this is exactly how I feel watching Fionna and Cake.

this is exactly how I feel watching Fionna and Cake.

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  1. 9 months ago

    > women would rather self insert as some pump and dumped roastie with a series of failed relationships and have the two love interests designed for her frick each other then just actually have a strong committed relationship with a man
    Why are women like this

    • 9 months ago

      I don't watch the show but did they actually say she's into flings and casual sex or did she just have a couple failed relationships like most adults and you're here seething that she's not a pure virgin?

      • 9 months ago

        >I don't watch the show

        Then why did you reply to this thread?

        • 9 months ago

          It's not a requirement for posting in this thread.

          >cartoon originally for children now adapted for adult viewers
          >lmao depression, alcoholism and nihilism, adulting is hard xD

          By adult they mean college kids.

          • 9 months ago

            >It's not a requirement for posting in this thread.
            People like (You) are the reason why Cinemaphile is so shit

        • 9 months ago

          >It's not a requirement for posting in this thread.
          People like (You) are the reason why Cinemaphile is so shit

          FRICK OFF, ANON!
          Not even that guy, but it's perfectly legitimate to ask question about a show before considering watching it or not.

          I don't watch the show but did they actually say she's into flings and casual sex or did she just have a couple failed relationships like most adults and you're here seething that she's not a pure virgin?

          >but did they actually say she's into flings and casual sex or did she just have a couple failed relationships like most adults
          The second one. the only real relationship confirmed was with Flame Disk-Jockey and it's not even confirmed they had sex together.

    • 9 months ago

      Is like morons forgot Finn wa sthe same post FP
      Finnss turn into a prostitute after being dumped

      • 9 months ago

        You "people" are never gonna brainwash society into thinking a man's bodycount matters as much as a woman's.

        • 9 months ago

          AIDs detected.

    • 9 months ago

      Cartoon protags are losers in general
      Very few male MCs start out in committed relationships either, they're always pining for some b***h who's out of their league

  2. 9 months ago

    How bad is the show?

    • 9 months ago

      Nothing's happened for six episodes.

  3. 9 months ago

    golly I wonder why she's a chub (with no rolls or sagging)

  4. 9 months ago

    >cartoon originally for children now adapted for adult viewers
    >lmao depression, alcoholism and nihilism, adulting is hard xD

  5. 9 months ago

    So, is it worth a watch or nah?

    • 9 months ago

      I think it's pretty decent, but I think the best parts are the parts without Fionna and Cake.

    • 9 months ago

      Definitely worth checking out, I'd say.

    • 9 months ago

      If you watched Adventure Time, sure. I'm mostly watching to see how Simon's story ends.

    • 9 months ago

      If you were a fan of the AT Show and Distant land, definitely.

      I never personally considered this show turned bad IMO.

    • 9 months ago

      It is if you skip all the parts about the gay coffeeshop AU, it's decent enough to watch. They at least seemed to have stopped their obsession with making finn into a frickin' loser.

      • 9 months ago

        >They at least seemed to have stopped their obsession with making finn into a frickin' loser.
        That was never a thing to begin with, anon.

        • 9 months ago

          Finn literally did NOTHING in the finale, you dumb frick. He literally did not do anything other than stand around and be useless while everyone else got to be heroes.

          • 9 months ago

            >Finn literally did NOTHING in the finale
            This is objectively false, anon. Your mind is rotten.

            • 9 months ago

              >This is objectively false, anon.
              Oh yes, of course! He got gobbled up by GOLB and stayed there doing nothing useful.

              • 9 months ago

                >He got gobbled up by GOLB
                Don't use the passive form when he is the one who actively chose to go in there.
                Also, don't pretend Finn didn't prevent a war just before that.

              • 9 months ago

                >Don't use the passive form when he is the one who actively chose to go in there.
                And then did absolute frickall
                >Also, don't pretend Finn didn't prevent a war just before that.
                His 'stunt' was literally useless since molly just ended up tripping gumbald anyway. It did absolute squat.

              • 9 months ago

                >His 'stunt' was literally useless since molly just ended up tripping Gumbald anyway.
                He is the reason Molly was convinced to stop Gumbald, stop arguing in bad faith.
                And he fight like everyone else to save the day. You have a rotten mind, anon.

              • 9 months ago

                >e is the reason Molly was convinced to stop Gumbald, stop arguing in bad faith.
                She was barely part of the dream. It was a useless stunt, which became even more useless once Golb appeared.
                >And he fight like everyone else to save the day.
                No, he didn't. He literally did nothing. He jumped into Golb, and stayed there, doing nothing, until the end of the finale.
                >You have a rotten mind, anon.
                And you are an idiotic shill.

              • 9 months ago

                >She was barely part of the dream.
                She was part of it
                >It was a useless stunt
                Preventing a war is not "useless", anon. You keep arguing in bad faith and none of that make Finn a loser.

                >He jumped into Golb, and stayed there, doing nothing
                Half of the final is centred on him. And preventing a war is still nothing. This was a good final, Finn was never portrayed ass a loser and your rotten mind ruined a good show for yourself. Stop being a sad man, anon.

              • 9 months ago

                >She was part of it
                >Preventing a war is not "useless", anon.
                As previously stated, not only did he not prevent a war (Molly did), the "War" thing was completely pointless since Golb appeared right after.
                >Half of the final is centred on him
                Literally how the frick is it? There were two things. First there was Fern's emotional resolution (not Finn, Fern's) and then there was the Golb fight, where he jumped into Golb and did nothing
                >. And preventing a war is still nothing.
                It is, in fact, nothing, because he didn't do it.
                >This was a good finale
                You should unironically have a nice day if you think that, you idiotic shill.
                >Finn was never portrayed ass a loser
                Are you fricking kidding me? Finn was portrayed as a loser ever since he broke up with FP and never recovered to being a hero in the main series. He literally only got back to being a hero in Fionna and Cake.

                Why the frick would you ever defend the fricking garbage that was late AT? Are you a writer or something lol, it was fricking trash and you are an complete and utter idiot for so much as defending it, unironically an hero.

              • 9 months ago

                Doesn't invalidate my point.
                >As previously stated, not only did he not prevent a war (Molly did)
                Because of what Finn did, anon. you are arguing in bad faith again.
                >First there was Fern's emotional resolution (not Finn, Fern's)
                work both way, anon.
                >where he jumped into Golb and did nothing
                Helped Simon.
                >You should unironically have a nice day if you think that
                No, anon you stupid rotten brain persecution compllex robbed you of a good final.

                >Why the frick would you ever defend the fricking garbage that was late AT?
                Because it's a great show that was good from start to finish.

              • 9 months ago

                >Doesn't invalidate my point.
                Yes, it does.
                >Because of what Finn did, anon.
                No it's not. Molly was not part of the dream, it didn't affect her. And the war, ultimately, would not happen anyway because of Golb appearing. And even if it did (it wouldn't) - that would mean that literally all Finn did was tell jake to throw a glass of magic juice, and that is not an achievement
                >work both way, anon.
                Except it doesn't, because the resolution was about FERN coming to terms with himself, NOT Finn.
                >Helped Simon
                Yeah, to uselessly bang on the wall lmao. Literally all of it was pointless because the only thing that mattered was Betty using her wish.
                >No, anon you stupid rotten brain persecution compllex robbed you of a good final.
                No, your mental moronation made you into a shill who defens garbage.

                >It is, in fact, nothing, because he didn't do it.
                Denying reality won't make you magically right.

                Making up random shit won't make you right either. Seriously, why are you such a shill? Are you unironically a writer? It was garbage. Complete and utter garbage. The only thing people even talked about was the stupid bubbline kiss.

              • 9 months ago

                >Yes, it does.
                You syaing so wo'nt make it true. She was still witness of its result and this resulted in her stopping Gumbald.
                > Molly was not part of the dream
                But PB being ready for peace convince her.

                >and that is not an achievement
                Finn planned for it and it resulted in preventing the war.
                >Literally all of it was pointless because the only thing that mattered was Betty using her wish.
                While simon was out of Golb.

                >No, your mental moronation made you into a shill who defens garbage.
                You are the one who has to make up complain to hat this show, anon.

                >Making up random shit won't make you right either.
                And yet that's what you do.

                >Seriously, why are you such a shill?
                It's not shilling to enjoy a show that was genuinely good.

              • 9 months ago

                >She was still witness of its result and this resulted in her stopping Gumbald.
                She wasn't even there when the 'Gumbald' stuff happened. She barely appeared in the dream. And then she just decided to trip him.
                >But PB being ready for peace convince her.
                She was literally the one that caused the war, SHE came up with the plan to dummify PB.
                >Finn planned for it and it resulted in preventing the war.
                No, Molly deciding to trip Gumbald did. And throwing a bottle is not a 'plan', nor a 'feat', nor something admirable that a hero protagonist should do IN HIS OWN SERIES'S FINALE.
                >While simon was out of Golb.
                Literally all he did was jump into Golb.
                >You are the one who has to make up complain to hat this show, anon.
                No, you have objectively been shown to be wrong but still keep harping about how telling someone to throw a glass bottle is a great feat for a hero.
                >It's not shilling to enjoy a show that was genuinely good.
                Ah, so you're just genuinely moronic then.

              • 9 months ago

                >She wasn't even there when the 'Gumbald' stuff happened. She barely appeared in the dream. And then she just decided to trip him.
                Because of the good will PB showed, anon. Stop pretending this wasn't because of what Finn did.
                >She was literally the one that caused the war,
                Gumbald was. Heck, she even agree at Finn's first peace negotiation and peace treaty until Gumbald's treachery was revealed.
                and that PB was convinced to give peace an other chance won Molly over.
                >No, Molly deciding to trip Gumbald did.
                She did it because of Finn's action, you know this is true.
                >Literally all he did was jump into Golb.
                and save Simon
                >No, you have objectively been shown to be wrong
                You haven't shown a single false thing, you on the other hand still pretend that Finn has nothing to do with PB's nor Molly's chang eof mind. Your brain is rotten.

                >Ah, so you're just genuinely moronic then.
                You are the one who make up complain just so tat you can hate a show for fake reasons. This isn't healthy, anon.

              • 9 months ago

                >Because of the good will PB showed, anon
                Literally just making up shit now, i guess.
                >Gumbald was.
                Again, she was literally the one who thought of the plan. Did you not watch the episode? *She* made the plan to betray PB during the peace negotiations.
                >She did it because of Finn's action
                She wasn't in the dream, so it really had no effect.
                >and save Simon
                He did not 'save simon', Betty did.
                >You haven't shown a single false thing
                You are literally pointing at random shit and saying it's "heroic"
                >This isn't healthy, anon.
                Being stupid isnt healthy either. Healthy to the gene pool, that is.

              • 9 months ago

                >It is, in fact, nothing, because he didn't do it.
                Denying reality won't make you magically right.

              • 9 months ago

                You're actually moronic.

        • 9 months ago

          Didn't Muto admit to not liking Finn very much at some point?

    • 9 months ago

      It's viralslop, so no.

  6. 9 months ago

    I just wanna frick them. I don't even care if the show is shit or not.

    • 9 months ago

      They'll just tell you your penid is unacceptable

  7. 9 months ago

    Is the show better or worst then Adventure Time?

    • 9 months ago

      Depends. AT is inconsistent as hell in both tone and quality between the episodes.

    • 9 months ago

      Just as good, I'd say.

  8. 9 months ago

    Is being fat empowering now

    • 9 months ago

      people still dont want to frick me so no.

  9. 9 months ago

    So is that good or bad?

  10. 9 months ago

    I made it five minutes into ep 1. I think I’d rather watch AT again.

  11. 9 months ago

    >Adventure Time was on the air for 8 years
    >Now Fionna and Cake
    Calarts shows refuse to die don't they?

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