The king speaks

The king speaks

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    is anyone outside this board willing to admit that 99% of writing is godawful? these mediocrities should've been fired years ago

    • 11 months ago

      no, because it is CURRENT THING

    • 11 months ago

      I admit it looks like that, but I don't understand why. A little anti-white racism and misandry shouldn't crater the entire industry. The streaming business model may be in a much deeper crisis than we realized, like on the verge of a huge reorganization.

      • 11 months ago

        I watched some guy talk about this. It’s not only the woke hit but the fact that writers are basically drawing inspiration from already diluted works or barely understanding what they are writing about and just doing whatever they want. It’s why you hear the common complaint that X movie/show is like a bad fanfiction.

        • 11 months ago

          so Hollywood was cinéma vérité all along? A hard-boiled world of fanatics, druggies, perverts, gangsters, ex-soldiers and desperate women? It seems like people can only write what they know.

        • 11 months ago

          It's not like bad fanfiction, IT IS bad fanfiction. These low IQ-morons lack the mental capacity to understand subtly, complex issues, and just fill those gaps with their moronic bullshit agenda and politics that are also based on their own stupidity of not understand real world politics and issues. No, poor people aren't oppressed. Poor people are just low skilled morons who offer nothing valuable to society. The rare ones with any skill easily escape if they're not murdered by the people they associate with.

          • 11 months ago

            I watched some guy talk about this. It’s not only the woke hit but the fact that writers are basically drawing inspiration from already diluted works or barely understanding what they are writing about and just doing whatever they want. It’s why you hear the common complaint that X movie/show is like a bad fanfiction.

            People keep using fanfiction as a comparison/qualifier but the issue here is it really doesn't do justice to how bad hollywood is because fanfiction writers actually like the properties and characters. They like them so much they want to write stories in those universes. Fanfiction writers, not even the worst ones, would get anywhere close to psycho shit like Neflixbop. You have to actively hate and despise the source material to make something like that.

            • 11 months ago

              So it says here you went to the university of commie-fornia, have a vegana, and that while you have no production credits, you're interested in high profile franchise projects?
              Your last name is X, are you by chance related to David X, who has gay pedophile coke parties with the governor?
              Do you like star wars?
              >I think the little teddy bear things or whatever are kind of cute..
              YOU'VE GOT THE JOB

            • 11 months ago

              That’s why I said bad fan fiction. It’s like a kid that sees an avengers movie and gets tortally blown away by iron man. So he writes a story that has iron man beat up his high school bully, beat up Goku, and then marry his mom to become his new step dad.

              • 11 months ago

                More like it's a kid who sees Iron Man, hates it and then sees his bully likes it, so he makes Iron Man a homosexual with aids who gets beaten up by a fat black girl.

              • 11 months ago

                >This attractive and competent white male character reminds me of being rejected
                So then female girl eats Luke Skywalker's soul as he attempts to apologize for capitalism and becomes better than him in every way and he's dead and nobody remembers him at all. Oh but also he dated an 18 year old when he was 25, so in the old movies he's retroactively a pedophile now.

          • 11 months ago

            Youre only wrong in assuming its out of moronation rather than an intentional plot led by the communists running hollywood to demoralize you by ruining all the stories that have emotional meaning to you, and you keep making excuses for them when you imply its all done out of incompetence.

      • 11 months ago

        >A little anti-white racism and misandry shouldn't crater the entire industry.
        Now add shit writing that makes that "little" the main thing you notice and the only thing that seems like it matters to them.

      • 11 months ago

        >A little

      • 11 months ago

        Every industry and institution is wrecked by DEI. It's not rocket science.
        >You can hire one white or asian guy to make it and make it good
        >or 20 DEI's to make it and then it still won't work
        I know this is a /misc/ tier answer, but it's the simplest and most obvious to me.

      • 11 months ago

        Every industry and institution is wrecked by DEI. It's not rocket science.
        >You can hire one white or asian guy to make it and make it good
        >or 20 DEI's to make it and then it still won't work
        I know this is a /misc/ tier answer, but it's the simplest and most obvious to me.

        It has nothing to do with racism really. The problem is the guild mandates too many writers per project and every time they go on strike they want that number to be higher. Use to be around 3 writers probably per project, then 5 now they want 8 writers for on episode of the tv show. There's no way that won't be shit writing because they have to justify each person being there. And then another episode has different writers which fricks it up even more.

    • 11 months ago

      Writers are the only thing defending us from fascism and racism. They're the protectors of diversity.
      If you want to know what happens if you even speak against they a little, ask Cavill and Ortega.

    • 11 months ago

      No but that is more because most people aren't invested in a show/movie enough to really break it down. HOWEVER this fricking site is filled with those 1% that want to complain so we present ourselves as experts or genuine critics who just happen to say Black person.
      Maybe 1% of our 1% can give actual breakdowns of good or bad writing, we mostly just use it to shitpost.
      Also the strike still isn't about the quality of writing despite this whole board going out of it's way to not have an honest conversation about the strike.

    • 11 months ago

      Its all from the writers rooms though or two guys teaming up to write something with zero artistic expression

  2. 11 months ago

    Why does he look like a money? Like from the DAMN DIRTY APE film

    • 11 months ago

      >Why does he look like a money? Like from the DAMN DIRTY APE film
      Sheridan us an Irish surname.

      • 11 months ago

        Oi plenty of them patties, yep

  3. 11 months ago

    A singular vision will always beat group think.

    • 11 months ago

      >Coen Brothers
      >Pegg and Wright
      >Mitchell and Webb
      >Flanders and Swann
      >Gilbert and Sullivan
      >Webber and Rice

      • 11 months ago

        That’s the ideal, not a roomful of diversity hires each with their own separate half-ass “vision.”

        • 11 months ago

          >Coen Brothers
          >Pegg and Wright
          >Mitchell and Webb
          >Flanders and Swann
          >Gilbert and Sullivan
          >Webber and Rice

          Coen brothers are some of the most pozzed anti-West movies out there, shut the frick up

          • 11 months ago

            you clearly misunderstand their movies, they celebrate America

            • 11 months ago

              You are either being dishonest or you're painfully low IQ

              • 11 months ago

                Which of their movies do you consider anti-American and please actually just give your opinion.
                This exchange so far is just vague shitfling because you haven't actually given an opinion.
                Miller's Crossing is one of the best movies ever made.

              • 11 months ago

                Literally every one of their movies is a different spin on
                "look how le crazy the west is! wypipo are fricked up lol arent they"
                Just because it's set in America doesn't mean it's glorifying it, you goddamned mouthbreathing moron

              • 11 months ago

                You managed to get a sentence out before snapping back to a weirdly hostile defensive stance.
                Breath and try again because if you go "white people be crazzzzzy" from Coen movies I think you are approaching things through angry glasses.

              • 11 months ago

                It's "breathe", mister midwit. And nice non-argument by the way

              • 11 months ago

                When did this become an argument? I'm more concerned why anon is so irrationally angry.

              • 11 months ago

                >now he's playing dumb
                Yeah you're 100% a pilpulling israelite

              • 11 months ago

                You're a israelite.

              • 11 months ago

                Dude they deal with far higher themes, The Big Lebowski being ultimately about something completely unimportant is an example of this

              • 11 months ago

                Lmao you're such a homosexual, but True Grit

              • 11 months ago

                how does that movie celebrate America?

          • 11 months ago

            absolute nonsense

            • 11 months ago

              absolute non-argument

      • 11 months ago

        The Safdie brothers are another good example. Two or three people can form a cohesive vision but it breaks apart when the team gets too bloated. Just imagine if they started having directors rooms.

        • 11 months ago

          I think Disney accidentally tried “directors rooms”

        • 11 months ago

          Buy an ad homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        >these successful projects had TWO (2!) writers instead of one
        >that means it’s objectively better to have 15 people in a writer’s room as opposed to just one

        • 11 months ago

          >This objective evidence that a single writer isn't superior 100% of the time doesn't count because.... it just doesn't ok!

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah those 5 extra people ensuring there’s an appropriate amount of diversity in each scene *really* contribute to the writing of these shows

      • 11 months ago

        >Mitchell and Webb
        their solo stuff was shit. all they did in peep show was act as themselves.

        • 11 months ago

          Pretty sure the whole point was that they worked better as a team, but once a team bloats it goes to shit. Also: Magicians. Great fricking movie. I pick it over Peep Show as it is a lot less cringe and they weirdly legit know a lot about the British magician scene. Hidden gem.

      • 11 months ago

        Two people is not a writer room you moron.

      • 11 months ago

        >Flanders and Swann
        >Gilbert and Sullivan
        >Webber and Rice
        Each of these is a lyricist and a composer

      • 11 months ago

        >two people with similar personalities and vision working together
        >a group of hacks who are all competing about getting as many of their own ideas into a project as possible with no regard how all the pieces fit together

        There's a difference

      • 11 months ago

        That'd not a writer's room. One of the demands of the wga is that every show has at least 8 writers ir some shit

      • 11 months ago

        it's about a tight knit team that just clicks. like the Zucker Brothers and Abrahams.
        Not some corporate boardroom where it's now Tiffany's turn to write a scene.

      • 11 months ago

        These are all examples of two writers with singular vision

      • 11 months ago

        yeah a shared singular vision

      • 11 months ago

        ethan coen doesn't do shit, it's all joel, i have no idea why he shares credit with his talentless brother

        • 11 months ago

          Ethan handles all the dry humor. Without him it would be too serious.

      • 11 months ago

        I think single voices or very small teams are good. When I write, I usually bounce ideas off of one or two people who I've known for a really long time and whose judgment I trust. They don't always suggest things that work and I know when to ignore them, but they have really helped me. The more people I bring in to the process, the more bad ideas get fielded.

    • 11 months ago

      The Safdie brothers are another good example. Two or three people can form a cohesive vision but it breaks apart when the team gets too bloated. Just imagine if they started having directors rooms.

      >two people with similar personalities and vision working together
      >a group of hacks who are all competing about getting as many of their own ideas into a project as possible with no regard how all the pieces fit together

      There's a difference

      Seminal / popular shows that all had writer's rooms (not mini rooms):

      The Sopranos
      The Wire
      The Simpsons
      American Dad
      Mad Men
      Breaking Bad
      Lodge 49
      The Leftovers
      The Shield
      Babylon 5
      Deep Space Nine
      The Offfice
      Parks & Rec
      30 Rock

      At least one of your favorite shows used a writer's room, you people are being moronic contrarians who are determined to rage against anything to "own the libs" without applying any critical thought to it because you are petty cynics

      • 11 months ago

        All the shows you posted are old and went downhill halfway.

      • 11 months ago

        All shit shows, no wonder writers rooms ruin shows.

      • 11 months ago

        ahh yes, the meritocracy, I do remember it

      • 11 months ago

        >The Sopranos
        >The Wire
        >Mad Men
        >Breaking Bad
        >The Shield
        >Babylon 5
        >Deep Space Nine

        Black person all that shows had mini-rooms and episode writters. Indeed the proliferation of mini-rooms is one of the reasons of the current strike because is seen as a step back. Comedy shows like The
        Simpsons usually have a writer's room because you need to fill 30 minutes of silly jokes beside the regular writing episode. Mostly soap operas and comedy shows need a regular writer's room

      • 11 months ago

        Here’s the Simpsons writing room from when it was good. Notice the despicable lack of diversity.

        • 11 months ago

          Wait, are only White and israeli men funny?

        • 11 months ago

          episodic, doesn't need a cohesive vision

          • 11 months ago

            Writers rooms also ruined wrestling

            I'd argue having multiple people writing would make it more difficult to have a cohesive vision, as opposed to one writer, or a handful.

            • 11 months ago

              Wrestling is different in that it shouldn't have writers, period. It needs to be ad lib and mostly crafted by the wrestlers themselves with a booker providing general direction (who wins, who's mad at who, what stipulation, etc.) in order for it to be wrestling as a product with mainstream appeal.

              Trying to treat wrestling like a scripted television show where everything is tightly controlled is polishing the head off of the statue.

              • 11 months ago

                You are out of your mind if you think the wrestlers can improvise a whole show.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, they need at least something like an outline with basic beats they need to hit. Otherwise it’s gonna be a shitshow

              • 11 months ago

                >Adam is a tough guy babyface. Rick is an arrogant chickenshit heel, and he's buddies with Bob.
                >Adam vs. Rick. The match goes for ten minutes with Adam dominating 70% of the time. Finish: Bob hits Adam in the back with a chair, allowing Rick to pin him.
                >later that night
                >Adam is backstage with a mic and has 30 seconds to go off on Rick and Bob.
                That's the level of direction that they should be getting, along with some general rules about what they can't do. No writers. If they can't manage that, they're undercard material. You can't say that it doesn't work because it worked for tens of millions of concurrent fans for decades, and wrestling is dying now that they're abandoning it.

        • 11 months ago

          Lmao. That’s Conan’s writing staff moron.
          Louis CK never wrote for The Simpsons. But yes, all The Simpsons writers were white guys. Which is why they created the most offensive character in the history of television, Apu.

        • 11 months ago

          That’s the Conan writing room. Bob Odenkirk in the far left, Andy Richter next to Conan hiding his face and Louis Ck in front next to Conan

        • 11 months ago

          That’s the Conan writing room. Bob Odenkirk in the far left, Andy Richter next to Conan hiding his face and Louis Ck in front next to Conan

          >I'm forgotten

        • 11 months ago

          That's Conan's old staff, moron.

      • 11 months ago

        There's a reason all of these have had bad episodes.

    • 11 months ago

      Even George Lucas preferred to take two years to write Star Wars and be told he was a shitty writer than hire a bunch of type monkeys.

  4. 11 months ago

    No kidding. You hire 19 women and gender nonconforming ze/zims, have them "write" for a month and you get
    >what if Velma black

    • 11 months ago

      This but unironically and with zero exaggeration.

    • 11 months ago

      Even if you had 19 fantastic writers it would still be shit because there is no clear vision. One or two at most and maybe another guy to proofread and make little tweaks once the job is finished.

    • 11 months ago

      So Taylor, we're back from the retreat. Picture this - Rip...but...Gay. Or black?

      • 11 months ago

        Why not both? Also, he fell off a horse and is stuck in a wheelchair and his penis doesn't work anymore.

  5. 11 months ago

    Exactly what I’ve said all along.

  6. 11 months ago


  7. 11 months ago

    creativity by committee will always fail

  8. 11 months ago

    Yellowstone's writing is pretty bad though, all over the place.

    • 11 months ago

      Did anything come of the wolves getting murdered? I don't remember if that went anywhere. Seemed more like they just wanted to talk about wolves.

  9. 11 months ago

    >The king
    Of homosexualry

    • 11 months ago

      cope, he's worked in the last decades' least homosexual movies (Hell or High Water, Sicario, Wind River), not to mention 1923, 1883 and Yellowstone. Name a character like Rip or Spencer from a recent movie you've watched.

  10. 11 months ago

    It takes a room with 10+ people in it to write a single line of script because they need team-diversity and "everyone needs to feel included."

    All they can come up with is:

    Frick the striking writers and actors, and frick the studio execs. They've both at fault for everything sucking now.

  11. 11 months ago

    Oh it shows

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Didn't say I was wrong Sheridan dick sucker

    • 11 months ago

      this guy watched too many youtube shorts and not the actual shows

  12. 11 months ago

    Writers rooms really only work for comedy, but the idea is that everyone will come up with different bits and they'll whittle down what will pass the censors and what'll fit in the episode.

    That's fricking pointless now because somehow, even though these rooms look like the Jr diversity special Olympics, every "joke" is the exact same. It sure as shit doesn't help that if your material isn't the same, you're fired for not conforming, which is extremely offensive to the other writers, and simply not allowed.

    • 11 months ago

      >even though these rooms look like the Jr diversity special Olympics, every "joke" is the exact same.
      This. There's a very narrow window of what is "allowed" now, everything has to get stuffed through the woke filters to come out offending nobody but hetero white males.

      • 11 months ago

        I have always said that the governing class, which hollywood writers are a part, are intellectually inbred.

      • 11 months ago

        Writers rooms really only work for comedy, but the idea is that everyone will come up with different bits and they'll whittle down what will pass the censors and what'll fit in the episode.

        That's fricking pointless now because somehow, even though these rooms look like the Jr diversity special Olympics, every "joke" is the exact same. It sure as shit doesn't help that if your material isn't the same, you're fired for not conforming, which is extremely offensive to the other writers, and simply not allowed.

        nah, see

        Seminal / popular shows that all had writer's rooms (not mini rooms):

        The Sopranos
        The Wire
        The Simpsons
        American Dad
        Mad Men
        Breaking Bad
        Lodge 49
        The Leftovers
        The Shield
        Babylon 5
        Deep Space Nine
        The Offfice
        Parks & Rec
        30 Rock

        At least one of your favorite shows used a writer's room, you people are being moronic contrarians who are determined to rage against anything to "own the libs" without applying any critical thought to it because you are petty cynics

        You people also have revealed you have no idea how a writer's room actually works. Always amazes me when people talk so confidentally about something they are objectively wrong about.

  13. 11 months ago

    Too many cooks.

  14. 11 months ago


    >casts Ryan Gosling as Black Panther in your path

  15. 11 months ago

    They should try hiring people from chud states just to see if it works out better. They can always fore them if it doesnt work. Its worth trying surely.

  16. 11 months ago

    Just tap the fricking keys, writer boy. Cows, sexy ladies, injuns. No guys in dresses.

  17. 11 months ago

    I hope all these SAG and WGA gays end up in California hoover towns maybe they can help wi that.

  18. 11 months ago

    A creative project should never have more than two creative heads, e.g. a writer and a visual artist.

  19. 11 months ago

    Writers' room are for the mediocre and the result is mediocre, dumbed down scripts

  20. 11 months ago

    I don't mind people having jobs, and there's always people on a team you never listen to, but what I hate about DEI stuff is that it usually goes to rich kids that can network and do all the shit to succeed. There's no class mobility, and it encourages elite, entitled children to cultivate no utility because what wealth won't get them, their skin color will.

  21. 11 months ago

    Writers room only worked for soap operas that needed to churn a number of weekly episodes, so you need a team of writers to literally fill empty spaces between big arcs or give more room to other characters. There is no reason to have a writer's room for a 12 episode season which is separated at least 1 year from production to release.

  22. 11 months ago

    >Glasser had finally gotten Sheridan in a room with Viacom executives. But what Sheridan delivered was less a pitch than a warning.

    >You will have no part in any of this, he told them—except for footing the bill. I will write and direct all the episodes of the show. There will be no writers’ room. There will be no notes from studio executives. No one will see an outline.

    >“It’s going to cost $90–$100 million,” he says he told them. “You’re going to be writing a check for horses that’s $50–$75,000 a week.” You really want to do this?


    >Four years after Yellowstone’s debut, Sheridan is now in a league with such creators as Shonda Rhimes and Dick Wolf. Only Sheridan might have the more arduous workload. “Most of the writer-producers at his level are essentially managers of a machine. He is actually writing a great deal of this output, which is unbelievable to me,” Belloni said. Even the most exacting of Peak TV’s auteurs—David Chase (creator of The Sopranos), Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad), Matthew Weiner (Mad Men)—didn’t insist on writing every episode themselves. Sheridan does all of this writing, by the way, while also playing a recurring character on Yellowstone: Travis Wheatley, a high-end horse trader and a rodeo performer. The role enables him to show off his formidable cowboying skills.

    • 11 months ago

      >However stripped down the scripts might be, Viacom executives were concerned that if Sheridan didn’t share the workload he would drown. For Season 2, they gave him a writers’ room. It didn’t go well.

      >When the writers, who were mostly based in Los Angeles, came to the set, “Taylor refused to talk to them,” according to the Yellowstone veteran who spoke with me on condition of anonymity. “He kept saying, ‘It’s weird to have other people write my characters.’” Sheridan told me that he mostly ignored the suggestions of the writers’ room. He said that only the writers’ assistant—whose job ordinarily consists of tasks like research, fact-checking, and proofreading—wrote good scenes; that’s why he gave him a writer’s credit. (IMDb lists multiple writers as contributors for Season 2.) In any case, for Season 3, the writers’ room was gone.

      • 11 months ago

        >He said that only the writers’ assistant—whose job ordinarily consists of tasks like research, fact-checking, and proofreading—wrote good scenes; that’s why he gave him a writer’s credit.
        This makes me believe the writers are just idea guys (who probably got there because dad knows the producer) while the writer's assistant is the one doing the work.

    • 11 months ago

      >However stripped down the scripts might be, Viacom executives were concerned that if Sheridan didn’t share the workload he would drown. For Season 2, they gave him a writers’ room. It didn’t go well.

      >When the writers, who were mostly based in Los Angeles, came to the set, “Taylor refused to talk to them,” according to the Yellowstone veteran who spoke with me on condition of anonymity. “He kept saying, ‘It’s weird to have other people write my characters.’” Sheridan told me that he mostly ignored the suggestions of the writers’ room. He said that only the writers’ assistant—whose job ordinarily consists of tasks like research, fact-checking, and proofreading—wrote good scenes; that’s why he gave him a writer’s credit. (IMDb lists multiple writers as contributors for Season 2.) In any case, for Season 3, the writers’ room was gone.

    • 11 months ago

      >However stripped down the scripts might be, Viacom executives were concerned that if Sheridan didn’t share the workload he would drown. For Season 2, they gave him a writers’ room. It didn’t go well.

      >When the writers, who were mostly based in Los Angeles, came to the set, “Taylor refused to talk to them,” according to the Yellowstone veteran who spoke with me on condition of anonymity. “He kept saying, ‘It’s weird to have other people write my characters.’” Sheridan told me that he mostly ignored the suggestions of the writers’ room. He said that only the writers’ assistant—whose job ordinarily consists of tasks like research, fact-checking, and proofreading—wrote good scenes; that’s why he gave him a writer’s credit. (IMDb lists multiple writers as contributors for Season 2.) In any case, for Season 3, the writers’ room was gone.

      Actually really interesting, thanks for poast.

  23. 11 months ago

    Sheridan needs to go back to making films, TV is a shit medium and Yellowstone is garbage

  24. 11 months ago

    >/poltv/ mysteriously is on the side of the corporations yet again
    Really makes one think doesn't it

    • 11 months ago

      No, I hope they both fail.

    • 11 months ago
  25. 11 months ago

    Writer room works when its filled with top notch writers, like during The Sopranos writing process, one can argue that the writing room had more talented writers than Davis Chase was, and thats kinda true.

    Now, the writing room are filled with d-tier "writers", hired for equality quota, females, trans and the list goes on, today writers room are filled with talentless hacks.

  26. 11 months ago

    >Taylor Sheridan thread reaching 100 replies
    Cinemaphile is healing

  27. 11 months ago

    He's not wrong, I remember that one video of Michael Bay bragging about how one of the Transformers movies had a writer's room with a dozen writers as if that was supposed to be a good thing.

  28. 11 months ago

    For me, hang the israelites.

  29. 11 months ago

    rooting for them all to lose

  30. 11 months ago

    i used to read stories on literotica back in the early days of the internet
    remembered it recently and went to see if it still exists, only to see that all stories have a disclaimer now that all of the fictional characters are over 18 and apologizes if one of the characters in the story is the least bit reluctant
    everything has been sanitized and sucks now because of pc nonsense, even smut literature

  31. 11 months ago

    a bunch of pozzed homosexuals siting around the table writing slop "white people bad" yeah we don't need writers rooms.

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