The Legend of Korra

This show has been talked about to death on here and instead of the usual bait that follows in a Korra mention I actually have a genuine question.
Did Korra 'feel' like a water tribe avatar to you?
Also before anyone tries to say "but OP, that picture, isn't that bait?"
Well from a certain point of view probably but it is not my intention for it to be so.

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  1. 7 months ago

    I don't know I just wish we'd gotten to see her in that wolf face paint or armor at some point.

    • 7 months ago

      That would’ve been fun can’t have that in Korra.

      • 7 months ago

        I remember being a young teen and seeing the commercials for the new Avatar show and I loved Korra instantly and I still do but like, she barely ever used water. Except to heal.

        • 7 months ago

          In comparison to how Aang spammed air and sure I guess its because she starts off knowing 3/4 anyway but still. I just assumed an Avatar would default to their people's element.

        • 7 months ago

          >she barely uses water
          in theory, she should barely be able to

          • 7 months ago

            >Water Tribe avatar should barely be able to use water

            • 7 months ago

              in theory with both her attitude and the bending philosophy, she shouldnt be able to be a master is what I am saying.

              • 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    She was found out earlier than other Avatars, before Aang I think they didn't let the new Avatar know before they were 19, and was secluded after the kidnapping attempt. Those combined made her be brought up away from her culture and rushed into Avatar training and mentality, changing her personality from what it would be if Korra didn't display Avatar abilities until her late teens.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah iirc Aang told the White Lotus to not let the next Avatar run off like he did or some shit

  3. 7 months ago

    Korra doesn't feel like a Water Tribe Avatar. Not just in an in-universe way, but in terms of authorial intent. Korra as a character is more or less built with Republic City in mind and the worldbuilding/tone that comes with it first, and you can see this from the earliest concept art. A character is a reflection of the setting they live in. Korra wasn't made with either of the Water Tribes in mind, only RC. And this wouldn't be so bad if RC wasn't dogshit in terms of worldbuilding. Most of the new characters are hollow or lackluster because of Bryke dropping the ball in this department.

    While it's true that Korra, in-universe, was raised by the White Lotus in a compound, it's worth pointing out that she was still raised in the tundra of the Water Tribe and surrounded by her family, and clearly allowed interaction with them and other people. And yet she still doesn't feel like a Water Tribe character because Bryke never really wanted her to be one: their main goal was the shock value of Korra being the anti-Aang without actually thinking that through.

    • 7 months ago

      Plus she had main baddie there helping her.

      • 7 months ago

        Why did so many people hate Katara

        • 7 months ago

          Katara gets really b***hy and overbearing in book 3.

          • 7 months ago

            Made me diamonds bro

        • 7 months ago

          She stood up to Toph and Toph was the fan favourite. So it hurt her popularity.

          • 7 months ago

            >Take a bath, Toph!
            >The audience will remember that.

            • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      If Korra was to be a Water Tribe Avatar, you'd have to overhaul her as a character and scrap the anti-Aang idea entirely. Korra shouldn't BE the opposite of Aang as she is in canon because her temperament and demeanor is better suited for an Earth Kingdom or Fire Nation Avatar specifically born and raised in RC (as one can observe that Korra has no actual true conflict from being an outsider to urban life). You'd be making Toph or Zuko the Avatar raised in an urban environment, and that would be fine, but save that for Korra's successor series.

      Korra should complement Aang as a Water Tribe Avatar: spiritual, but not a total guru or monk, and still grounded in the material world. Something of a cross between Sokka and Katara, wise and kind yet also a crass tomboy who picks her nose. Given that RC still would be her setting, you could go for Korra as a "hick moves to the big city" deal, along with a fun juxtaposition of "tribal native ends up in an advanced outside world". Really, the White Lotus crap doesn't really add a whole lot or truly mean anything to TLOK so you could easily scrap it or adjust it to be better.

      • 7 months ago

        The whole tension should derive from Korra being alien to the urbanizing world of RC: Korra is basically a hillbilly crossed with a barbarian stuck inside steampunk Tokyo-Shanghai with a 1920's vibe. Korra doesn't gel well with a changing world with ideas and people who don't think "naturally". She relies on primal instinct, the natural world, and spiritual cunning. Korra genuinely does not get WHY the world is changing nor the consequences it brings onto people and spirits, and this clashes with the characters who are more accustomed to RC and it's ways.

        • 7 months ago

          If Korra was to be a Water Tribe Avatar, you'd have to overhaul her as a character and scrap the anti-Aang idea entirely. Korra shouldn't BE the opposite of Aang as she is in canon because her temperament and demeanor is better suited for an Earth Kingdom or Fire Nation Avatar specifically born and raised in RC (as one can observe that Korra has no actual true conflict from being an outsider to urban life). You'd be making Toph or Zuko the Avatar raised in an urban environment, and that would be fine, but save that for Korra's successor series.

          Korra should complement Aang as a Water Tribe Avatar: spiritual, but not a total guru or monk, and still grounded in the material world. Something of a cross between Sokka and Katara, wise and kind yet also a crass tomboy who picks her nose. Given that RC still would be her setting, you could go for Korra as a "hick moves to the big city" deal, along with a fun juxtaposition of "tribal native ends up in an advanced outside world". Really, the White Lotus crap doesn't really add a whole lot or truly mean anything to TLOK so you could easily scrap it or adjust it to be better.

          Korra would be a woman out of time: akin to Blast From the Past or Captain America, raised in a society and culture that more or less doesn't exist anymore (well, it does literally still exist, just not in the setting of the story she's occupied with).

          She can't hunt for her own food because the water is polluted and it breaks laws. She can't ride Naga because the concrete isn't safe for her paws and because the trains and buses could hurt her. She can't even make her own clothing because other people in a factory can do that for her. There's nowhere to vibe with spirits because everything is an industrialized jungle of metal and machines so the spirits either take up refuge as rats and pigeons and vermin, or straight up leave.

          And of course, new antagonists don't exactly play by the rules of old either.

          • 7 months ago

            I don't know why but the more I look at this image I wonder how Amon would've reacted if his ass got turned into a shishkabob by a water tribe machete.

        • 7 months ago

          Remember that Korra nearly got arrested for fishing.

          If Korra was to be a Water Tribe Avatar, you'd have to overhaul her as a character and scrap the anti-Aang idea entirely. Korra shouldn't BE the opposite of Aang as she is in canon because her temperament and demeanor is better suited for an Earth Kingdom or Fire Nation Avatar specifically born and raised in RC (as one can observe that Korra has no actual true conflict from being an outsider to urban life). You'd be making Toph or Zuko the Avatar raised in an urban environment, and that would be fine, but save that for Korra's successor series.

          Korra should complement Aang as a Water Tribe Avatar: spiritual, but not a total guru or monk, and still grounded in the material world. Something of a cross between Sokka and Katara, wise and kind yet also a crass tomboy who picks her nose. Given that RC still would be her setting, you could go for Korra as a "hick moves to the big city" deal, along with a fun juxtaposition of "tribal native ends up in an advanced outside world". Really, the White Lotus crap doesn't really add a whole lot or truly mean anything to TLOK so you could easily scrap it or adjust it to be better.

          Korra would be a woman out of time: akin to Blast From the Past or Captain America, raised in a society and culture that more or less doesn't exist anymore (well, it does literally still exist, just not in the setting of the story she's occupied with).

          She can't hunt for her own food because the water is polluted and it breaks laws. She can't ride Naga because the concrete isn't safe for her paws and because the trains and buses could hurt her. She can't even make her own clothing because other people in a factory can do that for her. There's nowhere to vibe with spirits because everything is an industrialized jungle of metal and machines so the spirits either take up refuge as rats and pigeons and vermin, or straight up leave.

          And of course, new antagonists don't exactly play by the rules of old either.

          Damn you motherfrickers. I didn't need a fanfic idea right now!

          • 7 months ago

            Thanks. My answer as to WHY she stays in Republic City is because of RC being a ticking timebomb. It is filled with so much disorder and disharmony that as the Avatar (the human manifestation of the spirit of the planet), she simply cannot ignore the fact that people truly need her in the city more than anywhere else.

            I don't know why but the more I look at this image I wonder how Amon would've reacted if his ass got turned into a shishkabob by a water tribe machete.

            That's funny, because I'd revamp Amon as well: he's initially introduced to appear as the villain of the Book, but this is a ruse. In truth, he's something of a rival to Korra, both her friend and enemy, and the secondary protagonist. A cross between V, The Shadow, and Anarky.

            • 7 months ago

              Nice nice.
              I don't know I just like the few fics I've seen over the years where Korra uses some water tribe weapons so if I ever wrote a LoK fic I'd probably do that.
              Also ever since I watched Prey I've been really deep into thinking about.. native, tribal, stuff and the Water Tribe is.. well that yeah? lol

            • 7 months ago

              >A cross between V, The Shadow, and Anarky.
              Sounds better than being a whiny wannabe socialist revolutionary.

  4. 7 months ago

    lol, it feels like asami is wrangling her tard.

    • 7 months ago

      Well she is the brains of the relationship.

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