The fact they still put out as much Western stuff as they do in spite of this is admirable.

The fact they still put out as much Western stuff as they do in spite of this is admirable.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Why do Latinx like OP live off of pretending they are Japanese or personally in the manga industry?

    • 9 months ago

      No such thing as Latinx.

      • 9 months ago

        Seethe Latinx (non-japanese)

    • 9 months ago

      >He thinks the only people reading manga are hispanics

      • 9 months ago

        They are
        The only other people who buy manga are blacks and they can't read they just look at the pictures

        • 9 months ago

          You forgot Asians.
          Basically everyone who's not white reads manga, so...roughly 90% of the world population.

          • 9 months ago

            You know that more white kids watch anime than the MCU right? Several anime series destroy every MCU series ratings in every single european country.

            • 9 months ago

              I dunno man, I have it on good authority that Euro kids supposedly love Donald Duck comics.
              They're the best-selling comics ever, even though they never show up on any of the best-sellers lists.

            • 9 months ago

              >every single european country.
              Why do you act like they matter?

        • 9 months ago

          >Mcfatty westoid thinks the world centers around him

          • 9 months ago

            I don't
            Which is how I know Donald Duck and Disney comics are the best selling comics worldwide and how one year of their sales have outsold entire historic runs of manga like Berzerk, Naruto and Demon Slayer

            • 9 months ago

              >Which is how I know Donald Duck and Disney comics are the best selling comics worldwide
              Anon, those only sell in the west.
              You still think the world revolves around you.

              • 9 months ago

                >Donald Duck and Disney comics are the best selling comics worldwide

                >516.5 million all time
                >150 million all time
                Kek, these are such pathetic numbers. How about we compare to one year?

              • 9 months ago

                Oh no, it's this autist.
                Is it just a comic thing in general to not understand the difference between sold and published?

              • 9 months ago

                This seems like the final stage of coping, where even if they only "sold" half of that it would take 4 years to overtake One Piece's all time sales
                It's ok though, it's ok to be second place worldwide!

              • 9 months ago

                So why aren't they on the list? What countries are contributing to that 250 million "sales" each year? It's not the US. It's not France. It's not Japan.

              • 9 months ago

                >even despite those numbers dragon ball still outsells evryone in terms of raw money just because of the merchandise
                that makes you think why there are so many products of DB compare to everything else

              • 9 months ago

                Is there an DBZ equivalent to Walt Disney World?

              • 9 months ago

                >published instead of sold
                Let me guess, you own a ps5

              • 9 months ago

                Who is buying these?
                Where are they buying these?
                What charts do they appear on?
                Where is Disney advertising them?

              • 9 months ago

                How Lucky Luke never got big in the states is beyond me.

              • 9 months ago

                Like all other Euro comics, it's because pretty much no one bothered to translate them.
                The main reason manga took off is because of the giant, worldwide scanlation scene full of amateurs who were scanning and translating any manga they could get their hands on that looked interesting.
                This doesn't exist for Euro comics.

              • 9 months ago

                but why though?

              • 9 months ago

                Euro comics aren't that interesting and most don't have animated adaptations

                European animation is mostly very formulaic too

              • 9 months ago

                >but why though?
                after eating the market in the early 80s they sorta concluded comics peaked and decided to never innovate again
                typical erocomic that isn't soleilslop all have the same realistic art and top notch coloring, but they all might as well be interchangeable in themes and plot.

                soleil (and spirou) tried to skip this angle by embracing coomershit and it worked for some time, but not anymore.

              • 9 months ago

                Does Cinemaphile still have eurocomics threads with it's small cohort of scanlators? I have a number of scanlated French series in my archive but I didn't stay on top of the community.

              • 9 months ago

                Be the change you want to see

              • 9 months ago

                >Does Cinemaphile still have eurocomics threads with it's small cohort of scanlators?
                I see them pop up occasionally, but it's pretty rare.
                Most of the comic side on Cinemaphile nowadays seems to be almost exclusively cape stuff, I rarely even see threads for stuff that used to be somewhat popular like MM&O or Chris Ware stuff.

              • 9 months ago

                >Does Cinemaphile still have eurocomics threads with it's small cohort of scanlators?

              • 9 months ago

                I'm curious about this since there's some euro cartoons that need translating. I think Imago was one of them that needs subbing. Is there just no scene for it in the West?

              • 9 months ago

                >Does Cinemaphile still have eurocomics threads with it's small cohort of scanlators
                Pretty much driven off the site due to the SU spam threads back when that shit was popular. Couldn't have long running threads.

            • 9 months ago

              >Donald Duck and Disney comics are the best selling comics worldwide

        • 9 months ago

          You're moronic

        • 9 months ago

          At of this point the only comics I’ll consistently buy are manga. Outside of running into random collections on sale I avoid spending money on western comics, why would I want to pay propagandists who hate me AND can’t write a satisfying story to save their lives?

        • 9 months ago

          >The only other people who buy manga are blacks and they can't read they just look at the pictures
          Okay, this made me laugh out loud.

        • 9 months ago

          I laughed but yeah no even Cinemaphile isn't moronic enough to fall for this.... Much

      • 9 months ago

        Everyone reads manga.
        Latinx are the only one who hype it up over American comics because they have a chip on their should about the "yankees"

        • 9 months ago

          >hispanics enjoy good shit over garbage to annoy Americans and not because they dont have propaganda all over their asses.

          • 9 months ago

            lol is this the new cope Cinemaphile came up with?

            Ok paco

        • 9 months ago

          lol is this the new cope Cinemaphile came up with?

        • 9 months ago

          >Latinx are the only one who hype it up over American comics because they have a chip on their should about the "yankees"
          The dragon ball general has finally buckbroken Cinemaphile

    • 9 months ago

      What is a latinx?

      • 9 months ago
        Kotonohas' Husbando

        Gay left wing made up word for Mexicans. Only Democrats say it. The Mexicans never claimed it.

        • 9 months ago

          Now it's a really easy way to bother Mexicans. So it's rounded around to being based.

    • 9 months ago

      Why do you americ**ts act like you're in the comic book industry? What's with this pride? You gain nothing from it...

    • 9 months ago

      >Why do Latinx
      And why do Black folk like you use that slur?

      • 9 months ago

        It's the correct way to address them, chud.

        • 9 months ago

          t. literal chud

          • 9 months ago

            Nope, I'm Latinx as well.

      • 9 months ago

        Guaranteed you's

      • 9 months ago

        Shut up. I bet you think cis is a slur too

    • 9 months ago

      >Hard sales figures are actually a conspiracy by a fake race/cultural group
      meds now

    • 9 months ago

      And the french.,thirds%20of%20which%20were%20manga.

  2. 9 months ago

  3. 9 months ago

    I feel bad for DH. Disney keeps fricking them over.

    • 9 months ago

      You mean with the star wars and alien vs predator rights ?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah. Those were their big IP gets. Outside of that they have hellboy and beserk? Cant think of anything else of note they do.

  4. 9 months ago

    How much of this is just Berserk? I didn't really think anyone much cares about Hellsing or Berserk anymore

    • 9 months ago

      Sorry, Hellsing or Trigun.

      • 9 months ago

        Trigun is crazy popular right now because it just got a fully 3D anime reboot. There was a lot of clamor on Twitter to reprint the series and it happened, I assume recently a good chunk of that is new Trigun sales.

    • 9 months ago

      >How much of this is just Berserk?
      Probably 90%+

      • 9 months ago

        Berserk is a meme it doesn't sell that much. The biggest chunk of manga in the West is shoujo and shoujou friendly stuff. Girls spend way more than boys on readings

        • 9 months ago

          Girls don't necessarily read shoujo. At my nearest bookstore there are a lot of girls checking manga but there are very little shoujo ones.

        • 9 months ago

          >Berserk is a meme it doesn't sell that much
          Berserk is like the 10th best-selling comic series in America, frick are you smoking?
          No shoujo manga even comes close to it sales-wise in America.

          • 9 months ago

            Dog Man-sama I kneel

          • 9 months ago

            >mostly manga
            >most of the Western stuff is kids and YA comics
            >the top capeshit is Kirkman and Snyder
            Let me remind some of you gays: a lot of the YA Western titles there have a lot of gay shit in them. Gay shit sells, just not when Marvel and DC does it cause they suck at it.

            • 9 months ago

              Uhh, the only YA stuff there with a gay focus are Heartstopper and I think some of the Baby-Sitters Club stuff.
              There's also a literal yaoi manga (Given) towards the bottom of the list.
              Gay white people have enormous egos, good fricking lord.

    • 9 months ago

      The fact that anime and manga outsells the entire US comic industry should tell you that they should stop putting in propaganda in their works. It's all about forced diversity quotas or they refuse to sell what you create. Simple as. They seethe and cope by the fact that Japanese culture is significantly better or you might say perfect on many expectations and the fact that they do not allow propaganda (West) into their works of art. Many arguments often devolved into those seething and coping calling anime and manga "Tranime" To which they like to slur the insult that anime makes you trans. The only instances where "anime makes you trans" is those who have mental problems and proceed to self-mutilate and use anime is their personified imagery. That's where the concept originates from. If they would stop forcing diversity from ~~*Hollywood*~~ into the old works that were once ideally perfect (Like DC, Marvel, Others alike.) Then those works of art would be on the same level or possibly outshine anime and manga.

      Sorry, Hellsing or Trigun.

      FRICK YOU. Everyone I know loves Trigun, Hellsing and Berserk. You should get on anime MMORPG game sites and see how many uses their favorite characters from the anime series.

      • 9 months ago

        As much as I eyeroll at homosexualshit the biggest Manga has several gay and troony characters. It's a mixed bag because on one hand it's played as "They want to be free and true to themselves" and on the other they spend a year straight sexually harassing and assaulting the only straight man on their island to the point he levels up. And you can't even play the whole "that's different" since there's literally scenes of them saying exactly why they're rebel homosexuals. The issues with comics are much more in quality, price, and distribution.

        • 9 months ago

          Anon, if you think something like pic related is equivalent to an American comic featuring actual unironic troony talking points, you might be moronic.

          • 9 months ago

            Hence why I said a mixed bag but ultimately there's the talking points of "we want to be free" and the whole Ivanov telling the guy his dad was just a troony who wanted to be a woman so he should just deal with it.

            • 9 months ago

              "We want to be free" isn't a talking point, pretty much everyone on the planet prefers freedom to restrictions on what they enjoy.
              "I'm a trans person so life is super special extra hard for me because my doctor misgendered me" is a talking point.

              • 9 months ago

                It's a talking point when their freedom is expressly tied to the fact that they're trannies, homos, and drag queens. Moreso today than ever since the binary is now "Drag Queens deserve to be any and everywhere" and "Drag Queens are rapists"
                And that's not getting into the passable troony asking to be in the woman's bath and being accepted full heartedly.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's a talking point when their freedom is expressly tied to the fact that they're trannies, homos, and drag queens.
                Not when they express that by making their own island where they're free to be trannies, homos, and drag queens instead of trying to force everyone else on the planet to accept them.

          • 9 months ago

            Oda made fun of them in those chapters. It was not glorified in the least bit.

      • 9 months ago

        I seriously would love to know why this happened. This is not the 90's anymore where just a few manga/anime where known to the West.
        I literally only know a couple of guys who read comics (just 1 or 2 series) and they have been doing that for 30 years. It's extremely rare to see someone younger than 30 reading comics regularly while people who own manga is starting to be a commonplace.
        Literally how? Is not like the US did not had a editorial comic tradition or they ran out of writers for being in an authoritarian/totalitarian shithole. How did this happened? At this rate I see SK or even China catching up to Japan than the Us himself.

        I think it's simply because manga has a wider range of interests compared to western comics. From what I've always understood, the most popular or well known comics involve superheroes, namely from the Marvel and DC universe. Compared to manga you have a wide away of relatively unique stories in every genre you could possibly think of, and in some cases with exceptionally good art to boot. Japan has comics about stuff like being a chef or a figure skater for fricks sake.

        • 9 months ago

          Marvel/DC are only big in America. In Europe Donald Duck outsells both.

      • 9 months ago

        Tranime comes from the wests gorrid attempt at anime like with Teen Titans, Avatar and My Adventures with Superman. Or like how Netflix gets the rights to a bunch of shitty indie comics like Super Crooks and Scott Pilgrim and then have a actually Chinese or Korean studio make it semi watchable while claiming it's totally an original series from Japan.

        • 9 months ago

          you know the guy behind the 03 teen titans is a jap right

          • 9 months ago

            So it falls under my second statment of giving shitty IPs to another studio to make it semi watchable.

      • 9 months ago

        It's less a about "propaganda" and more about targeted demographics. For example yaoi is gay porn for women and it sells extremely well. Shonen is popular with young men and boys because that's the demographic. Simple as.

    • 9 months ago

      Shonen and Shoujo shit are more important. Those fat weeaboo girls spend a lot of money on manga. Marvel and DC try to lure the fat nerd chicks into buying capeshit by adding more and more trannies and gay kisses, without realizing thats not what nerdy girls buy manga for. First and foremost the men in media they consume have to be dreamy bad boys first with dark pasts and scar on a cheek. A prancing wimp who respects all women around him does not sell a comic book even to self-proclaimed feminists.

      • 9 months ago

        Hey anon, does that twitter pic make any reference to western comic graphic novels?

      • 9 months ago

        That 1 manga still on the shelf
        What is it?

    • 9 months ago

      They got a pretty substantial selection, tbh
      Berserk is definitely their heaviest hitter, but Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Blade of the Immortal, definitely aren't going to be slouches.

  5. 9 months ago

    The frick do they even publish outside of manga and those shitty Avatar comics?

    • 9 months ago

      The Mignolaverse stuff, Black Hammer, Usagi Yojimbo (I think it's there again atm but might be wrong) and lots of creator-owned one offs. Also lots of videogame artbooks.

      • 9 months ago

        >The Mignolaverse stuff
        I always forget that Hellboy is still kicking.
        Hopefully that last movie didn't flop hard enough to kill the franchise.

        • 9 months ago

          Mignola's years past his prime, but they still sell fine. The good '90s stuff is pretty much kept consistently in print, which is rare for Dark Horse. Anyway, the Deadpool/Suicide Squad demographic they were hoping to court with that abortion of a movie aren't the sort to buy comics anyway.

          • 9 months ago

            >The Mignolaverse stuff
            I always forget that Hellboy is still kicking.
            Hopefully that last movie didn't flop hard enough to kill the franchise.

            Isn't there a new game coming out soon too?

            • 9 months ago

              Yes, it's a beat 'em up with rogue elements.

        • 9 months ago

          It's in the same club as Spawn

  6. 9 months ago

    >check comic section at book store
    >its smaller the the manga section
    >full of capeshit and "critically acclaimed" autobiographies with bad art

    • 9 months ago

      >Book store
      You can just say B&N because LCS already cover the comic niche

      • 9 months ago

        Its actually a Books-a-Million, believe it or not. Most manga buyers aren't going to LCS if they even know they exist.

  7. 9 months ago

    >no comic stands
    >no comic stores (near me)
    >no book stores (near me), no Barnes&Noble or used bookstore
    >only amazon
    There's really no incentive to buy comics unless it's a well reviewed TPB. And that's all based on marketing. The classic DC comics sell well, as do hyped up new ones like Harleen or Three Jokers. They just need to market online better. It's a bit sad the only discussion on comics are in small online space, while manga has YouTube speculation videos with millions of views. Honestly, I think the best shot comic has is to go weekly, and to have issues free to read online. I've met more people who read webtoons than western comics. Of course, that would require slave labor (like Japan does to keep up with weekly deadlines), but who knows. Maybe AI will help speed things up.

    • 9 months ago

      Comic just
      >have more boring action than mangas
      >same boring stories over again
      >shitty melodrama
      >no diversity of genres, try to make a single demographic and ends with none.
      >only have two companies with no competition

      • 9 months ago

        ok but Dark Horse is literally none of this(except Disney, due to the Alien/Predator brands)

      • 9 months ago

        Fights are boring because comic book story arcs are much shorter than manga arcs. A manga arc can be 20-100 chapters. Meanwhile, a batbooks arc can be just five issues. And that's five months of nothing happening. Manga are weekly and a better watercooler talk

        • 9 months ago

          You don't need to make it battle series to do good action. Even 2 pages of well-choreographed action in an issue would be better than what we get now.

      • 9 months ago

        the real redpill moment was looking at how comics portray action scenes in comparison to manga.
        it used to be that manga did action scenes worst but now its the other way around.

        • 9 months ago

          People just want to see two guys beat the shit out of each other in an exciting way with some cute comedy thrown in.

        • 9 months ago

          >it used to be that manga did action scenes worse
          that was probably never the case
          Dragonball back in the 80s/90s had good action

        • 9 months ago

          Was that ever the case?
          Like the Japanese put out series that are nothing but fighting. Shit like Kengan Ashura might as well not have any plot or character backgrounds given how contrived and thin it is to justify the fights.
          I can't really think of a comic like that. The fights always feel secondary to the main focus that is the character drama.

          That is pretty consistent in the West.
          Only very Asian influenced stuff like Bloodsport broke that mold. But compare it to Rocky or Warrior.

          • 9 months ago

            >character drama
            Nowadays, that's secondary to a bunch of women sitting around eating and talking about food. I really miss the character drama.

  8. 9 months ago

    Outlaw Star > Trigun >>>>>>>> Bebop

  9. 9 months ago

    >It's important to remember that manga was made for Japanese readers.
    I'm confused, what does that have to do with anything he said after?

    • 9 months ago

      Manga is a Japanese product made for the Japanese market, comics are a western product made for the western market, manga sells better in the western market than comics do, and although I don’t have any data I doubt comics sell better in Japan than manga does.

    • 9 months ago

      It's a cope where he's claiming that because managa is made from Japan by Japanese people that no one actually unserstands or relates to it and that the sales are all bullshit when in reality western media is just shit and no one likes gayot commie liberals.

  10. 9 months ago

    >Cinemaphile routinely says how much they hate current american american comics
    >someone brings up manga’s successes in america in response
    >Cinemaphile immediately goes full autist arguing against it

    • 9 months ago

      Cinemaphile doesn't read comics period because Cinemaphile doesn't actually bother to explore past the comfort zone

    • 9 months ago

      I'm gonna guess that they aren't the same person anon. But also I want every weeb c**t to remember pic related.

    • 9 months ago

      It's because you keep spamming the same threads over and over you stupid Hispanic.
      And the mods defend your trolling ass, which makes it even worse.

    • 9 months ago

      It's shills and troons anon. Saying X is better than why is an easily dismissable opinion, proving that X is better than Y triggers the goym slaves who now must destroy all facts because it makes them look bad.

    • 9 months ago

      They've never recovered from demon slayer mogging the big 2

      • 9 months ago

        I think that comparison is actually interesting.
        While most of Shueisha's shonen manga catalog is very samey from one installment to the next and corporate definitely has a set formula they make authors abide by, the appearance of series being independent is massively valuable for them.
        Like the diversity of one run of Batman or Spider-Man to another run of Batman or Spider-Man under a potentially entirely different writer, artist, and editor set, is at least in line with the difference between a group of manga like Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, and My Hero Academia. But the legacy of them comics using the same names and characters for decades at a time is a blessing and a curse.

        People inevitably consider comics more 'samey' to themselves when the names stick, even if the characters and scenarios differ.
        People inevitably consider comics more confusing and impenetrable, even if the continuity between any run and another is often almost nil.
        People inevitably consider comics to be bigger in size and more corporate, even if both are the products of massive multinational publishing firms.

        If Batman died in the 70s and was replaced by the 'technically different' Night Raven, who in turn was replaced by Black Hawk in the 90s, who then was replaced by Darkwing in the 00s, even if the stories for any respective era were the same as OTL, the perception of those comics would be entirely different.
        The perception of comics in general would have been entirely different if that habit of ending a series but then serializing a similar successor was picked up.
        Really interesting.

  11. 9 months ago

    When will they learn no one wants to buy floppies

    If burgers had to deal with shit like shonen jump, it would've never caught on.

    • 9 months ago

      >People still buy floppies which is why they're still making them even if in lower numbers than before
      >Hurrr Dark Horse should stop buying floppies because I claim no one buys them

      You are part of the problem

      • 9 months ago

        Don't care, I'm not buying 30 pages for four dollars

      • 9 months ago

        >Company makes floppies
        >Morons buy floppies
        >People who aren't morons don't buy floppies
        >Normies don't buy floppies
        >Company assumes they should continue to structure their entire business around floppies when better selling alternatives exist
        >Company assumes they should continue to structure their entire business around floppies when better selling companies are using better selling alternatives

        You are the entire problem. Floppies are a dead fricking model and need to go the way of the dinosaur.

        • 9 months ago

          >Normies don't buy floppies but morons buy floppies
          >Therefore we need to get rid of floppies because no one buys them even though there are people buying them
          >claim that Dark Horse is only making floppies
          >even though they publish floppies and OGNs and licensed manga

          You are 200% the problem and why no one listens to advice on here

          • 9 months ago

            >Normies don't buy floppies but morons buy floppies
            >Therefore we need to get rid of floppies because no one buys them even though there are people buying them
            Yes. And companies certainly shouldn't be basing their entire sales model around them.
            >claim that Dark Horse is only making floppies
            >shit that never happened

        • 9 months ago

          Floppies are the only thing keeping the industry alive because of how much more money it makes than GN sales for publishers.

          • 9 months ago

            So when you base everything around a single model, that single model is the only thing keeping you alive? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    • 9 months ago

      I'd buy floppies if I didn't have to exclusively go to my LCS.
      Bring them back to CVS

  12. 9 months ago

    Western stuff is getting put out?

  13. 9 months ago

    When does trigun new collected edition come out already?

    • 9 months ago

      Amazon has it listed as December 19.

  14. 9 months ago

    I seriously would love to know why this happened. This is not the 90's anymore where just a few manga/anime where known to the West.
    I literally only know a couple of guys who read comics (just 1 or 2 series) and they have been doing that for 30 years. It's extremely rare to see someone younger than 30 reading comics regularly while people who own manga is starting to be a commonplace.
    Literally how? Is not like the US did not had a editorial comic tradition or they ran out of writers for being in an authoritarian/totalitarian shithole. How did this happened? At this rate I see SK or even China catching up to Japan than the Us himself.

    • 9 months ago

      The american comic book industry is full of hacks and nepotism. Manga offers variety and quality and you can pick up any series without being forced to read several others because crossovers.

    • 9 months ago

      Unironically find general terms that don't apply to manga and apply to comics and vice versa. For example, for comics we have runs, interior/cover artists.

    • 9 months ago

      Manga is just simply better. Higher quality, better art, more interesting stories/characters etc. I guess you can try to think that logically, but honestly it's just simple as that, manga is a better product.

      • 9 months ago

        >more interesting stories/characters etc
        pft, ha.

        • 9 months ago

          I dunno man, compared to comics I'd definitely say manga has the more interesting stories/characters/settings.
          You're not gonna find something like Blame in comics.

    • 9 months ago

      Most modern comics have this thing were they actively make the reader stay away from them.
      Example super sons. DC had it right when they started to promote jon. Boy who just awakened his powers then finds out his father is superman. This is the exact formula japs use. But DC had the bright idea of aging him up AND shoving in a bunch of social justice. Guess what kids don't like that. They identified with the young hero, not the aberration from tumblr.
      But hey at least it sold....right?

      • 9 months ago

        >Example super sons. DC had it right when they started to promote jon. Boy who just awakened his powers then finds out his father is superman. This is the exact formula japs use. But DC had the bright idea of aging him up AND shoving in a bunch of social justice. Guess what kids don't like that. They identified with the young hero, not the aberration from tumblr.
        how is tumblr still used as a boogeyman in the year of our lord 2023? it's been dead since 2017, you can stop beating the corpse.

        • 9 months ago

          They could keep Jon a kid and make him a homosexual because pedophilia is frowned upon. Plus kids aren't interested in politics so he could never be a mouthpiece either.

          • 9 months ago

            >They could keep Jon a kid and make him a homosexual because pedophilia is frowned upon. Plus kids aren't interested in politics so he could never be a mouthpiece either.
            yeah but was this DC or specifically ~~*bendis*~~

    • 9 months ago

      Manga has a variety of not only genre but talent. It’s the same problem with the cartoon industry. It’s the same people all coming from the same places. Comics and Cartoons did need diversity but not the type they thought.

      • 9 months ago

        These industries are dead. Making these threads is pointless.
        Anyone who would go over to manga and anime already did.

        • 9 months ago

          Manga has a variety of not only genre but talent. It’s the same problem with the cartoon industry. It’s the same people all coming from the same places. Comics and Cartoons did need diversity but not the type they thought.

          Let the thread die already. Cinemaphile is already extremely slow.

      • 9 months ago

        What show is that quote talking about? That new Superman one?

        • 9 months ago

          Based on those names, yep.
          God the American cartoon industry really is just the same few dozen chucklefricks in a revolving door.

      • 9 months ago

        I think Western comics should adopt the Weekly Shonen model:
        >Each book is put out weekly and costs less than $5
        Makes for an easy impulse purchase for kids and their parents. By comparison, a single issue of a comic nowadays is about $5.
        >Book contains a single issue (chapter) of many ongoings, pic related has 1 chapter of 21 different series.
        Allows you to get interested in another series that you probably wouldn't have gone out of your way to read before.
        >Sold outside of LCS or bookstores.
        It's sold in the same kind of places where comics used to be sold.

        • 9 months ago

          WSJ didn't even work over here, it went to digital like a decade ago. US printing prices meant they cost $10 over here.

          • 9 months ago

            There's a world of difference of selling WSJ in the West and adopting the WSJ publishing model:
            1. WSJ itself didn't work over here because it was importing only the titles that already sold well in another country.
            2. The point of the WSJ model is that its consumer friendly while promoting competition and diversity. Your series has its run in the weekly book and it either succeeds or it fails.
            The whole point is to bring in an audience to wide range of titles instead of just the one that they're interested in.

          • 9 months ago

            >Weekly Shonen Jump-style book published in the US would cost the consumer $10
            $10 will get you 2 or maybe 3 floppies nowadays. So, let's say 1 issue of 3 different series. One volume of a WSJ book has 1 issue of 20+ series for the same price, pic related. It's most of the titles featured in the issue of WSJ pictured here

            I think Western comics should adopt the Weekly Shonen model:
            >Each book is put out weekly and costs less than $5
            Makes for an easy impulse purchase for kids and their parents. By comparison, a single issue of a comic nowadays is about $5.
            >Book contains a single issue (chapter) of many ongoings, pic related has 1 chapter of 21 different series.
            Allows you to get interested in another series that you probably wouldn't have gone out of your way to read before.
            >Sold outside of LCS or bookstores.
            It's sold in the same kind of places where comics used to be sold.

        • 9 months ago

          You can't do this in print but you can attempt this as a website service like webtoons or tapas. They have a similar model where they only sign on series that do well on their free sections. Problem is these series could only be doing well due to a variety of factors, none of which imply they would succeed in a larger market. So you end up with thousands of tumblr tier LGBT comics that generate the same amount of buzz as the next comic, but no heavy-hitters.

    • 9 months ago

      American comics spent over a generation basically ignoring kids/teens. All their stories were aimed at like 40+ year old men. Basically the people who were writing the comics then. Kids then looked elsewhere for entertainment, like video games and manga/anime, and now that a new generation has no interest in American comics they wonder what happened.

      • 9 months ago

        >American comics spent over a generation basically ignoring kids/teens. All their stories were aimed at like 40+ year old men. Basically the people who were writing the comics then. Kids then looked elsewhere for entertainment, like video games and manga/anime, and now that a new generation has no interest in American comics they wonder what happened.
        it honestly has nothing to do with this, it's because manga comes from single authors with clear visions while comcis read like a schizophrenic's hastily scrawled ramblings on the walls of their padded cell while editorial control usually just attempts to keep the stuff written the writers own shit off the canvas. You know why morrison is usually used as an example of good capeshit? it's not because he's a particuarly good writer but because he usually get to finish and entire story at the very least.

        • 9 months ago

          People like Morrison were part of the problem. Constantly trying to break down these superhero characters into stories that have zero mass appeal beyond comic lifers. It's why none of Morrison's old work really sells anymore.

          • 9 months ago

            >People like Morrison were part of the problem. Constantly trying to break down these superhero characters into stories that have zero mass appeal beyond comic lifers. It's why none of Morrison's old work really sells anymore.
            that's not the point though, he's a big enough name that he gets to tell a beginning, middle, and end without interruption and without much editorial interference. It keeps his tone, characters and world consistent long enough to tell a complete story.

          • 9 months ago

            Not at all, he made comics that appealed to teenagers which should be your #1 target.

            • 9 months ago

              >he made comics that appealed to teenagers

              No he did not. He wrote comics that appealed to him - an adult who grew up reading trashy cape pulp but whose pretentious pseudointellectualism prohibited him from admitting he likes junk food literature. He therefore wrote his own stories glorifying capes as some kind of modern ur-narrative that evokes the greater cosmic human spirit or whatever. His core fanbase are other arrested development adults. He is exactly the kind of manchild skewered by Moore.

              Any teenagers caught up in his cape religion were just incidentals on their way to becoming like him, looking for a way to justify their childish comics as "literature".

        • 9 months ago

          >You know why morrison is usually used as an example of good capeshit?
          Fortunately, not anymore around here.

      • 9 months ago

        Also doesn't help that their solution to this is to just double down.
        Like when that hack homosexual Gerry Conway was b***hing about manga being "problematic" given how it's more popular with younger readers.
        Comics have become an industry associated with soccer mom tier behavior and creators who hate their audience, and the people responsible wonder why anyone who isn't a battered fanboy tends to avoid the industry as a whole.

        • 9 months ago

          The average person still thinks comics are for nerds, and they’re right. They’ll gladly watch a Spider-Man movie and play the game on PlayStation, but wouldn’t be caught dead reading the shit they think is for losers.

    • 9 months ago

      Superheroes have been perceived as inaccessible and not everyone is into them, while the indie scene has been focused on hating genre fiction and making weird edgy shit normies don't want to read. Basically few people are making comics a manga reader would want to pick up, and fewer still are promoted by publishers and easy available.

      • 9 months ago

        How is this a reasonable thing for companies to expect people to shell out 20 different comics and issues to follow a storyline, that's insane and schizophrenic and most people just aren't rabidly devoted enough to give a shit. The few that do can read Comics online all gathered in one spot quickly and not be strangled by this insane practice.

        When you have the sooo unthinkable idea in manga of just going "Start at chapter 1, read forward" it's no wonder they're kicking Western comics ass.

    • 9 months ago

      Marvel and DC oversaturated the market, and now only use it to promote merchandise.
      Because of this, comics are now a niche genre where you only succeed in them if you've been in the industry for decades prior, or were successful in other venues, like that guy who created the Rippaverse.

    • 9 months ago

      Manga is just better overal.

      No gays
      No trannies
      No blacks
      People look beautiful
      Straight relationships
      Zero propaganda
      Better art
      More variety
      More publishers

      Also western comics are pretty notorious for taking down pirated concent while managa could not give less of a shit. Just look at manga dex, even their policies of not hosting series that get offical translations from western publishers means jack shit and big names series just have all their chapters on there for free.

      • 9 months ago

        >No gays
        >No trannies
        >No blacks
        >People look beautiful
        >Straight relationships
        >Zero propaganda
        >Better art
        >More variety
        >More publishers
        Are you sure any of that applies to manga? Have you actually tried reading it?

      • 9 months ago

        >No gays
        Blue Lock is homolust in every way just short of boys kissing
        >No trannies
        My Hero has two
        >No blacks
        Pic related
        >People look beautiful
        They draw humans based of cat anatomy, that's why they look cute
        >Straight relationships
        NTR cuckery is fine as long as there's no blacks, right?
        >Zero propaganda
        Listen to the dubs
        >Better art
        >More variety
        >More publishers
        Oh great you're one of those morons who thinks reverting back the the 50s would magically fix the industry

        • 9 months ago

          >cherry picking
          >troons used as an object of mockery
          >no pic because there are none
          >more lies
          >dubs ever
          >the 50s didn't have this issue so yes
          >go 41 yourself

          • 9 months ago

            >Troons used as a point of mockery
            The only real Mockery with Tiger is (s)he still wears a woman's uniform despite getting a sex change but is probably the manliest character besides Crimson Riot...and that's just because that's literally that guy's only line

          • 9 months ago

            >the 50s didn't have this issue
            That's because you didn't have to hunt down obscure shops to buy comics you fat tard

          • 9 months ago

            >troons used as an object of mockery
            How can you say that about my husbando?

      • 9 months ago

        >Straight relationships
        tengoku daimakyo

      • 9 months ago

        These is a shit ton of manga aimed at gay audiences. Cinemaphile has fricking yaoi and yuri boards for those subcultures.

    • 9 months ago

      I think that comparison is actually interesting.
      While most of Shueisha's shonen manga catalog is very samey from one installment to the next and corporate definitely has a set formula they make authors abide by, the appearance of series being independent is massively valuable for them.
      Like the diversity of one run of Batman or Spider-Man to another run of Batman or Spider-Man under a potentially entirely different writer, artist, and editor set, is at least in line with the difference between a group of manga like Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, and My Hero Academia. But the legacy of them comics using the same names and characters for decades at a time is a blessing and a curse.

      People inevitably consider comics more 'samey' to themselves when the names stick, even if the characters and scenarios differ.
      People inevitably consider comics more confusing and impenetrable, even if the continuity between any run and another is often almost nil.
      People inevitably consider comics to be bigger in size and more corporate, even if both are the products of massive multinational publishing firms.

      If Batman died in the 70s and was replaced by the 'technically different' Night Raven, who in turn was replaced by Black Hawk in the 90s, who then was replaced by Darkwing in the 00s, even if the stories for any respective era were the same as OTL, the perception of those comics would be entirely different.
      The perception of comics in general would have been entirely different if that habit of ending a series but then serializing a similar successor was picked up.
      Really interesting.

      I think much of it is purely perception.
      People think that comics are bloated and too full of 60 years of legacy that you must have an encyclopedic understanding of to read anything. And sometimes that is relatively true, but most of the time it really isn't that important.

      Comics would be in a much better place if they'd adopted the Japanese model of serializing separate series that all address similar archetypes and themes, instead of keeping around franchises and cycling through different writers and stories within them.
      The appearance of diversity and difference is very important to reception.

      A series like Jujutsu Kaisen is extremely immersed in older shonen manga when it comes to its writing. Constantly referencing them, using their ideas to drive its story, etc.
      But, because it has a unique title, readers don't feel any unease about diving into it. It has more to do with older manga than most modern comics do with older comics, but an outsider can't tell that from the cover.

      • 9 months ago

        Hit the nail on the head.
        Part of the success in manga marketing is having them all be separate IPs despite doing very similar shit.

  15. 9 months ago

    I’m not even aware of what comics Dark Horse currently puts out and I read Western comics. Looking at this thread it seems that they release all the Hellboy stuff and that’s all that catches my eye. I know they used to release Predator comics but that’s Marvel now. Meanwhile with manga I know they do Berserk since that’s been going on for years and the Trigun deluxe editions are releasing soon and as a fan of the anime I’m interested in picking those up. That quote seems dire at first but to me it just looks like they got a couple big name manga with huge fanbases while not putting out as many Western comics that have that same draw

  16. 9 months ago

    I could have sworn there were more with this OP image.

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe you need to search the text

    • 9 months ago

      They may have just been out and out deleted instead of archived.

      • 9 months ago

        newbie, deleted posts are also archived.
        They'll have a little trashcan icon next to the post to indicate such.

        • 9 months ago

          >newbie, deleted posts are also archived
          Then they're not really "deleted" are they?

          • 9 months ago

            It does, because they're deleted on Cinemaphile.
            Archives like tbharchive are third party archives that archive everything no matter what (with some exceptions).
            The actual Cinemaphile archives for the site proper don't archive deleted posts.

          • 9 months ago

            Deleted from Cinemaphile's archive, but not from 3rd party archives. Pretty much nothing is deleted in the latter unless it's literal CP.

          • 9 months ago

            Third party archives save everything except for CP and doxx

  17. 9 months ago

    Thought about publishing my own comics, but honestly, I think the webtoon comic would work better for me anyway.

    • 9 months ago

      If you are not interested about money and are doing it just to express yourself either way should be fine.

  18. 9 months ago

    People prefer long running epics with world-building over episodic stories. Because each episodic end is a drop-off point for any reader.

    • 9 months ago

      >People prefer long running epics with world-building over episodic stories.
      Except they don't? I'd rather read a miniseries or a short run of 25-30 issues than some 1000+ issue crap like One Piece, which is full of unnecessary story arcs and many illogical moments in the plot. And I'm guessing most people are like me in that regard. I had a hard time reading all 75 issues of Sandman despite liking the story and being a huge fan of Gaiman as a writer (American Gods is probably one of my favourite fantasy books aside from Tolkien's), and you expect zoomers with their short attention spans to follow manga storylines for 200+ episodes? Nah, you're asking too much of them. Most zoom-zooms can't even follow a movie which lasts for more than 2 hours, and even millennials complained about movies like The Irishman or Oppenheimer being too long (3 hours).

      • 9 months ago

        >and you expect zoomers with their short attention spans to follow manga storylines for 200+ episodes?
        Anon, 200 chapters isn't much at all.
        Just looking at current big manga in America:
        >Chainsaw Man - 141 chapters
        >Kimetsu no Yaiba - 205 chapters
        >Jujutsu Kaisen - 233 chapters
        >My Hero Academia - Almost 400 chapters
        >Spy X Family - 87 chapters
        You could probably read through the entirety of KnY for instance in like 2-3 days even if you are an ADHD-addled zoomer.

        • 9 months ago

          >You could probably read through the entirety of KnY for instance in like 2-3 days even if you are an ADHD-addled zoomer.
          Strangely this. I feel like manga tends to be a lighter read than most comics nowadays. They are full of text, like a wannabe novel with pretty pictures instead of drawing the storytelling and have some text to explain details.

          I can read basically any manga of hundreds of chapters in a couple of days but comics feel like a chore.

          • 9 months ago

            >They are full of text, like a wannabe novel with pretty pictures instead of drawing the storytelling and have some text to explain details.

            Pick up any bendy book to see this in action.

      • 9 months ago

        >Except they don't?
        Are you asking us? Because despite your personal tastes, the general audience is favoring manga. Judge by the rule not the exception.

  19. 9 months ago

    What's the point of these threads?
    You're not going to convince brainrotted capeshitters to stop consooming capeshit.
    You're not doing any favors to people who already like manga and would like to discuss it here peaceably without capeshitters chimping out.
    You're not helping yourself with this constant need to repeat the same things in every one of these threads (Manga has more variety...).

    • 9 months ago

      The point anon is probably just dumb arguments and shitflinging. This is a bait thread and we're all stupider for commenting instead of reporting this piece of shit.

    • 9 months ago

      >You're not going to convince brainrotted capeshitters to stop consooming capeshit
      I like Manga but frick you incel weeaboo. Constructing you're fragile ego around what comics you read and being an adversarial dick about it is lousy and sad.

      • 9 months ago

        You're the fragile one here.
        I like some capeshit and am not the biggest fan of manga (I like a little bit of everything), but what I said is true.
        If you're planning on reading the next issue of Batman or Spider-Man, you're brainrotted as frick.

      • 9 months ago

        He's right though, if you still read Marvel/DC cape comics it can only be assumed that you're a battered housewife fanboy.

    • 9 months ago

      Wrong. There's a board for manga and anime discussion and you don't belong here.
      Obviously no one has stopped you but you are trespassing regardless. When I want to discuss Japanese media I go to that board.
      This is about European and American media.

      • 9 months ago

        Are you moronic or did you misclick?

        • 9 months ago

          What did you find hard to understand?

          • 9 months ago

            Read what you replied to and then read your comment. How are they related?

  20. 9 months ago

    Because Japs don't do SJW shit.

    • 9 months ago

      This is a pretty large part of it. The people in charge of the american entertainment industry in general are *very* out of touch with what audiences want. I know that they've injected their personal politics into their works for a long, long time, but they at least used to prioritize being entertaining.

    • 9 months ago

      Damn if I was more creative Id draw pages to go with this

  21. 9 months ago

    In these arguments, people rarely bring up hot girls are now seldom in comics. Look at the past where super chicks wore bathing suits for their costumes. They had big breasts and ass, beautiful eyes and hair. Now not so much. I could be reading a manga about demons and aliens invading the human race, and all throughout are hot b***hes I would frick, gratuitous nudity for no reason, panels where ass and breasts are the focus of the shot, etc. It makes me feel like this product is for me. I am not seeing some fat chick look at the audience and tell me men should be sent to the ukraine to die.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah but thats not the only problem. If DC and Marvel really want more female audience for their capeshit, then they need to have more hot men as well, which they fail to provide because in order to make a dude hot, he would have to be a capable "bad boy" type of character. Something that the feminists working on DC and Marvel won't allow.

    • 9 months ago

      All those manga and anime with nothing but fan service don’t sell jack shit in the US. Western audiences aren’t going nuts over any of that shit. Why do you think games like Dead or Alive and Senran Kagura died? Because there’s no interest for them outside of Japan. To Love Ru and other horny shit doesn’t sell. The same happened with comics. Fricking look at Mortal Kombat: they sold MORE when they started covering the women a bit more. Sex appeal isn’t that big of a deal when it comes to Western audiences, readers and viewers.

      • 9 months ago

        >All those manga and anime with nothing but fan service don’t sell jack shit in the US.
        Uhh, fanservice-heavy manga like Sono Bisque Doll, Assassination Classroom, and Nagatoro are top selling series in America.

        • 9 months ago

          >Dress Up Darling
          The major focus is on the romcom, not the fan service, not to mention the manga is a lot tamer than the anime. People aren’t buying that for the fan service; readers are genuinely reading it cause they like the warm and fuzzy love story. The fan service is a plus, not the point.
          I’ll give you that one, but that’s ONE.
          Wdym!? That shit BARELY has any fan service.
          Even then… That’s three. THREE. The rest of the best selling stuff doesn’t have that much fan service and it’s not the focus of it. One Piece or Bleach having big titty women doesn’t mean that’s all people wanna see from Bleach. That stuff is a bonus. When I mean fan service heavy shit, I’m talking about shit like Senran Kagura, ToLoveRu, the seasonal isekai shit, the usual shitty soft core porn stuff that’s also an isekai, Redo of Healer and so on. Straight up degenerate shit. That is the stuff that doesn’t sell in the West.

          • 9 months ago

            >No those don't count
            Massive cope

          • 9 months ago

            >When I mean fan service heavy shit, I’m talking about shit like Senran Kagura, ToLoveRu, the seasonal isekai shit, the usual shitty soft core porn stuff that’s also an isekai, Redo of Healer and so on.
            Well first of all, Senran Kagura is a video game.
            Your average seasonal isekai shit is usually based on a light novel, not a manga.
            Redo of Healer isn't ecchi, Redo of Healer is borderline h, in the same category as stuff like Parallel Paradise and Meikyuu Harem where the only thing that makes them not a hentai is the lack of drawn (pixelated) genitals.
            But beyond that, even stuff like My Hero Academia has fanservice with plenty of nudity, and OPM's manga is full of sexy designs. Not to mention stuff like Fire Force and Fairy Tail.
            Fanservice != outright sex

  22. 9 months ago

    Why do you fricktarded c**tnugget Cinemaphileutists come to this board if you hate Comics and Cartoons so much and love Anime and Manga so much?
    Is it because you're an extremely severely mentally ill sociopath and the "precious" dopamine rush you get from violating Global Rule 3 by posting east vs west troll threads is the only thing preventing you from realizing that your life is absolutely worthless and killing yourself?
    I demand you answer me.
    Everyone else, report him as soon as possible and as much as possible for the greater good of this board.

  23. 9 months ago

    Nearly every superhero book since the late 80s has been doing their best to be Alan Moore's Watchmen. It's why people just go buy Watchmen over reading something new.

  24. 9 months ago

    I am just going to the comic-con for the Dragon Ball anime/movie/web anime annoucement.

  25. 9 months ago

    Dark Horse manga sucks because they struggle to keep shit in print and reprints take too long.
    TPBs and etc also have this same problem except usually if something goes OOP you'll be waiting ten years for it to get reprinted.

  26. 9 months ago

    i mean dark horse publishes some pretty popular manga

  27. 9 months ago

    >1% output
    >66% sales
    Sweet frick, thats sad since Dark Horse makes some great comics
    That Conan story time was nice, as was hell boy and Sin city

  28. 9 months ago

    I actually have no idea what western stuff Dark Horse even puts out.
    >t. manga reader

    • 9 months ago


      >1% output
      >66% sales
      Sweet frick, thats sad since Dark Horse makes some great comics
      That Conan story time was nice, as was hell boy and Sin city

      • 9 months ago

        They made Hell Boy AND Sin City and no one buys their comics or even knows about them? Kek. I love both the movies based on the comics, never read the comics. You can’t say they’re totally without influence, but it stays at the box office.
        I’d argue it has to do with how comics have completely tarnished their reputation in the past decade. People do not forgive easily in America when you bite the hand of the customer. I personally do not buy Western comics on principle now. Not until I see the industry completely choke and new, actually talented blood comes from the ashes of it.

        • 9 months ago

          Damn I understand hellboy but you didnt read sin city?

          • 9 months ago

            Unironically hellboy is the superior comic, sin city is hit or miss.

            • 9 months ago

              Sin City is better.

        • 9 months ago

          Damn I understand hellboy but you didnt read sin city?

          eh both are hit and misses in my opinion but the misses of hellboy are more frequent for me

  29. 9 months ago

    Dirty American Samoa eat fat cow and pig so fat like pig and dumb as chicken
    Proud japanese man eat fast cat and strong dog japanese children smart as cat and strong as dog

  30. 9 months ago

    Capeshit should be considered an entirely different category, since it's a bunch of IP characters being passed around with different writers and artists. Manga should be more comparable to non-capeshit titles from works, of which there are plenty, just not as heavily advertised as capeshit.

  31. 9 months ago
  32. 9 months ago

    Their only big comic property right now is Hellboy.
    When it comes to manga they have tons of big names.
    Hellboy isn't a slouch of a franchise, but when that is all you have, no shit your heavy hitter manga roster is going to outsell it collectively.

    • 9 months ago

      >When it comes to manga they have tons of big names.
      The only big names I can think of that they have that are still relevant are Berserk and Mob Psycho 100.
      Almost everything else is old, long-finished stuff that most people don't care about anymore.

  33. 9 months ago

    We've been over this. The answer is because our animation industry is fricked. Manga doesn't even do well in Japan the industry stays afloat due to boost in advertising thanks to anime. If every decent comic got a show like Invincible the comics industry would be booming.

    • 9 months ago

      >Manga doesn't even do well in Japan
      You're moronic, and your cope doesn't even make sense because plenty of comics get animated series and the comics still remain irrelevant.
      Some good recent examples being Super Crooks and Hit Monkey.

    • 9 months ago

      >Manga doesn't even do well in Japan the industry stays afloat due to boost in advertising thanks to anime.

  34. 9 months ago

    clean it up, janny.

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