The best Snyder's movies by far.

The best Snyder's movies by far.

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    300 is.
    Sucker Punch is unwatchable and SnyderCut is bloated mess in dire need of editing.

    • 2 years ago

      Sucker Punch literally filtered midwits. It is a great movie.

      • 2 years ago

        shit sucked.

      • 2 years ago

        >dude mental patient girls in psych ward in ww1 with power fantasies
        wow dude so deep

        • 2 years ago

          It's both about how director's have their dreams raped by movie studios and about the sexualization and abuse women suffer in entertainment media.

          • 2 years ago

            Funnily enough I watched it because of the fantasy settings and hot girls in pantyhose

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    A capeshit movie will never hype me up as much as ZSJL did

    • 2 years ago

      Hell yes.

    • 2 years ago

      Cool artwork I enjoyed Justice League and thought Steppenwolf was a cool and formidable villain for an epic film it’s cape shit at its finest

  4. 2 years ago

    criminally underrated

    • 2 years ago

      I went in expecting shit and got some pretty solid 80s dark fantasy. Snyder has a way of tricking me into liking something I never thought I’d like just by sheer earnest gusto and Baz Luhrmann esque mise en scene.
      >Owl armor warfare? Psh, sounds stupid
      >wait wtf, this rocks
      also the Owls look goddamn fantastic to this day.

      • 2 years ago

        The fact that we had an animated movie about talking owls that was about the horrors of fascist ideology and the dehumanization during wars was pretty wild.

    • 2 years ago

      Completely agree.

    • 2 years ago

      based, hoot

  5. 2 years ago

    Sucker Punch feels like watching 3 great movies at the same time

  6. 2 years ago

    300 while not a great movie became the biggest thing on the internet in early meme days.

  7. 2 years ago

    Sucker Punch was boring. Needed more rape scenes.

  8. 2 years ago

    BVS is actually better than Zach Snyder's Justice league and you are an idiot if you cant see it.

    • 2 years ago

      I just really hate the portrayal of Lex Luthor. Then again I hated Ezra Miller Flash even more.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah Ezra Flash is extremely underrated
        I like the way Snyder made him neurodivergent

        • 2 years ago

          This is Disney fan theory tier moronic. They made Barry Allen a comic relief character and the writing was so shit it made him seem autistic. There's no great plan behind it all. Just an overrated director, dumb studio and annoying fans. Anyone who liked DC before Man of Steel knows the Snyderverse is shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >Anyone who liked DC before Man of Steel knows the Snyderverse is shit.
            So you mean the movies Green Lantern, Superman Returns, Catwoman, Jonah Hex? Shut the frick up.

            • 2 years ago

              Maybe it's just because I'm a zoomer but I didn't know these films existed until I googled DC films a few years back. The content I grew up on was great to watch every morning before my 5 minute walk to school.
              >Green Lantern: The Animated Series
              >Young Justice season 1 and 2
              >Teen Titans
              Even the DCAU and some DCAMU films were so great. Btw I do recall watching a Jonah Hex showcase and that was genuinely a good watch.

              Snyder basically confirmed it by saying Barry has ADHD, so it's a good fan theory/breakdown.

              It's actually more disappointing that he planned it out and thought it was a good idea. Snyder has some really shitty ideas like his Ayn Randian nonsense in the superman films.
              >Clark being told by Jon that he should have let his friends die on the school bus to hide his identity

              I still liked Man of Steel as a kid since it was the first comic book film I ever watched but looking back at it makes me cringe. Like Superman wouldn't destroy a guy's truck by impaling it with literal trees. Looks cool but that isn't Superman.

              • 2 years ago

                >Looks cool but that isn't Superman.
                I love how certain comic book virgins like you are. According to YOU it "isnt Superman". You however arent the eminence on all things Superman. Its just your opinion. If they cast a 53 year old Korean man as Superman, then yes, thats not Superman. If a film shows you a version of a 60 year old comic book hero, with countless iterations and story arcs, then frick you. It is Superman.

              • 2 years ago

                Just because there exists a comic iteration doesn't mean it should be on screen. Realistically you can't put them all on screen so you should pick the best stories that were ever made and put them on screen exclusively. No one wants to see rainbow man or the wall even if they're comic book villains. They're shit. Same for this story. Superman is supposed to be the best of us. He's the boy scout. Sure there's a lot of Le ebil superman comics because writers wanted to be edgy and thought a good superman was boring. You guys will probably pull a comic of batman with a gun in his early days to try defend Batfleck. Sure he looked cool and yh he's technically Batman but it's a bad adaptation.

                See, the problem is that you know nothing about the comics themselves or the old cartoons you liked so much.
                Man of Steel is based both on the original Superman comics and the 80's reboots done by John Byrne, with some added stuff from Superman: Rebirth done by Mark Waid.
                The Kents trying to keep Clark Kent's superpowers a secret until he is of age or Superman having anger problems comes from the original comics.
                Even in the DCAU cartoons one of the major flaws Superman had was his anger issues.

                And man, you liking the shitty DCAMU films shows what a shitty taste you have.

                I've read that comic. How are you trying to compare hiding your powers until the time is right to letting kids die is a reasonable choice? That's the moral compass for Superman? No wonder he did dumb shit later on like destroy buildings with people in it. One or two mistakes with the character are fine and can be overlooked but the entire DCEU is just filled with bad writing. The only reasons people like Henry Cavill is because
                >he's Henry Cavill
                >only superman most people have ever seen
                >the visuals were groundbreaking for their time
                >he's Henry Cavill

                If they tried write the characters even as decent as Marvel did, which still had many flaws, they would have had more success. Sorry but Fiege managed to make C list superheros like Iron Man into household names. The xmen are literally an afterthought now. Hopefully DC does it right the next time they reboot the universe but this is WB that we're talking about. Of course they'll frick it up.

              • 2 years ago

                >Just because there exists a comic iteration doesn't mean it should be on screen.
                Superman original comics shouldn't be on screen because it doesn't align with your stupid headcanon of what the character is supposed to be like?

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't mind Superman even turning evil if it was written in a way that was half decent. Red Son and the Injustice stories are actually some of my favourite Superman stories. But you have to have them as either elseworld stories or later on after showing superman as a good person for a few films at least.

                >No wonder he did dumb shit later on like destroy buildings with people in it.
                You mean the shit that used to happen in every big battle of Superman: The Animated Series and JL/JLU cartoons? We even have an episode of JLU where Captain Marvel/Shazam condem Superman for being myopic and reckless.

                They could write that in and it could work but that's not what Snyder did. I honestly don't mind changes as long as they make sense or at least have decent writing. Btw just because it happened in a comic or adaptation in the past doesn't excuse it being done wrong in a different adaptation.

                Aren't the MCU characters almost nothing like their comic counterparts and also unironically straight up killers? Iron Man in the first movie was murdering terrorists without giving a single frick.

                You can adapt them as long as they're adapted in a good way. Sure there's a lot of mistakes in the MCU but the infinity saga overall was decent and probably the best multifilm comic book story we will ever get, not because it's the best we can do but the era of this being remotely possible has passed. Corporations like WB and Disney have to be leftist because of Blackrock's EDTA score.

                Btw heroes can kill. Some of the best heroes in comic book history kill. Even justice league members like Hawkman are killers. Everyone doesn't have to have a no kill rule like batman and superman. They just have to be written right. They don't have to be the good guy, we love an anti hero here and there, we even like some villains more than the heroes.

                In my opinion Superman should be the boy scout. If they later make him evil that change would mean more if there's some emotional investment and logical writing.

                Even if they showed superman being reckless and then him learning to be better, and written well, it would have been a good arc.

                The problem is snyder didn't do that. He just made Superman a dick and expected no one to say anything.

              • 2 years ago

                Superman doesn't have a no-kill rule. He has a no-murder rule. Tell me you get the distinction.

              • 2 years ago

                Btw the great litmus test for whether or not someone is a delusional Snyder fan is their take on The Army of the Dead. Anyone who thinks this film has any merit is genuinely lost.

                Yh there's a few examples of him killing and they've almost always resulted in a crisis and a redemption arc like when he killed Zod in one of the comics and didn't return to earth for a bit. I wouldn't mind Superman killing on screen and showing his struggle with the act with a decently written redemption arc but that's not what Snyder did. He snapped Zod's neck but couldn't hold his head and turn it to the other direction? Stupid power scaling. But let's say he could only do it when he had his little emotional fit, why tf did he not just FLY AWAY HOLDING ZOD. It was just written badly. Same for Wonder woman in 1984 and her invisibility power. Yh it's in the comic bit it was written stupidly on screen.

              • 2 years ago

                >I wouldn't mind Superman killing on screen and showing his struggle with the act with a decently written redemption arc but that's not what Snyder did.
                He showed Superman crying his eye balls after snapping Zod's necks. He showed Superman first trying to deflect any guilt over killing Zod and the Metropolis tragedy, which the movie shows to be a lie because every time someone talks about him and his actions in the media you can see he is visibly distressed and guilty, and then as his "mistakes" (actually scenarios orchestrated by Lex Luthor) start to pile up resulting in more loss of life you see him so guilty he is ready to quit as Superman in an attempt to not cause anymore problems. This before having a heart-to-heart moment with the memory of his father who tells him about the drowning horses, a morality tale meant to illustrate the idea that you need to take ownership and shoulder the blame of the unintended consequences of your actions, even when those actions were taken in good faith to help someone or fix something. It doesn't matter if is fair or hard, you've to do it. Then right after Superman comes back to try and help people and fix his mistakes, ending with him face-to-face against Doomsday, a living reminder of his sin: the murder of General Zod, as well a dark reflection of what people believe Superman to be (at least Lex Luthor).

                What more do you fricking want?

              • 2 years ago

                That's the problem. You have to fricking go to a deep dive analysis and break it down for superman to even remotely sound redeemable. It's hidden under layers of nonsense because Snyder would rather force feed Jesus imagery and make superman look like a God amongst men. Btw where the frick is Clark Kent this whole time. I mean the awkward Clark Kent being a human and a good hearted red blooded American? Man of Steel is nothing more than brain dead cool action shots to basically everyone except snyder fans who have to dig to the bottom of the barrel to find anything to defend the shitty film.

                >Superman literally destroyed some guy's truck for being a bit rude to a girl and him at a bar when he was drunk.
                Are you really complaining about a cheeky reference to Action Comics #1?
                >Btw he just kills the rebel and turns him into juice for no reason.
                He doesn't. Superman in the movie right after that scene says he didn't kill anyone and Zack Snyder on Vero social media said he didn't.

                Again using comic references as a shield to the shitty adaption is not a good defence. Superman as we now know him would never destroy a truck because some guy threw a beer at him.
                >Noooo but this scene is supposed to refer to a comic, ignore how he's an insecure psycho
                IDC what Snyder says, no human goes flying through several walls at insane speeds gettimg pushed by literally Superman and survives. Just because it wasn't explicitly seen on screen doesn't give you the liberty to claim the rebel somehow survived. Superman killed that guy and Snyder made it happen because he thought it looked cool. That's his biggest problem. He thinks looking cool is the only thing that matters. That's why all his films are dumb but I don't mind a dumb film if it's supposed to be a dumb film like 300 but this is Superman.

              • 2 years ago

                >That's the problem. You have to fricking go to a deep dive analysis and break it down for superman to even remotely sound redeemable.
                homie, i just explained Superman character arc in MoS and BvS. I didn't do a deep dive. I simple told you what the movie show us.
                You either didn't engage with the movie or you're too stupid to understand simple shit that is happening on the screen.

                >Again using comic references as a shield to the shitty adaption is not a good defence. Superman as we now know him would never destroy a truck because some guy threw a beer at him.
                According to you? Superman did in his first comic debut. Action Comics #1 is a fricking classic. Every Superman show know that happens in it. You don't know shit about the character. You created this idea of the character that only exist in your head and you're crying because the movie didn't gather to your personal tastes.

                >IDC what Snyder says, no human goes flying through several walls at insane speeds gettimg pushed by literally Superman and survives. Just because it wasn't explicitly seen on screen
                You can literally see Superman using his own body to shield the terrorist from the brick walls.

              • 2 years ago

                >According to you?
                Everyone except diehard Snyderfans shits on the bad writing lmao. The fact you're hiding behind a comic to justify bad story is hilarious. Comics aren't infallible, especially the really old comics in which many changes occurred to create the characters we love today. But I guess by your logic anything that happens in the comics is fine. Superman can destroy people's property over a pint. What a great hero we have here. Absolute brainlet.

              • 2 years ago

                So which comics are the right ones to adapt? Because Zack Snyder adapted the most famous ones.

                Sorry but Batman and Superman don't kill. If there is a moment where they're forced to it's a painful situation. If it's adapted to the big screen they kill only once and we see the effect it has on them as a hero. The Nolan trilogy did that. There's thousands of comic books of each of these characters of course there's going to be instances of them written badly and with gross mischaracterisations. Cherry picking bad examples that are hated by fans that go against the mythos of the characters is pathetic. I guess it's fine for a film about superman being raped and batman being a homosexual because they exist in the comics somewhere. Especially some of the really shitty recent comics. The whole "it exist in comic so it is okay" cop out is that, nothing but a cop out.

                Btw the fact you're finding all these excuses to cover up the fact Snyder only did this because he thought it looked cool. That's it. He doesn't care about the comics. He even mentioned that he wasn't a comic fan because there's no sex or murder. The guy had zero basis for doing all this and you guys are retroactively finding comic inspiration to defend it.

                >Sorry but Batman and Superman don't kill.
                Says who? You? Because Superman has killed several times in comics. Superman has killed in his most famous comic arcs and in big known events. Superman also only killed once in both MoS/BvS and felt horrible over it. Batman also wasn't a hero in BvS, he was the villain and his killings isn't portrayed as a good thing.

                You frickers didn't understood the movies, didn't understood the character arcs, and from what i am seeing are that big of fans because your comic knowledge isn't that really deep either.

              • 2 years ago

                How is Superman a dick in MoS when he spending his entire life rescuing people. The reason he moves around so much from place to place is because he can't help himself and go on to rescue people using his powers revealing his powerlevels, thus forcing him to pick his shit and leave.

                Not to mention that the only one Superman ever kill in MoS, BvS, and ZSJL is General Zod/Doomsday. He doesn't kill anyone else. He doesn't even kill Lex Luthor, who was basically ruining his life.

              • 2 years ago

                Superman literally destroyed some guy's truck for being a bit rude to a girl and him at a bar when he was drunk.

                And your pic related... Lmao

                >Saves children from drowning
                Then is told by his father he should have let them die
                >6 examples of him saving Lois
                Btw he just kills the rebel and turns him into juice for no reason.
                >He saved his mother...
                No shit Sherlock
                >Cinematic shots of him saving people that are devoid of logic but look cool
                >Helps victims of the bombing
                He literally flew away
                >Can snap Zod's neck to save a family but can't fly away
                Contrived dumb writing. He can kill Zod and it can make sense if it was written well. This wasn't.
                >Surrenders to the government multiple times
                All of which was just fake since he flies away from them the next scene every single time anyways
                >Saves batman from himself
                Lmao MARTHA

                The only time I really thought we saw a good Superman moment in all these films was when he saved the military guys during the fight in Smallvile.

              • 2 years ago

                >Superman literally destroyed some guy's truck for being a bit rude to a girl and him at a bar when he was drunk.
                Are you really complaining about a cheeky reference to Action Comics #1?
                >Btw he just kills the rebel and turns him into juice for no reason.
                He doesn't. Superman in the movie right after that scene says he didn't kill anyone and Zack Snyder on Vero social media said he didn't.

              • 2 years ago

                >No wonder he did dumb shit later on like destroy buildings with people in it.
                You mean the shit that used to happen in every big battle of Superman: The Animated Series and JL/JLU cartoons? We even have an episode of JLU where Captain Marvel/Shazam condem Superman for being myopic and reckless.

              • 2 years ago

                Reminder that Superman: The Animated Series ended with Superman being mind-controlled by Darkseid and conquering Earth for Apokopolis. This came back to bite him and the Justice League later on in Justice League/Justice League Unlimited when the government created Cadmus as a response of Superman betrayal.

              • 2 years ago

                Aren't the MCU characters almost nothing like their comic counterparts and also unironically straight up killers? Iron Man in the first movie was murdering terrorists without giving a single frick.

              • 2 years ago

                See, the problem is that you know nothing about the comics themselves or the old cartoons you liked so much.
                Man of Steel is based both on the original Superman comics and the 80's reboots done by John Byrne, with some added stuff from Superman: Rebirth done by Mark Waid.
                The Kents trying to keep Clark Kent's superpowers a secret until he is of age or Superman having anger problems comes from the original comics.
                Even in the DCAU cartoons one of the major flaws Superman had was his anger issues.

                And man, you liking the shitty DCAMU films shows what a shitty taste you have.

              • 2 years ago

                >Superman: Rebirth done by Mark Waid.
                Superman: Birthright. Fix'd.
                In Superman: Birthright Jonathan Kent wasn't happy about Clark risking his life out there as a savior and Lex Luthor was a crazy scientist full of ticks and with a head full of red hair.

              • 2 years ago

                That's a bit different than "maybe you should have let those kids drown on the bus".
                Superman the movie dealt with Clark's anger, but his parents weren't buttholes and you could see the positive influence they had on him throughout the film.

              • 2 years ago

                Jonathan Kent in MoS never says that, and through Kevin Costner acting you can see he is conflicted and doesn't mean what he is implying. He is a distressed father scared for his son who doesn't know what to do. He just knows that Clark has some really big weight on his shoulders.

                You just want a cookie cut character that can Yoda Superman into all the answers.

              • 2 years ago

                No I don't. It comes down to execution, and when you have a director like Snyder who has a very shallow understanding of things that aren't illustrated, you end up with movies like man of steel and bvs.

              • 2 years ago

                >and when you have a director like Snyder who has a very shallow understanding of things that aren't illustrated
                Since when that was ever the case? You wouldn't even be able to describe what BvS is about. You're the one who have a superficial understanding of things.

              • 2 years ago

                Please shut the frick up. The movie tried really hard to be deep, but he's such a shit director that the drama he tries to portray turns into a comedy. I swear you snyder apologists are the most obnoxious sychophants.

              • 2 years ago

                Nailed it.

          • 2 years ago

            Snyder basically confirmed it by saying Barry has ADHD, so it's a good fan theory/breakdown.

  9. 2 years ago

    Sucker Punch would have been better if the fantasy world shit was the actual movie

    • 2 years ago

      There should be a Netflix show called "Worlds of Sucker Punch".

  10. 2 years ago

    Everyone of these is shit.

  11. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >commentary on geek culture and its treatment of women
      I don't remember the girls getting money and attention for doing absolutely nothing.

  12. 2 years ago

    Every one of these is a reddit flick.

  13. 2 years ago

    BvS is a flawed masterpiece.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Was Lex supposed to be Waingro?

        • 2 years ago

          He’s basically Big Tech. Period. The child of his Oil Baron father.

          • 2 years ago

            He's not only Big Tech, he is the Military Industrial Complex.

            • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago


              He’s basically Big Tech. Period. The child of his Oil Baron father.

              • 2 years ago

                As I’m sure he finds a host of other things.

              • 2 years ago

                I find seth rogen to be anti-Semitic

          • 2 years ago

            I think he was Waingro since he was making moves and trying to get it on

  14. 2 years ago

  15. 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    Let me see if i understood this movie.

    It is in my opinion that the protag was sent to a asylum by her father/stepfather and while she was there she'd picture the asylum as a cabaret/prostitutehouse because that's how she felt that's like what the place was what with all the male staff controlling, ogling, and abusing the female patients. So whenever she was being abused by the male staff she'd picture the situation as if she was dancing for their pleasure, feeling herself utterly exposed to their hungry eyes. Because she was so deep into her own trauma she would also imagine those moments where she had to face these abuses as if she was fighting a great battle where she was the heroine of her own story in an attempt to mentally escape what was being done to her. The movie also show that those fantasies where she was in these fantastical worlds doing battle were also small moments where she'd try to sabotage the asylum in an attempt to escape, so you can tie that shit as well as if she was making her small mundane victories as something bigger and grander.

    Now my bawd of a sister insist that Emily Browning character didn't even exist to begin with and that she was actually the fantasy of another character, but i honestly have no idea what the frick she is talking about.

    • 2 years ago

      thats one interpritation and i thought it was the common one

      but theirs like 2 or 3 other completly plausable ones LOL

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        The frick am i reading?

    • 2 years ago

      So this b***h was the real Baby Doll? The frick? How many layers does this shitty flick have?

    • 2 years ago
  17. 2 years ago

    300 is his magnum opus. The characters revel in joyous masculinity, the music is fricking solid, the actors are all perfectly cast, the video game style action just werks and basically it's perfect. You just can't deny it. Watchmen comes second, the other capeshit movies except MoS suck ass.

  18. 2 years ago

    Suckerpunch is trash even though I never saw it.

  19. 2 years ago

    Sucker Punch had all the ingredients for a perfect 11/10 over-the-top action movie.
    >Hot as frick chicks
    >In various hot as frick outfits
    >High fantasy settings
    >Katanas and fully automatic weapons
    >Mechs, Demon Samurai, Robots, a train sequence
    >A subversive plot that wasn't proud of the subversion over everything else
    >Almost non-stop action
    Yet it was so fricking awful I will never watch it again.

    • 2 years ago

      >Yet it was so fricking awful I will never watch it again.
      Why was it bad?

      • 2 years ago

        It committed the ultimate sin of an action movie: It was fricking boring.

  20. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      the skirt was an inch or two to long

  21. 2 years ago

    If Miller and Snyder intended 300 to be satire. It would be a work of genius. Unfortunately, it seems that they both meant it in earnest.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know about Frank Miller, but Zack Snyder made the movie as a satire. You don't need to believe my word. You can check interviews where Snyder talks about the movie or the movie itself. There are scenes where the Spartan warriors fight warriors made out of straws. They were meant to be strawmen, as a cue to show that the entire movie is nothing but a propaganda that is being told by the one-eyed Spartan soldier that survived and went back as a messenger.

      I wish i knew the exact scene where it happens. Wait a minute, i'll try to look for it on Youtube.

      • 2 years ago

        There you go. Check the enemy arms. They are literally men made out of straws (ie strawmen).


      • 2 years ago

        There you go. Check the enemy arms. They are literally men made out of straws (ie strawmen).


        The movie is just dumb, it's not satire, and even if it were it would not be any better than it is.

        • 2 years ago

          Seems like someone was filtered by a "dumb" movie.

          • 2 years ago

            Smart people tend to ignore stupid entertainment, yes.

            • 2 years ago

              I love how guys like you cling to your false sense of intellectual superiority. It's adorable.

  22. 2 years ago

    Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead were the best things he ever made, and they were shit.

  23. 2 years ago

    Watchmen DC is his best film. 300 is his most iconic.

  24. 2 years ago

    Sucker Punch is universally panned

    • 2 years ago

      By critics that accused Snyder of being a fascist and also a sexist pig because of the movie. The media back then even tried to push the idea that he was casting couch the girls.

      • 2 years ago

        That may be, but the movie did suck balls.

    • 2 years ago

      The same critics that gave "Black Panther" a 100% fresh rating?

  25. 2 years ago

    300 is an actual masterpiece

    • 2 years ago

      Only in the context of when it came out and how Snyder's personal style is unique and recognizable. Not to mention the iconic quotes and characters. Its also interesting from a story telling perspective, since its from the point of view of an unreliable narrator.

      That being said, its not a good rewatch.

      • 2 years ago

        >Only in the context
        Shut the frick up

        • 2 years ago


  26. 2 years ago

    Man this was my all time fav scene so cool

  27. 2 years ago

    300 and watchmen are only good films hes made.

  28. 2 years ago
  29. 2 years ago

    300 is good. The other two are borderline unwatchable

  30. 2 years ago

    drop the middle and add watchmen

  31. 2 years ago

    The only difference is that instead of destroying a car and trapping the drunk driver on the pole in Man of Steel Superman destroy the drunk guy's truck on the pole, sidestepping a few steps.

    Man, what a Superman you are when you can't even recognize shit from Action Comics #1.

    • 2 years ago

      Same logic idiots use to justify Batman killing and using guns
      >See this OG comic of Batman using guns
      >There's even newer comics of batman using guns
      >ignores the fact the character developed over time
      >ignores decades of character development
      Yh sure thing buddy you literally did what I predicted you would lmao.

      • 2 years ago

        Batman was killing recently in comics, so by your argument since the character "evolved" we should ignore all those moments where Batman refused to kill anyone.
        By the way, Batman was doing a bunch of manslaughter during the 70s and even some during the 90's. Even then BvS is about an older and jaded Batman who lost his ideals and morals. It is a condemnation of a killer Batman. Batman is not a hero in the movie, he is an antagonist. If you can't see that you're a fricking braindead moron.

        • 2 years ago

          Sorry but Batman and Superman don't kill. If there is a moment where they're forced to it's a painful situation. If it's adapted to the big screen they kill only once and we see the effect it has on them as a hero. The Nolan trilogy did that. There's thousands of comic books of each of these characters of course there's going to be instances of them written badly and with gross mischaracterisations. Cherry picking bad examples that are hated by fans that go against the mythos of the characters is pathetic. I guess it's fine for a film about superman being raped and batman being a homosexual because they exist in the comics somewhere. Especially some of the really shitty recent comics. The whole "it exist in comic so it is okay" cop out is that, nothing but a cop out.

          Btw the fact you're finding all these excuses to cover up the fact Snyder only did this because he thought it looked cool. That's it. He doesn't care about the comics. He even mentioned that he wasn't a comic fan because there's no sex or murder. The guy had zero basis for doing all this and you guys are retroactively finding comic inspiration to defend it.

  32. 2 years ago

    Drop the third and add watchman

  33. 2 years ago

    swap Sucker Punch for Watchmen DC

  34. 2 years ago

    Btw I have to go back to work hopefully I can see more snydergay tears once I'm home in a few hours.

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