This is an unforgettable episode.

This is an unforgettable episode.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Yes but has Cartman ever been half as competent or dangerous without getting some sort of benefit you would never get in real life basically given to him?

  2. 5 months ago

    and they got away with it

  3. 5 months ago

    jumping the shark moment

    • 5 months ago

      >jumping the shark moment

      • 5 months ago

        He went from being a bratty jerkass to a straight up psycho.

    • 5 months ago

      >jumping the shark moment

      >jumping the shark moment
      not that anon but while Scott Tenorman Must Die is a funny episode, escalating Cartman that far was a mistake, it just raised the stakes too high for the show and it's been constantly chasing that edgy high ever since with mixed at best results

  4. 5 months ago

    What was it about again? I forgot.

    • 5 months ago

      Cartman is utterly humiliated by an older kid, Cartman gets revenge by arranging for the kid's parents to be murdered, butchers them and mixes their remains into chilli which he tricks the kid into eating.
      This episode marks the point where Cartman falls into a state of psychosis that he never really comes out of, he was always a c**t before this episode, but this is when he just becomes more unhinged and never goes back to being what he was before.

      • 5 months ago

        To be fair, at the moment it was sucha great twist because Cartman at that point was always the butt of the joke and, for once, he became the winner by being a psycho, which make the twist and the joke hit even futher. Yeah, is a shame that Cartman character became an butthole that terrorized everyone he hated by we still for great episodes after that like casa bonita, in which he also acted like a psycho but not “killing people” tier psycho

        • 5 months ago

          I think in general we don't get Cartman winning these sort of things later on. Like he'll get people killed but usually gets some comeuppance.

        • 5 months ago

          I think there are times they have Cartman down but I don't think Matt and Trey care too much about finding since they probably see Cartman as a plot device.

        • 5 months ago

          It was a switch on writing style
          Early Southpark was a long newgrounds short and it was popular but then people started demanding something resembling other shows and to be fair it worked so well season 8 was the peak of the show.
          Ironically people now want the newgrounds shitpost style back but its not like Southpark can go back, these specials are actually a great idea and they are saving southpark, I mean Cartman during the last one was more like the original Cartman than it has gotten in a while
          I have been advocating for dumping the serialized format and going into specials and tv movies for years now, it worked for adventure time and Steven universe too

          • 5 months ago

            >it worked for adventure time and Steven universe too
            those shows are fricking terrible though. if you like steven universe you're either from tumblr, a moron, or both
            the specials are NOT saving the show. they're no better than bad episodes, which is essentially what they are: long nu-park episodes. and nu-park is always bad since season 19.

      • 5 months ago

        Then in a much later season they claim that Scott Tenorman's father was Cartman's biological father, and the town collectively decided to not tell Cartman because he was a football player and didn't want to affect his playing.
        So Cartman unknowingly killed his own father and fed him to his half-brother in retaliation for a couple of pranks.

      • 5 months ago

        Actually I say cop man is occasionally a decent human being dependent on what's going on in the episode and story like the Stick of Truth and when he first got with Heidi but he reverts back to eventually being a psycho a******.

  5. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >Woof! Woof!

  6. 5 months ago

    Just rewatched it, absolute kino

  7. 5 months ago

    it's interesting because this episode was the major shift in cartman's character. before this one, he was just the fat, angry mean kid. it was literally this episode that turned cartman into the evil scamp who is always scheming

  8. 5 months ago

    >Cartman killing his own dad.

    What a dolt that jumped to conclusions just to get a win over scott.

  9. 5 months ago

    Cartman got totally gyped on that pube deal. I could have gotten him twice the pubes at half the cost. I thought he was supposed to be smart.

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