The people at Disney will never have his knowledge of mythology, religion and history. That is why they fail.

The people at Disney will never have his knowledge of mythology, religion and history. That is why they fail.

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  1. 2 years ago

    TRUE- there in lies the soul of the experience. It’s also why any new Indiana Jones movie is going to be terrible. It’s not even a matter of not finding the people with the right experience to work on the projects, it’s that they shun prior influences and make it as sterile as possible for maximum consumption.

    • 2 years ago

      disneymarvel rejects influences in favor of references

  2. 2 years ago

    Fail at what? They already perfectly captured Jar Jar Binks' awfulness in the robot in Treasure Planet.

  3. 2 years ago

    Disney is owned by Marxist israelites that hate your white family and want it demoralized and DEAD.

    Simple as.

  4. 2 years ago

    >The people at Disney will never have his knowledge of mythology, religion and history. That is why they fail.
    They have great knowledge of it. They're just above it. Their purpose is to control and package them all and then present them so that you just see them as "worlds" to play in and not actual values to adopt. The values are liberalism and in liberalism nothing matters. It's all interchangeable. Honestly, we need companies like Disney because what if one day someone uses the media and inadvertently creates a new religion or something. That would be scary. Best to use corporations to help the govt control everything. That's not fascist at all, by the way. We're trying to prevent fascism.

  5. 2 years ago

    George is a soulful white man. The antithesis to israelitery.

    • 2 years ago

      Then why hasn't he made anything soulful since American Graffiti?

    • 2 years ago

      That's like saying a spider has soul because it spins a beautiful web. He may have "created" Star Wars but it still belongs to the israelites. Anything worth doing/having on this earth rightfully belongs to israelites because that's what israelites are by definition. They have a proprietary interest in everything worth having.

      What would be hilarious nightmare would be movies and parks meant to impart the kinds of lessons that israeli folklore teaches israelites instead of seeking to control the "noble myths" and morality plays of pagan Europeans and the Christian west.

      • 2 years ago

        Shut up doomer homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          >t. israeli spider farmer

  6. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >here, read this book on architecture

  7. 2 years ago


    No. Not until you make something good again and prove you're not a hack.

  8. 2 years ago

    Ok so why did the Prequels fail?

    • 2 years ago

      >prequels failed
      >a few salty youtubers crying make them a failure

      2/10 for making me reply

      • 2 years ago

        Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

      • 2 years ago

        Why did Return of The Jedi fail?

        • 2 years ago

          Because of ewoks

    • 2 years ago

      >Ok so why did the Prequels fail?
      Star Wars is/was The Hero's Journey retold and with stakes and a setting of "epic" proportions. It's the big one. The biggest George could do at the time, but not the biggest for the overall story.

      The biggest story overall was when he succeeded in making the original trilogy. Now you have that initial heroic story brilliantly expanding to reveal a greater Hero's Journey where you have the Emperor as the big bad guy and bringing balance to the force and all that. The problem is that you can't go bigger and he probably never planned on it or intended to. The "3 movies before and 3 movies after" thing was total bullshit just to have excuses to keep making stuff and have something to tell fans and investors. It was never a smart move for the franchise or the story because you really can't go anywhere from the stakes of the first trilogy without necessarily downgrading/ demoting that initial story and those characters/events.

      The prequels are fine, but they shouldn't have been a movie trilogy presented on par with the original trilogy. They should have been a TV show and if Obi-Wan demonstrates one thing in excruciating, embarrassing detail it's how true that is. George Lucas should have done a long, political TV drama about the fall of the republic as a TV series but he believed his own b.s. about the movies.

      • 2 years ago

        >The prequels are fine

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, it was a perfect post (I too can play this game).

  9. 2 years ago

    Soi Wars is all fricking garbage

  10. 2 years ago

    Contrary to their repeated claims, leftoids cannot be creative because they have no interest in the old, tradition or archetypes.

  11. 2 years ago

    people don't get that George Lucas is a true artist. They see star wars 1977 and think that he made a silly little adventure in space. the kids who watched it grew up to be either moronic yuppie Ivy leaguers that ended up working for disney, or autistic manchildren that are still excited about whimsical adventures in film and spend their time ranting on the internet.

    George Lucas was one of those film nerds, like Tarantino and the sort. He know absolutely everything about film history, everything from mainstream classics to cheesy scifi and french experimental films. Moreover, as OP says, he knows mythology, religion and history. All this is in Star Wars 1977 if you have the eyes for it, i.e. if you stop watching it as an 80s adventure film a la Goonies. It is an adventure film, but it goes beyond that.

    There's a universality to that film that makes it historically relevant, something that Empire Strikes Back fails at. Just because the first one has less flashy filmmaking techniques people assume it's because George Lucas doesn't know about filmmaking and so they can't ask the question of why the movie has that particular dry style and conclude that ESB has to be a better film because it's more dramatic.

    • 2 years ago

      That's how low IQ sois cope with the fact that fairy tale in space serves them as substitute for personality

    • 2 years ago

      >are still excited about whimsical adventures in film
      The vast majority wanted the franchise to grow up with them and it didn't, so they wanted something darker and more complex and political. This is what they're mad about. George tried to have it both ways and failed everybody in the process. The prequels should have been a late 90's / early 00's TV series during the height of presige cable and they should have done weird alien shit or something for the next generation of kids. Make it animated maybe. Whatever. George fricked everything up though by insisting on it being 3 sets of 3 films because he's autistic. He was never going to make six more films that fit with those first three on the same level.

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