This doesn't make sense.

This doesn't make sense.

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  1. 2 years ago

    What doesn't make sense? Her point (that the disparity between reactions doesn't make sense) makes sense.

    • 2 years ago

      No, it doesn't.

    • 2 years ago

      No, White men are treated the worst out of any demographic. Any brown women would be praised and cuddled and excused for everything.

      • 2 years ago

        I know right? All other races should pay.

  2. 2 years ago

    Nah, it kinda does, in-universe. Actually puts a compelling twist on the appeal of the Hulk for a character that's always struggled to branch out from "SMASH!"

    • 2 years ago

      he only gets away with stuff because he's a straight white male

      • 2 years ago

        Didn´t the military wanted to kill him for years.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah but that doesn't negate his white male privilege

          • 2 years ago

            She should recognize she's attempting to speak to a superior then and shut the frick up. Lessers need to stay in their lane.

      • 2 years ago

        >he only gets away with stuff because he's a straight white male
        No, he only gets away with shit because he's literally fricking indestructible. That's the entire point of the Hulk. They can't kill him. That's why they had to fricking shoot him into space and even then he came back. Like what the frick do people not understand about this? This page is even from IMMORTAL HULK like jesus fricking christ they can't make it any more obvious.

        • 2 years ago

          >No, he only gets away with shit because he's literally fricking indestructible. That's the entire point of the Hulk. They can't kill him
          The very end of World War Hulk is them oneshotting him then taking his powerless unconscious Bruce-Banner body into safe custody in a cushy prison cell. They could have killed him at any time, ESPECIALLY people like fricking Dr Strange, it's hardly because they "can't", it's that they pity Banner too much to just b***hslap him for being a moron.

          • 2 years ago

            It's been canon for years that you can't kill Banner as a method of stopping the Hulk and that Hulk is, for all intents and purposes, a completely separate person - several separate people actually. The real issue with the page is that it is being used as a setup for a later "be careful what you wish for" when it should be played for dramatic irony because the chick just sounds stupid when there is a publicly known US Army unit whose specific job is try and capture or kill the Hulk.

  3. 2 years ago

    This is four years old now. What do you want them to do, make a comic where Kitty Pryde materializes in front of them and calls her a Black person and them vanishes?

    • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    >people are still mindbroken by this page years later
    this is so sad

    like for free iPhone 12

  5. 2 years ago

    Feels more like a criticism on how Hulk has changed over the years than of anything else.

    He's supposed to be a monster. People aren't supposed to like him, they're supposed to be uncomfortable with him--at best.

    • 2 years ago

      Like people are driving through the ghetto.

  6. 2 years ago

    What the frick does him being white have to do with the fact that he's a super powered walking weapon of mass destruction? What on earth does skin color have to do with this argument? Like, she starts making a good point and then totally goes off the rails to make it about race instead of about how he's a wealthy upper-class super powered person with connections to some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. But no, gotta make this about race, instead.

    If this was a white guy talking to a black woman about how college educated black women ranting and screaming and smashing things and that the world bends over backwards to reward them, people would be flipping out over how racist it is. Fricking racists think their shit is okay because they target the global minority instead of the national minority.

  7. 2 years ago

    the comic is good but it confuses metaphors constantly, belabors things, 'symbolizes' entire conceptions of human behavior in odd and self defeating ways and constantly confuses narrative plot (especially plot previously established outside of the specific story being told) for modern political realities.
    I get the page in question, except for the fact that the Hulk is not a real person in the real world and his history and the way the world reacted to him in that history is a comic book exaggeration not based on any reasonable perception on how the actual world would respond to a real Hulk.
    The clumsy political ambitions of the comic don't bother me so much because I happen to sympathize but that's merely preaching to the choir. If there was any genuine attempt at changing minds instead of mindlessly criticizing then they would use the disparity more indirectly. Like how white school shooters are allowed to surrender to cops and are constantly sympathized with in the press while innocent people murdered by cops who are overwhelmingly brown or black always get ignored or the press puts a giant spotlight on bad past behavior when the murder in question would still be unjustifiable.
    Instead the whole argument seems ridiculous because the reader knows the Hulk is treated so well despite his destruction of cities because it's a fricking comic book.

    • 2 years ago

      More white people get killed each year by cops than any other race in the United States, and gang shootings are not included in the mass shooting statistics, which removes a large number of black shooters from the pool of "mass shooters", purely under the justification that gang shootings don't count as mass shootings for some reason (I suppose because the media doesn't care when black people die at the hands of other black people). Maybe you should look at the hard data and reevaluate your opinion on these matters.

      • 2 years ago

        maybe you should check your privilege

      • 2 years ago

        you're not wrong but you can equivocate anything into a 'non issue', I'm talking about the message in the comic which is actual nonsense (Hulk isn't real, his history is mythology not reality, the world doesn't and wouldn't work that way IF Hulk was real, thus the argument that a black woman's rage is not respected and a white man's rage is falls flat and even seems cringe to someone who would agree with the argument if it wasn't using these nonsensical examples especially when real world examples actually do exist.) that hurts the intent more than helps it.
        If the message is 'a black woman's rage is as valid as a white man's but society only respects white men' then it could have been done any number of ways better than this and in a far more entertaining fashion.
        When confronted with some uncomfortable fact (such as, say, chicken farming is incredibly inhumane and disgusting) the defensive approach is possible through extended equivocating but it doesn't change anyone's mind or result in nothing more than a child screaming 'no!' because they really really want their toy.
        The more mature response to 'black women/people are disproportionately victims of state violence due entirely to their skin color and a strong hegemonic force constantly attempting to return society to racial segregation or otherwise only benefit the perceived 'true' American --white supremacy as an eternal institution-- and we as moral and ethical beings must actively fight against this evil system' is not to justify it facetiously or make completely false equivalences that have nothing to do with the argument or otherwise be a fricking coward like you are doing and simply say:
        I don't care.
        Got mine, b***h, you all die, ha ha. Then moan and piss yourself because you're not a special person owed the world anymore because you were born white.

        • 2 years ago

          Who is trying to equivocate things into a 'non-issue'? That's not at all what my post was doing. It IS an issue, a HUGE issue, that anyone is killed unfairly by police, regardless of the victim's race. It IS an issue, a HUGE issue, that mass shootings committed by black people against black people are not included in the crime statistics on the basis of "gang violence is too different to count".

          These are HUGE issues. These are issues that ruin the lives of young black people by twisting their minds into racial paradigms instead of seeing that the true issue isn't race at all. These issues keep black people down by making them think of themselves as "black people" instead of just "people". It keeps them victims instead of empowering them for success. The problem that needs to be addressed in society is not a racial problem, its a class problem. The upper class, the multi-millionaires and billionaires, are destroying the lives of EVERYONE poorer than them, not just black people. The ultra rich are profiting off the suffering of poor blacks, whites, latinos, asians, and all other races. All races need to come together and see past their differences to confront the real problem. All these comic books where the writer is attacking the "evil racism of society" should be attacking the evils of corporatism and how the ultra-wealthy elites are using their power and influence to get away with horrible things.

          Which this comic ALMOST does, and then decides NOT to, to instead attack the boogeyman. Ironically, there IS a lot of anti-black racism amongst the wealthy elites, but these elites have the correct political affiliations and say the right progressive talking points on TV and social media, so god forbid we talk about their racism. No, gotta blame the white guy for the evils of the world, it's the white man who is keeping black people down, not the racist politicians and media moguls who have been in power for decades and black people keep voting for them.

          • 2 years ago

            I didn't know we were talking about the REST of the comic, only this one page. You're ignoring the argument and equivocating away from the specific issue about how our culture protects white male rage and ignores/condemns black female rage. In the page OP posted it's clumsy and 'besides the point' given that in the end the comic is mostly about the evils of capitalism itself and ideology entirely in the form of a ridiculous mind control monster. Heavy handed, clumsy, celebrating leftism in safe and general terms, and over all entertaining especially if you also happen to be left leaning.
            But discussing the WHOLE comic is a bit much and you're definitely ignoring the racial aspects of the comic for the admittedly more important anti-capitalism aspects.
            I guess that's fine but living in a hierarchy not only unconsciously convinces everyone that there is no hope but also leads even the best of us to assume social problems are also on some kind of priority list from most important to least important. Racism might not be a big deal to you but if you were Asian and a gang of idiots decide to burn down your store because they heard on the news that the Covid virus came from China (even if you're Taiwanese, they don't give a shit) then suddenly the issue isn't so minor or low on the list. Much like how graft isn't a big deal until your town's water supply is poisoned like in Flint Michigan.
            Social problems are actually not all caused by one big source, they're unrelated and chaotically distributed and need to be tackled with a shotgun instead of sniping one at a time or shoving fingers into the small leaks of the dam.
            >blame the white guy
            this is pointlessly defensive. White supremacy is not only an impersonal institution with no one at the helm (despite people like Tucker Carlson trying to declare themselves Fuhrer) but individual people who 'pass' for white are not actually white because a unified white race is a nonsensical myth.

            • 2 years ago

              >You're ignoring the argument and equivocating away from the specific issue about how our culture protects white male rage and ignores/condemns black female rage.
              That's not a real thing. Our culture does not protect white male rage while ignoring/condemning black female rage. Our culture gives black females a pulpit to screech their rage as loud as they want, with no negative repercussions. Black women like that BLM lady who bought all the mansions aren't being locked up and shut down by white people. They're not being held down by society. They're being propped up and put on a pedestal by the media and politicians. Black women are catered to by our culture. Not fricking once in my life have I seen a black woman shut down and prevented from speaking by a white man on public television, but I HAVE seen black women shut down and prevent white men from speaking on public television, namely new coverage of college campus protests.
              >Racism might not be a big deal to you
              Racism IS a big deal to me. I think it's disgusting that being racist is seen as an okay thing to do in our culture nowadays, so long as you're racist against the global minority and not the national minority. Being racist against the global minority is normalized and allowed on social media, unlike any racism towards any other race. For some reason they even say "it isn't racism" if you're talking about the global minority.
              >if you were Asian and a gang of idiots decide to burn down your store
              It's blacks who have been attacking asians the most in this country, for the last few years. Asians and israelites, both get attacked by blacks far more often than they get attacked by the global minority.
              >White supremacy
              No public figure has pushed for white supremacy in mainstream discourse since the Democrats argued to be allowed to keep Jim Crow laws active. White supremacy is a boogeyman used to scare blacks and other races and keep them from looking at their real oppressors.

      • 2 years ago

        >(I suppose because the media doesn't care when black people die at the hands of other black people)
        The media doesn't care because people don't watch the news for black on black crime. To the average American viewer, black gang violence may as well just be Weather.

        • 2 years ago

          Yep, Chicago has a higher homicide rate than most third-world countries, but talking about that doesn't get the views, you're right. What gets the media views is covering white school shooters while conveniently failing to mention whenever those shooters were provided aid by the FBI and allowed to enter the school by police.

          • 2 years ago

            >What gets the media views is covering white school shooters
            Because it's relevant to their majority white audience that watches it. They watch the white school shooter because they see their kids as potential victims of the situation. They don't see the same when black kids are killing each other over drugs on the same block for years. >were provided aid by the FBI
            >allowed to enter the school by police.
            Did you just find out some Police are extremely inept and prioritize their lives over others?

            • 2 years ago

              Nah, it's not actually relevant to white people though, the media simply claims it's relevant. It's just a faux panic being stirred up by the media to scare people into voting a certain way.

              Addressing the problems of the black community would lead people to eventually finding out that the real oppressors of black people in the modern day are the same political faction that kept them in chains in the first place, and that is the exact opposite of what the media wants.

              Also I've gotten bans for posting links proving those claims, so I implore you to do your own research on the subject (when I say research I don't mean "a quick google search", I mean actually look into how the FBI grooms these mentally ill kids and provides them with weapons). And it's not a matter of police ineptitude, it's a mater of them being ordered to stand down by their superiors because the higher ups need a new tragedy to exploit.

              • 2 years ago

                >giving a shit about bans

              • 2 years ago

                >Citing news sites that literally claimed that "child porn helps us put pedophiles in jail"
                Stop following children into bathrooms, shooter.

              • 2 years ago

                The media is being paid by the same people that pay the FBI, of course they use the same tactics and arguments for using their criminal activity to "catch criminals".

              • 2 years ago

                whom are you quoting?

  8. 2 years ago

    It does.
    She also gets exactly what she wanted later on.
    And as with many wishes it's much more than she bargained for and having power doesn't stop the world from wanting to frick her up.

  9. 2 years ago

    haha idiots, can't you tell he's green!?

  10. 2 years ago

    These are all so fricking miserable. Even when they try to express themselves positively its always performative and soulless.

  11. 2 years ago

    its like that guy from season 3 of Atlanta
    >With enough blood and money anyone can be white. Its always been that way. But the thing about being white is... It blinds you. Its easy to see the black man as cursed because you've separated yourself from him. but you don't know. You're enslaved just like them.

  12. 2 years ago

    She needs to learn to rage against the bigger threat. Godzilla, devourer of worlds, trans exclusionary feminism, deadly aliens from outer space.

    • 2 years ago

      >trans exclusionary feminism
      But, anon...! That's based!

  13. 2 years ago

    Just after this arc Jackie has severe regrets about getting involved with the Hulk and the stuff she sees Below. later on she sees first-hand the bullshit he goes through when Leader!Rick makes him go boom, finally regreting it when she gets her gamma powers (Wizard Eyes).
    As other anons have pointed out, this is playing with the notion that people want to be a Hulk: all that power and letting themselves go, when in reality it's fricking awful to be even related to a gamma mutate, specially when it comes to Banner. even Jennifer points this out while the Avengers are fighting Cosmic Joe.

  14. 2 years ago

    It does. This is an extremely, extremely tired meme, and you're a real winner for dragging it out.

  15. 2 years ago

    >lady throws a hissy fit
    >annoys a few people
    >immortal and unstoppable creature throws a hissy fit
    >levels a few cities, wipes the floor with a few super-men
    Really makes you wonder why one would be respected and appeased and the other simply called a b***h.

    • 2 years ago

      No, it's just cause the latter is a white college educated male. Being the fricking Hulk doesn't mean anything, the only reason he gets away with this stuff is because he's a white man. She spells it out for you in the comic, anon. Nothing matters except identity politics.

      • 2 years ago

        Hulk is not college educated.
        >inb4 some 60's one-off story about Hulk's struggles as a student

        • 2 years ago

          Bruce Banner is college educated, and the Hulk is Bruce Banner.
          >After graduating from Science High School, Bruce studied nuclear physics in Navapo, New Mexico, at Desert State University as the star student of Professor Herbert Josiah Weller. He also studied for a time at Harvard University.[citation needed] He later transferred to Pennsylvania State University where he briefly worked with Canadian student Walter Langkowski finding a similar interest in gamma radiation. He also worked with Peter Corbeau, and Raoul Stoddard. It was during his time at Penn State that Banner found inspiration from noted scientist Albert Einstein and like the famous scientist, bought a wardrobe consisting entirely of purple suits. Bruce obtained his doctorate in nuclear physics at Caltech...

          • 2 years ago

            >the Hulk is Bruce Banner
            That's... not hardly true, at all. They're considered separate.

            • 2 years ago

              One does not exist without the other.

              • 2 years ago

                refer to

                It's been canon for years that you can't kill Banner as a method of stopping the Hulk and that Hulk is, for all intents and purposes, a completely separate person - several separate people actually. The real issue with the page is that it is being used as a setup for a later "be careful what you wish for" when it should be played for dramatic irony because the chick just sounds stupid when there is a publicly known US Army unit whose specific job is try and capture or kill the Hulk.

  16. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      yikes, that makes it even worse

  17. 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago



  19. 2 years ago

    >you were shot into space instead of shot
    Uhhh... he's the Hulk. Many have tried to kill and failed. Containment beyond the planet made sense. It was a foregone conclussion, knowing how active the cosmic arena is, but the logic was sound.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah that's a really stupid line. They literally DO shoot him, he gets shot all the time, by like tanks and stuff, too, not just guns. Comparing the struggle of a black woman to the struggle of a giant green immortal monster man is just stupid.

  20. 2 years ago

    People tolerate The Hulks destructive shit because
    A: Itsa acmoc NOT real life.
    B: Because there is nothing anyone can do about it because he is THE HULK, what are yo bonna do about it?

    • 2 years ago

      Amazing edit

  21. 2 years ago

    Ewing wants to suck trannie dick and likes to squeeze it into his work.

    He also hates israelites and cops intensely

    • 2 years ago

      >Ewing wants to suck trannie dick and likes to squeeze it into his work
      >He also hates israelites

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