These planets are really, really, really close together.

These planets are really, really, really close together.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Hey mate wanna help me build a Star Wars mate?

  2. 5 months ago

    we need a new secret superweapon thats scarier than the death star
    >whats scarier than destroying a planet?
    destroying FOUR planets

    • 5 months ago


      >JJ massively fricks up TFA
      >Disney fires him, brings on Rian Johnson
      >Johnson massively fricks up TLJ
      >Disney fires him, brings back JJ
      >JJ massively fricks up TROS
      What would have been the correct play, here?

      • 5 months ago

        JJ and Johnson weren't fired, the original plan was to have 3 directors, the 3rd was the guy that makes the Jurassic world movies. He was the only one fired due to how bad Jurassic world 2 was, so they had to bring back jj, who then had to try to fix tlj (which he did a decent job of, all things considered.)

        • 5 months ago

          >which he did a decent job of, all things considered
          *sigh* Somehow, Palpatine returned

        • 5 months ago

          >which he did a decent job of, all things considered.
          have a nice day

        • 5 months ago

          >He was the only one fired due to how bad Jurassic world 2 was,
          what revisionist line is this?
          He was fired because he refused to rewrite a script that had Luke in it

      • 5 months ago

        Hire Lucas and give into any demand. He would ruin it just as hard but he would not make it soulless.

        • 5 months ago

          Lucas' vision for TFA was
          >Jakku is Space Vietnam, not Tattooine 2
          >The First Order is running around with flamethrowers, napalm TIE bombers, and b***hing about rebels being in the karking trees, man
          >Kylo Ren's thug squad lands on Jakku and chases Rey out of her house because they're looking for Luke
          >Rey finds Luke like a half hour into the film
          >Luke is basically that disgruntled old detective who's 2 weeks from retirement
          >The rest of the movie is a buddy cop drama, but it's Indiana Jones in space, since Luke is on Jakku in search of hidden ancient Jedi temples and the knowledge within
          >This is why TFA makes such a big deal out of Rey being a scrapper, her job is to make sure Luke doesn't kill himself on the space temple traps while he teaches her about the Force
          >The goal is to eventually learn about the Whills, which are apparently the Holy Spirit of the Force, if the Cosmic Force and Living Force are the Father and Son, respectively
          Are you SURE you would have liked it?

          • 5 months ago

            >Are you SURE you would have liked it?

            Yes, chud. I would.

          • 5 months ago

            Sounds like that new indiana jones movie. Boooringgg

          • 5 months ago

            I was interested until the Whills

            • 5 months ago

              Oh yes, George was quite insistent on portraying the Force as a Holy Trinity of complementary aspects. There's the Cosmic Force as the not-Father, which binds and sustains the natural forces of the universe and the inanimate matter which holds it together. There's the Living Force as the not-Son, which is what connects living beings to the Force and is the source of the soul. And then there's the Whills as the not-Holy Spirit, doing whatever it is the Holy Spirit does (I don't know what the Holy Spirit does).

          • 5 months ago

            having microscopic gods living in your bloodstream is the tightest shit

            • 5 months ago

              The midichlorians are the powerhouse of the cell's force sensitivity.

      • 5 months ago

        Get a team to write an overarching trilogy story before you start filming the trilogy.

        • 5 months ago

          >let's get corporate to write a story ahead of time based on focus groups and then force our filmmakers to adhere to it

          for a board that claims to hate how movies have become safe and corporate tested you sure seem to demand safe and corporate tested shit all the time

          • 5 months ago

            That person didn't say anything like that. They said "get a team to write an overarching trilogy story...". The assumption is to get a proper team to write the 3 movies out, not some corporate think-tank that will make sure every single bit of story elements are safe with no risks whatsoever.

            • 5 months ago

              >the sequels took no risks

              • 5 months ago

                Meds now.

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, it's a very readily apparent observation that people whine the sequels are safe and corporate tested while simultaneously whining that it hurts their feelings that the OT heroes suffered adversity in middle age, that the villain is tortured and depressed rather than a stoic badass, that things are worse off than they were in the OT, and that Luke made decisions they didn't like

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, it's a very readily apparent observation that people whine the sequels are safe and corporate tested while simultaneously whining that it hurts their feelings that the OT heroes suffered adversity in middle age, that the villain is tortured and depressed rather than a stoic badass, that things are worse off than they were in the OT, and that Luke made decisions they didn't like

                I mean, film chuds keep defending the Last Jedi by saying it took risks when it only made none

          • 5 months ago

            A team of writers doesn't need to be corporate suits, anon. And even so, that's still preferable to just hiring two different (shit) directors with completely conflicting visions and telling them wing it on your multi billion dollar franchise.

      • 5 months ago

        let sleeping dogs lie

      • 5 months ago

        Make a Star Wars movie featuring only their torture and execution by Jar Jar Binks.

      • 5 months ago

        Step 1: hire writers to write a coherent story
        Step 2: read that story.
        Step 3: if the story is trash tell the writers to frick off and fire them.

        I guarantee none of these people were ever professionally criticized to the point where they actually change their view of the world. Worse than that they have been gaslit into thinking criticism is just something Cinemaphile does and therefore they are always right and the critics are wrong.

        Speaking of you have so-called film critics who do their job to a similar bad standard. At absolute minimum you'd have to watch the previous movies of a franchise or read the book of an adaptation to actually begin the thought process of critique.

        I unironically believe the autism Cinemaphile displays over the details of movies is worth a lot more than some guy munching popcorn for 90 minutes before tweeting "i loved this movie OHEMGEE it was super fun 10/10".

        Movie critics are like the linus tech tips of hardware reviews. They are in the entertainment business, not the review business.

      • 5 months ago

        jj was only meant to work on tfa
        rian was supposed to write and direct tlj and then write tros and also be an executive producer on it, with colin directing
        kathleen and colin butted heads over 9's direction and so he was fired. anytime a new director was called in on a star wars movie it's because they didn't give into her c**t demands.

        fun fact, jj was asked twice to direct tfa, but he had to sell his idea of tros to get the gig.

        • 5 months ago

          The Colin leaks were fricking weird but the idea of the stormtroopers dumping the Empire and going turncoat wasn't a bad idea and is what should've happened.

    • 5 months ago

      >Empire has been defeated
      >Empire is more deadly than ever

  3. 5 months ago

    Were you there? No? Then shut the frick up.

    • 5 months ago

      i was there

    • 5 months ago

      If I was there then it wouldn't have happened.

      • 5 months ago

        There would have been a lot of blood in that starkiller base

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      You think you're so great because you have star destroyers

  4. 5 months ago

    >During this process, the dark energy transformed to a state known as "phantom energy," and left the planet behind, tearing a hole through hyperspace along a perfectly linear path. The beam of energy was specifically designed to be seen across the galaxy, meant to encourage surrender to the First Order.
    >The space-time disruption caused by the phantom energy's passage would make the nova instantaneously visible thousands of light years away, for a short time

    • 5 months ago

      This is so fricking moronic, and you know that some poor writer was assigned to fix this after the fact and had to write the most moronic thing possible to justify JJ"s moronic direction. What the shit. Everyone involved in the production of these movies needs to be dropped into the ocean with anchors chained to their ankles. The prequels were flawed, but the sequels were written by absolute morons who assumed the audience was even more moronic than they were

    • 5 months ago

      >No. How could we have known?

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    when jj did star trek he had the same issue with not understanding that things are far apart in space

    • 5 months ago

      JJ in general doesn't seem to have any kind of idea of space and distance.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh no! That planet across the galaxy is blowing up in the sky in real time!

        • 5 months ago

          If they portrayed this weapon correctly, it would have made it actually terrifying. Because nobody would know if a planet had been destroyed until someone happened to stumble across it, such as when Han Luke and Obi stumbled across Alderaan. That would have added a sense of isolation to the galaxy, I think. And maybe a little bit of dread. As in
          >we're going to this lush green planet with a bar owned by someone the First Order would want dead. I hope it's still there when we arrive

          • 5 months ago

            True, but that would just be one more thing they copied off of A New Hope though.

            • 5 months ago

              Well, yeah, but that is pretty much what he was going for in the first place, so why not do it well?

          • 5 months ago

            It's funny that jj abrams was born at the tail end of the baby boomers, and would have been coming of age with Reagan "star wars" controversies, and the fall of the USSR but seems to have forgotten or never noticed the nuclear weapons parallel that the death star obviously was
            Updating it for the 21st century might have been interesting, but the historical awareness seems to have been absolutely zero

      • 5 months ago

        >the death ray travels so fast that it can go halfway across the galaxy in seconds
        >but also so slow that the planet can see it coming a full 10 seconds before it hits

        much like Rian didn't understand that there's no friction in the vacuum of space, so the four ships that make up the entirety of the galaxy-spanning resistance could've gone at the same speed indefinitely with no fuel necessary
        Unless it's been retconned that the FO fleet was exerting force on the resistance ships with long-range tractor beams or something, but at that point you're putting more thought into the situation than anyone involved in the films did

        interstellar space isn't a perfect vacuum and at >10% light speed the drag force would have a major effect. in my head this is always a good excuse for spaceships having aerodynamic shapes. but there's no possible way to make sense out of TLJ and i'm not going to waste energy trying.

      • 5 months ago

        Has this old biddie got an action figure yet

        • 5 months ago

          She has her own series coming soon to Disney+

      • 5 months ago

        >who the frick was the black woman they were focusing on
        >only one visible alien and it's the standard disney muppet alien
        >rest of the background people look like coronation street extras

        • 5 months ago

          >>who the frick was the black woman they were focusing on
          iirc she was some general or even leader of whatever army the new republic had left, something they had to cut from the movie but it was in the novelization.

      • 5 months ago

        Reminds of that easter egg scene in one of the Assassins' Creed games where the Isa mass die.

      • 5 months ago

        The best part is it was supposed to be Coruscant, so they let JJ destroy Coruscant and then realized only after the fact that was a totally insane move.

        These movies really were from start to finish a genocide on the entire universe.

        • 5 months ago

          I wish it was Coruscant, it would have made prequelbabies seethe to no end that their CGI nightmare cartoon world was blown to smithereens

          • 5 months ago

            >muh prequels
            Don't try to deflect mouse shill, we can see through you like glass

      • 5 months ago

        >laser that can be seen before it reaches you

        • 5 months ago

          You do understand how relativity works, right?

          • 5 months ago

            you can't see a laser before the laser reaches your eyes

            • 5 months ago

              I mean you can see the rays in the vacuum of space so it's not probably not a laser

        • 5 months ago

          umm sweaty, it's plasma, okay??
          it moves slower than light

      • 5 months ago

        Get owned noobs

      • 5 months ago

        oh look, another squinty eyed puppet.

      • 5 months ago

        Why didn't they just deflect it with a lightsaber

        • 5 months ago

          >Why didn't they just deflect it with a lightsaber
          Kek I think someone could actually edit Ahsoka deflecting the Starkiller laser with the way the two scenes are composed

    • 5 months ago

      much like Rian didn't understand that there's no friction in the vacuum of space, so the four ships that make up the entirety of the galaxy-spanning resistance could've gone at the same speed indefinitely with no fuel necessary
      Unless it's been retconned that the FO fleet was exerting force on the resistance ships with long-range tractor beams or something, but at that point you're putting more thought into the situation than anyone involved in the films did

      • 5 months ago

        The dumbest part about TLJ is that the whole plot hinges on the space traffic cops arresting the heroes who are deep undercover but despite this parked their car on the beach instead of in the parking lot

        • 5 months ago

          The dumbest part about TLJ is that the central conflict revolves around the heroes desperately trying to escape the immediate threat of the villains, with several key plot points involving heroes leaving and returning completely undetected.

          • 5 months ago

            Rose and Finn escape on the scout ship to go to Cantobite which is a big convenient, sure, but that's really the only instance of what you're describing. When they return, DJ hacks the First Order's radar to sneak onboard and when Rey shows up she's immediately captured.

            • 5 months ago

              Rey is only captured because she flies directly into the hanger of the enemy ship flagship. And Holdo's plan to have their entire militia simply leave WOULD have apparently worked if DJ hasn't leaked the epic plan. But I will admit that it felt like characters left a lot more often than they actually did. My point is that the movie made it abundantly clear that it's not particularly difficult to escape the sights of the First Order (even DJ's hacking is blatantly noticed and simply shrugged off) which directly undermines the central conflict.

      • 5 months ago

        I hate that this will sound like I'm defending Rian but friction in space has always been the case in Star Wars. The ships are shown to be burning fuel during their whole trips from one system to another even if it doesn't make sense.

        >the death ray travels so fast that it can go halfway across the galaxy in seconds
        >but also so slow that the planet can see it coming a full 10 seconds before it hits

        interstellar space isn't a perfect vacuum and at >10% light speed the drag force would have a major effect. in my head this is always a good excuse for spaceships having aerodynamic shapes. but there's no possible way to make sense out of TLJ and i'm not going to waste energy trying.

        At >10% light speed all the dust and gas would be tearing the ship apart

      • 5 months ago

        I hate that this will sound like I'm defending Rian but friction in space has always been the case in Star Wars. The ships are shown to be burning fuel during their whole trips from one system to another even if it doesn't make sense.
        At >10% light speed all the dust and gas would be tearing the ship apart

        I think with star wars the fuel situation is for FTL, not just floating through normal space, which they don't really do because their FTL isn't like star trek, it's going through an alternate dimension rather than going fast in the normal universe.

        The larger problem is that the plot of the fleets being chased revolved around the first order having a device that could track through hyperspace, meaning that in the past, before that device, the way to "pursue" fleeing ships was to find out through intel and hyperlane maps where they could possibly have gone to, and then send your battleships to block their safe havens and intercept the enemy ships.

        If the first order knew where the rebels were going, it did become a question of outrunning them, and in such a circumstance, if all hyperspace ships are comparably fast, it just becomes a question of logistics. Rebels can't get far enough ahead to dock and refuel, which makes sense.
        The only headscratcher is why the limitless resources of the first order didn't extend to having other fleets that could be called on to go in front of the rebels and catch them in a pincer movement. A wily coyote chase where they're linear and never catch up is just lazy oversight.

        • 5 months ago

          It's because they can't predict where they are going only follow after where they are going. They can't pincer them because they don't have enough fleets to cover 360whatever every direction across the entire galaxy. The rebels can go any direction any distance.

          • 5 months ago

            I think I get what you're saying, but even if it was a case of "anywhere other than where the rebels come out of hyperspace is useless to wait in ambush", it would have been nice attention to detail to show that the first order were trying to cut off certain likely destinations or chokepoints, and any fleets that ended up in dead ends could try and rejoin the pursuit fleet.
            Also, ships that pull other ships out of hyperspace through gravity well generators were part of the old canon (and IIRC in new also) so cutting the rebels off from the front could have been possible with those rules

            • 5 months ago

              I think its probably an unnecessary addition but I agree nothing would be lost by it, they could have easily just panned over a screen of star destroyer shaped wedges parked near different planets to convey they were doing that without even having to drop a spoken line
              The ST is a movie series that I think could be vastly improved with tweaks like that. A special edition of the ST would really elevate it.

          • 5 months ago

            >any distance.

            I think I get what you're saying, but even if it was a case of "anywhere other than where the rebels come out of hyperspace is useless to wait in ambush", it would have been nice attention to detail to show that the first order were trying to cut off certain likely destinations or chokepoints, and any fleets that ended up in dead ends could try and rejoin the pursuit fleet.
            Also, ships that pull other ships out of hyperspace through gravity well generators were part of the old canon (and IIRC in new also) so cutting the rebels off from the front could have been possible with those rules

            >ships that pull other ships out of hyperspace through gravity well generators were part of the old canon
            Still pisses me off. Instead of "we're out of fuel" we could have had some Interdictor ships (the best Star Destroyer design) preventing them from jumping.

        • 5 months ago

          The whole chase comes across as a subplot ripped from a script they had lying around and repurposed for star wars.
          Every minor detail detracts from the plot and makes it even more nonsensical. The fact, for example, that nobody batted an eye when Finn and Rose left and returned to the main fleet is indicative of nobody bothering to proof read it.

    • 5 months ago

      Is th issue with this scene that the blackhole consuming vulcan would have also consumed the moon spack is viewing from?

      • 5 months ago

        spock's not on a moon, he's in a different solar system

        • 5 months ago

          Do they say that? That view could only be possible a moon or nearby planet. I'm not doubting you, but I've seen this movie several times and just assumed it was a moon

      • 5 months ago

        >Is th issue with this scene that the blackhole consuming vulcan would have also consumed the moon spack is viewing from?
        In TOS "The Man Trap Spock says "Vulcan has no moon, Miss Uhura."
        In The Motion Picture we see Vulcan with moons/planets in the sky but this was later fixed in the directors cut.

        spock's not on a moon, he's in a different solar system

        >spock's not on a moon, he's in a different solar system

        Do they say that? That view could only be possible a moon or nearby planet. I'm not doubting you, but I've seen this movie several times and just assumed it was a moon

        >Do they say that? That view could only be possible a moon or nearby planet. I'm not doubting you, but I've seen this movie several times and just assumed it was a moon

        They called the planet Delta Vega which makes no sense as in TOS "Where No Man Has Gone Before" Delta Vega was a planet at the edge of the galaxy that was years away from any Federation bases at sub light speed.

    • 5 months ago

      JJ in general doesn't seem to have any kind of idea of space and distance.

      Oh no! That planet across the galaxy is blowing up in the sky in real time!

      much like Rian didn't understand that there's no friction in the vacuum of space, so the four ships that make up the entirety of the galaxy-spanning resistance could've gone at the same speed indefinitely with no fuel necessary
      Unless it's been retconned that the FO fleet was exerting force on the resistance ships with long-range tractor beams or something, but at that point you're putting more thought into the situation than anyone involved in the films did

      Now, ya'll are aware that you're not the target audience, correct? Like, bruh...

      • 5 months ago

        SW is not even science-fiction, it is Fantasy

      • 5 months ago

        ok zhang yea you are the target audience and not me, art and storytelling is dead, we live in a dystopian nightmare where films are used as Chinese money farms/roulettes and it’s all helmed by the least creative, self centered. “epic wubalubadub” nerds on the planets. Rians selfishness is obvious in the direction of his movie, but JJ had the nerve to put his own personal references into the movie like he needed to make sure Star Wars was HIS now and not George Lucas.

      • 5 months ago

        15 year old false argument. GET NEW MATERIAL!

      • 5 months ago

        >villain's words come back to haunt him

      • 5 months ago

        Star Wars was a movie about war in space between an empire and a rebellion, with appealing factors for all age groups.

      • 5 months ago

        The whole "nothing really matters and you shouldn't make any kind of standard" is such a shitty stance but it's also so common with liberals. They really can't stand the idea someone would have a standard for any kind of behavior. There can't be any standards at all.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, you can see it in this post:

          who cares, sw had sound in space

          • 5 months ago

            no one said don't have standards we're just saying have the same standards instead of being a crybaby b***h
            SW has never been about scientific accuracy in any way, it literally has magic in it
            its about knights fighting evil wizards in space its a fantasy

            >more midwit seething and gnashing

            This is why Sequel Trilogy defenders are forever doomed to failure

            actually we automatically win by having movies we enjoy while you only have your imagination and unfulfilled hopes that cause you suffering
            we're like guys fricking a slightly fat chick getting pussy every night and you're like a virgin hater talking shit dreaming about the 10/10 b***h you will never get
            die sad and alone loser lmao I enjoyed the ST, watch clips from it on youtube fairly often

            • 5 months ago

              >more midwit sunk cost fallacy


              this is why sequel trilogy defenders will become even bigger jokes in the near-future

              • 5 months ago

                sunk cost fallacy hasn't been used, and fallacy humping is new atheist reddit behavior anyway so you've told on yourself

              • 5 months ago

                Ok seething redditor

        • 5 months ago

          Not exactly, there shouldn't be your standards, but leftard standards should be brutally enforced by the state and their corporations.
          Ask people who ask why do you care about their opinion on pronouns and muh Black person-word.

          • 5 months ago

            Why are you racist, chud?

            • 5 months ago

              why are you here troony? go back to r*ddit with all the other failed normies and subhumans.

            • 5 months ago

              Why do you care, does it effect you personally?

      • 5 months ago

        even kids know how stupid and illogical the sequels are

      • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      much like Rian didn't understand that there's no friction in the vacuum of space, so the four ships that make up the entirety of the galaxy-spanning resistance could've gone at the same speed indefinitely with no fuel necessary
      Unless it's been retconned that the FO fleet was exerting force on the resistance ships with long-range tractor beams or something, but at that point you're putting more thought into the situation than anyone involved in the films did

      I think both of them are the ones that started the "subvert your expectations" and "don't think about potholes" fad in movies

      • 5 months ago

        Well Johnson's movie Looper literally has a line where Bruce Willis tells the audience don't think about the rules of time travel.

        • 5 months ago

          I liked Looper, that movie was kino.

  7. 5 months ago

    This might sound kind of weird, but I was playing that Jedi Knight game that came out this year. The heroes were going on and on about a big noble quest to rebuild the Jedi archives, so that the knowledge wouldn't be lost forever. It made me think of these films. Because in Episode 7, Kylo Ren school shooters the rebuilt archives, and then in Episode 8, Yoda zaps the only surviving documents. There's nothing left. All of the efforts these heroes are making in this game are 100% totally wasted. Their sacrifices amount to literally nothing. As the audience, we have the clairvoyance to know this in advance. These movies really did frick everything up, didn't they? What a shitshow.

    • 5 months ago

      tldr. star wars fans are cucks

      daily reminder that as soon as an "artistic product" becomes a franchise that needs to deliver endless content, do NOT expect to be valued as a loyal "fan": companies are only interested by consoomers

    • 5 months ago

      Rey saved the sacred Jedi texts we see at the end of TLJ and in TROS so they arent lost

      • 5 months ago

        so yoda is just a moronic butthole who destroyed the texts for no reason?

        • 5 months ago

          Yoda destroyed the tree so Luke had no reason to "stay" on the island (other than Manatee breasts)

  8. 5 months ago

    actually, 3 were spherical space stations orbiting around 1 planet

    • 5 months ago

      why were they the size of planets though?

      • 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    I'm so glad I never bothered watching any of the Disney shit.

  10. 5 months ago

    >These planets are really, really, really close together.
    Just like No Man's Sky!

  11. 5 months ago

    >phantom fricking rays

  12. 5 months ago

    >le bigger is better

    Reminder that Star Wars is objectively soulless slop

  13. 5 months ago

    >citizens of Hosnia prime, please be advised that this month Hosnia 2 is coming within 50,000 miles of your planet. Please take a number and wait in line for the nearest mountaintop shelter before the entire surface of the planet is flooded again

  14. 5 months ago
  15. 5 months ago

    why did a bunch of autismos who couldn't even finish college suddenly start nitpicking star wars for scientific accuracy with the disney films? Star Wars has always been incredibly unrealistic and completely ignores the laws of physics. Do you think that spaceships bank like WWII fighter aircraft in a zero g environment? Did you forget when Han traveled to another cluster in 24 hours despite traveling slower than FTL? People sperg out about the falling bombs in TLJ even though the same shit happened in Empire.

    • 5 months ago

      >Star Wars has always been incredibly unrealistic and completely ignores the laws of physics.
      Star Wars has always been fairly consistent with space/hyperspace travel and every single Disney movie has introduced inconsistencies that don't make sense together

      • 5 months ago

        no, the difference is that you watched the old movies as a toddler and now you're a cynical adult with a chip on your shoulder trying to find ammo to hate the movies for silly reasons

        • 5 months ago

          No, Mr. Projection, the difference is consistency vs inconsistency.

    • 5 months ago

      It's about the suspension of disbelief. The Battle of Yavin in the original movie was an obvious nod to classic WWII movies that everyone in the 70's would have been familiar with already. The interlude between the Millennium Falcon traveling from Hoth to Bespin in ESB is not ever explicitly stated, and could have been a timeskip of several weeks or months while Luke was training with Yoda for all we know. Yes this still doesn't make sense from a strictly scientific angle, but the audience subconsciously ignores it for the sake of storytelling in a movie. Lucas knew what he was doing.

  16. 5 months ago

    Jar jar and reetee johnson are both fricking idiots and always have been.

  17. 5 months ago

    no they are really really big

  18. 5 months ago

    how did anyone watch this at the time and not immediately know the entire sequel trilogy was going to be a giant shit fest.

    • 5 months ago

      literally everyone did. But there was a small glimmer of hope. "Ok, JJ just did his usual moron shit, but there's still two movies left with two other directors different than JJ. They could still pull off a miracle and make 2/3 good movies." Then Rian's shat out his diarrhea, the third director jumped ship, and all hope was lost.

    • 5 months ago

      it moves fast on screen the first time you see it, especially when you're at a cinema with other people. One thing Disney is good at - maybe the ONLY thing - is moving the audience from one scene to another at high speed.

      the SECOND time I watched it, I realized just how fricking bad it was. But I assumed they were going to do something cool with the Rey/Kylo thing and have them each switch sides so I thought it would have a strong payoff

    • 5 months ago

      Just the Reddit Letter Media cultists

    • 5 months ago

      I actually fell asleep somewhere after this and woke up when Rey is at some shithole bar talking to an orange yoda girl and I looked over and my dad had also fallen asleep. We watched the rest and when we walked out I said "wow that was shit" and he responded "yeah" and we never spoke of the movie ever again. Kind of amazing how the movie really is just sludge.

      • 5 months ago

        >I actually fell asleep somewhere after this and woke up when Rey is at some shithole bar talking to an orange yoda girl
        You time traveled while sleeping?

        • 5 months ago

          Lol is that before? I legit can't remember. This movie sucks.

    • 5 months ago

      >how did anyone watch this at the time and not immediately know the entire sequel trilogy was going to be a giant shit fest.
      They did, but without admitting it due to FOMO + honeymoon phase.
      They just had blind optimism for hoping the next film would answer everything, but then TLJ happened & cratered the franchise. The diehards were completely divided & lost faith. As for me, I always knew the trilogy was doomed from the start knowing how absolutely incompetent Disney's execs always were since the Eisner days. I recall the days in 2015 when everyone on this board collectively shat on Rey being a Mary Sue, how the plot half-assedly recycled ANH whilst rendering the accomplishments of the OT null and void, how contradictory the events of the story were laid out, how Han and Leia regressed compared to the prior trilogy, and how JJ's Mystery Box™ trope was rampant throughout the runtime. Anyone with actual common sense & not a braindead normie knew it was just corporate goyslop and would be nothing more than corporate goyslop.

    • 5 months ago

      I knew it was gonna be shit the moment I saw pic related. I never saw the other two sequels and I never will.

      • 5 months ago

        How do you not chop your own hand off with the crossguard?

      • 5 months ago

        >bad guys lightsaber looks like a cross
        very subtle JJ

    • 5 months ago

      Massive marketing and advertising on Disney's side.

    • 5 months ago

      i knew we were fricked the day they announced george was no longer involved and the EU was thrown away
      there's a very special autism needed to do star wars correctly and george was the only person in hollywood who could do it right
      then he needed a straight guy to filter his absurd wacky ideas and tame them down a peg, that was dave furloni but now it's nobody

      • 5 months ago

        Even George was losing it, given that TCW was starting to add in grey shit with mortis.
        The force being anything other than black and white has always led to the worst stories

  19. 5 months ago

    >it’s the Death Star, but BIGGER-ER
    Jesus frick I hate even thinking about these movies for even a fricking second, I hate that people are brain dead enough to defend them, I hate everything they did with the characters and direction. I hate the tonal reset, I hate the dropped plot lines, I hate Disney and their blatant attempts at gaming the Chinese market, I fricking hate it all. Hate.

    • 5 months ago

      Yet for some reason you're not mad about it when George was already recycling the Death Star three movies in

      • 5 months ago

        Everyone thinks its a cop out, but ROTJ has its own pace and tone, and the climax being a run through the innards of the second death star was so fricking cool that you stop caring

      • 5 months ago

        Return of the Jedi is known as the turning point of when the monetization took priority over the storytelling. Even then, it doesn’t feel as cynical or brain dead as TFA, and I think that reason is pretty fricking obvious. Plus, rehashing the same plot point *3 times,* even when you have the ability to take the series in a new direction, is complete fricking madness, I can’t believe how stupid JJ is, just pure utter moronation. Then the dude fricking rehashes sheev as well, I want to die, I want to fricking never see anything from these movies again

        • 5 months ago

          >it doesn't feel as cynical or brain dead as TFA

          idk dude TFA doesn't have an extended sequence of a teddy bear picnic and actually killed off Han Solo, which George refused to do because he feared it would affect sales of his action figures

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah Han should've died for sure in ESB, he stands next to a door in ROTJ because he just has nothing to do. Leia is in charge and Luke is a knight, they call Han a general or something at one point and it always bugged me he's just some suave thug, he just has no place in the story anymore.

          • 5 months ago

            Ewoks and Han not doing much still don’t feel as cynical as remaking the entire first movie. Again, throwing ROTJ under the bus here feels really weak because people expressed these issues and how they were tired of rehashed shit and they just… did it again? When they could’ve moved in a new direction?

            • 5 months ago

              Return of the Jedi is a fricking awful movie outside of the throne room stuff. TFA, despite transparently playing the hits rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, is actually fun and entertaining and well-made and I think it does have more clever ideas than people give it credit for - a lot of autismos just see an Xwing and a Death Star and then go LITERALLY SAME MOOBIE xD with no further nuance or discussion.

              Kylo Ren's characterization alone is a better idea than anything George Lucas had come up with after 1980.

              • 5 months ago

                >see an xwing
                There are so many other examples of this movie borrowing from the first.
                >kylo rens characterization
                Was pretty excited for this character, but JJ ultimately gutted him in the last movie.
                >rotj is a fricking awful movie
                Still less cynically made than any of the sequels. Imagine the brain rot necessary to have this entire universe which hundreds of writers have made derivative takes on (which were all hilariously “officially retconned” to justify these films) and deciding to just do new hope again with variations. Resetting the characters from the first films journeys to justify them even participating in this shit. What a statement, and what a moronic thing to defend.

              • 5 months ago

                The only sequel movie that I think is cynical is Rise of Skywalker, because it was a movie that is deathly afraid of its own audience and is trying to appease the meanest and dumbest elements of the fandom in a vain attempt to win them back after they whined about the last two, which lead to an incoherent film that reads like it was written by an AI trying to make the generic definition of a "Star Wars movie"

              • 5 months ago

                >the meanest and dumbest elements of the fandom are the ones who got shit on for three movies, not the people like me who joined in the shitting
                lol, lmao even

              • 5 months ago

                The sequels are all hideous slop fests. Stop trying to kid yourself.

              • 5 months ago

                nah I liked TFA and TLJ from moment one and I still like them better than the prequels and most of RotJ

              • 5 months ago

                >I like slop
                That’s fine but they are still nakedly and unashamedly uncreative slop fests designed specifically to milk member berries and the China market

              • 5 months ago

                I has like 1-2 good scenes
                II is unwatchable
                III has 1-2 good scenes
                ANH is ok but slow and dated
                ESB is kino but still slow
                ROTJ has 1-2 good scenes

                TFA is good and fun and new
                TLJ is good and fun and new, but casino shit sucks
                TROS is good and fun and new but fan pandering sucks, is a bit messy

                tldr the ST is better than the PT and on par with the OT but technologically better

              • 5 months ago

                based literal NPC
                >fun and new
                How can you consider a rehash new
                >ESB is kino but slow
                How to signal boost to everyone that you’re an adderal addicted 17 year old zoomer who can’t watch an actual film, but you still want to fit in

              • 5 months ago

                nah they are just slow, everything about them is slow because of the tech limits at the time. its no coincidence that the rotj throne fight is one of if not the best lightsaber fight in the OT and its the fastest and most intense.
                >How can you consider a rehash new
                it had new characters in new locations showing off doing new things, I never saw the falcon do shit before like it did in TFA so that spectacle was enjoyable. characters like rey, poe, kylo, BB8 are all enjoyable. it doesn't matter if they are on a similar story path I have seen like 100 versions of king arthur, robin hood, etc and its enjoyable.

                In the Original Trilogy when characters travel between planets we are shown intermediate scenes of them lounging on the ship because even though they are in hyperspace, they still have to travel a vast distance that takes time.
                At the end of TFA Rey gets on the Millennium Falcon at the rebel base, enters hyperspace, and exits hyperspace at Luke's hidden planet; in one scene.

                yes but the leisure downtime was always inserted as it fit the needs of the script, not as realistic. you also completely avoided the point that the OT had ships close enough to ram into each other shooting guns when in a realistic battle scenario they wouldn't even be able to see each other, they'd be confirming hits and misses via instruments
                but guess what thats fricking visually boring as frick

              • 5 months ago

                kys zoomer scum

              • 5 months ago

                >OT slow
                All the sequels are longer and more bloated than any OT movie

              • 5 months ago

                I mean everything on screen is slow

                if only they had dumped this tired exposition in the movie

                there's no need to waste the time to satisfy a few spergs, no one else cares because the entire thing is goofy
                you have guys with no space suits in the OT standing like 10ft away from the og death star beams, its a fricking movie

              • 5 months ago

                >OT standing like 10ft away from the og death star beams
                It's a laser. That's like complaining Luke holds the lightsaber near his face without face protection and gloves

              • 5 months ago

                um, yes, how do you think lasers work? do you think you need to be inside the beam to get damaged by a laser?

              • 5 months ago

                moronic bait

              • 5 months ago

                its not bait kys

              • 5 months ago

                Shut up, NPC

              • 5 months ago

                >npc is disagreeing with everyone
                get checked for brain cancer

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine having taste this bad. You're definitely either brown or some ugly troon.

              • 5 months ago

                >Kylo Ren's characterization alone is a better idea than anything George Lucas had come up with after 1980.
                >Jacen Solo is a fictional character in literature based on the Star Wars film series, set in what is now designated as the original-canon Star Wars Legends continuity. The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, as well as the nephew of Luke Skywalker, he is a major character in several novels, particularly the New Jedi Order series. He becomes the antagonist of the Legacy of the Force series under the name Darth Caedus

              • 5 months ago

                No one cares about your gay EU, moron.

              • 5 months ago

                NPC spotted

              • 5 months ago

                >TFA is actually fun and entertaining and well-made
                >it does have more clever ideas than people give it credit for
                Such as?

              • 5 months ago

                I-It was more clever than Return of the Jedi c-chud!! SHUT UP!!!!

              • 5 months ago

                it's funny that you pretend that I'm the one being obstinate and unreasonable while you're the one acting like a child

              • 5 months ago

                >defending soulless israeli slop to own the chuds
                you should genuinely kys

              • 5 months ago

                >is actually fun and entertaining
                When? The second Rey gets involved, any action scene becomes instantly boring, but she's not the only offender.
                Compare and contrast Luke making the bombing run vs Poe doing whatever the frick he did. Luke's run is tense to the very end, and it's only when he makes the shot that the tension drains.
                When Poe gets inside the whole mission is instantly over. He just starts blasting with no resistance, because the film assumes that the duel (which Rey is in the process of sabotaging) will keep the tension going.

    • 5 months ago

      >SKB sucks up an entire sun to power its weapon
      so how does it fire twice?

      • 5 months ago

        The dark side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural.

      • 5 months ago

        It moves between stars.
        With people on the planet after it lost the star.

      • 5 months ago

        It moves between stars.
        With people on the planet after it lost the star.

        literally the first planet we ever see in Star Wars has multiple suns. Is it that outlandish that the system they built it in might have had more than one star?

        When I saw TFA in theaters tripping balls my interpretation was that Starkiller Base was a moronic short-term superweapon built for the sole reason of fricking up the Republic and evening the odds between the Republic and First Order, and wasn't intended for long-term sustainability, because the First Order is stupid

        • 5 months ago

          >y interpretation was that Starkiller Base was a moronic short-term superweapon built for the sole reason of fricking up the Republic and evening the odds between the Republic and First Order,
          Sadly NuCanon (assuming the games have any real say) has Starkiller base being worked on 5 years after Revenge if the Sith

        • 5 months ago

          >I formulate head cannon to cope with the sheer stupidity and derivation of Disney Wars because I have no real principles

  20. 5 months ago

    so close that they would actually destabilize each other, such a system would not be habitable

  21. 5 months ago

    nobody is ever really gone

    • 5 months ago

      It's sad that the original intentions of that line as written is the realization that the people we care about will eventually die, but as long as we keep the love we have for them alive in our heart, they're never really gone. Then JJ repurposed it as justification for why Sheev is back alive and it's now become a meme that no one is allowed to die in Star Wars as long as corporate can still make money off their likeness

      • 5 months ago

        How do we know that Sheev doesn't have like 40 more clones and he'll keep doing this bullshit on 30 year cycle for the next 1200 years?

        • 5 months ago

          yeah, rise of skywalker is moronic and provides absolutely no solution to the questions raised by TFA and TLJ, it's a bad movie, even the most stalwart sequel defender won't go to bad for Rise of Skywalker

      • 5 months ago

        da fuk is a sheev

  22. 5 months ago

    >people still defend jj abrams slop till this day


  23. 5 months ago

    >the bad guys killed a bunch of people you didn't know existed before this scene

    oh no? Really feeling a lot of sympathy for these people that aren't even in the movie

  24. 5 months ago

    Why did it need to be like a shotgun blast?

  25. 5 months ago

    At that point I was 80% checked out as it had already dawned on me the movie is a carbon copy of the original movie. But when that scene happened I walked out and never looked back at star wars again

  26. 5 months ago

    RotJ had the death star really really close to Endor so there's precedent. Not defending JJ because it's still dumb but George is the one that started this.

    • 5 months ago

      The death star is orbiting the moon they are on

      • 5 months ago

        Sure but it's as big as it would be if it was floating in the atmosphere, not sitting in low orbit hundreds of miles above. The explosion should be very small from that far away.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah I also realized it's not "orbiting" is it? It's just using thrusterd to remain stationary way too close. Sheev needs to learn about energy conservation.

  27. 5 months ago

    >in a solar system populated by an advanced alien race
    >evil faction is terraforming a whole fricking planet into a weapon
    >multiple planets and moons are populated in the system
    >no one notices the terraforming taking place over the years
    >the weapon planet is fired, destroys several moons orbiting the same planet
    >the good side has no space army or police to go check on the weapon planet
    >instead a bunch of "rebels" have to do that
    >after said rebels won over the bad guys decades ago

    • 5 months ago

      The fact they even kept "rebels" around when they fricking won makes no sense. They would just be the republic again and all the stormtroopers and empire shit would belong to the republic.

      There was no point in keeping "rebels" vs "empire" other than that's what the old movies did. It just doesn't make any fricking sense.

      • 5 months ago

        >Movies make a big point of mentioning how Mon Mothma is in charge of the New Republic
        >And how the NR collapses because it committed the exact same sins as the Republic
        >Meaning that Mon Mothma, who was a senator during the Clone Wars, apparently had no problem setting up literally the exact same piece of shit corrupt government that had just collapsed, so long as she gets to be the president this time, and then shocked_pikachu_face.jpg when it also almost immediately collapsed
        What were they thinking? Is this demoralization propaganda?

        • 5 months ago

          >Liberals are actually closeted aristocrats who have no idea on how to implement long term change and have no ideology other than ORANGE MAN/EMPIRE IS LE BAD xD

          seems right to me

        • 5 months ago

          when the frick did they mention any of that?

          • 5 months ago

            Didn't you read the required novels, anon? The much-needed backstory is all there. Mon Mothma DMZ'd the Rebel Alliance out of fear that there'd be another Empire again because "military baaaaaaad." She also fired Leia because the latter was related to Darth Vader. """Logic."""

            • 5 months ago

              This is even more moronic than it sounds because in universe the New Republic had constant issues with Imperial Remnant groups. So it makes even less sense the more content they produce. They didn't want to raise an army but they did rely on bounty hunters which is undeniably way worse.

            • 5 months ago

              For all Disney-Lucasfilm's bragging about how the female characters are superior they seem to spend more time trashing them

    • 5 months ago

      planets and moons are populated in the system
      Anon starkiller base was across the galaxy from its targets

      • 5 months ago

        anon the laser reached its targets within seconds, they were in the same solar system
        more like moons orbiting the same gas giant

        • 5 months ago

          >anon the laser reached its targets within seconds, they were in the same solar system

          >During this process, the dark energy transformed to a state known as "phantom energy," and left the planet behind, tearing a hole through hyperspace along a perfectly linear path. The beam of energy was specifically designed to be seen across the galaxy, meant to encourage surrender to the First Order.
          >The space-time disruption caused by the phantom energy's passage would make the nova instantaneously visible thousands of light years away, for a short time

          >"Starkiller Base was located in the Unknown Regions to the galactic North-West. Hosnian Prime is located close to the Galactic Core, slightly to the galactic South-East"
          Finn also sees it from whichever system Takonada is in.

          • 5 months ago

            not explained at all in the movie

            • 5 months ago

              because most people aren't trying to outsmart the movie by claiming the fictional space politics and geography doesn't make sense, moron

            • 5 months ago

              Yes because JJ is a moron so they had to figure out how it made sense after the fact.
              Finn sees is from Maz's planet. Maz's backwater planet of criminals outside of Republic jurisdiction. It cannot be in the same system as the New Republic.
              And I can't remember the exact contents of the "so it's the death star but bigger" scene but it's made clear Starkiller base was some forgotten outer rim planet that nobody noticed.

              • 5 months ago

                Starkiller base is Ilum. The planet jedi get their crystals from and can experience visions. Sheev chose it explicitly as an act sacrilege, he wanted to defile a sacred place for Jedi.

              • 5 months ago

                >Ilum was a snow-covered planet located in the 7G sector of the Unknown Regions, within the Ilum system.
                Still a backwater shithole not in the galactic core. And that's still not technically "canon" right? Ilum is too cool to be carved out between movies and I'm sure Ahsoka fans would love to see a lightsaber planet.

              • 5 months ago

                Ilum is shown to be in the process of converted to Starkiller Base in Fallen Order, which takes place right after Order 66. Sheev planned on it being built for decades in the new canon but it wasn't finished while he was alive. Cal sees the beginnings of it from orbit if he goes back there in the post game. It's canon.

              • 5 months ago

                Well I guess I was asking if the games were considered "canon" yet but I forgot that one base was used in ObiWan

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah the new games are actually considered canon. Honestly none of the Order 66 stuff in the Disney canon is outright bad, it's not all good but it's some of their better content.

    • 5 months ago

      You have no idea of the depths of the ST's stupidity. Let's take the new republic's fleet as an example.
      The reason they have no way to respond, leading to a paramilitary group being "the resistance" is due to Mon Mothma deciding to completely disband the republic military outside of one fleet, which orbits the capital planet. This fleet is obliterated alongside the system, meaning they have literally no assets to respond with, since she decided each system should self police.
      If this isn't already so stupid your brain is leaking out of your ears, consider this: the whole reason the clone wars happened is due to the republic having no way to enforce its edicts, and the neglected systems banding together with their own military forces.
      Mon Mothma was alive when this happened.

      • 5 months ago

        >Be Mon Mothma
        >Ask ex-Separatist worlds to join the New Republic
        >"The Empire made you slaves, we won't. We're not slavers."
        >Local diplomat: "you literally used an army of child slaves to defeat us, then turned into the Empire and enslaved us. Why should we trust you?"
        How do you respond without sounding mad?

  28. 5 months ago

    What's really moronic is that they built all the new star destroyers in rise of skywalker with the ability to destroy planets making the death star look completely moronic.

    How did they get the tech to build star destroys with the same capabilities as their super weapons? It took like 20 years to build the first death star and in just 20 more years they had thousands of ships with the same capability.

    • 5 months ago

      the only way for death stars to make rational sense is the old timothy zahn fanwank about how it was an excuse for palpatine to gather all the imperial leadership in one place where they couldn't plot against him

    • 5 months ago

      JJ honestly couldve just not written about the first order at all. They couldve gone with the order being destroyed in TLJ and the last act is just Ben and Rey finding Palpatine to break the cycle of this stupid emperor returning shit from happening again. It'd have actually meant that Holdo succeeded instead of just blowing herself up for no fricking reason. It would've meant the lightspeed ram worked instead of accomplishing literally nothing at all.

      • 5 months ago

        The lightspeed ram ruins pretty much everything in the fricking series. Han bypasses starkiller bases shields by going through them in hyperspeed. So what would stop an xwing from just hyperspeeding into the Death Star and blowing the entire thing up that way? Going lightspeed with even that little of mass would easily contain enough energy to blow up a moon sized object.

        The entire maneuver makes the Death Star pointless since they could just put fricking hyperdrives on asteroids and ram planets with them without the need to build a giant spacestation.

        • 5 months ago

          why didn't the Fellowship just fly the eagles to mordor?

          • 5 months ago

            >why didn't the Fellowship just fly the eagles to mordor?
            Have you ever played Lego The Lord of the Rings? When you get to an area closed off by a red ring, Sauron's eye gazes at you & prevents you from going any further until you complete a prior level. Ergo, the eye would just look at any passing eagles & kill them with a single stare, thusly preventing them from flying to Mount Doom earlier. The only reason they could rescue Frodo and Sam at the end was due to the tower's collapse.
            >no tower = no Eye of Sauron
            >no EoS = no death stare
            >no death stare = eagles safe

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah I get that but at the very least you can make the ram make sense from a character standpoint. As it stands Holdo blew herself up for absolutely no reason at all. At least you can make her sacrifice and the loss of the resistance mean something narrarively. It's still fantasy, and what most people consider is the characters first and the logic second. As it is, it makes 0 sense.

        • 5 months ago

          >Han bypasses starkiller bases shields by going through them in hyperspeed.
          That is just as egregious.
          >aaaaaaaaand, NOW!!!

        • 5 months ago

          The justifications I’ve read for this are so baffling… like “dude you’re sacrificing an entire ship to do this, why would you even consider doing it”
          My head hurts

    • 5 months ago

      rise of skywalker is moronic but not explaining Sheev's tax policy is really the least of its problems.

  29. 5 months ago

    Or they are really big.

  30. 5 months ago

    >disney buys star wars
    >have a whole universe of new stories to tell
    >they can do ANYTHING
    >nah just make a reboot
    >of the whole original trilogy?
    >nah just the first movie
    >and after that?
    >pfft i dunno just make something

  31. 5 months ago


    Do you agree with this chart? If not you can't use that image.

    • 5 months ago

      Adam Sandler is not kino.

      • 5 months ago

        Click is kino frick you

        only movie to ever make me cry

      • 5 months ago

        Why is click considered a good movie while all of his other movies are considered bad?

        • 5 months ago

          Because it was after his flibbity flooby phase and if I remember right he doesn't even do THE ADAM SANDLER SCREAM in it.
          Plus Winkler carried the movie

  32. 5 months ago

    why is it disney insist on making stories ONLY about "modern day" star wars?
    they could make stories hundreds of years before or after the original trilogy but it's ALWAYS just around the time of darth vader

    • 5 months ago

      >they could make stories hundreds of years before
      They are currently dling postproduction on that and it will release soon.
      I hope you like black girl jedis.

  33. 5 months ago

    star wars vs avatar

  34. 5 months ago

    I'm getting the impression someone at Bad Robot is in this thread trying in vain to defend JJ's Star Wars films

    • 5 months ago

      no one defends Rise of Skywalker.

      • 5 months ago

        They do when you say TLJ was the best of the trilogy.

        • 5 months ago

          Those are the Bad Robot shills, which means

          no one defends Rise of Skywalker.

          was wrong

  35. 5 months ago

    What does the JJ stand for?

  36. 5 months ago

    who cares, sw had sound in space

    • 5 months ago

      >They did this mistake, therefore we need to make even more mistakes
      That's why you'll remain a midwit

      • 5 months ago

        its not a mistake its a stylistic design choice you brainlet
        the movies take place IN space they aren't ABOUT space
        you're basically like some homosexual complaining about the leaf pattern of a cardboard fern stage prop, an autismo completely missing the point and purpose of the prop to begin with
        go to space if you love it so much homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          A lot of words to say you're still a seething midwit

  37. 5 months ago

    Took me out of the movie as well. It's like JJ saw a model of the solar system used to explain planets to little kids in kindergarten and thought that's representative of the real distances between celestial bodies. Like that moronic israelite never fricking looked up at the sky and asked why Mars and Venus aren't clearly distinguishable.

    • 5 months ago

      you're saying this now go back and look at every single star wars ship battle in the series
      no no, I'll wait, take your time
      why are they all filmed like george is a stupid homosexual with no concept of space distance like the capital ships with laser weapons that can shoot hundreds or thousands of kilometers are ye old pirate boats sidling up besides each other for broadsides?

      use ALL your brainmeat you'll get there I believe in you

      • 5 months ago

        In the Original Trilogy when characters travel between planets we are shown intermediate scenes of them lounging on the ship because even though they are in hyperspace, they still have to travel a vast distance that takes time.
        At the end of TFA Rey gets on the Millennium Falcon at the rebel base, enters hyperspace, and exits hyperspace at Luke's hidden planet; in one scene.

      • 5 months ago

        yeah except with ship battles anyone can easily understand what the movie is trying to convey visually. when all the planets got blown up in TFA it threw me out of the movie because i had no idea what was supposed to be happening.

        • 5 months ago

          you're supposed to be horrified by the magnitude of evil of the FO killing so many people and how even hux and kylo who are the perpetrators are visibly shaken or disturbed about the gravity of their crime
          its like the aldaraan thing but better because the scene is more horrific (not to say scary) by having a view from the victims perspective and by having the villains more morally conflicted than mustache twirling tarkin

          >why are they all filmed like george is a stupid homosexual with no concept of space distance like the capital ships with laser weapons that can shoot hundreds or thousands of kilometers are ye old pirate boats sidling up besides each other for broadsides?
          It's called cinematic language anon. A movie about broadsides in space is a lot more interesting and easy for the audience to understand what's going on than ships pinging each other with laser beams from thousands of kilometers away.

          yes I know, that's why the lasers from the OP are the way they are too, but virgins only cry about the latter because youtube told them to

          A lot of words to say you're still a seething midwit

          i accept your utter defeat cuck

          • 5 months ago

            >seething midwit attempts to defend JJ movies

            I accept your concession again

      • 5 months ago

        >why are they all filmed like george is a stupid homosexual with no concept of space distance like the capital ships with laser weapons that can shoot hundreds or thousands of kilometers are ye old pirate boats sidling up besides each other for broadsides?
        It's called cinematic language anon. A movie about broadsides in space is a lot more interesting and easy for the audience to understand what's going on than ships pinging each other with laser beams from thousands of kilometers away.

    • 5 months ago

      >names two planets that in fact are clearly visible in the night sky

  38. 5 months ago

    Did you know you could fit every planet in our solar system between earth and the moon?
    Thats how much space there is

  39. 5 months ago

    just a reminder that the prequels are still complete dog shit, and lucas also ruined the OT with his special editions
    star wars is a garbage franchise

    • 5 months ago

      Sure thing, NPContrarian

    • 5 months ago

      Go to bed Mike you were wrong and Lucas was completely vindicated

      • 5 months ago

        Would you prefer to refer to the Sequel Trilogy as the RLM Trilogy

        • 5 months ago

          Unironically yes. Mike literally suggested that JJ should makes the new star wars movies and both JJ and his buddy simon pegg are big fans of the plinkett reviews. TFA was the reaction to years of salty Gen X homosexuals seething over the prequels and special editions.

  40. 5 months ago

    And it somehow destroyed the entire Republic military fleet, who for some reason were all in one place and couldn't move out of the way of an attack coming from thousands of light years away.

  41. 5 months ago

    >ships have to use antigrav drive to escape planet's gravity well before entering hyperspace
    >gravity wells pull ships out of hyperspace
    >Tie Fighters are small ships that cannot enter hyperspace, need a home base to deploy from
    >Luke has to travel to Dagobah slowly (presumably because X-Wings also do not have hyperdrives)
    >further explains this with Dooku's solar sail hyperspace thing and Obi-Wan using the hyperdrive ring

    The Force Awakens
    >Millennium Falcon enters hyperspace while inside the cargo bay of a larger ship with no adverse effects to either ship
    >Milennium Falcon EXITS hyperspace between a planetary shield and the surface of that planet, inside the gravity well
    >Rey instantly travels through hyperspace
    The Last Jedi
    >Ships need fuel
    >Hyperspace ramming
    Rogue One
    >ship enters hyperspace inside Jedha's gravity well
    Rise of Skywalker
    >more instantaneous hyperspace travel
    >tie fighters can now travel through hyperspace
    >x-wings can now travel through hyperspace
    >"hyperspace jumping" (instantaneously throughout the galaxy)

    • 5 months ago

      xwings have hyperdrives brainlet
      they say they need fuel in the phantom menace, that's why they go to tatooine
      pls consider suicide

      >seething midwit attempts to defend JJ movies

      I accept your concession again

      accept my cum on your chest nerd

      Is it safe to say that the galaxy was in an even worse state than it was after ROTJ?
      Also, I still can't wait to see how they'll deal with the fact that the First/Final Order will become a remnant of an Imperial remnant with their absurd resources.

      yes its almost like you can't solve problems with violence big brain I know

      Why did they make star wars 7 a soft reboot? it was guaranteed to make a billion dollars whatever it was so why not make an original movie with 2 planned sequels? The ESG/Iger-mandated lack of white male protagonist is bad and israeli but why not at least make it not a terrible trainwreck?

      its basic media 101 the same reason shows have a PREVIOUSLY ON section

      • 5 months ago

        >they say they need fuel in the phantom menace, that's why they go to tatooine
        Broken hyperdrive

        • 5 months ago

          yes, the broken hyperdrive is leaking fuel

          just admit you're a cringe manbaby

          • 5 months ago

            >cringe manbaby sequel defender trying to call anyone else a cringe manbaby


          • 5 months ago

            >the hyperdrive is leaking
            Ftfy ma'am

            • 5 months ago

              >its leaking
              >we need to refuel
              >>>>b-b-b-b-but they don't use f-f-f-f-fuel, that's a m-m-m-metaphor!!!!
              lmao now THIS is desperate

              • 5 months ago

                But they didn't say anything about fuel. And why are you stuttering, are you afraid?

              • 5 months ago

                1:43 he says they need to land to refuel and repair

              • 5 months ago

                >a component breaks in a battle
                >they need to get a replacement part


                >we're out of fuel

              • 5 months ago

                >refuel doesn't mean get fuel
                >the multiple times fuel is seen streaming out of vessels to catch on fire isn't fuel
                You can just admit you don't know anything about SW

      • 5 months ago

        >more midwit seething and gnashing

        This is why Sequel Trilogy defenders are forever doomed to failure

      • 5 months ago

        You should head back to Twitter with all the other troony abominations that defend this slop.

        • 5 months ago

          isn't x le based now because elon bought it? update your software you bot

          • 5 months ago

            leftoids didnt quit twitter just like they didnt move to canada. they still spend 10 hours a day on it

            • 5 months ago

              as opposed to spending 10 hours a day on pol reading twitter screenshots got it

              Oh yes, George was quite insistent on portraying the Force as a Holy Trinity of complementary aspects. There's the Cosmic Force as the not-Father, which binds and sustains the natural forces of the universe and the inanimate matter which holds it together. There's the Living Force as the not-Son, which is what connects living beings to the Force and is the source of the soul. And then there's the Whills as the not-Holy Spirit, doing whatever it is the Holy Spirit does (I don't know what the Holy Spirit does).

              I hate that fat homosexual and his time traveling space whales so much

              • 5 months ago

                Go fellate israeli wiener somewhere else you pathetic fricking homosexual.

              • 5 months ago

                Time traveling space whales are based. Frick you.

              • 5 months ago

                kys whillshit sucks

                >I hate that fat homosexual and his time traveling space whales so much
                the purrgils were a filoni invention approved by lucas
                so frick you it's canon
                >stormtroopers dumping the Empire and going turncoat wasn't a bad idea
                yeah a stormtrooper rebellion would have been neat but that would require giving finn an actual character arc in the first place but instead he's literally a gay Black person from outer space

                frick you and frick lucas

                >as opposed to spending 10 hours a day on pol reading twitter screenshots got it
                I love how there's 0 self reflection among leftoids. My terrible behaviour? eh its fine da evil nazis who want to murder every brown person and israelite and sexual deviant probably do something similar, that makes it ok for me to do it

                I'm not a leftist you moron, I have only ever voted right wing

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                >as opposed to spending 10 hours a day on pol reading twitter screenshots got it
                I love how there's 0 self reflection among leftoids. My terrible behaviour? eh its fine da evil nazis who want to murder every brown person and israelite and sexual deviant probably do something similar, that makes it ok for me to do it

              • 5 months ago

                tbf social media including Cinemaphile is sort of a competition on who can be the most obnoxious. That's the point of it in a way

              • 5 months ago

                >I hate that fat homosexual and his time traveling space whales so much
                the purrgils were a filoni invention approved by lucas
                so frick you it's canon

                The Colin leaks were fricking weird but the idea of the stormtroopers dumping the Empire and going turncoat wasn't a bad idea and is what should've happened.

                >stormtroopers dumping the Empire and going turncoat wasn't a bad idea
                yeah a stormtrooper rebellion would have been neat but that would require giving finn an actual character arc in the first place but instead he's literally a gay Black person from outer space

    • 5 months ago

      >>Luke has to travel to Dagobah slowly (presumably because X-Wings also do not have hyperdrives)
      I thought X-Wings do have hyperdrives and that was one of the things that set them apart from TIE fighters.

  42. 5 months ago

    Is it safe to say that the galaxy was in an even worse state than it was after ROTJ?
    Also, I still can't wait to see how they'll deal with the fact that the First/Final Order will become a remnant of an Imperial remnant with their absurd resources.

  43. 5 months ago

    Why didn't they bring back Akbar in the last one?

    • 5 months ago

      IIRC Ackbar died offscreen in some novel and Holdo took his place.

      • 5 months ago

        >IIRC Ackbar died offscreen in some novel
        Onscreen in the Last Jedi, but you might have been distracted by Mary Poppins Leia

  44. 5 months ago

    Why did they make star wars 7 a soft reboot? it was guaranteed to make a billion dollars whatever it was so why not make an original movie with 2 planned sequels? The ESG/Iger-mandated lack of white male protagonist is bad and israeli but why not at least make it not a terrible trainwreck?

    • 5 months ago

      Sorry we need notTatooine

      • 5 months ago

        if they stuck to this concept art it would've been much cooler than the jakku we had in the movies

        • 5 months ago

          They basically reused that for Fallen Order's opening on Bracca except it'd dark and raining.

  45. 5 months ago

    How did it shoot four laser from one canon?

    • 5 months ago

      If you watch the scene the laser splits from 1 to 4 halfway along the journey.
      Because..... because it just does okay!!

    • 5 months ago

      its a plasma stream calculated to reach critical mass at a certain point that causes it to break apart in predictable vectors now go to bed

      • 5 months ago

        if only they had dumped this tired exposition in the movie

  46. 5 months ago


  47. 5 months ago

    do current SJWs (or whatever that phenotype is called now) admit the sequels were a disaster or do they pretend they're good?

    • 5 months ago

      >do current SJWs (or whatever that phenotype is called now) admit the sequels were a disaster or do they pretend they're good?
      They just say you are misogynist for complaining.

    • 5 months ago

      Just this month there was a subset on Twitter still trying to gaslight people into thinking Last Jedi is a good movie

    • 5 months ago

      After TROS even they don't care. There was a lot of people willing to go to bat for RJ but TROS put a stop to it. After TROS the entire trilogy is just forgotten about, noone fricking cares. Even here noone defending them is being serious. They're pretty much universally seen as total dogshit. Even George publicly expressed his disappointment and he handpicked Kennedy as effectively his replacement. Everyone in general is exasperated by them.

  48. 5 months ago

    >the galactic republic is restored
    >there's some other new treat on the far reaches of the galaxy that our heroes have to deal with
    hollywood israelites are so paranoid they think this simple concept or something else CANT WORK OH GOD WE NEED SOMETHING TRIED AND TESTED JUST MAKE THE SAME MOVIE FROM 40 YEARS AGO BUT WORSE

    • 5 months ago

      They were so afraid of it that they made TROS, I get TLJ is a supremely shitty film but it did present a potential end to the massive scale conflict that set up TFA/TLJ. They could have written a much simpler, probably cheaper as well, final act that was just Rey and Kylo finding Palpatine. There legit did not need to be 5,000 star destroyers to make TROS work.

  49. 5 months ago

    it's weird because outside of basic sci fi plots the marvel movies are at least sort of something new. but yidsney completely forgot that when it came to the sw sequels

    • 5 months ago

      The first couple of them are. By Civil War they'd they'd gotten their gay little formula down and it was just over. Then for some asinine reason they tried to insert real world politics into a story about a purple ballsac alien making everyone disappear and then reappear with space magic complete with terrorism, antifa, and American race politics, which was so bad I still can't really believe that it happened.

  50. 5 months ago

    Why did Han and Luke fight those tie fighters outside Tatooine when they could have gone lightspeed inside the docking bay?
    Why did it take so long for the Millenium Falcon to get to Alderaan?
    Why did it take so long for Luke to get to Dagobah?
    Why did Darth Vader chase Luke in the trench if he can completely stop larger ships using the force?
    Why did the Empire need to destroy the shield generator instead of just exiting hyperspace inside the shield?
    Why did the Rebels need to flee Hoth when they could enter hyperspace inside the atmosphere?
    Why didn't anyone hyperspace ram the Death Star?
    Why didn't the empire hyperspace ram Alderaan?
    Why didn't the rebellion hyperspace ram Death Star 2?
    Why did rebellion lead a ground squad to disable the shield generator if they could just exit hyperspace inside the Death Star shield?

  51. 5 months ago

    I'm more mad about the big giant guy in TFA being literally nothing relevant.

  52. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      oof'ing at the new hope's numbers

  53. 5 months ago

    >ugh the 80s were so commercial they lead to action blockbusters taking over the box office it killed original auteur movies
    also leftists

    • 5 months ago

      the fact that you don't understand the difference between 50s-70s israeliteleftoid commies and 90-00s muttleftoid neo-commies says more about you than it does what you're criticizing

      • 5 months ago

        then, my friend, you can take my post as as critique of the degeneration of leftoidism into its modern breed 🙂

  54. 5 months ago

    One of the last things the Galactic Empire did was implement Walkable Star Systems.

  55. 5 months ago

    but how did palpatine return

  56. 5 months ago

    What bothered me the most was how incompetent the bad guys were. At no point did I feel any tension, because of how comically moronic they were.

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