Do npcs know that Jurassic Park is a work of fiction and meant to be entertainment and have conflict. Who wants to read or watch a story about a dinosaur park where nothing goes wrong? The park went out of control largely because the tech guy deliberately shut down the power to steal dinosaur embryos. Should we shut down animal sanctuaries because someone might purposely open the gates and let the lions and bears loose? Also I'm just biased because I hope to see dinosaurs in my lifetime.

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  1. 6 months ago

    haven't you seen jurassic park? they explain in it why it's not possible to clone dinosaurs

  2. 6 months ago

    I want a dinosaur gf

  3. 6 months ago

    My favorite is when casuals try to deflate the fun and creativity of JP by using real-world paleo logic on a bunch of theme park monsters grown in a tube and stitched together with frogs in a movie.
    >did you know dilophosaurus ACKSHYUALLY didn't have frills?
    >erm, why isn't that velociraptor covered in feathers?
    >did you know T. rex didn't roar like that, let alone at all :O
    Cancer. Let me enjoy my movie monsters, you homosexuals.

    • 6 months ago

      Never understood this argument. They explicitly tell you this in the movie. The dinosaurs look different because of the gene splicing.

  4. 6 months ago

    aren't you bored of making these threads yet? nobody wants to talk about jurassic park anymore because the last three films were forgettable dogshit

    • 6 months ago

      It's actually kind of sad how bad this franchise is when you think about it. It deserved a lot better.
      Spielberg rushing to put a sequel out ruined everything.

      • 6 months ago

        you think that's bad? spielberg forced crichton to write a sequel he never intended to make so that spielisraelite had something to base his sequel on, and then hardly used any of it anyway.

        My favorite is when casuals try to deflate the fun and creativity of JP by using real-world paleo logic on a bunch of theme park monsters grown in a tube and stitched together with frogs in a movie.
        >did you know dilophosaurus ACKSHYUALLY didn't have frills?
        >erm, why isn't that velociraptor covered in feathers?
        >did you know T. rex didn't roar like that, let alone at all :O
        Cancer. Let me enjoy my movie monsters, you homosexuals.

        lately i've been drumming up my own dinosaur flick and i purposely designed it to take a shit on the JP movies. i want it to be more of a thriller/action flick so we get kino like the tall grass scene from lost world and the raptors/spino in JP3, but with roland tembo as the good guy since the idea is that it's a hunting preserve specifically designed for people who want the crazy experience, and JP the book gets specifically mentioned as being absolutely ludicrous for its overuse of pseudoscience.

        • 6 months ago

          I've resorted to a few fanfiction ideas myself.
          I've wanted to make a followup to 3 that has Grant overseeing (threatened by the Costa Rican government for trespassing on Sorna) the capture and return of the Pteranodons that kicks off another adventure on the islands to... do something, still working on that. Perhaps establishing research compounds to study the dinosaurs on the islands.

          • 6 months ago

            nah that's a crap idea, take it back to the drawing board.

    • 6 months ago

      there's only been three jurassic park films and they were all kino. and yes, I enjoy talking about them

      • 6 months ago

        >there's only been one jurassic park film

        • 6 months ago

          based JP2 appreciator

          • 6 months ago

            The Lost World movie is not a Jurassic Park movie.

            • 6 months ago

              it's a roland tembo movie and that's good enough for me

              • 6 months ago

                Fair enough but it was a shit movie that wasn't anywhere even close to the book.

              • 6 months ago

                yeah i already stated that earlier in the thread, spielberg forced crichton to write a sequel so he could use some ideas but ultimately did his own thing

  5. 6 months ago

    The main argument about chaos theory is the most ridiculous part, should we never do anything just because somewhere along the line something unforeseen might go wrong?

    • 6 months ago

      The story is about science trying to sell something it doesn't understand.

      • 6 months ago

        safe and effective

    • 6 months ago

      >something unforeseen
      Science does ALOT of things knowing full well it'll cause chaos and destruction if something goes wrong, and even knowing it'll work does that too
      >the atomic bomb
      >that half sphere of radiation death
      >the hadron collider
      >all the chemical warfare that has no purpose outside eating human flesh

      • 6 months ago

        the hadron collider causing black holes that could expand and swallow the earth is pure hearsay, idiot. even the pop scientists that shill the idea tell us it's bogus and they don't even understand them. the worst a collider malfunction would do is destroy the facility its in.

  6. 6 months ago

    compelling point, but dinosaurs are israeli lies made up to distort the story of creation

    • 6 months ago

      I think the info we have on dinosaurs is false but dinos were real creatures that existed. I believe before the flood we had technology and had hybrid monsters we created that are now called dinosaurs and that's why the israelites are so fricked about the bones cause they want to rediscover the DNA splicing tech

      • 6 months ago

        Not him but I have a belief along those lines as well.
        A lot of the big name dinosaurs were spliced and bred to be war beasts. The lesser, more generic ones were all experiments leading up to them.
        I have nothing to support this, but finding out that some countries have their own versions of, for example, the Stegosaurus or a T. rex rival theropod? Reminds me of today's military powers imitating each other's tech.
        I have no evidence that supports this, but the concept seems about right if we ever had that kind of genetic power.

        • 6 months ago

          Argentina was the USA of that time because the Argentinosaurus and the Meraxes Gigas mogged every single piece of crap the other territories dared to call a Dino.

          Keep in mind that history repeats itself and Argentina will be the top power

  7. 6 months ago

    >Do NPCs know that Jurassic Park is a work of fiction and meant to be entertainment and have conflict.

    no, because their greatest allies told them, repeatably, that jurassic park was based on scientific fact and is extremely close to reality. it was part of the marketing, any millenial could tell you that the late 80s/early 90s was nonstop dinosaur bullshit. In school, on tv, in books. I dont know what the purpose of it ultimately was, but for a good 5 years they just wouldnt shut up about fricking dinosaurs.

  8. 6 months ago

    Michael Crichton also wrote the terminal man about a psycho who gets implants put in his brain to control his psychotic break outs. But the implants go wrong, he has a psychotic episode and starts killing people. The movie adaptation is pure trash and I never read the book.

    The funny thing is a case like that did happen in real life and it worked out fine. The patient never had psychotic episodes again and was able to live a normal life. In fiction things just have to go wrong.

    • 6 months ago

      Michael Crichton wrote a lot of books that got film adaptations.
      Most of them are shit.
      I like Congo and Andromeda Strain films

      • 6 months ago

        the best crichton kinos are the ones he directed himself. i just watched picrel the other day and it was solid.

  9. 6 months ago

    >Nature selected then for extinction
    Having creatures who’s reign on earth had lasted longer than any other land animal that’s ever existed, getting randomly genocided by an off-planet object isn’t exactly what I call an act of nature.

    • 6 months ago

      Point me to the GIGANTIC meteor that supposedly nuked the dinos + the japanese

      • 6 months ago

        what is 65 million years of tectonic plate shifting and the breaking apart of the supercontinent

      • 6 months ago

        we found the crater years ago

  10. 6 months ago

    I haven't seen Jurassic park in a long time, I liked the husdonfilm remake.

  11. 6 months ago

    >reading crichtons wikipedia entry
    >6 foot 9 inches chad
    >thought global warming was a hoax
    Based individual.

    • 6 months ago

      >6 foot 9 inches chad
      holy shit no israelite could ever touch him
      what a godsend
      F for my homie

  12. 6 months ago

    The likelihood of seeing dinosaurs in your lifetime are somewhat slim, BUT we have a much better chance of bringing back ice age creatures, what with some trace amounts of fur and DNA to work with some of the specimens we've recovered. An elephant may be able to give birth to a woolly mammoth, or a woolly mammoth as we best we can, in your lifetime. Those aren't dinosaurs that you see in Jurassic Park, either; those are genetically modified theme park monsters and as our understanding of dinosaurs since the film came out in 1993 has come so far, their depiction in the film strays further and further away from reality. It suits that universe, though. I mean, even if dinosaurs did escape from the island and made it on to the mainlaind, we live in an era of automatic weaponry. There's not a single man alive who wouldn't want that Roland Tembo moment of having been one to have taken down a T-Rex. How big your dick would feel in that moment....

    >Should we shut down animal sanctuaries because someone might purposely open the gates and let the lions and bears loose?
    Shit, man. Zoo's and conservation efforts have done more for the preservation and proliferation of animal species then any other organization in the history of the world. SeaWorld however, is on the shit list because of the size of their tanks and their performing animals spending their entire lives in small spaces compared to the size of the parks parking lot. I wish they would move to a larger facility.

    And stop talking to normies about movies. They can all get Gennaro'd.

    • 6 months ago

      >I mean, even if dinosaurs did escape from the island and made it on to the mainlaind, we live in an era of automatic weaponry
      and this right here is why i refuse to ever watch the jurassic world sequels. dinos literally run about the world and there aren't right-wing death squads solely dedicated to exterminating them with extreme prejudice? fake. as. frick. even the transformers films were more realistic with NEST, literally a government-financed pmc dedicated to removing the robot menace from earthian ways of life.

  13. 6 months ago

    can't believe laura dern was 24 when she did this movie

    • 6 months ago

      frick she aged horribly then

  14. 6 months ago

    Midwits can't reckon with the nature of reality without comparing it to fiction.

  15. 6 months ago

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