>This is going to be the highest grossing movie of 2023

>This is going to be the highest grossing movie of 2023

What can we learn from this?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 9 months ago

    Somebody here said they were gonna do something if it hit a billion. I forgot what it was. I think they said they were gonna eat something.

    • 9 months ago

      They're going to be a father motherfricker who hasn't showered for 3 days and bring a large pizza and beer into the movie theater to watch barbie with

  2. 9 months ago

    Ryan Gosling is king

  3. 9 months ago

    Margot Robbie isn't the box office poison everyone says she is.

    • 9 months ago

      She's so beautiful. I wish I was handsome enough to attract a woman of her caliber. It's not fair that I was born ugly.

      • 9 months ago

        Work out, shower, read a book sometime. Looks matter so much less for men than having an actual personality.

        That, or be rich.

    • 9 months ago

      But she had Ryan Gosling and everyone had in their minds going in something like the type of singing in La La Land.

    • 9 months ago

      She's so beautiful. I wish I was handsome enough to attract a woman of her caliber. It's not fair that I was born ugly.

      I am weird and I like the girl on right much more. I cant explain it.

      • 9 months ago

        They're the same woman. Samara Weaving as well.

  4. 9 months ago

    +A positive marketing campaign works better than a negative one.
    +The standards people have for movies has lowered considerably.
    +People will overlook your preaching if the leads are attractive.

    • 9 months ago

      What other mocie have preached the audience this hard?
      I'm asking seriously because I feel like a lot of Cinemaphile make up dumb rules on the fly to keep an understanding of the world that aligns with their interest. People do not care about preaching. Not in the slightest.

      • 9 months ago

        >oscar bait movies have not been relentlessly mocked in popular culture for decades
        >the actor giving a speech and being given an award for it has not been a gag for decades
        Yeah it's just Cinemaphile being weird as per usual.

        • 9 months ago

          Oscar baits are hardly the example that come up when people complain about wokism. Come on I'm sure you understood the question.

      • 9 months ago

        >People do not care about preaching.
        They do. If it is belittleing you or hamfisted or says that you are dumb or your life was the whole time wrong. Otherwise people wouldnt make so much fun of these old school lesson movies.

      • 9 months ago

        People care about preaching if it comes off in an antagonizing way, explicitly or implicitly. Barbie wasn't as aggressive these movies generally are, and both Barbie and Ken are likeable so it comes off as people proposing a compromise instead of an agenda being pushed.

        • 9 months ago

          >Barbie wasn't as aggressive these movies generally are
          Please quote 5 movies that had more agressive preaching than Barbie, I'll wait.

          The main thing with Barbie is that NEVER had a movie been this explicit, there is always some underlying progressist messaging in movies, but it's always implicit, Barbie literally throws it AT YOUR FACE. I have never seen anything like it in all the movies people b***h about being woke.

    • 9 months ago

      >A positive marketing campaign works better than a negative one.
      Someone's gotta tell the morons at Disney this shit because their main way of advertising their garbage seems to be the actors telling people to grow up and accept bad casting or for some director to talk about how a background gay character is showing up for the first time.

      Like, holy frick, shoving Black folk and gays in our face and telling us to like it is anti-hype.

    • 9 months ago

      >The standards people have for movies has lowered considerably.
      It looks a lot better than MCU shit.

    • 9 months ago

      This film was refreshingly lacking any preaching or morals

      It was very moronic

      • 9 months ago

        >This film was refreshingly lacking any preaching or morals
        homie what it was absolutely preaching about muh patriarchy

        • 9 months ago

          That's just reality hun

        • 9 months ago

          you got baited like b***h

  5. 9 months ago

    get woke make money

    • 9 months ago

      How about
      >get woke
      >records broke

      • 9 months ago

        >How about
        >>get woke
        Barbie isn't "woke" at all it's actually an ok pretty balanced movie that satirizes pointed conversations like these. Barbie chooses to leave Barbieland and go to the real world for a reason.

        • 9 months ago

          Go woke
          Chuds cope

        • 9 months ago

          >Barbie isn't "woke" at all

          Love this cope revisionism. Same thing happened with Black Panther where suddenly it was achtually a super based and red pilled and not woke

  6. 9 months ago

    Memes can help a Movie to get Money
    Also Frick Men a feminist Movie get the most Money this Year

    • 9 months ago

      >a Feminist Movie get the most Money this Yea

  7. 9 months ago

    Women are about to get even more insufferable, which was thought to be impossible.

  8. 9 months ago

    >What can we learn from this?
    Original movies can make it! Original stories can be TOP at the box office!
    Women like movies made for them
    Men like movies made for them
    Stop doing stupid shit to try and get an audience like gender swap or race swap. Do you think if Barbie was NOT Margot Robbie; a black woman, or Asian...this movie would be as successful? How about Barbie as a man? No?
    Then why do you think race/gender swapping characters that have been in the public for years or decades a good idea?
    Focus on entertaining stories to your target audience.
    People STILL want to go to movies. Stop staying "COVID / zoomers / movies" no you're done. People want to be entertained by movies. Good movies. If people don't see your movie it's probably shit.
    And finally: HOLLYWOOD DOES NOT NEED CHINA. The rest of the world can more than make up for China.

    All in all Barbie could not have come at a better time. Breath of fresh air really

    • 9 months ago

      Why didn't they race or gender swap Barbie?

      • 9 months ago

        because Margot is the new Brad Pitt. She is everyones best friend and mortal enemy.

        • 9 months ago

          >because Margot is the new Brad Pitt
          She gets carried by strong male actors. No one was seeing that movie without gosling front and center.

          • 9 months ago

            I hope he sees this, bro

            • 9 months ago

              I hope you get to be first in line for her only fans.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh they did, they were just too cowardly to make it the main

        • 9 months ago

          >Oh they did, they were just too cowardly to make it the main
          Yeah because WB didn't want to blow the box office for this.

          Having representation is extremely admirable and we should absolutely strive for that.

          Race/gender swapping characters in general is confusing at best, off putting almost always and will most likely result in box office failure.

          Studios aren't dumb they can only take this so far

          • 9 months ago

            Then this is more about the main character having an audience than race swapping in itself being a problem. If they are sure the african american public or asian or latino are going to be drawn in by a character being race swaped, studio will race swap them. Same goes for gender bending.

            As the american audience has changed in the last decades and will continue to do so those race swap will become more and more common and have more and more visibility.

            • 9 months ago

              >If they are sure the african american public or asian or latino are going to be drawn in by a character being race swaped, studio will race swap them. Same goes for gender bending.
              Except that's not true at all. They gender swapped Ghostbusters THINKING it would sell. It didn't.
              They race swapped Ariel THINKING it would sell. It didn't.
              If the studios knew what would sell they would never lose $. Given they lose $ all the time, it's clear they don't really know what will sell.

              American demographics are changing but VERY SLOWLY. And then you also have people around the world that usually don't support race/gender swapped characters (like Little Mermaid).

              Gender swapping characters is almost always bound to fail because the original movie targeted men. Women aren't going to see a noir movie because women are in it. They don't like the genre (in general).

              The D&D movie is a good example of failure. The writers said before the movie was released they wanted to emasculate the lead (Chris Pine). Who wants to see that? Men? No. Women? No.

              Barbie wasn't race or gender swapped because they wanted to retain the box office.

              Well, that applies to typically male movies, and it applies to established characters who were white.

              Snow White will be a good example of this, and it will most likely fail.

              • 9 months ago

                Nobody knows what will sell FOR SURE, most movie lose money and fail at the box office but since Cinemaphile is full of people who do not really follow movies and the box office but is filled with guys who just want to shove their politics into any result they do not know. They just notice about some random movie failing AND being woke and then redifine the word as they go to suit their agenda.

                For the individual results, for little mermaid it clearly sold in the united states, when you look at the demographics it overindexed among african americans and it's not even close and it's the only reason it didn't fail as hard as other box office bombs of the summer, among which none had race swapping or gender swapping (on the likes you mention).

                Over half of young americans are non white, another thing that has an impact is that people in general are more receptive to diversity than they were 30 years ago. 30 years ago movies with heavy black or presence wouldn't even have been made as everybody knew they were going to bomb, not bomb in the sense they barely make a profit, bomb in the sense they lose their studios a shit ton of money. The rest of the world follows the same pattern and studios would rather gross big in the us than overseas as their cut is bigger there.

                For D&D at the end of the day in the movie the white male leads saved the day as in Mario even though he was pathetic all along, again as in Mario. There is this tendency to try to draw abstract line to differentiate woke movie that work and those that do not. And when you go deeper... they're the same.

              • 9 months ago

                >Nobody knows what will sell FOR SURE, most movie lose money and fail at the box office but since Cinemaphile is full of people who do not really follow movies and the box office but is filled with guys who just want to shove their politics into any result they do not know.
                I agree with you, but there most definitely has been an active attempt at race/gender swapping for no particular reason, and there have been MANY high profile bombs recently. Barbie is an example of sticking to your target demo (women) and playing it straight. Most males like action movie, make action movies that appeal to males.

                >For the individual results, for little mermaid it clearly sold in the united states, when you look at the demographics it overindexed among african americans
                Yeah but African Americans are only 13% of the population. And when you race swap a character it becomes confusing to a lot of people. The movie def underperformed globally compared to other live action remakes, and bloggers in China and elsewhere were put off with the race swapping.

                >Over half of young americans are non white,
                America is more diverse but race swapping in particular is seen as cheap and pandering by a good number. It's not absolute but when you substitute story for race/gender swapping, this is almost sure to fail.

                >For D&D at the end of the day in the movie the white male leads saved the day as in Mario even though he was pathetic all along, again as in Mario.
                Yeah but the D&D movie totally failed, and Mario didn't. This was many factors but certainly the D&D script had too many characters, too "jokey", and not appealing to men or women.

              • 9 months ago

                >I agree with you, but there most definitely has been an active attempt at race/gender swapping for no particular reason, and there have been MANY high profile bombs recently. Barbie is an example of sticking to your target demo (women) and playing it straight. Most males like action movie, make action movies that appeal to males.

                Among those high profile bombs how many had more race swap than Barbie? A single one, TLM, that's it. All the others, Mission Impossible, Flash, Indiana Jones 5, Elemental, Transformers, Elemental, Ruby Gillman, Shazam 2, Fast X and probably some I forget had way less, and they ALL did worse than TLM. The race swapping on tlm's scale is the exception, it's not a norm, the norm is race swapping a side character like in Barbie.

                >Yeah but African Americans are only 13% of the population. And when you race swap a character it becomes confusing to a lot of people. The movie def underperformed globally compared to other live action remakes, and bloggers in China and elsewhere were put off with the race swapping.

                It underperform globally but overperform domestically. Compared to other movie this year it's rather well off. It doesn't deserve the attention it is getting, most people who do like the movie for obvious reason would have liked it to be an unmitigated disaster. That it is not.

                >Yeah but the D&D movie totally failed, and Mario didn't. This was many factors but certainly the D&D script had too many characters, too "jokey", and not appealing to men or women.

                There were many factors, but the woke aspect you're trying to point out is barely the most important even admitting it did play a role. I mean you even had conservztihes quited by Matt welsh who made a parrallel with Mario back when its opening was decent. But since it failed they dropped it.

              • 9 months ago

                most people who do not* like the movie

              • 9 months ago

                >Among those high profile bombs how many had more race swap than Barbie? A single one, TLM, that's it. All the others, Mission Impossible, Flash, Indiana Jones 5, Elemental, Transformers, Elemental, Ruby Gillman, Shazam 2, Fast X and probably some I forget had way less, and they ALL did worse than TLM. The race swapping on tlm's scale is the exception, it's not a norm, the norm is race swapping a side character like in Barbie.
                Absolutely. Hwood is having a massive failure across all IP. It's just race/gender swapping almost always means certain failure.

                >It underperform globally but overperform domestically.
                Right but it underperformed OTHER DISNEY LIVE ACTION, and many people internationally blamed race swapping as a large (but not solitary) case. But yeah race swapping is uncommon and is only 1 of many woes for Hwood.

                >There were many factors, but the woke aspect you're trying to point out is barely the most important even admitting it did play a role. I mean you even had conservztihes quited by Matt welsh who made a parrallel with Mario back when its opening was decent. But since it failed they dropped it.
                Well however you want to define it, the failure of the D&D was a bad script, and not knowing who the target audience was.
                I mean Barbie proves you can market a movie to women, not race or gender swap, make the movie for them, make the characters appealing to women...they come out for the movie.
                Ok now do that for men.

              • 9 months ago

                >Absolutely. Hwood is having a massive failure across all IP. It's just race/gender swapping almost always means certain failure.
                The other movie that had race swap this year was ATSV, it was a success by all metrics. So one of the two race swap was a relative flop, not as big as the other ones, and the other was a success. Trying to shove the race swapping issue into the box office is nonsensical at this point. Even assuming it had an influence the performance of mocies this year proves it is at best marginal.

                >Right but it underperformed OTHER DISNEY LIVE ACTION, and many people internationally blamed race swapping as a large (but not solitary) case. But yeah race swapping is uncommon and is only 1 of many woes for Hwood.
                All the movie I quoted also underperform compared to exceptions. For TLM it cannot be excepted to gross as much as the likes of Aladdin as the original anime was way less popular. Of course it still underperform, but not as much as people could be led to believe by comparing it to beauty and the beast.

              • 9 months ago

                >The other movie that had race swap this year was ATSV, it was a success by all metrics. So one of the two race swap was a relative flop, not as big as the other ones, and the other was a success. Trying to shove the race swapping issue into the box office is nonsensical at this point. Even assuming it had an influence the performance of mocies this year proves it is at best marginal.
                But that's not a race swap, it's a different character. The original Peter Parker is in the movie alongside Miles Morales.

                but it underperformed OTHER DISNEY LIVE ACTION, and many people internationally blamed race swapping as a large (but not solitary) case. But yeah race swapping is uncommon and is only 1 of many woes for Hwood.
                >All the movie I quoted also underperform compared to exceptions. For TLM it cannot be excepted to gross as much as the likes of Aladdin as the original anime was way less popular. Of course it still underperform, but not as much as people could be led to believe by comparing it to beauty and the beast.
                Aladdin did $1 billion
                Lion King did $1.6 billion
                TLM has $561 million that's way off
                Don't take my word for it I mean people in China said they weren't going to see it because she was race swapped.
                Race and gender swapping in general is a really bottom of the barrel way to have "new content". It almost always fails.

              • 9 months ago

                >But that's not a race swap, it's a different character. The original Peter Parker is in the movie alongside Miles Morales.
                That's a technical objection, the issue is the same, taking a franchise that targetted a part of the population and changing a character to expand the franchise to another one. You even admitted this definition yourself. Also Ariel from the new TLM remake is from another universe.

                >Aladdin did $1 billion
                Lion King did $1.6 billion
                TLM has $561 million that's way off
                Don't take my word for it I mean people in China said they weren't going to see it because she was race swapped.
                Race and gender swapping in general is a really bottom of the barrel way to have "new content". It almost always fails.

                The original TLM in the 80s grossed half what thr original Aladdin did. Not saying TLM didn't underperform, but it cannot be excepted to gross as much as Aladdin. For China it underperformed there, but overperform in the us.

    • 9 months ago

      > Original movies can make it!

      It’s a movie based off a billion dollar brand! How well would this movie be selling if the Barbie brand wasn’t attached to it? Go look at top grossing movies this year. All sequels and big IPs. This no different than Mario movie. Hollywood is fricking dead. Oppenheimer, an original movie won’t even crack the top ten

      • 9 months ago

        >It’s a movie based off a billion dollar brand! How well would this movie be selling if the Barbie brand wasn’t attached to it?
        I hear you, and totally agree. It's not a GREAT sign that it's not "original IP". But hopefully adaptations or even original screenplays can make it successfully like they used to.

        I mean Oppenheimer is already in top 10 domestically; even if it falls out it's GREAT.

        Hollywood (and us) ABSOLUTELY need new IP in movies; it's failing consistently (MI7, Indy 5, Ant man, Little Mermaid etc.) and Hollywood has no choice:
        Smaller budgets
        more original IP

        They coasted on dumbshit IP for a long time, it's running its course.

        Of course they will try Polly Pocket and it will fail. There just aren't enough Big IP left to cannibalize.

        They will have to turn to new IP or die.

        • 9 months ago

          I agree, you have to compare movies considering each other's circumstances.

          Oppenheimer is a 3h film, R rated, which tells the story of a scientist who is not known by name by the majority of the population, at least to the point of knowing his biography.

          The best comparison for it is Bohemian Rhapsody, which made $216 million domestically and $694 million internationally (but it was PG13 and cost half of Oppenheimer's budget).

          In two weeks the film has already made $174 million domestic and $226 million internationally. Even though he had a $100 million marketing budget, the movie will pay for itself and still make a profit. Maybe end up with $700/750 million global. For the kind of movie it is, let alone releasing on the same day as likely the biggest blockbuster of 2023, it's a success.

    • 9 months ago

      Barbie kowtowed to China tho

  9. 9 months ago

    That we should make a Mattel Cinematic Universe

    • 9 months ago

      >That we should make a Mattel Cinematic Universe
      Mattel I 100% guarantee is already on that

    • 9 months ago

      Scrabble: The Movie when?

    • 9 months ago

      >That we should make a Mattel Cinematic Universe
      Mattel I 100% guarantee is already on that

    • 9 months ago

      >That we should make a Mattel Cinematic Universe
      Mattel I 100% guarantee is already on that


      They are.
      45 movies planned.

      Kelly is reportedly working on a script about the “cross-cultural” card game as well. The idea was pitched by McKeon to Kelly as a heist movie, but the first draft of the script she turned in was “‘frick’-heavy” and set in the hip-hop scene of Atlanta. She later turned in a more PG-13 script (yawn). There were rumors of Lil Yachty being in line for starring in the film, but the script has since been set aside.

      >Hot Wheels
      J.J. Abrams (Gracie Abrams’s dad) is teaming up with Mattel and Warner Bros. to bring an “emotional and grounded and gritty” depiction of the toy-car brand to life. His words. It’s allegedly a film with not just toy cars but “real emotion and real stakes to it,” according to the head of Mattel Films, Robbie Brenner.

      >Magic 8 Ball
      Apparently, Cocaine Bear writer Jimmy Warden’s name is on a Magic 8 Ball somewhere.

      >Bass Fishin’
      Mattel execs say they’ve received a sports-drama script featuring the digital Bass Fishin’ rod at the center of a cheating scandal that sets the competitive-fishing world aflame.

      >Matchbox Cars
      It has teamed up with Skydance Media to tell the story of Matchbox cars. Per The New Yorker, Don Granger, a Skydance exec, got together with five writers and storyboarded the toy cars to hell. Brenner says they’ve found their villain.

      • 9 months ago

        This is gonna be like the Pirates of the Caribbean shit when they tried doing a movie for every Disney World ride because Pirates succeeded.

        • 9 months ago

          Worked for haunted mansion

          • 9 months ago

            So is Disney just pretending they didn't already try this with Eddie Murphey?

      • 9 months ago

        >No Hungry Hungry Hippos movie

    • 9 months ago

      Ynon Kreiz became the head of Mattel, in 2018, he was its fourth C.E.O. in four years. Toys R Us had recently gone bankrupt, causing a slump in sales; Kreiz’s predecessor had resigned after Mattel suffered a loss of three hundred million dollars. Kreiz, whose résumé includes a stint at Fox Kids Europe, saw an opportunity for growth.
      Mattel, he argued, had a children’s-entertainment catalogue “second only to Disney.” Just as Marvel had gone from ailing comic-book publisher to Hollywood behemoth, the toymaker could leverage its intellectual property at the multiplex. Kreiz told me,
      > “My thesis was that we needed to transition from being a toy-manufacturing company, making items, to an I.P. company, managing franchises.”

  10. 9 months ago

    >be me
    >tell chuds it’s gonna be highest grossing movie of the here
    >generations of women associated with brand
    >women love le feminism
    >chuds say
    >nU uH
    >lE pOlITizlZaTiOn
    >Le WoKe
    >i’m right
    >i’m always right

    why do I even post here oh yeah you can’t leave you never leave

    • 9 months ago

      This. I kept telling the Chuds that 2020 was nothing like 2016 and that Trump wasn't taking the election seriously enough, but they didn't listen.

      • 9 months ago

        >Trump wasn't taking the election seriously enough
        Trump got millions of more votes than he got in 2016 and would have won in any other election in history by a huge margin except biden the person no one liked and didn't even run a campaign got double the amount of votes anyone should have ever gotten blowing out all elections for all time in the history of the universe. Thank god we live in a country where there is zero election fraud.

        • 9 months ago

          Biden doesn't need to campaign. He just needs to not be Trump. It's sad that Chuds really want to repeat this. They would win in a landslide with literally any other candidate

          • 9 months ago

            Trump will win by honest votes. But the election is going to be rigged again to make him officially lose.

        • 9 months ago

          People hate Trump more than Biden, who knew?

          >because Margot is the new Brad Pitt
          She gets carried by strong male actors. No one was seeing that movie without gosling front and center.

          But she cute

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              >nooooo those people doesn't count!

        • 9 months ago

          Trump isn't going to win, especially if he tries to run from prison.

          • 9 months ago

            2 more weeks

            • 9 months ago

              More like two more indictments.

    • 9 months ago

      I work in a theatre and I kept telling everyone we sold out the previews weeks in advance and had to add more showings. I kept saying it was selling out and the estimates were way to low and all I got was that I was a delusional shill and it was going to flop.
      Now I hope it's the biggest film of the year

    • 9 months ago

      I work in a theatre and I kept telling everyone we sold out the previews weeks in advance and had to add more showings. I kept saying it was selling out and the estimates were way to low and all I got was that I was a delusional shill and it was going to flop.
      Now I hope it's the biggest film of the year

      I dont believe people are this dumb must be people parodying those Qtards by being extra dumb to drive the point. Like this place became people pretending being moronic and attracting low % of actual morons.
      t. I do that sometimes.

  11. 9 months ago

    People only hate wokeness if they push ugly minorities as the lead characters. White feminism is still the safest form of wokeness; black and latino side characters should stay as sidekicks.

    • 9 months ago

      Agreed the fact they had an attractive female lead instead of some ugly b***h made a huge difference even if Margot is woke af
      Also the marketing completely hid the woke aspects, I've had multiple ppl around me considering watching it and I had to tell them all it's wokeshit and it took a while to convince them cuz they were so in-denial

      • 9 months ago

        You guys are delusional that's pathetic, the non woke marketing excuse lost all meaning this week end when Barbie had a 40% drop compared to its opening.

        It's over.

        • 9 months ago

          That means nothing. Word of mouth takes a while to spread and not everyone watches ben shapiro. Like I said I've know ppl who wanted to see it and they had NO IDEA it was woke even after a week of release. They were super surprised when I told them about the actual plot and the feminist rants etc
          Never underestimate the consooming power of the goycattle

          • 9 months ago

            >Word of mouth takes a while to spread
            No it doesn't, we're in 2023 the age of social media for frick sake. Everybody knows everything almost instantaneously.

            Even asusming it takes time, how long? Two more weeks? Do you realize how pathetic that sounds?
            I still remember having that very discussion last week, the morons I was talking to swore this was going to drop like a rock this week end.

            This is one of those abstract lines people draw when they are deep in denial.

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah and on social media u choose who to follow so unless ur following ben shapiro u still won't know the movie is woke
              Also cognitive dissonance so ppl who were excited for the movie will ignore the bad reviews and woke claims
              Plus lots of ppl will literally just go to a movie without researching reviews or anything at all so the wokeness will just completely blindside them
              Again u underestimate NPC behaviour

              • 9 months ago

                People go see the movie BECAUSE OF WORD OF MOUTH. Not in spite of it.

                I think I'll stop, you're clearly in denial. Can't believe this movie assfricked Cinemaphile this hard watching the meltdown live has been so funny.

              • 9 months ago

                R u moronic? Word of mouth did nothing it was the obscenely massive marketing shilling this movie everywhere as some fun light-headed comedy that got ppl to see it
                When I tell ppl that it's woke they're shocked and are always like "b-but the trailer looked so nice and fun!"

      • 9 months ago

        That means nothing. Word of mouth takes a while to spread and not everyone watches ben shapiro. Like I said I've know ppl who wanted to see it and they had NO IDEA it was woke even after a week of release. They were super surprised when I told them about the actual plot and the feminist rants etc
        Never underestimate the consooming power of the goycattle

        someone needs to draw this autist having a fit in front of his family over the barbie movie kek

        • 9 months ago

          cope reddit homosexual

  12. 9 months ago

    we learned that nostalgia is the only viable marketing strategy in 2023, as we enter a global recession budgets tighten and people would rather seek out comfortable familiarities of years past than experience the new and unknown.

    • 9 months ago

      top fricking kek while you use pepe which at this point is now just nostalgia shit over used meme. you done fricked up

    • 9 months ago

      No woman under 40 has nostalgia for barbie.

      • 9 months ago


        I think you're wrong there bud

      • 9 months ago

        Yes they do you fricking moron

      • 9 months ago

        moron barbie is still the king of girl's toys

        • 9 months ago

          Bratz was beating Barbie then those Lollypalooza or whatever things with button eyes were beating that and lately the concept of girl toys has been considered unacceptable and girls have been playing with stuff like Paw Patrol toys. Mattel definitely needed this to pump Barbie back up.

          • 9 months ago

            Bratz were cheaper to get the full experience meanwhile with Barbie you need minimum a Barbie, a Ken and a group of friends fir her

          • 9 months ago

            Mattel is doing fine girls still enjoy dolls, monster high was a phenomena when it debuted and omg lol is still going strong

            Bratz were cheaper to get the full experience meanwhile with Barbie you need minimum a Barbie, a Ken and a group of friends fir her

            Bratz were originally pitched to Mattel but the creator left and went to MGA Entertainment

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe talk to some girls and you’ll find out this isn’t true

  13. 9 months ago
  14. 9 months ago

    It will be the highest grossing film of the decade so far, and won't be beaten until 2015 or later if it is beaten at all before 2030. It will be remembered as one of the iconic films of the new 20s, and everybody who predicted its failure will be reminded for the rest of their life how devoid of insight they truly are.

    • 9 months ago

      >It will be remembered as one of the iconic films of the new 20s
      Eh. I saw it, it's ok. I mean in between ok and good maybe? Nobody clapped at the end. Nobody and it was packed with pink-wearing women.

      I mean Titanic was HUGELY popular, but is Titanic an iconic film? I mean other than the scene on the bow of the ship the movie is very forgettable. This doesn't even have an iconic scene like that.

      It's a popular movie with actual middling quality because there just are no alternatives. It's the Taylor Swift of movies.

      • 9 months ago

        >but is Titanic an iconic film?

        • 9 months ago

          The book was better.

      • 9 months ago

        >I mean other than the scene on the bow of the ship the movie is very forgettable.

        Speak for yourself.

    • 9 months ago

      It’ll beaten by Avatar 3 in 2 years.

    • 9 months ago

      >It will be the highest grossing film of the decade so far
      You really think it'll outgross Avatar 2?

  15. 9 months ago

    You can’t learn what you all ready know. Women are stupid

  16. 9 months ago

    Women don't watch Indiana Jones or Mission Impossible or Star Wars. They want to be shopping and doing makeup and gossiping like the moronic women that they are

    • 9 months ago

      >Women don't watch Indiana Jones or Mission Impossible or Star Wars.
      Yeah exactly. Women like Barbie.
      Women don't watch Indy or MI or Star Wars. SO WHY MAKE THOSE MOVIES FOR THEM?

      This is a PERFECT lesson for Hollywood to learn. Market the movies to your audience not to your dumbshit ideology.

      • 9 months ago

        What's going to happen is studios will market towards women with major social programing, "woke," in them and be successful without going broke.

        • 9 months ago

          >What's going to happen is studios will market towards women with major social programing, "woke," in them and be successful without going broke.
          Well Barbie isn't even "woke". It's just a movie marketed to women.
          The lead is a white woman
          The "love interest" is a white man
          The white male CEO "antagonist" is portrayed semi-sympathetically.
          Any non-white/trans/overweight characters are shoved in the background for token screen time and that's it.
          At the end a Barbie and Ken choose to "couple"
          I don't think there was anything gay in the entire movie and it's BARBIE.

          This can hopefully open up people in Hollywood's minds:
          Make female content for females
          Make male content for males

          If you gender swapped Barbie to make men come to the movie more...would that have worked?

          OK but you want to gender swap male characters and you think that will work?

          This movie is helping to remove dumbshit ideology by marketing to your target audience and being a success.

          • 9 months ago

            This is so dumb, then 70% of movies people complain about being woke aren't. Lightyear isn't woke anymore, birds of prey isn't either, strange world and captain america either.

            Hell you could go as far as saying movies race swapping side characters aren't woke anymore either.

            >At the end a Barbie and Ken choose to "couple"
            You haven't even watched the movie, they do not. They chose to go they separate way the whole point of the ending is that they need to define themselves by themselves.

            • 9 months ago

              >This is so dumb, then 70% of movies people complain about being woke aren't. Lightyear isn't woke anymore, birds of prey isn't either, strange world and captain america either.
              I hear you, people throw "woke" or "chud" around; very reductive and really simplifying complex topics.

              >Hell you could go as far as saying movies race swapping side characters aren't woke anymore either.
              They do that in Barbie, and I wouldn't even call Barbie "woke" at all. Woke in my mind is being more performative in terms of representation or politics without any real ideology or complexity behind it.

              >>At the end a Barbie and Ken choose to "couple"
              >You haven't even watched the movie, they do not. They chose to go they separate way the whole point of the ending is that they need to define themselves by themselves.
              Not the main Barbie and Ken, it's a different couple.

              • 9 months ago

                It’s really simple in fact :
                >movie introduces some minor «woke» element to create some useful idiot chud reaction.
                >that an literal astroturfing to create the false narrative that any backlash for the movie is political.
                >the minor woke element is easily cuttable to market the movie to chinese/saudis, it is really only for there for the western media campaign.
                >rinse and repeat for 50 years.

            • 9 months ago

              99.9% of people don't care about your random ass pol twitter buzzword shit. I've never ever heard anyone irl using "woke" and whatever made up words to criticize or defend a movie

    • 9 months ago

      >Women don't watch Indiana Jones or Mission Impossible or Star Wars. They want to be shopping and doing makeup and gossiping

  17. 9 months ago

    go woke, go rich

  18. 9 months ago

    they made billions with capeshit so what

  19. 9 months ago

    This is what you should learn:
    -Invest a lot in marketing and viral advertising
    -cast Ryan Gosling in a comedic role, and try to make it actually funny
    -latch your idea onto one of the most known brands on planet Earth
    -don't make it too corporate, give the project to someone who has a vision (otherwise it will just look like a $400m ad for toys, and no one cares about that; on the other hand by putting someone like Gerwing at the lead you can target 20+ yo audiences)
    All in all it was a marketing masterpiece, people should study it more

    • 9 months ago

      >All in all it was a marketing masterpiece, people should study it more
      Agreed. Marketing was great, the "Barbenheimer" stuff was great. The pink was great. Awesome marketing job

  20. 9 months ago

    A well run mega corporation with a bulletproof business strat will always be able to land on it’s feet through marketing even if the product is mid or even bad.
    That’s what disney has done for star wars and marvel for years.
    people talk about go woke go broke and superhero and reboot fatigue but for every shit movie to come out of their ass, they still make ends.
    The business strategy is simple : to control critics.
    1-through access, if you want to still be able to interview ryan gosling or margot robbie for your critic website, or still be invited to the first showings, be nice 🙂
    2-pre planned strawman rebuttal.
    You don’t like the the new star wars ? You’re a crypto sexist.
    You don’t like the new little mermaid ? You’re welcome crypto racist.
    Those strategies are literally pre planned and with a few bots, could destroy the reputation of any critic plateform.

    What i don’t get is how Warner Bros are so bad at it.

    • 9 months ago

      So basically tell a bunch of lies and gaslight the cattle and they will moo and go to whatever trough you tell them too. We live in a society.

      • 9 months ago

        >So basically tell a bunch of lies and gaslight the cattle and they will moo and go to whatever trough you tell them too. We live in a society.
        Yeah it's called movies my dude. What like Jaws or Ghostbusters was some kind of deeper spiritual work on the nature of the soul? Come on...

        • 9 months ago

          Don't remember critics having to be threatened to give good reviews for jaws or ghostbusters. Don't remember the jaws or ghostbusters trailers hiding the real plot and making people think the movie was completely different.

      • 9 months ago

        Unironically know a lot of normies that think the Last Jedi was good and believe the only reason for someone to dislike it is political.
        The programming works.

        • 9 months ago

          I went into that movie completely blind having no idea who made it or what his deal was. Still hated every second of it except for the lightspeed crash just because it was a cool effects shot but it was still pants on head moronic that broke canon.

    • 9 months ago

      >What i don’t get is how Warner Bros are so bad at it
      Because they're disney's main rival and disney uses its shills against them. When Joker came out, the first story talking about a possible incel shooting came from ABC News, owned by disney, to name an obvious example

  21. 9 months ago

    That capeshit is out, toyshit is in. New barbie sequel every year and map out toy cinematic universe. Going woke pays off if you pander really hard to just one identity group at a time. Black panther x Barbie BLACKED crossover after cape fatigue wears off will break box office records.

  22. 9 months ago

    That from now on every movie is going to have a marketing campaign based on memes.

  23. 9 months ago

    >What can we learn from this?

    memes work. thats it.

  24. 9 months ago

    That old brands sell so expect a He Man and a Thundercats movie next

    • 9 months ago

      >That old brands sell so expect a He Man and a Thundercats movie next
      Well we already tried GI Joe and Transformers, those seem tapped out.
      But yeah He Man in the works I think
      Polly Pocket? from Lena Dunham. Yikes
      Hot Wheels probably

      • 9 months ago

        >Polly Pocket? from Lena Dunham. Yikes
        How is that going to be seen as anything but the Playmobil to Barbie's Lego?

        • 9 months ago

          >How is that going to be seen as anything but the Playmobil to Barbie's Lego?
          Well yeah. I mean I don't even know how much juice there is in a Barbie sequel. They will def make one, just not sure how much juice there is.

  25. 9 months ago

    The Toysverso is coming next, food warriors trilogy with Ryan Gosling and Zack Snyder

  26. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      It's great news I don't know why anyone would be upset with this.
      A movie that isn't a sequel or Marvel broke through the box office. This is great news for original scripts. Yeah it's "existing IP" but still...it's something at least

      • 9 months ago

        >I don't know why anyone would be upset with this

        They are literally burning Barbies.

        • 9 months ago

          Aww Ben, he's so cute!

        • 9 months ago

          How will Mattel ever recover!?

    • 9 months ago

      It needs to make 1.4 billion to beat Mario. 1.2 is not "game over"

    • 9 months ago

      I don't even fricking get this at all.

      Both Barbie and Mario are these Giant Megabrands with maximum multi generational and international brand penetration. You could call both movies "competently made," although reviewers found Mario mediocre or average, it was exactly what a lot of moviegoer families were looking for.


      Why are people acting like this is some magical mystery or revolutionary when they do well? One thing is also clear: audiences don't give a shit about politics one way or the other. Why would they? These are two huge brands but unlike Capeshit #2590744746668 or Disney Live Action Copy #2674479990076 or Bland Disney or Pixar Regurgitated Product #976835856899 there aren't five billion shitty Mario and Barbie movies so people are sick of them, YET.

    • 9 months ago

      Jesus FRICK the Barbie movie is going up fast holy fricking shit. This is unironcially going to be one oft he highest grossing films isn't it

  27. 9 months ago

    That movies based on old Toys brands sell if it has a good marketing campaign that don't try to alienate his fanbase

  28. 9 months ago

    Mario still win

  29. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      a latina would rather see pyscho pass than barbie

    • 9 months ago

      Sorry but I found Drive totally boring couldnt tell you what happened. I do like Blade Runner 2049 tho, literally me....because AI gf loner

  30. 9 months ago

    >What can we learn from this
    spending $500M on marketing works (don't post official budgets, nobody trusts them)

    • 9 months ago

      That we should invest in Mattel stocks instead of arguing between each other.
      That meme marketing is great and you save money on it, that splitting marketing budgets to other brands works wonderfully.

      They didnt lied they really spent only 150M on marketing, they just kept it off the books**
      *people were shilling it for free with barbenheimer
      ** brands were lining up to cover for them for getting brand deals and it paid off for both parties.

  31. 9 months ago

    That the era of trump and far right is over and we are returning to centrism.

  32. 9 months ago

    >people are calling le drive man box office gold and Margot is coasting off of him

    • 9 months ago

      Who do you think the girls are going to the movie to see? Margot? or Le Drive Man?

      • 9 months ago

        Well to them hes Le Notebook Man

      • 9 months ago

        Women don't like Drive

        • 9 months ago

          Well to them hes Le Notebook Man

          Okay. But they are still there to see Le La La Man

          • 9 months ago

            That's the gay men

  33. 9 months ago

    that zoomers and gosling fanboys are total cucks and simps to pussy and are never to be taken seriously again

  34. 9 months ago

    Get woke, chuds choke.

  35. 9 months ago

    That the Goose is back in business

  36. 9 months ago

    Women are the biggest household consooomers.

  37. 9 months ago

    i don't need to learn anything. i'm not in the making movies business.
    it's fun movie though and they should make more like it

  38. 9 months ago

    never doubt the sisterhood

  39. 9 months ago

    You can in fact have a successful film purely off of a fantastic marketing campaign built on lies.

    • 9 months ago

      is this news for you? are you a zoomer? a newbie? did you just land on earth within the last year?

    • 9 months ago

      Is this the new cope? The marketing tricked people into going to see Barbie? You don't get these kind of box office numbers without good word of mouth.

      • 9 months ago

        Remember that the movie was supposed to have a 90% drop this weekend because everyone knows that it's woke now.

        • 9 months ago

          woke annoys only men, women dont care unless its trannies in their restrooms and sports like Rowling.

          • 9 months ago

            Amazing women care ms more about their own bodies than the cost of fresh peaches at the supermarket for my smoothies

  40. 9 months ago

    always believe the opposite of what chuds say

  41. 9 months ago

    We've learned that women and soibois will flock to anything that aligns with their beliefs.

  42. 9 months ago

    Margot still got it

  43. 9 months ago

    That Barbie is going to make more movies because sales are down on the dolls. If you look at it like it means success then you are selling out to small individuals that are constantly cleaning up.

  44. 9 months ago

    Cast attractive white people as the leads. Little Mermaid probably would have hit a billy if they had cast a cute redhead.

    • 9 months ago

      Tons of movies with attractive leads bomb. This kind of superficial shit from Cinemaphile is so stupid

      • 9 months ago

        >Tons of movies with attractive leads bomb
        No they don't moron, most of the big bombs have ugly people. People don't want to see ugly shit on screen, and you are actually moronic if you think superficial shit doesn't matter to general audiences.

        • 9 months ago

          Margot Robbie latest movies:
          -birds of pray
          -the suicide squad
          -asteroid city

          All bombs

          • 9 months ago

            amsterdam is the worst movie I have ever seen

          • 9 months ago

            Doesn't help that these were all unwatchable shit

          • 9 months ago

            Holly shit Asteroid city is out. Downloading it now. Just how bad could a Wes Anderson movie be, also it still doubled it's budget 25m-46.5m so it passes.

            • 9 months ago

              Asteroid City is empty as frick, it feels like it as been made just to give a bunch of people an easy paycheck during vacation.
              No stakes, story is bland, same characters, acting and writing as always, could’ve been made by chatgpt and midjourney.

          • 9 months ago

            Margot Robbie has 5 min of screentime at the very end of Asteroid City, it is not a "margot robbie movie"

    • 9 months ago

      >Emma Watson is hot
      >Beauty and the Beast made a billion
      >Naomi Scott is hot (and part white)
      >Aladdin made a billion
      >Halle Bailey is ugly as shit
      >didn't break a billion

    • 9 months ago

      Tons of movies with attractive leads bomb. This kind of superficial shit from Cinemaphile is so stupid

      This is even more moronic when you know all Margott Robbie's latest movies were bomb, this is the most successful movie in her career.

      We're supposed ot be on a television and series board and 3/4 of morons here do not know shit about movies.

      • 9 months ago

        Barbie is a movie for women. The hot lead we're talking about is Ryan Gosling

    • 9 months ago

      Robbie was boxoffice poison
      Goose is 6/10 at best

  45. 9 months ago

    That AGP kino is the future of movies.

  46. 9 months ago

    I mean between feminist bullshit and genocidal bomb israelite I'm more ok with feminist bullshit

  47. 9 months ago

    >Top grossing movies of 2023
    Pick the right brand to make a movie around. Also don't oversaturate the market with it so people stop caring, so it helps if it's something they haven't thought about in years. And the stars should be white.

  48. 9 months ago

    People want to see movies starring beautiful white people and not ugly gorilla Black folk.

  49. 9 months ago

    Women are the easiest creatures to manipulate

  50. 9 months ago

    You can convince morons to see anything so long as you have memes and dip into le culture war

    • 9 months ago

      People don't care about the culture war, that is why the marketing omitted that, people almost came out of no where to hate this movie at the last minute. The rants they give in the movie are something you've heard 100 times on a hallmark movie or some shitty CW show, so they don't really rock any boat or say anything relevant.

  51. 9 months ago

    Hire white beautifull people. Make it a Rorschach test to both far extremes to promote your project.

  52. 9 months ago

    Remember when Cinemaphile claimed it would flop?

  53. 9 months ago

    women and feminists are moronic consoomers

  54. 9 months ago

    >What can we learn from this?
    That Kenergy is real.

  55. 9 months ago

    I think Barbie was the last battle of the culture war, from here on people will keep on going on about wokism but it won't have the same flavor after this debacle.
    All those pathetic attempt to redefine wokism will still be on record.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah im sure a movie will make people believe in 2853 genders.

  56. 9 months ago

    You can shut down the entire world on false pretenses but as long as you allow women to be prostitutes nobody will care.

  57. 9 months ago

    That leftist women are insanely easy to play through their narcissism, crazy old news. Modern “feminism” was 100% a trojan horse for global capitalism and they completely fricking fell for it because it fingers their boring sense of superiority. Wonder how long before they’re pretending like they were never on any of this, took them an entire decade for the lame social justice shit. Leftist women genuinely think they’re rebellious, so well-behaved and incapable of making history. Gonna be another decade, such a boring waste of time and culture.

  58. 9 months ago

    Absolutely nothing

    They still our money because we fell for a stupid meme

  59. 9 months ago

    White women are overgrown children who want to watch boss b***hes in bright colors.
    Ryan Gosling can magically attract men obsessed with the literally me memes.

    Tho movie managed to attract both genders in a unique way.

  60. 9 months ago

    >>This is going to be the highest grossing movie of 2023
    >What can we learn from this?

    Movies starring good looking white people make money!!!FACT!!!

  61. 9 months ago

    Those crying MUH FEMINISM prove everytime they’re incapable of understanding anything beyond surface level or lowest hanging fruit. But I also know none of them saw it. It’s a fun stupid movie about what it means to be human while also being a big commerical. That’s it. Pour all that endless energy into something actually worth crying about. Margot Robbie’s feet also get a lot of attention so just fricking go with it you horny homosexuals.

    • 9 months ago

      Chuds are really thinking women dont like feminism or as they call it woke or something alike that.
      Too bad for them they absolutely love it especially seeing how that scene is so insanely popular.

      White women are overgrown children who want to watch boss b***hes in bright colors.
      Ryan Gosling can magically attract men obsessed with the literally me memes.

      Tho movie managed to attract both genders in a unique way.

      barbie is like 70% women, men dont matter that much for box office in this.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah just ignore the moronic speeches that happen every 15 min
      kys shill
      this movie did well because of it's deceptive marketing attracting normies as well as the roasties and cucks that would've seen it anyways

  62. 9 months ago

    The connection to the music industry and the use of memes as a marketing tool are the reason so many people decided to dress up and go see this movie. It became an event.

  63. 9 months ago

    >Hire big stars
    >do a shit ton of marketing
    >get popular musicians to do music
    >make film about popular and well known product
    wow who would have thought it’d be successful

    • 9 months ago

      And add in that the movie is actually fun to watch. You get that good word of mouth and there's your $1B BO.

  64. 9 months ago

    moronic memes and other shills fueled this goyslop

  65. 9 months ago

    >Piss everybody off
    >Then everyone wins

  66. 9 months ago

    >What can we learn from this?
    Put more close up shots of feet in movie...

  67. 9 months ago

    >If you can't beat them them and take it for yourself
    What men are doing with the Barbie movie is exactly what woman did to Star Wars and Marvel. They're forcing themselves into something that they don't belong and now people are pissed.

  68. 9 months ago

    That women and their money are soon parted.

  69. 9 months ago

    >What can we learn from this?
    That WB cannot let go of Snyder.

  70. 9 months ago

    Frick green screens return to elaborate and expensive set designs.

  71. 9 months ago

    That we should invest in Mattel stocks instead of arguing between each other.
    That meme marketing is great and you save money on it, that splitting marketing budgets to other brands works wonderfully.

  72. 9 months ago

    Catering to your core audience pays off so women brand and women movie is great combination

  73. 9 months ago

    Get woke, go br-ACK

  74. 9 months ago

    Good movies make good box office?

    Also the future is female, deal with it, chud.

  75. 9 months ago

    I went to a club/bar and the Kenergy was high. On the way I saw a neon sign that said GOOSE and then looked to my right and saw an image of Barbie on a fairground ride. Then inside it was like some guy had modelled himself on Ryan Gosling and I saw some Kens making out.

    This movie is going to make men gay! (was not a gay bar)

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Classy dude.

  76. 9 months ago

    Don't give ugly people lead roles and your movie will sale

  77. 9 months ago

    I am so glad Mario homosexuals got kicked on the balls.

    • 9 months ago

      Right in the koopa troopas!

  78. 9 months ago

    Correctly identify your target audience, and pander to them.

    Of course, the lesson Hollywood is going to take away is that they need to double down on feminizing men's franchises.

  79. 9 months ago

    >Highest grossing movie of the year - Barbie
    >Second highest - Guardiand 3
    Hot, blonde haired blue eyed white leads = box office?

    • 9 months ago

      What about homie Spider-Man? Did it flopp?

    • 9 months ago

      You're describing 90% of mocies this year including those who failed moron.

      • 9 months ago

        No I'm not.
        >Little Mermaid - Dindu
        >M.I. - Elderly midget brunette
        >Crystal Skull - Old israeli man and ugly brunette
        Try again coper

        • 9 months ago

          Little mermaid is one of the few exceptions. You could also add Creed 3 and ATSV but you don't since they are both huge successes.

          Really, we're at the point where we pretend Hayley isn't attractive?

          Even assuming being attractive is all that matters it would explain why all Robbie's latest movies were bombs.

          • 9 months ago


  80. 9 months ago

    Hopefully this will kill Disney. Barbie's success is a necessary evil.

    • 9 months ago

      Why should disney be killed in the first place? If it's wokism the issue the other studios are about as much now.

  81. 9 months ago

    >What can we learn from this?
    hollywood finds success in pivoting away from capeshit

  82. 9 months ago
    Craig T. Nelson

    Go woke, go broke

  83. 9 months ago

    roastie goyslop + unprecedented shilling

  84. 9 months ago

    woke works with decent movies and good marketing

  85. 9 months ago

    Movies need to cater to women more

  86. 9 months ago


  87. 9 months ago

    I've learned that, once again, a movie that makes a lot of money does not mean it's a good movie or even worth watching.

  88. 9 months ago

    1. Audiences actually want attractive people as the stars of their movies.
    2. Audiences are sick and tired of capeshit and CGI slopfests.
    3. Audiences are sick and tired of "dark and gritty" bullshit and want some levity in their entertainment.

    • 9 months ago

      >Audiences actually want attractive people

  89. 9 months ago

    If I like it, it isn't woke. simple as

  90. 9 months ago

    Chuds lost

  91. 9 months ago

    Unlikely to realistically surpass Mario Bros

  92. 9 months ago

    >Make a movie about an existing franchise, and you get money no matter what.
    >There is no such thing as bad news. In fact, it's better to ride on infamy train.

  93. 9 months ago

    White women will pay to watch films about white women.

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