This actually isn't bad. The cartoon is better, but this is at least better than the Shayamalan movie in most ways.

This actually isn't bad. The cartoon is better, but this is at least better than the Shayamalan movie in most ways.
It's basically the cartoon with a slightly worse script and questionable costume design.

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    too many ugly and mid actors

    • 3 months ago

      Dear Netflix, My name is Coomer!
      I am sending this mail to you to express my profound disappointment in your casting choices for the Children's show Avatar the last Airbender. How can I express my love for this show with the young females looking like this? I had such high hopes. Sad faps are the worst faps. If you know what mean.
      Kind regards,
      an unsatisfied Coomer

      • 3 months ago

        but looking at ugly morons is depressing by itself

      • 3 months ago

        Unattractive peopel don't belong to the screen/page. It's that simple.

      • 3 months ago

        Aren't all the female's cast in this over 18? Some 20? Why do I need to look at fat ugly people in general? You can either be a very good actor or you can look good. If you are neither kys.

        • 3 months ago

          Stop jerking off and hit the gym

          • 3 months ago

            Drop your slurpee and go get a degree.

        • 3 months ago

          Katara, May and Ty Lee were 17 when this was filmed. The Prey girl is in her mid twenties. Azula was 21 or something. Didn't bother to look up the others. I guess it depends on your age. If you're 19 years old 17 is okay. But if you're 27+ and still cooming on 17 year olds. i Dunno what to tell you bro.

          • 3 months ago

            >But if you're 27+ and still cooming on 17 year olds. i Dunno what to tell you bro.

          • 3 months ago

            I’m 31, and for me? It’s 19-23 year olds. Oh yeah. May graduate to 27 year olds when I hit 35, may even be persuaded to do 29 when I’m 40. But that’s it. The line must be drawn somewhere. I will never frick a 30 year old. Deal.

            Oh, for the record, last time I fricked a 17 year old, I was 22. And she was so warm, and so tight, and it felt ever so right. And you can seethe, or believe me a thief of purity, the integrity of her interior sleeve. But my penis spasmed as it shot of pump after pump of cum, and it felt great. And you can no more go back in the past and stop that from happening, than you can ever will yourself to be a woman. You will never be a woman. Dillate.

            • 3 months ago

              Pedo and proud! keep going

    • 3 months ago

      How did zoomers and alphas even find this website? It's been around longer than you've been alive. Don't you have better online spaces to hang out than a 21-year-old Vietnamese patchwork quilting forum?

      • 3 months ago

        i like that older people get mad at younger users.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm not him, but I don't get why younger people want to come here. This website hasn't been good in over a decade. I just don't see what brought you all here.

          • 3 months ago

            the rest of the internet is so much worse

          • 3 months ago

            i got banned from all the other sites for naming the israelite. even youtube won't post my comments anymore.

    • 3 months ago

      Every Asian actor has ridiculous fat face
      Makes me wonder if it's actually hard to find good looking asian people in the US for acting jobs or they just did it on purpose?

  3. 3 months ago

    >but this is at least better than the Shayamalan movie in most ways.
    That's not something that's difficult to achieve

  4. 3 months ago

    >it's basically a worse version of something beloved and timeless!

    So it's a completely fricking worthless waste of resources? Good to know.

    • 3 months ago

      I'll never understand why normals need movie adaptations of cartoons.

      • 3 months ago

        (good) adaptations can be worthwhile. See: Kubrick

        • 3 months ago

          Kubrick adapted books. Why adapt something that already is based on already non limited visual medium? This is why all movies based on cartoons, anime, and video games fricking suck. You can do more in animation and video games than a limited live action 2 hour three act structure film. Imagine watching a show like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones get adapted to a short 2 hour film. It's going to be doomed from the start because it's just a shitty choice

          • 3 months ago

            Fine, mr nitpicker. How about Manga to Anime then?

          • 3 months ago

            ASOIAF/Game of Thrones would be great if adapted to an animation but Breaking Bad could never work outside of live action.

      • 3 months ago

        they don't, no one asked for this shit, mainstream media in general is desperate to compete with ADHD apps like Tiktok but the lazy, smug, entitled path the industry has taken over the years have left them completely unable to compete with these massive freeform sources of entertainment that have completely outsourced content creation to the consumer base

        >movies and TV show budgets have become inordinately bloated because producers, directors, and actors all demand extreme paychecks
        >nepotism among these groups means they look out for each other and get those paychecks and, in fact, the money always increases even if the products flop
        >decades of hostility to writers means original creative successes are rare, this plus nepotism and bloated budgets means EXTREME risk aversion in deciding what projects to invest in
        >this risk aversion means rehashing familiar IPs to try to use brand recognition to prop up a piece of shit movie/show with terrible writing and moronic actors/directors
        >audiences get burned out and desensitized to endless new entries in once classic franchises, media companies have to dredge up ever more obscure IPs to mine out to keep the carnival going so vapid, soulless millionaires can continue to feel important for as long as possible

        the show is dogshit but I will admit I am impressed the production team managed to partially restrain themselves from endlessly subverting everything people ever liked about the IP because to Hollywood morons subversion is the highest form of artistic expression. there is still a fair amount of revisionism but its nothing compared to shows like Halo which may as well be an extreme close up of Pablo Schreiber's gooch while he sobs into a pillow

      • 3 months ago

        They didn't ask for it

      • 3 months ago

        Mike needed money for his special needs kids. Good for him, he's a good man and a good father.

        The product itself is mediocre and not worth watching when the original exists

      • 3 months ago

        They see cartoons as something inherently for kids and consider live action the superior format

        • 3 months ago

          i do not think that. i just prefer watching live attractive people.

          • 3 months ago

            I know female versions of you and they're insufferable.
            >no, not watching James Bond because of Daniel Craig (whom admittedly had a meh tenure but still)
            >no, not watching X movie because it has Nicolas Cage, etc etc
            But would watch literal garbage because their husbando is in it.
            You and those people deserve to be thrown into a dark well and only fed vidslop and leave the rest of us highly functioning people to appreciate the finer qualities of stories.

            • 3 months ago

              >butthurt seething because he's ugly

              • 3 months ago

                >implying I'm not a philosopher king chad phenotype
                vapid thots begone

              • 3 months ago

                you're still ugly. and butthurt seething.

              • 3 months ago

                Not as ugly as someone as superficial as you.
                One day one of the two neurons in your brain will finally fire and make a connection with the other one and you'll realize that everything you've been consuming out of chasing pretty people has been slop.

              • 3 months ago

                you are definitely ugly. and definitely butthurt seething.

              • 3 months ago

                Don't hate the messenger.

          • 3 months ago

            ok coomer

        • 3 months ago

          Aren't these the same people that refuse to watch shit like ghost in a shell and legend of the galactic heroes but will deep throat capeshit?

        • 3 months ago

          They're not wrong

      • 3 months ago

        social validation

  5. 3 months ago

    I only saw two episodes but it's just kind of dull to me. Like I get that the actors are legitimately aged 12 - 17 and were considered first on race before ability, but nobody seems to have any emotion behind their lines.
    Aang's character is super flat too. Just "I'm the avatar, I must follow my duty, we all need to get along, but not before I kick some ass!" since he was introduced.
    Suki taking off her sacred warrior makeup right before the most important battle of her life (so far) just so we could pick her out of the crowd was lame.
    Dee Bradley Baker isn't a part of this show so the generic monkey sounds they're using for Momo are jarring. Also pointless insignificant changes like calling him a "winged lemur" instead of flying lemur upset me.

    The action isn't bad though, live-action bending doesn't look as bad as I feared.

    • 3 months ago

      >and were considered first on race before ability
      take your meds
      This Katara is better than the 2010 Katara, and so is this Sokka.
      This Aang sucks, but so did the 2010 one, who was white.

      • 3 months ago

        but anon, there is this cartoon you can watch which has 10/10 versions of all the characters.

      • 3 months ago

        The first aang was indian
        >inb4 name
        Look at his fricking face you moron

      • 3 months ago

        ....Hey, there's this cartoon back in 2004 that might be a better weighing comparison to this one.

      • 3 months ago

        You’re an idiot if you don’t think they considered race before acting ability.

      • 3 months ago

        >Using the movie as a comparison
        How can your standards be that low when the cartoon exists?

    • 3 months ago

      >Dee Bradley Baker was Momo and Appa
      jesus christ every time I think I already love this guy. Knowing this makes a joke from American Dad about Klaus doing awful animal impressions even funnier.

  6. 3 months ago

    no need to flood the board. keep it contained to a single thread




    • 3 months ago

      But my thread isn't about those characters.

      • 3 months ago

        and neither are half the replies in the other thread. take it as an avatar general

        • 3 months ago

          I feel like a couple Avatar threads is far from the worst problem facing this board. Go be autistic elsewhere.

          but anon, there is this cartoon you can watch which has 10/10 versions of all the characters.

          That's true.

    • 3 months ago

      >People are talking about a popular/new thing! How can this be?!

  7. 3 months ago

    >this is at least better than the Shayamalan movie
    The fact that garbage is preferable to shit does not make me want to be served garbage.

    • 3 months ago

      >[stock comment]

      • 3 months ago

        I found it to be an appropriate response to the stock opinion OP gave.

        • 3 months ago

          >stock opinion OP gave
          The stock opinion would be shitting on it.

  8. 3 months ago

    >this is at least better than the Shayamalan movie in most ways.
    The surest sign of a goyslopper is low standards.

    • 3 months ago

      Why does everything have to be labels and memes. I'm saying it's enjoyable, not that it is a masterpiece.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm saying you have low standards, and those low standards only enable lower standards.

        • 3 months ago

          No, you just have a rigid brain. Ever heard of a 'saturday afternoon movie'? It doesn't to be kino to be a 2 hour distraction.

          • 3 months ago

            Distraction from what?

            • 3 months ago

              from the thing that makes you browse Cinemaphile

              • 3 months ago


  9. 3 months ago

    >Zuko actually fights Ozai in their Agni Kai

  10. 3 months ago

    why does he have a gigantic arrow on his head? lmao this anime shit looks so goofy and it looks even stupider as live action. who did they make this for?

    • 3 months ago

      Tattoos showing he is a master Airbender.
      Something weird is he says everyone started treating him different when he was revealed to be the Avatar but he already had his tattoos meaning he was recognized as a master so there was a clear power level difference between him and the other kids

      • 3 months ago

        better question is why is tattoo glows up in avatar state, what makes his tattoo special? is it made out of Roku's cum or something?

        • 3 months ago

          Airbenders are the most spiritual of the 4 nations, and being the Avatar is a very spiritual role, so naturally the special tattoos glow up.

          • 3 months ago

            holy shit this is another thing Korra fricked up then, they made spirit bending be water

            • 3 months ago

              >spirit bending is water
              I don't remember that. You mean that boring villain for the second season? He had the dark spirit of evil bullshit in him or whatever, so that's why he could do spirit shit. Eventually they come up with "spiritual projection" or something, which Jinora can do, and she's an airbender.

              • 3 months ago

                korra uses water to purify the spirit thing

              • 3 months ago

                >He had the dark spirit of evil bullshit in him or whatever, so that's why he could do spirit shit
                Korra, and worthless background water benders could do it too. It was legitimate spirit shit, not just Unalaq using Vaatu shenanigans. Especially since he didn't gain any power from Vaatu until he became the Dark Avatar

        • 3 months ago

          >better question is why is tattoo glows up in avatar state
          So, the real answer is boring and it's simply that it looks cool and is instantly recognizable to the audience. Especially in the scenes where he only goes in it for a moment, it's easier to spot than the glowing eyes. Obviously that's still an easy tell, but it looks cooler and this show WAS made for 7 year olds. Mix that with the inherent spirituality of air nomads, and it kinda makes sense if you don't think about it too terribly hard

    • 3 months ago

      >why does he have a gigantic arrow on his head
      it's the proof he's an air bending master. Master air benders get the arrows tattooed on them to resemble the flying bison, an animal of extreme spiritual and cultural significance since they are the original air benders, and by observing and living with them, humans (who lived on the air lion turtle) learned the art of air bending.

  11. 3 months ago

    It's actually very, very bad. Every aspect of it is bad really: casting, costumes, make-up, acting, direction, effects, filming everything on a 360 degree LED stage, literally every aspect of it is bad.

    • 3 months ago

      the secondary problem aside from the bad casting is the budget can't cover an action adventure of avatar's scale, it becomes painfully obvious by episode 4 and 5.

    • 3 months ago

      This. Most art is subjective, but there are objective measures to the quality of art as well. On that scale this adaptation is objectively bad. The writing has no concept of what dialogue should sound like or how to effectively deliver exposition. The actors are clearly untrained. It really is a garbage show.

    • 3 months ago

      Also, their attempts to merge episodes doesn't make sense, like Omashu is a combination first half of Omashu, Northern Air Temple, and Jet

      Jet is performing terrorism in Omashu because believes the king senile, instead of fighting against FireNation Colonist.
      The Mechanic is giving tech to Fire Nation so they don't attack Omashu, even though they were going to do it.

      Also, they hired Abed to play Mechanic. Abed is good at being eccentric, whiled Mechanic WAS eccentric, so the casting makes sense. But for whatever reason, they made the mechanic stoic.

  12. 3 months ago

    I thought I was going to give this a fair try, but I got 10 minutes in and already disliked Aang's actor. Gyatso is a mix of good and bad. He doesn't sound fake, but he oscillates when he's trying to emote like a loose screw in an engine or something.

    • 3 months ago

      >Gyatso is a mix of good and bad. He doesn't sound fake, but he oscillates when he's trying to emote like a loose screw in an engine or something.

      The script is super corny. It's hard to be authentically emotional, especially when his relationship with Aang is all tell, no show.

    • 3 months ago

      katara and aang nervously deliver their lines like they have a gun pointed at the back of their heads

      • 3 months ago

        They aren't even that bad actors but they have ZERO chemistry both in the writing and in the set. The biggest problem is Katara feeling lukewarm at best about Aang makes every compliment she gives him feel painfully forced. They call Aang their friend but they never really convince anyone of it

        She cute


        • 3 months ago

          Hard to have chemistry when they strip all strong character traits from the characters

    • 3 months ago

      I chuckled when Gyatso said this in the pilot lol it was just too goofy

  13. 3 months ago

    How do you defeat him?

    • 3 months ago

      Not a single lightning bender?

      • 3 months ago

        Lightning bending is rare, at least until Legend of Korra. Who was actually able to do it, only Ozai and Azula right? Iroh and Zuko only were able to counter it.

        • 3 months ago

          Iroh lightning bends too, and is the one to develop lightning redirection by studying the water benders, which he teaches to Zuko who then teaches Aang. I want to say there's a throw away line about lightning bending being a royal family technique

        • 3 months ago

          One of the worst things Korra did was taking a technique exclusive to the royal family and industrializing it

          • 3 months ago

            They did this shit with all of the bending subskills. It's one of the main reasons for why I hate TLOK so much.
            >any fire bender that's a factory worker can create lightning, something which only prodigies and masters have been capable of doing in the past
            >bloodbending no longer requires the full moon and its users don't even need to go through bending motions at all to perform it, making it ridiculously op
            >metalbending doesn't require seismic sense at all anymore and earth benders can bend metal as a whole, even though they're only supposed to control the earth particles within it

            • 3 months ago

              >bloodbending no longer requires the full moon and its users don't even need to go through bending motions at all to perform it, making it ridiculously op
              That one was specifically just a family of extreme genetic freaks to be fair
              >metalbending doesn't require seismic sense at all anymore and earth benders can bend metal as a whole, even though they're only supposed to control the earth particles within it
              It's not like the original said nobody else could or would be ever able to it though. Toph develops a technique, Korra's show says she then teaches others. Not that far fetched.
              Korra is ass an all but I don't think it's these things that make it ass. Mostly boring characters and them rewriting a lot of Avatar and spirit world themed stuff do.

              • 3 months ago

                >It's not like the original said nobody else could or would be ever able to it though
                No the original is pretty clear Toph can metal bend because of how she sees. It was meant to highlight how her blindness is something that makes her stronger.

              • 3 months ago

                >No the original is pretty clear Toph can metal bend because of how she sees.
                Yeah Black person that's how it starts, that doesn't mean she can't teach others to do it like her through decades

              • 3 months ago

                People can't see like her. Toph could metal bend because she spent her life seeing the world in a special way. Having her teach others absolutely ruins the original intent.

              • 3 months ago

                Aang learns toph's motion sense of whatever you call it and uses it in the final battle. No reason she can't teach others.

              • 3 months ago

                >that doesn't mean she can't teach others to do it like her through decades
                we actually see in the comics how she teaches metal bending, it's profoundly moronic and it's basically just "be born with the inherent potential to do it, then get really emotional and do it". Absolute dog shit. Her students then proceed to throw coins almost, if not, exclusively for the rest of the comics.

          • 3 months ago

            >One of the worst things Korra did was
            Korra did literally NOTHING not worst like pick fricking anything

            • 3 months ago

              the turtles was already bullshit. No idea what the frick they were thinking with that.

            • 3 months ago

              I liked avatar wan

        • 3 months ago

          >Lightning bending is rare, at least until Legend of Korra.

          It's still rare there except for one extremely wacky five second scene.

          • 3 months ago

            >it's still rare except for the scene where there's an entire room of people doing it and also Mako, a random street urchin who does it all the time, and a mobster, who uses it so much it became his nickname, and also another mobster who is literally so low brow, he doesn't even show up in the show and is only passively mentioned! Just ignore all that stuff and it's still rare!

        • 3 months ago

          >Iroh and Zuko only were able to counter it.
          Iroh was 100% able to produce lightning. In fact, he demonstrates lighting to Zuko before teaching him to redirect it, and there's a funny scene where after Zuko learns the motions, he wants to try it for real and Iroh says "What, are you crazy? I'm not shooting lightning at you!"

    • 3 months ago

      and they say the fire nation are the bad guys?

      • 3 months ago

        >don't defend yourself from an invasion chud

    • 3 months ago

      Send in Mechagodzilla

    • 3 months ago

      send giant Korra

  14. 3 months ago

    Episode 6 was the best one and it's not even close, i'll even say that zuko's back story was an improvement over the cartoon. Everything else was a downgrade though

    • 3 months ago

      >i'll even say that zuko's back story was an improvement over the cartoon.
      Zuko refusing to fight his father is pivotal to his character. It was one of the most important moments for him in the show
      him fighting back and even getting an edge defeats both him and Ozai's character

      All the changes are horrible. This show blows fat donkey boner

      • 3 months ago

        No? Him holding back at a pivotal moment works similarly and i don't get why people think ozai was going to lose if he struck that blow, he would have probably gotten his ass kicked anyway. The reveal that his crew is the group of shitters that was going to be sacrificed is also a good addition.

        • 3 months ago

          Yes moron. Him refusing to fight and begging his father to stop is extremely pinitol. You don't understand Zuko's character if you don't understand that. Enjoy your bollywood tier slop

          • 3 months ago

            He only fought in self defense here too and held himself back, again, you're being autistic about this when it functions basically the same as a character moment.

            • 3 months ago

              NTA. I think that while it functions the same insofar as that Zuko gets scarred and banished, there is a very large potency in him on his knees begging for mercy from his father, and his father explicitly banishing him not for losing, but for refusing to fight.

            • 3 months ago

              >it functions basically the same as a character moment
              No, it doesn't. He wouldn't have been banished if he stood and fought. Having him actually fight ruins the scene

              >Frick shit can't post pics.
              Why can't you post pics on an imageboard?

              "Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse", I don't fricking know. Ask the mods

              • 3 months ago

                Are you posting on a phone?

        • 3 months ago

          Yes the moment everyone always neglects to mention is when Zuko is about to mark his father's face and instead he puts his hand down. Zuko shows weakness which is why Ozai banishes him he is just less of a pussy in this version of the scene

          They literally just combined Zhao's agni kai with Zuko with Ozai's. How do people not understand?

          • 3 months ago

            >They literally just combined Zhao's agni kai with Zuko with Ozai's. How do people not understand?

            That's bad! Zhao losing to Zuko is fine because he is just the season 1 midboss and was a threat beause of his military power more than his personal skill.. Ozai losing to Zuko makes him look like a chump. Why does Aang need to be afraid of this guy?

            • 3 months ago

              >Ozai losing to Zuko
              He didn't lose to Zuko. He was waiting for him to hit him and he was disappointed he didn't

    • 3 months ago

      Nah lol the cartoon did it miles better, the best improvement they could've hoped for would've been to have Zuko initially disagree with Zhao instead of some random general, and keep everything else the same as the cartoon; but that would've meant giving Zhao a few more ranks in authority

    • 3 months ago

      >>i'll even say that zuko's back story was an improvement over the cartoon
      >Ozai now asks Zuko for his opinion at the meetup, so when Zuko speaks up against the general it feels a lot less like it came from Zuko's initiative because he was already part of the conversation
      >Zuko fights back against his dad instead of refusing to fight and pleading for mercy
      >Ozai still gets mad at him because "he was holding back" (even though he would've clearly lost his fight either way and was still clearly struggling against his dad)
      >Instead of banishing him because he refused to fight at all, Ozai banishes him because he went to Zuko's room while he was recovering and Zuko told him "well weak can get stronger"
      Yeah, they sure did a swell job.

  15. 3 months ago

    Just because it's better than the movie doesn't make it not bad. It's poorly written and unenjoyable to watch. It's nothing like the cartoon as well, it has similar story beats, but none of the tone.

  16. 3 months ago

    I can't believe Azula's new plan is to eat the Avatar

  17. 3 months ago

    She cute

    • 3 months ago

      I apologize for my previous comments, live action last airbender. I was unaware of your game.

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        Super cute

    • 3 months ago


  18. 3 months ago

    Iroh, Zuko, and Sokka are good.

    Aang and Katara are just bleh

    • 3 months ago

      My only complaint about Sokka is that he stops being as funny after the first few episodes. Aang doesn't even whine this much in the original anime

    • 3 months ago

      Iroh had soul sucked out of him

      • 3 months ago

        The actor really should have done the bare minimum and researched Japanese accents to attempt one. Even Greg Baldwin's shitty accent was okay in the context of the cartoon. But the writing for Iroh is shit too, not at all wise, not at all spiritual, sad.

        • 3 months ago

          It's curious because the actor is a great one.

        • 3 months ago

          I can never tell the difference between Greg and Mako unironically. I have to be listening attentively

          • 3 months ago

            I can absolutely tell now, but when I was a kid I could not.

  19. 3 months ago

    >Cave of Two Lovers
    >Sokka and Katara

    What did they mean by this?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      They wanted this show to be more like Game of Thrones...

    • 3 months ago

      Katara and Aang aren't getting together.

      • 3 months ago

        quads of truth?

  20. 3 months ago

    I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    It's good supplementary material for people who have already exhausted the original series.
    I don't understand the mindset of "IT DOESN'T NEED AN ADAPTATION" purists. The original series is still there and isn't going anywhere.

    • 3 months ago

      What's enjoyable about it? I'm genuinely asking. It's just not well written, there's no humor, scenes make you cringe more than give you goosebumps. You see characters you loved stripped of all personality. What do you like?

      • 3 months ago

        Seeing everything realized in cgi, seeing the live portrayal of the actors whoch adds a different dimension to the series.
        You can disagree with how well it was done but at the end of the day it breathed new life into an old series.

        It isn't bad but the last two episodes are a boring, lifeless slog

        They each had their charms. I actually really loved the northern water tribe set in the second to last episode, not even the exteriors but the interiors, dining hall and the kitchen. Felt really cozy and reminded me of scenes from Magician where they visit other kingdoms in Midkemia and have a feast and meet the princess etc.
        And second to last was the Pakku Katara duel which was cool to see in 3D. And the last episode was decent too, I liked the sacred grove and the ocean fish elemental.

        • 3 months ago

          CGI was good, you're right about that. But new life? I felt the opposite. There was no life in this adaptation, felt dark and boring.

          • 3 months ago

            It's already spawned a hundred comparison threads on lebbit and videos on youtube where people are autistically poring through details of the show with respect to how they were portrayed in the live action. And the VAs are probably going to do a watch/discussion too.

    • 3 months ago

      It isn't bad but the last two episodes are a boring, lifeless slog

  21. 3 months ago

    This adaptation absolutely butchered the characterization of the characters for no apparent reason. I did not watch past Episode 1 to see if it would improve, because I already knew it wouldn’t. People have talked the changes to Team Avatar to death, but the most glaring one to me?
    Monk Gyatso.
    They went to the trouble of showing the fall of the air temple, but for some reason, Gyatso is shown dying like a weak little b***h instead of racking up a bodycount as he goes down holding his corner. They even had the chance to show him humbling comet-Sozin, forcing the Firelord to use 100% of his power against a mere old monk.
    Instead he just dies, and the younglings behind him presumably get turned into soap. How fricking boring.

    • 3 months ago

      Isn't Gyatso meditating when anime Aang finds his corpse?

      • 3 months ago

        Go back and watch the episode, anon.
        There’s a trail of corpses leading up to him.

        • 3 months ago

          No, he's surrounded by piles of corpses
          Frick shit can't post pics. Somebody please

          >Frick shit can't post pics.
          Why can't you post pics on an imageboard?

          Thanks anon, I told people to go watch the episode since (from what I remember) it provides a few different angles showing the full extent of the corpses rather than just this one shot.
          Still, I hope it proves my original point for anyone wondering why this show fricks up its characterization—Gyatso was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and the show absolutely squanders its chance to spell that out for us when it chooses to have the air temple invasion scene rather than just its aftermath.
          Absolutely inept screenwriting.

          This is a comic book guy tier nitpick. Gyatso blows away multiple guys in the new show and only gets overpowered by Azulon(? I forget the lore) because of the comet.

          • 3 months ago

            Were those guys moving afterwards or not? Maybe that was intended to be him killing them. I don't know. Should have showed us a close up of their throats collapsing as the air was vacuumed out or something. That would have been metal.

            • 3 months ago

              They don't die in the new show, but my point is that he still holds off like 7 guys and is told by the head bad guy that Gyatso would beat him if not for the comet.
              So he's a bit less badass, but doing that nerd thing where a slight change means you "totally misunderstood the whole character maaann" is dumb. Gyatso still died in the original show.

              • 3 months ago

                Except the original show doesn't just have him holding them back, it has him killing them. I know you might be a bit of a fricking moron, moron-kun, but there's quite a difference in characterization between merely keeping people away from you as they're genociding your tribe, and stacking bodies in the double-digits before being overwhelmed.

                >2 guys
                It's more a half dozen. Two guys come in, then a few more come in and he holds them all back.

                Good job, shill-kun, you made me watch the scene again.
                >first two goons come in, he sweeps them off their feet with air. still alive, get back up.
                >3 more goons enter, he pushes back the now 5 goons with an air wall
                >sozin casually walks in and does his best Volgin impression from MGSV, throws one fireball to break the wind-wall
                >blatantly says that 'heh, you might have won on a different night kiddo' instead of that being demonstrated through the fight
                >effortlessly flame-throwers Gyatso to death, hard cut to Aang becoming an iceball
                I'm convinced Netflix must be hiring you people to defend this show, because this isn't an improvement over the cartoon for children, it isn't on par—it's worse than the writing and scene-building on a production targeted towards prepubescent children. That should be embarrassing. And again, this isn't getting into the changes to Team Avatar; this is just how the handle a relatively minor side character (and he IS minor, despite the major influence he has on Aang).

              • 3 months ago

                >I'm convinced Netflix must be hiring you people to defend this show
                You said that about the last show, too. And the one before that, and the one before that.

              • 3 months ago

                I accept your concession. Black person.

                I'm the only one who thinks there's a weird relationship between the Aang actor and the rest of the young cast? In all the press junkets they've done it's like he's the outcast of the group. Idk maybe it's cause he's the youngest.

                Kids are cruel, Jack.

                I hate this shit. I'm not a shill, the cartoon is better than the new show, but that gay ass "this one thing means they totally missed the whole point aahhhh" crap is lame.

                Gyatso doesn't save the air temple in the cartoon. He still dies. He might do more damage, but holding of a gang of troops before being overpowered by a guy who admits he's only winning because of his stat boost is not nothing.
                The way you people phrase your complaints is incredibly hyperbolic.

                And finally, not that this will soothe your paranoid mind: I endorse watching the show on a free streaming site.

                No, he doesn't save the temple, you're right. That was never the point.
                One of the first scenes you get with Gyatso (it might actually be THE first) is him dropping cakes onto other monks with Aang. He's shown as a fun-loving mentor figure who Aang deeply admires, and from the 'set design' of the air temple and air nomads, one might be led to believe you're dealing with ye olde pacifist buddhist monk expy.
                Except when we arrive to Gyatso's corpse, he's killed a dozen or more firebenders not to save the temple, not to protect his fellow monks, and not even to protect children—he killed them to protect himself. The show raises the stakes by introducing the children hiding behind him, and what does he do? Conjure a strong breeze to push a murderous gang of soldiers backwards?
                Netflix has characterized Gyatso as a fun-loving, pacifist-to-the-end mentor.
                ATLA characterized Gyatso as a fun-loving killer who loved his surrogate son.
                How does Netflix not miss the point of Gyatso's death, and the context around his remains? Are you blind, moronic, or both?
                As for Sozin admitting the comet is why he wins, a more competent screenwriter would've had them go through a martial-arts bout as evenly-matched peers, only for Sozin to reveal his true strength as provided by the comet. Unfortunately, there was no such screenwriter on this project.

              • 3 months ago

                How can you not see how incredibly hyperbolic you are being?
                Toned down the carnage level=/=completely missed the point of the character. He still manages to momentarily defend himself against the comet-aided leader of the fire nation.
                You're acting like they made him die to a random mook.

              • 3 months ago

                Except the rest of the show doesn't tone down the carnage level. It cranks it up. Compare it to the cartoon, and you'll notice it immediately. So why, in this case, did they choose to ramp down the carnage to 0 in a scenario where it weakens the depth of a character?
                Cartoon Gyatso was willing to kill just for himself. Live action Gyatso isn't willing to kill to (fruitlessly) protect the lives of children.
                I'm not being hyperbolic, you're just suffering from a room-temperature IQ.

              • 3 months ago

                >So why, in this case, did they choose to ramp down the carnage
                Couldn't tell you, but my point still stands.

                >I'm not being hyperbolic
                You simply and objectively are. Gyatso is still very powerful in the new show.
                All the rest of your post is headcanon. Killing firebenders helps the world, helps air nomad stragglers, etc etc. He's not doing it "just for himself".

              • 3 months ago

                Your point doesn't stand, moron-kun. It falls apart. It's a bad change, because it's not as if this show is trying to be as bloodless as the cartoon. It's doing the opposite, yet actively chooses to make Gyatso a pacifist here.
                But he's not shown to be very powerful. He's effortlessly dispatched after failing to kill even one opponent. He's as 'powerful' as the lady who tries spinning- as a neat trick- and gets turned into ashes like it's Auschwitz.
                Killing firebenders helps the world? Helps air nomad stragglers? Would it maybe help the children cowering in the corner behind him? Might that be a good incentive to do more than simply push people around with gentle breezes?
                I can't fathom you being anything other than a paid shill, because nobody could possibly have your level of moronation and still remember how to breathe. The characterization of Gyatso is absolutely worse than the cartoon. The characterization is absolutely endemic of the live action's other failures with its characters, which have been the greater focus of discussion.
                QED, homosexual.

              • 3 months ago

                My man, I already agreed that new Gyatso isn't as powerful. My point is that that doesn't equal your hyperbolic ranting.
                I'm a shill because I'm tired of Cinemaphile patented hyperbolic nonsense?
                If I don't roll over and call your gay exaggeration correct than I am on Netflix's payroll?

                P.S. you didn't actually address my point about your headcanon.

                I don't need it to be better than the original. With something like Avatar that would be impossible. I just need it to be fun and enjoyable to watch, a good show. Only adaptation that has done that in the past decade is One Piece, because it was goofy as hell and kept the energy of the original.

                I thought this was better than the One Piece show tbh. The budget feels higher and the camera work is less wonky.

              • 3 months ago

                high budget and good camera work is great, but means nothing if the show has an awful and soulless script like avatar la

              • 3 months ago

                What fricking headcannon, moron-kun? There's no other nomads shown in the room with Gyatso in the cartoon. He wasn't defending anyone. The firebenders had him against the wall, so he killed them. He killed them for himself, because they were trying to kill him. Is that headcanon? Is understanding the context of a scene, without needing a character to exposit it to me, headcanon? You don't deserve the air you're stealing from my lungs.
                Live-action Gyatso isn't even willing to kill for helpless children, let alone himself. It absolutely ruins the point of that scene, and the character's death. There's nothing hyperbolic about it, Black person-kun, you're just simple incapable of argumentation.
                If you're not on Netflix's payroll, that makes you an unpaid shill, which is even more embarrassing. Imagine working for hotpockets.

              • 3 months ago

                >What fricking headcannon

                >So why, in this case, did they choose to ramp down the carnage
                Couldn't tell you, but my point still stands.

                >I'm not being hyperbolic
                You simply and objectively are. Gyatso is still very powerful in the new show.
                All the rest of your post is headcanon. Killing firebenders helps the world, helps air nomad stragglers, etc etc. He's not doing it "just for himself".

                >All the rest of your post is headcanon. Killing firebenders helps the world, helps air nomad stragglers, etc etc. He's not doing it "just for himself".

                >It absolutely ruins the point of that scene, and the character's death.
                Again, it absolutely and objectively does not. He is still shown to make take on a gang of mooks before being taken down by the king of the enemy nation who admits his cheat code is what's winning him the battle, and still dies.
                A point being softened=/=a point being erased.

                Black and white thinking is a sign of autism, my friend.

              • 3 months ago

                delete 'make'

              • 3 months ago

                >Killing firebenders helps the world, helps air nomad stragglers, etc etc. He's not doing it "just for himself".
                That's headcannon though, Black personhomosexual-kun. You're assigning motivation that isn't suggested to at all in the context of the scene (in the cartoon). You might have a point if you were discussing the live action, but you aren't, since you're referring to my points about the cartoon's scene.
                >Again, it absolutely and objectively does not. He is still shown to make take on a gang of mooks before being taken down by the king of the enemy nation who admits his cheat code is what's winning him the battle, and still dies.
                A point being softened=/=a point being erased.
                Again, it absolutely and objectively does, Black personhomosexual-kun. He takes on a gang of mooks, defeats none of them, and then dies, and then the children behind him die. There is no spiteful last stand, no pointless killing in the face of absolute defeat.
                You're going to call that headcanon. It's not. If he's going to die anyway, it's absolutely spiteful and pointless for him to kill those soldiers—he's simply piling death on top of death.
                Cartoon Gyatso killed anyway, spitting in the face of the comet-empowered firebenders, and ensuring they bled for their genocide.
                Live action Gyatso just dies.
                There is no point. There is no added depth or nuance to the character. In fact, why is the scene there? So Sozin can exposit about the comet? Are scenes created solely for characters to monologue exposition supposed to be considered good, now?
                The show's characters- and the show itself- are not good. They're not equal to the cartoon. They're worse.
                I accept your inability to offer any actual counter-point as a concession, Black personhomosexual-kun. Thank you for being a posterchild for abortion rights, because your mother would've done the world a favor if she'd coathanger'd you.

              • 3 months ago

                >pointless killing in the face of absolute defeat.
                >You're going to call that headcanon. It's not. If he's going to die anyway, it's absolutely spiteful and pointless for him to kill those soldiers—he's simply piling death on top of death.
                It is not remotely pointless. Those soldiers will not go on to kill other airbenders, or sail to other nations and kill those people.
                I suppose you could say my counterpoint to your headcanon is also headcanon, but I would submit that a "good guy" would be less likely to kill out of spite as you say, and more likely to do it to help his air nomads flee and also more generally take out some enemy troops so they can't keep being evil.

                >I accept your inability to offer any actual counter-point as a concession
                You doggedly repeating moronation does not constitute winning an argument.

              • 3 months ago

                And I say the soldiers went home to happy life of farming in the live action show, laughing about the time some old monk made them feel really silly as he blew a spring breeze in their face. I'll even say the soldiers cartoon Gyatso killed would've done the same, if he hadn't ended their lives. See? Isn't actual headcanon fun, Black personhomosexual-kun?
                I'm bored with you. You can't offer any motivation or point for the change beyond 'they just did :)', which still makes it a dogshit change, and dogshit characterization. If you get the opportunity, I genuinely suggest you have a nice day, lest your moronation spread.

              • 3 months ago

                >Gyatso would be more likely to kill out of spite than out of a sense of goodguyness
                Concession accepted, chief.

              • 3 months ago

                >Live-Action Gyatso is not only unwilling to kill out of hypothetical 'good-guyness', he's unwilling to kill for the children cowering behind him.
                Yeah, man.
                A real good guy right there.
                I'm serious, go find some bleach and chug that shit. You are too fricking moronic to be allowed to live.

              • 3 months ago

                >can't address his moronation
                No, anon, *i'm* bored with *you*.
                Protip for next time: once the frothing at the mouth suggestions of suicide are trotted out, you know you have lost.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, Black personhomosexual-kun, I know you can't address your own moronation. Maybe if you've offered a single point beyond:
                >Well, they made him go easier on the firebenders...because they just did, okay!
                as to why the characterization offered by his death wasn't ruined, I might've had something to acknowledge. Instead you just regurgitate the most smoothbrained shit ad nauseum while insisting I'm throwing headcanon at you.
                With all the love in my heart, I'm begging you: stick your spork of doom into the nearest electrical socket, Black personhomosexual-kun.

              • 3 months ago

                >as to why the characterization offered by his death wasn't ruined, I might've had something to acknowledge
                Well shucks, boy. You could have just said that from the beginning and saved yourself some blood pressure medication.
                Peace out.

              • 3 months ago

                What DID Black personhomosexual-kun mean by this?
                We will never know.

              • 3 months ago

                >I accept your concession. Black person.

              • 3 months ago

                I hate this shit. I'm not a shill, the cartoon is better than the new show, but that gay ass "this one thing means they totally missed the whole point aahhhh" crap is lame.

                Gyatso doesn't save the air temple in the cartoon. He still dies. He might do more damage, but holding of a gang of troops before being overpowered by a guy who admits he's only winning because of his stat boost is not nothing.
                The way you people phrase your complaints is incredibly hyperbolic.

                And finally, not that this will soothe your paranoid mind: I endorse watching the show on a free streaming site.

              • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            He blows away 2 guys who are clearly very much alive by the end of it.
            Then he gets roasted by Sozin, and the kids he was protecting get turned into lampshades.
            If the show is going t be more blatant about showing death (Sozin holocaust'ing the earthbender spy at the start) then it should have grabbed this opportunity by the horns. Like I proposed, it would've been a good opportunity to show Sozin surprised and/or humbled by the fact that even with the comet, he needs to expend actual effort to kill one lone monk.
            But what do I know? I'm not a israeliteood nepobaby who gets to fail upwards.

            • 3 months ago

              >2 guys
              It's more a half dozen. Two guys come in, then a few more come in and he holds them all back.

      • 3 months ago

        No, he's surrounded by piles of corpses
        Frick shit can't post pics. Somebody please

        • 3 months ago

          >Frick shit can't post pics.
          Why can't you post pics on an imageboard?

          • 3 months ago

            Thanks anon, I told people to go watch the episode since (from what I remember) it provides a few different angles showing the full extent of the corpses rather than just this one shot.
            Still, I hope it proves my original point for anyone wondering why this show fricks up its characterization—Gyatso was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and the show absolutely squanders its chance to spell that out for us when it chooses to have the air temple invasion scene rather than just its aftermath.
            Absolutely inept screenwriting.

      • 3 months ago

        He’s sitting yes, because the theory is he sucked all the oxygen out of the room so the fire benders couldn’t bend (no air no fire) and he died knowing he had possibly saved others. He hadn’t, but he frickin tried.

        • 3 months ago

          >and he died knowing he had possibly saved others.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm much more troubled that Katara didn't talk Aang out of the Avatar State.

      They're so distant and estranged.

    • 3 months ago

      It's very strange, the characterization. It's as if they did a very surface watch of the show, or they watched it many years ago. If you're writing an adaptation, shouldn't you be watching and rewatching the source material, taking notes on it etc? It's so strange that they don't understand Katara and Aang's relationship, how important she is.

      It's already spawned a hundred comparison threads on lebbit and videos on youtube where people are autistically poring through details of the show with respect to how they were portrayed in the live action. And the VAs are probably going to do a watch/discussion too.

      Oh by life you just mean discussion. Sure. They're making a new animated movie or show or something, but frankly I'm not eager for it. Seems like without Ehasz they're incapable of making good content.

  22. 3 months ago

    It's fine. C+ tier. The problem is the cartoons length and "filler" gives these characters identity. They mashed bits and pieces of filler into episodes while still sticking to the main story notes which just makes the Avatar team feel like loose acquaintances. Then they nonsensically switch stuff like Katara's daddy issues to Sokka and erasing his chauvinism while retaining Pakku's and largely leaving it unaddressed which is further moronic as Yue is takes a dump on their arranged marriage culture with no recompense while this far less logical culture boundary is universally respected and adored. It makes N. Tribe sound utterly moronic instead of an isolationist nation. Fiinally, a lot of the changes you can tell they implemented with the expectation that they'll wrap this up in 3 short seasons - both killing potential future filler thru changes like Aang not training in any of the elements, like, at all.

  23. 3 months ago

    >It's basically the cartoon with a slightly worse script and questionable costume design.
    So why should I watch it

    • 3 months ago

      Because your girlfriend is forcing you to

      • 3 months ago

        where do you think we are?

  24. 3 months ago

    I liked it
    the kids acting was pretty wooden in the first episodes but by the end they were ok
    zukko was the only good actor from start to finish(from the kids)
    zuki is best girl 10/10
    all the adults were great

  25. 3 months ago

    It's just as bad as the movie but it will get a free pass because they say the names like they did in the show and cast all asians. Nevermind that characters in the movie looked more accurate to the cartoon and that the names were changed to be more accurate to how those names are actually pronounced in the real world.

    • 3 months ago

      >the names were changed to be more accurate to how those names are actually pronounced in the real world.
      MFW I change the names of my imaginary world to sound more like the languages they were based on but I draw the line at casting people according to the race the characters were based on.

    • 3 months ago

      >characters in the movie looked more accurate to the cartoon
      They didn't.
      >the names were changed to be more accurate to how those names are actually pronounced in the real world
      It's not the real world.

    • 3 months ago

      >how those names are actually pronounced in the real world
      Why the frick do burgers have a problem pronouncing capital I in names? "Eye-rack", "Eye-ran", "Eye-roh". Also "Key-yoshi" instead of "Kh-yoshi"

  26. 3 months ago

    The show isn't even really supposed to be good, it's just to generate discussion for the series as advertisement for the upcoming animated movies

  27. 3 months ago

    Why are the entire audience pedophiles?
    >"Show sucks, not enough sexy children I want to frick"
    That's literally the only complaint anyone has.

    • 3 months ago

      Then cast good looking people

  28. 3 months ago

    It just felt like a live action disney remake to me

  29. 3 months ago

    It's actually good. It does manage to hit some of the mature notes very effectively and the casting is unironically good for about 95% of the time. Worst casting I saw was Bumi. Same goes for the animation, there are some jarringly stinky moments and some odd choreography but it's mostly fine.
    They did a great job designing the world, the settings introduced look amazing and it does feel like a world with depth and character
    >it's bad because the cartoon is better!
    okay, maybe true but the cartoon has 20 episode seasons. A lot of the problem with the live action comes from condensing that into 8, the character introductions are fast and awkward but after the first few episodes where all is established, everything felt more solid.

    People need to take off their nostalgia goggles. If you were a kid and this was your introduction to avatar, you would think it is amazing

    • 3 months ago

      I think you just have shit taste.
      >It does manage to hit some of the mature notes very effectively
      Wtf are you talking about? There are so many scenes in this adaptation that feel far more childish and immature than the cartoon.
      >People need to take off their nostalgia goggles
      Stop with this "muh nostalgia" argument you disingenuous morons. If you had any actual standards you could see how the only reason this exists is to feed off the success of the original story.
      You're a fricking moron, holy shit.

      • 3 months ago

        this is you calling other people a moron.
        I was being nice. The truth is, it's obvious that the people slamming the show with criticism are sensitive manchildren purists that were always going to hate it because they have some emotional attachment bias or they are just mindlessly susceptible to peer pressure and want to fit in. The proof in this is that all of the vocal hatred was within the first 48 hours of the show airing where it was unlikely that most of these people had seen any of the show, now the dust is settled and we are starting to see more positive and objective reviews.

        I liked the cartoon too when I saw it as a kid, I don't worship at altars of it but I liked it. I like this too and I think it is one of the better adaptations I have seen, separate the two if you want, you still have the cartoon and they are continuing that officially next year you big fricking baby.

    • 3 months ago

      >the cartoon has 20 episode seasons. A lot of the problem with the live action comes from condensing that into 8
      8 45 minute long episodes vs 20 20 minute long episodes is only a difference of 40 minutes. And considering they completely skipped the entirety of, and all plot points of, The Great Divide and The Fortuneteller, they actually had the same length of time to tell the exact same story, and still rushed, and still did a subpar job

    • 3 months ago

      >If you were a kid and this was your introduction to avatar, you would think it is amazing
      What a moronic argument

      • 3 months ago

        It's not an argument, it's an observation. The criticism is almost universally subjective comparisons to the cartoon rather than a more objective analysis of the product available.
        This is a product for children, and compared with other children series, this seems like a masterpiece.
        The Avatar cartoon was also for children, and likely when you saw it as a child you enjoyed it because it was for you. If the Avatar cartoon came out today, you wouldn't find it appealing because it is for children.

        I don't think this is some perfect 10/10. I just think it's pretty good but merely saying this attracts autistic hatred, the spastics who are seething deserve to be made fun of.

        • 3 months ago

          It's really not good though. It's just made even worse when you realize how good it could have been with the source material. I got bored with episode 1. It was actually so bad, i just swtiched to the cartoon.

        • 3 months ago

          This /thread

          • 3 months ago

            Go back

  30. 3 months ago

    avatar is shit, no matter what version

  31. 3 months ago

    >but this is at least better than the Shayamalan movie in most ways
    A turd being more polished doesn't make it not shit.
    The netflix remake is completely inferior to the original. It doesn't need to exist. I don't get why morons shill it.

  32. 3 months ago

    I expected Koh to be more frightening, but he was a total nothingburger. Sad.

    • 3 months ago

      > most of that webm
      Stop, my dick can only get so hard.

    • 3 months ago

      >turned Koh from a mysterious, neutral but still malevolent spirit into a generically evil character that for some reason acts like the swamp fog whose motivation is some dumb figurine
      Wtf were they thinking

      • 3 months ago

        The Face Mother or whatever was something from Korra, I believe, and she's also his mother then. And he was willing to trade all the people for the figurine, so he's not generically evil, really

        • 3 months ago

          First of all
          >but in the comics
          Lol, lmao.
          Secondly Koh was never evil or depicted as such. He just was. A spirit that steals the faces of those that dare to emote before him, because that is what he is.
          Ancient myths from all across the world have entities that aren't actively malicious but simply abide by their rule bound nature.

  33. 3 months ago

    Iroh and Zuko in episode 4 was great

  34. 3 months ago

    I can't believe Jet apologists are winning. Everybody is up in arms about how their favorite character isn't coomer bait enough for them, and then you get to Jet. People are falling over this guy so much that they wish he had been casted as Zuko. I just find it funny because the character gets so much hate, but now he is a more attractive than their edgy emo best boy and they're practically crying about it lolol

    It's good to see Zuko wives get what they deserve

    • 3 months ago

      I always forget Jet exists as a character

      • 3 months ago

        You'll remember him now, Zuko wife.

    • 3 months ago

      I mean Jet was always supposed to be super-hot while Zuko is disfigured.

      • 3 months ago

        This I know. I'm pretty sure it's why they casted such a good looking guy in the first place for him. It's just that Zuko fangirls think Zuko is hot and want an equally hot guy to play him and are now disappointed that the hot guy character is being played by a hot guy and not the disfigured guy

  35. 3 months ago

    How do you think this final fight is gonna look lads?

    • 3 months ago

      probably bad

      final seasons of shit is where studios have the lowest return on investment because everyone who was going to watch the show has already watched it. why do they care about the final arc of the final season looking go?

    • 3 months ago

      >How do you think this final fight is gonna look lads?

      Of course it will be crap, you can't possibly do something like that well in live action. They would have to drastically nerf the power levels like they did in the Avengers films.

  36. 3 months ago

    im just not gonna watch it is all

  37. 3 months ago

    I'm the only one who thinks there's a weird relationship between the Aang actor and the rest of the young cast? In all the press junkets they've done it's like he's the outcast of the group. Idk maybe it's cause he's the youngest.

  38. 3 months ago

    Why would I watch an inferior remake that takes away content to watch?

    • 3 months ago

      Because Hollywood thinks animation is the inferior medium.

    • 3 months ago

      Hypothetically it would be for the novelty of 3D humans acting out the story.

  39. 3 months ago

    It's a show meant for children. Naturally, this angers the Cinemaphile manchild, who demands "mature" plotlines, sexy child actresses, and steamy romances with said sexy child actresses.

    • 3 months ago

      Then cast good looking people

  40. 3 months ago

    >Slightly worse script
    >Mei is a fat chick
    >Bumi sucks
    >Sokka is alright
    >The Mechanist is the sole actor that fit the role
    >Aang Talk no Jutsu too much
    Alright I'll say it, kid actors just outright suck and the writing is a mess and it's obvious why.
    >"When the original creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Michael Dante DiMartino, and Bryan Konietzko, left their position as showrunners on this series over creative differences, it created a lot of discussion among fans about the validity of the Netflix adaptation."
    The show became worse it's all fricking expositions because most Asians are incapable of storytelling.
    Every single adaptation in the past decade is just outright inferior to the source.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't need it to be better than the original. With something like Avatar that would be impossible. I just need it to be fun and enjoyable to watch, a good show. Only adaptation that has done that in the past decade is One Piece, because it was goofy as hell and kept the energy of the original.

      • 3 months ago

        >I don't need it to be better than the original
        There is a simple rule for musical covers that also applies here.
        It should be at least as good as the original, preferably better.

  41. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >Anything other than negativity is shilling
      Ask me how I know you are miserable?

      The next time I like a new movie or tv show I am going to add a disclaimer at the end of the post telling people to pirate it and not pay for it.

  42. 3 months ago

    The dialogue and most of the acting was terrible, 2/10. But the cinematography was 10/10. If they just let the actors *act* instead of making them strictly read their lines, it would've been much more better.

    Also the casting choices weren't great.

    • 3 months ago

      And if they wrote better lines. So many garbage exposition monologues, nothing sounded natural. I couldn't believe when he said "The only thing I know is I'm the Avatar, and we're just getting started!"

      • 3 months ago

        They should've asked Zimmer to borrow his womanscreaming.wav soundbite from Dunc to throw in there as a reference.

    • 3 months ago

      >cinematography was 10/10
      It's all close-ups to save budget, with flat sound stage lighting.
      Half the shots are in front of an ugly, blurry CGI background that makes it look like they're in a fricked up dream. It's hard to look at.

  43. 3 months ago


    People arent ready to hear that Avatar was bad actually.

    • 3 months ago

      Avatar was very well scripted. Most shows wish they were that well put together.

  44. 3 months ago

    They should have just made an animated sequel to Korra.

    And this time make the Spirits the bad guys, cause they are. Spirits have done nothing for anyone unless it affects them.

    Ocean spirits wasn't doing shit until Moon got killed then stopped the second it was back. Hei Bai attacked an innocent village cause firebenders burned "his" forest but did nothing to protect it and was too dumb to know that shit can grow back. Painted Lady did nothing to help the village that worships her. Mother of Faces has done nothing about Koh stealing faces. Koh attacks people at will. Raava was fine with a world where humans could live nowhere but on Lion Turtles while spirits owned everything else.

    Frick the spirits. No gods, only man.

  45. 3 months ago


    >The kids and how happy everyone was with all the bright colors.
    It was literally a kid's cartoon. It's going to be high energy, and not a Zack Snyder film.

  46. 3 months ago

    Everyone's clothes are freshly washed and ironed without a speck of wear and tear on them lol

  47. 3 months ago

    Why did they make her so... you know...

    • 3 months ago

      get Kiawentiio into this immediately

      • 3 months ago


  48. 3 months ago

    It's time to admit the OG wasn't that great either and you only think it was because you saw it as a kid and hadn't seen any anime yet.

    • 3 months ago

      Rewatched it recently, was still great. A big part of it was western voice actors that aren't garbage.

    • 3 months ago

      ATLA is peak kids' media, I rewatched it recently with my kids.

      • 3 months ago

        Based responsible father. I hope to be able to do that one day.

    • 3 months ago

      I think season 1 is ok for what it is, 3 blows ass and 2 is wonderful. Season 1 though is a mess at times and I think most of the changes reflected issues season 1 had. I've seen so much about Sokka having some great arc about overcoming sexism but in reality it's a handful of lines in the first 2 episodes and it's resolved in the 4th. Most of his actual arc throughout the show relate to his insecurities about being a warrior who can't live up to others around him. Which the live action show did as his arc.

      Also Aang being reluctant to fight and the Air Nomads being without offensive bending moves works better. I dunno I didn't love the show but I also enjoyed my time with it. The actors get better as the episodes pass and it captures the general spirit of the original despite changes.

    • 3 months ago

      I didn't even care for it until I saw bits and pieces of book 2.

  49. 3 months ago

    This show doesn't really have an audience. Normalgays who hate cartoons would be confused as hell by the nonsensical way worldbuilding and such is done. Cartoongays will just watch the cartoon. Many references to the original show feature in the Netflix adaption but they don't mean ANYTHING to normalgays, and to people who actually like the cartoon, they come across as really hamfisted.
    Some of the acting is quite bad but it's the writing that really suffers however. Characters are the complete opposite of subtle most of the time. Some characters have also become moronic for some reason, like Ozai.
    So many unnecessary things were changed too. Zuko fighting his father instead of refusing is actually so moronic. Azula isn't cold and calculating either, she's perpetually pissed off, never in control. Aang doesn't even learn waterbending. In fact, he rarely hangs out with the rest of the team, they're always off doing their own shit. There's no chemistry. Where's Appa? Why even have Momo in the show when he doesn't do anything? Why does Aang have a glider at all if he can basically fly?
    I say this with 100% sincerity, I truly believe the Shyamalan version handles the Northern Water Tribe section better. It's paced better and more faithful.

  50. 3 months ago

    Jet was hot.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick yeah and if they know what's good for them, they'll keep his fine ass around a little longer before they kill him off

  51. 3 months ago

    >Fun Bumi is turned into an anal Black person that's just plain mad at Aang and hates him for a while

  52. 3 months ago

    I liked it. It was fun.
    >Solid 7.5/10, subjectively bumped to 8/10 for letting me re-enjoy one of my childhood favorites in new way

    You screeching homosexuals are unbelievable. However I agree with pretty much all Azula-related criticisms. She should not have been included at all, and if they do a season 2 she (and her friends) should be recast.

    • 3 months ago

      >"Naruto is my favorite anime btw, believe it!"
      They took away Flopsie. The show is shit.

      • 3 months ago

        As a rule (i.e. with exceptions) anime is compatible with the underdeveloped or psychologically stunted, so it's not really a helpful basis for criteria. The Bumi segment was the biggest letdown and mediocrity, though. Tbh remembering it makes me inclined to lower my rating down to 7/10. But I stand by that it is fun shlock that is essentially faithful to its source material with still a novel experience.

  53. 3 months ago

    Wasn't expecting much and was bland overall but I liked it more than say TLOU show tbh. At least there wasn't too much kosher subversion

    • 3 months ago

      bot comment. the showrunners were b***hing about "gender issues" present in the original animated series before their version debuted.

  54. 3 months ago

    I didn't watch the Netflix slop but this change is moronic. Zuko trying to save the guy and Zhao refusing is a big moment for Zuko because it's ultimately Zhaos pride that kills him. Why is this so difficult to understand for Hollywood israelites?

    Did they remove other character stuff?

    • 3 months ago

      They fundamentally don't understand the original show or why it's popular. The Netflix adaptation is essentially a collection of scenes that took form according to a checklist of "things that The Last Airbender did" without understanding the context of anything. It's zombie television sadly.

      • 3 months ago

        That's what I was afraid of. The absolute worst is when adaptations like that still become popular because the lowest common denominator sees "cool thing" and thinks "that's the cool thing from the show".

        Also to answer your question, yes they removed shit.
        see [...]
        Some other things that come to mind is that Aang immediately figures out who Bumi is in the Netflix version, and that Roku as a character is completely gutted.

        >Zuko fighting Ozai
        Why would they even change that?

        Zhao is probably the worst transition. Most other characters change what traits they focus on but they're still the same basic character but Zhao is a lame Marvel villain quipster. I think Azula is a very close second.

        I'm not gonna pretend like Zhao is a great villain or anything but he serves a purpose. If you remove that purpose, then what's the point of having the character in there? It's such a powerful moment when Zuko after having witnessed what pride can do to a man doesn't chase after Aang and just wants to rest.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm not disagreeing I'm just saying Zhao was probably the worst offense followed by Azula and Katara.

          I've noticed a lot of people on other sites mention Avatar botching it's characters while comparing it to One Piece saying op nailed it's characters but I think Avatar was much closer between the two. Zoro for example is NOTHING like early Zoro. Early Zoro is an idiot who laughs whenever Luffy does something stupid before joining in for the fun of it. I can't picture live action Zoro deciding he has to die in a cool pose, or laughing his way through Whisky Peak.

          Sokka still feels like Sokka to me, Aang isn't as goofy but he does still feel like Aang. Meanwhile Zoro, Nami, and Luffy felt WRONG to me.

    • 3 months ago

      They fundamentally don't understand the original show or why it's popular. The Netflix adaptation is essentially a collection of scenes that took form according to a checklist of "things that The Last Airbender did" without understanding the context of anything. It's zombie television sadly.

      Also to answer your question, yes they removed shit.

      This show doesn't really have an audience. Normalgays who hate cartoons would be confused as hell by the nonsensical way worldbuilding and such is done. Cartoongays will just watch the cartoon. Many references to the original show feature in the Netflix adaption but they don't mean ANYTHING to normalgays, and to people who actually like the cartoon, they come across as really hamfisted.
      Some of the acting is quite bad but it's the writing that really suffers however. Characters are the complete opposite of subtle most of the time. Some characters have also become moronic for some reason, like Ozai.
      So many unnecessary things were changed too. Zuko fighting his father instead of refusing is actually so moronic. Azula isn't cold and calculating either, she's perpetually pissed off, never in control. Aang doesn't even learn waterbending. In fact, he rarely hangs out with the rest of the team, they're always off doing their own shit. There's no chemistry. Where's Appa? Why even have Momo in the show when he doesn't do anything? Why does Aang have a glider at all if he can basically fly?
      I say this with 100% sincerity, I truly believe the Shyamalan version handles the Northern Water Tribe section better. It's paced better and more faithful.

      Some other things that come to mind is that Aang immediately figures out who Bumi is in the Netflix version, and that Roku as a character is completely gutted.

    • 3 months ago

      Zhao is probably the worst transition. Most other characters change what traits they focus on but they're still the same basic character but Zhao is a lame Marvel villain quipster. I think Azula is a very close second.

  55. 3 months ago

    Literally all you have to do is not change the script from the original whatsoever, how do people keep fricking it up?

    • 3 months ago

      Every wannabe amateur millennial writer and their trans sister wants to insert their own OC donut steel ideas into everything they're apart of.

    • 3 months ago

      Scripts are written by chat bots and the shows are made to gobble up DEI grants. That's it. There's no actual effort behind any of this garbage.

  56. 3 months ago


    Zoomers grew up with it so it's mostly nostalgia kinda like how they pretend the star wars prequels aren't complete trash

    • 3 months ago

      No they didn't. Avatar was 100% a millennial show

  57. 3 months ago

    I don't know how you guys watch this shit. All of these live action adaptations are shit and cringe as frick. All of them. No exceptions. It's like the world has taken crazy pills.

    I've been watching anime since forever. Ninja Scroll is the GOAT and me and my ex used to have sex while watching Overfiend. But these live action cornball crapfests...I don't get it.

    • 3 months ago

      Satan digits confirm that you and your post are evil and that watching adaptation slop for cute girls is good and natural.

      • 3 months ago

        cute girls = good and natural confirmed

      • 3 months ago

        >999 beats 666

  58. 3 months ago

    It's pretty mid with flashes of greatness; there's unrealized potential of what could be with a bigger budget, more time, and better talent.

    Zuko, Zhao, and Jet were performed very well. Iroh was okay. He's missing the charm.

    Roku's re-write is the worst. The wise and powerful guide turned into a giggly goof. Just completely awful.

    • 3 months ago

      Iroh suffers because in season 1 he's often doing things to hinder and sabotage Zuko's mission but there was no filler and the plot had to keep moving so Iroh is just there. I think that's why they brought the surrogate father/son stuff into season 1. Without it Iroh would have little purpose.

      I actually really like the funeral scene. Zuko in general was pretty good minus the Zhao stuff.

  59. 3 months ago

    Weird feel, but the fire nation stuff makes me miss wuxia chink dramas.

  60. 3 months ago

    The problem is the cartoon was nearly perfect, and any change from the source material is an inferior choice. This show felt like someone put Avatar in a blender and served up the result. It’s watchable, but I can’t help but feel irritated at the changes which are objectively inferior like the entire Omashu debacle

  61. 3 months ago

    damn the arrow tats looks moronic irl

    • 3 months ago

      Agreed but it would probably look better on a cute white kid (like the show) than DEI mongoloid aang

  62. 3 months ago

    >at least better than the Shayamalan movie

  63. 3 months ago

    >This actually isn't bad
    I agree
    as a Avatar lore master and super fan, I was expecting to despise it, but it's serviceable. It's not GOOD by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not BAD. Motives were usually in line with the original, if they cut shit from the show they usually put in the lesson or morals into somewhere that sit appropriately, and there was very little (but not absent) character assassination.
    A lot to critique but I don't absolutely hate it.

  64. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >showing Lu Tens funeral
      >Leaves from the vine playing in the background
      Beautiful. Absolute best touch they could have done. It's a bit of low hanging fruit but it shows they are least half in touch with the audience

      • 3 months ago

        Episode 6 was so good compared to rest, what the frick went wrong?

  65. 3 months ago

    So, I'm half way through episode 8 now, and does Aang just legit NOT water bend this entire season? He just doesn't use water bending (outside of the Avatar state) in the entirety of Book 1: WATER?

    • 3 months ago

      Aang kind of forgot he has to learn how to bend 3 other elements.
      Please understand, there just wasn’t enough time to fit the main character’s growth arc into season 1. Architect’d Azula needed her screen time!

    • 3 months ago

      It's NOT Book 1: Water
      It's Season 1

  66. 3 months ago

    >questionable costume design

    They probably should have bit the bullet and done drab, more realistic outfits with less bright colors, but let’s face it, we would have hated those too for not being true to the cartoon.

  67. 3 months ago

    aang is insanely cute shota hot

  68. 3 months ago

    >Shayamalan movie in most ways
    He made a movie with a (shit) vision.
    This is unironically made for tiktok clips which is sad

  69. 3 months ago

    Casting director has to be a LOSTchad right? Plus Jin as Ozai

    • 3 months ago

      i'm growing more and more fond of casting directors who just take people with them to new projects

  70. 3 months ago

    >Katara in the cartoon convinces Pakku that his ideas of women are antiquated and that she has the drive and talent to master water bending even though she's a woman, stands up for herself, impresses him, and masters water bending under him in record time
    >Katara in netflix fails to convince him, gets her ass beat, gets a pity compliment, has to get an adult to vouch for her just for her to be allowed in a battle, doesn't get to train under him, and now Aang's water bending teacher isn't a legitimate master, but a self taught girl with a whole month and a half of bending experience
    Who thought this was a good idea? Even if this is some gay ass girlboss moment, in the original she LITERALLY tore down the patriarchy. It was a great scene and they made it worse and make less sense, and for what???

  71. 3 months ago

    One Piece got season 2 confirmation in just 1 week from release. What about Avatar?

  72. 3 months ago

    >270 replies
    >nobody posted the dancing flying slow af rock yet

  73. 3 months ago

    Buy an ad

  74. 3 months ago

    >It's basically the cartoon with a slightly worse script and questionable costume design.
    Why would anyone watch it then? It not being an absolute failure doesn’t mean anything if the superior cartoon can still easily be watched. Why even bother making such a lacklustre, lukewarm thread? OP’s going gentle into that good night, and he’s doing it one mediocre forgettable post about a mediocre, forgettable show at a time. Look at him and laugh.

  75. 3 months ago

    It's ok but the acting from aang and katara's actors is just so poor

  76. 3 months ago

    Trash dialogues, written by AI.
    Acting is insufferable and takes you out of the experience because of how forced and bad it is.
    The show is super rushed and characters have almost no development, chemistry between each other whatsoever.
    Stupid moments like in episode 2 when Katara appears in the next frame as avatar Kyoshi, who literally flies from Zuko's altercation to Zhao. There are many inconsistencies like this.
    Besides acting, casting is super inaccurate, not even a SLIGHT resemblance of how they should look.
    Super cringe.
    2/10 in total.

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