.

                And by the way I’m not saying humanity isn’t more bad than good, I’m saying how can you have a correct moral auditing if you actually believe that’s the case? How can you be a moral judge while saying you are part of a people who cannot be free of cruelty? You’ll never be perfectly accurate at least

              • 2 years ago

                >It would be nice to have a different world view, unfortunately this one is new, so I'm gonna be here a while I think; and a while is being optimistic
                That's fine. Everybody grieves differently and that's what the first step of actual nihilism really is. Not a petulant denial of meaning but rather a grief at realizing its nonexistence.

                But as anyone who has been through mourning will tell you: you get tired of the anger. Anger is exhausting, and though it can last and resurge in youth it eventually burns out. Or at least burns dimmer.
                It gets easier.

              • 2 years ago

                It's hard to imagine not being angry with the human race in the state it's in, though being less upset with humanity would be nice. I don't think becoming less angry with something that shouldn't be is a good thing though, we should be passionate about things important things even if they aren't something that can be fixed in a single lifetime.

              • 2 years ago

                Scratch a cynic and you'll find a disappointed optimist
                If you're a teenager you'll definitely find that emotional responses are generally much less impactful as you hit ~24, and regardless you'll grow tired of anger and self-flagellation eventually
                I'm not saying you won't have any anger, but it won't be so all-consuming.

              • 2 years ago

                It doesn’t make it go away but the way you framed the anger part of your nihilism, even if it might be some common I’m not aware of, as grief rather than just a cheery ‘just be positive 4head’ is pretty nice. I appreciate it when people provide some commentary on pointlessness that isn’t just ‘well just suck it up you make your own fate despite being an imperfect being’.

              • 2 years ago

                >I appreciate it when people provide some commentary on pointlessness that isn’t just ‘well just suck it up you make your own fate despite being an imperfect being’.
                People saying that mean well, but they're likely at a stage of grief you're not at yet and no amount of words will get you there. They're just trying to help without regressing.
                Sometimes the best thing other people can offer is a simple acknowledgement that you feel angry and things are shitty and it's not wrong to feel that way.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, it's all for nothing
            Who fricking cares?

            That's what's wrong with you people, you can't enjoy the process.

            >Furthermore, even if reality wasn't finite or thermodynamics didn't mean our universe is unstoppably doomed, humanity would still be complete shit. Period. Nothing about us is salvageable, from our selfish nature due to our separate subconscious that is ready and willing to help you believe lies you tell yourself, our analytic minds betray us in an uncaring and nonsensical world by remembering negative instances in our lives more vividly than positive ones ensuring we are always miserable and want for "better" things, and finally our shortsighted nature leaves us impulsive and susceptible to stagnation through convenience and laziness.
            Enjoy your divinity moron.

            Not that anon, but, that just makes me happy that the human race will eventually end one day. Why the frick would you want a race as terrible and deficient as human beings to have eternal existence or the ability to define objective meaning? Explain that to me.

      • 2 years ago

        In a way, it's not a wrong outlook on life. Some insects live as adults for a single day, without eating, for the single purpose of reproducing, then dying. The wellbeing of living beings stops mattering once they've passed down their genes, so a lot of animals are hard-coded to degenerate and die after reproducing. Life exists towards death with the single real purpose of reproducing before it comes. It's not even about the sun exploding a billion years from now, it's that everything beyond reproducing then dying is ultimately (and very evidently) meaningless and pointless.

        It is simultaneously a very bleak outlook on life. That there's no point or meaning to anything, that everyone's going to die and everything is going to disintegrate, is not an excuse you should close yourself into. Not from a human's perspective at least, since you have the chance to experience the meaningless things you like to do in a different level from all other animals and plants, so you probably should if you have the chance. There's also nothing wrong with killing yourself, or with all the things we normally consider cowardly, evil or amoral, but those are frowned upon for a reason that makes sense within the context of human societies exclusively.

        • 2 years ago

          Of course, I’m just saying turning a gun on society here is so violently off mark, I hope anon doesn’t actually think heat death is society’s problem. If he likened it to climate change or something linked to society I would have let him be

      • 2 years ago

        >What he’s talking about isn’t systematic, he’s saying every action done in life is a distraction from death.
        And thinking about death is just a distraction from living. Sure it's going to end, but when it does end do you want to have done cool shit and have enjoyed yourself or not? The ride is ending, but you can choose to enjoy the majority of it or not. If not, why are you still here?

      • 2 years ago

        >kills myself
        nuthin' personnel kid

    • 2 years ago

      Kill the sun?

    • 2 years ago

      Kill the entire solar system? I dunno man...sounds like a lot of work

    • 2 years ago

      Tankies rise up

    • 2 years ago

      >Dude the reason my life has no meaning and no greater purpose is because of society!!!

    • 2 years ago

      >The System

    • 2 years ago

      > if you killed the system
      Like shooting up a school?

      • 2 years ago

        If NEETs shot up politicians instead of schools the world would be a utopia

  2. 2 years ago

    Baby's first nihilism. I don't get why Pim was so devastated

    • 2 years ago

      You forget the part where he realizes his negative outlook on life was wrong and became a successful businessman.

      That's the joke.

    • 2 years ago

      The entire joke there is that Pim is traumatized while Charlie just brushes it off because he's a normal person who's already seen a nihilist before. Just like this bit


  3. 2 years ago

    Smiling friends was not amazing...

    • 2 years ago

      It took the lolrandom adult swim style of macabre absurdism and made it watchable. A true diamond in the rough, it transcended its station

      • 2 years ago

        I will admit you have a point there. Smiling friends was made by actual people who cared for their product and not by fricked up, out of touch chimos that had been working in the industry for years.

      • 2 years ago

        Smiling Friends is the closest we've come to the original Adult Swim formula in a long, long time.
        I might enjoy it even more because I don't have a clue who these people are other than Cusack's other animations. It's completely untainted for me and I'm able to view it on its own merits alone.

    • 2 years ago

      Disliking popular things isn’t a personality trait Anon.

  4. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I constantly snap back and forth between the two. I just want to stay on the based right side, bros.

      • 2 years ago

        Misery is as fun and hedonistic as happiness, anon.

  5. 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago

    The whole universe is gonna reach entropy eventually what's your fricking point, just go die then you absolute moron. Why do you care what happens billions of years after we are all dead.

    • 2 years ago

      That’s what he’s saying, he’s going to kill himself

      • 2 years ago

        Well then he should get it over with instead of making it everyone else's problem.

        • 2 years ago

          That’s what he’s trying to do but his mother has called professional mood improvers to help him and they begged him to give them one last chance

  7. 2 years ago

    Where does having sex with your cousin fit into this

  8. 2 years ago

    Our Sun is not going to go supernova

    • 2 years ago

      Correct. It's going to run out of its hydrogen fuel and begin to swell to well over 10 times it's current size, consuming all of the inner planets in burning hellfire.

      But don't worry, it'll steadily increase in brightness over the next billion years to boil away the oceans and kill literally all life on his miserable little mud ball looooong before that happens

  9. 2 years ago

    I'm glad that this was an one-time thing, the series would be as insufferable as Rick and Morty if every episode was like that

    • 2 years ago

      They actually made fun of nihilist bullshit in the frowning friends episode.

  10. 2 years ago

    Cool revolver

  11. 2 years ago

    >It doesn't change the fact
    >that the Sun
    >is just going to explode,
    >and all this was for nothing.

    This is the dumbest motivation to have a nice day. People who say that should be motivated by others to kill themselves.

    • 2 years ago

      He lost his business and wife, he just doesn’t have the energy or desire to work on anything new

  12. 2 years ago

    find God anons, then just enjoy the ride until all this is eventually over

  13. 2 years ago

    The greatest societal lie is that happiness as a constant state is achievable. No one is happy all the time outside of commercials. And that's exactly what the modern definition of happiness is -- a commercial. A way to sell product after product with the promise that one day you'll be able to attain that permanent happiness. And then, when you inevitably fall short of that happiness, you feel unhappy because you aren't happy like they tell you you're supposed to be happy. Essentially, these people farm and profit from our pursuit of happiness.

  14. 2 years ago

    We are technically attempting to decern the truth of my argument by debating right now, attacking my consciousness holds no intellectual weight because that argument could be turned on your own logic as well, which by debating that consciousness is flawed by nature you are already conceding your position by agreeing that my previous assumption was right.

    Please finish school folks, and actually pay attention.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s not your consciousness I’m attacking, I’m going by your chosen premise that humanity is all bad action, corruption and selfish abuse. If humanity is that bad, if our main function as a species is to just be rotten and difficult with eachother, why would I trust demoralizing philosophy coming from a human? This is honestly a method I use on myself. If youre feeling self hatred and are thinking a bunch of nasty things like that everyone is shit and you should feel hopeless, why trust that rottenness? You think it’s bad, don’t you? Why suddenly merit this stuff?

  15. 2 years ago

    I can't believe Zach wrote this line, it's so fricking basic. You can argue that it's intentional and Pim's reaction to a 6th grader's first nihilistic thought is the joke, but I don't think so. I think he was going for "Desmond gives an iconic, hilariously well-articulated and brutal speech that makes Pim comatose" but fumbled the ball severely by making the speech underwhelming.

    • 2 years ago

      The joke is that he’s so depressed he traumatized his counselor, the resolution is that there are empowering jobs and thrills that can make a depressed person like that turn around

      • 2 years ago

        I know that was the joke they were going for, but I'm arguing it was poorly executed since the speech is very basic, surface-level nihilist talking points

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah right the show should have make a 30 min long essay about it all so you can be happy

          • 2 years ago

            Wasn't saying that but whatever

      • 2 years ago

        Or rather the resolution is that he cures his depression by learning to enjoy the thrill of killing

        • 2 years ago

          For most people, life doesn't have a higher meaning and generally it doesn't need to have one. Pim was giving empty platitudes and he is slowly realizing that his cope is wrong. It is a lot better than Rick trying to kill himself because he can't have sex with his hivemind ex.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah as a little cartoon Mormon missionary type kid Pim relies heavily on a lot of rites and religious axioms, which can hardly stand up to a truly suicidal man

            • 2 years ago

              I don't think so. If that were the case, wouldn't he be more likely to bring him to soup kitchen or something?

              • 2 years ago

                He brought him home to dinner with his family, who he was in denial were as ducked up as they are. He’s wearing a little white button down and talks door to door about positivity and hope, he’s a little Christian type weenie

  16. 2 years ago

    While it is cringey, he has a point. It shows the fundamental flaw in Pim's logic. It is better than other shows that try to universalize the solution to everyone's problems with "muh family" or "muh therapy".

  17. 2 years ago

    Yes. have a nice day NOW.

  18. 2 years ago

    Ain't that the truth.

  19. 2 years ago

    Yes, but it's a really narrow brainlet take. If it's all for nothing, then nothing matters and you are free to live as you wish. Crying about not being immortal doesn't change a thing and only serves to make life miserable until that inevitable end.

    • 2 years ago

      Its nice to delude ourselves in thinking we are superior based on our beliefs, but the only brainlet take is that immortality is what would solve anything, or that it's being asked for. People are bottomless pits that are only momentarily happy and studies show the brain remembers negative events more strongly than positive ones, can you imagine if we lived forever? Stagnation, or living the same way too much is literally bad for our brains, even if we lived perfect lives current humans would not biologically be capable of being content forever. We're all only here because we won an unprompted ticket to conscious thought, don't go off like your way of thinking is inherently better because you stubbornly live in spite of an uncaring universe.

  20. 2 years ago

    what about this?

    • 2 years ago

      yeah its pretty cool I guess

  21. 2 years ago

    He's just like me fr fr

  22. 2 years ago

    homie, just have some sex and you'll stop having these incel thoughts.

  23. 2 years ago

    Understanding vs Existential Terror tier list in descending order:

    • 2 years ago

      redpill me on math

      • 2 years ago

        Nta but I imagine he finds it soulless and willing to sacrifice humanity despite its cool products

      • 2 years ago


  24. 2 years ago

    I dont care. My life rules. Shitty moments are just a temporary distraction from how cool shit is.

  25. 2 years ago

    I think I'll probably kill myself soon, life is getting worse and I can barely afford my medication anymore. I just hope that I'll find peace from my demons.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah you won't know any better and all you'll have ever known is this

      • 2 years ago

        He’s gotta pay for his medication though

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I don't know, I think just ending it would be better honestly. OCD and depression is a fricking b***h. I can't even do simple tasks without freaking out.

        • 2 years ago

          Just bee you'reself 🙂

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