THE MARVELS Test-Screening Leaks

>At the beginning of the movie Kamala is narrating but you're not sure who to yet. At the end it is revealed she was narrating to Kate Bishop as she is trying to recruit her Nick Fury-style and mentions "Did you know Ant-Man has a daughter?"

>After the Marvels save as many Skrulls as they can from whatever planet they were taking refuge from, Valkyrie shows up on their ship via Rainbow Bridge to take the Skrull refugees to New Asgard.

>At the end Monica gets trapped in another universe where her mother is Captain Marvel (But she has a different suit than what she had in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness).

>The sequence with the Flerkens gobbling up the SABER crew members got a lot of laughs because they were running around and you keep hearing over the PA "do not run; let them eat you" all to the song "Memories" from the musical cats playing.

>A lot of Kamala's lines got some laughs as did Fury. Mild cheers/claps when Valkyrie and Kate showed up

>Hailee Steinfeld was in full purple costume with bow and arrows and everything.

>The current cut of the movie was right around 1h50min.

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  1. 12 months ago

    More like the Floplels

    • 12 months ago

      Watch it make more than any DC film this year.

      • 12 months ago

        i bet nintendo outsells sega too

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            yeah? Were we not making plainly obvious statements for no reason?

      • 12 months ago

        That's hardly an achievement

      • 12 months ago

        That's like betting that a random black guy you see walking on the street has a penis that's 8 inches or bigger. Next time make a novel prediction and tell us something we don't expect to be true.

        • 12 months ago

          Wow. You’re a fully mindfricked NPC.

          Why so many israelites and chinks here lately?

        • 12 months ago

          Chang this is a fricking thread about a shitty capeshit flop. Why do you have the need to drag your gay discord OP in here?

        • 12 months ago

          So I should tell you something other than that the writer of your post has the last name "Chang"?

        • 12 months ago

          Mericans on the internet

  2. 12 months ago

    I refuse to believe anyone gives a shit about this movie.

  3. 12 months ago

    Holy shit all female avengers incoming Kang is dunzo!

  4. 12 months ago

    >Hailee Steinfeld
    I will now watch the webms from your movie when it leaks

  5. 12 months ago

    who is Kamala
    what is a skrull
    who is Kate Bishop
    who is Monica
    I hate capeshit so much

    • 12 months ago

      and the whole movie is about them switching powers or something
      the trailer seemed to expect me to know what these various random women do in their respective movies

      i know of the america chavez character or whatever from dr. strange 2 and i don't even think she's in this

    • 12 months ago

      >who is Kamala
      >what is a skrull
      Caved in skull
      >who is Kate Bishop
      Purple b***h.
      >who is Monica
      Ross' sister. Wife of Chandler.
      >I hate capeshit so much
      Black person

    • 12 months ago

      Superhero with construct powers like Green Lantern
      Alien with shapeshifting powers
      >Kate Bishop
      Hawkeye's daughter
      Shiled agent turned hero after the events of Wandavision
      >I hate capeshit so much
      Me too anon

      • 12 months ago

        >Superhero with construct powers like Green Lantern
        Lmao her original powers were so lame that they changed these?

  6. 12 months ago

    I'm gonna watch it because I love going to see feminist films.

  7. 12 months ago

    >>At the end Monica gets trapped in another universe where her mother is Captain Marvel (But she has a different suit than what she had in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness).
    This means yet another multiverse movie or she will be the required diversity hire for the next Doctor Strange movie.
    At some point they need to ween off of this multiverse shit

    • 12 months ago

      > At some point they need to ween off of this multiverse shit
      They were going to after Kang but recent shake-ups have extended the Kang era by a year to 2026, post the mew superman and Batman films both years away. People have been tired of the multiverse since Spidermen but Marvel/Disney bought the cow and got yo drink that milk now for every meal.

    • 12 months ago

      They got rid of the only actress with ass and that has the body of work of a comic book heroine I wasn't going to see this movie anyway but are they that moronic?

  8. 12 months ago

    >Mild cheers/claps when Valkyrie and Kate showed up


    • 12 months ago

      Literal bug people

  9. 12 months ago

    >Valkyrie shows up on their ship via Rainbow Bridge to take the Skrull refugees to New Asgard.
    Wakanda for Wakandans, and Norse countries for everyone!

    • 12 months ago

      Yep. Blatant propaganda.

  10. 12 months ago

    >At the end it is revealed she was narrating to Kate Bishop as she is trying to recruit her Nick Fury-style and mentions "Did you know Ant-Man has a daughter?"
    Man, who could have seen this coming when the Marvel D+ shows introduced Patriot, Kid Loki, Speed, Wiccan, and Skaar?

  11. 12 months ago

    A white man is probably he villain

    • 12 months ago

      It's a black woman but close enough

      • 12 months ago


  12. 12 months ago

    >At the beginning of the movie Kamala is narrating but you're not sure who to yet. At the end it is revealed she was narrating to Kate Bishop as she is trying to recruit her Nick Fury-style and mentions "Did you know Ant-Man has a daughter?"
    >have an all male group
    >things are good
    >invite a woman in
    >things are good
    >invite more womans in
    >now woman demand more woman
    >now woman demand more power
    >woman then go out and create the same group only with woman in it even though the original group was never intended to be for men

    • 12 months ago

      The Young Avengers are not an all-woman group, though.

      • 12 months ago

        >keeps differing to the comics when the MCU does it's own thing
        Why do you autists keep doing this? Haven't you noticed all the young versions of the characters are woman?

        • 12 months ago

          it's "deferring", my man.

          • 12 months ago

            Yea my bad.

            America Chavez ended up in a movie, and all their other shit creations too

            and? Once again the MCU takes liberties with characters and plots. The Infinity Saga played out completely different. Task Master is a woman. Many other examples. "But the comics" is not a valid deflection and again they set up all the new blood as woman.

        • 12 months ago

          America Chavez ended up in a movie, and all their other shit creations too

        • 12 months ago

          >Haven't you noticed all the young versions of the characters are woman?

          Wanda's kids, Hulk's son, black teen Captain America and Kid Loki are all boys and have appeared in the movies/shows.

          • 12 months ago

            >Wanda's kids
            Serve no purpose other than to advance the plot of the show and movie.
            >Hulk's son
            Is going to be be part of WW Hulk
            >black teen Captain America
            No idea who the frick this is?
            >Kid Loki
            Kid Loki was a gag character like the fricking alligator Loki from that same episode you dishonest semantic homosexual.

            • 12 months ago

              okay moron

    • 12 months ago

      >woman then go out and create the same group only with woman in it even though the original group was never intended to be for men
      Well, in the comics at least the team has Miles Morales and Kid Nova

  13. 12 months ago

    >they get rid of the blackone
    huh Cinemaphile bros????

  14. 12 months ago

    does the song sistas doing it fo theyselves play ay anytime during the movie? if not its confirmed garbage

  15. 12 months ago

    It's well past time to introduce Doom if he's going to be the final Big Bad in Secret Wars. But I guess they're still banking on Kang?

  16. 12 months ago

    I love Ms Marvel so much is unreal but i dont see her as the leader of the Young Avengers. Should be Patriot

  17. 12 months ago

    They knew

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      you missed one

    • 12 months ago
  18. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        I see what they did there.

  19. 12 months ago

    But they have no plans for a Young Avengers movie. It should have been the first movie in the new phase after Endgame. Could have worked to hook people, in the comics Khan is their first villain. But i guess whatever the frick they planned worked hehe, wasted opportunity also Hailee Steinfeld is gonna be 30 when they announce the movie kek

  20. 12 months ago

    whoa a movie about brownish girls importing migrants
    I'll watch it twice

  21. 12 months ago

    So is America Chavez not a thing anymore? Need my zochi fix.

    • 12 months ago

      She will be on the Wong Disney+ show.

  22. 12 months ago

    the Marvels save as many Skrulls as they can from whatever planet they were taking refuge from, Valkyrie shows up on their ship via Rainbow Bridge to take the Skrull refugees to New Asgard.
    Fricking gay. Valkyrie is stupid. No one is excited for this b***h on her own merit.

    The actress has a nice body. They should reveal it more.

    >Monica blah blah another Captain Marvel
    Literally no one gives a frick about Blacktain Marvel or the original boring one. No one cares about motherly connections made to other girl heroes. Or rather men won't give a shit.

    • 12 months ago

      >The actress has a nice body. They should reveal it more.

      • 12 months ago

        Would love to but I'm stuck at work. Google "iman vellani thighs".

        • 12 months ago

          Oh shit where were they hiding?

  23. 12 months ago

    This movie could make a billion dollars if thy let Captain Marvel be in her OG suit for the entire movie.

  24. 12 months ago

    Why are they trying to make Skrulls into innocent refugees who dindunthing?

  25. 12 months ago

    >got the X-Men and FF rights back in 2018
    >announced the FF movie in 2019
    >FF won't come out at best in 2025
    >X-Men won't start until 2028 or 2029 at the the earliest
    But yeah, sure, waste time with this utterly irrelevant tripe...

    • 12 months ago

      why are they taking so long for X-Men anyway?

      • 12 months ago

        Contracts still haven’t expired for all of them.

      • 12 months ago

        Old actors contracts are still up and they can't make new movies without them until these expire so they are just waiting for that

  26. 12 months ago

    I WILL jerk off to whatever costume Hailee is wearing in this and none of you can stop me

  27. 12 months ago

    >The sequence with the Flerkens gobbling up the SABER crew members got a lot of laughs because they were running around and you keep hearing over the PA "do not run; let them eat you" all to the song "Memories" from the musical Cats playing
    sounds absolutely fricking hysterical

  28. 12 months ago

    I don't know who any of these people are

  29. 12 months ago

    There is no force on earth or heaven that could compel me to see this film.

  30. 12 months ago

    I didn't see the first movie and I had no intention of seeing it but I'm obsessively in love with Hailee Steinfeld and will watch everything she is in. I had to watch those shit Pitch Perfect films in theaters just for her.

  31. 12 months ago

    >black woman
    not interested, thanks.

  32. 12 months ago

    >At the end it is revealed she was narrating to Kate Bishop as she is trying to recruit her Nick Fury-style and mentions "Did you know Ant-Man has a daughter?

  33. 12 months ago

    Hailee is in it?
    I might go and see it now.

  34. 12 months ago

    >more capeshit flops

    Excellent. I want capeshit to go the way of parody movies with so many consecutive flops the genre completely fricking dies.

    CapeBlack person exhaustion has fully set the frick in.

  35. 12 months ago

    So what the frick is Secret Invasion about, then? The ads make it look like it's about evil Skrulls taking over SHIELD or SWORD or what the frick ever.

    • 12 months ago

      Skrulls are Black folk but since Captain Marvel movie was made around the muh Syria refugees moment they used them as a refugee allegory and now they fricked their lore

  36. 12 months ago

    Part 1
    Zawe Ashton’s character is named Dar-Benn. I didn’t see any “sexual tension” which, believe me, I was looking for it. Comments are made about how Carol is “obsessed” with Dar-Benn, but it’s made clear that it’s because Carol doesn’t trust her, and it’s also made VERY clear that Carol isn’t wrong for mistrusting her. She’s quite obviously the villain.
    Dar Benn is the regular leader of the Kree, no side factions or anything like that. In flashbacks, she witnesses Carol attacking the Supreme Intelligence and that’s her villain origin story. The Kree refer to Carol as “The Annihilator” or something very similar, and she does not like the name.
    Dar-Benn has one bangle, Kamala has the other. No idea how she has it. She’s using it to power a weapon, but she needs both bangles. There’s a funny line where Dar-Benn demands to know how Kamala got such an ancient and powerful artifact and Kamala responds “my grandma sent it to me in the mail.” It wasn't explained in the rough cut that I saw, but almost immediately, Monica, Carol, and Kamala begin switching places every time they use their powers. Monica is working on a space station, SWORD’s “The Peak” headquarters with Nick Fury; Kamala is at home, and Carol is trying to sneak into a Kree/Skrull peace summit because she doesn't trust Dar-Benn, who is the leader of the Kree.
    So Carol starts fighting Kree soldiers, and then begins switching with Kamala and Monica, and the Kree soldiers start switching with her. So at one point, Carol is on The Peak with Fury, while Kamala is at the peace summit, and Monica is fighting Kree soldiers in the Khan living room while the Khan family tries to hit them with brooms/fight them/runs around screaming. Very fun sequence. At the end, everyone - Fury included - ends up in the Khan living room, except Kamala. That ending scene in the Ms Marvel show is a direct shot from The Marvels.

    • 12 months ago

      Part 2
      Carol leaves the house and tries to fly off, but they switch again, and suddenly Kamala is falling out of the sky, and Fury tells Monica she has to fly and save her; Monica resists, because she doesn't know how to control her flight yet, but Fury yells, "C'mon, Black girl magic!" and Monica flies up to save Kamala. However, she loses control on the way down, everyone is screaming, and at the last second, Monica and Carol switch and Carol is able to stop before they hit the ground. Fury screams as they are dropping and at the last second "AHHHHH - oh it's just Carol."
      Anyway. Carol, Monica, and Kamala go off to investigate Dar-Benn, sticking together because they can't control the switching every time they use their powers. It's really not explained, except for some allusion to how their powers are all similar or variations of each other?
      They discover that Dar-Benn is using a new weapon to create unstable portals that steal the resources (water, air, sun) of whole planets, and she sends the resources to the destroyed Hala to rebuild it. She's so far destroyed one planet at the beginning of the film for it's atmosphere, she destroys the second at the Kree/Skrull peace talks, then she goes after Aladna to steal their water.
      Carol has already been to Aladna and is reluctant to go back because she is the princess, married to Prince Yan in an accidental diplomatic mistake. Everyone on Aladna sings as a way of communicating. Brie sings. She has a lovely voice but it's an awful sequence...

      • 12 months ago

        Part 3
        They realize the planet is Dar-Benn’s next target and go there to get help fighting her, to protect the planet and stop her rampage. The girls bond well before this in a montage on Carol’s ship on the way to Aladna. Monica helps Carol get used to working with Kamala - Carol yelled at Kamala in an early scene because Kamala froze up in a pivotal moment, Monica reminds Carol that Kamala isn’t a soldier. Monica and Carol also have conversations about how Carol left and never came back. All three kinda work through their issues. It’s later revealed that Carol did indeed come back and visit Maria, more than once.
        Prince Yan doesn't have a crush on Carol, he and Carol are married. But Carol and Prince Yan seem to have a very platonic friendship and mutual respect. Nonetheless, Carol is very embarrassed about it and reluctant to visit Aladna, it's played like she didn't understand the customs and accidentally got diplomatically married to the Prince at some point in the past. The citizens of the planet worship her as their princess. Prince Yan himself is cool though, and isn't played as a goofy trope, though. But it is a whole awkward sequence that goes on for entirely too long. Monica is weirded out by the whole situation; Kamala is excited. Monica asks if Kamala is going to put this in her Captain Marvel fanfiction and Kamala says yes.
        Anyway, Carol realizes that she's going after every planet Carol has ever called Home, in an act of revenge. Earth is the last part of the plan. Meanwhile, Fury takes the Khan family up to the space station to keep them protected so he can monitor the situation from there.
        A side plot on the space station with Fury: some techs find weird eggs inside all the space station machinery. They're all really worried about some sort of alien attack. The eggs hatch and it's revealed they are newborn Flerken kittens. Chaos ensues on the space station.

        • 12 months ago

          Part 4
          Later, the space station is damaged by Dar-Benn when she attacks Earth in the climax. There are not enough escape pods to get everyone off the station before it crashes. Fury comes up with the idea of feeding everyone on the station to the Flerken kittens, then putting all the kittens on the escape pods, and getting to Earth safely that way. It's amusing/bizarre, and the whole film has this really weird tonal clash between a standard marvel movie and something goofier, like Guardians.
          Monica and Carol go to Hala, and it is raining for the first time on Hala and the surviving Kree are celebrating, because Dar-Benn brought atmosphere and water back to them. Carol realizes that the Annihilator is accurate from their perspective - she destroyed this planet and the survivors are struggling and she’s a great villain in their eyes, and she has a moral reckoning. Stopping Dar-Benn means destroying Hala all over again. Monica gives her a little bit of a pep talk that basically amounts to “We can’t save everyone, we have to let Hala be destroyed again.” Carol re-affirms her desire to stop Dar-Benn.
          In addition to Dar-Benn destroying planets, her creation of portals makes the universe unstable, increasing the likelihood of an incursion, which is another reason they have to stop her. An incursion happens in the climax - Carol fights Dar-Benn while Monica and Kamala try to fix the incursion. Monica ends up flying through this “tear” in the universe and fixes it on the other side, and ends up stuck in that other universe.

    • 12 months ago

      >Zawe Ashton’s character is named Dar-Benn.
      God what stupid fricking names. My suspension of disbelief seriously won't let me immerse myself into something if the names are too illogical or stupid sounding in films of fantasy. Foreign films I get it but man.

  37. 12 months ago

    Kamala is the most likable of the three, hopefully she is the only one alive at the end of it

  38. 12 months ago

    We live in a world where the sequel to Captain Marvel starring Brie fricking Larson will triple the box office of a new Michael Keaton Batman movie. Let that sink in

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