The current year is 2024 and there's still no news of Netflixs Conan series.

The current year is 2024 and there's still no news of Netflixs Conan series. They obviously don't know what to do with him because he is the height of manliness and they can't reduce him to their levels and ruin it like they did with the Witcher and most other shows. I'm glad in a way so I don't have to see Conan suffer and yet at the same time he deserves a show because his stories are fricking awesome.

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    There will never be another Conan after Arnie. That Austrian savage was born to swing a giant sword in little fur pants.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Timothy Chalamet as Conan

    • 3 weeks ago

      The current year is 2024 and there's still no news of Netflixs Conan series. They obviously don't know what to do with him because he is the height of manliness and they can't reduce him to their levels and ruin it like they did with the Witcher and most other shows. I'm glad in a way so I don't have to see Conan suffer and yet at the same time he deserves a show because his stories are fricking awesome.

      Zac Efron could do it

  2. 3 weeks ago

    i always thought conan was more of a trickster and a thief in the stories

    • 3 weeks ago

      He can be a their but Conan has no time for tricks.

      How would we feel about a scantily clad Sydney Sweeney playing the damsel in each story?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Barbarian just means someone not affiliated with a nation. Conan is a survivor with a mind as strong as his body, not some wild beast that butchers everything he comes across.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Then you didn't read them right.

      There will never be another Conan after Arnie. That Austrian savage was born to swing a giant sword in little fur pants.

      There will also not be another film maker like John Milius employed in today's hollywood

      • 3 weeks ago

        Yes, or a composer like Basil. It was a perfect storm.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It varies by story, based on his age and the quest. If you’re interested I can post my Conan story sticky

    • 3 weeks ago

      Thief; yes (in some stories). Trickster? Not really. His solution to most problems is committing horrific acts of violence. He can be a ruthless schemer though.
      >one story has him literally running from the law in a city
      >he jumps into the ocean to escape and swims towards a ship
      >he boards it and immediately starts making plans to win over the crew with his charisma and murder the captain to take his place

  3. 3 weeks ago

    they are in talks

    • 3 weeks ago

      is that true?

    • 3 weeks ago

      I re-watched this recently. It was made before every cartoon was either made in Flash or made by some foreign shithole country so it still looks amazing.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    I will never understand why people want Conan adapted to fricking movies or television. He and his world work so much better in a literature format, it's not even funny.
    Just read some of the best stories like The Frost Giant's Daughter, Rogues in the House or Tower of the Elephant. Way better than any adaptation will ever convey.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I’ve read all the original stories and I would love to see them as a tv show but show makers nowadays are too gay to do them justice.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >I will never understand why people want Conan adapted to fricking movies or television.

      Howard's talent as a writer was such that the reader instantly gets transported into the setting and the Conan stories are perfect for a tv series adaption. I've long wished for a tv network to _strictly_ adapt the Ace/Lancer paperbacks from 1960s-70s that perfectly lay out Conan's "career" from beginning to end. The tv series would write itself.

      Of course Hollywood is shit nowadays and they would ruin it, just as they fricked up the last Conan movie, even though they had the perfect actor.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Of course Hollywood is shit nowadays and they would ruin it,
        Yeah, like the cover image from your pic, which is a scene from "A Witch Shall Be Born"
        In the story, Queen Taramis gets kidnapped by the witch Salome (aided by her mercenary army) and is brutalized and left begging for mercy until Conan, back from "the dead" and leading a horde of desert tribesmen Dune-style, rescues Taramis, kills Salome and her demonic familiar, and crushes the impostor-queen's mercenaries.
        Go back and read (or reread) the story, and you'll see what a tremendous influence it had on 1981's Conan the Barbarian.
        Then, imagine how badly Netlfix or some other studio would frick it up.

        >just as they fricked up the last Conan movie, even though they had the perfect actor.
        Given how long I've loved Howard's stories, I thought I'd hate that movie, but actually ended up enjoying it pretty well.
        I'm not a Jason Momoa fan, but I thought it was good casting and you could tell he was into the source material.

        Howard wrote some badass stories about Crusaders vs Mamluks or Westerners fighting the Ottomans (check out "The Shadow of the Vulture" and "Sowers of the Thunder") which obviously wouldn't work today, even with Red Sonya's appearance in SotV, because Conan's companions would need to include a "good muslim" sidekick, or something along those moronic lines that historically never would have happened.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Howard wrote some badass stories about Crusaders vs Mamluks or Westerners fighting the Ottomans (check out "The Shadow of the Vulture" and "Sowers of the Thunder") which obviously wouldn't work today, even with Red Sonya's appearance in SotV, because Conan's companions would need to include a "good muslim" sidekick, or something along those moronic lines that historically never would have happened.

          The Powers That Be can no longer handle Robert E. Howard and his almighty basedness.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >The Powers That Be can no longer handle Robert E. Howard and his almighty basedness.
            Sad but undeniably true.
            Forgot to mention this about "A Witch Shall Be Born," the villainous mercenary army that aids Salome in wresting the throne of Khauran from her twin sister Taramis is comprised of a Hyborian race known as Shemites, whom Howard explicitly describes in various Conan stories as "hook-nosed and blue-bearded."
            I know that TV writers don't read the source material, but something like that would probably warrant a series cancellation if they ever found it.

            • 3 weeks ago

              lol that is not even the most 'offensive' Conan story. The Vale of Lost Women has Conan slaughtering his black allies just to save a White woman they've captured BECAUSE she's White like him.

            • 3 weeks ago

              lol that is not even the most 'offensive' Conan story. The Vale of Lost Women has Conan slaughtering his black allies just to save a White woman they've captured BECAUSE she's White like him.

              May I remind you of my personal favorite, Shadows in Zamboula, a.k.a., Man-Eaters of Zamboula? It's even better when you read the Weird Tales version and not the edited L. Sprague DeCamp version.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Conan was not a fan of the darker races.
                Though he respected the Picts a lot more than he did the Kushites (while still killing a lot of them)

              • 3 weeks ago

                Conan saw the Picts as noble warriors not unlike himself while the Shemites and Kushites he didn't remotely care for. Although in fairness, it was a question of character rather than race. The hypocrisy and backstabbing of the Shemites along with the cannibalism of the Kushites were the main issues. You don't hear much about Conan's opinion on the Turanians and Hyrkanians, though. Both are modeled on the Turks/Tatars and the Mongols, respectively.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >I'm not a Jason Momoa fan, but I thought it was good casting and you could tell he was into the source material.

          It's a shame, because he was great casting and as I mentioned, the Ace/Lancer paperbacks perfectly lay out the whole series had they done a tv show adaption.

          There's never been a good Conan adaption. Arnie was a good film but failed as a Conan story.

          >There's never been a good Conan adaption. Arnie was a good film but failed as a Conan story.

          True. I saw Conan in the theater when it was released in 1982 and even at that age, I was disappointed though over the years, I've come to appreciate it as a good swords & sorcery flick even if it sucks as a Conan movie.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >tower of the onions

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Way better than any adaptation will ever convey.
      of course no TV director will come close to bringing Howards works to life as the man himself, but the original stories are perfect for TV adaptation. Monster of the week stories that could possibly turn into an overarching storyline.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Here's your Conan serie
    i really think it's great

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's too comfy to be mad at. It's almost a live action version of the zelda cartoon

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's too comfy to be mad at. It's almost a live action version of the zelda cartoon

      While it strays far from the source material, it's very comfy and the Daggerfall-sounding soundtrack adds to the charm.

    • 3 weeks ago

      That's actually not a bad show. Corny, but Ralf Moeller is an absolute riot. Of all the beefcakes that never quite made it, he's by far my fave.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I highly recommend it for a fun late-night show to watch while enjoying a drink and a snack.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Definitely. It's a fun show.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Netflix... if you make a bad Conan series... THEN TO HELL WITH YOU

  7. 3 weeks ago

    > Netflix
    > Conan
    > Actually wanting this.

    Are you fricking moronic?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Is rescued from peril by a strong black whamen (who is also a lesbian)
      >Spends every episode being humiliated and put in his place
      >Makes him gay by the end
      >Entire publicity for series involves showrunners/writers/cast calling Conan fans sexist and racist incels for not liking it

    • 3 weeks ago


      They'd totally ruin it, as they ruin everything.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    again, netflix don't give a frick. you see a lot of wokeness there not because they wanted it. They're there because it's trendy. Burr's F is for family is still there. All the anti women stand up are literally only in netflix like chapelle. Whether they make a show woke or not is not up to them, it's up to the whoever creates them.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    Are Conan stories really kino? He looks like another muscular swordsman

    • 3 weeks ago

      >another muscular swordsman
      He is THE muscular swordsman.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You'll probably prefer the Disney Willow TV show if that's how you feel.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Make a show so shit you remove it from streaming within 6 weeks never to be seen again...

        • 3 weeks ago

          Midgetrannies on suicide watch

    • 3 weeks ago

      Conan's victory's in the original short stories are almost always through cunning, charisma, and sheer unrelenting will. Milius was right to portray him as a Nietzchien ubermensche

    • 3 weeks ago

      The entire point of the original stories was that being a savage barbarian didn't mean that he was stupid or inferior, he just had a different philosophy on life.

      Then Howard died and they rebooted him as a caveman moron

    • 3 weeks ago

      They’re kino.
      Sailor Steve Costigan is more kino though.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I'll up you one Solomon Kane.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I see your Kane and raise you a Bran Mak Morn.

          • 3 weeks ago

            ill raise you John Kirowan

    • 3 weeks ago

      The Howard stories are so good that Tolkien himself made an exception in his unrelenting jihad against pulp to compliment them

  10. 3 weeks ago

    Damnit, IPT doesn't have that Conan series with Moeller. Frick. I haven't seen that show for years. Godamnit.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Tubi, Pluto, Roku, and the YouTube channel Boomer Channel all have it for free. I'd still recommend the DVD release from a physical copies standpoint.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I'd imagine they would. But yeah, I wanted a DVD. There's one on Rutracker, but it seems to be Russian only. I'll find out I guess. Thin scrapings for this show though. A real shame. I remember it fondly. I thought it was much better than Hercules/Xena. I really did.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I liked the soundtrack in particular. As for other fantasy shows from this time that are just as fun to watch, The Adventures of Sinbad and Beastmaster: The Series are pretty fun. 90s television in general is as comfy as it gets.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Oh yeah, I remember Sinbad and Beastmaster. Yeah that whole 90s TV fantasy shock era was comfy. Rutracker actually seems to have teh soundtrack, too. As in the TV one. Weird.

            Tarzan: The Epic Adventures. They also have it on Tubi. I had a grandfather who had a number of old pulp books he'd let me read growing up that included a few vintage Weird Tales copies (one had the Conan story Shadows in Zamboula and another had Devil in Iron), the first several Tarzan novels, and I think one Doc Savage story. I also grew up watching all of the different Tarzan films, my favorites being the Sy Weintraub/Gordon Scott ones where he's well-spoken and closer in tone to the books. When you discuss Conan, Tarzan, and other barbarian/wild-type antiheroes, you're talking my language.

            Choice. Your grandpop had a nice collection.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I'd imagine they would. But yeah, I wanted a DVD. There's one on Rutracker, but it seems to be Russian only. I'll find out I guess. Thin scrapings for this show though. A real shame. I remember it fondly. I thought it was much better than Hercules/Xena. I really did.

        Boomer channel it is. They have that Tarzan one as well.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Tarzan: The Epic Adventures. They also have it on Tubi. I had a grandfather who had a number of old pulp books he'd let me read growing up that included a few vintage Weird Tales copies (one had the Conan story Shadows in Zamboula and another had Devil in Iron), the first several Tarzan novels, and I think one Doc Savage story. I also grew up watching all of the different Tarzan films, my favorites being the Sy Weintraub/Gordon Scott ones where he's well-spoken and closer in tone to the books. When you discuss Conan, Tarzan, and other barbarian/wild-type antiheroes, you're talking my language.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    Kys homosexual

  12. 3 weeks ago

    You'd get a bad ass Conan, but he'd get captured or some shit and most of the show would be some ugly, titless mutt girl journeying to rescue him.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >would be some ugly, titless mutt girl journeying to rescue him.
      ...with her fat lesbian companion and their Black personhomosexual sidekick.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >It's updated for modern audiences
        >We wanted to tell *our* story
        >We love the original work but it has many problems in its depictions of marginalised groups
        >People need to see themselves in their stories, and we've given them that
        >This is no longer just for straight old white men, but for a younger more diverse audience
        >We didn't want to appease the male gaze
        >We have to think about appealing to a global audience
        Any others?

        • 3 weeks ago

          Watch them turn Baal-Pteor into a misunderstood misfit instead of a brutal murderer-for-hire who gloats about killing women and children for fun.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I forgot one
          >This shows a side of this world the original author ignored

        • 3 weeks ago

          You forgot the..
          >Why aren't straight white males watching our show?

  13. 3 weeks ago

    Genndy could do it, the man was born to adapt classic pulp. I have zero confidence in anyone else though

  14. 3 weeks ago

    >Conan was never for you, cis white males
    Netflix needs to stay the frick away

  15. 3 weeks ago

    There's never been a good Conan adaption. Arnie was a good film but failed as a Conan story.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    Reminder: Amazon had the rights to make a Conan series so they put a Man in charge of it and the foid in charge of Amazon Studios cancelled it because she deemed it too masculine and toxic. It was for the best though since it was being compared to Game of Thrones (like all fricking fantasy shows now) and that is not what a Conan series should be.

    • 3 weeks ago

      He should have taken her head off with a claymore (sword, not a mine)

      • 3 weeks ago

        He should have tossed her to the Zamorian dogs.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    There are two Sword & Sorcery flicks that will be released at some point in the near future that might be worth watching:
    Deathstalker remake by the same director who made Psycho Goreman and The Void (unfortunately I think it will be closer to PG than Void.)
    A low-budget flick made by bongs called The Slave and Sorcerer that's described as 'Deathstalker meets Evil Dead.' The director though seems based and redpilled since he penned an article defending the sleazy Sword & Sorcery of the 80s and kinda shitting on the Deathstalker remake for probably not having any sleaze like the original movie.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    The Swedish idiot who owns the Conan ip now can't even put out the collected editions of the comics. Marvel was doing good job with the Omnis and Epics, but now they've stopped altogether although Titan was supposed to continue them.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    >they can't reduce him to their levels and ruin it like they did with the Witcher
    Is that a challenge? Lack of profit has never stopped them. The only reason for the delay is that they're arguing amongst themselves what color of strap-on the sassy black undercut hair female protag (succeeding an old, bitter Conan) is going to use when giving him a chiding lecture about his problematic toxically masculine ways.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    >they can't reduce him to their levels and ruin it like they did with the Witcher and most other shows
    you are very naive

  21. 3 weeks ago

    I forgot how good the casting was for the Moeller Conan. Jeremy Kemp makes a badass evil wizard.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Nice trips and both Moeller and Kemp tried their best with the script they were given. However, despite being comic relief, Danny Woodburn managed to act circles around everyone.

  22. 3 weeks ago

    Who should play Conan now? Should it be an unknown actor?

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