the Fallout show

This was really, really bad.

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  1. 1 month ago


  2. 1 month ago

    There's no reality in which it was objectively bad. It was well written, well paced and never dragged, the chick wasn't a mary sue, there's nothing to complain about.
    Of course you have nothing TO complain about because you're just another contrarian dipshit who cannot think for himself and chose to post this instead of another humiliation ritual thread.
    You were probably an unironic shotcaller general poster too.

    • 1 month ago

      the show sucks ass
      its 90 minutes of awesome surrounded by 7 hours of the worlds worst CW show

      • 1 month ago

        Nice try you reddit tier homosexual, but you're going to have to come up with some real criticisms like a big boy.

        • 1 month ago

          Not a single argument, not one. This is a plague on Cinemaphile for awhile now. I'm a casual fallout fan and I thought the show was fine, it kept true to a lot of the elements of the show, though I did think Maximus was a b***h but loved the action scenes and most characters.

          you have no argument why its even good besides IMDB ratings, you homosexual
          everything surrounding the BoS is objectively moronic down to them not even figuring out how backpack straps work
          the Halo series-tier writing is objectively shit, flashbacks that literally only exist in the show just to create unnecessary plotholes and cliffhangers for season, the nepobabies who made this show are so bad at writing they have to answer plotholes created by a scene where lucy looks at a chalkboard for exposition and the morons who made this piece of shit just forgot to add another date
          Lore retcons that literally only exist to serve the badly written plot
          costumes from the production team from a literal trillion dollar company that look worse than fan made cosplay
          basically any part of the show not involving the ghoul is shit, ergo 80% of the show is unwatchable dogshit that only reddit marvel fans like

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah I do, this is my post

            That's not pacing that's just general editing decisions.
            I enjoyed the show in general and I can still easily think of something to criticize that the contrarian toads who make these threads cannot be bothered to do.
            The good
            >Well written characters
            >Solid acting across the board
            >Never drags, always interesting
            >Generally great costume and set design with some exceptions
            >more Goggins

            The bad
            >Maximus is lore accurate but his moronation is hard to take
            >Would have been nice to see more proper mutants from the lore
            >The set reuse is a little heavy, those desolate row houses in the sand were used too much
            >Some really blatant mistakes, like the ghoul being able to go mega badass on the brotherhood with one simple trick that should have let him drop maximus in one shot back in the second episode.

            Now frick off and try again you no argument gay.

            • 1 month ago

              >>Well written characters
              acting across the board
              drags, always interesting
              you are legit moronic and have bad taste, go watch madame web

              • 1 month ago

                Gee what an argument you have there.
                Just post humiliation ritual memes next time and stop making shit threads like this one.

            • 1 month ago

              You have no arguments

    • 1 month ago

      shut the frick up you Black personhomosexual. I loved the Fallout games. this show is an insult to anyone who really cares about the established canon and unique tone of the [good] games. I watched the show the form my own opinion instead of parroting what fa/tv/irgins keep saying. but turns out they were right.

      the show is a generic streaming piece of shit with a superficial Fallout skin. there's absolutely nothing in the plot or the characters to care about or be invested in. it's basically just a cartoon for adults. it's insulting that this is the best they could give us and now the future of the games is fricking ruined.

      • 1 month ago

        >I loved the fallout games
        And you can stop there you insufferable whining toad.

        • 1 month ago

          >you like the source material? nope, opinion discarded

          How does this even make sense? have a nice day.

      • 1 month ago

        >It wasn't exactly like [source material] therefore it was bad.

        This is the worst type of criticism

        • 1 month ago

          I didn't say it had to be exactly like the games. I would have been mad if it was just a show version of one of the games.

          The problem is that if you use an established media franchise as the draw to your original show, you should at least make it feel like that franchise.

          • 1 month ago

            It felt exactly like the bethesda games which is who the memberberries it does have are targeted at.
            You think someones going to drop 100million dollars just to appeal to a few contrarians who played the 1997 dos game and are pushing 50 now, and are complete insufferable c**ts who would hate everything no matter what?
            Compared to something like halo it's the sopranos of vidya shows. In reality it hits a good balance to bring in normies and not offend any of the fans of the games who aren't completely insane morons.
            And for reference I played every one of the bethesda games, The interplay originals were just not something I ever tried in the day.

            • 1 month ago

              >the show doesn't have to be good
              well no shit it's streaming trash

    • 1 month ago

      it actually wasn't well paced. the pilot for example shouldn't have shown the Brotherhood of Steel before Lucy got out of the vault. That moment should have been the first time the audience sees the post-war wasteland along with Lucy. Instead they intercut it with the Maximus part for no reason, and their parts weren't even equally long.
      Then for the rest of the show characters keep going in circles and bumping into each other several times.

      • 1 month ago

        That's not pacing that's just general editing decisions.
        I enjoyed the show in general and I can still easily think of something to criticize that the contrarian toads who make these threads cannot be bothered to do.
        The good
        >Well written characters
        >Solid acting across the board
        >Never drags, always interesting
        >Generally great costume and set design with some exceptions
        >more Goggins

        The bad
        >Maximus is lore accurate but his moronation is hard to take
        >Would have been nice to see more proper mutants from the lore
        >The set reuse is a little heavy, those desolate row houses in the sand were used too much
        >Some really blatant mistakes, like the ghoul being able to go mega badass on the brotherhood with one simple trick that should have let him drop maximus in one shot back in the second episode.

      • 1 month ago

        Was there any mention of based Caesar and his legions backstory? No Joshua Graham? I couldn’t make it past 10 minutes of episode one.

    • 1 month ago

      the show sucks ass
      its 90 minutes of awesome surrounded by 7 hours of the worlds worst CW show

      Not a single argument, not one. This is a plague on Cinemaphile for awhile now. I'm a casual fallout fan and I thought the show was fine, it kept true to a lot of the elements of the show, though I did think Maximus was a b***h but loved the action scenes and most characters.

      I only played finished one Fallout game
      its clear they made the entire series for the current political climate

  3. 1 month ago

    >all the women, gays, and Black folk get blown the frick out.
    >all the best and good characters are White
    >all the shitty and evil characters are nonWhite
    Yes I'm sure you hated it Pajeet.

  4. 1 month ago

    >ayo we wuz steel bruthaz in da hood in shieeet

  5. 1 month ago

    turned it off in first 10 minutes
    terrible shit

  6. 1 month ago


  7. 1 month ago

    i really tried to give it a chance but its genuinely fricking horrible, and all the praise its getting is solid proof to me that most people have genuinely bad taste, and that i am incredibly lucky any time something with artistic merit is actually released.

    • 1 month ago

      you are, do you know how many bad movies and TV shows were made?

  8. 1 month ago

    What bothered me was the lack of creativity in the writing.
    Location: California (established lore)
    Quest: save father (fallout 3)
    Save family member? turns out he's evil (fallout 4)
    Everyone wants a chip (Fallout NV)
    Powerful faction: Brotherhood of steel (magically resurrected after Fallout NV and West and East chapters re-united somehow)

    They could've gone anywhere, told any story, created any factions, and instead they went with what is already known and tried to change it. Its cowardly and lazy.

    What i wish book/game/movie inspired shows would do more is instead of telling THE story, tell A story within that universe. The fallout show didnt have to be about some hero's journey to save the world for the millionth time, it could have been a much simpler and authentic story that takes place in the fallout universe and thus expanded on that universe instead of trying to tell the entire story of that universe.

    • 1 month ago

      yeah, it was pretty basic, and the one storyline that looked interesting (the Vault stuff) turned out to be just kind of awkward and nonsensical

    • 1 month ago

      it was literally written by chat gpt prompts, morons like

      Gee what an argument you have there.
      Just post humiliation ritual memes next time and stop making shit threads like this one.

      arent capeable of noticing

  9. 1 month ago

    i wasn't bored, so it's good. simple as.

  10. 1 month ago

    i want to have gay sex with Xelia Mendes-Jones

  11. 1 month ago

    >showcase mr. house on the show, a character well portrayed in the video games
    >he looks and acts nothing like vidya mr house

    • 1 month ago

      a TV show can have different canon and continuity all together
      this show is just moronic and badly written

  12. 1 month ago

    I might not have noticed if the pacing wasn't so slow but every scene is 3x longer than it needs to be

    • 1 month ago

      Zoomer with the attention span of a moronic goldfish on meth detected.
      Put your fricking phone down when watching kino.

      • 1 month ago

        the show is 9 hours long and 7 things happen in the plot

  13. 1 month ago

    Chris Parnell was funny xD

  14. 1 month ago

    Cinemaphile deserves more slop like picard and mandalorian that's basically 60 minutes worth of content stretched to 10 episodes and salted with woke shit.
    Anything that even remotely tries and is halfway decent just gets all the same worthless homosexuals circle jerking and trying to act high brow.

  15. 1 month ago

    >it's too much like the games
    >it's not enough like the games
    >hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you're moronic
    >hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr bad taste
    This is the best this board can send these days for discussion. What a sad state of affairs.

  16. 1 month ago

    It was rated at least 6/10 by 93% of LE SEX NUMBER xD

  17. 1 month ago

    I liked it kinda

  18. 1 month ago

    They had le twin peaks man in it

  19. 1 month ago
  20. 1 month ago

    no it wasn't :((

  21. 1 month ago

    i have Prime but i still torrented it out of habit lol

    usually a better experience than streaming. it's comfy having instantaneous playback control

  22. 1 month ago

    >even in the wasteland, women are expected to wear makeup

    we truly live in a society

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