>the smartest scientists on the planet consistently act like retards

>the smartest scientists on the planet consistently act like morons
>the alien invading force that is thousands of years more advanced than us and can create unfathomable technology also consistently act like morons
was this show written by morons?

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  1. 2 months ago

    all of the scientist characters dialogue is so cringe, classic smart people written by dumb people writing

    • 2 months ago

      why aren't there any smart writers? Star Trek used to have them. Even Futurama did.

      • 2 months ago

        Competency crisis

        • 2 months ago
          6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

          no whites
          no brains
          just people that say I could easily do dat better dan dem white male
          troon n minority women vying for dominance

      • 2 months ago

        the smart writers left for better paying jobs

      • 2 months ago

        The white population started declining

      • 2 months ago

        requirements for x% minority writing staff, y% female writing staff, z% handicapable

      • 2 months ago

        They all went to work in tech because writing is now for midwit innumerate losers. You think someone like Ron D Moore would ever become a writer if he started today?

      • 2 months ago

        DEI, unironically. you can see it in realtime in some shows. rick and morty got a bunch of diversity writers starting in season 3.

        • 2 months ago

          that's unironically cope, for when you once again realize you're left out of the loop of what normal people are able to enjoy

          • 2 months ago

            Shitty attempt at gaslighting, cuck

            • 2 months ago

              cope, you're not normal

              • 2 months ago

                nice progection, inbred

              • 2 months ago

                no u !

              • 2 months ago

                >said the one who resorted to ad hominems when btfoed

      • 2 months ago

        too white and male sweaty, we have quotas to fill.

  2. 2 months ago

    Dialog provided by RedditAI. "Let's science the shit out of these aliens, we're all genius women here!!"

  3. 2 months ago

    we don't use the R word here

    • 2 months ago

      >the smartest scientists on the planet consistently act like dumb Black folk
      >the alien invading force that is thousands of years more advanced than us and can create unfathomable technology also consistently act like dumb Black folk
      was this show written by dumb Black folk?

      • 2 months ago

        >was this show written by morons?
        >from the creators of Game of Thrones
        You know the answer to that.

        telling the humans that they were bugs and openly declaring they would sabotage their science was moronic

        as was the whole countdown thing

        you have a problem with them interacting with humans? they had to do it to get humans to kill the humans who have a chance of messing with them. Some of the humans have ideas that can get the alien homeworld nuked

        >they had to do it to get humans to kill the humans who have a chance of messing with them.
        Instead of using their magic proton to kill those humans instead of making them see signs. Or how about they make them see visions in their heads until they ALL died. Or SOMETHING that wasn't so brain-dead?

        Sophons can't kill anybody, they are singular protons unfolded and engraved with circuitry and extremely difficult to make, you incels don't know 6th grade physics to think a fricking proton can kill you.

        The trisolarans told the humans everything because they can't comprehend lying or deception, they communicate by thinking, they don't think and then choose to speak. They're aliens dumbfricks.

        The trisolarans openly call them bugs and reveal their plans just like how we can leave a can of Raid next to an ant. They think nothing of humans due to being unbelievably more advanced.

        Not watching this piece of shit show but holy shit you guys absolutely moronic lmfao. Unlucky spawns with moronic parents who raised moronic kids

        • 2 months ago

          so they can block out the stars and make people see things that aren't there, but they can't kill somebody?


          • 2 months ago

            Yep, because anything heavier which can kill humans will take more mass to get there and will take longer due to the speed of light.

            The Trisolarans send an indestructible truck-sized probe that's 1/10000th of their fleet called the droplet that finally arrives in the second book after 200 years of human advancement and singlehandedly destroys every Earth spaceship without trying (get spoiled, chud)

            Dumbass, read the books or stop complaining about a story explained by Netflix-Game of Thrones slop

            • 2 months ago

              >get spoiled, chud
              I already read the recaps so I know how moronic it gets. The second and third books are somehow worse

            • 2 months ago
              6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

              does it give good handjob tho

            • 2 months ago

              moron. if sophons can create illusion like countdown,blink stars and nigthmare vision-dead wade to wade in the finale. sophons with that speed can mass histeria forever, sophons can move fast and no need energy to sustain itself. so why not??? also it can manipulate computer and internet. so thats more dumb, it didnt do anything with it.

            • 2 months ago

              >Yep, because anything heavier which can kill humans will take more mass to get there and will take longer due to the speed of light.
              They can literally make humans see whatever they want, moron. They could make all the humans on Earth hallucinate enough for us to kill ourselves in accidents. Frick, make all the humans hallucinate being blind, and half of us will be dead within a week.

              • 2 months ago

                not really,

                they only showed the stars flickering which is just an optical illusion like the numbers probably, and seemingly frick with display device signals, probably cause photons or whatever shitfrick. if hte alymaos could at will frick wtih electronics and computers then the first thing governments would do would be to air gap or just un plug everything that relies on computer assistance.

                , they can flicker lights and make people see illusions but its only capable of killing like 40 people around the world so its probably single target and not aoe debuff

                >b-but i read the book
                dont care, TV canon and book canon differ. always do.

              • 2 months ago

                If you think making a single person hallucinate, on a world where you can have 24/7 surveillance on literally every single living being on the planet, is not enough to kill billions, you're unimaginative moron.

                For starters, you could just make a single person in a CDC High Containment Laboratory hallucinate and infect themselves with anthrax or smallpox, and then walk out into a major city or an airport. Not to mention you could do the same with whatever government bioweapons facilities there probably are, and unleash something even more deadly.

                Or how about making a pilot or a hundred hallucinate and misread their instrument simultaneously, causing them to crash into ten or so of major nuclear powerplants?

                Or maybe make couple of people responsible for maintaining electricity infrastructure hallucinate and frick up control of the power grid? Boom, billions worth of material damage as you overload the system and cause a cascading blackouts.

              • 2 months ago

                no u

              • 2 months ago

                They don't care what we do as long as our science doesn't advance. Only threat to them is Saul/Lou Ji.

              • 2 months ago

                >They don't care what we do as long as our science doesn't advance. Only threat to them is Saul/Lou Ji.
                I know the book/show aliens are moronic. I was arguing that if you can't think of ways of killing off human civilization with just the ability to make anyone anywhere at any time hallucinate anything, you're sub 90-IQ brainlet.

              • 2 months ago

                >Saul/Lou Ji
                I can't fricking believe this moron is supposed to be Luo Ji. Netflix just can't fricking help themselves. Couldn't keep an asian guy asian, huh? So diverse.

              • 2 months ago

                Sorry but for a western audience, the swordbearer must have big dick energy... And that requires a big dick. Please understand.

              • 2 months ago

                >western audience
                >worshipping black wiener
                Checks out

              • 2 months ago

                You realize if they didn't switch things up it would just be a show about 4-5 asian dudes, three asian girls, and 2 evil white men with a third being only kinda evil. We got an extra good straight white man out of this whole DEI deal; how is that not a win?

              • 2 months ago

                There's only one fricking asian dude and his son's a homosexual. Based Luo Ji's a black stoner now. How is THAT a win?

              • 2 months ago

                His paycheck depends on you finding anything about this "based."

              • 2 months ago

                You lost one wallfacer (Lou Ji) but you got this new Asian guy. He must be a replacement for the mental seal dude, who is pretty cool. Also his wife is supposed to be Japanese. In the book it was a White man Asian female relationship, and they removed that... But now you're mad??? You want more WMAF???

              • 2 months ago


                You still don't fit in, homosexual.

              • 2 months ago

                I want a not-shit adaptation.

              • 2 months ago

                >you got this new Asian guy
                Who the frick are you talking about

              • 2 months ago

                The Chinese wallfacer. He's clearly supposed to be the British wallfacer but this is all every-race-British people now so he is now Chinese. I assume the woman is the South American?

              • 2 months ago

                >The Chinese wallfacer.
                He's not even a fricking character. Are you insane?

              • 2 months ago

                Oh yeah, he doesn't even say a word in season 1; I was talking more season 2, where he should play a big part. The mental seal is some neat scifi.

              • 2 months ago

                >I was talking more season 2, where he should play a big part.
                How naive are you?

              • 2 months ago

                Those two wallfacers have major stories. Microparticle girl is about to frick off and that dude's brain is off in space so of course more characters will get screentime.

              • 2 months ago

                You're assuming a lot of shit. They obviously don't care about the books. What makes you think they won't jettison those characters and retool all their important material for Saul? Or find some moronic way to fold it into fricking Jin or Auggie. You don't know shit, and your unfound optimism just comes across as a shill's excuses. Diversity my ass. Just means blacks and women. Erasing asian men is business as usual for you MUH DIVERSITY hypocrites.

              • 2 months ago

                >retool all their important material for Saul
                That's unlikely. You read the books? In all of this Wade really came out on top; he sucked up so many story bits, is now behind so much of the plot, it's crazy. If anyone is going to suck up story bits it'll either be Wade or that Indian dude because they fit the bill for the wallfacer arcs more than Saul or any of the girls.

              • 2 months ago

                >That's unlikely.
                I don't know if you're moronic or just pretending but it's annoying.
                >If anyone is going to suck up story bits it'll either be Wade or that Indian dude because they fit the bill for the wallfacer arcs more than Saul or any of the girls.
                So bottom line still fricking nothing for asian men to do, coming from fricking Luo Ji. But at least we get a fat diabetic cop and his wienersucking homosexual son!

              • 2 months ago

                Saul's main story bits is he'll be hanging out with his Asian cop bodyguard and his Asian wallfacer friend, so yeah, it isn't going to be three asians, it'll be two and a black dude, plus an Asian girl and her pet Latina.

              • 2 months ago

                >his Asian wallfacer friend
                Not even a character. Wouldn't be surprised if they kill him off in the first episode of season 2.

              • 2 months ago

                It's possible. That woman wallfacer might have two wallfacer's stories- Oh shit you are right. Wade will just suck up the mental seal stuff and the Chinese wallfacer will just go an hero super early
                I think you are right.

              • 2 months ago

                >Microparticle girl is about to frick off
                She's a main cast member. Odds are she will replace Jin's assistant and take that role later in the show since the Wang Miao material is exhausted.

                I don't know why you're so confident that they will follow the books exactly when they've already retooled/combined multiple characters like this.

                And the mental seal wallfacer is not in the show. You can see it from episode 8 and quite frankly it makes perfect sense to cut it.

              • 2 months ago

                >Jin's assistant
                Yeah I agree, and I am too optimistic, but how will she also emotionally blackmail Saul into getting to fricking work by going into cryo until super deep into the future?
                I fully expect her to be absent for some portion of the show unless they do a split where they follow Jin deep into the future at the same time they follow Saul during the wallfacer arc... But then that will spoil a lot of Saul's arch so that doesn't even work!

              • 2 months ago

                >Who cares if Luo Ji's black now when you get some random chinese guy extra in exchange???

              • 2 months ago

                You make a great point, fellow white supremacist. Heil Hitler and such.

        • 2 months ago

          >you incels don't know 6th grade physics to think a fricking proton can kill you
          A single proton just by itself
          A single proton moving back and forth in 10cm inside your brain at the speed declared by the series?
          Sure it can
          There's a very simple equation for it
          We have the mass of a proton and the speed of which it moves, you can absolutely calculate the damage based on the energy it produces
          Why do you claim this to be some sort of magical, impossible to know answers

          • 2 months ago
            Book Reading God BTFO's Retarded Chuds

            A single proton would at most cause microscopic damage moving back and forth at near light speed, and the incredibly difficult-to-create sophon would be destroyed before anything serious happens. moron.

            >get spoiled, chud
            I already read the recaps so I know how moronic it gets. The second and third books are somehow worse

            You're just too dumb and cumbrained to grasp anything that isn't bbc porn. Unlucky

            • 2 months ago

              This homie thinks protons arnt big enough to harm people. Ever heard of chernobyl homosexual lmaoo. Get fricking smoothbrain

            • 2 months ago

              >would at most cause microscopic damage moving back and forth at near light speed
              >would at most
              You don't have to guess anon
              You can use the simple equation to actually know
              But I like you not actually finding out
              It's funny to see you claim others are morons

              • 2 months ago
                Book Reading God BTFO's Retarded Chuds

                Anon. The equation for relativistic particle of kinetic energy is not a high iq secret. It's actually quite easy to calculate if you take 1 second to google the mass of a proton.
                A sophon moving at 99.99% of lightspeed within a human brain is just an intense form of radiation at the expense of the extremely precious sophon's functioning.
                It's ok, Cinemaphile will make you seem smart to other morons! 🙂

                Why wouldn’t they just kill humans? Makes no sense

                They should've invented worm holes to surpass light speed!

                >they can't control computers or physical objects unless they unfold and are vulnerable to being destroyed. Absolutely moronic.
                then how can they make people see things that aren't there or turn off the stars for the whole world?

                Read. the. Books. Incel.

                >Ah much better than blocking scientific progress. This would make perfect sense if the sophons were incredibly easy to create and not extremely difficult.
                "Uhhh....because it's easier to cause humans to stop thinking about complicated science than it is to blind them all especially after learning they can't trust humans because they can lie! CHECKMATE, CHUD!"

                >Might wanna rewatch that scene dumbass
                You really should. Especially reading the book. x1,000,000 moron to you, buddy.

                >Nothing can give them a chance when physics are locked down,
                "Also, humans will make advancements in cryogenic freezing because I DON'T KNOW, LOL!"

                >I just raped your ass.
                Don't confuse your sexual fantasies with your shit arguments

                >Thinking no eyesight = can't focus on scientific reasoning with even more time and attention
                Lmfao. Maybe there's a sophon that can only cripple people. Stephen Hawking would be so scared! Incel.
                No grasp of physics = getting destroyed by unbreakable strong interaction material probes. Arguing about humans totally going to be prepared for the invasion when the exact scenario plays out and they get destroyed.

                >you incels don't know 6th grade physics to think a fricking proton can kill you.
                What is nuclear radiation?

                What is an x-ray machine?

              • 2 months ago

                >at the expense of the extremely precious sophon's functioning
                Why do you headcannon things to save your point, anon
                If 1 sophon can kill all humans before it stops functioning, that's a fair trade
                even if both sophons are destroyed is a safe trade
                even if both sophons are destroyed and only all scientists are killed is a fair trade
                even if both sophons are destroyed and only 1000 of the most important people (world leaders and their successions, and military leaders) is killed is a fair trade

              • 2 months ago

                >If 1 sophon can kill all humans before it stops functioning
                it cant you are making random shit up based on nothing, its a fricking PHOTON you moron
                >even if both sophons are destroyed and only 1000 of the most important people (world leaders and their successions, and military leaders) is killed is a fair trade
                holy shit you're stupid

              • 2 months ago

                >its a fricking PHOTON you moron
                >doesn't know the difference between photon and proton
                >calls me a moron

              • 2 months ago

                >hey look a typo, he made a type-o, that means my initial point wasnt actually moronic!
                lmao, you are pathetic

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                head cannon?

              • 2 months ago

                >A sophon moving at 99.99% of lightspeed within a human brain is just an intense form of radiation at the expense of the extremely precious sophon's functioning.
                What do you think the sophon is doing in the particle accelerators, moron-kun? If it was going to get destroyed from hitting at something, how would it survive getting hit by a literal particle accelerator beam?

        • 2 months ago
          Book Reading God BTFO's Retarded Chuds

          Added a name so you guys can keep track of your spankings. Here are my previous replies:

          The trisolarans already received the Earth message and know about the traitor's message you fricking moron.
          It's not that Trisolarans knowing Earth exists is the issue, it's how far away it is which can only be determined by a second message.
          So many morons on this board jesus christ lmao
          - book reader god

          Yep, because anything heavier which can kill humans will take more mass to get there and will take longer due to the speed of light.

          The Trisolarans send an indestructible truck-sized probe that's 1/10000th of their fleet called the droplet that finally arrives in the second book after 200 years of human advancement and singlehandedly destroys every Earth spaceship without trying (get spoiled, chud)

          Dumbass, read the books or stop complaining about a story explained by Netflix-Game of Thrones slop

          As for your moronic message

          If the aliens have sentient AI they can send to earth, which are entangled to their fleet

          Then why not have the AI take over the entire planet, and prepare it for the arrival of the main fleet

          And if they can fold space time into the size of a proton, why not fold their ships or fold and entire planet and send it to another system?

          Sophons are singular protons you moron, they can't control computers or physical objects unless they unfold and are vulnerable to being destroyed. Absolutely moronic.
          >If they can fold a proton (which almost killed them all while building the sophon), why can't they fold something trillions of times larger like a planet or spaceship? DURRRRRRRRR

          • 2 months ago

            >they can't control computers or physical objects unless they unfold and are vulnerable to being destroyed. Absolutely moronic.
            then how can they make people see things that aren't there or turn off the stars for the whole world?

        • 2 months ago

          Idiot. The problem is that they're not using it where it actually makes sense. Put the sophons in every human eye and they'll go nuts and won't able to sleep, reproduce, and will kill themselves. The Trisolarans are FRICKING idiots.

          >The trisolarans told the humans everything because they can't comprehend lying or deception

          Literally one of their own chooses to tell humans about the Trisolarans, intending to deceive them. How is your diet of paint chips going?

          >The trisolarans openly call them bugs and reveal their plans just like how we can leave a can of Raid next to an ant.

          Because the ant doesn't understand the danger. We do, which gives humanity time to make a counter-attack.

          >They think nothing of humans due to being unbelievably more advanced.

          That makes them absolute morons to poke the bear and hope that nothing bad happens. They gain NOTHING from this choice, and a species focused so much on survival should know not to let ego get in the way.

          >Not watching this piece of shit show but holy shit you guys absolutely moronic lmfao

          Pot. Kettle. Have you two met?

          • 2 months ago

            >The Trisolarans are FRICKING idiots.
            anon, they couldn't even solve the three body problem, we already know this

            • 2 months ago

              they did solve it though, and solving it told them they were fricked

          • 2 months ago
            Book Reading God BTFO's Retarded Chuds

            >Putting sophons in every human eye
            Ah much better than blocking scientific progress. This would make perfect sense if the sophons were incredibly easy to create and not extremely difficult.
            moronic point #1 destroyed

            >Literally one of their own chooses to tell humans about the Trisolarans, intending to deceive them. How is your diet of paint chips going?
            Might wanna rewatch that scene dumbass
            moronic point #2 destroyed

            >We do, which gives humanity time to make a counter-attack.
            This is addressed. Nothing can give them a chance when physics are locked down, Trisolarans destroy them even 200 years later.
            moronic point #3 destroyed

            >That makes them absolute morons to poke the bear and hope that nothing bad happens.
            They already locked down physics. moron. The only possible chance humans had was destroying their own planet.
            moronic point #4 destroyed

            I just raped your ass. Don't respond you're actually moronic.

            • 2 months ago

              Why wouldn’t they just kill humans? Makes no sense

              • 2 months ago

                with what you moron? photons? god you are stupid

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                they would turn humans in to sex slaves

                if thye can send video n vision they would goon
                the humans into robots

            • 2 months ago

              >Ah much better than blocking scientific progress. This would make perfect sense if the sophons were incredibly easy to create and not extremely difficult.
              "Uhhh....because it's easier to cause humans to stop thinking about complicated science than it is to blind them all especially after learning they can't trust humans because they can lie! CHECKMATE, CHUD!"

              >Might wanna rewatch that scene dumbass
              You really should. Especially reading the book. x1,000,000 moron to you, buddy.

              >Nothing can give them a chance when physics are locked down,
              "Also, humans will make advancements in cryogenic freezing because I DON'T KNOW, LOL!"

              >I just raped your ass.
              Don't confuse your sexual fantasies with your shit arguments

          • 2 months ago

            > Put the sophons in every human eye
            there are only 4 of them and they took an absurdly long time and tons of resources to build, they say this you moron
            >Literally one of their own chooses to tell humans about the Trisolarans, intending to deceive them.
            no, nothing ever implies they are going to decieve their fellow aliens, they simply were honest with the human because they personally believe they shouldnt crush the aliens, god you are so fricking stupid

        • 2 months ago

          >you incels don't know 6th grade physics to think a fricking proton can kill you.
          What is nuclear radiation?

        • 2 months ago

          >Sophons can't kill anybody, they are singular protons unfolded and engraved with circuitry and extremely difficult to make, you incels don't know 6th grade physics to think a fricking proton can kill you.
          so fricking magic and you're trying to lecture people about science. Hard scifi fans this is embarrassing.

        • 2 months ago
          6-6 blue eyes German Irish American
  4. 2 months ago

    It was written by a paranoid Chinese dude who thinks the default position of any alien species would be instant mass murder instead of not caring all that much; so yes it was written by morons.

    • 2 months ago

      you quash threats before they become credible, it's not illogical. the hippies that think other intelligent life would be friendly are the ones tripping

      • 2 months ago

        the illogical part is them warning the humans like a moronic fantasy villain

        • 2 months ago

          For a species absolutely bent on survival and domination, they sure do commit to some REALLY stupid choices.

        • 2 months ago

          the way the aliens communicate to each other makes it impossible to lie or hold secrets, so that didn't bother me

          • 2 months ago

            >Can't lie or have secrets
            >The listener tells Earth not to call out, meaning that he'll eventually have to tell other Trisolarans about Earth - meaning the entire exercise is pointless.

            • 2 months ago

              The trisolarans already received the Earth message and know about the traitor's message you fricking moron.
              It's not that Trisolarans knowing Earth exists is the issue, it's how far away it is which can only be determined by a second message.
              So many morons on this board jesus christ lmao
              - book reader god

              • 2 months ago

                >The trisolarans already received the Earth message and know about the traitor's message you fricking moron.
                Thus rendering the entire action pointless. THANKS FOR NOT LISTENING TO THE ARGUMENT, PIG-FRICKER!
                >It's not that Trisolarans knowing Earth exists is the issue, it's how far away it is which can only be determined by a second message.
                Nope! The book clearly sets out that if humanity responds, THEN they'll be chased down and killed. Not to mention, all of this is a moot point because humanity sent a signal from a certain location and the listener sent his signal from a certain location. The location of Earth is already known. In fact, if he cared about humanity, he would have ignored it. DUMBASS

            • 2 months ago

              He actually gets caught very quickly, at that point you don’t know they can’t lie but it’s pretty obvious they are communicating telepathically.
              He knows he’s going to get caught immediately but he is a pacifist.

          • 2 months ago

            >it is impossible to lie or hold secrets
            >you WILL be conquered!
            >the chink invite the aliens under the pretense that they are good and are going to do good, and not just obliterate anyone
            >pikachu face when she founds out conquered doesn't mean "helping humanity"
            Is moronic in another line
            >aliens not understanding fiction
            >aliens when making a videogame, and putting their ai innit

      • 2 months ago

        >you quash threats before they become credible
        This is the assumption that cooperation is less useful than total war all the time always.

        • 2 months ago

          Cooperation within the species is different

        • 2 months ago

          cooperation useless because there will be no war.
          trisolarans are far more advanced than us so what will happen is not a war, it'll be a slaughter.To them we're just bugs. Do you cooperate with ants when they eat your food?

          • 2 months ago

            How does this work out for them in the end? They get to enjoy their spoils and prosper forever in the planet they easily take from those stupid, harmless ants, right?

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      aliens would honestly just mess with us for fun

      tek that advance they could do anything

      be funny if they killed off al the ugly women and replaced them with super hot big breasts babes

    • 2 months ago

      >It was written by a paranoid Chinese dude who thinks the default position of any alien species would be instant mass murder instead of not caring all that much

      humans are, objectively, a cancer to a planet and hostile to every other lifeform unless it's either extinct or domesticated, even subspecies of humans. the default position of any alien species would be to glass earth and then harvest water and resources.

  5. 2 months ago

    you intimidated by smart people?

    • 2 months ago

      the funny thing is the three body problem is like 5 minutes of one episode and the rest is just dumb schlock

      • 2 months ago
        6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

        >three body problem

        looked it up
        yep its some moronic esoteric problem not having to do with ending scarcity or anything really smart
        see people are taught like my dad to worship science not to see it as a means to end scarcity so you have have fun without worries
        I alwasy wonder why dont governemtn just make 10 rooms per male free
        ban landlord and other parasites like bankers lawyers
        so simple
        with tek from ancient rome can build 10 room per male
        instead we are forced to do wak jobs in even wakkier usury economy

        my dad I used ot think was smart
        he is literally a NPC who gets excited about eclipse and sapce stay fly by which I saw and was just glowing dot
        For all I know the earth is flat and space nasa etc is just a money scam
        why dont we make free rooms I would even work in the factory making houseing or warehouse or megastructure components
        but nope
        housing so obviously artificial scarcity tomake u work at moron job

        • 2 months ago

          How's your dads basement?

  6. 2 months ago

    hey, unlike game of thrones, at least the author finished this series.

    • 2 months ago

      i read the summaries and it sounds fricking moronic

      • 2 months ago

        What exactly sounds moronic about it, anon?

        • 2 months ago

          everything about the aliens' plan is moronic

          • 2 months ago

            the aliens plan is pretty good though? they do everything that is logical

            • 2 months ago

              telling the humans that they were bugs and openly declaring they would sabotage their science was moronic

              as was the whole countdown thing

              • 2 months ago

                you have a problem with them interacting with humans? they had to do it to get humans to kill the humans who have a chance of messing with them. Some of the humans have ideas that can get the alien homeworld nuked

              • 2 months ago

                they could've just kept talking to the cultists and had them assassinate people instead of making themselves widely known by shutting off the stars, the whole "you are bugs" thing, etc. it's just painfully stupid

              • 2 months ago

                >making themselves widely known by shutting off the stars,
                in the book this was just for the initiates for the cultist recruits to prove to them that aliens exist.

              • 2 months ago

                The thing I don't get is that if they can't lie, then they can't understand the concept of lying, so them suddenly not trusting the pro-Trisolarans makes no sense. It would literally be impossible for them to conceive of that idea.

              • 2 months ago

                they can lie, it was just always pointless. Think of it like Pinocchio. Every time Pinocchio lies, everyone around instantly knows he's lying because his nose grows.
                Except it's even more exaggerated for the Trisolarans, like if Pinocchio's nose then spoke his true thoughts simultaneously as he lied from his mouth. Trisolarans always know each other's true thoughts, so while they technically can lie, it just never occurs to them as a thing to do.

              • 2 months ago

                Why the Hell would they put a pacifist Trisloran at one of their listening outposts. Why the FRICK would they give him the ability to respond back to a message if they believe in the Dark Forest theory? Why would any Trisolaran have different thoughts if they're apart of a hive-mind? Why would they let one listener be there and not have others if they know that Trisolarans can change their minds about subjects? There's so many contrivances you have to accept for this story to make any kind of sense.

                And this is still ignoring the fact that if lying is something they can't do, then him telling humanity to not respond is pointless.

              • 2 months ago

                where'd you get that?

              • 2 months ago

                they communicate almost telepathically. to lie, you need a layer of abstraction between your private thoughts and what you express to others. they aren't stupid, they quickly pick up on the concept.

              • 2 months ago

                >he says he read the summaries of the books
                >points out what happened in the show instead of the books

              • 2 months ago

                >they had to do it to get humans to kill the humans who have a chance of messing with them.
                Instead of using their magic proton to kill those humans instead of making them see signs. Or how about they make them see visions in their heads until they ALL died. Or SOMETHING that wasn't so brain-dead?

              • 2 months ago

                The photon in the books is heavily neutered compared to the TV show, all it can do is project images and mess with collider results

              • 2 months ago

                technically it could also travel at the speed of light and unfold inside people's heads, but it doesn't do that.

              • 2 months ago

                The author lacked the imagination.
                He's just a chink from China and China is pretty different you have to understand that.
                The AIs are an autowin because of their instant transmission which isn't possible in real life but the author nerfs them because without them there's no communication between the two planets.

                I don't think there's any form of communication that we know where you can actually communicate across those light years

              • 2 months ago

                >their instant transmission
                they printed the sophons on two sets on entangled protons, which gives them instant communications with the trisolarian's planet/fleet.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah, but that's also my point. Why not just have humans seeing signals constantly for 400 years until they go insane and kill themselves?

              • 2 months ago

                the mass of a single proton unfolding in your head would be harmless

              • 2 months ago

                the 2 dimensional surface area of an 11 dimensional proton is more than the surface of the earth.

              • 2 months ago

                >be proton
                >travel up someone’s butthole
                >unfold into the size of a car
                >they explode
                >fold back very quickly before anyone notices
                >do this to every human

              • 2 months ago

                it has the mass of a proton. It can't hurt you by unfolding inside you. Your own body's mass would make it unable to unfold. That's why it unfolded in space anon..

              • 2 months ago

                >unfold at flat nano-filament width
                >bisect people's brains in their skulls

              • 2 months ago

                Isn't the mass of a proton, greater than the mass of photons?
                If it can block sunlight entirely, wWich it does), doesn't that also kills all life on earth in like, 20 years after all plants die?

              • 2 months ago

                >photon blocks sunlight by unfolding to 2d
                >send missile to destroy it
                now what homosexual? read the books you fricking moron, all your moronic question will be answered if you just read the books its only 400 pages.

              • 2 months ago
                Book Reading God BTFO's Retarded Chuds

                they communicate almost telepathically. to lie, you need a layer of abstraction between your private thoughts and what you express to others. they aren't stupid, they quickly pick up on the concept.

                >unfold at flat nano-filament width
                >bisect people's brains in their skulls

                Isn't the mass of a proton, greater than the mass of photons?
                If it can block sunlight entirely, wWich it does), doesn't that also kills all life on earth in like, 20 years after all plants die?

                There are morons in this thread seriously, unironically arguing that something that weight less that a proton (when considering the sophon engravings) could kill a human by unfolding inside them.

                Holy yikes batman

              • 2 months ago

                no force was required for the nano-filaments to slice up the boat. sorry bud, you're just not articulating the concepts at play.

              • 2 months ago
                Book Reading God BTFO's Retarded Chuds

                >No force
                Ah yes good think the ship was completely still. Another moron gets owned, news at 11.

                This homie thinks protons arnt big enough to harm people. Ever heard of chernobyl homosexual lmaoo. Get fricking smoothbrain

                Baiting but I'll respond anyways because I have time before I meet up with my gf tomorrow.
                Protons by themselves have long half lives are are not radioactive. Destroying a sophon to give a human a 1% chance of brain cancer in 60 years is very intelligent!

                >The trisolarans already received the Earth message and know about the traitor's message you fricking moron.
                Thus rendering the entire action pointless. THANKS FOR NOT LISTENING TO THE ARGUMENT, PIG-FRICKER!
                >It's not that Trisolarans knowing Earth exists is the issue, it's how far away it is which can only be determined by a second message.
                Nope! The book clearly sets out that if humanity responds, THEN they'll be chased down and killed. Not to mention, all of this is a moot point because humanity sent a signal from a certain location and the listener sent his signal from a certain location. The location of Earth is already known. In fact, if he cared about humanity, he would have ignored it. DUMBASS

                >Rendering entire action pointless
                My dear incel anon... if the Trisolaran didn't send the warning message then Earth would keep sending out messages and an anti-human Trisolaran would've seen their location. It's only pointless because the person that responded was Ye Wenjie.
                Anon, you just restated my point in a moronic way. If humanity kept quiet after Ye Wenjie's initial message amplified by the sun, they would be safe and hidden.

              • 2 months ago

                are you even 18?

              • 2 months ago

                >If humanity kept quiet after Ye Wenjie's initial message amplified by the sun, they would be safe and hidden.
                Hey! Dick-for-brains! They'd already know where Earth is because of the initial message.

              • 2 months ago

                nope. need at least two signals to determine a location.

              • 2 months ago

                Really? Where is that in the book?

              • 2 months ago

                they didn't think they needed to explain triangulation, to the reader, in the book.

              • 2 months ago

                The response back was what exactly? A Complete shot in the dark?

              • 2 months ago

                >A Complete shot in the dark?
                you understand what 'broadcast' means, right?

              • 2 months ago
                Book Reading God BTFO's Retarded Chuds

                LMAO thank you for the solid laugh, incel.

                they didn't think they needed to explain triangulation, to the reader, in the book.

                Don't worry, he's just moronic. Let him live his life in frustrated ignorance. He's a good source of entertainment.

              • 2 months ago

                If they didn’t have a location how are they fricking with earth

              • 2 months ago

                ... because

                ya know if you're having so much trouble understanding, just watch the tencent version or read the book. the netflix version is garbage.

              • 2 months ago

                Great explanation anon. Thank you for enlightening this board with your towering intellect

              • 2 months ago

                yeah, that was me giving up, because you're trying to get me to explain fundamental plot points to you. which apparently were botched by the netflix adaptation.

              • 2 months ago

                >I completely understand im just too busy to explain
                >it would take a really long time
                >here are five more posts that took longer to type than an explanation instead
                Very cool man

              • 2 months ago

                anon, do you really want someone on Cinemaphile to explain it to you, or would you rather watch a version that isn't completely worthless?

              • 2 months ago

                Im not watching shit. This show looks dumb as frick
                >super advanced aliens
                >cant even kill humans
                Wow super spoopy

              • 2 months ago

                >i don't care, i'm just here begging for someone to explain it all to me


              • 2 months ago

                Literally nobody here thinks you have an answer and I highly doubt anyone fricking cares. You’re saving face from nobody, on an anonymous image board. Congratulations on being neurodivergent

              • 2 months ago

                thanks for confirming

                starting to think netflix's goal in shilling this was to have people who read the books or watched the tencent version explain their utter abortion to everyone else.

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                if advanced aliens dont even have sex bots
                then really
                I think this is a scam
                AI would explore all known handjobs techniques
                and then test 10,000s of reps
                to determine ultimate lube and motion

              • 2 months ago

                Hard to kill humans from 4 light years away bud

              • 2 months ago

                If they didn’t have a location how are they fricking with earth

                because she sent a second message you moron, holy shit you are so fricking stupid

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                tencent version?

              • 2 months ago

                3 body

              • 2 months ago

                But that isn’t true lol. You’re literally just inventing shit to cope for this shitty writing

              • 2 months ago

                Oh wow. Now hes larping he has a girlfriend. This went from sad to funny

              • 2 months ago

                >Baiting but I'll respond anyways because I have time before I meet up with my gf tomorrow.
                lmao you need to get a life anon. everyone has gotten pussy before

              • 2 months ago

                Oh, you don't know how to read
                That explains a lot

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                aliens should have given all the white guys 12 inch wieners

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                sabotage thier science

            • 2 months ago

              >capable of making large fleet of spacecraft
              >could just build o'neill cylinders and live in space
              >no, we must invade a little ball of dirt and oxygen
              >also we believe that if anyone finds out we exist they'll nuke our home system, making it even more important to adapt to life in space permanently so we can spread out and no longer be vulnerable to a first strike attack, but nope, we will continue to try to live on a planet instead

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                From what I've gathered the intention WAS to not invade but rather live with humans, until they learned we can lie whilst in mid-flight. The warning from the pacifist was to warn us from other lifeforms, like singer.

              • 2 months ago

                That still leaves us with the plothole of a species capable of interstellar travel choosing to live on a ball of dirt instead of spreading out in spaceborne habitats when they KNOW that concentrating their civilization on one location is extremely dangerous.

        • 2 months ago

          What about the series doesn't sound moronic?

      • 2 months ago

        It is moronic, and I enjoyed it. It was a roller coaster of stupid.

    • 2 months ago

      >hey, unlike game of thrones, at least the author finished this series.
      It is a fundamentally flawed concept. The Dark forest hypothesis is really stupid for numerous reasons, namely how could civilizations keep themselves hidden and why would they need to be hidden and that's not even factoring in the travel it takes from x point in universe.

  7. 2 months ago

    >was this show written by morons?
    >from the creators of Game of Thrones
    You know the answer to that.

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      oh shit its from the tards who did thrones? LOL
      so basically feminism hidden inside other crap this time the space hoax

      • 2 months ago

        holy fricking shmoly
        who is this titty monster?

        • 2 months ago
          6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

          sarenna lee

          • 2 months ago

            Can you at least put a tripcode on so I can filter you?

            • 2 months ago
              6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

              whats a tripcode?

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                Something your mom takes every night, newbie.

              • 2 months ago
                6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

                Stop using my name.

            • 2 months ago


              *immediately fixes the thread*

  8. 2 months ago

    judging a movie or show by character's actions is one of the plebbest things a person can do. even if the show sucks, your reasoning for it sucking has outed you as a complete and utter pleb.

    • 2 months ago

      >Write a movie about cowboys
      >Every cowboy acts like an italian chef
      >"Mamma mia la train-a, prepare la pasta!"
      >But the story tho!
      Get rekd

  9. 2 months ago

    Garbage show.

  10. 2 months ago

    This show is dumb. Because the book is dumb.


    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      opened youtube, wanted dude to say
      if it isnt scottish, its craaaaappppp

    • 2 months ago

      hooooly frick...
      this is legit garbage, glad i didn't waste my time downloading and watching it

  11. 2 months ago

    >i will now reveal to you my exact plan and give you 400 years to find a way to stop me, rather than silently killing off/disabling all of your top minds over the course of 10 years by simply driving them to insanity, leaving no evidence, or even be suspected in the most outlandish explanation for their behavior.

    "it was aliens 400 years away from us using planet-sized super computer AI that are the size of photons that can travel at the speed of light and make you see or do whatever they want by interfering with our brains"

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      learn english bro

      • 2 months ago

        aliens should have given all the white guys 12 inch wieners

        sabotage thier science

        no whites
        no brains
        just people that say I could easily do dat better dan dem white male
        troon n minority women vying for dominance

        oh shit its from the tards who did thrones? LOL
        so basically feminism hidden inside other crap this time the space hoax

        we are all the same intelligence

        thats the joke


        • 2 months ago
          6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

          I sorted by size since torent slows uploads
          bigger pics arent much better honestly

          are u guna be ok bro?

          freebsd 14 icewm here

      • 2 months ago

        >tells a white male to learn english because he cant fricking read

        stupid fricking jeet i hate brown skin so much i know you are brown and filthy

        • 2 months ago

          learn english bro

          wrong pic, i meant this one

          stupid jeet made me pic the wrong pic

          • 2 months ago
            6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

            can you do 10 pushups?

        • 2 months ago
          6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

          reread what that fricker wrote

          you can be atom size and planet size?

          read before takin a piss

          ok there shine?

          • 2 months ago

            did you even watch the show you broccoli frick?

            the aliens use their technology to turn a proton into the size of a planet and make it a computer and then shrink it back down

            its a planet sized computer the size of a proton its simple science moron

  12. 2 months ago

    >stars blinking
    >"it was a deepfake"


    • 2 months ago

      it was, they used the sophons to make cameras, computers and certain people believe they were seeing the stars blink out when they werent really, why are you so stupid

  13. 2 months ago

    >the smartest scientists on the planet consistently act like morons
    They're the diversity hires and most of the real scientists committed suicide.

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      the white guys are on the moon faking the alien thing

      is just white guys having fun with brownies

  14. 2 months ago

    Scientists do act like morons though.

    t. former scientist

    • 2 months ago

      after witnessing what happened with covid, I can only conclude this as true

  15. 2 months ago

    It’s impossible to write a character smarter than yourself

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      we are all the same intelligence

      thats the joke

  16. 2 months ago

    If the aliens have sentient AI they can send to earth, which are entangled to their fleet

    Then why not have the AI take over the entire planet, and prepare it for the arrival of the main fleet

    And if they can fold space time into the size of a proton, why not fold their ships or fold and entire planet and send it to another system?

    • 2 months ago

      That was the entire point of the sophons and their alien worshipping sect on Earth.

  17. 2 months ago

    >Thlee boddy plobrem
    Stop watching chink propaganda

  18. 2 months ago

    So do the humans win?

    • 2 months ago

      all alien races hold hands together at the end of the universe as god restarts the big bang

    • 2 months ago
      Book Reading God BTFO's Retarded Chuds

      The entire solar system gets turned into a 2d dimension by godlike aliens, but humanity that let escaped into space earlier survives

    • 2 months ago

      most of both aliens and humans are wiped out, but a greater percentage of aliens survive so I think aliens win

  19. 2 months ago

    All I got from this is women ruin fricking everything. Man do these b***hes suck.

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      so there is a moral to the story

      like eve?

  20. 2 months ago

    Aliens not caring would be even worse for us. You can make sense of aggression. But just showing up and ignoring us like the dust beneath your feet would be even worse. We should not be seeking contact with aliens period. They are not going to give us their tech and put us on the galactic council. It will probably be something really weird and beyond fricked up. And it will be done to us for unfathomable reasons because they don't think like us at all and we don't think like them.

    • 2 months ago

      Aliens aren’t real anyway.

  21. 2 months ago

    You telling me all the events in the book happen because a moronic chink woman happens to contact a pacifist alien who straight up says it will conquer us, don't contact us, and she in her super left-wing mindset is "hurr humanity bad" and dooms humanity to war?

    • 2 months ago

      >her super left-wing mindset
      her family was lynched during the cultural revolution and her future was nothing but soviet china. if anything, she's completely done with "left wing."

  22. 2 months ago

    All forms of media that have aliens attack us head on is inherently garbage.

    Real, space faring aliens should easily be able to wipe us out from orbit. Be it firing away from space, turning a meteors trajectory towards us if they don't care for our resources, or engineering a disease that effortless dispatches most humans for an easy clean up after.

    • 2 months ago

      they're evacuating their hellhole of a planet for the next closest one, ours.

  23. 2 months ago

    *immediately fixes the thread*

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American


  24. 2 months ago

    >Trisolaris are superduper advance
    >Can't terr-form a world.

    • 2 months ago

      terraforming only works if the planet isn't being chucked around by three stars that regularly rip it apart or send it off into a crazy elliptical orbit.

    • 2 months ago

      How is terraforming going to help when it's their 3 Suns that is fricking up everything due to their erratic orbit?

  25. 2 months ago

    >trisolarans have the ability to compress 11 dimensional objects into 3 dimensional protons
    >they have the ability to travel at 1% of light speed despite huge mass
    >they have seemingly sentient (but subservient) AI
    >they haven't figured out how to destroy or slingshot out one of their suns
    >they haven't figured out how to terraform a new world
    >they haven't figured out that declaring war 400 years in the future is moronic

  26. 2 months ago

    starting to think netflix's goal in shilling this was to have people who read the books or watched the tencent version explain their utter abortion to everyone else.

  27. 2 months ago

    is it true the show goes beyond the first book and these 'oxford five' are used as the characters from the second book too?

  28. 2 months ago

    2 "scientists" play a videogame and figure out the moronic three suns mystery. Nobody mentions that THE NEAREST star system to us has three suns. Then they learn there are aliens. Nobody mentions the alpha centauri system. The ayy cult mentions 4 light years. "Scientists" heard it, investigators heard it. Nobody mentions that there is a three star systems literally 4 light years away from us and it's literally the nearest stars that highschoolers know about.

    >I was cringing through the first 4 ep then dropped

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        Thats not to scale. Useless

      • 2 months ago

        2 "scientists" play a videogame and figure out the moronic three suns mystery. Nobody mentions that THE NEAREST star system to us has three suns. Then they learn there are aliens. Nobody mentions the alpha centauri system. The ayy cult mentions 4 light years. "Scientists" heard it, investigators heard it. Nobody mentions that there is a three star systems literally 4 light years away from us and it's literally the nearest stars that highschoolers know about.

        >I was cringing through the first 4 ep then dropped

        do we even know they're from alpha centauri in the show? i figured it was some fictional star system 4 light years away since we know the configuration of that system

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American


      what if space is all made up and earth is flat?

      I mean how coem the air doesnt evaporate into space?

      why arent we fulung offa earth if its spinnin fast like off merri go round?

  29. 2 months ago

    well it was written by a chinese and then adapted by the people who wrote GoT season 8, so yeah it's morons all the way down.

  30. 2 months ago

    its science FICTION m8. just turn off your brain.

  31. 2 months ago

    The countdown thing and the blinking stars has got to be the most moronic thing I've seen in science fiction
    The sophon being created has got to be one of the coolest things I've seen in science fiction
    This show is a mixed bag

  32. 2 months ago

    Nothing is better than Cinemaphile morons pretending all shows with intelligent subject matter are beneath them

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      people really really love to think they are brainy huh?

  33. 2 months ago

    Another book chad here.

    The book literally doesn't have any plot holes. Any plot holes are from Netflix making mistakes with the adaptation. The sophon being able to hack (which it could not do in the book) is one such potential plot hole.

    As for why the aliens are fricking with the humans, the ETO (human traitors) are giving them advice. That's the source of any "deceit" from them.

  34. 2 months ago

    >hot girl is actually a genius scientist
    When has this ever happened irl?

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      that troon is far from hot u vergin

      • 2 months ago

        Nice thumbnail moron

  35. 2 months ago






    • 2 months ago

      she was unironically the most interesting character in the whole show in her 20secs of screen time and it wasn't even particularly close.

  36. 2 months ago

    Not watching it

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      black scientists

      WHY NOT????

      need to make spoof version where its white fart guys on moon faking whole thing

      and laughing at black n women trying to do science

  37. 2 months ago

    >if you tell anyone else in the galaxy that you exist, your entire planet dies
    >and someone just said we exist
    >and yes it's canon that the Earth dies
    Let me get this straight, an alien race, that cannot survive on its home world due to its extreme conditions, has somehow got super magi-tech, with computers smaller than atoms, that can change reality, and is spacefaring, and cannot find a life supporting world, let alone live on a rock orbiting a normal star... and the main drama of the story is that the people who discover these aliens want every human being to die but are so left wing they can't agree on how so fight and sabotage each other... and the solution is to threaten to tell the galaxy the postcode of the invaders... and Chinese isolationism...

    Is this supposed to be a drama or a comedy?

  38. 2 months ago

    >dude science lmao
    >dude smoke lmao
    >dude booze lmao

  39. 2 months ago

    After 3 years of COVID, mask and Vax hysteria, you still think that scientists act rationally?

  40. 2 months ago

    >the alien invading force that is thousands of years more advanced than us

    That alone is fricking moronic if you think about it.
    The odds that a planet can support life, let alone life that has a species that's the same fricking age as us, is moronic.
    Fifty nine million, two hundred and nineteen thousand, and five hundred years, would be the blink of an eye due to the age of the universe.
    If they were that much further advanced than us there wouldn't be a movie because they could just do whatever they want.

    • 2 months ago

      jesus christ you are moronic, literally making shit up that is actually addressed in the show and book to be mad at lmao

      >three body problem

      looked it up
      yep its some moronic esoteric problem not having to do with ending scarcity or anything really smart
      see people are taught like my dad to worship science not to see it as a means to end scarcity so you have have fun without worries
      I alwasy wonder why dont governemtn just make 10 rooms per male free
      ban landlord and other parasites like bankers lawyers
      so simple
      with tek from ancient rome can build 10 room per male
      instead we are forced to do wak jobs in even wakkier usury economy

      my dad I used ot think was smart
      he is literally a NPC who gets excited about eclipse and sapce stay fly by which I saw and was just glowing dot
      For all I know the earth is flat and space nasa etc is just a money scam
      why dont we make free rooms I would even work in the factory making houseing or warehouse or megastructure components
      but nope
      housing so obviously artificial scarcity tomake u work at moron job

      not your personal blog, homosexual

      • 2 months ago
        6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

        I am str8


  41. 2 months ago
    6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

    how hard is it to make a good tv show?
    1 get some hot chicks
    2 have a hero with soem msucle and some kinda special skills or tek oor some shit
    3 have some bad guys
    4 some violence
    5 some plot that isnt just and insult
    6 add bit more violence and bit if sex but not obvious
    7 good guys win


    its like low effort demoralization by rich exec kids to build resume
    skitzo plot
    ugly people jammed in everywhere
    lot complaning

    I can get complainign from work or normal life overload

  42. 2 months ago

    >Cinemaphile is too moronic to understand even the most basic parts of 3 body problem
    absolutely pathetic

    • 2 months ago
      6-6 blue eyes German Irish American

      honestly bro I couldnt give a frick

      its a stupid theoretical problem with no application

      mental jerkoff stuff

  43. 2 months ago
    6-6 blue eyes German Irish American


    Im going to write a book called the three homosexual problem

  44. 2 months ago

    question for someone who read the books, is it girl boss scientists doing all the heavy lifting or is this just a Netflix thing

    • 2 months ago

      That character doesn't exist in the book.

    • 2 months ago

      That character doesn't exist in the book.

      Netflix introduced new characters for the western audience instead of having 95% Chinese people. The Oxford 5 from the Netflix version are based on book characters but their roles are mixed up a bit. I don’t think the fat kid from GoT was based on a book character, but it’s been several years since I read the books

    • 2 months ago

      they hacked apart the book characters and recombined them into nonsense.

  45. 2 months ago

    this is kino production design for anyone who played hitman games

  46. 2 months ago

    >namegay is a moron
    if you can flicker the stars you can turn them off(sun as well) enjoy working in a darkness for 400 years
    if you can frick with accelerators you can as well use sophon magics to
    >make servers around the world overheat and lose data
    >hack traffic lights, banking, produce deepfakes of politicians sending troops to random countries and use hacked drones and missiles as a false flag to stir up wars
    if you can produce hallucinations you can
    >make everyone blind(or at least the eggheads
    >use fake religion messages(but anon they can't lie) vague massages like: we the above you being from fhe sky etc.
    >use people like Tatiana in the shoe for terrorism, killing important people/destroying places and produce chaos due to systems not functioning
    but according to you they can't kill people lmao
    the show is just moronic and instead of doing these things they send vr games to eggheads who die anyway(some are killed by them)
    inb4 ack-tschually n the booooooooooks
    don't care

    • 2 months ago

      Imagine being this angry and typing 600 words on a Laotian finger puppet forum

    • 2 months ago

      Not gonna namegay like that other guy because people aren’t being moronic, they’re just noticing the obvious plotholes the Netflix series failed to address. Even a casual viewer will have questions after watching that adaptation.
      >if you can flicker the stars you can turn them off(sun as well) enjoy working in a darkness for 400 years
      Netflix made the sophons way more powerful then the book, probably to make their scenes look cooler. In the book, once a sophon unfolds they’re super vulnerable. In fact, every nation with nukes ends up aiming them at the atmosphere in case the aliens are stupid enough to get it to unfold again.
      Netflix again, sophons can make you see stuff by acting like a photon and filtering through your eyes.
      >fake religious messages
      Actually this would be a good concept but the aliens don’t really see it as worthwhile. They don’t really care what state humanity is in after they’ve messed around with our physics, theyll be so far ahead that we couldn’t possibly fight back.
      Netflix. In the book, there are no super soldiers and the aliens are reluctant to give even basic information to the ETO. The killings and chaos are all done by the ETO with intel from the sophons who can see and hear everything.

      what was the idea behind this whole staircase project, why did they even wanna send a brain to the alien fleet?

      I don’t think Netflix goes over this either which is weird because they could have fixed another massive plothole. In the books, humanity is panicking after finding out about the invasion and all kinds of stupid plans are created. Wade himself doesn’t really care what happens to the brain, he cares more about the concept of getting 1%. They also go through a number of different ideas, first they want to send a probe but that would be too heavy. Then they want to send a human that’s hibernating in a cryogenic box but that’s still too heavy. So they decide to send a brain, assuming that the Trisolarans are so advanced they’d probably have the technology to revive a brain

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah I didn't like that change. I don't understand.. Is it still unfolded? WTF is going on with that? Can it refold itself? And Wade & Sophon on the plane...
        Otherwise I LOVE 90% of the changes. I know Cinemaphile is still doing the whole culture war thing and the cast being diverse triggers newbie election tourists, but having book 1-2 AND 3 happening at the same time, in the same place, is great. Most of the changes I love. And Saul's girlfriend on the island will be the nanofiber girl instead of doing that whole stupid dreamgirl thing.
        Having Wade around from the get-go is a big improvement, as he was always my favorite character.

        • 2 months ago

          It's funny for a leftist woke diversity type you really have no problem with erasing asian men from an asian show. You moronic hypocrite.

          • 2 months ago

            lets be honest westerners are better actors than asians

          • 2 months ago

            Da Shi is one of the main characters. Wade is white and based as frick. Bro if you knew what would happen in Season 3 you'll know this show will become a giant dunk on feminism and the consequences of too much female compassion.

            • 2 months ago

              >Da Shi is one of the main characters.
              All he does now is mope around and simp for his newly added homosexual son. His moments are given to other characters.

              • 2 months ago

                Bro the second Saul and him go to the future you'll realize how great he is. And the stuff with his son does pay off. He's a great character. Second only to Wade.

            • 2 months ago

              Bro the second Saul and him go to the future you'll realize how great he is. And the stuff with his son does pay off. He's a great character. Second only to Wade.

              You still don't fit in, homosexual.

              • 2 months ago

                Nah I never did; wasn't trying. Am I supposed to be trying?

              • 2 months ago

                >YoU D o n 'T f I T i n
                take my Cinemaphile upvote good sir

        • 2 months ago

          You don't fit in, homosexual.

  47. 2 months ago

    >show is popular
    >has some cool concepts
    >Cinemaphile hates it
    Predictable and tiresome

    • 2 months ago

      popular?? where. only Cinemaphile active discuss it. it debut at no.2 behind the gentlemen,


      • 2 months ago

        just checked right now. it's no. 1 per Netflix

  48. 2 months ago

    >was this show written by morons?

    the book was written by a chinaman, so the answer to your question is yes

  49. 2 months ago

    what was the idea behind this whole staircase project, why did they even wanna send a brain to the alien fleet?

    • 2 months ago

      >want a "man on the inside" of the San-Ti fleet
      >want to test propulsion methods

      It's an objectively horrible thing to do to the "volunteer" but if you fail you're only down one person who was dead anyways. The worst thing that can happen is the aliens learn how to effectively torture humans which obviously sucks but if they show up it's game over anyways.

    • 2 months ago

      yeah so manu questions why didnt sophon-chan simply cause a biolab to leak a series of super deadly ass-cancer virus if their goal switched to human eradication anyway

      • 2 months ago

        Blame dumb and dumber. The sophons aren’t this powerful in the book; the most they can do is mess with our particle accelerators and do make us see things.
        Besides, the aliens literally see as bugs. They don’t really care about what we do once they’ve stopped technological progress.

        • 2 months ago

          moron. if sophons can create illusion like countdown,blink stars and nigthmare vision-dead wade to wade in the finale. sophons with that speed can mass histeria forever, sophons can move fast and no need energy to sustain itself. so why not??? also it can manipulate computer and internet. so thats more dumb, it didnt do anything with it.

          yeah so manu questions why didnt sophon-chan simply cause a biolab to leak a series of super deadly ass-cancer virus if their goal switched to human eradication anyway

          they only showed the stars flickering which is just an optical illusion like the numbers probably, and seemingly frick with display device signals, probably cause photons or whatever shitfrick. if hte alymaos could at will frick wtih electronics and computers then the first thing governments would do would be to air gap or just un plug everything that relies on computer assistance.

  50. 2 months ago

    I just realized the twist they're setting up for season 2. Spoiler for Book 2:
    The staircase probe went off course after only a few nukes unstead of near the end, so Saul will use them to threaten an INVERSE deterence signal once they reach and get stuck in the outer astroid belt!

    They'll have Saul going over what went wrong and why the staircase program failed when really he is rigging up the abandoned nukes.

  51. 2 months ago

    What the frick is up with that Mexican b***h. She was already annoying from the first episode but her b***hing about the species traitor cultist boat and MUH MASS MURDER YOU MURDERERS HOW COULD YOU against Based Pajeet and then copypasting the same fricking bullshit against her best friend was fricking irritating. Dumb fricking b***h. Shut the frick up. Holy shit.

    • 2 months ago

      Don't worry about her.
      She'll probably be asleep for 90% of the show if she is a replacement for Saul's dream girl. Unless she is also a replacement for Jin's assistant... Hmm. IDK.

      • 2 months ago

        I could see them giving her more material just because she's "established"

  52. 2 months ago

    >kino episode 5
    >based davos building x-com
    >suddenly it's all about 3 of the boring nerds at a beach house ranting about dumbass relationship drama

    • 2 months ago

      >he's not speedrunning the eps skipping all the non davos and non-plot habbening scenes
      watched all 8 eps back to back and this was definitely the winning strategy

  53. 2 months ago

    book 1 > 2 > 3
    books 2 and 3 can be skipped
    just enjoy the first being kino

    • 2 months ago

      Book 3 >>>>> Book 1 > Book 2

  54. 2 months ago

    Dude, nano fibres!

  55. 2 months ago

    To anyone looking for a good first contact book, read blindsight by Peter Watts.

    • 2 months ago

      just read the intro and sounds like a weird superhero story

      • 2 months ago

        Now I'm curious what intro you read, it has nothing to do with superhero stories. It's 50/50 split between figuring out the aliens and speculative fiction that ISN'T just science-magic, but actually makes sense.

    • 2 months ago

      dude octopuses

      • 2 months ago

        I thought this board might appreciate a book where the aliens come to kill us because they received stray tv broadcasts

    • 2 months ago

      Life evolving into unintelligent organic interstellar spaceships doesn't seem plausible.

      • 2 months ago

        only the spaceship part

  56. 2 months ago

    if something like this happened it would not be enough to mass mobilize anyone. even if little green men landed in a major population center and started firing laser guns from their ship it would somehow be converted into fake news story or a hoax or publicity stunt.

    i think it would take a literal armed conflict with little green men and daily updates like the ukraina war to make people take it seriously. making a bunch of displays show "ur a bug" would just make people think its some chink hacker group, and the CGI skybox people would convince to themselves is some crazy weather phenomenon

  57. 2 months ago

    Auggie is such a fricking annoying fricking b***h hate this stupid c**t ruins the whole fricking show DUMB b***h

    • 2 months ago

      at least shows feet, the asiatic is disgusting AND boring

  58. 2 months ago

    >mfw I waited all these years for this adaptation so Cinemaphile could make an ass of itself trying to dissect and analyse it.

    • 2 months ago

      havent read the book and i speedran the show but what i took from it
      >the chink old chink b***h is a revolutionary and the aylmaos wanna work with her cuz of it, as for davos the ayys wanna persecute him
      >there will be some epic faction war between alien loyalists and "those who fought back"
      >the alien invasion doesnt exist and will never happen and they are just setting up some kind of "level 5" or whatever or the game where they instead have to save their own civ from a fake invader

  59. 2 months ago

    The cast should have just been Chink and taken place in Singapore. The Chinese version is too dry and the special effects are bad and the Netflix version is too casual, too girlboss, and too stupid. The Chinese autism is essential to the characters but China is unable to make a compelling show. A Netflix show, with a Netflix budget but staring chink actors would have been the optimal choice.

  60. 2 months ago

    Why even call this 3 Body?
    Its Death's End. The events of TBP are like a footnote. We get a super abridged version of everything that made that story. There's no foundation, and now there's nowhere to go. The tone is completely alien. The events of DE that they've already speedran only feel plausible after you've made it through two books of this shit. This show is confused. Hopefully S2 never ever.

    I can't wait until tencent drops TDF so we can get back on track.

    • 2 months ago

      Same reason all of Game of Thrones was called Game of Thrones instead of A Song of Ice and Fire.

      • 2 months ago

        This is like if GoT introduced The Starks in the first episode and the Sand Snakes in the second. Also Little Finger and Dany are one character and best mates with Theon who is a combination of Theon and Jamie.

        dabid and dabid have tripped over their own shoelaces

        • 2 months ago

          Sounds like a natural progression of their patented slop style.

  61. 2 months ago

    Is this shit worthwhile?
    How much of a brainfrick is it

    • 2 months ago

      About as much as Sherlock or star trek. Mind-blowing for midwits, silly asspulls for everyone with a triple digit iq

  62. 2 months ago

    If this scenario would happen, and we know we have 400 years to prepare for a war with an alien civilization, the first thing that should happen is a planet wide eugenics program

  63. 2 months ago

    talentless commies circle jerking other talentless commies

  64. 2 months ago

    >black man confirmed to frick a white woman in episode 8
    Netflix, everyone. She gets run over immediately after though LOL!

  65. 2 months ago

    aren't they only like two or three hundred years more advanced than humanity? Hence them fearing that we'll catch up during their journey?

  66. 2 months ago

    Are there any smart capable white men in the book series, or is it just a chinese wankfest ? I watched the netflix series, now I'm watching the tencent version, I'm on ep 13 atm, but after that I want to buy the books to read them

    • 2 months ago

      I don't mind if chnese stuff depicts chinese people as protags and heroes. Everyone should do that with their stuff.
      Except whites, apaprently. They should write for everyone (blacks and ugly women) except themselves

      • 2 months ago

        Obviously a chinese story should have chinese protagonists, what I mean is I find it really unrealistic that all the top people are chinese, considering in the real world almost none are, so in this fictional world put at least a few whites to make it more believeable

        • 2 months ago

          >Everyone in West hates China
          >Shocked Chinese show has less Chinese
          Really makes you think.

  67. 2 months ago

    if they couldn't perform experiments to prove theories why couldn't they just rely solely on maths to explain and explore physics?

  68. 2 months ago

    That chink girl really did Based Pajeet dirty. She prefers the brain of some whining sissy instead? I know he's white but damn!

  69. 2 months ago

    at least the methodology here is organic, you've improved anon

  70. 2 months ago

    can't even look up when season 2 of the chinese version airs

  71. 2 months ago

    >was this show written by morons?
    >Says right on the pic "From the creators of game of thrones"

  72. 2 months ago

    I don't particularly care about the politics I'm just fricking upset that they cut everything cool Da Shi does.

    • 2 months ago

      they even cut all the cool stuff that happens in the game

    • 2 months ago

      because they introduced Wade, combined the PIA with the military glowies from the first book, and cut down heavily on the suicide investigation detective stuff

      • 2 months ago

        It's almost as if they wanted to quickly get past all of the current day stuff and get into full on SciFi as quickly as possible. If all we get is two seaons, then for frick's sake they should've just not included Jin's story and just done book 1 + 2.

  73. 2 months ago

    Doesn't seem like your ideas are well received here. Every post of yours is met with hostility. I think it's because you don't fit in. You'd have an easier time pushing your nigflix slop if you went back to wherever you came from.

    • 2 months ago

      Who are you talking to? The anon that calls people incel and chud hasn't posted for a while. I'm the anon that uses spoiler tags. I've been here since 2007 but you are right I don't fit in; you don't belong.

  74. 2 months ago

    They just skipped Red Coast almost entirely. The most gnarly foreboding thing in whole story. Takes up like a third of the book. We don't see her working her way up. We don't see her conceive her child, or kill her husbant. No redemption arc. No villagers fighting to donate blood to save her life. No comfy time in the village, all the mothers helping nurse her kid, the villagers sending the kids to learn physics from her, spending holidays with her. She's treated well for the first time since the revolution and it completely defines her affiliation. All gone. I guess affiliation doesn't matter with no factions.

    • 2 months ago

      they literally skipped everything because they liked the second book more

  75. 2 months ago

    >Technological advancement shuts down because magic intelligent particles mess with the readings of all particle accelerators.
    Why are people taking this stupid story seriously?

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