This comic unironically ruined my life

I first saw this comic 12 years ago when I was 12. I was obese and had gynocomastia. At the time I didnt know but I learned recently that I had a severe hormonal/metabolic disorder including dangerously low testosterone that made me that way that could only be treated/fixed via hormone therapies by an endocrinologist.
I actually did wake up and run before school everyday and ate minimally but this comic made be believe otherwise and it negatively affected my self-esteem and how I saw myself. It made me think I was a lazy piece of crap and everyone better looking than me was a better more reasonable person (false)

But I could not be the idiot presented in the comic so I had to make myself believe that I wasnt putting in any effort to better myself.

This comic put me through a lot of unnecessary mental torment as according to this comic genetics can never be a factor that contribute to the appearance of the less fortunate and anyone who argues otherwise is lazy and stupid.

Anyway, as soon I a started to get medically treated by a doctor for my disorder I instantly started dropping weight and was able to build muscle despite exercising and eating the same exact way as I had always had. To say this experience challenged my preconceptions is an understatement, it rocked me to my core. And now knowing this truth I look at this comic as an artifact of my past as a piece of media, a piece of propaganda that had a significant negative impact on my life.

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  1. 4 months ago

    People making comics online are not medical doctors

    • 4 months ago


      Eating fricking toast and coffee is a terrible option for breakfast. Sleep depriving yourself is going to be an awful option for your health. And as you noted, medical issues can complicate things further. While the bacon-eggs-sausage breakfast isn't a good idea either, just getting enough sleep so that you can get through the day without medicating yourself on caffeine all the time.

      There's a difference between establishing some healthy habits (daily light exercise, sleep, good meals) and being told that the only reason you aren't trim and fit is because you don't job at 5AM every day. A lot of people making media don't know that, and just go with the popular sentiment which is that fat = lazy. Not really sure how visiting a doctor about the situation works best, but a lot of americans seem to always be focused on one extreme or another.

  2. 4 months ago

    >trusting a spic
    you really only have yourself to blame

  3. 4 months ago

    This is why you should have to be 18 to access the internet.

    • 4 months ago

      i used to be against this but now that u, older and i think about all the horrible shit i was up to maybe yeah

  4. 4 months ago

    Yeah, of course the comic isn't about people with rare genetic disorders.

    • 4 months ago

      Gynecomastia isn't rare

      • 4 months ago

        Neither is this thread, he's reposting it yet again.

  5. 4 months ago

    stale pasta

  6. 4 months ago

    >Draw the perfect rapebait girls
    >They do not get raped
    Why. How do you frick up this bad.
    Spics can't do a single shit right I swear.

  7. 4 months ago

    I had a similar experience with SIR's comics but luckily I wasn't a little b***h and now I look the best I have in my entire life

  8. 4 months ago

    >Drawing made me sad
    Good. have a nice day already

  9. 4 months ago

    Haha fat.

  10. 4 months ago

    >Anyway, as soon I a started to get medically treated by a doctor for my disorder I instantly started dropping weight and was able to build muscle despite exercising and eating the same exact way as I had always had

    If you hadn't been eating right and exercising, you would not have lost the weight even with medical treatment.

    • 4 months ago

      This. Also, consider that while you might not have gotten the results you wanted your situation would have been MUCH WORSE if you had not been doing the diet and exercise as well. If that was already your condition with diet and exercise, no exercise and poor diet would have been a disaster for you.

  11. 4 months ago

    the last panel is my fetish

  12. 4 months ago

    one should not base the reality in a comic or in any kind of fiction.Not only because fiction is not real but because when you or any person write, they base in them own experience.

    That said, this is not propaganda, this is the vision of the artist, base in his own experience

    Also if anybody has a problem involving mental or health problems, you should go to a profesional

  13. 4 months ago

    Fell for the classic "all squares are rectangles" bit.

    Not everyone who does that regiment has that physique, but everyone who has that physique does do that regiment.

  14. 4 months ago

    Don't care

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