The thread was archived so I never got to reply to you. So the following is my (you) to the cock sucker who typed this.

The thread was archived so I never got to reply to you. So the following is my (you) to the wiener sucker who typed this.

It doesn't MATTER that force Awakens was A New Hope/Empire 2.0. That's not the fricking point you dumb fricking homosexual. The Force Awakens was about setting up new characters and new plot threads that the following movies were then supposed to explore and flesh out and branch off into their own direction. But Rian Johnson subverted le expectations by retconning everything interesting in Force Awakens and by intentionally making a shit movie. And Rise of Skywalker was just a rushed stitched together film made by a team of people who had no idea how to salvage this franchise. Fricking have a nice day if you think Force Awakens wasn't a solid entertaining movie. You're fricking lying if you say this

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  1. 2 years ago

    it is a great start point, 7 years later and you are still sething
    get a fricking life

  2. 2 years ago

    Not that guy but Star Wars died when they killed off Darth Maul in Episode I.

  3. 2 years ago

    >seething so fricking hard you need to make a new thread just to reply
    lmao @ ur life

    • 2 years ago

      completely moronic argument and also

  4. 2 years ago

    You Will Never Be A Woman

  5. 2 years ago

    This isn't reddit you moron, when a thread dies you drop your arguments and move on with your life

    • 2 years ago

      no way jose

      • 2 years ago

        kino. Is it real?

  6. 2 years ago

    I fell asleep in the theater watching it

  7. 2 years ago

    Force Awakens wasn't a solid entertaining movie.

    • 2 years ago

      There hasn't been a solid entertaining Star Wars movie since the Christmas Special,

      • 2 years ago

        Prequels are all great, not without their problems but great.

        • 2 years ago

          I would say they start out with strong potential, then stumble (Episode I) but regains momentum (Attack of the Clones), only to ultimately slip on a banana peel and fall facedown (Revenge of the Sith).

  8. 2 years ago

    Are you, by any chance, insane?

  9. 2 years ago

    In retrospect Force Awakens was a terrible starting off point, Last Jedi proved this.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, but that doesn't suddenly forgive Last Jedi of it's own stupid bullshit.

  10. 2 years ago

    At this point, I fricking wish all star wars shit was pushed to it's own homosexual board, and all Cape shit was forced to be on Cinemaphile

  11. 2 years ago

    >this movie is flawed for this reason
    The average disneywars fan

  12. 2 years ago

    Get over Star Wars it's a fricking fictional piece of entertainment that's it. Find something real to care about instead of this useless bullshit, you absolute fricking man child

  13. 2 years ago

    >Force Awakens wasn't a solid entertaining movie
    Indeed, it wasn't. The plagiarized structure, the reddit-tier cringe characters, the humour (which was even worse than marvel tier), the shit villain that throws a tantrum like a kid every 2 minutes, the mary sue main character, EVERYTHING was shit.

  14. 2 years ago

    Maybe don’t spend a whole movie building rickety foundations and then frick off for the follow up, leaving it to someone else. Rian did us all a favour

  15. 2 years ago

    TFA was so shit I never even bothered watching VIII or IX and not a week goes by that I don't feel at least a little bit smug about calling the sequel trilogy correctly there and then
    Stay mad about your bad movies nerd

  16. 2 years ago

    Oh my god bro, I'm the guy from the other thread...before I go into this, I need to know are you mentally okay? The thread was archived, like another anon said, just drop it. If not, I'm happy to call you out for the bullshit you are spouting.

  17. 2 years ago

    >It doesn't MATTER that force Awakens was A New Hope/Empire 2.0.
    The laziness with which this was accomplished is what matters. Abrams didn't even try. No one did.

  18. 2 years ago

    Imagine being so butt blasted that someone doesn't like your bing bing wahoo in space movie that you follow them like a crazy stalker trying to start up dead conversations.

  19. 2 years ago

    take it to the Snoy Wars general you dumb phoneposter you're both autistic fricks I bet you suck dick and frogpost, moron

  20. 2 years ago

    >The anon OP is trying to reply to will probably never see his thread

  21. 2 years ago

    You are seething OP, and wrong.
    TFA was a pile of shit which only intent was to answer the Prequels and to bait for nostalgia. Try to set up a bunch of mystery boxes that made no sense and escape.
    >Mystery box #1, Snoke
    Made no fricking sense, what was he gonna be? Non emperor? a secret dark force user trained by the emperor? And his big role was gonna be Emperor'd in the third movie with Kylo not killing Rey? It was moronic and was going nowhere.
    >#2, Luke
    Obvious. In TFA, you know 2 things about Luke. He is missing, his Jedi school had fell apart and the only survivor turned to the dark side. There is a fricking war with his sister commanding and he is nowhere to be seen. Of course the logical step was to make him an hermit.
    >#3 Rey parents
    She is a worse Mary Sue than Luke. At least Luke wasn't beating Vader in ANH with no training. It was a terrible character to begin with. And... what is the worst thing she could hear at the end of the film, just like hearing Vader was his father was the toughest thing Luke heard in Empire? Yes, that she was a nobody. I personally expected her to be Luke's daughter with a (deceased or maybe turn to the dark side?) non-Mara Jade, which would explain why Luke got so emotional at the end of TFA.
    Well, I'll say it, my fricking idea was better than Rian's. You could have gone with a "mother of Rey being the Sith". So Vader vs Luke but this time female? Well you can play with making it 2vs1 with Luke or 2vs2 with Kylo. Doesn't even have to be named Mara Jade.
    Rian also wrote Poe and specially Finn like morons. But he did not frick up Luke or Snoke, that's the most moronic argument that I usuallly read in the Internet. And he did well with Kylo, well, that was the only good thing JJ did in the first movie apart from Finn.

  22. 2 years ago

    TFA was shit, boy, how do I know you're a dipshit zoomer or some contrarian Gen X homosexual?

    I bet you fence sit too, you limpwristed apologist, go blueshill elsewhere.

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