This character is more boring than white bread and was only good as Robin.

This character is more boring than white bread and was only good as Robin.

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  1. 4 months ago

    For some reason girls and gays love him even though he's boring. He was good in Wolfman Titans imo

    • 4 months ago

      Nightwing is boring as hell, his only character trait is that he's very generically heroic and that's it. He's one of the many characters who are entirely coasting by on the fact that they've been around forever. If you created the exact same character today with no changes, no one would care about him.

      >For some reason girls and gays love him even though he's boring
      He's physically hot. It's not really a secret.

      • 4 months ago

        >He's physically hot.
        They all are on paper, and too many artists fail at drawing sex. Being an attractive batman character and ex-Robin is what makes the actual difference.

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Only from behind though.

  2. 4 months ago

    He isn't boring. It's just since New 52 he's been stuck in a massive identity crisis due to DC being DC. He has and used to be well written.

  3. 4 months ago

    >The poster boy of the worst era.
    This will never stop me from laughing.

  4. 4 months ago


  5. 4 months ago

    Way more interesting than Batman. I don't even know what they are doing with Batman's character these days. It is beyond a mess.

  6. 4 months ago

    I really liked the late 90s to mid 2000 Nightwing comics, it went downhill after Infinity Crisis and especially nu52

    • 4 months ago

      Tarantula is my waifu, I miss the the mid 2000 Batfamily before Damien and Batwoman ruined everything.

      • 4 months ago

        They need to bring Tarantula back with a rape baby in tow.

        >the character has been incredibly bland and needs some spice
        >Taylor’s run already has a bunch of people shitting on it despite trying to be as inoffensive/bland as possible (go big or go home)
        >Babs will never be allowed to be pregnant as that would take her out of commission as Batgirl
        >same thing with Kory
        >time frickery via multiple crises means the kid can be as old as they want so they won't just be stuck with a useless baby
        >seeing Taylor try to navigate Dick as a rape victim and the inevitable backlash when he does it horribly would be hilarious
        >Taylor can continue to copy batfamilygays fanfiction and have a batfamily member beat her up (seriously it is hilarious how many Jason beats up/kills Tarantula fanfics there are)
        >the kid could be the batfamily's token latinx
        >DC could make Tarantula their token toxic mom who everybody hates, seeing as how more fans want Cheshire to be more like her YJ version and for Talia to be more like her pre-Morrison self
        >Dick could finally grow the frick up and enter the next phase of his life like Wally did
        >Batman finally gets to be a grandpa
        >Babs would be a cuckquean raising her boyfriend's child

        Nobody but she and Dick knows the specifics about what went down after she killed Blockbuster, but Tarantula gets out of prison and uses the baby for sympathy/empathy, attempting to make a comeback in a public way saying she did a good thing killing him with Bludhaven public being split/more in favor of her. Dick seething and huffing copium over this while being kinda disturbed by having the kid. But eventually Dick taking the kid because duh Tarantula is a murdering rapist psychopath but all everybody sees is a white billionaire's son (who is a billionaire himself now) taking a kid away from a disenfranchised brown mom.

        • 4 months ago

          I want Priest to write that, he'd tear crying Dickgays a new one

      • 4 months ago

        so hot

  7. 4 months ago

    People that say this about Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, or Barry Allen don't actually read comics

  8. 4 months ago

    >his book has been aimless shit for 40 issues
    >his Titans team is back in the spotlight and it's garbage
    >the Titans first big event since Graduation Day was pretty shit
    >the first big event Dick headlined (Dark Crisis) was the worst event since Millennium

    What gives? Didio is gone, it was supposed to be Dick's time to shine...

    • 4 months ago

      Dickgays at the DC office are just as bad as Didio.

    • 4 months ago

      It turns out Didio was right.

  9. 4 months ago

    >only good as Robin.
    name like 5 great stories before the 90's with him as Robin that actually hold up.

    • 4 months ago

      >the crossover between Batman and 'Tec where Bruce and Dick get turned into vampires by Dala
      >Robin Dies at Dawn
      >Teen Titans #14 (1966), where Gargoyle basically tries to get Dick to kill himself
      >the first ever Brother Blood story, NTT 20-21 where he tries to torture Dick because he considers him the weak link due to not having any powers
      >Batman Year Three
      >Who is Donna Troy

  10. 4 months ago

    I know Tom King is the official toilet of Cinemaphile and mostly deserves it, but his co-written-with-Seeley Grayson comic was one of the very few times Nightwing was kind of interesting.

    • 4 months ago

      this looks like the cover to a 6/10 FPS game from 2006

      • 4 months ago

        And yet Mikel is still somehow one f the best artists Dick has had

    • 4 months ago

      It seemed very gay and unfunny, the little I read.

      • 4 months ago

        >seemed very gay and unfunny, the little I read.
        Not wrong. The constant "hey we're acknowledging the fan meme about Dick's butt" was the first turn off

  11. 4 months ago

    he was definitely the most disappointing part of the post-crisis batman binge I did. The blud sucks and even when he left they didn't have any good ideas for him besides some dumb gimmick they quickly drop. Maybe it's just the writers because his batman run was good

    • 4 months ago

      It was mostly the writers and DC.

      Dixon used all his good ideas on Batman and 'Tec, Robin was him writing 90s Spider-man, BOP had amazing Dinah and Babs chemistry. Nightwing and Green Arrow got Dixon's leftovers.

      Throughout the 00s Waid begged to be put on Nightwing but he was too acclaimed at the time and Dick got Devin Grayson, Wolfman, and Tomasi.

      And Snyder got to move up to Batman with new 52 while his lackey Higgins on the Nightwing book. Similarly prior to Rebirth King was more acclaimed than Seeley so DC put King on Batman and let Seeley have Nightwing.

      Now it's mostly the problem of DC overcompensating for the last 20 years so they're jacking Dick off really hard to the point of it kinda hurting his character (eg "everybody loves and trusts him!!" turning into Dick calls for help constantly and looks incompetent)

      • 4 months ago

        >Nightwing and Green Arrow got Dixon's leftovers.

        Now, now. GA had plenty of Dixon dealing with his homophobia and inadvertently writing Connor in a way that just made him look gayer and gayer more Dixon tried to assert HE’S HETEROSEXUAL , IT’S JUST THAT HE IS A KID RAISED BY MONKS SO HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT WOMEN

        • 4 months ago

          found the gay

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