The MCU handled Thanos better than the comics do admit it.

The MCU handled Thanos better than the comics do admit it. If the MCU followed the comic version more accurately, everyone would think of him boring and just another example of MCU's inability to create a compelling villain. Luckily they didn't.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The movies makes his dumb plan even dumber by trying to give it more depth.

  2. 2 years ago

    Culling half of life is moronic and just kicks the issue back a few decades. Wanting to frick a skeleton is relatable

  3. 2 years ago

    Both have shitty motivations. If Llwyn Thanos had just wanted to conquer the known universe that would have been enough for me. You don't need to always have a "conflicted" villain because nine times out of ten you're going to give them a shallow line of reasoning as strong as a wet paper bag. It's hard to do the villain people might agree with for a reason

  4. 2 years ago

    I disagree with the general premise that “If the MCU followed the comic version more accurately, everyone would think of him boring”
    People liked him cause Thanos looked cool, had cool lines, acted cool, his big act of villainy is cool
    That’s the problem with the earlier MCU villains. They’re lame. They changed up Mandarin, but they made him lame. He was horribly lame.
    Giving Thanos a motive change really didn’t change much. I think what they really did was streamline things. He says “it’s about the environment” and you immediately go “okay, got it.”
    If they had gone the comics route they’d have had to either add another 45 minutes onto the runtime of Infinity War just delving into his backstory OR create a completely separate Thanos movie

    • 2 years ago

      homie he's a soft "noble hero" b***h homie who's little more then an open obvious depopulation mouthpiece pushed by objectively privably evil scumbag billionaires.

      There are TEN YEAR OLDS on YouTube stating this plan is irredeemable frickibg moronic and proceed to list all of the ways yo achieve his moronic ass goal.

      They aren't stupid.
      This was a naked drpopulation is good story
      Even had space Africa save by thanos pulling a purple man's burden and killing g half of the population.
      Except for the exceptional house Black person/pet Gamora.

      I can get behind an space warlord who eorships and fell in love with the eternals death goddess.
      Him being evil and monstrous through acts of madness insane faith and twisted love would have resonated and rocked hard.
      The end credits should have been a mini movie in and of themselves.
      A altered thanos quest where he fights powerful space deities and monsters to get the stones.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick off you ESL moron.

  5. 2 years ago

    It's not about wanting to cum in a skeleton, it's about being a nihilist who finds beauty and a sexual thrill in the total destruction of life

    • 2 years ago

      Well too bad because it turns out the big titty skeleton exists. There's a statue of her Thor 4.

  6. 2 years ago

    The reason why Thanos hits so well is because despite being a villain in Infinity War, his entire character arc is the hero's journey, instead of the protagonist's.

    • 2 years ago

      He's not a goddamned hero and it's not a fricking heros journey.
      Its a conquerors quest and his reasoning are objectively provably frickibg stupid and outright fivking EVIL.

  7. 2 years ago

    I feel like comic Thanos' petty sociopathy and autism are better than the MCU's "muh population growth"

  8. 2 years ago

    MCU Thanos has a good motivation... in an universe without the Gems, Stark and Pym tech, but since those exist and can solve the problem without killing half the universe, then comics Thanos motivation is not only better, but also way more relatable, think about those old Greek stories, many are about love.

    • 2 years ago

      False. Love as motivation for extreme actions is not relatable to the modern Western viewer.

      That's the real reason it was scrapped.

      If the movie came out and Thanos was killing billions over his love for a single woman, no one would actually respect him as a villain. People would think he's creepy and pathetic and make fun of him on social media. You KNOW I'm right.

      Nowadays the prevailing notion is that no one owes you love and if you go to extreme lengths to "earn" it, this is not heroic or even tragic, this is pathetic because you cannot accept rejection, you live in your own reality where you believe you are entitled to certain things, like a baby. Basically, accepting rejection is considered something that every functioning adult should be able to do. Note that this doesn't mean you can't be sad over a heartbreak, since for your heart to break, you have to first acknowledge rejection in some way, shape or form. But continuing to obsess over a single person while they are not interested in you is seen as lowly and not worthy of respect. This is most likely why Russos decided this aspect of Thanos' personality absolutely had to go.

      • 2 years ago

        >no one would actually respect him as a villain
        did anyone respect him in the IG comic to begin with?

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, because the comic had a different tone and Thanos also had more things going on than his one-sided obsession with Death, like his rivalry with Warlock/Surfer, his relationship with Dormammu, his own ambition and ego. Death was just the cherry on top, albeit an important one.

          • 2 years ago

            >his relationship with Dormamm
            Frick, why did I say Dormammu? I meant Mephisto, of course.

      • 2 years ago

        He isn't doing it for the love of a "woman" he's doing it for his existential love of the beauty of death, that nothing has true meaning until it feels its life ripping away.

        • 2 years ago

          True, but MCU's tone would not allow for the pathos of the original Thanos books.

          But you can accept the simp homosexual heroes of the MCU discovering love as their journey?

          What about Thanos love of life that drove him on his dumbass journey?
          Or the magic true love murder alter that screams "Hollywood child sacrifice ritual" being a okay and played up as noble and heroic?

          You're full of shit.

          >But you can accept the simp homosexual heroes of the MCU discovering love as their journey?
          They actually succeed and are in a relationship with someone who loves them. Not people chasing someone who will never love them back.
          >What about Thanos love of life that drove him on his dumbass journey?
          He's driven and dedicated to his beliefs, something people can respect if not agree with.
          >Or the magic true love murder alter that screams "Hollywood child sacrifice ritual" being a okay and played up as noble and heroic?
          You might be an actual tinfoil hat schizo. It wasn't noble and heroic, it just humanized Thanos in the movie by showing he could feel emotions, too.

      • 2 years ago

        But you can accept the simp homosexual heroes of the MCU discovering love as their journey?

        What about Thanos love of life that drove him on his dumbass journey?
        Or the magic true love murder alter that screams "Hollywood child sacrifice ritual" being a okay and played up as noble and heroic?

        You're full of shit.

  9. 2 years ago

    Better? Sure. Your average incarnation of Thanos in the comics doesn’t give much to work with—he’s just a really powerful dude that wants to murder everything. It’s just that it’s such a low bar that nearly any honest attempt to improve him would be a positive change, especially since nearly every MCU villain prior to Thanos tended to be pretty stereotypical bad guys themselves. Even though MCU Thanos’ plan is stupid once you put any level of thought into it, the sheer fact the writers tried to do something different with him—even going as far as to let Thanos win at the end of Infinity War—made him significantly more memorable than the Marvel villains that came prior.

    • 2 years ago

      >Your average incarnation of Thanos in the comics
      The prime detector of a person who's never read comics about a character they're talking about is that they try to generalize, talk about the "average", the "usual" and the "general". That approximation is, of course, always based on nothing but pop culture osmosis.

  10. 2 years ago

    this entire thread is all secondaries, get off my board.


    the only sapient anon in this thread

  11. 2 years ago

    Thanos assumes the various species left alive will say "wow, look how much better things are with more resources and fewer mouths to feed" and will then make more efforts to control their population level. That's how I read him, at least.

  12. 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    I'm just bummed out we didn't get Infinity Quest. Thanos getting half the stones offscreen and the other half in the same afternoon was okay, but Thanos Quest actually made him out to be the underdog, going across the universe, beating on ancient alien demigods in the pursuit of godhood

    • 2 years ago

      >infinity quest

      • 2 years ago

        I fricked up, but it really should retroactively be called Infinity Quest

  14. 2 years ago

    Movie Thanos had a movie film goal, stupid if you analyzed the details but not stupid enough that it was immersion breaking. An entertaining character. Comic book Thanos is for self inserts, that's not an insult, that's just what it is and unsuitable for adaption to such a wide audience.

    • 2 years ago

      It was on its face so fu king dymb thar it made me winder if the people who were writing it were utterly out of touch and thought this sick ideal would instantly be accepted because they do....or it was then push8ng narrative outright and thought they could get the kiddies and tards to believe it if they played enough sad pensive music and no one poked holes in its logic.

  15. 2 years ago

    Wouldn't comic Thanos parallel somewhat with Loki in Thor 1, and his deranged attempt to please Odin?

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