This could be either a Heath Ledger situation or kill the franchise for good. No inbetween.

This could be either a Heath Ledger situation or kill the franchise for good. No inbetween.

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  1. 1 month ago

    He'll be better than Craig.

    • 1 month ago

      Warwick Davis would be better than Daniel Craig

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      He's israeli. So no.

    • 1 month ago

      Literally anyone is better than craig

  2. 1 month ago

    He's a good and accomplished actor that's also very young but seasoned in action movies. The casting is important but not more so than the script and approach. If they continue the grimdark Craig downers then might as well write it off by now.

    • 1 month ago

      >He's a good and accomplished actor
      He's really not. He does a gruff face and puts on an accent to cover up his complete inability to emote. He's a B-player at best.

      • 1 month ago

        So were most Bond actors. If he shows up, does as he's told and doesn't interfere with the script and stories like Craig, I'm fine with him.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah the difference is they were all tall chads besides Lazenby not some little manlet

          • 1 month ago

            >besides Lazenby
            Lazenby was like 6'2

    • 1 month ago

      >The casting is important but not more so than the script and approach.
      Expect a similar approach to The Batman, it will superficially look and feel more faithful to the movie-Bond we're familiar with but also shallow as a puddle with Netflix-tier production values.
      The quips will be constant and insufferable, diversity hiring will be off the charts, expect some of the ugliest Bond "girls" imaginable

      • 1 month ago

        >expect some of the ugliest Bond "girls" imaginable

        Odds are that PWB will be the main writer this time so actually expect someone like Jodie Comer as the Bond girl. Awkwafina is also a possibility too as she is good friends with Sandra Oh, so you might actually end up with the hottest Bond girls in years. If they don't go for a prequel then they are obviously going to reuse Paloma as Felix's replacement and not recast, so there is even more eye candy for you.

  3. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago
  4. 1 month ago

    It's time to address israeli over-representation in all aspects of TV and film.

  5. 1 month ago

    His Layer Cake style audition in Bullet Train was serviceable but my god, HIS FRICKING VOICE. He's a grown man in his 30's, why does he have a voice like that? Why?

  6. 1 month ago

    Weird thing is he has been a super hero and will soon be another super hero, this will take away from the immersion which is applicable to Bond Movies. Can't think of the other Bond actors being too well known for anything when getting the role.

    • 1 month ago

      If he didn't play Batman, Superman, Spider-Man then it he might as well not have done those movies. He only had a bit part in an MCU movie over 10 years ago and Kraven is being delayed until everyone forgets it exists.

      Craig is a male feminist homosexual. This guy is a married man with kids who hasn't been photographed outside of gay bars.

      • 1 month ago

        He was Kick Ass. Kick Ass grew up to be James Bond.

        • 1 month ago

          I showed him to family and friends and they had no idea who the hell this guy is, unlike Cavill. my father only remembered him from Kick-Ass and Savages but he's a movie buff like me so it doesn't count. He felt that he looks the part but is a bit too young as of now. he should do it when he edges 40, not early 30's.

          • 1 month ago

            In this case, I honestly think the sooner the better.

            After Craig I'm super done with aging or past his prime Bond

            • 1 month ago

              This. Give us a young, joyful and prime Bond. Looking at him, I think they'll make Bond more "pretty boy" than the others. He'll almost feel like James Bond jr due to how young he is despite

              Connery was 32 in his first Bond movie

              being two years older than Connery in his first movie. They'll definitely try to appeal to teenage girls which could yield awful results but we'll see. at least they found a guy who doesn't look like a Russian football player.

              • 1 month ago

                james bond is a middle aged man power fantasy, its about being sophisticated, experienced, capable and dangerous.
                a young pretty boy will never pull off that role.
                its not about looking good in a tuxedo, its about the casual authority james bond radiates

              • 1 month ago

                You got a good fricking point, ya c**t.

              • 1 month ago

                Aaron is the same age as Bond was in the Casino Royale novel and is an actor who changes massively for each role so I expect him to be on his a-game for a role as massive as Bond. they did say that they're reinventing the character which I would guess means making him more of a boarding school/SAS 'chad' pretty boy (adjusting the character to the actor) and more than likely cut out his Naval background which would be a shame but if they keep those as the only changes, i'd tolerate it. Tbh, I never felt any of what you said from Craig. he felt like a thug, like a henchman. he didn't have that main character, elephant in the room quality that Bond has. Where the world and everyone in it is just secondary to him. Brosnan had that otherwordly charisma and screen presence. Can Johnson pull that off? probably not hence why they're changing the character so he doesn't come off like a lesser Pierce Brosnan like Craig did in his last few movies where they course corrected on the grimdark Bourne shit.

              • 1 month ago

                >Craig. he felt like a thug, like a henchman. he didn't have that main character, elephant in the room quality that Bond has
                Completely agree. Craig looked too much like a Slavic peasant to be a Bond.

          • 1 month ago

            Connery was 32 in his first Bond movie

        • 1 month ago

          imagine telling someone back then this would happen. lol.

  7. 1 month ago

    his wife wants to direct Bond 26. is she shilling him in the media? could be.

    • 1 month ago

      He's 33 and she's 57? Damn...

      • 1 month ago

        That's his mother you asshat

    • 1 month ago

      I didn't even know she was a director
      >directed 50 shades of grey
      uh based?

  8. 1 month ago

    will the Bond girls be 50+ minimum??

  9. 1 month ago

    Who cares, that guy is a Diesel anyway.

  10. 1 month ago


  11. 1 month ago

    The latter. He's great fun in flashy support, not a conventional lead.

    • 1 month ago

      a Bond movie lives or dies on it's villain, tbf. He needs to be more than decent by a slight and the villains and Bond girls do the heavy lifting.

      • 1 month ago

        This. The villain is more important than Bond.

        • 1 month ago

          i watch A View to A Kill more than say Casino Royale because the villain played by Walken is so kino. Mads was wasted and a pushover. Not really a villain. Mr White was the real villain of Casino.

  12. 1 month ago

    he was cool as tangerine

  13. 1 month ago

    >Boomer franchise
    >cast a GILF appreciator that got cradle robbed

    Makes sense when Tom Hardy won't go near you.

  14. 1 month ago

    >kill the franchise for good
    lol it's already dead, this is a Weekend at Bernie's situation with the studio parading 007's corpse around

  15. 1 month ago

    still no info on who is directing and writing huh

    • 1 month ago

      a trans black trans woman

    • 1 month ago

      Leaker said Ben Wheatley, Gareth Evans are names floated around and have been contacted but said they might even go lesser known than that as the auteur phase of Bond is over with now.
      Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, confirmed by Barbara herself. They're series regulars.

  16. 1 month ago

    Bond, israelites Bond

  17. 1 month ago

    I too think he will be a wonderful Bond my fellow white men.

  18. 1 month ago

    it's bond but instead of nubile young chicks he sleeps with your mom.

  19. 1 month ago

    I hate him

  20. 1 month ago

    Dr. Noam
    From Baal Shem Tov
    You Only Charge Twice
    On Dual Citizens' Secret Service
    Goyim are Forever
    Live and Let Die on Purpose
    The Ally Who Bugged Me
    For Your Countries Only
    A Few to Six Mill
    The Palestinians A-Light
    License to Shill
    Tomorrow Gaza Dies
    The Migrants Are Not Enough
    Glide Into Your Rave
    Can See No Goy Tell
    Goyim are Soulless
    No Time to Evacuate

  21. 1 month ago

    He honestly feels like too much of a try-hard. I read this interview and the guy said he doesn't want action movies to be his regular work despite looking like an action figure guy and most of his work being action movies. I fear he's going to be the same kind of Bond like Craig where he looks down on the role and thinks it needs to be more 'artistic' (AKA gay and lame)

  22. 1 month ago

    It was meme-casting by his agent to get the actor publicity. Eon never approached him and didn't even have him in mind for Bond and all the media campaign did was puss them off so he will never even come within spitting distance of a Bond film now.

    Of course I doubt he cares because they were plenty of people who fell for it and plenty of people who want to cast him in their film on the basis of the fact he is a "well know actor" now or thinking they had better be quick so he can fit it in before Bond. Chumps always watch the films an actor rumoured to be Bond makes because they want to see what all the fuss is about and if he is "worthy" to be Bond.

    It's wins all round as Eon benefits from getting publicity here for the Bond franchise (people want to rewatch Bond and tv channels screen it at only the slightest prompt as most of the films are fun) and they didn't even lift a finger. Sure when the actual Bond is announced they will have to contend with chuds getting upset that they were fooled, but that isn't Eon's fault, they said nothing about casting whats-his-name or Loki or that bloke who keeps getting sacked from every acting role he gets.

    If they go for a younger actor they're going to go for someone who makes women moist like Spider-Man, Wonka or, if they want a different flavour Monkey-Man, not some greedy looking fellow who looks like a pound shop Poldark.

    • 1 month ago

      >Of course I doubt he cares because they were plenty of people who fell for it and plenty of people who want to cast him in their film on the basis of the fact he is a "well know actor" now or thinking they had better be quick so he can fit it in before Bond. Chumps always watch the films an actor rumoured to be Bond makes because they want to see what all the fuss is about and if he is "worthy" to be Bond.

      frick this is true. I just watched The Fall Guy to see how he is and he was barely in it. got swindled out of 9 euros. ffs.

    • 1 month ago

      You're wrong on all counts and he is the new James Bond but let's humour your post. Why would he, who had no relation to the Bond role before the rumours, even do this? You stated why but he had a more than good career trajectory before the Bond rumours and wouldn't need the boost or the Bond role specifically. He's in four movies this year, the guy is doing well. If anything, it'd be Cavill's people who would shill him to newspapers and websites as two of his films this year bombed and he's not getting any younger and there's precedent for him in the Bond role. If that was the case, he'd go all in on begging EON and publicly state it but he didn't and in fact, was pissed off when a reporter asked him about it which shows to me that what you're saying is bull.

      • 1 month ago

        >Why would he, who had no relation to the Bond role before the rumours, even do this? You stated why but he had a more than good career trajectory before the Bond rumours and wouldn't need the boost or the Bond role specifically.

        He has a good agent. Sure he's doing well, but this kind of thing can bring him up from good B list roles to the much higher paying A list roles. As the agent get a percentage of everything he earns as an actor for getting him the role a great agent will absolutely make sure their actors can rise up the ranks. Why do you think Zendaya dressed like a Cyberwoman from Doctor Who/Torchwood for the Dunc 2 premier? Because her agent advised her it would get her on the front page of every paper in Britain and then everything else because all the other media outlets would put it front and centre on their coverage as "The UK seems to be using this to sell papers so it must be worth us trying it too". Before that a lot of people talked about Zendaya, after that she is flavour of the month and will be getting A list work off the back of it. Clever agents using the predictable media to make their actors, and themselves, even richer.

        >it'd be Cavill's people who would shill him to newspapers and websites as two of his films this year bombed and he's not getting any younger and there's precedent for him in the Bond role.

        Not all agents are as good at that or their timing is wrong. His agent did try this a few years ago but then the pandemic hit, Craig's last Bond film was delayed for years and aside from a few chuds on the internet most people were "nah, not really, Loki would probably be better." The sort never got capitalised on and never got enough momentum and now he is aged out (as is Loki too) and he is seen as a star who is on the fall rather than the rise after getting dropped as Superman (and the CGI moustache removal being seen as a joke), dropped as the Witcher and bombing with Argyle.

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