The problem with DC and Marvel

Is it me or is the jobbing completely out of control in comics. Where is the consistency??

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  1. 8 months ago

    The problem are the the current writers and editorial Spider-Man is a garbage book ever since OMD. And DC is forever runied due to constant reboots and crisis events the less said about the New 52 the better.

    • 8 months ago

      Did bendis brought in many cucks like himself into industry. So many of them there. Almost most of classic pairings have been cucked.

  2. 8 months ago

    let's talk about comicbooks OP, prove that you had been reading comicbooks.

    Tell me about some arc, sagas and run that you enjoyed or hated.

    Give me your stronger review in order to discuss comicbooks in Cinemaphile - Comics & Cartoons boards

    • 8 months ago

      I hate Sins Past and OMD I think Zero Hour: Crisis in Time was pretty dumb. I also hate the fact that they made Hal into Parallax.

      • 8 months ago

        mmm what are your thoughts on dave gibbons green lantern coprs run?

        • 8 months ago

          I thought it was pretty cool.

    • 8 months ago

      I enjoyed most of Marvel until Fear Itself. Even tolerated post OMD stuff. Haven't touched Marvel stuff after Hickman's Battleworld.

      I thoroughly enjoyed DC until New 52. Haven't touched a single DC comic since that atrocity started.

      • 8 months ago

        >Even tolerated post OMD stuff.
        It's no wonder Spider-Man id so bad people like you who support crap like that make sure it stays that way.

      • 8 months ago

        I too read post OMD stuff but I didn't bought it. I just pirated from Win'O thread, also I don't know how much get Marvel from Panini Comics Marvel editiosn from Europe.

  3. 8 months ago

    Are the higher ups at DC even aware of what’s going on in the comics?

    • 8 months ago

      I don’t think they do. They are trying to save their bombing movies and not get sold to Amazon.

      • 8 months ago

        >They are trying to save their bombing movies
        Yes to preserve their perceived value to a buyer.
        >and not get sold to Amazon.
        Zaslav's greatest dream is one of the FAANGs overpaying for WB, making his stock jump, and firing him and activating his trap car-Imean his Golden Parachute severance.

  4. 8 months ago

    >Where is the consistency??
    Consistency is genuinely impossible in decades old shared universes being written at the same time by dozens of people.

    • 8 months ago

      No it’s easy. Just have a series of written guidelines to follow.

      • 8 months ago

        It sounds easy in theory, not in practice. At that level of comnplexity, guidelines that would ensure consistency will become convoluted, especially that they would have to be updated daily. And even there we're talking best case scenario with perfect communication and conflicting visions and office politics involved. It's too much of a mess.

        • 8 months ago

          It’s not a mess. Simply mandating a character can’t do this or that will prevent a lot of future contradictions. The only reason comics are bad now is due to the lack of communication and no one caring.

      • 8 months ago

        It sounds easy in theory, not in practice. At that level of comnplexity, guidelines that would ensure consistency will become convoluted, especially that they would have to be updated daily. And even there we're talking best case scenario with perfect communication and conflicting visions and office politics involved. It's too much of a mess.

        Also, there's interactions with the readers and business side. Even if you have a clear plan that everyone's behind, you might be forced to change course (e.g. a book gets cancelled), and suddenly a lot of stuff stops working.

        It’s not a mess. Simply mandating a character can’t do this or that will prevent a lot of future contradictions. The only reason comics are bad now is due to the lack of communication and no one caring.

        It is. Even early FF had consistency problems, and it had much smaller universe, shorter history and the same team working on it. You may say that these were small issues, but now multiply that by complexity of the current Marvel or DC world (or old SW EU). Granted, you probably can improve things compared to how they are now, but it will still be a convoluted mess at the end of the day.

        • 8 months ago

          One last thing, even if you could somehow keep things consistent, it's not possible to unscramble the current self-contradictory mess without going for the 0 option.

    • 8 months ago

      There's nothing impossible about it, you just need to have a proper editiorial department with people whose literal only job is to keep things consistent.

      • 8 months ago

        The inconsistency is ruining comics. It does have to be perfect, just not go off the rails every issue.

  5. 8 months ago

    You want to know what's wrong with state of modern comic book industry ? 40, 30, 20, even 10 years ago you would have A grade talent working on C list characters, and now you have C grade talent working on A list characters. In past you would have Grant Morrison on Animal Man, Mark Millar doing House Of Mystery one shots, Alan Moore's Swamp Thing. They all did things like this as statement of intent. To prove to people just how confident they were in their abilities, that given any character, they could make them universal but at same time unique.

    We don't get that with writers like Tom King. He doesn't have any talent so he's not interested in proving himself or providing us the readers with anything that is new, exciting and at the same time familiar. For guys like him all he's really interested in is using the same old tropes on different characters, to force same types of stories on them, in an ever-decreasing death spiral. The man is a hack. He killed Batman. He killed Superwoman. He's killing Wonder Woman. And nobody says anything cause nobody cares. Comic books are dead.

    You can continue reading them if you want, it's your funeral but for me I am done. Please cancel my pull list and please remove me from your store contact list. I know during cost of living crisis this would be the last thing your business would like to hear from one of your long term customers but I'm sorry. I can no longer support an industry that allowed people to destroy the thing I love for short term gain and small rise in notoriety. Outrage shouldn't be profit model. Nobody spends close to $5 a comic just to hate it and hate themselves for buying it. That's why starting today, I've made decision, I am done.

    An excerpt of my email I sent to my LCS last week after 20 years of collecting.

  6. 8 months ago

    DC having revel Jor-El was really Mr. Oz and having gone bad truly was tthe dumbest shit ever.

  7. 8 months ago

    Those are highly nepotistic industries and anyone abandoned the ship a long time ago.
    Now they only hire incompetent new writers who will work for pennies and constantly lick higher-up's boots.

  8. 8 months ago

    Spider-man fighting off Firelord was the beginning of this.

    Batwank to let him hang with the Justice League made it a lot worse. A character doesn’t have to be the baddest in the room to be the most interesting character in the room.

    Batman should Nope out of any fight with anyone with superstrength, maybe run them over in the Batmobile. Cosmic Odyssey did this well, where a single Parademon nearly killed him.

    • 8 months ago

      Spider-Man has overcome the Juggernaut, all the classic Uncanny X-Men (at once) and a lot of other bullshit over the years.

      DC has been in a constant state of one-upsmanship with power levels and Marvel, and now presumably Manga, which is why it's totally absurd and Flash is somehow FASTER THAN THE SPEEDFORCE (except when he isn't for jobbing purposes).

      • 8 months ago

        Why the frick are they even there? Why the frick is Batman just going to these places with no extra gear? So dumb.
        And assuming this chart is correct (probably be contradicted in no time because DC is moronic) then this panel makes no sense.

        • 8 months ago

          Cheetah catches the Flash not-off-guard and tags him, and then nails Superman, who was at power levels of planet lifting at the time (and presumably still is, dumb as that is).

        • 8 months ago

          *this chart

          and nothing, not Batman beating Karate Kid at future-martial arts, not Black Panther arm-barring The Surfer, surpasses the Trinity jobbing to Harley Quinzel all at once.

          Atleast the kryptonite use for Superman made some sort of sense, but what happened to Wonder Woman and Batman was far fricking worse.

          Cheetah catches the Flash not-off-guard and tags him, and then nails Superman, who was at power levels of planet lifting at the time (and presumably still is, dumb as that is).

          Cheetah didn't physically beat Superman, so I'm not sure why that picture matters. She came out of nowhere unexpectedly, bit him, and ran off. He then turned into a moronic cheetah furry for shock value. Still utter bullshit though.
          Cheetah also one shot Wonder Woman in the same comic with a cut. It's fricking stupid the more I think about it. And why the hell did only Superman turn into a Cheetah? Did the comic ever explain that shit???
          And then Flash jobs again for no fricking reason to her a 2nd time.

          See this is why capeshit is dead. Stop supporting these bad comics people.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Is it me or is the jobbing completely out of control in comics. Where is the consistency??
    Where were you when Jack Kirby and Stan Lee were making comics?

  10. 8 months ago

    Are comics dead? Everything coming out seems mid to terrible.

  11. 8 months ago

    and nothing, not Batman beating Karate Kid at future-martial arts, not Black Panther arm-barring The Surfer, surpasses the Trinity jobbing to Harley Quinzel all at once.

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