This game is dead. Season 1 is a flop and nothing but reskins. Rocksteady is dead.

This game is dead. Season 1 is a flop and nothing but reskins.

Rocksteady is dead.

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    >kill Batman
    >studio dies

    • 2 months ago

      But WB is still standing?

      • 2 months ago

        rocksteady is gonna die, anon

        • 2 months ago

          Rocksteady are already dead, all the talent is gone.

    • 2 months ago

      The problems with the game went well beyond Batman getting domed, Batgay.

  2. 2 months ago

    They should make a Nightwing game that takes place after Arkham Knight.

    • 2 months ago

      No they shouldn't.

      • 2 months ago

        Would have been better than the Justice League get killed by a bunch of villains in a franchise that was supposed to be about Batman and Gotham.

        • 2 months ago

          No it wouldn't

          I cannot believe people still don't realize this is a top down problem, it could have been another Batman game and it would have been shit

          • 2 months ago

            >I cannot believe people still don't realize this is a top down problem,
            Top down problem? What?

      • 2 months ago

        Nobody cared about Arkham knights so why would anybody care about a Nightwing game?

        Dick's run as Batman was fun. Having Dick as Batman but playing it cool like Dante and Damien bouncing off walls like a psycho might be kinda cool.

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody cared about Arkham knights so why would anybody care about a Nightwing game?

  3. 2 months ago

    Knight > Origins > Asylum > City

    • 2 months ago

      >implying origins wasn't a stinking dumpsterfire

    • 2 months ago

      Origins is straight trash

  4. 2 months ago

    Why the frick do singleplayer games have "seasons" now?

    • 2 months ago

      Excuse for not finishing game at launch.

  5. 2 months ago

    I'm told the overall progression of the "season" is fricked and bugged, and most of the story is just a couple really fricking lazy motion comic cutscenes. Then you have to do a couple dozen identical missions to the ones you've probably already played, and the reward is getting to fight a copy-paste boss and then getting Joker... so you can go back to playing the same fricking missions over and over and grinding for gear until the next season, where it will be the same missions and bosses over and over again some more.

    It's fricking astounding that they put so much effort and money into this shit heap and they didn't even have a solid gameplay loop to build it on.

    • 2 months ago

      How do we save this game?

      • 2 months ago

        Nothing to save. Core gameplay fricking sucks. Better level design, story, and character writing wouldn't fix that.

      • 2 months ago

        Can't, the core loop are fricked boring as hell missions. Suicide Squad would have been better suited for a Just Cause Open World Destructathon or a Jagged Alliance style Tactical Squad RPG.

        This was a DOA idea from the start. And without any of the Veterans from Team Arkham on hand it was never going to succeed. Plus revealing that companies have been farming out writing and development duties for years really dented the name of Rocksteady.

        It's dead. Now we're just waiting for the call.

  6. 2 months ago

    Bebop is next

  7. 2 months ago


  8. 2 months ago

    >This game is dead
    at one point only 65 people were playing the game

  9. 2 months ago

    Yeah, no shit. It was dead on arrival.

  10. 2 months ago

    The way the characters traverse through the city shows they could have theoretically made a Justice League game but instead some galaxy brain at WB thought the fricking Suicide Squad would get more dosh.

    • 2 months ago

      I like how they had all these different superheroes with the possibility for interesting and unique gameplay, they said "Lets make a game about a bloke with a gun."

    • 2 months ago

      wtf, I never noticed the prosthetic leg before

      • 2 months ago

        Gotta love that Sweet Baby Inc writing style. Now that Joker's a """""good guy""""", they can finally apply their disability fetish- I mean, they can add in disabled representation by giving their fresh, more heroic Joker a prosthetic leg. Because heaven forbid that a character that's ONLY a bad guy has a disability! That would be ableist!

  11. 2 months ago

    I guess the silver lining here is that we were spared a shitty Superman game. Don’t get me wrong, I would LOVE a Superman game where I can fly around Metropolis as big blue, I just acknowledge the talent abandoned ship long ago

    • 2 months ago

      Even going off Knight I think you could see the tea leaves, automated multi-man takedowns, races, focus on pursuit chases

      It might have arguably been better with Superman instead of the Batmobile

  12. 2 months ago

    After seeing how much SS: KTJL fricking sucked, Warner Bros. comes in and asks (You) to make an actually good Suicide Squad game that people actually would want to buy.
    How would you pull it off, Cinemaphile?

    • 2 months ago

      Suicide Squad but they have to kill a super hero team who are a legally distinct but easily recognizable version of the Avengers.
      One of Harley's skins is her completely nude. Cameo appearance from none other than Bugs Bunny!

    • 2 months ago

      It's a complete parody where they just get fricking steamrolled and die in laughable ways because they're nobodies who think they're badass.

    • 2 months ago

      Make it a game where you only have to pick like 6 of 12 characters. Each are unique with different stats and abilities. There are no heals in the game. You play as Flag or someon3 in the team. If you lose a companion they dont come back to the next mission. The missions are to do things the goverment needs to get done but are very unethical. So there is the tension. Make harley DLC. That way i can avoid her. Don't make me kill good people without making my character feel like shit for it.

    • 2 months ago

      Serious answer.
      >Not a looter shooter. In fact, bring back Arkham gameplay
      >potential open world like Arkham games before. Maybe several smaller maps for different parts of the world instead of a huge singular one, but still with enough freedom (Godfather 2 game did something similar and frick you, I liked it)
      >Actually dark tone, at times darker than Arkham games since, well, you're playing as a villain. No reddit-tier "comedy"
      >Some sort of a morality system, I think something similar to that Reservoir Dogs game might work.
      >Main villains could be Lex, Ra's Al Ghul, Vandal Savage.
      >NO FRICKING MULTIVERSE SHIT. Keep things grounded.

      • 2 months ago

        >No multiverse shit
        Fair enough but keep it out of the Arkham universe.

    • 2 months ago

      Rustam and the Jihad are the main story, Rick Flag is the main character. Squad needs to be a mix of Classic and Synergy - Bronze Tiger, Boomer, Deadshot, Blockbuster (dies), King Shark, Poison Ivy (just say the real one has been in Belle Reve since City), Deathstroke ("dies"), Harley (because if you want to have your lesbian cake you need to spend actual time with it baking) and Nightshade for the love story.
      Oracle is on the comms with Riddler. No acknowledgement that she's Barbara except Riddler taunting her that he's gonna spill the beans to all these criminals. Quraci is the setting, with traveling between different open zones instead of just one big sandbox.
      Command based gameplay where you can switch between members of the squad seamlessly and direct the others to distract, go loud or go quiet.
      Game builds up to a finale where you just control Flag going on his one man mission to blow up Jotunheim against Waller's orders to secure it for her. End credits are Oracle quitting because of her disgust with Waller and a Birds of Prey tease and the reveal that Flag and Rustam have been transported to Skataris, which is where we'll set either the Birds of Prey or Squad sequel.

    • 2 months ago

      Guess I'd tell them make Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, but with weirdo Superhero powers and the occasional dumbass melee attack (Harley's Hammer, Bronze's Tiger's Kungfu bullshit, israelitelee acrobatics, Capt. Boomerang in general), base the plot and characters on the 80's run. If there's money left over, have the plot change based on which Squaddies are currently alive.

      • 2 months ago

        >Rainbow Six
        New ones or old ones?
        I remember I got my entire named squad killed in Raven Shield and had to finish the game with no-name generic goons because I was like 11 and sucked at tactical shooters.
        Good times. Imagine the balls a capeshit game would have to allow for something like this.

    • 2 months ago

      Standalone, and not situated in any particular universe to avoid fricking with Arkham, etc. Story-focused, choices matter, characters can die, branching plot. The strongest part of the Suicide Squad is their volatile chemistry, the risk of characters dying, and the situation going awry. Like, when I look at the Suicide Squad, I don't go "WOW THEY'RE SO COOL I BET THEIR POWER SET WOULD MAKE FOR ENGAGING GAMEPLAY", when most of them are fricking losers, no, my thought is "how are these jobbers going to face this seemingly insurmountable task, and make it out alive?"

      So, no loot, no leveling up, no skill trees - that shit would make players upset if the LITERALLY EXPENDABLE HUMAN BEING dies. No plot armor for the protagonists, so someone like Harley could die.

      I unironically think Suicide Squad would do better as a Tell Tale game, than an action game - no need to figure out how to make Boomerang's playstyle fresh after 70 hours, when you can just have him pull out some special boomerang when the story calls for it.
      Give me fricking Until Dawn, with DC villains doing Amanda Waller's skullduggery

      • 2 months ago

        What job do I need to get to be able to force DC to make a game like this

    • 2 months ago

      XCOM but Suicide Squad, like that Marvel game they made a bit ago.

    • 2 months ago

      No Harley or King Shark. Rick Flagg is the main character. Small scale storylines. Is a mission based third person action game.

    • 2 months ago

      Marvel Heroes, but with the Suicide Squad

    • 2 months ago

      just cause+ mass effect companion mechanics

    • 2 months ago

      Like a less difficult version of Darkest Dungeon. You have every lame villain from DC comics at your disposal at first. All the f-tier guys. The characters who had one issue and then stayed in prison. You have to unlock the better squad mates. You can also design your own lame supervillain and ai generate a comic book cover for the issue he first appeared in. Dead characters stay dead unless you go to hell and beat up the devil to restock. Of course, if a villain redeems himself and then dies he’s beyond your reach because he’s in Heaven now so you’ll need to discourage this by encouraging bad behavior but not so bad the papers get hold of it and cut your budget. The DLC is for characters DC would have to license like the Batman tv series rogues, Gremlins, Scooby Doo Villains, the droogs from a Clockwork Orange, Squidbillies characters, Public Domain supervillains, Mortal Kombat characters, the cast of Carnevil, Warner Brother’s cinematic villains, and Cerberus the Aardvark.

  13. 2 months ago

    Anyone watch the cutscene yet? Harley not caring the Joker is back at all is fricking horrible writing. Especially considering all of the length through the first three games, she went to to get joker back. Yes, I understand this is not her, but it is a joker and she was in love with a joker so she should at least be happy. He’s back in some capacity.

    • 2 months ago

      Harley seems to actively hate her past in this game.

      • 2 months ago

        She still loved Ivy just like she did in the old games….wait…oh yeah they only met once maybe twice.

    • 2 months ago

      Harley seems to actively hate her past in this game.

      It's a game the story of which is built exclusively on contempt for everything that came before it, so it doesn't surprise me.

      • 2 months ago

        Harley having any connection to the Joker would prevent her from being a heckin' Girlboss™, so it isn't allowed anymore.

        Thank you for putting it more elegantly than I ever could.
        Sometimes something is so obvious you end up having a hard time realising it and putting it into words.

    • 2 months ago

      Harley having any connection to the Joker would prevent her from being a heckin' Girlboss™, so it isn't allowed anymore.

  14. 2 months ago

    Did anyone see those short ass cutscenes?
    Joker is gay at this point. He makes too many gay jokes to not be.

  15. 2 months ago

    I'll say it again, Arkham Asylum was a game made by people who liked Batman, knew Batman well, and wanted to create an experience that pleases both comic book fans and gamers who generally don't care about capeshit.
    And it worked. I couldn't make two steps in 2009 without hearing how great the new Batman game is. (And before somebody cries "Batgay". I would've been happy if a game like that was made for other heroes.)
    You could argue as the following games improved technologically, some of Asylum's "soul" got lost in the process, but they clearly tried something that would improve gameplay. I can't even completely hate the Batmobile because the fans wanted it for years and Rocksteady just gave them what they wanted (even if the execution wasn't great)
    I see none of this love here. This is a trend-chasing soulless product at best (hey, memba The Boys? Memba the movies? Memba Injustice? Looter shooters are cool, right?), something made by people who have petty hatred for capeshit and its fans at worst.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, it's pretty important to remind people that while it says "Rocksteady" this isn't the same studio that actually made the Arkham games and that those people have all left.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, it's pretty important to remind people that while it says "Rocksteady" this isn't the same studio that actually made the Arkham games and that those people have all left.

      A while back some anon with hamburgers compiled a helpful list


      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >A picture for ants.jpg

  16. 2 months ago

    >be rocksteady
    >make suicide squad game
    >become suicide squad instead

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