The cast from The Blair Witch Project made a request before the movie's 25th anniversary and the upcoming reboot

The cast from The Blair Witch Project made a request before the movie's 25th anniversary and the upcoming reboot

>They want to be paid for their work in the original movie, which they never received.
>They want to be involved in future projects that use their names or images.
>They suggest providing a $60k grant each year to support a new filmmaker in making their debut feature film.

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  1. 2 months ago

    Seems fair mostly.

  2. 2 months ago

    Just give them a million each to frick off

  3. 2 months ago

    They really sound like they sold their baby into slavery and never saw a dime. Many such cases.

    • 2 months ago

      You cant beat ~~*them*~~

  4. 2 months ago

    What do you mean they weren’t paid? Not paid according to todays standards? They definitely wouldn’t add anything to future (shitty) projects, they’re just regular guys

    • 2 months ago

      >give movie to company
      >assume company will pay you out of the goodness of its heart

    • 2 months ago

      The og movie was shot for 20k. It was purchased then spruced up (blown up to 35mm and had pro sound done etc) for about 5mill. Made 100 mill.

      The actors were contracted only for the 20k shooting phase.
      The chick got a few more gigs off the back of it, but that dried up a while ago. The filmmakers are still doing smaller films, but nothing huge. The remakes throw money around like confetti to the kids "in the club" who are involved.

      Same shitty deal with the Saw franchise. Literal billion dollar franchise but the two lands who made it had to sign away all rights fr their shot at the big time. James Wan generated multiple hit franchises over decades before they started giving him AAA level gigs.

      So, essentially to get a million dollar payday he had to make these smaller studios several billion dollars while taking under-average wages, and zero ownership. Hollywood, you may be surprised to learn, is a racket, a closed shop, and very unfriendly to outsiders. You gotta be a continual, proven, easy-to-work-with hit machine who willingly eats low-rung dogshit deals while everyone else dines out on your successes until finally they decide to grant you a big deal project that puts you in the "insider club" (that they give the born-in-the-club kids for free).

      • 2 months ago

        It will be interesting to see how the next few years play out with AI. Creatives who would never have gotten a shot in Hollywood because of bullshit reasons will be able to show their work. It's going to be glorious.

  5. 2 months ago

    It's unfortunate, but they already signed away everything for pennies. I don't see them getting anything.

  6. 2 months ago

    asking at the 25 year mark is hilarious.

    • 2 months ago

      Actually the best time, people online (at least pretend to) give a shit about this stuff after the last strikes and 25th anniversay will have a lot of eyes on the film, production company probably will want to avoid controversy and be more willing to give into demands or hush money.

      • 2 months ago

        >Actually the best time
        actually its not. no one they made deals with at the studio is still there. there is no one to culpable to blame.

        • 2 months ago

          so they'll feel no shame paying a nominal fee that's some small fraction of what they expect to make with a 25th anniversary rerelease plus legal fees for just dragging them through court... $60k plus the few grand they were owed from the original project seems nominal.

  7. 2 months ago

    Blair Witch Project made frickloads and even trying to figure out how much they'd be owed would be too much for any company. It's also extremely presumptive to figure any more reboots would want their names or likenesses anyway. I'd like to see them win and get stewardship over some grant money but this seems like too much way too late in the game.

  8. 2 months ago

    Good for them. It was a low budget film that had a huge cultural impact on filmmaking. I doubt they'll get what they want though.

  9. 2 months ago

    It'll never happen even if they deserve it because it would set a precident for every creative who sold their work for far less than it ended up making.

  10. 2 months ago

    This seems like a good place to ask to ask Cinemaphile, since I'm doing a rewrite of a found footage script right now and sometimes some intelligent people post here

    What's the key to a good found footage script?
    Is it possible to do a good found footage script that isn't a horror?
    Can you think of any?
    Does that just make it a low budget crudely edited mockumentary?
    What's your favourite found footage movie?
    Mine is Man Bites Dog

    • 2 months ago

      1. don't do it, everyone is sick of them
      2-etc: make your own ideas

      • 2 months ago

        how are people sick of them when there hasn't been any made for years?
        also how is writing a movie using a broadly applicable narrative device not using my own ideas?
        my script is pretty fricking original

        >Snow on tha Bluff

        thanks, hadn't heard of this one

    • 2 months ago

      >Snow on tha Bluff

    • 2 months ago

      VHS did a funny one with a go-pro strapped to a dog during an alien invasion. Some of the others weren't too bad either.

      FF these days would have to use an all-new gimmick. I can think of one but it would require fairly advanced special effects to pull off. Or an AI that can spit it out. But amma keep that to myself.

      Thought of two others, but also a bit too good to just throw out on a forum post.

      So yeah, I think there's life in the old cow still.

      I think you need to examine your resources, then make a story using those. What locations can you access relatively easy that people might like to see in a movie. What weird, scary or interesting things can happen there. Can you find the actors of the right caliber to carry the whole thing. You may even find an actor that's really good, and looks great (to play the not-the-cameraman character) but may not fit the story idea - in that case scrap your idea and build your story around your great actor. As good actors are the rarest thing to score on amateur/beginner level productions.

      Sounds like you might be more leaning towards that "following a hitman around" type of thing, so look into what that Mr In-between guy is doing. He made a FF movie prior to the TV series.

      Possible idea in next post:


      • 2 months ago

        : Go watch "The Most Dangerous Game", "The Osterman Weekend" and other "hunting human prey" movies (play Manhunt too), and maybe do a version of that where the action jumps between the players. Both hunters and prey, as it's a condition of the competition that everyone be camera-strapped and someone is doing a live mix and streaming it to a black market internet crowd (you can add "chat" to certain feeds for extra visual interest).

        All you need is a forest plantation (for a manageable, camera-ready hunting ground) and maybe a big fancy house for the start and end point - like it's a country club and everyone's about to set out for a nice game of golf. Or go for warehouse/bunker vibe if you wanna grimdark it. But def try to find an amenable pine plantation, they look great on camera and you want easy avenues of travel to run around in, shoot arrows down etc.

        Make one of your hunters a super-talky streamer type, entertaining his subscriber base. Others can be more silent etc. Best thing is, you can shoot first and add voice over later to see what works. Also the easy stylistic means you can shoot good-looking test footage almost straight away with your buddies.

      • 2 months ago

        >look into what that Mr In-between guy is doing. He made a FF movie prior to the TV series.
        i love mr inbetween, i'll check that out for sure

        manhunt/following a hitman around isn't really what i'm doing though, also wasn't really thinking about producing the script myself but it could definitely be made on a shoestring budget

  11. 2 months ago

    FRICK unions.

  12. 2 months ago

    >which they never received
    I'm going to need a SOURCE on that bogus claim. #2 in their little sad "demand" is WILD, thinking that some d-tier actors would be allowed "meaningful consultation" on "ANY" Blair Witch project. What the frick is wrong with them?

    • 2 months ago

      With those d list actors the original Blair witch made 5 times what Hollywoods attempts made and for pennies. It makes no sense to not at least try asking for their input

  13. 2 months ago

    >escape room

  14. 2 months ago

    wtf they didnt get money for the movie?

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