There are a lot of showrunners who made one show and then do nothing for the rest of their careers.

There are a lot of showrunners who made one show and then do nothing for the rest of their careers. Whether it's cause they pitch other shows and fail, they just don't want to be in the business anymore, whatever.

But every time Alex Hirsch is brought up, people ask, "WHAT'S NEXT FOR HIM?". Why is that? Nobody asks that same question for Danny Antonucci, or Joe Murray, or Thurop Van Orman, or a multitude of other cartoon creators. Why is there an expectation for Hirsch to keep making new shows?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Because he was so young and was full of promise.

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe next time don't bite the hand that feeds you

    • 9 months ago

      Because he had connections other people would kill for and then he took a giant shit on those connections like a moron.

      • 9 months ago

        I love how Cinemaphile will actually bash a creator for not sucking corporate wiener enough if it's a creator they dislike. Lauren, Craig, Genndy? They were just poor victims of the studios they were working for, thr greedy suits cancelled their shows/let them go! Alex, Dana, Nefcy? They are evil hacks who didn't suck enough corporate wiener and deserved their shit to be cancelled! That's the Cinemaphile double standard.

        • 9 months ago

          no, they also hate Lauren Craig and Genndy.
          Lauren is a woman (which is apparently bad enough) who has a completely unverified reputation for being difficult to work with and abandons her projects too early. Craig has only gone downhill since PPG, and Genndy doesn't know how to end his projects.

          /co just likes to bash creators which is why they clap their little idiotic hands for AI and think that animators/writers/actors should be paid less.

  2. 9 months ago

    Apparently nothing because whatever "work" he did for Inside Job was thoroughly denounced by the people who would eventually cancel Inside Job and his leaked new show was cancelled for being "too weird"

    • 9 months ago

      >his leaked new show
      I've never seen this if it supposedly got leaked, anyone care to share?

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          thats literally just flapjack

          • 9 months ago

            Really I was getting more of a Plastic Beach vibe from it but that may just be the beach setting.

        • 9 months ago

          I love everything about this except the characters, which I'm guessing are the only part Alex Hirsch is responsible for.

        • 9 months ago

          I fixed it.

          • 9 months ago

            Thanks, now I can watch it.

        • 9 months ago

          I've done the calculations. At the Hacklet's current rate of hairline recession and follicle decay, he will be completely bald by the time he gets the first episode of this hypothetical new series even into pre-production. Sad!

          >go and find recent picture of Alex Hirsch on twitter without him wearing a hat challenge (Impossible!)

          • 9 months ago

            >hypothetical new series
            what are you talking about. There is no new series. The art that was posted was a leaked pre-production image from the project that was scrapped at Netflix. As far I know, Hirsch doesn't currently have a project of his own that's been announced.

  3. 9 months ago

    Deep down his fans know that Gravity Falls was a disappointment so they want Hirsch to make another cartoon in order to get some sort of closure. It's how they cope.

    • 9 months ago

      If only we could go back in time and split Gravity Falls season 2 into two seasons so it didn't feel like such a rushed mess and actually had the SoL quality of the first season

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          slice of life

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, I can't even watch the show anymore because it really doesn't hold up on a second view a few years later. I remember watching the episodes as they aired and trying to solve all the mysteries and ciphers, I remember the incredibly annoying air schedule, literally anywhere from five weeks to six months just for 1 or 2 new episodes it was insane and one reason why there was so much fan content from all the coping waiting fans. Without all of that mystery and not knowing where things were gonna go, the illusion falls apart and the reality that they were all obviously flying by the seat of their pants and had little planned out becomes obvious. Also season two really loses steam halfway through and just stalls out, you can tell the team were done by then

      • 9 months ago

        I never cared about the ciphers and mystery bullshit. The monster/problem of the week episodes (which were most of them) were fun and they absolutely hold up. If you were only in it for your little puzzle box then sucks for you, but the show works extraordinarily well without all that shit.

  4. 9 months ago

    Cinemaphile is obsessed with any creator that had a presence on twitter and said things they don't agree with. It's textbook stalking.

    • 9 months ago

      >It's textbook stalking.
      Criticizing an author on a platform they will never use is nothing like that.

      • 9 months ago

        >a plataform they will never use
        You'd be surprised

    • 9 months ago

      Anons here really do have an unhealthy obsession with a lot of people they can assign blame to. And if they're active on social media then everything they say is posted here and spread around. And only ones that generate negativity.

    • 9 months ago

      Wouldn’t call that stalking but sure.

    • 9 months ago

      you have to be over 18 to post here

  5. 9 months ago

    It's pretty bizarre how he burst on the scene with a popular show and then just never did anything major again.

    • 9 months ago

      It isn't, lots of cartoonists are just one hit wonders.

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe Stephen had the right idea after all considering he was also a Marine Biologist.

        We'll see what happens. The point is that it's extraordinarily rare these days for someone to create multiple shows. The old Gen X vanguard of McCracken/Tartakovsky/Hartman were prolific partially because they were a different breed, but they also were able to enter animation when cell painting and frame by frame animation was still a thing which meant production schedules were more reasonable. They learned the ropes at a more relaxed pace and were able to grow as things got increasingly faster.

        These days, animation is produced at a blistering speed and 20 year olds start their careers already at a sprint. People burn out in about 10 years but execs have decided that people are disposable. Oddly enough, we've also seen creativity suffer. It's almost like faster and cheaper has an adverse affect on quality or something...

        A lot of people do that. Rebecca Sugar, Pendleton Ward, Daron Nefcy, Dana Terrace, Matthew Braly, Parker Simmons...Some of those shows were more popular than others, but none of them really followed it up with anything. (Pendleton Ward kinda did Bravest Warriors and I guess Midnight Gospel if those count, but were they really his shows?).

        1) Running a show is fricking hard and with the insane production schedules that are imposed by networks these days, you pretty much work 80 hour weeks and super late nights for the duration of the show. After that gauntlet, it's easy to understand why people would burn out. I think a lot of creators come out of showrunning with legit PTSD.

        2) Masterpiece syndrome is a thing. If a show is wildly popular, it's difficult to follow it up because almost anything you can possibly come up with will be a major disappointment in comparison. Either people will hate it because it's too different from something they love, or they'll hate it because it's too similar to what you already did. Eitehr way, you're screwed.

        Everything is going by at a pace to the point where someone like me can't keep up with it.

    • 9 months ago

      He's had a spiritual sequel in the works on and off at netflix since at least 2018. I honestly think his ideas for it were too big for the company to justify. With all its craptastic live action failures, they cut back on their other things (not, you know, the expensive live action anime adaptions that keep tanking. Because once you're at a certain level in a company the morons stop realizing you can just fire someone with bad ideas.) I know one of the people who worked on it mentioned that hirsch wanted 2 or 3 scripts per episode and that they'd decide on the best one to make. They're basically writing triple the work so they might have played a part in it getting shelved

    • 9 months ago

      A lot of people do that. Rebecca Sugar, Pendleton Ward, Daron Nefcy, Dana Terrace, Matthew Braly, Parker Simmons...Some of those shows were more popular than others, but none of them really followed it up with anything. (Pendleton Ward kinda did Bravest Warriors and I guess Midnight Gospel if those count, but were they really his shows?).

      1) Running a show is fricking hard and with the insane production schedules that are imposed by networks these days, you pretty much work 80 hour weeks and super late nights for the duration of the show. After that gauntlet, it's easy to understand why people would burn out. I think a lot of creators come out of showrunning with legit PTSD.

      2) Masterpiece syndrome is a thing. If a show is wildly popular, it's difficult to follow it up because almost anything you can possibly come up with will be a major disappointment in comparison. Either people will hate it because it's too different from something they love, or they'll hate it because it's too similar to what you already did. Eitehr way, you're screwed.

      • 9 months ago

        Dana Terrace and Matt Brally's shows only ended within the last year or so, so I'm not sure they really count

        • 9 months ago

          We'll see what happens. The point is that it's extraordinarily rare these days for someone to create multiple shows. The old Gen X vanguard of McCracken/Tartakovsky/Hartman were prolific partially because they were a different breed, but they also were able to enter animation when cell painting and frame by frame animation was still a thing which meant production schedules were more reasonable. They learned the ropes at a more relaxed pace and were able to grow as things got increasingly faster.

          These days, animation is produced at a blistering speed and 20 year olds start their careers already at a sprint. People burn out in about 10 years but execs have decided that people are disposable. Oddly enough, we've also seen creativity suffer. It's almost like faster and cheaper has an adverse affect on quality or something...

          • 9 months ago

            I doubt Ldana is going to get her shit accepted ever again, she made it way too clear for the industry that she is not professional.

            Not to mention she pretty much let people know that after things were over in the disney and she took like a week or so to rest (S3 had only been announced) she was or almost was pilled, I wouldn't be surprised if she has similar troubles in a year, dumb prostitutes like her are meant to be destroyed sooner or later.

            • 9 months ago

              She's amassed nearly a million followers thanks to her time at DTVA. She'll have no problem starting a Patreon or Kickstarter if she ever wanted to start a graphic novel for her a new original idea that she could self-published. She's already shown lots of interest in doing a comic of sorts and she already has some experience in selling digital versions of her sketchbook. Her future lies in embracing the indie scene with the indie scene embracing her back. She's way better off than other showrunners who burn bridges with no fan support to show for it.

              • 9 months ago

                Dana is 100% the type of person who can't do shit on her own. If she did a patreon or kickstarter, eventually it would turn into constant excuses of how "her brain isn't working right now" or how her (self-diagnosed) depression is causing her to procrastinate on her work.

              • 9 months ago

                There's literally no evidence to this except in your own head. In fact, she's done plenty to suggest the exact opposite.

            • 9 months ago

              >Lesbian goes crazy and ruins everything
              Many such cases in the cartoon world lately.

            • 9 months ago

              I really don't see the problem here. She made a comic complaining about a burst appendix and then disney sperged out and canceled her stuff?

              • 9 months ago

                Dana's biggest problem was that she was never willing to work WITH Disney. Dana started off working on TOH during a time when DTVA was steering away from serialized adventure shows, as the many successors to Gravity Falls failed to reach the same heights and popularity. DTVA very much wanted to make episodic programming their new bread and butter again, and this approach to new shows is why TOH was inevitably going to be hot ass regardless of whether or not COVID was a thing and impacting Disney's budgets.

                And it's not like Dana DIDN'T know this was the case: she was dating Hirsch, who made no secret of how awful S&P was as well as dealing with notes from executives. It also didn't help that most of the TOH's crew were new and fresh out of school and didn't have many shows under their belt.

                So in the end you're left with a showrunner who was fundamentally at odds with the company she's working at surrounded by fresh graduates, and both she and her crew were sticklers on certain things (MUH SERIALIZATION, MUH LGBT) but rolled over and gave up and let Disney rape whatever vision they had in other areas. And also not being very good at writing.

      • 9 months ago

        >Rebecca Sugar
        >Pendleton Ward
        >Daron Nefcy
        ran their shows into the ground, no network exec with any business sense will hire they/them

        also nefcy was working on something for Nick, but it probably got cancelled around COVID. plus she has babbies.

        >Dana Terrace
        was notorious inefficient, so again, nobody will hire her

        >Matthew Braly
        he's at least been trying to get other stuff started with varying degrees of success

        the brutal truth is most of these guys aren't as good as they (or the internet) thought they were

        • 9 months ago

          Didn't Pendleton leave Adventure Tome after the first few seasons? Also, at least SU didn't have a big disaster of a final season like Star did

          • 9 months ago

            Pen stepped down because showrunning was ruining his life. Again, schedules and workload are absolutely insane these days.

        • 9 months ago

          >was notorious inefficient, so again, nobody will hire her
          Didn't she also lie to get her show greenlit?

        • 9 months ago

          CN was forcing Steven Universe to drop entire seasons in a single week, you can't put all of that blame on Sugar.

          • 9 months ago

            >CN was forcing Steven Universe to drop entire seasons in a single week
            yeah. Like I said, fricking ridiculous production schedules. I can't imagine what the ramp up to that was like and then after the whole fricking season drops, people watch it in a day and then start threads b***hing about how long it's going to take to finally get more episodes.

        • 9 months ago

          Who is good, then?

          • 9 months ago

            don't ask that on /co. Everyone is miserable and hates fricking everything except for, apparently, EEnE.

      • 9 months ago

        >Danny Antonucci, or Joe Murray, or Thurop Van Orman
        They do make new shows.

        Kinda this.
        There's this auteur mentality that everything from the beginning should be a masterpiece and then work from that. And people should pay for that.
        Actually, it's because they're new that they got picked. They're pretty cheap and may make a masterpiece, which it's really profitable. But if they're known, they're expensive. And if there's no market, then you're screwed.
        I mean, there are decent creators. But most of them are not Tartakovsky, McFarlane, Faust, Marsh, or even Savino or Hartman.
        And probably they ask less for making a show.

      • 9 months ago

        Based Hartman showing up these clowns with four shows.

      • 9 months ago

        >legit PTSD
        >From making a cartoon

        Fricking have a nice day you have no idea what's coming out of your mouth

        • 9 months ago

          Work-induced PTSD is a thing, anon
          Not that you would know

          • 9 months ago

            >legit PTSD
            >From making a cartoon

            Fricking have a nice day you have no idea what's coming out of your mouth

            Anon has no fricking clue that you can get PTSD from abnormally stressful workloads because he doesn't have a fricking job, let alone one that requires you to be on the hook literally 24/7 for years on end.

            Most of the people who b***h about "lazy animators" on this board have absolutely no fricking clue how ridiculous television production schedules are.

            • 9 months ago

              Then how come other cartoonists can handle it while Hirsch wanted to quit after just one season? Sounds like a skill issue to me.

              • 9 months ago

                you wouldn't have the first clue.

              • 9 months ago

                >handle it
                DOES HE KNOW?

                nta, but you sound like an absolute moron.

                >Hirsch barely wants to make season 2 when he was planning to make 3
                >Other cartoons can make it past three seasons regardless
                Stop excusing the hack manlet. Yes, it's hard work, but other cartoonists still don't give up like Alex did.

              • 9 months ago

                Considering how much people b***h about shows going down the shitter after the first season or two, it seems like most of those shows -shouldn't- have gone on as long as they did. In that case, Alex is pretty based for pulling the plug when he did instead of letting Disney attempt to ride that dead corpse forever.

                Just admit that you have a giant hate boner for the guy. He made an reasonably good show that was wildly popular at the time. That's more than most creators will be able to do.

                nta, but you sound like an absolute moron.

                was right, you DO sound like an absolute moron.

              • 9 months ago

                >Considering how much people b***h about shows going down the shitter after the first season or two, it seems like most of those shows -shouldn't- have gone on as long as they did.
                Oh, not this bullshit again. It's either 2 seasons or 34 seasons for you guys. It never crosses your mind that maybe there can be a middle ground, a middle ground that Gravity Falls desperately needed because the second half of season 2 was rushed as hell. Alex quit making the show now because he wanted to bow out at the right time, it's because he couldn't handle working on the show, and I'm tired of people praising him for that act of laziness.

              • 9 months ago

                Make sure to take out the trash. Your mom is going to be really pissed if you forget again.

              • 9 months ago

                Ending at Season 2 was a smart move. Hirsch may be a jerk, but he covered most of the story that needed to be told. If there were a Season 3, I think they'd inevitably run into pacing issues. Better to be a little rushed than for it to turn into an incoherent, boring mess.

              • 9 months ago

                Do you realize how many showrunners tap out? The guy who made AT tapped out on season 3

              • 9 months ago

                >handle it
                DOES HE KNOW?

              • 9 months ago

                nta, but you sound like an absolute moron.

      • 9 months ago

        Or maybe these millennial adult infants are just pathetic emotionally frail stupid weaklings and should all link hands and walk into the sea rather than be allowed anymore chances at careers of any sort? Especially these Calarts buttholes who ruined American animation with their moron noodles and gay shit.

      • 9 months ago

        Inside Job was gaining a respectable following right before Netflix sperged out and cancelled all their non-Big Mouth animated shows.

        Yes I know he was only the producer and not the creator but Shion got her start working on Gravity Falls regardless

        • 9 months ago

          what does that have to do with anything?

      • 9 months ago

        >Rebecca Sugar
        >Pendleton Ward
        >Daron Nefcy
        ran their shows into the ground, no network exec with any business sense will hire they/them

        also nefcy was working on something for Nick, but it probably got cancelled around COVID. plus she has babbies.

        >Dana Terrace
        was notorious inefficient, so again, nobody will hire her

        >Matthew Braly
        he's at least been trying to get other stuff started with varying degrees of success

        the brutal truth is most of these guys aren't as good as they (or the internet) thought they were

        Daron Nefcy returned to Disney TVA for her second show recently, since Nickelodeon keeps being Nickelodeon


        • 9 months ago

          and we will see if anything new actually comes out...
          She was working on something else before if memory serves me correclty and it died on the table.

          • 9 months ago

            It was her Nickelodeon pilot, the fact that it wasn't part of the Nick hack confirms that she owns the rights.

    • 9 months ago

      Some people only have one good story in them. Lightning in a bottle and such.

      • 9 months ago

        >and such

    • 9 months ago

      Making Gravity Falls burnt him out hard.
      Apparently he had to be convinced to even return for a second season.

      What? Twin Peaks season 2 was fricking horrible precisely because they ordered too many episodes

      >Twin Peaks season 2 was fricking horrible precisely because they ordered too many episodes
      Nah it was bad because the studio pressured Lynch into resolving Laura Palmer's murder halfway through and the crew had no ideas for what to do next.

      the hacklet made himself into a cartoon icon using gravity falls. he frequently appeared in bumpers, interviews, even the credits sequence of an episode. not to mentioned he voiced a few characters including the fujobait villain. he amassed a huge online following during the rise of social media. he is by far the most popular modern creator, with more X'irs following him than rebecca sugar. so in some ways people who want a continuation of gravity falls wonder why this dude has sat around doing nothing ... the vast majority of people don't know this guy basically killed his career behind the scenes and everyone but a select few in the industry hate him.

      he caught TDS, shit in a waste receptacle and died basically

      >the vast majority of people don't know this guy basically killed his career behind the scenes and everyone but a select few in the industry hate him.
      Isn't that just cope from Luke Weber because he was salty Hirsch hooked up with Dana Terrace?

      • 9 months ago

        >Isn't that just cope from Luke Weber because he was salty Hirsch hooked up with Dana Terrace?
        No, multiple people in the industry have stated their dislike for the guy.

        • 9 months ago

          such as?

        • 9 months ago

          There's kind of an "open secret" if you look around certain industry people's tweets. When Alex posted that S&P video, a bunch of people from Molly McGee and other showrunners very subtly called him unprofessional and a clown.

          • 9 months ago

            Meant for

            such as?

          • 9 months ago

            If anyone is curious, it was mostly the Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur crew members who started the whole conversation, Hirsch isn't well liked at Disney TVA now that his clique is gone at the studio.


            • 9 months ago

              context for the unaware, this tweet is snidely mocking Alex Hirsch for the rumour that he urinated in a trash can. Aaron Long and JJ Conway, the rebel taxi and a couple employees of CN, Disney and Nickolodeon are all giggling with his gossip

              • 9 months ago

                >the rebel taxi
                let’s not even pretend to give pan any credit now

              • 9 months ago

                better him than FresherLuke

            • 9 months ago

              Even before becoming aware of this, Hirsch himself came off as a massive clout chaser. He's like Nitomatta but for the animation industry.

            • 9 months ago

              Has someone screenshotted all this? It feels like something that the original tweeter will delete (totally not because Hirsch sent his weaponized followers to harass the person) and then we'll be in a thread like this a couple years for now and you'll have totallynotAlex&co anons denying it ever existed and that you're Luke.

              • 9 months ago

                It's been there for a year. It'll be fine.

              • 9 months ago

                Here I went and collected the relevant tweets by the big names in picrel

            • 9 months ago

              Here I went and collected the relevant tweets by the big names in picrel

              Even just looking through the likes, some of the most notable names I can see are
              >Bob Roth and Bob Schooley (co-creators of Molly McGee and Kim Possible)
              >Colleen Evanson (worked with Dana on DT17 and Alex on Kid Cosmic)
              >Brianne Drouhard (webcomic artist, close friend of many of Alex's colleagues)

              Plus a sizable assortment of people from SpongeBob, DCSHG and other DTVA shows...he and Dana seem to have privately pissed off a lot of people in the industry

              • 9 months ago

                damn I skimmed through the likes and retweets and couldnt find any relevant names

              • 9 months ago

                Rumor has it that Alex was supposed to work on DT17 initially too, but backed out at the last minute. It would certainly explain brief Dana's involvement before she left after the first season. I wonder if that's why the show dipped in quality after the first season too...

          • 9 months ago

            Meant for [...]

            Some random private twitter isn't really a smoking gun.

            • 9 months ago


              If anyone is curious, it was mostly the Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur crew members who started the whole conversation, Hirsch isn't well liked at Disney TVA now that his clique is gone at the studio.


            • 9 months ago

              nico colaleo is insufferable but works in the industry. moron.

            • 9 months ago

              That's specifically Nico Colaleo's (Too Loud, Ollie & Scoops) private Twitter where he b***hes about private industry stuff.

          • 9 months ago

            Source is fricking Nico Colaleo?

      • 9 months ago

        Been a while since we saw the Luke cope.

    • 9 months ago

      Very difficult to get to do multiple shows. Just getting one show is insanely hard.

    • 9 months ago

      A lot of cartoonists are one hit wonders though. One anon listed Joe Murray. He didn't make anything after Rocko until...Camp Lazlo. Antonucci tried to pitch a new show to CN, but Tom & Jerry-likes just don't stick these days.

  6. 9 months ago

    People on /co have a hate boner for Hirsch. As far as I can tell, it's mostly because he was outspoken on twitter for awhile and had a liberal bias. As such, they'll find any reason to trash anything he does or doesn't do.

    They really don't like it when you compare him to Antonucci even though they've both made one show.

    • 9 months ago

      Cinemaphile is obsessed with any creator that had a presence on twitter and said things they don't agree with. It's textbook stalking.

      I've been around since the /gfg/ days and some if it was playful ribbing back then and we wished Alex the best when the show ended... at the time.... but c'mon, if you followed Alex you know how close he was to Justin Roiland. There is no way in hell he didn't know there was shenanigans going on (and depending on if you believe some leaked texts, Alex was engaging in them as well). He's definitely fricked a kid at some point, whether intentionally or not is up for debate. It's more than just him being a typical liberal mindthrall, there has just been a pattern of people who were around Alex or worked with him even that say he is not a pleasant person to be around.

      Alex's work ethic (or lackof) apparently helped kill Inside Job, and if you read between the lines, you'll understand it had a hand in sealing Owl House's fate as well.

      • 9 months ago

        >Source: Dude, you can tell

      • 9 months ago

        Hang on
        you not only think roiland was guilty, you think alex is too because they were close?
        I hope you're never "close" to someone someday

      • 9 months ago

        >kid fricking
        It's not 2003 anymore, this is no longer speculation at this point. If you are a name of significance in the industry, it is because you fricked a kid.

        Another way to tell is if they hate a certain man with an odd tan.

        • 9 months ago

          > Another way to tell is if they hate a certain man with an odd tan.
          There it is

      • 9 months ago

        >Alex's work ethic (or lackof) apparently helped kill Inside Job
        Netflix didn't need help.

    • 9 months ago

      Bull. I hate him because he is rodent man who sucked his own dick and blamed others for his failures through Dipper. Rewatch Gravity Falls.

      • 9 months ago

        >Rewatch Gravity Falls.
        I have - a few times now. I don't take it as a
        D E E P E S T L O R E
        show, so it's just a fun monster of the week thing.
        Hirsch doesn't portray himself as the victim of circumstance through Dipper in the show. If anything, his character thinks that initially, but ends up realizing that he is the cause of his own failures.

        • 9 months ago

          Hirsch shows that his self-insert can't get the woman purely for reasons outside his control (age) instead of his own failings. He shows that he brings misfortune upon himself by helping others (Mabel having his confront Gideon in her place). He shows that is the bigger man by risking his life to save people who mock and look down upon him such as Pacifica and Mabel. He shows that he is a brilliant guy full of talent who got emotionally manipulated out of his chances like when he turns down Stanford's tutorship. Then there was Dipper vs Manliness which was screaming sour grapes, and I don't even know what to think about the episode with Candy. I didn't give much of a crap for the lore. If fact the show nosedived after Bill started appearing.

          • 9 months ago

            ok loregay

          • 9 months ago

            Hirsch’s self insert is Mabel.

            • 9 months ago

              No, he himself has admited that Mabel is based on his sister. He didn't have the balls to confront her so instead he attacked an expy in public.
              Proxy? Espy? I'm not sure which is the right word. I'm an ESL.

              • 9 months ago

                An expy is this exact kind of proxy, so both.

              • 9 months ago

                An expy is this exact kind of proxy, so both.

                >He didn't have the balls to confront her so instead he attacked an expy in public
                It seems like some parts of the plots are loosely based on real things they dealt with as kids, but I've yet to see any evidence that the show was used to surreptitiously confront his sister in lieu of talking to her in real life.

              • 9 months ago

                There was an interview where Hirsch was blowing his own horn and some stuff slipped through. I had it somewhere.

              • 9 months ago

                link it if you find it.
                People try using that video that the influencer wannabe made where she humble-bragged about fricking Alex when she was 19 as "proof" of all sorts of shit, but the only thing it seems to prove is that Alex is a huge dork who says cringey things sometimes.

                I get that some people really dislike the guy, but most shit I hear people complaining about is made up. I think he can be kind of annoyingly outspoken, but other than that, he's just a guy who makes shit.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm starting to think it was a cringe special where Time Baby was interviewing him.

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm starting to think it was a cringe special where Time Baby was interviewing him.
                I must be too old now. I can't parse this sentence. When the frick did this happen to me?

  7. 9 months ago

    Every gravity falls premiere was a big event full of speculation akin to lost or twin peaks. people want to watch something like that again.

    • 9 months ago

      I will never stop being mad about the cancellation of Twin Peaks. The original run was fricking amazing and we should have gotten 3 more seasons at least.

      • 9 months ago

        What? Twin Peaks season 2 was fricking horrible precisely because they ordered too many episodes

  8. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      he backstabbed the YIIK dev when people started shitting on him, frick'em

      • 9 months ago

        That's actually spineless
        I don't like Yiik but stand by your work

      • 9 months ago

        qrd? Yiik dev is a gay anyway

        • 9 months ago

          qrd? can't find anything on this

          not him but Toby Fox made a tweet promoting the game when it came out then some time after deleted that.

          • 9 months ago

            Yiik is indefensibly bad. The Va11halla devs shilled Yiik HARD in their game and to this day they still regret it. It's Yiik's dev own fault for spending more time hyping his game than making it good.

            • 9 months ago

              not him but Toby Fox made a tweet promoting the game when it came out then some time after deleted that.

              The games pretty bad but when it came out that he based his in game waifu on a real life missing person Elisa Lam I can see why people would want to dip

          • 9 months ago

            Yiik is indefensibly bad. The Va11halla devs shilled Yiik HARD in their game and to this day they still regret it. It's Yiik's dev own fault for spending more time hyping his game than making it good.

            The games pretty bad but when it came out that he based his in game waifu on a real life missing person Elisa Lam I can see why people would want to dip

            Midwit takes

          • 9 months ago

            Toby has always done the "quiet pull out" routine.
            Look at So Sorry. He's just good at looking sincere while absolutely hating your creation.

            • 9 months ago

              So Sorry wasn't quiet though, he was trying to convince the pledger for a refund because he was worried the dude would get hate after people found it.

      • 9 months ago

        qrd? can't find anything on this

      • 9 months ago

        He didn’t do that. He just advertised he made a song for them then quietly pulled the link off Twitter when people realized YIIK was pure cringe and the creators took their “postmodern RPG” too seriously. They got a lot of hate and flack and he simply didn’t want to be apart of that for making a fricking guest song.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't know who this guy is, but he has a punchable face.

      • 9 months ago

        He a guy from the homestuck music team and then made his own video game.

    • 9 months ago

      Ironically this applies to both Toby or Andrew lol

    • 9 months ago

      >alex Hirsch is that you?

    • 9 months ago

      Please don't compare the two. Toby is actually cool and doesn't seem insufferable like Hirsch

    • 9 months ago

      The fact that he's trying really hard to be Japanese is really funny to me

    • 9 months ago

      But Deltarune is actually good.

  9. 9 months ago

    He made one show and then turned himself into a brand

    • 9 months ago

      Unlike most of the other creators Alex both came into prominence in a time were he could directly interact with the public and then put himself into the popular conception of gravity falls as an important figure and in turn made himself a brand of which he has coasted off of since Gravity Falls ended.

      For example Danny Antonucci did his shows The Brother Grunt and Ed Edd n Eddy and then fricked off to go do other things with his life before trying to make another show and then that fell through because he refused to give up creative control.
      Now I know that and you know that because we are nerds who know those types of things but for even fans of Ed Edd n Eddy many of them have no idea who the frick Danny is.
      But when looking at people who care about Gravity Falls almost all of them know Alex.

      Therefore people expect more from Alex since he talked a big game and coasted on his name.

      • 9 months ago

        Like he wears a plaid shirt whenever he makes a public appearance
        He's such a self promoter

        • 9 months ago

          hey, when you fall in love with a style you marry it.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't kid yourself. Most people don't know who the frick Hirsch is. It's not like he's Justin Roiland or something.

        • 9 months ago

          People who watch Gravity Falls will know his name though, unlike people who watch TAWOG or Adventure Time dont always know about Ben Bocquelet or Pendleton Ward

  10. 9 months ago

    Imo it's because he's young and actually has potential, his show was beloved. He doesn't SEEM like he would be a one-hit-wonder.
    But apparently he is, he has nothing more left in him and he's notoriously difficult to work with.

  11. 9 months ago

    the hacklet made himself into a cartoon icon using gravity falls. he frequently appeared in bumpers, interviews, even the credits sequence of an episode. not to mentioned he voiced a few characters including the fujobait villain. he amassed a huge online following during the rise of social media. he is by far the most popular modern creator, with more X'irs following him than rebecca sugar. so in some ways people who want a continuation of gravity falls wonder why this dude has sat around doing nothing ... the vast majority of people don't know this guy basically killed his career behind the scenes and everyone but a select few in the industry hate him.

    he caught TDS, shit in a waste receptacle and died basically

  12. 9 months ago

    Danny Antonucci doesn't make new shows because he expects the same creative control he got with EEnE.
    He famously walked out of a Netflix deal for a Lupo the Butcher revival because he didn't agree with their terms.

  13. 9 months ago

    I don't know about the others but Joe Murray has made two other shows since Rocko

  14. 9 months ago

    >Attonucci only made one show lol
    Am I the only one who remembers the Brothers Grunt? He didn’t make just the Eds

  15. 9 months ago

    Joe Murray has a show at PBS Kids, Antonucci made some other stuff besides the Edds and Orman directed Angry Birds 2 and currently has pic related at Disney TVA

    • 9 months ago

      Will Joe Murray ever make a cartoon at Disney?, he needs to finish his bingo card of a cartoon in the three kids networks.

    • 9 months ago

      > Antonucci made some other stuff besides the Edd
      You know, stuff

  16. 9 months ago

    I don't remember anyone asking about Hirsch on the last three years or so.

    If anything I remember reading thread after thread of pure hate towards the can-shitter and how big of a hack he turned out to be.

  17. 9 months ago

    Most creators only have one 'masterpiece' (more precisely, something that goes viral and makes money) in them.

    But Hirsch was even lesser than that. He had 1/2 a masterpiece. Everything after the Stanford reveal in Gravity Falls was a flaming piece of shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Don't forget that one of the main issues about GF and the Manlet is that it prompted a large group of autists to believe they were special, that they could "see what others couldn't" when all they did was get into plebbit and share screenshots of things they didn't know how to solve and wait for people to solve them.

      I've seen lots of homosexuals talking about a couple of TV shows with the GF trauma in their minds, believing they could predict what was going to happen.

      • 9 months ago

        It is 100% without failure that I will automatically think lesser of a creator and thus their show if they interact with their fanbase in excess. It just comes off as extremely pathetic to me. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it's just how I see things.

  18. 9 months ago

    >or a multitude of other cartoon creators
    They do say that for C. H. Greenblatt, mostly becouse he's the one that gets jobs consistently and his output is always pretty good
    Same with Tartakovsky even if there's a mixed opinion of his work
    Alex Hirsch seemed primed to be one of those guys too, same with Rebecca Sugar, young and filled with ideas but somehow didn't make it

    • 9 months ago

      Alex has been working on his own show but netflix would rather sink their money into poorly thought out live action anime adaptions

  19. 9 months ago

    He's active on social media, and has some relation to Owl House and Inside Job.

  20. 9 months ago

    Antonucci is like 70 years old

  21. 9 months ago

    Tl;dr on what OPanon is trying to say here?

    • 9 months ago

      OP is wondering why Cinemaphile gives Alex a hard time for not making a follow up to gravity falls while other creators get a pass for their one big project.

      And as it has been answered in this thread, its because
      1. Alex via marketing set himself up as the next big but nothing really came of him after GF.
      2. Basically all of Alex's close clique who came into the industry thanks to gravity falls have washed out.
      3. Alex had a behind the scenes history of being very unprofessional and this leaked into other projects he was involved with for the worse.
      4. Alex is a very early advocate for Social Justice type things and Cinemaphile generally hates those types on principle.

      • 9 months ago

        Thank you for the short summary, senpai.

  22. 9 months ago

    Hirsch is too busy of collaborating and selling merch.

    • 9 months ago

      jayzus, when did enamel pins get so expensive? I thought $11 was the standard price but I haven't bought any since pre-covid. Are these prices typical now or does this Bad Egg guy just fricking gouge customers?

  23. 9 months ago

    Insert anything in the blank

    • 9 months ago

      This image always came off as cursed. You ever see something where someone's hating on someone else so hard that it actually distracts from the object of their hate and makes you go "jesus, this other guy's fricking unhinged"? This is that but in image form. It's filled with so much sheer seething anger that it doesn't feel like comedy, it feels like whoever drew it made it personal. Such a creepy drawing, man.

      • 9 months ago

        this kind of explains the hirsch hatedom in general. So much of the seething feels like it's coming from something else and they've somewhat arbitrarily chosen to funnel it into him for some reason or another.

      • 9 months ago

        yeah definitely, this looks more like something youd see in a medieval bestiary along with cyclops and dog-heads and people with faces in their chests or have one giant leg instead of two and it tells you they live in India or something

    • 9 months ago

      don't get me wrong because I fricking love the guy's work and I think he and Tara Billinger are probably one of the most attractive couples in animation right now, but this pic always looks more like Zach Bellissimo than Alex Hirsch to me.

  24. 9 months ago

    I like to think of Gravity Falls like that one Horse meme, but instead the horse is just cut in the middle.

  25. 9 months ago

    Stop obsessing over Alex, you creepy frick.

  26. 9 months ago

    Isn't Alex Hirsch a me too waiting to happen?

    • 9 months ago

      Anons had been waiting for years for that. But nobody came forward after the Loud House creator and Roiland got me too.

      I remember an industry anon said he hoped Hirsch is forgotten than being remember in animation history.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't know why people keep saying this other than wishful thinking.

  27. 9 months ago

    I’m sure a big part of it has to do with Alex posting on twitter so much and keeping himself in the public eye. Historically, a lot of cartoons come and go without their viewers needing to think too much about the people behind them. Either because they existed before social media was a thing and they therefore didn’t have the same level of opportunity, or because they just never got into that shit. But Hirsch actively tried to make himself a celebrity. He’s not exceptional in this, but it’s gotta be a significant factor in people’s expectations of him.

    • 9 months ago

      >Hirsch actively tried to make himself a celebrity
      I don't know that it has as much to do with that as the fact that creators around his age were some of the first to come into the public sphere around the time social media was really taking off. People had unprecedented access to their heroes and could feel like they were actually acquainted while they'd previously have had to write and mail letters to creators they admired.

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