The Punisher

>Frank still written off to some alien world
>"Soft Reboot" replacement dead in the water after abysmal sales
>only known upcoming appearance is live-action Daredevil
Is there any hope left for the character?

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  1. 2 months ago

    There’s unironically no place for Punisher in the mainline canon and there never was, there’s a reason people only care about the MAX imprint version. His story doesn’t work when there’s a million capeshitters flying around in the background.

    • 2 months ago

      That’s goes for a lot of marvel heroes. X men would have more impact without other heroes, blades schtick too.

    • 2 months ago

      >There’s unironically no place for Punisher in the mainline canon and there never was
      The '07 War Journal series and Daredevil vs. Punisher proved that he can fit in it. The problem is every hero turns into the biggest bleeding heart homosexual around him and act like he's the scum of the earth simply because he kills without being on the government dime.
      Wolverine's probably the only one who tolerates Frank's existence and methods when he isn't forced to.

      • 2 months ago

        Punisher best works when writers just pretend other heroes don’t exist. Like how Gaiman had Justice League members show up early in Sandman and just memoryhold them for the rest of the series because it didn’t make sense.

        • 2 months ago

          >Punisher best works when writers just pretend other heroes don’t exist.
          Eh, depends on the hero. Anyone just below Spider-Man works well with him.

          • 2 months ago

            I see where you are coming from but at this point, it just doesn't work more question arise than are answered, Marvel is scared shitless to push Punisher themselves while people they work with shit him out. Hes a popular character who makes money and marvel are scared about a bunch of edgy cops wearing skulls.

        • 2 months ago

          that's bullshit. punisher works with moon knight, daredevil, and would work well with mutants like x-23. he could guest star in midnight sons if the criminals he's tracking are doing magic shit. there's plenty of room for crossovers and team ups

          • 2 months ago

            frick off, dumbass. punisher can team up with blade to take on vampire drug cartels

            >playing pick and choose with who can coexist with him
            kek. this is why he doesn’t work. You have to pretend some people exist and some people don’t.

            • 2 months ago

              >you can't pick and choose team ups

              do you know how comic books work? have you read comic books? did you know there used to be a title called "marvel team up"? are you fricking moronic?

              • 2 months ago

                Why are you mad some people just dont like the idea of him existing with the Avengers? What will he do agasint Galactus or other major threats with an assault rifle? SHIELD cant condone his actions as hes always wanted, would Frank hunt and kill mutants who are acting like criminals?

              • 2 months ago

                >what will he do against galactus
                nothing. literally no one is saying he has to either

                >major threats
                depends on the threat, the resources and allies he has

                >S.H.I.E.L.D. can't condone his actions
                frick S.H.I.E.L.D.

                >would frank hunt and kill mutants who are acting like criminals
                yes. what makes you think he wouldn't? do you think anyone will give a frick if pyro or toad die because they were selling heroin for wilson fisk? your arguments are weak.

              • 2 months ago

                >a Marvel character NEEDS to cooperate with the Avengers or else they don't fit in!
                Fricking moron.

              • 2 months ago

                So whats the point of them existing then? Franks gonna pop up on someones radar at SHIELD and the Avengers are based out of New York where Frank operates most of the time too.

                What if Frank domes a mutant that gets the X Men pissed? Or has this story been done before because id like to read it.

              • 2 months ago

                >they're based in NYC so therefore he's their problem
                You don't see Stark going after the Mafia.

              • 2 months ago

                You say that but Stark just Ignoring the Kingpin is kinda silly.

              • 2 months ago

                >the x-men derivative teams aren't fighting dr doom like fantastic four so what's the point of x-men?

                shut the frick up

              • 2 months ago

                Kek stfu

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                >international astronomical youth camp

                fricking take your meds, moron

              • 2 months ago

                heroes won’t actively hunt down and apprehend Frank because uhhhhhhh
                NTA but why would they? They got bigger shit on their plate and Frank deals with street-level problems 90% of the time. One of the only like 2 times the Avengers actively gunned for Frank was when Spider-Man whined at them about how Frank basically has a license to kill because they don't really care about the stuff he goes after, and Spider-Man only did that because he was butthurt Frank stole one of his web-slingers.

              • 2 months ago

                That's a frick up from Marvel to be honest, Punisher being catpured by Spider-Man or Captain America and send to jail every week just like any villain and escaping shortly after would be perfect for his character and themes.

            • 2 months ago

              To be entirely, entirely fair, that's one of the enormous conceptual problems with cape settings in general. The comic book company has umpty-lebben trademarked capes, each of whom has at least one monthly title. How do you tell a compelling story about Dark Vigilante Man ("My parents are DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD") when Super All Star Team is in orbit arguing with the planet-sized anthropomorphic personification of Death, trying to convince him not to destroy the Earth? How do you have Stronger-than-an-Atom-Bomb-and-Flies-at-the-Speed-of-Light Man, who may also be able to travel in time, depending on the writer, in the same setting with a guy in a bat costume beating up petty criminals in back alleys at 2am? At the same time?

              There's a reason why boys used to lose interest in this kind of thing around the time they got interested in girls. And cape crap isn't more popular now because the writing is better, it's because there are so many eternal-virgin arrested-development soyboy manchild Asperger's cases wandering around unsupervised now. The whole "superhero" concept doesn't have enough to it to add up to more than one theatrical release every thirty or forty years. But with legions of shrieking, flailing, soy-chugging bugmen who spend half their salaries on comics and Funko Pops, it magically does, somehow, right?

          • 2 months ago

            The fact Punisher wasnt added into the Midnight Suns game while almost everyone under the sun was is criminal in its own right and clearly marvel trying to ignore punisher.

            • 2 months ago

              yeah as soon as i saw wolverine and iron man in the line up i knew that the video game was going to be for clueless fricking normies, not people who read comics

              • 2 months ago

                Punisher is unironically popular with normies in fact one of Marvel's most popular characters but they can't market him for obvious political reasons.

              • 2 months ago

                >obvious political reasons

                i'd not obvious at all. no one gave a shit about totenkopfs in comic books until after 2013 when the media decided that identity politics was more useful a distraction than anything else because occupy wall street got people talking about class consciousness

      • 2 months ago

        wolvie and frank work very well together when the writers for both get over themselves and acknowledge that both are cool and shouldnt always be pitted against one another

        • 2 months ago

          It's obvious if you're a joyless, perpetually-outraged purple-haired SJW. "Those huh-WITE! people like something! Quick, we have to burn it to the ground and then force-feed them the ashes!"

    • 2 months ago

      Marvel comics is a lost cause but everyone else still knows punisher. Hes showing up in the new game and the Netflix show is getting a continuation

      What's funny is that this was all for nothing because the edgelords and cops who use the Punisher logo don't read comics.

    • 2 months ago

      You can say the exact same about X-men. Even their fans agree they feel like an alternate universe inside 616

      Some characters simply didn't fully fit in with the shared universe

    • 2 months ago

      The only way to make him work is basically making him full Batman, make him a supergenius, more acrobatic and an actual leader who often lead teams. No moronic The Hand bullshit though.

      Like Thomas Wayne from flashpoint, he was literally Punisher but it worked because he was competent and influent enough to make a difference.

      • 2 months ago

        They ruin Thomas Wayne batman after flashpoint btw, he some how survives Flashpoint and makes it into the main universe with Bruce he then starts going on a rampage and is confronted by Bruce. Thomas wants him to stop being batman and to live a normal life and hes helping by speeding up the cleaning of Gotham and random bullshit starts.

        Capeshit will capeshit

        • 2 months ago

          Well it was inevitable that DC wouldn't allow Bat-Punisher to save the universe be loved by Batman and have a happy ending.

          If Marvel can't take giving Punisher an absolute victory do you think DC would?

      • 2 months ago

        >alternate universe where Punisher dies jumping in front of his son
        >Francis Castle Jr. end up a Batman-Like character with a no kill rule
        Would be fun ngl

    • 2 months ago

      They say this because you're all lazy fricking casuals who don't read comics. You skim through an elseworlds or whatever small run you found on a recommended reading list because actually sitting down to read comics you haven't already been told what your opinion should be is hard

    • 2 months ago

      frick off, dumbass. punisher can team up with blade to take on vampire drug cartels

    • 2 months ago

      Kinda sorta. Punisher fits into a shared Marvel world better than the X-men do. Vigilante who deals with the underbelly hidden crime that bigger heroes don't pay attention works great. You literally have Daredevil doing that. Problem is more that New York is so packed with superheroes. You gotta whittle it down.

    • 2 months ago

      You non-reading homosexuals need to have a nice day NOW

    • 2 months ago

      You can say the exact same about X-men. Even their fans agree they feel like an alternate universe inside 616

      Some characters simply didn't fully fit in with the shared universe


      >playing pick and choose with who can coexist with him
      kek. this is why he doesn’t work. You have to pretend some people exist and some people don’t.

      Why are you mad some people just dont like the idea of him existing with the Avengers? What will he do agasint Galactus or other major threats with an assault rifle? SHIELD cant condone his actions as hes always wanted, would Frank hunt and kill mutants who are acting like criminals?

      So whats the point of them existing then? Franks gonna pop up on someones radar at SHIELD and the Avengers are based out of New York where Frank operates most of the time too.

      What if Frank domes a mutant that gets the X Men pissed? Or has this story been done before because id like to read it.

      I guess Punisher is the best example that Marvel shared universe got clear limits and can't really embrace all kinds of superheroes nevermind non capeshit. Another reason to not be a mindless marvel exclusive "comic fan" and give other publishers a try.

      >first appearance of punisher was in the flagship spider man comic

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Characters only work with limited interpretations. Ennis and Dixon gave us the best versions of the character, so it's best to put him away save for the occasional limited series. They should do this for all their characters, but they won't.

  2. 2 months ago

    Just be patient, it never sticks. He won't be gone longer than the last time he had an actually good comic.

  3. 2 months ago

    Marvel comics is a lost cause but everyone else still knows punisher. Hes showing up in the new game and the Netflix show is getting a continuation

  4. 2 months ago

    There would be if Marvel hired Mack Bolan writers to do Punisher stories. This will not happen. But those guys get it. Chuck Rogers, Phil Elmore, Doug Wotjowicz. If you’re a Punisher fan starved for good content you should look into those guys.

  5. 2 months ago

    He's too controversial even a race swap would have problems because it would alienate both the left and the right. I think everyone has to OC their favorite character. Like now there are more Homelander fans than Superman people like (not me), but he's hotter and more exciting than the DC character.

    • 2 months ago

      No matter the race Punisher is to much red tape. You can EASILY write a story about a black punisher losing his family to gang violence and taking revenge or a mexican punisher losing his family to the cartels and fighting back. The idea that they kill criminals and nowadays criminals have more rights than victims is what makes people angry

      • 2 months ago

        Mickey Spillane was banging that drum in the 40s

    • 2 months ago

      >he's too controversial
      so what you're saying is that he'd sell comics?

      >alienate the left and right
      frick off. intelligent people read comics and form their own opinions, not fricking twitter

      >a raceswap
      no need, if you want a black character with guns, punisher can have an ongoing with deathlok. get your head out of the mud puddle and open your eyes

      • 2 months ago

        Controversies have a real effect - anyone remember Alan Scott?

        • 2 months ago

          >literal who

    • 2 months ago

      Have we seen a teamup with Kamala and Frank yet? Possibly taking on the New Jersey mob or Pakistani terrorists?

      Anti crime sentiment is surging. COD is popular. The only problem is Marve'ls attitude, and the lack of writers who are farther right than che guevera and know anything about guns and street crime.

  6. 2 months ago

    you forgot
    >punisher 2099 was brutally killed

    >is there any hope for the character?
    i don't have any. disney is full of coward liberals who will give up anything if fascists use it even once. they also don't want to deal with criminals being killed, or what they might percieve as toxic masculinity or gun fetishism.

    disney is also too cowardly to depict x-23 breaking up trafficking rings or defending sex worker's unions either. it's concievable that x-23 and punisher could team up to stop trafficking rings but disney doesn't have the balls

    • 2 months ago

      I think you nay need your meds. None of this is politically or ideologically motivated. In fact, if "The Boys" taught us anything it's that there's a market for political commentary with more depth than "What on Twitter is setting off anon today". The Punisher simply doesn't work in an expanded universe, so he's not in it yet. Seeing the state of the MCU, that's a good thing

      • 2 months ago

        >The Boys
        >in depth political commentary
        My brother in Christ, not even the comic is that nuanced. The show is literally just "Right wing white man Trump supporters bad" with the newest season material literally making Homelander out to be Trump. You can't get more twitter politics than that other than making a trans main character.

      • 2 months ago

        >the punisher simply doesn't work in an expanded universe
        >an expanded universe, where crazy stuff happens

        is that you karl rove? do you think if you repeat a lie enough that it becomes the truth and people believe it?

      • 2 months ago

        >None of this is politically or ideologically motivated
        Complete and utter fricking bullshit. People went after edmonson, the artist on a punisher book for doing veterans charity punisher skulls.

        And by people I don't mean random morons on twitter. I mean literal high profile professionals at Marvel demanded he be blacklisted.

        They're not shy about their politics, and they hate the frick out of the punisher.

      • 2 months ago

        >The Boys
        >political commentary with more depth than "What on Twitter is setting off anon today".
        I don't know whether you're referring to the comic or the show but either way, o i am laffin

  7. 2 months ago

    Waiting for Ennis to come back.

    • 2 months ago

      Ennis doesn't have Miller's money to write whatever he wants. He's not going to write anything like Barracuda in 2020

  8. 2 months ago

    Frank is going to go back very, very soon.

    He's too iconic, no dumb controversy will keep him alway, normies love him, Xtards/redditors opinions are irrelevant

  9. 2 months ago

    You both have the wrong ideas. Punisher can exist in the same universe but he shouldn’t interact with them. The punisher punishes the most deprived sick people you can’t write spider man tracking down and stopping a pedo that’s punishers job, you can’t expect Captain America to stop a corrupt mayor working with drug dealers that’s punishers job.

    He cleans low level but highly demented people that major heroes shouldn’t be associated with.

  10. 2 months ago

    He has a new MAX book literally in a month.

    • 2 months ago

      Hasnt this been on going but barely anyone knows since its not called Punisher

      • 2 months ago

        Ennis does quasi self contained miniseries for trade paperbacks. It's not an ongoing.

        Fury literally committing war crimes gets less attention than punisher of course.

  11. 2 months ago

    I guess Punisher is the best example that Marvel shared universe got clear limits and can't really embrace all kinds of superheroes nevermind non capeshit. Another reason to not be a mindless marvel exclusive "comic fan" and give other publishers a try.

  12. 2 months ago

    they say he is bad because a police cop bought a sticker but they wont stop printing the stickers because they like money....curious!

  13. 2 months ago

    anon, if the eternals, shang-chi, and blade can get comics because of MCU synergy, you can bet your bottom that Punisher (Frank Castle) will be back in NYC killing criminals in his own solo book by the time Daredevil: Born Again comes out

    • 2 months ago

      But none of those comics were good or exist because those movies were good. Blade only got revived in a mini series for his replacement daughter after 7-8 years of it being on the backburner.

      • 2 months ago

        If they can't make a good flagship spiderman book, why would you expect them to make ANY good books?

        >the punisher simply doesn't work in an expanded universe
        >an expanded universe, where crazy stuff happens

        is that you karl rove? do you think if you repeat a lie enough that it becomes the truth and people believe it?

        Dude is crazy left not crazy right.

        • 2 months ago

          True. Then at that point it's really better when they do stop using characters.

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