the frick

just finish watching Fire walk with Me

is he mad

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  1. 1 month ago

    maybe a little

  2. 1 month ago

    I just want one more kino before he dies.

    • 1 month ago

      That film is literal experimental brainwashing CIA shit. I will NOT be watching Twin Peaks any further, infact I'm not watching this anything this psycho hack ever makes again

      • 1 month ago

        pills pronto
        meds momentarily
        tablets temporally

        • 1 month ago

          >movie is about an underage high school girl doing narcotics, getting raped repeatedly throughout it's run time mixed with out of context satanic imagery and concludes with her getting raped and murdered by her own father

          This snuff film is responsible for atleast SOME portion of societal decay in the West.

          • 1 month ago

            the guy who played the weird dwarf had some interesting things to say about david and his daughter

            • 1 month ago

              How sick in the head do you have to be to have a daughter and still make a film like F*re w*ll w*th m*. He was implicitly begging to be tossed into a padded room before he acts on his urges through this dogshit film.

            • 1 month ago

              Is that the real reason he was excluded from season 3? The “official” explanation is that he was asking for too much money. Also, what did he say? Can you give a source?

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Classic serial killer psychology. He raped his daughter then immortalized it in the form of Twin Peaks to satiate his fricked up psyche. The daughter was totally candid in her defense and not compelled at all to write out a half baked defense under threats from her psycho dad

              • 1 month ago

                He said that stuff after they denied his request for more money. Also the tree was better

            • 1 month ago

              He has a disease that is eating his brain. It's horrific and sad and he's looney tunes.

          • 1 month ago

            Twin Peaks is an examination of the post-WW2 decay afflicting wholesome American society thanks to occult practices by CIA glowBlack person magicians, not an endorsement of it.

            • 1 month ago

              This is cope lol. The protag is literally an FBI agent, and Lynch himself stars as the le wholesome chungus FBI boss. Also the military intelligence guy from the show is portrayed as this wise mystic dude. Lynch is 100% in bed with intelligence agencies

              • 1 month ago

                FBI =/= CIA, those characters are all Bluebook investigators. In season 3 he shows the birth of Bob and a whole host of other horrors as the Trinity test, tying it into the Babalon Working ritual performed by Jack Parsons.

            • 1 month ago

              There's other ways to depict such themes without resorting to provocative CP tier shitposting. I can already tell the sick fck jerked off multiple times to this shit, please explain how filming a possessed father raping his minor daughter depict anything at all besides a deeply disturbed mind?

          • 1 month ago

            If you werent a larping homosexual you would stop using Cinemaphile

          • 1 month ago

            No, it concludes with her literally going to heaven you fricking wienerhead
            TP might be the most sincere plea for good to continue fighting against evil to the bitter end that any legitimate artist has put together

      • 1 month ago

        homie got lynched so hard he went crazy

        • 1 month ago

          Dome status? Cooked or cracked?

        • 1 month ago

          There needs to be HARD limits in what you can depict on film. Just because you can doesn't. Mean you should. This "movie" is perverse and a direct attack on humanity

      • 1 month ago

        im afraid you might be schizophrenic my friend, what exactly is wrong with the movie? it depicts the pedophile shit as true evil, and cooper is an all around good guy

        • 1 month ago

          >wrong with the movie
          Yes ofcourse, there's nothing wrong with the 90 minute visual depiction of a minor having her soul ruptured through drugs, rape, prostitution and eventual murder, all of which is displayed in excruciating detail, at all. And for no reason too, since the "movie" doesn't provide any new information or add any story telling hooks at all, it's just torture porn, a clear bait and switch given the jarring tone switch from the TV show.

          • 1 month ago

            >moronic schizo is also a pleb who thinks plot matters

            • 1 month ago

              >plot matters
              You're the biggest moron on this platform

              • 1 month ago

                film is not a narrative medium and plot doesn't matter
                turn off the frankenstein controls, schizo; they're making you a plebeian

              • 1 month ago

                You're a prime example of a mind broken zombie that watched too many Lynch snuff movies.

              • 1 month ago

                Not an argument.

              • 1 month ago

                >plot matters
                You're the biggest moron on this platform

                Damn, you kind of have this instinct to think of schizo's as creatively inclined, but not all of them.

          • 1 month ago

            its a prequel to twin peaks and it certainly portrays all of that as a tragic darkness that took over a girl and her family, all of it is clearly seen as wrong

            • 1 month ago

              >portrays all of that as a tragic darkness that took over a girl and her family
              All of which is well documented and examined through multiple angles in the TV show. The perverse visual depiction of these events in the most egregious way possible(including an actual rape scene of a minor by her "possessed" dad) is not only completely redundant but actually a corrupting force to the human psyche.

    • 1 month ago

      The return was enough.

    • 1 month ago

      You'll get Wisteria in maybe 4-5 years and then he'll croak.

  3. 1 month ago

    This """'movie""" is literally just a placeholder for this freaks deranged fantasies and no manner of "it's just le arthouse experimental bro" mental gymnastics will justify why it hasn't been banned off visual media

    • 1 month ago

      >movie is about an underage high school girl doing narcotics, getting raped repeatedly throughout it's run time mixed with out of context satanic imagery and concludes with her getting raped and murdered by her own father

      This snuff film is responsible for atleast SOME portion of societal decay in the West.

      the guy who played the weird dwarf had some interesting things to say about david and his daughter

      How sick in the head do you have to be to have a daughter and still make a film like F*re w*ll w*th m*. He was implicitly begging to be tossed into a padded room before he acts on his urges through this dogshit film.

      >it's real because um it just satisfies my paranoid tendencies to say that it is okay?!?

      • 1 month ago

        David Lynch is in a New Age meditation cult, something which he openly promotes, and he again very openly states in interviews that he gets all his ideas while in a delirious and dissociative state while deep in meditation

      • 1 month ago

        A mood set. A figure in your mind. Relax

        I've seen fricked up shit before Ive seen cartel videos even saw that French movie Martyrs which is already pretty high on the nutjob scale but this """movie""" takes the cake. Anybody that actually enjoyed this crap is a threat to society

        • 1 month ago

          The girl who plays Laura’s friend and gets her breasts out at the club is really hot though, you gotta admit

          • 1 month ago

            No you sick frick they're literally underage girls imagine getting aroused by a snuff movie that is centered around rape, drugs, bdsm freaky sex, perverse imagery and incestuous depravity. Get help.

            • 1 month ago

              It’s a movie, she isn’t really underage bro

              • 1 month ago

                >she isn't really
                In universe she is. The film is centered around demonic rape and murder of a minor, mixed with out of context unsettling imagery to lend credence to its pathetic attempt at masquerading as an arthouse piece. This is quite literally a crime.

                I thought it was good.

                Do skitzos really get their potato cooked by basic b***h experimental movies?

                If you simply shrug off violent CP as a nothingburger then might as well report yourself to your local nuthouse before the neighbourhood children go missing.

              • 1 month ago

                I bet there is a companion snuff film that lynch directed. He seems like that kinda guy.

              • 1 month ago

                Ok well I just think the actress is cute and has nice breasts

              • 1 month ago

                >If you simply shrug off violent CP as a nothingburger then might as well report yourself to your local nuthouse before the neighbourhood children go missing.
                Its about a disturbing subject matter. Why wouldn't he use disturbing imagery and a warped narrative to showcase it?

                The entire point is the mandane father/daughter relationship being distorted, defiled and destroyed. Hence Lynch mixes banal, ordinary imagry with the abstract and perverse. We the viewer get to see the distorted evil that is lurking in a familiar mundane place.

                If you were unsettled and disturbed watching it, then good. Thats the point of the movie.

              • 1 month ago

                So he traumatizes you and then you love it. Hmm so he takes you and traumatizes you... trauma. Yeah the schizos right.

              • 1 month ago

                Its art that made me feel something. That automatically makes it kino.

                also in guess my mental is strong enough to not get twisted up by a work of fictikn. I guess im just built different.

              • 1 month ago

                Nah you're a freak and you wouldn't be here if you weren't. Don't get it twisted fricko.

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          You haven't seen cartel videos if you think Martyrs or this are actually disturbing. Cartel videos aren't even that bad ngl

          David Lynch is in a New Age meditation cult, something which he openly promotes, and he again very openly states in interviews that he gets all his ideas while in a delirious and dissociative state while deep in meditation

          okay, and what?
          cult = rape?

          • 1 month ago

            I've seen many cartel videos(not necessarily by choice) but nothing comes close to being as disturbing as this shit. It's not even a coherent piece, it's just torture porn experimental smut masquerading as an arthouse. It's quite literally CP given that the main character is an underage high school girl.

            • 1 month ago

              >I've seen many cartel videos(not necessarily by choice) but nothing comes close to being as disturbing as this shit
              No you haven'tt lol
              >It's not even a coherent piece
              >it's just torture porn experimental smut masquerading as an arthouse.
              It's not torture porn, nor is it experimental, (it's a little smutty), nor is it masquerading as arthouse.
              Sounds like you're having comprehension problems
              >It's quite literally CP given that the main character is an underage high school girl.
              Laura and Donna are both played by women in their 20s you dumb frick

        • 1 month ago
          Craig T. Nelson

          Didn't... DIDN'T I tell ya to relax?

          • 1 month ago

            >just relax bro let the psycho nutjobs churn put low quality snuff just take it easy bro
            How much do you get paid to run cover for him?

            • 1 month ago

              >churn put low quality
              Oh no hes popping off lads. 10 bucks says he starts sperging about lizard people

              • 1 month ago

                Nothing justifies the "movie". It doesn't even add anything to the lore, the gratituous perverse rape scenes, the constant display of minors abusing narcotics, the visual projection of perhaps the most twisted crime humanely possible, none of it adds anything from a storytelling perspective at all. It is quote literally a trophy film made by a latent psycho.

              • 1 month ago

                >none of it adds anything from a storytelling perspective at all.
                It's about showing how Laura has been corrupted but chooses to sacrifice herself instead of continuing the cycle of abuse.

              • 1 month ago

                We already got that through character interactions in the TV series, it is something heavily insinuated and even directly implied on multiple occasions, it absolutely didn't need to be codified on film in the most unsettling manner possible.

                >If you simply shrug off violent CP as a nothingburger then might as well report yourself to your local nuthouse before the neighbourhood children go missing.
                Its about a disturbing subject matter. Why wouldn't he use disturbing imagery and a warped narrative to showcase it?

                The entire point is the mandane father/daughter relationship being distorted, defiled and destroyed. Hence Lynch mixes banal, ordinary imagry with the abstract and perverse. We the viewer get to see the distorted evil that is lurking in a familiar mundane place.

                If you were unsettled and disturbed watching it, then good. Thats the point of the movie.

                >The entire point is the mandane father/daughter relationship being distorted, defiled and destroyed

                Again, we already got that from the TV show, infact it was outright stated. So why do we need an entire hour of visual documentation? How does it add anything at all? Are you implying that the information that a father raped and murdered his daughter isn't disturbing on its own, and needs visual documentation to accompany it?

              • 1 month ago

                >Again, we already got that from the TV show, infact it was outright stated. So why do we need an entire hour of visual documentation? How does it add anything at all? Are you implying that the information that a father raped and murdered his daughter isn't disturbing on its own, and needs visual documentation to accompany it?
                Why make movies at all? If pure information is all that matters they we could just write the plot synopsis for stories, since apparently presentation and artisric exploration is a waste of time and triggers skitzos

              • 1 month ago

                Because a part of you wants to fricking see it. You enjoy the perverse nature of partaking in terror. And so you propagate it in your own head. You traumatize yourself and you love it. I'm sick of being a toy, but you worship it, you believe it whole cloth. You take on their warped morality by going to bat for them, you propagate their terror and further terrors against people.

              • 1 month ago

                I like to feel things that are outside of my normal range of emotions. Art lets you do so in a safe and interesting way. I watched the movie, felt a little weird, a little sad and a little angry. Then i moved along with my life.

                People who cant separate fiction from their real experiences are mentally unbalanced. Thats just how it is.

                if you think lynch advocates for pedo snuff IRL, do you also think christopher nolan goes out and beats up criminals dressed as batman? No he doesnt. Its just a move.

              • 1 month ago

                You're an emotional vampire and you subsist off the scraps your makers give you. There, I've read between the lines. You'll take dreams, you'll take nightmares. All those images in your subconscious floating around, when confronted with actual abuse you play it off or ignore it because that's not my heckin film safe space.

              • 1 month ago

                >oh no a bad man did something on the televison and now I can't differentiate right from wrong
                Really? Grow up.

              • 1 month ago

                Not an argument.

              • 1 month ago

                Watching disturbing movies doesn't affect your moral compass if your over the age of 5 or not mentally ill.

                Theres my argument

              • 1 month ago

                Not an argument.

                Cargo cult moron behavior.

              • 1 month ago

                buzzwords that have no relevance because you can't refute my point.

                Watching disturbing movies doesn't affect your moral compass if your over the age of 5 or not mentally ill.

                Theres my argument

                Not the point I'm making, but okay. Remain ignorant, it's the last refuge you have. I understand I used to be like you, but then I saw the strings and the people who get to pull them.

              • 1 month ago

                >buzzwords that have no relevance because you can't refute my point.
                No, you actually have to make a point to begin with. Remember when I did that? I did it in

                film is not a narrative medium and plot doesn't matter
                turn off the frankenstein controls, schizo; they're making you a plebeian

                , and you couldn't refute my point.
                Now because of my proper use of

                Not an argument.

                >Not an argument.
                You think you can just use it anywhere. Yet you don't know what it means or how that phrase is used.
                Much like a moronic cargo-cultist

              • 1 month ago

                You moved to another buzzword after I mocked you. You're batting a thousand, champ. That's short for champion.

              • 1 month ago

                Not an argument.
                I win.

              • 1 month ago

                Wow what a cargo cult.

              • 1 month ago

                more cargo cultish moron behavior
                you are worshipping me
                I win for all time

              • 1 month ago

                You're playing T-ball against babe ruthless right now buddy, and honey we're going down swinging.

              • 1 month ago

                Not an argument.
                I've left you completely mindbroken and moronic.
                I win again.

              • 1 month ago

                >cares more about winning than being a good person.
                I'll pray for you friend.

              • 1 month ago

                >cares the most about being wrong
                I keep winning

              • 1 month ago

                What is your point then?
                >the film is unnecessary
                its art. If it was necessary then it wouldn't be art
                >its disturbing/dark/morbid
                Yes thats the major theme of the movie
                >It displays things that I think should not be displayed
                Cool. Your opinion is yours though. Other people should be allowed to decide for for themselves.
                >lynch is a bad person
                never met the dude. art=/= the artist though
                >its CP and snuff
                its a movie. Nobody got hurt in real life.
                >its different from twin peaks
                ok and?
                >it will make you evil if you watch it
                No problem ill just watch 90 mins of wholesome christian cartoons to balance it out...

              • 1 month ago

                Don't conflate me with the guy making actual good arguments against it. I'm just here to laugh at lost souls.

              • 1 month ago

                Sorry i didnt realise it wasnt you. Things get complicated when your talking to people with multiple voices in their head...

              • 1 month ago

                Ah so I'm living rent free in your head already? Not surprising there's probably a lot of space in there.

              • 1 month ago

                Ill wear that one. Actually made me laugh

              • 1 month ago

                >it's art
                Blatant hand wave of a borderline snuff movie

                >major theme
                The point is the movie goes far beyond acceptable standards. Depicting a coked out minors rape by her father is crossing several lines

                >not be displayed
                CP is literally illegal and cannot be justified by a half baked "it's just art bro" excuse

                >lynch is a bad person
                You can tell a lot about a person from the content they produce, especially in a creative format. And this movie is testament to Lynchs absolutely bankrupt moral standards, and a possibly sinister motif

                >it's a movie
                It's a visual medium that is proven to have profound effects on a persons psyche. If beautiful visual media can elicit positive emotional reactions, horrifying visual media most certainly elicit negative emotional reactions and can have profound impact on a persons mental state, hell that's what PTSD is all about

                You have no defense of this torture porn smut

              • 1 month ago

                >ptsd from a movie

              • 1 month ago

                Each scene of that "movie" was crafted intentionally to corrupt the psyche and desensitize the mind to horrifying brutality, it's the most perverse thing I've ever seen, this was no accident but a deliberate execution to damage a person mentally. The movie uses bizarre imagery to further embed it's scenes deep within the mind, it's a spiteful piece of content and Lynch should be barred from the creative sphere effective immediately, perhaps even investigated on where the inspiration for such depravity arose from.

              • 1 month ago

                The point of movies is story telling. What story did this "movie" tell? We already know what the girl went through, all of her life is already spealt out in the 2 seasons, so what's the point of making the most egregious perverse piece of visual medium possible on already established information instead of progressing the plot? Why is this movie so jarringly out of sync with the more quirky tone of the TV shows? It doesn't fit in at all? What possible themes do 10 minutes of a minor being BDSM raped by strangers while high on drugs, and then further kidnapped raped and murdered by her own father spell out that wasn't already mentioned in the TV show? This is sick, and the fact that it was allowed to air implies a deeper conspiracy at foot.

              • 1 month ago

                >Why is this movie so jarringly out of sync with the more quirky tone of the TV shows?
                The town is seemingly a quaint nice place , an ideal, peaceful place where people are good and nice to eachother. But as things progress more darker secrets and truths are revealed. In real life. Plenty of seemingly normal people have skeletons in their closet. Addiction, abuse, toxic relationships mental illness, hidden hatred and jealousy.

                Laura personifies the shiny veneer and hidden darkness in the town itself. Shes the beloved homecoming queen publicly but is privately drowning in issues.

                The show explores the bright facade of the town while the movie shows it hidden darkness and depths. Lynch really wanted to contrast the two and did so brilliantly in my opinion.

              • 1 month ago

                >The town is seemingly a quaint nice place , an ideal, peaceful place where people are good and nice to eachother. But as things progress more darker secrets and truths are revealed. In real life

                Yes, all of this is already established by episode 5 of season 1. We are already told of drugs being smuggled and peddled to kids in high school, we're told of the active prostitution ring under the control of the town's most powerful business man, we're told of secret affairs and underlying criminal conspiracies virtually every single episode in both the seasons. The towns depiction as a quiet peaceful and simple place is already debunked as a misleading mirage by the end of season 1, and season 2 goes even further with it. The "movie" on the other hand adds nothing at all to this narrative, instead just distastefully depicting the harrowing events in the most crude and borderline illegal manner possible. It's just a 2 hour long shock video at this point, and transcends from being eerily unsettling to downright outrageous. It feels like the freak in charge wasn't satisfied with merely Establishing a horrendous crime through storytelling, he had to go 10 steps further and actually depict it on screen. We know child rape is evil, do we really need to see it for ourselves to hammer in a point every single human already implicitly understands to the the fullest.

                I researched more about the TV show and turns out Lych was intermittently involved woth the series, fricking off periodically to work on other distressing media no doubt. It seems he wasn't merely satisfied with artfully depicting a heinous crime, he felt compelled to actually direct it, for reasons discernible only to him.

                The movie is a borderline snuff film no 2 ways about it, it's rotten to the very core

              • 1 month ago

                >it's rotten to the very core
                Almost like the town of twin peaks itself... funny that.

              • 1 month ago

                This is cope lol. The protag is literally an FBI agent, and Lynch himself stars as the le wholesome chungus FBI boss. Also the military intelligence guy from the show is portrayed as this wise mystic dude. Lynch is 100% in bed with intelligence agencies

                So he traumatizes you and then you love it. Hmm so he takes you and traumatizes you... trauma. Yeah the schizos right.

                We already got that through character interactions in the TV series, it is something heavily insinuated and even directly implied on multiple occasions, it absolutely didn't need to be codified on film in the most unsettling manner possible.

                >The entire point is the mandane father/daughter relationship being distorted, defiled and destroyed

                Again, we already got that from the TV show, infact it was outright stated. So why do we need an entire hour of visual documentation? How does it add anything at all? Are you implying that the information that a father raped and murdered his daughter isn't disturbing on its own, and needs visual documentation to accompany it?

                There needs to be HARD limits in what you can depict on film. Just because you can doesn't. Mean you should. This "movie" is perverse and a direct attack on humanity

                >the women in their twenties are minors

              • 1 month ago

                why did he molest his irl daughter then make a narrative where he shows us how it went down? Oh wait I know why.

              • 1 month ago

                You have to prove he did that first though
                thx for admitting your error on the CP accusations

              • 1 month ago

                What a beautiful world you live in while cities burn.

              • 1 month ago

                Cities full of bad people

                Establishing that a character on film is most definitely a minor and then having all the perverse shit happen to her is indeed CP, the "reality" of it is immaterial. Theres a reason why depiction of kids getting murdered on film, despite it just being fiction, is banned, because it perverts the psyche.

                >Hollywood is 70% snuff
                I've seen Hollywood movies all my life, guess I missed out on the snuff. What is egregious is that the TV series, tho still being a bit weird and unsettling at times, is MUCH tamer than the movie, which is required viewing(despite adding absolutely nothing to the lore)to progress, it's like the freak intentionally used a bait and switch to blast his perversion brazenly and attempt to corrupt the viewers psyche.

                >Establishing that a character on film is most definitely a minor and then having all the perverse shit happen to her is indeed CP
                Um but it isn't doe cause dat's not what CP is

              • 1 month ago

                So you admit you're not a good person then. Your sympathy for the devil bit needs work if you aren't samegayging cause bored.

              • 1 month ago

                >So you admit you're not a good person then
                I can't admit what's not true.

              • 1 month ago

                Establishing that a character on film is most definitely a minor and then having all the perverse shit happen to her is indeed CP, the "reality" of it is immaterial. Theres a reason why depiction of kids getting murdered on film, despite it just being fiction, is banned, because it perverts the psyche.

                OP you’re correct about it being a snuff film but the conclusion you are drawing is too narrow. Yes, Lynch makes snuff films, but this is not unique to him. Hollywood is like 70% snuff films. Gratuitous violence and disturbing story premises abound in the industry. He isn’t unique in that regard, he just knows how to use around and imagery to maximum effect in a way less talented directors don’t. The whole film industry is a den of sickos and we live in a thoroughly poisoned society

                >Hollywood is 70% snuff
                I've seen Hollywood movies all my life, guess I missed out on the snuff. What is egregious is that the TV series, tho still being a bit weird and unsettling at times, is MUCH tamer than the movie, which is required viewing(despite adding absolutely nothing to the lore)to progress, it's like the freak intentionally used a bait and switch to blast his perversion brazenly and attempt to corrupt the viewers psyche.

  4. 1 month ago
    Craig T. Nelson

    A mood set. A figure in your mind. Relax

  5. 1 month ago

    I thought it was good.

    Do skitzos really get their potato cooked by basic b***h experimental movies?

  6. 1 month ago

    Why the frick is everyone posting anthony bourdain?

  7. 1 month ago
    Craig T. Nelson


    We cornerstoned the market on relaxation. Listen to yourself type these words

  8. 1 month ago

    OP you’re correct about it being a snuff film but the conclusion you are drawing is too narrow. Yes, Lynch makes snuff films, but this is not unique to him. Hollywood is like 70% snuff films. Gratuitous violence and disturbing story premises abound in the industry. He isn’t unique in that regard, he just knows how to use around and imagery to maximum effect in a way less talented directors don’t. The whole film industry is a den of sickos and we live in a thoroughly poisoned society

  9. 1 month ago

    his best work

  10. 1 month ago

    Michael J Anderson in the thread? I can’t imagine who else would be so passionate about this deluded take. Nice to meet you.

  11. 1 month ago

    All those defending this trash in the thread are ironically the personification of Bob's evil.

  12. 1 month ago

    this guy acting like he just watched the grifter

    • 1 month ago

      >aahhhhhh the movie is too evil i'm going to lose my mind! I'M GOING CRAZY! AAAAAAAAA

      • 1 month ago

        It literally is. It uses surrealism to leave lasting impressions while connecting those impressions to content that has no place on a visual platform. Now there's a bunch of incessantly grotesque imagery floating around in the subconscious, it is quite literally brainwashing to create automatic triggers that induce intense revulsion at random intervals. I wish to unsee this dogshit repulsive movie.

        • 1 month ago

          Just go watch some Bluey or something then if your mental is so weak

          • 1 month ago

            >just watch silly cartoons to reverse deep psychological conditioning bro fr ong
            imagine being a dolt

            • 1 month ago

              Imagine getting psychologically conditioned by a movie from the 90s lol

              • 1 month ago

                You've been forever altered too, you're just too simple minded to notice it

                Well you apparently got conditioned by shit that Lynch basically threw together randomly. His interviews make it very clear that he comes up with elements and shots as he goes.

                Even the character BOB was just a Set Manager who was accidently reflected in a mirror in a shot and Lynch thought it was cool so added him to the movie.

                You're acting like its some level 9000 satanic cognitohazard when Lynch is like if a enthusiastic high school performing arts teacher was good at editing.

                As if the freak would openly boast of deeds that could land him in extreme trouble, he knows what he did. Everybody who's seen that film is psychologically worse off, only select few have the self awareness and control over their mind to realize it.

            • 1 month ago

              Well you apparently got conditioned by shit that Lynch basically threw together randomly. His interviews make it very clear that he comes up with elements and shots as he goes.

              Even the character BOB was just a Set Manager who was accidently reflected in a mirror in a shot and Lynch thought it was cool so added him to the movie.

              You're acting like its some level 9000 satanic cognitohazard when Lynch is like if a enthusiastic high school performing arts teacher was good at editing.

  13. 1 month ago

    Interesting thread. I agree with the sentiment that movies are black magic and can frick you up in unseen ways. At the same time I appreciate Lynch's work overall and his other movies have uplifting qualities.

    I wonder if FWWM was intentionally made to be a horrible experience just to spite the studios/audience who forced him to reveal the killer in the series. He talked openly about losing interest in TP because of that and also fricking up Dune because he didn't get final cut on that project. Maybe he's just a spiteful bastard who takes his art seriously.

  14. 1 month ago

    Schizo thread

  15. 1 month ago

    So the whole series was a world created by Laura in her dying moments?

  16. 1 month ago

    this thread is like the bell curve meme
    low iq:
    >you cant show dis, it ain't christian!
    >heh, you get traumatized by movies? grow up
    high iq
    >movies can be weaponized black magic that slowly chips away at your psyche without you noticing

    • 1 month ago

      Magic isn't real dummy

      • 1 month ago

        depends on how you define it.

      • 1 month ago

        There's a saint in every person. That's pretty magical.

    • 1 month ago

      If you get traumatized by make belief low budget stories you're the biggest pussy on the planet and should probably stick to SpongeBob SquarePants for the rest of your life.

      • 1 month ago

        Peak midwit.

        • 1 month ago

          hes right though

  17. 1 month ago

    >be rich as frick
    >travel anywhere just to eat food
    >kill himself over a woman

    What the frick is wrong with depressoids? I will never understand suicidal morons.

  18. 1 month ago


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