The shield

Just finished the shield this week. Can't stop thinking about it. What did you think of it and who is your favorite character?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >what did you think of it
    cop kino the likes of which we will never see again, although it was BTFO by Mary and Rust’s adventures on the bayou. what did you think of it?
    >favorite character
    Dutch boy

    this is fun to watch, but some of the cast members are insufferable. The sexy Latina girl most of all

    • 8 months ago

      >The sexy Latina girl
      I would suffer her

  2. 8 months ago

    For me? It's Juan Losano

    • 8 months ago

      Getting my dick doesn't make me gay, you're gay for sucking my dick!

      • 8 months ago

        He had a gun! It's not gay if you think about your family.

  3. 8 months ago

    been rewatching it myself, literally saw the scene your pic is from last night and it's one of my favorite's of the whole show
    >favorite character
    Dutch because he is literally me

  4. 8 months ago

    Just started season 7. Kino af.

    For me, its Ronnie.

    • 8 months ago

      Ronnie is hella underrated character. He was mostly a loyal extra man on the team from season 1-5, but with one man down, I am glad the last two seasons gave him a unique personality, as loyal, but cold blooded guy. He evens out Shane's impulsive nature, and Vic's misguided moralism (by that I mean that Vic does horrible things, but he always believes that he has the public's greater interests in mind. Ronnie has none of that.).

  5. 8 months ago

    My homie Lem

  6. 8 months ago

    >tfw feds won't let you get away with stealing 3 mil of drug money

    • 8 months ago

      Previously on The Shield
      >money train
      >money train
      >money train
      >he made you, suck?

      • 8 months ago

        >>he made you, suck?
        Every episode.

  7. 8 months ago

    >During a raid on a drug dealer named two-times…

  8. 8 months ago

    Our boy Dutch did not deserve getting punked like that

  9. 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    Is this the show with the corny as hell gangsta chess scene?

    • 8 months ago

      no that's The Wireddit
      The Shield is b&r

  11. 8 months ago

    Proto-Breaking Bad. Too many episodes which means too many forgettable subplots and characters. People who look back fondly on The Shield only remember the good parts and forget all the filler shit concerning Dutch, Claudette, Danielle and the gay black cop, all shit characters. I will never rewatch it knowing how much shit I have to crawl through to get to the good parts. It would have worked best as a HBO show with 10-12 episodes per season and all the cussing and gore uncut, as the rawness it was going for doesn't translate well to screen with FX's restrictions. That being said, the main plot is absolutely bonkers and Vic, Shane, Ronnie and Lem are all masterfully written and acted characters, with Vic and Shane being some of the best in TV history. Still the unmatched finale in TV history starting with Vic's confession, the cat and mouse game between him and Shane culminating in their (deserving) horrible fates. The last shot of Vic in the office still pops to my mind from time to time.

    • 8 months ago

      >forget all the filler shit concerning Dutch, Claudette, Danielle and the gay black cop all shit characters
      Hard disagree. Without them, all the damage Vic and Co. inflicted wouldn't have mattered. How do you even expect the show to portray corruption in the police office without showing the police office itself? You're also completely missing the context of how Vic became the "necessary" evil, which in actuality has no real remedy because doing the right thing will never be enough. Sure, it might be a season too long, but the Barn deserves as much attention in its inner workings as the Strike Team otherwise what's the point?

      • 8 months ago

        By not making them a gallery of shallow cop stereotypes and having them solve meaningful season-long cases which pit them against memorable antagonists instead of the throwaway monster of the week format. I don't remember how much they interacted with Vic's team until they start the op to bring him down, but maybe show more of their private lives outside of the station. Maybe they slowly unravel how corrupt Vic is through his street agents. Frick if I know, I'm not a TV writer, it's not my job to come up with this shit. My point was more that the show severely suffers from the half-serialized half-MOTW format instead of the boring side characters. If the MOTW format was scrapped to give more depth to the street and the side cops, it would've been a 10/10.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't see them as stereotypes. It's honestly hard to even picture a more pathetic yet endearing detective character than Dutch. In any other cop show, this is a lab guy with glasses who mumbles bullshit. In The Shield, he is the senior detective with all the responsibility and pressure and almost no backbone to deal with it. Today, Claudette would have been written as IMMA Black person WOMAN IN POLICE YPEPO KNEEL TO MAH COMPETENCE! Instead, she's portrayed as a naive moral one, to the complete detriment of how the actual police politics play out, as seen in the fourth season, where she almost burns Dutch to the ground because she doesn't want to play ball due to her complete confidence in her moral jurisdiction. At the end of the show, Dutch even highlights that the only reason she is now a captain is because there is no one left and Dutch has refused.
          I could go on, but you seemingly insist on calling them shallow, so you will probably disregard everything I've written so far.
          For side characters, there is enough depth and yes the cases they take on in MOTW structure are not that interesting, it's how the characters approach and interact with each other during those cases is what interesting since they are always in pairs. And once again, they are an enclave of the Barn more than anything because all of their subplots almost always reflect how fricked up the Barn is in terms of bureaucracy and optics your complete hypothetical really adds nothing because you seemingly completely miss the juxtaposition between how Barn operates and why the Strike team even exists.

    • 8 months ago

      >Dutch and Claudette
      >Filler shit

      • 8 months ago

        Claudette only becomes important in S5 or S6, Dutch never does. He starts dating Vic's wife I guess? Dutch's serial killer shit was even more so laughable than McNulty's serial killer shit in The Wire S5.

    • 8 months ago

      >People who look back fondly on The Shield only remember the good parts and forget all the filler shit concerning Dutch, Claudette, Danielle and the gay black cop, all shit characters.

      Yeah for a rewatch I'd probably start at S5

    • 8 months ago

      I liked the Dutch and Claudette stories, like mini Law and Order episodes. Some of the uniformed cops had good plots but they should have cut most of Julian and the pregnant one instead of keeping them around doing jack shit.

  12. 8 months ago

    Now watch this

    • 8 months ago

      No facetime from Michael Jace?

      • 8 months ago

        did they even acknowledge him, or his character?

    • 8 months ago

      Nice video.
      Could've done without Corrine screeching like a harpy whenever she opens her mouth. Jesus christ.

      • 8 months ago

        she looks like she's recovering from a black eye

      • 8 months ago

        i literally skipped her parts

  13. 8 months ago

    Was vic fat or buff?

  14. 8 months ago

    I just finished the first episode last night and I couldn't believe they really killed that dude at the end, I thought he'd end up being the main antagonist for at least a season

  15. 8 months ago

    The Shield is easily the most badass and fun well written show there is. It is a much better "cop" show than wire and no one can tell me otherwise. Dialogues and one liners in this show is only comparable to Mad Men it is just in its own league.
    Favorite characters Claudette and Mara

  16. 8 months ago

    I like the moral compromises that the good guys make in this show. Like early seasons Acaveda, who hats Vic for being an monster, but will also use Vic for that same quality, if the need arises.

  17. 8 months ago

    I've never watched it, instead, I just watched True Detective season 1

  18. 8 months ago

    I love Claudette so much, bros.

  19. 8 months ago
  20. 8 months ago

    >who is your favorite character?
    The fact that you even need to ask...

  21. 8 months ago


  22. 8 months ago

    Reminder that in the very last scene of the show we see Vic taking his gun and heading back for the streets doing real work.

    He'd have saved his boy Ronnie from jail somehow.

    • 8 months ago

      Vic's actor said in the commentary that Vic is like a shark. As long as he is in the water, you can not expect him not to hunt. He had some pretty tough restrictions put on him, and if he breaks them, he loses the deal and goes to jail. But you can not expect him to stay in that purgatory they put him in. I doubt that he is gonna save Ronnie, but I think he will at least leave the country, like Gilroy did and Lem was supposed to. He has literally nothing left in america. Not his old team, not his family, not his power. And well, if he goes rouge and starts looking for his family, he will be caught.

      • 8 months ago

        How would they imprison Ronnie for life though? They have 0 proof or witness (Shane's package didn't reach them).

        • 8 months ago

          Vic literally pinned the blame of every murder and activity on ronnie and the deal meant he's the only one they can charge. He's going for life even if they can only legally prove 5% of what they did, even just 1% would be enough for life.

          • 8 months ago

            Vic literally sold Ronnie out in his confession. Ronnie got no immunity, but Vic gave them all the detail of what they did. Honestly it would have looked very suspicious if Vic was like
            >You know me, Shane and Lem sure did a bunch of horrible crimes, but not the only guy who is right now here and without immunity, no he was never present or in the know about what we did.
            They would have called his BS, and he was on the clock, needed the deal fast, and knew he could only save himself. Ronnie pretty much took the fall for every single strike team crime.
            >Also there was the time dutch mentioned taking a police laptop home to look up child porn which you'd think Cinemaphile would bring up more
            I like that even the characters are 50/50 split on weather he was actually working on solving a cp case, or if he was you know.

            That's sad. He goes to jail for life because someone said something without proof.

        • 8 months ago

          Vic literally sold Ronnie out in his confession. Ronnie got no immunity, but Vic gave them all the detail of what they did. Honestly it would have looked very suspicious if Vic was like
          >You know me, Shane and Lem sure did a bunch of horrible crimes, but not the only guy who is right now here and without immunity, no he was never present or in the know about what we did.
          They would have called his BS, and he was on the clock, needed the deal fast, and knew he could only save himself. Ronnie pretty much took the fall for every single strike team crime.

          >waahhhh dutch throttled a cat
          >dude it's just a holdover from the "dutch is a serial killer" dropped plotline
          Just finished this episode
          How come nobody mentions the context?
          >dutch caught the serial rapist cuddler the episode before
          >he agrees to talk
          >the two spend the episode delving into the mind of a killer
          >the killer wants dutch to understand why he does what he does
          >killer asks dutch if he ever killed anything
          >dutch says he stepped on a bird when he was little
          >killer describes how he choked a cat to death when he was a boy
          >describes the immense feeling he felt when he saw the life leave the cat's eyes
          >dutch guesses "was it power? Compassion?
          >killer says "you'll never understand" and ends the interview
          >that night dutch throttles the cat to understand what he meant
          It works perfectly fine as dutch continuing to try to perfect his understanding of how murderers work, and refusing to accept defeat by not being able to comprehend how killers feel
          I don't think it's as out of place as people make it out to be, like it's totally out of character, it's definitely not
          Also there was the time dutch mentioned taking a police laptop home to look up child porn which you'd think Cinemaphile would bring up more

          >Also there was the time dutch mentioned taking a police laptop home to look up child porn which you'd think Cinemaphile would bring up more
          I like that even the characters are 50/50 split on weather he was actually working on solving a cp case, or if he was you know.

  23. 8 months ago

    >waahhhh dutch throttled a cat
    >dude it's just a holdover from the "dutch is a serial killer" dropped plotline
    Just finished this episode
    How come nobody mentions the context?
    >dutch caught the serial rapist cuddler the episode before
    >he agrees to talk
    >the two spend the episode delving into the mind of a killer
    >the killer wants dutch to understand why he does what he does
    >killer asks dutch if he ever killed anything
    >dutch says he stepped on a bird when he was little
    >killer describes how he choked a cat to death when he was a boy
    >describes the immense feeling he felt when he saw the life leave the cat's eyes
    >dutch guesses "was it power? Compassion?
    >killer says "you'll never understand" and ends the interview
    >that night dutch throttles the cat to understand what he meant
    It works perfectly fine as dutch continuing to try to perfect his understanding of how murderers work, and refusing to accept defeat by not being able to comprehend how killers feel
    I don't think it's as out of place as people make it out to be, like it's totally out of character, it's definitely not
    Also there was the time dutch mentioned taking a police laptop home to look up child porn which you'd think Cinemaphile would bring up more

    • 8 months ago

      >throttled a cat
      how does that mean choking to death?

  24. 8 months ago

    Billings is the only guy that knows what it is to be a cop. Don't give a shit and collect your check.

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