Things you thought were canon but actually aren't

For the longest time I thought Batman's middle name was Anthony, until King decided to be boring and made it Thomas.

No idea why I thought that or where I got it from.

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  1. 2 months ago

    the entire Star Wars EU
    also not Cinemaphile but Goku and Piccolo totally went to get their drivers licenses

    • 2 months ago

      The EU was always canon but not to the same level as the movies

      • 2 months ago

        I thought the EU was canon, but got retconned as not once the sequel trilogy came out

      • 2 months ago

        I thought the EU was canon, but got retconned as not once the sequel trilogy came out

        EU was never canon at all, George Lucas (the guy who owned the company, Star Wars, and had final say over everything) considered it to be its own seperate continuity but the "main canon" in his view solely of the first six Star Wars films and first six seasons of Clone Wars.

      • 2 months ago

        I thought the EU was canon, but got retconned as not once the sequel trilogy came out

        EU was never canon at all, George Lucas (the guy who owned the company, Star Wars, and had final say over everything) considered it to be its own seperate continuity but the "main canon" in his view solely of the first six Star Wars films and first six seasons of Clone Wars.

        This is how it was before Disney bought it

        >- G-canon, or George Lucas canon: The six Star Wars films in their most recent incarnations, including unpublished production notes from Lucas or his production department. Elements originating with Lucas in the film novelizations, reference books, and other adaptations. Direct declarations made by Lucas. Deleted scenes from the films that do not conflict with the film itself.
        >- T-canon, or Television canon: The Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, its feature film, and the Star Wars Rebels animated series.
        C-canon, or Continuity canon: The majority of Expanded Universe stories, including novels, comics, video games, and other content originating from other authors. C-canon material could be elevated to G-canon if a subject appeared in a Lucas project.
        >- S-canon, or Secondary canon: Material that could be used or ignored as desired by authors, including older works that predated a concentrated effort to maintain a consistent continuity, such as the Marvel Star Wars comics. Anything that is not completely outrageous or intentionally comic.
        >- N-canon, or Non-canon: "What-if" stories, including those published under the Infinities label. Any content directly and irreconcilably contradicted by higher canon. Cut content and canceled projects. This was the only level that Lucasfilm did not consider to have some degree of canonicity.
        >- D-canon, or Detours canon: The Star Wars Detours animated series, which was not released before the Lucasfilm declaration of April 25, 2014. This canon level was never fully defined as a result.

        • 2 months ago

          Explain that in my little pony terms

  2. 2 months ago

    >I'm your worst nightmare, I'm the Batman of Batman jokes, the one who doesn't have Alfred.

  3. 2 months ago

    When I was a little kid I saw Batman Returns after watching The Dark Knight and for some reason they blended together in my head. I had this idea that Rachel Dawes somehow got out of the exploding building and was woken up by cats licking her face

    • 2 months ago

      >little kid
      i was shitposting ledger joker on Cinemaphile when this movie came out stop making me feel old.

    • 2 months ago
  4. 2 months ago

    Bruce might have been named after this guy IRL

  5. 2 months ago

    Actually, OP, your instinct was correct. The Bat-office in the 90s internally did consider Anthony to be Bruce's middle name, which is why it was used in Holy Terror. Not only that, but West End Games' "Daily Planet Guide to Gotham City" was created in full collaboration with DC editorial and also uses Anthony.

    So, Anthony should be considered the "classical canon" middle name.

    • 2 months ago

      Bruce Anthony Thomas Wayne
      B.A.T. Wan

      • 2 months ago

        Having two middle names does sound preppy

    • 2 months ago

      Bruce Anthony Thomas Wayne
      B.A.T. Wan

      >Bruce Anthony Wayne
      >crying like a b***h
      >Everthing coming full circle
      Yeah, sounds about right

  6. 2 months ago

    For a long time I thought what people wrote, decades after a character was created, mattered. Then I realized they were just writing fan fiction and the only "canon" that matters is the original creator(s) work!

  7. 2 months ago

    I only ever saw the Toby Spiderman movies when I was a kid, and from then on assumed all of his web was biologically made - it just made sense to me. Turns out, the vast majority of Spiderman comics has him making his own web which, while neat, sort of takes a factor away from me.

    A little more /vr/ than Cinemaphile but I always thought that MERCS was a sequel to COMMANDO considering their similar playstyles, but it turns out they've nothing to do with each other.

  8. 2 months ago

    My mom thought the burned Wayne Manor in BvS was akin to if not in continuity with Begins

  9. 2 months ago

    Mine is about Monster Allergy, thought that Cam Cumbefredde was a member of the Tamers beecause he was on their "group photo" then i discovered he was a villain that was posing as their allie

  10. 2 months ago

    I was surprised to learn that Diana was around Dick and Donna's age for most of post crisis.

    I thought she's always been really old or at least Batman and Superman's age but she was only old precrisis and since rebirth and around Batman and Superman's age from 2006-2011. 1986-2005 and 2011-2016 she was within 2-3 years of Dick and Donna.

    • 2 months ago


  11. 2 months ago

    I grew up with Spider-man TAS and thought the symbiote always made Peter more powerful and evil but it turns out that was introduced by the cartoon.

    • 2 months ago

      I thought Morbius's hand suckers were cool and made him not a run of the mill vampire, and only realized later that it was censorship

  12. 2 months ago

    Pre-52 Harley was never retconned into Joker's history, she appeared during/after NML. So she doesn't have the same duration of being around with Joker since the early years as it's implied with BTAS.
    Characters like Huntress, Spoiler, Azrael, all of them were active in gotham long before pre-52 Harley was.

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