>The ancient Egyptians and Inca clearly could have not build what they build without the help of the Aryan surives of Atlantis Joe

>The ancient Egyptians and Inca clearly could have not build what they build without the help of the Aryan surives of Atlantis Joe

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  1. 2 months ago

    No one can debunk him

    • 2 months ago

      It's hard to debunk someone when he says "I don't BELIEVE that. That is just a THEORY". That said, archeologists seem to be even more moronic with their adamant established narrative.

      • 2 months ago

        redditor in an ill-fitted suit did

        I like ancient civilisation stories and I'd like to believe his stuff but he was eviscerated in his debate with Flint Dibble, when the bulk of your argument is "well prove this negative" and "well you said this about me on social media", you know you're in trouble.

        Perhaps because many of his claims aren't falsifiable.

        Here, check this out: Aliens built the pyramids. Prove me wrong

        Pretty hard to debunk the concept of a '19th century level, global civilization that didn't use agriculture or metals or boats and didn't even leave a single hairpin'. It's just Russel's Teapot for pseudo scientists.

        SEETHE mmmm yeah seethe harder you're making me get erect mmmm

    • 2 months ago

      redditor in an ill-fitted suit did

    • 2 months ago

      I like ancient civilisation stories and I'd like to believe his stuff but he was eviscerated in his debate with Flint Dibble, when the bulk of your argument is "well prove this negative" and "well you said this about me on social media", you know you're in trouble.

    • 2 months ago

      more like HACKwiener amirite

      more like WellHungwiener

      It's just weird that the Egyptians supposedly built a mastaba, then one or two rudimentary step pyramids, then they built the Great Pyramid, which was thr most geometrically perfect and the biggest, and displays the most enigmatic features (shafts oriented towards specific stars, 8 sides instead of 4, granite interior chambers, no hieroglyphs, multiple passages). Then the Egyptians just kind of forgot about all that sophistication, and went back to smaller, rudimentary structures.

      It's hard to debunk someone when he says "I don't BELIEVE that. That is just a THEORY". That said, archeologists seem to be even more moronic with their adamant established narrative.

      Ancient Mesomamerican people are the second wave. The inca only took over the left overs of an abandoned civilization. What helped the prior civilization was a race of "giants" the helped out together whatever the frick those pyramids and cities were for. Almost all Midwest and West Coast native American folklore has stories of cannibal tribes of giants that would prey on the human tribes and that they lived on mountains and high in the hills.

      Also to make matters worse, in pre israeli works (aka the stuff they borrowed from the Egyptians and Sumerians/Akkadians) there stories before the "great flood"¥ that a race of giants existed on the earth and they would be "abominations" in the eyes of the LORD due to feeding on the blood of humans and lusting after human females. That these creatures were responsible for teaching mankind about make up and israeliteelery, making weapons and tools so humans war with each other, and language and writing so the slave humans could communicate in the language of the nephilim.

      >¥but le flood is le fake
      >According to geologists, a natural formation like the Grand Canyon in the United States of America, shows easily visible information of layers of different soils being compacted on top of each other

    • 2 months ago

      Perhaps because many of his claims aren't falsifiable.

      Here, check this out: Aliens built the pyramids. Prove me wrong

    • 2 months ago

      Pretty hard to debunk the concept of a '19th century level, global civilization that didn't use agriculture or metals or boats and didn't even leave a single hairpin'. It's just Russel's Teapot for pseudo scientists.

  2. 2 months ago

    more like HACKwiener amirite

    • 2 months ago

      more like WellHungwiener

    • 2 months ago

      Hanwiener? More like CHADwiener!

      swarthies and israelites hate him for a reason.

    • 2 months ago

      Grabem Handwiener

  3. 2 months ago

    It's just weird that the Egyptians supposedly built a mastaba, then one or two rudimentary step pyramids, then they built the Great Pyramid, which was thr most geometrically perfect and the biggest, and displays the most enigmatic features (shafts oriented towards specific stars, 8 sides instead of 4, granite interior chambers, no hieroglyphs, multiple passages). Then the Egyptians just kind of forgot about all that sophistication, and went back to smaller, rudimentary structures.

    • 2 months ago

      >it's just weird that the American's supposedly built the Empire State Building and then went back to building houses out of cardboard
      This is what you sound like, schizo.

      • 2 months ago

        >it's just weird that the American's supposedly built the Empire State Building and then went back to building houses out of cardboard
        but that makes perfect sense actually and it proves that anon right

        Americans used to be Europeans, complete with slaves
        then they got mutted and went through Competence Crisis

        now they build mud huts and styrofoam houses
        they used to walk on the moon in the 60s but now they're crashing airplanes every day

        they triumphantly defeated a gigantic oriental empire with the strongest navy and the biggest yamato battleships in 1945
        they even capped it off by demonstrating a literal world ending superweapon that can erase cities in a heart beat, just for the frick of it and as a warning to everyone else

        but now they lost against yemeni goatfrickers that use speedboats and plastic chinese drones

        • 2 months ago

          Competence crisis is an ongoing issue. I don't forsee it ever ending in America until, with sincerity, the west has fallen.

        • 2 months ago

          The immigration act ruined everything

          Competence crisis is an ongoing issue. I don't forsee it ever ending in America until, with sincerity, the west has fallen.

          It's never going back to how it was before, high quality whites don't have enough kids

        • 2 months ago

          It doesn't make sense because it's not weird that we have those. Shitty shanty towns existed when the Empire State Building was being constructed. Cardboard houses are a direct result of trends in the housing market where people quickly construct cheap shit to fill out new suburbs to maximize profit. They aren't the best houses we can make simple as.

        • 2 months ago

          >kicks soccerball at your house
          Heh, nothing personnel kiddo

        • 2 months ago

          Should've sided with the Nazis during WW2, your country, and all of the West, would be in amazing shape today.

        • 2 months ago

          Plastic is a modern invention.
          US never went to the moon.
          Imperial Japan had pitiful military power due to spending decades picking fights with rice patty farmers and Russians in east siberias.
          Also the Middle East "wars" were just for the production of opium and human trafficking, brought in by the world military industrial complex.

          It doesn't make sense because it's not weird that we have those. Shitty shanty towns existed when the Empire State Building was being constructed. Cardboard houses are a direct result of trends in the housing market where people quickly construct cheap shit to fill out new suburbs to maximize profit. They aren't the best houses we can make simple as.

          Yep. Majority of American settler homes were more like shelters and not modern houses where you come home and shit post on Cinemaphile because you have nothing to do. Shanty towns even further back we're just made of recycled lumbers, cloths, and metals at a time where there wasn't a government presence telling people where they can and can't live. If you can make a space for yourself and not bother anyone then go for it.

          • 2 months ago

            >Middle East "wars" were just for the production of opium and human trafficking
            That's definitely not what the Operation Prosperity Guardian was about. You gained nothing by getting your navy buck broken by the Houthis on a global stage.

        • 2 months ago

          >is black in your path
          sorry homie we's fine with living in housing projects its your white fragility that wants quality of life and good education

    • 2 months ago

      >Then the Egyptians just kind of forgot about all that sophistication, and went back to smaller, rudimentary structures.
      The shit pyramids were built during the reign of the foreign black pharoahs (not joking)

      • 2 months ago

        The Great Pyramid's pharoahs were also black. White pharoahs oversaw the dying late stage of egypt.
        >Picrel: Very strange mouth and nose for a white man but common for a north African black.

    • 2 months ago

      Has nothing to do with the fact that smaller simpler structures were more practical, huh? What, do you think every building has to be some grandiose marvel of masonry and architecture?

      • 2 months ago

        The moronic belief is that everyone should have been trying to one up Khufu and build even bigger despite the fact that Khufu's pyramid was the apex of that race. It's virtually the same autistic wigger logic of the moon landing being fake because no one goes to the moon anymore, so it must have been faked.

        • 2 months ago

          Riddle me this, why do the pyramids have rooms littered with art and why was it decorated so nicely on the inside? No evidence of torches being burned inside for light either. Archeologists are moronic, claiming these things are fricking tombs. Sure some important people got buried in a few but that doesn’t mean that was their function

          • 2 months ago

            This argument is "How do we know people didn't live inside Colosseum" tier

        • 2 months ago

          NASA recently postponed its manned moon mission again because they are not able to create protective suits for radiation. Yet we already went to the moon 60 years ago didn't we? I guess NASA just forgot about that

          • 2 months ago

            It's kinda like the last guy who knew how to make glass windshields recently retired or dead, that's it man, that knowledge is lost with him.

          • 2 months ago

            >NASA recently postponed its manned moon mission again because they are not able to create protective suits for radiation
            They have literally never sited the delay for this reason or even implied they can't get the suits, wigger. I am not even going to mention how spacesuits are outsourced to Axiom to begin with.

            • 2 months ago

              please show me a blueprint, a crude sketch, a simple list of materials needed to make a suit that will make humans safe from outer space radiation. just a simple sentence on how NASA did it in 60s would even suffice. please.

              • 2 months ago

                He isn't wrong, schizoid. Axiom builds the suits now. The reason why NASA outsourced their construction to a third-party is because NASA has largely become a "make work" institution that doesn't do anything anymore. Even JPL doesn't do shit these days, which is why they are seething incredibly hard over the MSR mission being potentially ressurrected and given to an outside corporation.

              • 2 months ago

                Okay just please show me anything that slightly resembles what I asked.

              • 2 months ago

                I have zero interest in doing that for you. Go to /sfg/ on Cinemaphile and shit up the thread asking for it there, it'll give me a laugh.

              • 2 months ago

                because it doesnt exist you dimwit. man never left the earth.

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                NASA didn't take the photos I posted. Next.

              • 2 months ago

                "Schizoid" doesn't mean what you think it does, midwit.

              • 2 months ago

                Okay schizo

    • 2 months ago

      It was probably during a period of extreme wealth and prosperity, as all major building projects are

      • 2 months ago

        You need money and labor and resources to build BIG, certainly. But you don't need immense wealth to have designs that include all the exact mathematical proportions and stellar alignments we see in the Great Pyramid. Why did that level of sophistication immediately away, according to the Bembridge Scholars?

    • 2 months ago

      It makes perfect sense if you stop viewing Egypt as a hivemind collectively obsessed with building big pyramids and instead viewing it as specific kings commissioning them, with wealthy and powerful kings that reigned for a long time being able to commission grander structures compared to weaker kings that die long before their planned pyramid is finished, or not being able to commission any cool megastructures at all.

      • 2 months ago

        Ok but this is how it went though:

        >4th dynasty: pefection of pyramid building, largest and most beautiful pyramids
        >12th dynasty: almost as big as some 4th dynasty pyramids but not as nice
        >25th dynasty: absolute shit, pyramids not aligned with each other, sides not sloping as consistent angles, looks like a pile of rocks

        Why didn't anyone ever match at least the quality, even if not the size, of the 4th dynasty pyramids?

        • 2 months ago

          Non union scabs cant into masonry. Simple as.

        • 2 months ago

          same reason people can't even shut off oil pipelines when their computers get hacked today. and the guys who know how to do that are still alive and available to call up on the phone to ask.

        • 2 months ago

          >Why didn't anyone ever match at least the quality, even if not the size, of the 4th dynasty pyramids?
          Probably a combination of lacking the wealth, time (from an individual king's perspective), desire and having more pressing matters to attend to. The first pyramids could've just been great luck with a streak of long-reigning kings with lots of money and an obsession with building pyramids, combined with good architects. IIRC there was some guy called Imhotep who served under Khufu's father and grandfather and he was some genius polymath so he probably also contributed a lot.

    • 2 months ago

      >Then the Egyptians just kind of forgot about all that sophistication
      Please, just shut the frick up for the love of God

    • 2 months ago

      whats to understand? its like the differences in america economy under donald trump versus joe biden.

    • 2 months ago

      As a child, I was really deep into ancient aliens shit, then transitioned into atlantian/new age shit. Eventually, after getting tired of finding out each new leader of the field was a grifter, I then I got into real archeology. And at that point, I started to realize it was all a giant psyop to cover up the fact that the earth goes through regular disaster cycles and that theres been big civilizations everywhere, all over the planet over the past 100,000 years. But for some reason, this information is heavily supressed and deflected. I suspect, the surviving ruling classes just covers it up so they can larp as gods when a new cycle starts up. Because lo and behold, every ancient history starts the same way: and then there were gods for like 1 whole generation lmao but then they disapeared for no reason, everything else written in these stories are true and verifiable except the god part, what a zany coincidence!

      >okay schitzo

      look up the 'bronze age collapse'. Nearly every civilization towards the end of the bronze age suddenly suicided itself and it was a 'mystery' for thousands of years 'why'. Then we started doing serious archenology with real scientific instruments and found out there was a planet wide climage change event that utterly butt fricked every aggrarian society at the time, causing the survivors to attack their neighbors to steal their dwindling resources. Entire cultures 'disapeared' not just because they were wiped out by other humans, but because these cultures all shared the same ideological beliefs: that is to say, they only let a small group of people learn how to read and write, so once those richgays got beheaded, nobody could read or write their languages anymore. And unsuprisingly, the civilizations that replaced them created new writing systems that they then intentionally spread to a wider class of people than before.

      Now we have lidar and can see under the earth and sea, and there are cities EVERYWHERE.

      • 2 months ago


        Theres ancient giant city ruins all over the place. All over the americas, north and south, probably under the ocean along every coast since we know sea level has risen significantly. Written history is more or less a giant piece of fiction. Whether you believe in greek/romancentrism or the east asian equivilents with their yellow emperor, it all begins at the end of the last period, sharing the same universal myths and monsters. THe problem is, Humans have not changed much over the past 100,000 years if the fossil record is to be believed, and our strongest ability is passing on information to the next generation. But that same strength is also a weakness, because when it isnt passed on, we have to start all over again. It only took 100 years to go from flying in balloons to flying to the moon, yet in 100,000 years we pretend we couldnt build giant lego-block pyramids without invisible sky wizards?

        If you go to pompei and look at the graffit, its the same shit posts scribbled onto the walls as you'd find on /b/. Ancient romans were calling each other gays and talking about how so and so has the biggest dick. Our brains havent changed, the same humans 3000 years ago were capable of doing and understanding the same things we know and can do today. Yet for some reason, we are constantly being gaslit into believing that such things arent true. That we couldnt build monuments or move stones without the help of some mysterious higher power. It's utterly moronic. Why the strong insistence that our ancestors were backwards and stupid?

        • 2 months ago

          >Why the strong insistence that our ancestors were backwards and stupid?
          Only people like Graham believe that. Literally every archeologist and anthropologist will say that we were just as smart back then as we are now. What we lucked into was a relatively long period time of relative peace after hitting a certain population size. And if you think I am pulling your leg, keep in mind that the largest wars EVER happened in the last century. Shit seemed terrible during the Middle Ages (they were) because we are fundamentally bad at thinking at scale. A person can't tell you the difference between 50,000 and 500,000. A war where 50,000 people fought (fought, not died) was a major affair 1100 years ago, hell, it was still a big deal 300 years ago. Now, 50,000 dudes is nothing.

          • 2 months ago

            The middle ages sucked because farming in northern Europe sucked.
            The ancient civilizations like rome were fueled by cheap shipping in the mediterranean that made food export possibles. You could ship grain from the nile region cheap enough to feed everyone. You can't do that in europe.
            Oxen and horses are too inefficient to move the grain over land without eating all the cargo to make it sustainable in scale. Without being able to cheaply transport food farmers had no incentive to grow more than they needed to feed their family and provide seed for the next year. You can't store extra gain for too long without it going bad in Europe's climate and the lose organization of the state couldn't protect you if you sold the extra for gold. Your feudal lord might not have enough of a force to rally if brigands came. The best economic outcome was to grow just enough to feed your family, pay some tax to your lord in grain and then give the extra to farmers that were struggling this year so they would owe you a debt in a year your land went fallow. Any more wealth than that and you were attracting organized crime to rob your village.

        • 2 months ago

          Black person, they find evidence of trivial things like barely-kept farms from thousands of years ago under the ocean all the time. if there were ANCIENT GIANT CITY RUINS they would find them instantly. oh look, some fricking evidence of GRASS growing here at what's now at the bottom this ocean thousands of years ago. we can find that, but we just can't find these GIANT ANCIENT CITIES.

          the worst part of you morons is how ignorant you truly are. why was the world so backwards for so long, when "people were the same back then"? because the modern world is AN ANOMALY, that occurred ONLY in WESTERN EUROPE within the last few hundred years. there, an absolutely unique culture emerged that developed science, reason, and the rights of men. before that, science literally didn't exist, and even ideas like TIME MOVING FORWARDS is a NOVEL thought. most cultures through that nothing ever changed, and many never bothered to record anything because why would you when nothing changes? for thousands of years indians thought that time was a flat fricking circle so they never bothered to write anything down even as they built giant pyramids and shit everywhere.

          you guys are so fricking dumb, your brains have been destroyed by the modern western civilization hating educational system. the modern west is UNIQUE. NOBODY has EVER been the way we are, in all of human existence before us. that's why everyone else was a backwards moron by our standards, because everyone else IS. and it's what we will go back to being because of morons like you, who don't even understand why we are different, or indeed that we are, so you put no value on the things that made us this way.

          frick you. I fricking hate you morons so much. you are human cancer. you are brain rot made manifest. you are the death of reason and knowledge in human form.

          • 2 months ago

            Protip: No one listens to the guy who doesn't capitalize the first letter in a sentence.

          • 2 months ago

            The event horizon of white victimhood schizo rambling. Incredibly embarassing.

          • 2 months ago

            not a pasta but pretty good seethe on it.

          • 2 months ago

            And that's why the theory of evolution is bullshit.

          • 2 months ago

            You sound very upset but you're right really. I remember reading once the proposal to call the modern man, those borne of the culture of European thought and science, by a new taxonomic resignation - homosexual sapiens sapiens, "man who knows that he knows".

            • 2 months ago

              >you're right really.
              Only if you are a total pseud that ignores everything that ever happened outside of Europe.

        • 2 months ago

          >Fascinating. This discourse traverses the realms of historical interpretation, anthropological conjecture, and conspiracy theory. The individual's journey from speculative fascination to a more grounded perspective on archaeology reflects a common trajectory among those who delve into alternative historical narratives.

          The notion of cyclical cataclysms shaping human history is not entirely novel; indeed, the Bronze Age Collapse serves as a poignant example of how environmental factors can precipitate societal upheaval. The assertion regarding suppressed information and deliberate obfuscation by ruling elites to maintain a veneer of divine authority is a contentious one, steeped in skepticism toward established historical narratives.

          The proliferation of ancient city ruins and the prevalence of shared mythological motifs across disparate cultures are indeed intriguing phenomena that challenge conventional historical paradigms. The juxtaposition of ancient graffiti with contemporary online discourse serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring continuity of human nature across millennia.

          Ultimately, while skepticism towards mainstream historical narratives is healthy, it is essential to approach alternative theories with discernment and critical scrutiny. While they may offer fresh perspectives and insights, they also run the risk of veering into speculative conjecture devoid of empirical evidence.
          To be honest I can't imagine how I lived and used this website for almost a decade without chatgpt for posts like this.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't know why you're bringing up bronze age collapse when Egypt is notoriously one of the nations that overcame it.
        >bu-but they were le damaged
        Absolutely nothing compared second intermediate era when they were buck broken but hyksos and ruled by them occupying upper egypt while several decades of famine were raging.

    • 2 months ago

      it's been a long time since i read about it in school but if i remember right, building the great pyramid basically destroyed the country's economy in a way they never recovered from.

      • 2 months ago

        that doesn't make any sense. What is "economy" supposed to mean in this sentence?

      • 2 months ago

        Well they also spent a large part of their history conquered

        that doesn't make any sense. What is "economy" supposed to mean in this sentence?

        Probably that they spent too much labor and resources which depleted finances and Instead of investing in something useful.

    • 2 months ago

      it took 30 years and thousands of slaves to build the pyramid, they couldn't just do it all the time

    • 2 months ago

      haha, just like cgi today

  4. 2 months ago
  5. 2 months ago


  6. 2 months ago

    Every single square inch of the Earth's surface hasn't been excavated so he might be right thoughever.

  7. 2 months ago

    >could have not build

  8. 2 months ago

    I think it’s obvious the Egyptians settled that area. Someone else built it, the real Egyptians which are not the same as the settlers who called themselves that

    It’s not impossible, the Roman Empire traveled the desert and ran into the forsaken ruins of the Assyrian empire. I can guarantee you that if they settled it and maintained the kingdom it would eventually have been known as a Roman settlement from the beginning

    • 2 months ago

      I think there is a reason we call Ancient Egyptians that, and not the ones from around Roman times.

    • 2 months ago

      Graham Hanwiener is controlled opposition to lead you astray, the same as Icke and Jones. The fact he's invited to speak on Rogan's show (another CIA agent) speaks volumes.

      You're on to something, anon. Please look into the Phoenician Empire, and pay attention to their city of Tyre and to the origin of the Roman Empire (Aeneas of Troy, a Trojan). See it yet? Trojan = Tjran. Aeneas means copper, and who were the world's leading copper and tin merchants of the Bronze Age? Hmm. Rome was founded by the Phoenicians, as was Greece and Crete. See also Brutus of Troy founding Britain, a Phoenician origin of the Britons.

      The Roman eagle is actually a Phoenix. When the Roman Empire "fell" (it never did), countless European nobles adopted the eagle AKA the Phoenix, the Holy Roman Empire for example, and more recently the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

      The real fricky thing is that the Sea Peoples who devastated ancient Egypt were also none other than the Phoenicians, except the Egyptian pharaohs themselves were Semitic in origin. Effectively, every empire on earth since the dawn of history and to this very day has been ruled by a single people. You don't have to be religious to find it strange that the Bible mentions the "synagogue of Satan", those who say they are israelites but are not. They're adept at hiding and the Phoenix is their symbol because of the concept of death and rebirth (faking the fall of their tyrannical empire and starting a new one from the ashes).

      And the best part is, the same Phoenicians who sailed west to trade tin with Cornwall and formed the Iberian kingdoms sailed even further west... to America, possibly over 5500 years ago.

      >Talking to my dad
      >smartest dude I have ever known
      >would talk about history, politics, warfare while growing up
      >works in construction all his life
      >topic steers towards ancient civilization
      >all logic starts breaking down
      >"Well all I'm saying is why would they build such structures in Peru? The giant gates? on top of mountains? the statues at the islands?"
      >"I mean who would do this, who would have time for it you know, they had no power tools, it would take hundreds of years"
      >"Imagine a union rep coming and trying to convince illiterate starving peasants, how to read and build intricate architectural drawings for essentially free"
      >"It was ancient aliens"

      Ancient aliens are, again, a way to blackwash anyone who questions the history books, the same way that anyone who questions NASA gets painted as a flat earther.

      • 2 months ago

        >The guy from fear factor is actually a CIA agent
        >Roman empire never fell
        Where did it continue after the fall of Constantinople? Please don't say hre

        • 2 months ago

          What do you think the CIA actually does, anon? You actually buy into the movie propaganda that they're big scary men in black ex Navy seal shit? No, they're mostly doughy, pudgy Mormon pencil pushers and a large cohort of ACTORS. The world is their stage and they're the players. Of course the guy from Fear Factor is an agent. Are you dense? That shit is reality TV. Do you think Hollywood and its entire structure is just this innocent meritocracy? Do you actually buy into the red vs blue politics false dichotomy? Do you actually believe anything in the news?
          >Where did it continue after the fall of Constantinople? Please don't say hre
          Who do you think the Merovingians and Carolingians were? Barbarians had been mixing with Roman senators for centuries. The actual King Arthur and his British aristocracy were also of Roman senator stock and the whole fall of Britain was a metaphor for Rome losing power to the Anglo-Saxons, who themselves were Viking stock. Who were the Vikings? Phoenician raiders themselves, hence the bull helmets and high-seas piracy, the delight of the Phoenician Navy.
          Look up the Jagiellons and Komnenes. Their bloodlines never died out and they merely intermarried with western European nobility. The Comyns of Scotland come to mind, whereas the Jagiellons stuck with central and eastern Europe for the most part.

        • 2 months ago

          It died with the last Russian Emperor. The Czar aka Kaiser aka Caesar.

          • 2 months ago

            >It died with the last Russian Emperor
            Boy do I have news for you anon, pic related. I can't post the links directly because Cinemaphile considers any URL to this guy's website as banned text. Why? He's just a classical painter who writes essays about art and history and amateur science. What's so threatening about him that I've been banned twice posting direct links? Makes you think. If we can have threads here or on pol or x about Graham Hanwiener or Alex Jones or [insert flavor of the month influencer], and they don't become automatic banned text, it really makes you wonder why this guy you have presumably NEVER heard of gets such treatment here, on Cinemaphile of all places.

            Activates the almonds huh? Anyways, the Russian Revolution was fake for the most part (they did indeed move peasants into cities as part of industrialization plans), and the Romanovs never died out; Natalie Wood was Anastasia's daughter.

        • 2 months ago

          >Where did it continue after the fall of Constantinople?
          Mount Athos officially but I guess it really became the Greek/Rumi diaspora

      • 2 months ago

        Uh... meds?

        • 2 months ago

          >no, you simply must follow what my college textbooks told me about world history!
          Yes, the anon who DOESN'T believe in aliens or ghosts or super secret advanced technology is the one who needs meds. Frick off Pfizer shill. I'm a "schizo" for asking questions?

          I believe the Roman Empire was founded by the Phoenicians, and that the Roman elite never died or disappeared but became the ruling class of a broad European aristocracy over 1000 years later. The same banking families that worked as stewards and courtiers of said aristocracy are now running the open face of democracy worldwide, and all of the organizations and NGOs are fronts for their banking power.

          I think conspiracy theories are really hurting this country and people are just going full schizo, the theories get crazier, stranger and people just buy into them because they see non mainstream as always being right for the sake of being non mainstream. I also think a sizeable portion of people into this stuff dont really want the truth they just want the chase, so if Hanwiener was somehow proved right tomorrow, they would flip and say he is controller opposition and find some new person with a new theory to push.

          Democracy to this day is fake and there has never been a fair election in US history. It's merely a means to keep people complacent, feeling that their voice is being heard. Every Gen X, millennial, and yes, even Gen Z, has started to realize that politics is bullshit, that the news is bullshit, and the economy is bullshit. They know something smells off about the situation but most haven't figured it out yet, and rich people are working extra hard to keep them off the trail. That's why conspiracies are abundant: organic speculation mixed with controlled opp.

          Black person, they find evidence of trivial things like barely-kept farms from thousands of years ago under the ocean all the time. if there were ANCIENT GIANT CITY RUINS they would find them instantly. oh look, some fricking evidence of GRASS growing here at what's now at the bottom this ocean thousands of years ago. we can find that, but we just can't find these GIANT ANCIENT CITIES.

          the worst part of you morons is how ignorant you truly are. why was the world so backwards for so long, when "people were the same back then"? because the modern world is AN ANOMALY, that occurred ONLY in WESTERN EUROPE within the last few hundred years. there, an absolutely unique culture emerged that developed science, reason, and the rights of men. before that, science literally didn't exist, and even ideas like TIME MOVING FORWARDS is a NOVEL thought. most cultures through that nothing ever changed, and many never bothered to record anything because why would you when nothing changes? for thousands of years indians thought that time was a flat fricking circle so they never bothered to write anything down even as they built giant pyramids and shit everywhere.

          you guys are so fricking dumb, your brains have been destroyed by the modern western civilization hating educational system. the modern west is UNIQUE. NOBODY has EVER been the way we are, in all of human existence before us. that's why everyone else was a backwards moron by our standards, because everyone else IS. and it's what we will go back to being because of morons like you, who don't even understand why we are different, or indeed that we are, so you put no value on the things that made us this way.

          frick you. I fricking hate you morons so much. you are human cancer. you are brain rot made manifest. you are the death of reason and knowledge in human form.

          >he doesn't know about the antikythera mechanism
          I'm not going to argue like that one anon that there was some magical science tech going on 10,000 years ago but there almost certainly were what we'd classify as civilizations probably on par with the bronze and maybe even iron age, and they likely did have broad knowledge of the entire globe. You're also forgetting that the Sahara was green for a long, long time and the sands have absolutely covered up a huge treasure trove. And you're ALSO forgetting about plate tectonics, and the fact that the ocean is obscenely large.

          • 2 months ago

            You're actually mentally ill.

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            >caps for emphasis
            Girl brain detected.

  9. 2 months ago

    This dude got btfo by based dibble

    • 2 months ago

      you lost

  10. 2 months ago

    How the frick does he think that lots of disconnected cultures having stories about a great flood somehow proves anything? Has he never heard of a tsunami? Almost every culture in the world has stories about undead and evil spirits because corpses spread sickness, it doesn't prove that it's real, people just arrive at similar conclusions.

    • 2 months ago

      He's obviously aware that this is most likely the reason but saying that doesn't garner legions of schizo followers and make him millions of dollars.

      • 2 months ago

        I think it has also to do with the archoBlack folk are so hardlined and trenched in their theories, that he has to go ultra out there to the deep ends of hyperborea maxxing to make them leave their trenches and chase him

        • 2 months ago

          That's equally moronic. The other guest on that episode blew him the frick out by just saying there was shit we simply didn't know about yet, and saying there was some grand, globe-spanning civilization was stupid as frick.

          • 2 months ago

            Of course it was, but now we have diluted hardline theory of "We're all human so we come up with same fascinating structures and stories :^)", and can have dialogue about the possibility that during one of the great resets of civilization maybe there were remnants that kept passing the torch

            • 2 months ago

              What's more likely:
              A great and supposedly advanced world-wide human civilization (possibly assisted by aliens) that only built with stone getting wiped off the map for """reasons"""
              People tend to make simple structures the same way because it's easy?
              You could definitely argue for the first one but you have to give more evidence than, "all these piles of rocks look similar."

            • 2 months ago

              If there was a lost civilization that passed the torch to a bunch of different people all over the world, wouldn't we be able to tell if they came over by boat? Wouldn't there be lots of the same kind of boat all over the world that we've never seen before?

              • 2 months ago

                They most likely came through ice bridges on land masses that had not been welded by fault lines and waves.

                Also a civilization that old? The boats would have rotted tens of thousands of years ago. IF there are any of those boats surviving they would be in the bottom of the ocean partially preserved.

              • 2 months ago

                Sometimes ships get preserves in the mud. I think they recovered a ship made by calligula or someone like that. People buried in bogs sometimes still have skin.

              • 2 months ago

                The oldest ship ever found is from 400bc and only survived due to special low-oxygen conditions. A ship from 10k+ years agi has no chance.

    • 2 months ago

      Why do all cultures have pyramids with the exact same tri doors entrance setup?

      • 2 months ago

        Why is 3 considered a holy number in a bunch of different cultures? Probably because it's the earliest number that implies a pattern, and three things are easy to visualize in your minds eye. The human brain is pretty predictable

      • 2 months ago

        t. moron learning archeology and history from image macros

        • 2 months ago

          Can you answer the question?

      • 2 months ago

        Can you answer the question?

        The first answer: They don't. These are only 3 of hundreds of examples, and these three examples are not even the same when you look at them.
        The second answer: Triptychs are a universal symbol of the apparent, relative, complimentary, dualities on the sides, and the complete, unified, reconciliation in their center.

        If those three were doors, the central one may have been for the ruler/nobles/priests, while the other two may be for two castes of assistants, or more average people.

        In the human body, it is no less curious than to find the fact that you have two arms parallel to each other, for the purpose of aiding your central body between them, which holds the head, or the fact that your reproductive organ consists of two gonads bearing reproductive material, spread to either side of a central region responsible for transmitting the new life. You have two eyes that see the world, and in a central point in your mind they are reconciled into a coherent spatial impression.

        • 2 months ago

          >These are only 3 of hundreds of examples
          stopped reading there
          if you're so clearly wrong at the very beginning you are clearly uninformed on this topic and the rest of your post is just as worthless, sorry

          • 2 months ago

            What up with all the pyramids in China that the party government denies exist?

          • 2 months ago

            Pyramids are literally the easiest way to stack rocks. The fact that they exist all over the world doesn't prove some glove spinning civilization existed.

    • 2 months ago

      Great flood stories are not "and the waves destroyed the docks and and reached some of the town". Great flood stories are "and the water came and there was no visible land for days".

      • 2 months ago

        a tsunami killed like a billion people worldwide just a few years ago

        • 2 months ago

          >Posts zero sources
          You mean all those Indian people that died from an earthquake and then were swept away by a tsunami?

      • 2 months ago

        Right, because stories about a high tide are shitty stories. If you want to tell a good story, you obviously go big.

        • 2 months ago

          This comment is pure stupidity

          • 2 months ago

            >you know the thing that literally everyone does?
            >yeah, saying that people do that is pure stupidity
            how the frick do you manage to walk around in your daily life without constantly getting punched in the face by saying shit like this to other people?

            • 2 months ago

              Seething and completely mindbroken

              • 2 months ago

                but enough about you

              • 2 months ago

                >makes completely unhinged seethe post
                >actually no u
                Concession accepted

      • 2 months ago

        >Great flood stories are not "and the waves destroyed the docks and and reached some of the town". Great flood stories are "and the water came and there was no visible land for days".

        The Kraken is also said to be way bigger than the world's biggest giant squid, so either the Kraken is real, or sailors exaggerated what they saw. Which one you think is more likely?

        • 2 months ago

          You really think someone would do that? Just sail the seven seas and lie?

        • 2 months ago

          Are you implying this is not a factual map?

          • 2 months ago

            Holy shit!
            How as no one realized this? Look at the size of people back then!
            Of course they could build pyramids and cathedrals with ease

            • 2 months ago

              You sound female.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                I'd post breasts but image banned

          • 2 months ago

            >Latin language
            This wasn't even made in real ancient times and was printed on paper and decorated for the amusement of the person that commissioned this map.

        • 2 months ago

          You really think someone would do that? Just sail the seven seas and lie?

          Yet giant squids are a reality. We have Wales bigger than an airplane. The bones of dino lizards as big as a bus or taller than a house. Even something like the Colecanth is reality.

          • 2 months ago

            Yes, but those actual squids exist at a depth no human could feasibly reach at the time, and they also do not resurface at all.
            At best you can encounter this lil homie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27OTynwArsw&t=0s
            Not a ship killer imagined by medieval homies by any measure.

        • 2 months ago

          The kraken is litteraly a giant squid you mongoloid. What is it about these threads that attracts the dumbest discord trannies from r/atheism

          • 2 months ago

            Some versions of the kraken are describing the area around under sea’s volcanos making the water boil

            • 2 months ago

              No, the Kraken is described as far larger than a Giant Squid.

              Are you too stupid to realize they were describing a real thing that got exaggerated over time? Wait of course you are

              • 2 months ago

                >Are you too stupid to realize they were describing a real thing that got exaggerated over time? Wait of course you are

                This is literally what the original post was saying about great world floods and tsumanis which is why the Kraken comparison was made you dumbass.

          • 2 months ago

            No, the Kraken is described as far larger than a Giant Squid.

          • 2 months ago

            The kraken was said to sink entire ships, the largest collossal squid recorded was like 30 feet, also if the Kraken sunk the ship, how did the sailor come back to tell the story about it? Basically you're a fricking idiot

            • 2 months ago

              Sailors can't swim or tow a boat?

              • 2 months ago

                No the Kraken lets loose a deadily acid that burns the flesh and boats specifically

              • 2 months ago

                Really? I did not know that.

    • 2 months ago

      Everyone before the zoomer generation was aware of the connection of flood myths. You've been mindbroken to dismiss it as pure coincidence

      • 2 months ago

        yeah, the connection is: you build your civilization in the most flood-exposed areas because that's where the land is the most fertile. and then you keep getting hit by floods.

        • 2 months ago

          It's hard to articulate just how stupid and intellectual vapid you really are

  11. 2 months ago

    William Pierce looking good of being like 100 years old

  12. 2 months ago

    I liked the part at the end where he started rambling about the orientation of the sphinx and mashing numbers together and then the reddit guy undid it all in two seconds

    His whole argument boiled down to
    >Have we explored the entirety of the earth? No? Then how do you know?
    >Sure looks like steps to me

  13. 2 months ago

    >Talking to my dad
    >smartest dude I have ever known
    >would talk about history, politics, warfare while growing up
    >works in construction all his life
    >topic steers towards ancient civilization
    >all logic starts breaking down
    >"Well all I'm saying is why would they build such structures in Peru? The giant gates? on top of mountains? the statues at the islands?"
    >"I mean who would do this, who would have time for it you know, they had no power tools, it would take hundreds of years"
    >"Imagine a union rep coming and trying to convince illiterate starving peasants, how to read and build intricate architectural drawings for essentially free"
    >"It was ancient aliens"

    • 2 months ago

      Your dad is right.

    • 2 months ago


      Ancient Mesomamerican people are the second wave. The inca only took over the left overs of an abandoned civilization. What helped the prior civilization was a race of "giants" the helped out together whatever the frick those pyramids and cities were for. Almost all Midwest and West Coast native American folklore has stories of cannibal tribes of giants that would prey on the human tribes and that they lived on mountains and high in the hills.

      Also to make matters worse, in pre israeli works (aka the stuff they borrowed from the Egyptians and Sumerians/Akkadians) there stories before the "great flood"¥ that a race of giants existed on the earth and they would be "abominations" in the eyes of the LORD due to feeding on the blood of humans and lusting after human females. That these creatures were responsible for teaching mankind about make up and israeliteelery, making weapons and tools so humans war with each other, and language and writing so the slave humans could communicate in the language of the nephilim.

      >¥but le flood is le fake
      >According to geologists, a natural formation like the Grand Canyon in the United States of America, shows easily visible information of layers of different soils being compacted on top of each other

      Your dad is half right. I don't think they were aliens. I think they already were on this planet, like how dinosaur fossils exist from a past earth era.

    • 2 months ago

      >who would do this, who would have time for it you know, they had no power tools, it would take hundreds of years
      Not if you had a shit load of slaves who work 20 hours shifts until they break

      • 2 months ago

        The work camps from archaeological record seem more civilized than that. Honestly the idea that the pyramids were a jobs program to keep the rifraf busy doing the season of flooding that had minimal economic activity makes the most sense

    • 2 months ago

      your dad is wrong

    • 2 months ago

      they werent illiterate or starving. the pyramid builders were trained masons and payed well + it was an honor to build that shit for the pharaoh

  14. 2 months ago

    >hmm, wouldnt it be cool if giant 10 meter people used to rule the world
    >im gonna go out looking for signs if this might be true because it would be really cool if it was
    >the pyramids would make more sense if they were built by super strong 10 meter people i guess
    >look at this ancient old gate, why is it so big? maybe because there used to be giant people around?
    >maybe the colossus of rhodes was based on a real guy?
    >this terraced hill kinda looks like huge steps for maybe a giant?
    >thanks for having me on the podcast joe, i've been looking forward to discussing my new discoveries.
    >skeletal remains? well you see we having dug up the whole earth yet so it's probably hidden there somewhere

  15. 2 months ago

    The Dibbler literally made fedora tipping atheist debunkers cool

  16. 2 months ago

    I spent almost 10 years believing in Hanwiener and Carlson because I thought they were being honest and it was such a cool theory.
    Dibble exposed him as a complete charlatan in less than half an hour. Man has literally nothing and he's wasted his entire life chasing a fairytale.

  17. 2 months ago

    why is he always so smug?

  18. 2 months ago

    Im Peruvian and i took my parents on a road trip to North Carolina last month. We saw the mountains and the rural areas, my parents were completely confused as to why white people didn't farm on the mountain side since that is common in Peru.

    • 2 months ago

      They do have cattle ranchers in the mountains. I've seen some cues chilling in shockingly steep terrain.

  19. 2 months ago

    >why was everyone a nazi?

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      for me, it’s hopewell. lean and mean baby

  20. 2 months ago

    People who think that they built all that crap with sticks and stones and loads of le slaves are just nerds who have never been on a construction site

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody thinks that

      They used engineering

      • 2 months ago

        >dude look at this drawing and just believe
        No different from Hanwiener

        • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          opposed to what floating the rocks with telekinetic sound? aliens?

          • 2 months ago

            MAGNETS DUDE, MAGNETS!!!

      • 2 months ago

        How the frick are you making that pipe watertight in 2000BC? Do you know how much pressure would be on the bottom lock?

      • 2 months ago

        Lean real history

        • 2 months ago


  21. 2 months ago

    the schizio forced math is the worst part of this shit and I'm glad the reddit man at least called him out on that

  22. 2 months ago

    >families got to live on land and not starve

    >families got to live on land and not starve

  23. 2 months ago

    i'm proud of myself for systematically clicking "do not recommend me this channel" whenever i see rogan's name or face on a youtube video. after a while i really forgot about his existence and his increasingly moronic "contrarian" no value opinions and jibba jabba. i'm way too much online, still, but every little steps like that towards good taste really make a sensible difference in my quality of life. now if i could do that with black people in general, like, batch block em, that would be great: good luck usa but your problems with black ain't mine.

    • 2 months ago

      Fricking drama queen lmao

      • 2 months ago

        "drama queen" because i want a comfy online life with no crazy conspimorons and crazy aggressive african-american genlemen putting shit in my eyes and on my mind , sure buddy

  24. 2 months ago

    >we used to build stuff like this only a couple hundreds years ago
    >now we dont
    yeah sure lol

    • 2 months ago

      we still do but we live in a more secular world now

      • 2 months ago

        nah there is no way humans did this, like there is no crane big enough

    • 2 months ago

      Egyptian peasants would fall to their knees and weep if they saw the Las Vegas strip at night

    • 2 months ago

      We do though. Why didn't the egyptians?

      • 2 months ago

        I know someone would post this but this is an exception, in the middle ages/renaissance cathedrals were built all over europe.

  25. 2 months ago

    i took this picture

    • 2 months ago

      Bro lets keep it a bean here, that's just a brightly colored long house with some woodwork ornaments, hardly hyperborea. Can't stand this obsession that early ages had no color

  26. 2 months ago

    The pyramids were fricking welfare. It kept farmers employed and not causing civil strife during the flood season and enabled massive layers of bureaucracy to give nepo jobs as architects and engineers to rich kids

  27. 2 months ago

    has he talked about the martians on rogan yet or are the people not ready?

  28. 2 months ago

    i can't understand how this guy has an audience. i understand HIM, he believes in atlantis based on absolutely nothing, but why do random people on the internet believe this crosseyed moron?
    he can't even scroll down on his own god damn website

    • 2 months ago

      Same reason people blindly believe everything they see on their political media. They want to believe it.

  29. 2 months ago

    I think conspiracy theories are really hurting this country and people are just going full schizo, the theories get crazier, stranger and people just buy into them because they see non mainstream as always being right for the sake of being non mainstream. I also think a sizeable portion of people into this stuff dont really want the truth they just want the chase, so if Hanwiener was somehow proved right tomorrow, they would flip and say he is controller opposition and find some new person with a new theory to push.

  30. 2 months ago

    I think what intuitively bothers me about any sort of "they couldn't have built that, it was too complex" conspiracy is that it ignores the fact that those people were the same kind of humans we are. All the kind of people who today would be building quantum computers and particle accelerators were still being born back then. Egypt dedicated their smart guys to spending hundreds of years studying masonry and stone architecture, there is zero reason to believe they couldn't figure out how to move some big rocks.

    • 2 months ago

      >I think what intuitively bothers me about any sort of "they couldn't have built that, it was too complex" conspiracy is that it ignores the fact that those people were the same kind of humans we are. All the kind of people who today would be building quantum computers and particle accelerators were still being born back then. Egypt dedicated their smart guys to spending hundreds of years studying masonry and stone architecture, there is zero reason to believe they couldn't figure out how to move some big rocks.

      It's all a giant cope from dumb and uneducated people, it's too painful to say that our education and culture has degenerated and that our forefathers were superior to us. So instead you say it was aliens, it was a lost civilization, they had magic tools etc; anything to avoid the straightforward simple answer: Yes, *WE* used to be better than this

      • 2 months ago

        the only difference is motivation and religion. pharaohs were god kings that had immense wealth and power over their subjects. no democratic goverment is gonna go make a pyramid or a cathedral. The equvialence today is billionares having private islands and building megayachts

  31. 2 months ago

    >literal schizophrenic rambling thread

    • 2 months ago

      What did you expect with that op?

  32. 2 months ago

    Who knows as advanced as we are we still have no idea how they built those pyramids or how they cut the blocks so perfectly

    • 2 months ago

      >we still have no idea how they built those pyramids or how they cut the blocks so perfectly

      fricking ignorant c**t. and i thought the internet would make people more informed and skeptic.

  33. 2 months ago

    >you're trying to tell me Black folk managed to build something?

  34. 2 months ago

    What is it about Graham Hanwiener that makes redditors seethe so much?

    • 2 months ago

      Anti- white sentiment and and nu-atheism

  35. 2 months ago

    He never said or insinuated anything like that, you just have an inferiority complex.

  36. 2 months ago

    Flint Dibble was right, but he was wearing a fedora, beard, and glasses and his voice is higher pitched than Graham’s.
    Of course Cinemaphile will hate him.

  37. 2 months ago

    I used to be all in on ancient astronaut theories but decided it was lame and moved on.
    This pre civilization stuff is fascinating though, where can I get a qrd without listening to schizos or zoomers?

    • 2 months ago

      Schizos and boomers are the only ones willing to entertain the notion I'm afraid

  38. 2 months ago

    He never said that.

  39. 2 months ago


    Bitches don't know about my read his first novel at 1, stared studying aerospace at 6, MIT and Harvard graduate Billy Carson.

    Before you homosexuals say he's a glowie, his opinion on the current slow drip disclosure is that they're trying to frame the aliens as a threat to milk more money for the military industrial complex because we have no countries left to conquer and make trillions off of for the MIC. Not really a glowie narrative.

  40. 2 months ago

    why didnt joe go full gorilla mode?
    >shapes and blocks man

  41. 2 months ago

    Graham Hanwiener believes the ancient egyptians used psychedelics to gain the ability to levitate objects with their minds, and that this is how the pyramids were built.

    • 2 months ago

      If it's not true then how does your fat ass get the remote from across the room every day? Cheque Mate.

  42. 2 months ago

    Remind me what was hanwieners reply to flints grain argument?

  43. 2 months ago

    did he actually say aryans built it?

    • 2 months ago

      No, you idiot child. Keep scrolling on tiktok and shut the frick up.

  44. 2 months ago
    Tyronius Maximus

    >Timmy sees black accomplishments
    >Timmy cannot believe his eyes
    >"Must be aryans"- he propounded
    Its all so tiresome

  45. 2 months ago

    >Joe, he literally believes that ancient Atlantean aryans started every major civilisation, suggesting nonwhite people are incapable of founding and sustaining them on their own!
    >He’s not advocating for racism though; therefore, it’s wrong for you to say his research promotes bigotry. That could just be true. I’m pro-science, aren’t you?

  46. 2 months ago

    dumb phone poster or ESL
    rookie autocorrect mistakes in that OP

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