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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago

    Damn, is there something that is pissing critics off or something? That's beyond "eh it was generic" level.

    • 7 months ago

      Pendulum swung the other way. Now it's cool to shit on Disney

      • 7 months ago

        Thank you south park!

      • 7 months ago

        Thank israel

      • 7 months ago

        >Pendulum swung the other way. Now it's cool to shit on Disney

        because Disney has been producing a lot of terrible slop.

        before under Iger it was mediocre middling stuff. Now it's aggressively trash.

      • 7 months ago

        That's because Disney has been consistently producing literal slop with poorly written stories with countless reused plot elements from their previous movies.

        It was bound that their princess shtick was going to run dry and end looking like they're filling a Street Fighter roster of various ethnics with every girl being basically the same character with a copypasted face. As well generic character roles, such as funny smartass animal sidekick and bland love interest.

        And that their non-princess films are just same reused plot deal with the plot being basically a hero fighting a twist villain.

    • 7 months ago

      Three issues they had:

      >Villain wasn't villainous enough and the way they forced him evil was poor.
      >forgettable, overly wordy songs
      >leant too much on nostalgia and felt cynical instead.

      Ultimately, they're just angry that this wasn't even a design by committee, it was just low effort. Disney have lost all the good will making films like these and critics are no longer putting up with it.

      • 7 months ago

        the "villain" was not just not bad, but he actualy made 100% sense. Has powers of gift giving. Doesn't hold it for himself. 1 wish per person, but wishes are limited to things that are both good to the person now and in the future. No give me 10t of Gold, blow up the world etc. The litteral "teach the guy to fish and give him a fishing rod" dude.
        On the other hand the main hero, wants to give people EVERYTHING THEY WANT, even if we know that giving people what they want, in the moment, ends very bad.

        • 7 months ago

          This is what I feared when I first saw the trailer. Fricking hell.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah given how this premise has been previously explored in various forms of media, I'm surprised how badly they bungled a classic Aesop.

          • 7 months ago

            Puss In Boots literally just did it better while also arguing for joy in the face of inevitable death

            • 7 months ago

              Puss N Boots 2 somehow has heart and soul despite being made by a mega corporation similar to Disney. The Disney version is soulless and boring looking, designed to not offend anyone to the point that no one likes it.

        • 7 months ago

          There's another layer to it, where he hoards their wishes - even the ones he doesn't grant - and they forget about them. But that's just such a fricking weird thing to put in there to make a villain evil.

          Jafar: I want all the power, I want to be in control and make everyone my slaves.

          Scar: I want all the power, I want to be in control and make everyone my servants.

          Ursula: I want to be much more powerful. Gimme the Trident that lets me rule the oceans.

          Gaston: Belle belongs to ME, who cares what SHE says, and I'll kill that Beast dude for getting in my way.

          Clayton: I just enjoy killing animals.

          Cruella DeVille: Imma gonna skin puppies.


          You can even do social commentary. Bellwether's motivation was anti-carnivore-bigotry, Radcliffe figured whites should own Everything, and Frollo's enforced his interpretation of God's Will.

          And then there's Magnifico.
          "I'm going to grant wishes, but not all wishes, I'll decide which ones deserve to be granted, and for some reason I'll keep the wishes I don't grant so you forget them." What the frick. That's a convoluted mess.

          • 7 months ago

            I haven't seen it but is it like a megalomaniac thought process of "I've decided this wish sucks, so you should forget it so you can never grant it yourself"? Because that's not terrible villain motivation, it's like Kira playing god

            • 7 months ago

              He collects all their deepest wishes, they forget them when he collects them, then he picks and chooses. The "and he keeps them so they forget them regardless of whether or not they get granted" bit feels like an artificial addendum thrown in there when they realized "he doesn't grant every wish" was a fricking good thing.
              It's just a fundamentally broken premise for a movie.

              • 7 months ago

                >The "and he keeps them so they forget them regardless of whether or not they get granted" bit feels like an artificial addendum
                I'm guessing it's used to explain why the kingdom think he's a great guy, they only remember the wishes he grants.

                The thing I don't get though, is if he takes his time to choose which ones to grant, and they forget them in the interim period, wouldn't they have fricking realised that he's fricking with people's memories if they suddenly realise they had forgotten about the wish they made until it got granted?

          • 7 months ago

            I haven't seen it but is it like a megalomaniac thought process of "I've decided this wish sucks, so you should forget it so you can never grant it yourself"? Because that's not terrible villain motivation, it's like Kira playing god

            I mean, if he's taking stupid or harmful wishes from people like "I want to be famous for the sake of being famous!" Or "I want to rule the world!", he's really doing a service to the world even if some innocent wishes get sucked up. Like people aren't just single minded goal machines, we have more than just one thing to be interested in unless you're ABSOLUTELY obsessed. Which at that point, he's probably doing you a service as well...

            • 7 months ago

              The overall conflict is that he's taking things like "I wanna be a famous musician" going "nah, not you" and just throwing those wishes in the bin. And the person forgets they ever wanted to be a famous musician.
              Which just... it's such a weird and awkward villain schtick? King Candy/Turbo was a schmuck that pretended to be a good king, but was secretly stealing a spot in the race from someone that was MEANT to be there. He went around ruining things for others selfishly. A very nice take on an-apparently-good-but-actually-evil King.
              Magnifico is just awkward as frick. The whole movie is.

              • 7 months ago

                It’s be interesting if they show the serious consequences of unbridled wish granting. The people unfulfilled once they get the thing they want without working for it. Or realising what they wished for isn’t that good. Resenting people who seemed to get better outcomes or even people wishing harm on others. People would very quickly turn this reality into an apocalyptic nightmare.

              • 7 months ago

                >It’s be interesting if they show the serious consequences of unbridled wish granting
                Just watch Bruce Almighty. That literally happens.

        • 7 months ago

          Hire tantruming children as writers, get tantruming children writing.

        • 7 months ago

          Villain steals people's hopes and aspirations along with their wishes, he is essentially mind wiping them and using their wishes to power himself up.

          • 7 months ago

            Power himself up?

            • 7 months ago

              Yes, the unfulfilled wishes powered his sorcery.

              • 7 months ago

                That does not flow naturally. The concept might work for a villain's motive in a novel, but not a relatively short Disney movie with damn musical numbers.

              • 7 months ago

                Im just stating the facts of the movie, not saying if they are good storywriting or not.

              • 7 months ago

                Sure, sure, I'm just commenting on the motivation that you've established.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes, making the kingdom prosperous only makes him look better, which makes him an eternal monarch

      • 7 months ago

        , overly wordy songs
        That's just what happens when you have Lin Manuel Miranda

        • 7 months ago

          He didn't work on that film.

          • 7 months ago

            It was people who've never worked on musicals trying to copy his style and failing.

            LMM at least seems to know when to reel in his style. That's not to say he hasn't made some terrible songs:

            • 7 months ago

              Funnily enough even though the LMM inspired songs in this movie are mediocre/trash the man himself gave Disney their worst song of the year.

              • 7 months ago

                Guessing he was told to make a joke song for Awkwafina and either misjudged the humour or genuinely couldn't write a funny song for her singing.

                You're Welcome is actually one of my favourite songs of recent films and that's an extremely LMM song, helps that the Rock is good with his half singing half rapping style.

              • 7 months ago

                The pop version the played over the credits was legitimately awful.

              • 7 months ago

                All the pop covers for Moana were weirdly terrible.

        • 7 months ago

          When you don’t have Lin Manuel Miranda, you mean. Wish songs have terrible metrics on YT by Disney standards, while some Moana songs have 1.5-1 BILLION views.

        • 7 months ago

          When you don’t have Lin Manuel Miranda, you mean. Wish songs have terrible metrics on YT by Disney standards, while some Moana songs have 1.5-1 BILLION views.

          Meanwhile Alan Menken is relegated to making music for TV shows. And they're a billion times better than fricking Miranda's music. Whose son did he hit with his car to get thrown out of making music for the real movies?

          • 7 months ago

            It is wild how for their 100 year anniversary they decided to go for a composer who they've never worked with before and mostly done pop songs not musicals. I had thought Strange World was one baffling creative decision after another but the more I think about it Wish might be worse.

          • 7 months ago

            Menken is 74 years old and hasn’t made anything of note since Tangled (which also wasn’t his best work) despite working on multiple Disney movies after that. It just seems like he ran out of inspiration as he got old or stopped caring.

            • 7 months ago

              The Tangled show isn't that old and he made like 30 songs for that. There's no age limit to composing as far as I'm aware.

              • 7 months ago

                Of course there isn’t, but it’s a fact that most artists do their best work while they’re younger.

                Jared Bush is the only guy with any talent left. Did you know he's the one who wrote the show bible for Andor too? Carrying fricking DIsney on his back. Get him on Zotoopia 2 and we're saved!

                He’s tweeted about Zootopia 2 multiple times, so it’s probably safe to say he’s working on it.

              • 7 months ago

                He's doing the music for Spellbound which is being directed by the Shrek director and Lasseter is producing.

                Seems there's hope after all. If these two are bad then I officially declare a third dark age for DIsney. Fourth?

              • 7 months ago

                Spellbound is being made by Skydance Animation, not Disney.

            • 7 months ago

              He also worked on Galavant, aka the better Disney musical

          • 7 months ago

            He's doing the music for Spellbound which is being directed by the Shrek director and Lasseter is producing.

      • 7 months ago

        Disney's death cannot come soon enough.

        • 7 months ago

          Isn't he already dead?

          • 7 months ago

            I didn't mean Walt. I meant the soulless corporation that burst out of his lifeless carcass.

        • 7 months ago

          They'll bounce back. Remember Disney's dark age. Its a cycle.

          • 7 months ago

            At least Disney dark age animations still looked cool.
            These ones though...

        • 7 months ago

          Disney will not die, they've reached the magical threshold where they have enough money and influence that they can just exist off handouts from the goverment to """keep jobs for americans"""

      • 7 months ago

        Wtf I love critics now

      • 7 months ago

        Their issue was being moronic, they had all the ingredients to make a masterpiece.

    • 7 months ago

      vanity fair said it was okay to shit on disney now
      so they got new programming and hate disney

    • 7 months ago

      Why is generic okay to you? Do you want mediocrity?. If so, then why are you on here

      • 7 months ago

        It's not. It's just that generic has been okay for critics for decades.

      • 7 months ago

        Mediocrity would be an improvement, so yes.

      • 7 months ago

        >Do you want mediocrity?. If so, then why are you on Cinemaphile?
        What do you mean, he came to the right place. This board is like 40% horny Digital Circus threads and 30% Scott Pilgrim doom posting right now

        • 7 months ago

          What's the other 30%

      • 7 months ago

        Reading comprehension anon, he's talking about what's ok for critics.

      • 7 months ago

        Critics like most Marvel movies (well, they did...), the point he's making is if it was generic it would be getting better reviews, so the fact that it's even mixed suggests it's pretty shit

    • 7 months ago

      Disney's shill well has run dry, this is their first bad movie in a while that's actually being rated fairly.

    • 7 months ago

      Rotten tomatoes isn’t a score it’s “how many critics liked this movie” if you look at the actual reviews most of the critics say it’s meh

    • 7 months ago

      Disney's Tips Budget get shafted and critics are overrated selfish b***hes,do the math.

    • 7 months ago


      Movie is out

      • 7 months ago

        Not sure if it's worth the bandwith. Your opinions anons?

        • 7 months ago

          I didn’t watch it yet. I need to see it in 4K

      • 7 months ago

        It's fine. 6/10
        They're right, the villain is the tragic hero, and there are some SHITACULAR or pozzed songs in there, some real stupid "us arts and crafters are gonna bring down the goverment" energy but other than that the movie is just fine, a little above mid

        • 7 months ago

          How would you rate the protagonist? Is she somewhat relatable?

          • 7 months ago

            She's not relatable, because while she's thoroughly good natured and earnest, it's hard to root for her because the plot's major conflict comes from convincing herself she's right of something so obviously wrong.

            Doesnt help that the King only truly becomes cartoon evil when he calls for the darkhold after asking for help from his subjects led to nothing on account of them being coddled morons who just think about me me me give me wishies nooooow.

            Like, some of these wishes are truly stupid, like one b***h wishes she could fly, as in, flap her arms and that causes her to fly.
            The king is incredibly good natured, he experienced some trauma in early life that causes him to compulsively want to protect everyone's dreams, and that causes people to become kinda unmotivated after the fact, and the movie could make the argument that because of that, now the peasents are useless to help him protect his realm, but for some reason, it doesnt, he really is just based through and through

            >Asha's grandfather's wish is to "create something that will inspire future generations"
            >King's reasoning is literally: "great wish, selfless and foward thinking, but too vague and unfocused. I could accidentally cause him to inspire everyone to go Antifa riots moronic instead of a rennaisance, so this wish is never happening"

            Just unironically based and correct

            Mirabel is the inheritor of Grandma's candle power, I thought that was the point. When Grandma dies, Mirabel will have the candle that keeps the magic house together.

            That's implicit but not really there.

            I honestly would have preferred if Bruno was indeed evil/morally ambiguous and came back to frick with people or something. Or, alternatively, have some actual comeupance for Isabela or something. The movie seemed to be building towards some big mystery and instead it all just came down to how Abuela was a b***h. It was such an anticlimactic ending. And none of the other family members had to confront the fact that they had been bullying Mirabel for no reason all these years. And what even if the house crumbles, sure the town loses the convenience of superpowers, but nothing actually happens.

            Bruno was fine, the problem with the movie is that they never tackle the fact "We dont talk about Bruno" was a villain song, where the bad guy was the generational trauma and societal expectations they put on someone doing their best.
            Instead he's treated like "oh we forgive you for leaving" instead of "oh my God, we were horrid to you"

            I hate her fricking body language. She looks like an apology.
            >My hair isn't long I'm not as cute erk I'm sorry erruuuggh I'm so awkward
            This is not how I would market a movie. Isabela would be in the fricking middle because she looks the most like a princess. Long, beautiful dress. Long, beautiful hair. Gorgeous face. Dark skinned so that could have been a thing all on its own.

            >She looks like an apology.
            That is an excelent endorsement of her design, she is made to apologize for her existance all the time

            • 7 months ago

              >she is made to apologize for her existance all the time
              Oh. Oh I like that. Does she apologize to Isabela for being the inferior sister? Does she apologize for being the least attractive yet prominent character in the entire story? Does Isabela get a good end?

              • 7 months ago

                >Does she apologize to Isabela for being the inferior sister?
                >All my life seemed like yours was a dream from the moment you opened your eyes, but now I see how awesome you grow, as you reach for the roof for the sky. How deep do your roots go down?

                >Does she apologize for being the least attractive yet prominent character in the entire story?
                She appologizes for making assumptions of her grandmothers motives.

                > Does Isabela get a good end?
                She discovers that not only she's perfect and atractive but also rebelious and avant guard, and breaks up the boyfriend she never loved without even having to deal with hurt feelings
                She gets an incredible ending, which is great, but also the reason why she should never be the main character

            • 7 months ago

              >The king is incredibly good natured, he experienced some trauma in early life that causes him to compulsively want to protect everyone's dreams,
              Like, this cannot be understated, the king gains nothing from hoarding his people's wishes, he trully does believe he's kust keeping them safe.
              The movie shows wishes can die and be broken and the impact on a citizen is devastating, a state of loss and grief comparable to loosing your husband

  2. 7 months ago

    They made the good king the villain and the insane girl the hero of the movie.And on top of that they somehow forgot to make the "heroine" likeable.

    • 7 months ago

      People like to make those Twisted stories where it’s told from the villains perspective as the protagonist. Magnifico’s would be the easiest by far.

  3. 7 months ago

    Did Disney forget to buy reviews?

    • 7 months ago

      They've still got the funko pop reviewers for now, but access, goodie bags and all expenses paid screenings aren't enough any more.

    • 7 months ago

      It's cheaper to buy an 85% user review score.

  4. 7 months ago

    what? critics shitting on a brown b***h? what's happening.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Mediterranians review movies now?

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, obviously. The movie takes place in Spain.

        • 7 months ago

          Not really, they backpedalled from that without telling anyone.

          • 7 months ago

            I think a few people picked up on doing a film about Moorish Spain was kinda... Weird.

  5. 7 months ago

    Don't worry, if an animated movie for families/kids have bad reviews, that means it would be a HUGE box office success only in the family crowd, because kids and their parents are moronic.

    • 7 months ago

      >that means it would be a HUGE box office success only in the family crowd, because kids and their parents are moronic.
      It is being roasted over tiktok

      • 7 months ago

        The children have spoken I guess

        • 7 months ago

          Yes, Disney mothers also hate Asha.

          • 7 months ago

            >Disney chud mothers

            • 7 months ago

              Should have thought of that then before they go all in on pandering to whatever group that Disney thinks is profitable but isn't.

              • 7 months ago

                Not reading your schizo posting

              • 7 months ago

                Learn English before replying.

              • 7 months ago

                Are you a fricking admin or what?

              • 7 months ago

                Learn to not be a bigoted chud before replying.

      • 7 months ago

        Not on TikTok, refuse to be brainwashed by China. Any takes worth sharing?

        • 7 months ago

          Sorry, second hand information, Disney sycophants are seething about it over Twitter.
          I heard that the villain song, Asha and the animation are the biggest targets.

        • 7 months ago

          Only general article:

          I think they hit on the core issue: When your lyrics are substandard and have some really terrible lines, 15 second videos are your enemy.

          God knows what would happen if The Lion King released today and you had "Be prepared for SENSATIONAL news" and thousands of people did a "sensational challenge" where they did the hair flip.

          • 7 months ago

            >>God knows what would happen if The Lion King released today and you had "Be prepared for SENSATIONAL news" and thousands of people did a "sensational challenge" where they did the hair flip.

            But that would be awesome

          • 7 months ago

            >>God knows what would happen if The Lion King released today and you had "Be prepared for SENSATIONAL news" and thousands of people did a "sensational challenge" where they did the hair flip.

            But that would be awesome

            I genuinely love this and need it to happen. #sensationalchallenge #scarface #sensationalscar

            • 7 months ago

              Be prepared because SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND

          • 7 months ago

            >God knows what would happen if The Lion King released today and you had "Be prepared for SENSATIONAL news" and thousands of people did a "sensational challenge" where they did the hair flip.
            I love how you tried to set up a bad example but just came up with a better idea than anything they could do for Wish songs

            • 7 months ago

              You say that but by the time you get Colbert doing it on live TV, you'll be dead inside.

          • 7 months ago

            Disney's marketing department needs to hire you

            Their issue was being moronic, they had all the ingredients to make a masterpiece.


            we were robbed

    • 7 months ago

      Not always. Kids won't show up for a film that doesn't look interesting (Strange World, Lightyear).

      Illumination make a killing because they have bright colours, interesting designs and they make fun trailers. Illumination films may be lowest common denominator, but they're not boring.

      • 7 months ago

        But Lightyear and Strange World had good reviews.

        • 7 months ago

          Doesn't matter, they looked boring (and they were).

  6. 7 months ago

    Another Dreamworks win

    • 7 months ago

      >Barely approved
      >"B-but it's a win-win!!¡"

      • 7 months ago

        It literally has a better score than Disney's film, so yes, it won

      • 7 months ago

        third movie of a meh franchise vs super special movie to celebrate our 100th aniversary!1!
        yes it won

    • 7 months ago

      I want to rape every single creature in this continuity

  7. 7 months ago

    That feeling of vindication when a shitty product made by a scummy corporation receives the shitty reception it deserves never gets old

  8. 7 months ago

    Tomatometer posting should be punishable by death.

  9. 7 months ago

    IlluminationCHADS, this year we won

    • 7 months ago

      Tomorrow, movie of the year.

      • 7 months ago

        Depressed Animals.
        Coming to streaming service near you.

    • 7 months ago

      I've got to give credit for Illumination really stepping up the quality of their visuals. The actual rendering of this is far better than it has any right to be.

    • 7 months ago

      I'll give them credit if that movie is actually good

    • 7 months ago

      Is this a secret life of pets spinoff?

      • 7 months ago

        It's a generic as frick concept. Nervous dad wants to keep family safe, family wants to travel.

        It doesn't look terrible though.

    • 7 months ago

      Is the going to be some Pro-Rapefugee shit isn't it?

    • 7 months ago

      It will be their first flop

  10. 7 months ago

    you'r ewelcome

  11. 7 months ago

    >The marvels, was also at like 50% for during release
    >now "magically" up to 62%

    >people don't realize same will happen with Wish movie
    I'm tired of this crud...

    • 7 months ago

      Both of them have 50 MC, anon. The overall critical reception is already settled and it’s not positive.

  12. 7 months ago

    Jared Bush is the only guy with any talent left. Did you know he's the one who wrote the show bible for Andor too? Carrying fricking DIsney on his back. Get him on Zotoopia 2 and we're saved!

  13. 7 months ago

    Disney deserves to burn.

    • 7 months ago

      Their issue was being moronic, they had all the ingredients to make a masterpiece.

      • 7 months ago

        How long has it been since Disney's given us an actual female villain? Seems like it's always the man's fault or she turns good like right away. Gothel from Tangled in 2010 is the most recent I can think of.

        • 7 months ago

          Bellwether from Zootopia, even if she was completely forgettable.

        • 7 months ago

          Jennifer Lee doesn't like female villains. She doesn't even like female characters being negatively portrayed.

        • 7 months ago

          Gothel is also the last time we got a disney villain who felt like a disney villain. Disney just went off the idea. Everything has to be twist villains or not-really-villain antagonists. Guy in Wish was supposed to be the big return to the formula but it just seems really laughable when they can't even give him a good villain song.

          • 7 months ago

            >Everything has to be twist villains or not-really-villain antagonists
            The root of the problem is Jennifer Lee. When she replaced Lasseter, everything went to shit instantly. Lasseter is an autistic nerd who makes women feel uncomfortable because he's autistic. Maybe-MAYBE he hugged people too long, but it was probably out of malice, not trying to rape them. Lasseter was politicked out by woke feminist morons who wanted his job, who proceeded to destroy Disney Animation when they did get put in charge. I refuse to believe that John Lasseter was secretly the Pixar harvey weinstein like Hollywood trade magazines presented him as.

            All of Pixar's top animators and writers left Pixar to follow Lasseter, if he was a monsterous rapist I don't think he would continue to have so much support from the people who worked with him.

            • 7 months ago

              >All of Pixar's top animators and writers left Pixar to follow Lasseter, if he was a monsterous rapist I don't think he would continue to have so much support from the people who worked with him.
              Haven’t heard this. Big if true.

              • 7 months ago

                >Haven’t heard this. Big if true.
                They all left and followed Lasseter to Skydance. There was a massive brain drain at Pixar and Disney when all of their top talent left to join Lasseter at his new studio. Of course the media doesn't publicize this. Jennifer Lee's entire career is built on an Idina Manzel song and politicking out John Lasseter at the height of Me Too witchhunting.

              • 7 months ago

                If this is true what does it say that said talent hasn't made a classic elsewhere?

              • 7 months ago

                Lasseter joined Luck half way in to production so it's not truly his. Skydance hasn't released a film completely made by Lasseter and his team yet, everything they're doing is still in production or not released yet.

            • 7 months ago

              Here is the politicking c**t who destroys Disney. She owes her entire career to Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez who wrote Let It Go, and Idina Menzel for performing it so well.

              Wait, she wrote the scripts for:
              >Wreck-It Ralph
              >A Wrinkle In Time
              >Frozen 2
              ….the wheels fell off this dump truck like 5 years ago

              • 7 months ago

                this is what her entire career is built on, and the script and story isn't even good. It's literally the Let it Go Sequence, and Lasseter was the one responsible for animating that, even dancing around the office pretending to be Elsa to show the animators exactly what he wanted.

              • 7 months ago

                None has good writing.

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, Wreck-it Ralph was fine. It was also co-written by Phil Johnston

              • 7 months ago

                Penelope was too much of a brat, Ralph was too much of a punching bag, the video game was superficial and neither mc didn't have a good one-to-one with the main villain.

              • 7 months ago

                >Penelope was too much of a brat
                Did she need correction?

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, see the sequel.

              • 7 months ago

                Wreck it Ralph is shit. It's the story of how a man needs to drop what he's doing to improve his life to help a SHITTY c**t who is not likable. I hated the story of Wreck it Ralph and unlike the rest of you I saw Vanellope as always being unlikable. I can't believe you idiots waited until the sequel to see her as unlikable. Vanellope ruins the whole movie and being voiced by israeli Sarah Silverman only makes the character even more shitty.

                I am tired of the love shitty movies like Wreck it Ralph gets. If it wasn't about video games and the first twenty minutes of the movie weren't a huge spam of video game references none of you would pretend this movie was good. The only reason idiots pretend the first Wreck it Ralph is good is because it's about the only industry male consumers like, video games. If Wreck it Ralph was themed after a dead industry like comics? No one would give a damn about it.

              • 7 months ago

                The original Wreck It Ralph is aight. But yeah not an impressive list to put it lightly.

              • 7 months ago

                Not the best filmography but not the worst either. I like WiR and Frozen 1. But as

                this is what her entire career is built on, and the script and story isn't even good. It's literally the Let it Go Sequence, and Lasseter was the one responsible for animating that, even dancing around the office pretending to be Elsa to show the animators exactly what he wanted.

                said it seems like her current career is all owed to Frozen but she didn't play the biggest part in its success compared to the song writers. Without Let it Go it would not have been nearly so successful and most all accounts I've read of the BTS production was extremely rushed which puts her management into question.

              • 7 months ago

                Phil Johnston wrote WiR. She just did some work on the screenplay.

            • 7 months ago

              She rose to her level of incompetence, it sounds like she did fine work at a lower level on the hierarchy.

              >All of Pixar's top animators and writers left Pixar to follow Lasseter, if he was a monsterous rapist I don't think he would continue to have so much support from the people who worked with him.
              Haven’t heard this. Big if true.

              >Haven’t heard this. Big if true.
              They all left and followed Lasseter to Skydance. There was a massive brain drain at Pixar and Disney when all of their top talent left to join Lasseter at his new studio. Of course the media doesn't publicize this. Jennifer Lee's entire career is built on an Idina Manzel song and politicking out John Lasseter at the height of Me Too witchhunting.

              Not true, Pixar had been bleeding talent for ages. They took advantage of their reputation to lure in and lowball aspiring young talent which didn't help. Lasseter is also somehow absolved of the Cars films when he was extremely involved in them and his moronation had to be reigned in by others. A friend of mine used to work at Pixar and described Lasseter as goofy and socially moronic.

              • 7 months ago

                >Not true, Pixar had been bleeding talent for ages. They took advantage of their reputation to lure in and lowball aspiring young talent which didn't help.

                Disney also took top Pixar talent and moved them to WDAS

              • 7 months ago

                >Disney also took top Pixar talent and moved them to WDAS
                All of that top talent left Disney and Pixar to join Lasseter at Skydance after Disney kicked him to the curb too.

      • 7 months ago

        I could have self inserted as the wish granter, and instead they replaced it with some stupid ass plushie bait
        Those morons do know that plushie bait critters are usually not very plot relevant right?
        Because those only sell if the movie does...

      • 7 months ago

        >disney did a lot of twist villains who ended being meh
        >first time in a while when the twisted villain could have worked great and it get scrapped
        i don't get it
        also they not only made her good but good and stupid, like how did she not notice that the man she lived with and married was harvesting wishes, he had a damn room full of them

        • 7 months ago

          Maybe there will be some hook for her having planned this all along to seize power?

          • 7 months ago

            Not unless there was some major rewrite from the book. In it she just tags along obliviously until a mouse whispers some shit to her ear.

            Yes, making the kingdom prosperous only makes him look better, which makes him an eternal monarch

            Couldnt he or an sycophant of his just use a wish for that instead?

      • 7 months ago

        Just when I was complaining about Disney killing their evil couple for the movie, Scott Pilgrim gave me the exact dynamic I crave. Frick you for cutting everything interesting out of the movie.

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago



      • 7 months ago

        Doesn't this look just like the stars in the super Mario movie?

        • 7 months ago

          I'm surprised they didn't go an emergency redesign after the Mario movie came out to be honest

        • 7 months ago

          Totally different.

      • 7 months ago

        Disney was afraid what cute star boy would had brought into this world.
        And by that I mean porn.

        • 7 months ago

          Cowards, they could have had their own successful jack frost to exploit

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, that is just a baffling decision. They could have just had a soft uwu boy for the female lead to dominate and all the female disney fans would have been all over it.

    • 7 months ago

      what a shame

    • 7 months ago

      Women love sex appeal, beauty, and romance in media and don't necessarily see it as demeaning (just look at mall ads for women, the models dress like strippers).
      I don't like either the anti-woke or woke pseuds, but the anti-woke aren't wrong how desexualization/de-romancifying of media doesn't reflect the worldview of most women whether they be liberal or conservative. Male gaze is often a worthless term unless its for something like oogling/catcalling

      • 7 months ago

        The difference is that anti-wokes claim that women like to dress up to attract male attention while women claim that they like to dress up as a hobby. The male gaze is about making everything an object only interpretable through male eyes. A man claiming that a woman is dressing up to attract him is the male gaze because he is claiming that her actions need to be interpreted though his view of the matter and not her's

        • 7 months ago

          It's all so nebulous and stupid. The Male Gaze can change and mean whatever a feminist wants it to mean depending on her whims

          • 7 months ago

            The male gaze is just the notion that people take the male perspective to be synonymous with the human perspective, the standard. Historically, people have assumed that men are the standard of humanity and women are some sort of defective man. You can see this in the history of medicine, female specific illnesses were incredibly understudied before the mid 20th century. Calling attention to the male gaze is just a way to say that humanity is partitioned into two and that both sides have equal claim to being human.

            • 7 months ago

              It's moronic post modernist thinking and has no basis in reality.

              • 7 months ago

                But it does actually. Aristotle, for example, thought that women were just defective males and so, less human than men. This attutude is reinforced from the fact that the Bible says that woman was created from man and not from God. So, women are just the image of man. This attitude has been prevalent up until very recently.

      • 7 months ago

        When women go out at night to the bar or club, they dress like hoes. When pop stars get to choose what they wear, they generally choose to dress like hoes too. When women go to the beach, most choose tiny bikinis instead of more modest swimsuit choices. Women enjoy sexualizing themselves and the attention it brings.

        • 7 months ago

          And we should be appreciative for it.

          • 7 months ago

            We are, but the education system and media tries to shame us all for what is natural and beautiful. Sex is a part of life. Repressing it and attacking people for having sexual thoughts is the definition of evil.

            • 7 months ago

              >Repressing it and attacking people for having sexual thoughts is the definition of evil.
              There's good sexuality and there's bad kinds. Repressing romance and repressing the biology that men and women get excited when they see one another's bodies is where my foot comes crashing down.
              >Nooo make them all wear shapeless frowsy clothing and let the girls save themselves!

              • 7 months ago

                >and there's bad kinds
                what is the bad kind of sexuality? Homos?

              • 7 months ago

                Pedophilia, beastiality, rape, necrophilia, etc etc

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah. The entire LGBT spectrum. I would kick that all that shit to the curb. I mean unless you'd want more Luca bombs. Luca did so terrible the box office take isn't even on their wikipedia.

              • 7 months ago

                Luka wasn't even officially gay but we all know it was a gay film about two gay little italian boys in short shorts. I love how the public rejects all of it.

                Pedophilia, beastiality, rape, necrophilia, etc etc

                This I agree with.

              • 7 months ago

                Was Luca even in theaters? I thought it was a straight-to-streaming movie. Still wouldn't have done very well either way, it's a very uninteresting movie. The setting's kinda cozy, but that's all.

              • 7 months ago

                Jesus you frickers have the most degenerate filthy minds, Luca is pure and cozy.

              • 7 months ago

                Luca looked like soft-baked homosexuality. Between the art design of the characters and the boys' general demeanor I was thoroughly turned off. Maybe next time the advertisement won't make male characters look like they're seconds from throating each other.

              • 7 months ago

                I saw nothing in Luca but a budding romance between Luca and the girl character. They had far better chemistry than him and the other boy.

              • 7 months ago

                All of the advertising was Luca with the other boy, so it looked like a gay romance with the girl as the 3rd wheel. Maybe advertising should have focused on Luka with the girl instead of Luka with his gay italian BFF. Look, he's even riding b***h seat and holding his friend's waist.

              • 7 months ago

                That probably has more to do with Disney using advertising for certain demographics. While you can certainly interpret the movie as a gay drama and about coming out. You can also very well not see any of that in the movie. Probably because Disney doesnt want to commit and risk alienating conservative audiences.

              • 7 months ago

                Exactly. It's coded as a gay coming out/coming of age story, but they had to toe the line so they could sell it in China and the Middle East. In the end, it appealed to no one.

              • 7 months ago

                too late

              • 7 months ago

                I saw nothing in Luca but a budding romance between Luca and the girl character. They had far better chemistry than him and the other boy.

                Luca looked like soft-baked homosexuality. Between the art design of the characters and the boys' general demeanor I was thoroughly turned off. Maybe next time the advertisement won't make male characters look like they're seconds from throating each other.

                They marketed it like a gay coming of age romance about a little mermaid boy in short shorts. Gay af

              • 7 months ago

                I don't like shorts being that high on anyone who isn't physically active. He has no reason wearing such high, feminine shorts. He looks like a homosexual.

              • 7 months ago

                There's a reason there's a song called "gay or European"

              • 7 months ago

                That probably has more to do with Disney using advertising for certain demographics. While you can certainly interpret the movie as a gay drama and about coming out. You can also very well not see any of that in the movie. Probably because Disney doesnt want to commit and risk alienating conservative audiences.

                They marketed it like a gay coming of age romance about a little mermaid boy in short shorts. Gay af

                If, by any microscopic chance, this ISN'T bait, you are the most obvious closeted homosexuals to ever set foot in this world.

              • 7 months ago

                >ou are the most obvious closeted homosexuals to ever set foot in this world.
                This is you projecting.

              • 7 months ago

                >anon sees other anons discussing tropes in media
                >not smart enough to contribute
                > calls them gay
                every time

              • 7 months ago

                They were the two protagonists of the film, both being the ones who had to keep everyone else finding out they were fish people. Really obvious why the marketing would be on them. The girl wasn't even in on their secret until the final act.

              • 7 months ago

                >both being the ones who had to keep everyone else finding out they were fish people
                hmm, I wonder what that could possibly be an allegory for....

              • 7 months ago

                Man, I’ll give you spider-Gwen’s coming out to her had scene with pink and blue lighting is totally a trans allegory. Why can’t two boys be friends AND fish monsters?

              • 7 months ago

                Because there isn't a single aspect about them that comes off as cool, anon. No boy/man who would have the misfortune of watching Luca would want to BE Luca. And with the messaging/allgegory being so lamely and transparently structured around hiding homosexuality [sea monsters] shit is it any wonder why this film bombed so terribly? Hell, what did the fish monsters even look like? Were they cool and powerful looking? Or more feminine lame shit?

              • 7 months ago

                I remember them looking like cartoonier versions of the creature from the black lagoon and don’t think much of your argument. I hope this movie stops hurting you so much.

              • 7 months ago

                This movie doesn't hurt anyone but the company that produced and distributed it, anon. Your efforts at being glib doesn't stop Luca from being lame and has no bearing on my opinion whatsoever.

              • 7 months ago

                That said, you appear to care about this movie more than anyone I’ve ever encountered. Funny how that works.

              • 7 months ago

                Luca's design also looks like an effeminate gay little boy. This appeals to no one. Make the fish boys rough and tumble cool kids if you aren't trying to sell this to the gay adult audience. His friend looks lame and has a stupid unappealing haircut too.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude exactly. The boys just don't translate coolness to male audiences. I can understand shoot for "cutesy". But the design choice they went with just wasn't for audiences. His friend does look stupid. Like, what kid is going to want to style his hair and look like that?

              • 7 months ago

                And the most predictable response award goes to...

              • 7 months ago

                >hmm, I wonder what that could possibly be an allegory for....
                Nothing. We know from interviews that the plot went through several versions that had explicitly hetero elements.
                Version 1. Luca and Alberto became friends, then Giulia showed up and Luca formed a crush on her that made Alberto jealous he was no longer important, but in the final act it turned out Giulia was EVIL and planned to sell them out, so the boys defeated her and the conflict was conveniently solved because the crush was on a villain.
                Version 2. Same deal with the crush and Alberto being annoyed he no longer had a friend to hang out with, but Giulia was no longer a villain and they solved shit similar to what we got in the final movie.
                Version 3. The movie we got, with no crush.

                They dropped the crush because they didn't think a movie about little kids needed to have anything about anyone falling in love. And then the folks that need to read too much into things went "I bet it's a gay allegory."

              • 7 months ago

                Has anyone ever compiled a list of every good character in fiction who actually went through a stage of being evil during pre-preduction? It would be interesting to see. I can already think of Woody from Toy Story.

              • 7 months ago

                >it looked like a gay romance with the girl as the 3rd wheel.
                And the girl wasn't particularly cute so I thought that was done on purpose. If Luca was supposed to have feelings for a girl its supposed to translate to the audience: hey Luca look at that girl she's so icky. Hold my hips and ride b***h as we gay it up!

              • 7 months ago

                >And the girl wasn't particularly cute so I thought that was done on purpose. If Luca was supposed to have feelings for a girl its supposed to translate to the audience: hey Luca look at that girl she's so icky. Hold my hips and ride b***h as we gay it up!

                They're kids anon

                it still comes across as gay af, and knowing how Disney is all about grooming kids in Florida and teaching them about blow jobs and anal sex in 3rd grade, it doesn't help their case.

                And the most predictable response award goes to...

                Because it's true.

              • 7 months ago

                >Because it's true.
                Film's director denies it, but true or not it doesn't change the fact there are obvious narrative reasons why the marketing would be on the two boys.

              • 7 months ago

                >knowing how Disney is all about grooming kids in Florida and teaching them about blow jobs and anal sex in 3rd grade, it doesn't help their case.
                Take your meds James Lindsey

              • 7 months ago

                >James Lindsey
                Literally who? It seems the one who needs meds is you.

              • 7 months ago

                They're kids anon

              • 7 months ago

                >Anons try to project their masculine insecurities on everything
                Why are you even surprised at this point

  14. 7 months ago

    It's not Disney's fault, audiences have simply moved on to video game and anime adaptations. Which Disney should have a stake in, but they foolishly left the video game industry a few decades back.

    • 7 months ago

      >audiences have simply moved on to video game and anime adaptations

      Americans have moved onto anime adaptations?


  15. 7 months ago

    Even with the massive Disney bonus bribes this is far far too much. Management and the higher ups and Disney for animation, almost everyone involved needs to head to the guillotine. Heads must finally roll this has gotten far far too out of hand.

    Disney was created as a fricking animation studio Walt loved animation and was always always looking at ways to push and evolve the medium. Ever since the mid 00's all these fricking parasites have been pushing is shit with muh over 9000 years to render a single frame muh over 9000 million dollar server farm.
    Its shocking how much ~~*they*~~ have been tanking the brand soley out of fricking spite and subversion. Disney is the pinical of Americana the government should not allow them to kill the company. The government has been turning a blind eye to all the tax fraud and etc fraud for far too long. Now the company only cares about ~~*investors*~~ and the ~~*board*~~ that is a revolving door with only the shortest quickest profits that matter most collect a bag tank as much as possible ruin American legacy. What was done to the little murmaid was an attack on Walt and the Disney family company legacy and the American people.

    So many people need to not only be fired but sued for millions the company needs to unfrick animation unfrick its parks and lower the prices while investing in new shit stop pandering to mentally moronic manchildren and remember the parks are for all families and srsly unfrick the brands image BRING BACK FRICKING MICKY MOUSE HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FRICK IS WRONG WITH THE SEMITIC MONSTERS.
    The sharks smell how fricked the company is we're about to enter the late 80's 2.0 and I dont think someone will save them this time. I hope if shit goes south the government gets involved and does not allow a raider to chop shit up and slaughter the company. Disney needs to push decade projects/profits with max stablity no more micro bullshit. Disney must become a "japanese" company pay/structure-wise.

    • 7 months ago

      In their defence, the Mickey Mouse shorts were good and he got a good ride at the Disney parks (albeit at the expense of a classic ride).

      A kingdom Hearts series seems obvious but maybe they're getting cold feet on crossovers now.

      • 7 months ago

        kingdom hearts is fricking cringe it is by far the poster child why crossovers must be cared about passionately and never given to a moron so they can push their OC doughnutsteel gary stu who is totally based and saves everyone while only they hold the true power. kingdome hearts without the SE cringe and Japanese lowtest beta power fantasy would have been amazing. The company went to shit after snorting millions in coke and greenlighting that awful movie that almost killed the company and a dozen others.

        as for the shorts shit man since 2010 they should have been releasing random shorts with young artists yearly on youtube. Along with spending time to create a nice series that lasts 2-4 seasons along with a completely unrelated movie. What they have done with micky mouse is a fricking shame. Seeing pokemon and hello kitty absolutely dab on disney is a joke and just shows how out of touch with fricking reality let alone entertainment. Disney blowing billions on fricking IP's milking them but at the same time making the IP toxic due to moronation in hopes of max profits its just completely insane. These moronic boomers think the 80's never ended.

        HOW THE FRICK DO YOU RUIN AND KILL STARWARS A IP WITH HUNDREDS OF BOOKS AND DOZENS OF COMICS&GAMES. Creating trash fanfiction the director/writers wanted to do not caring what the IP was and just using the names/brand for their own petty projects. Completely pissing and cumming all over the IP&fans.
        You'd think disney would learn from anime&manga considering how everyone in the west dropping modern trash comics/shows/animation/etc. but oh no they doubble down on the subversion and garbage its only about profits to shareholders lying ninstop creating fake numbers buying up everything you can and claiming you are making billions from said new IP's when in reality everything you touch is turning toxic avoid at all costs

    • 7 months ago

      Jews are not magically responsible for everything that makes you angry

      • 7 months ago

        In the entertainment industry they are.

      • 7 months ago

        Yes they are.

      • 7 months ago

        Between Frozen I and II:

      • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        They're responsible for Disney. Perlmutter, Iger, Eisner, Peltz - ALL israeli.

      • 7 months ago

        Media,government and buiness and only in the west. Japan Tiawan Singpore is free from this company board members are not paid 20m a year for nothing companies care about stability above all else and are forced to step down if they frick up badly and step down on their own if they are ruining the company.

        Crying le israelites about everything is indeed moronic. However when there is facts and truth turning something into reality. They are responsible especilly when the company was basically free till the late 80's and how in the 90's they gained control over took the company and only promoted their own into power. Slovely subverting and ruining the brand&IP's. While at the sametime completely throwing away what would walt do, too we need to make as much profits as possible in 3-4 year cycles for our main investors. And barely update anything be as cheap as possible and over charge for everything because its le disney. Throw away everything to do with family and Americana claiming its for the international market(China) when China wants nothing to do with wokeism and diversity.

        Its about control re-writing history and profits to select few and when things go wrong blame it on the IP/brand never changing when the changes that you did and garbage that you forced are whats killing the company.
        If we could bring Walt back from the dead I dont think he would even last 24 hours without having a heart attack/stroke while going on rants that make Hitler look like a hero to the international zoinist cause.
        They're not even trying to hide it now they gloat publically because no one can speak up if they do the media will slaughter them claiming this is what society wants. Thank god for the this war in nu-russia people are waking up to the horrors people have lived with and how mentally ill christan boomers have been funding insane terrorists since the 60's who seek world domanation because they are gods chosen people and everyone else is a slave.

  16. 7 months ago

    Everything about this movie feels like someone said to an AI "make a Disney movie" and didn't bother changing anything. It screams generic.

    • 7 months ago

      >"You are their handsomest king"

      >"Yes. I am a handsome king"

  17. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Oscar screeners leaked?

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          lmao there is no way the people working on that movie hated it *this much*
          fake and gay anon, would be too funny

          • 7 months ago

            The internet is alot smaller than you'd think.

    • 7 months ago


      What is this?

      • 7 months ago

        A Wish DVD

    • 7 months ago

      dvds/blueray menus are all soulless now.

    • 7 months ago


      A Wish DVD

      (You) are the strangest autismo on here, like are you gonna drop this shit in Walmart bargain bins as a gag plant or are you just that much of a sperg

      • 7 months ago

        NTA, but "a disney movie from wish" is a common criticism outside of this site.

    • 7 months ago

      >THX Cimarron
      homie I am fully familiar with youtube autism, don't think you can fool me into thinking you are anything other than

  18. 7 months ago

    Hasn't Rotten Tomatoes changed it's scoring system more than once to 'correct' low scores on movies?
    Why are they still looked towards for scores?

    • 7 months ago

      A few years ago they massively expanded the number of critics they included. Supposedly to ensure more diversity in reviewers but ultimately they filled it with funko-pop reviewers who are cheap and easy to manipulate.

      If you offer a not-terribly-successful streamer an expenses paid trip to Disney world to catch the latest film, let them have 5 minutes interviewing someone famous, give them regular expensive-but-below-declaration-threshold goodie bags, you can easily add 20-30 "fresh" ratings for minimal cost. Disney get a very high portion of "the story sucks, it looks awful, but it was fun. FRESH" reviews.

  19. 7 months ago

    I'm honestly surprised critics are talking shit at Disney for being lazy when they've been lenient towards them for a while. But this year was so bad for them I guess even the usual shill doesn't feel like being nice.
    It's also now officially rated lower than Black Cauldron.

    • 7 months ago

      I REFUSE to believe that Wish is better than Atlantis.

      • 7 months ago

        Or Oliver and Company, to be honest. That movie's cute and fun.

      • 7 months ago

        A lot of these older films only have a few reviews so they tend to skewer a bit lower.
        Robin Hood only has 30 reviews for example and the audience score is like in the 80s.
        On the other hand Chicken Little has 160 reviews and the audience score is in the 40s.

        • 7 months ago

          This, and critical standards vary from year to year. Sometimes great films are only recognized after much critical re-evaluation.

    • 7 months ago

      Pocahontas is one of the best Disney movies and I’m gonna die on that hill.
      >b-but muh historical accuracy
      It’s not a documentary, frick you.

    • 7 months ago

      What the frick do they have against Atlantis?

      • 7 months ago

        Had the gall to be a cool adventure story rather than kiddie crap.

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe it’s nostalgia, but I’ll always have a soft spot for Pocahontas. That movie is what inspired me to want to go into animation/illustration. Yes, I’m well aware it’s not historically accurate, and yes I know about the real Pocahontas aka Matoaka. I just consider it alternate history, like Watchmen or The Man in the High Tower.

      • 7 months ago

        Pocahontas was great. For some reason Disney wants to move away from it and pretend it doesn't exist, due to the problematic age gap relationship between Smith and Pocahontas. I don't know why they don't spam her gratuitously as their native American princess reputation.

        It is the same with Mulan, I don't understand why there is zero Mulan presence at the parks besides Chinese New Year. Mulan and Pocahontas were both really good

        • 7 months ago

          Because mulan's image can change in a flash with chinese politics being as they are.

          • 7 months ago

            What are Chinese politics going to do about Disney's Mulan? Disney doesn't care about the CCP using sweatshop labor, Disney sources the majority of their merch from Chinese sweat shops.

        • 7 months ago

          I guess people find it problematic because the treatment of the real life Pocahontas was pretty fricked up and people don’t the like the idea of Disney romanticizing and creating a false narrative.

          I think people feel the same way about Don Bluth’s Anastasia. I personally love that movie, but it’s also romanticizing and real life tragedy.

          • 7 months ago

            >I guess people find it problematic because the treatment of the real life Pocahontas was pretty fricked up and people don’t the like the idea of Disney romanticizing and creating a false narrative.
            What was fricked up about her treatment? The English colonials treated her like royalty. When she went to England she was welcomed in court by the Queen of England and treated as a noble and got to hang out and party with the nobles. John Rolfe loved her and treated her kindly by all accounts.

            • 7 months ago

              >What was fricked up about her treatment?
              Could’ve been being captured and held for ransom by English colonists at the age of 16 and then being paraded around as a “civilized savage”.

              • 7 months ago

                >Could’ve been being captured and held for ransom by English colonists at the age of 16
                Actually, she chose to marry John Rolfe and her father approved of the marriage. Native Americans often gave their daughters to enemies as a peace offering.

          • 7 months ago

            >I think people feel the same way about Don Bluth’s Anastasia. I personally love that movie, but it’s also romanticizing and real life tragedy.
            I don't like this either. The Bolsheviks are the real baddies but the movie makes Rasputin the evil-even though he did nothing but protect the Romanovs and heal Alexy's hemophilia.

            • 7 months ago

              At least the Broadway adaptation made it more historically accurate and showed it was the Bolsheviks responsible for killing the family

          • 7 months ago

            Don Bluth’s Anastasia wasn’t the first to create a movie based on the idea that Anastasia could’ve escaped. There was a famous movie from the 1950s based on the idea too. Both were based on the fact that a lot of imposters were coming forward claiming they were the long lost princess.

            People find the animated version to be a little more ridiculous because it falsely creates the narrative that Rasputin literally killed the family with dark magic. They basically turned a real life person into a dark wizard Disney-like villain. I guess for a kids movie, it was easier to show an “evil wizard” as the threat instead of a political faction.

            • 7 months ago

              >They basically turned a real life person into a dark wizard Disney-like villain.
              They weren't the only ones who did this

            • 7 months ago

              Rasputin was a weird man, also the way he died was metal.

              • 7 months ago

                Rasputin was mega based. It would have been epic if Rasputin was a good guy in the Anastasia film and survives the assassination attempt from the Bolsheviks. He went in to hiding for years, acting like a crazy old man to survive the communist purges, but reveals himself like Gandalf the white when Anastasia is discovered.

              • 7 months ago

                A bunch of limpwristed fops that had never done a day's work fricked up their assassination attempt multiple times. He was probably on the hardy side, but the #1 reason he survived so many back-to-back murder attempts was that the would-be-murderers sucked ass and barely knew which end of a knife you stick into the other guy.

            • 7 months ago

              I liked the one where the family turned into musical instruments and she had to carry the whole pack everywhere like a crazy person.

          • 7 months ago

            I love evil Don Bluth Rasputin and In The Dark of The Night slaps, but yeah. Dude was a weird drunk mystic who genuinely cared for the Romanov kids and the royal family went to their deaths wearing Rasputin mementoes intended to protect them. He also told the tsar to stay out of WWI

        • 7 months ago

          Mulan is the best Disney Renaissance movie imo ,works well for boys and girls. They should utilize it more.

          • 7 months ago

            They did Mulan again and nobody liked it.

            • 7 months ago

              >no mushu
              >added an evil witch lady for some reason
              >filmed in an area with an ongoing genocide
              >bad, flat actors
              >little comedy
              Yep, they really redid Mulan right for modern audiences.

              • 7 months ago

                an evil witch lady for some reason
                The evil witch lady also redeemed right before she died and encouraged Mulan to go kill the baddy, it was so stupid.

            • 7 months ago

              They fricked it up by turning it in to CCP anti-Uighur propaganda

          • 7 months ago

            >Mulan is the best Disney Renaissance movie imo ,works well for boys


            Boys have never liked empowered women bullshit. Mulan made less money than Pocahontas while being MORE expensive to make than Pocahontas. Whatever success Mulan has its due to being in the middle of the Renaissance similar to how the first Captain Marvel was in the middle of the Avangers Infinity War and Endgame.

            No matter how you slice it the whole Girl Power or Girl Boss or gynocentric media it never really is that popular with boys. Otherwise boys would love Miraculous Ladybug and I see the fanbase it's a majority of women and a minority of queer males who are somewhat older than the intended demographic. Boys don't like girl power end of argument. But I hope all these companies keep trying to make more of this trash until they go bankrupt. We need absolute examples of companies going bankrupt feminizing everything. And I hope Disney is the one to die.

            • 7 months ago

              >Boys have never liked empowered women bullshit
              Really depends on what you consider empowered women bullshit but boys liked Arcane well enough.

            • 7 months ago

              >Boys hated Mulan, and hate empowered women!
              I enjoyed Mulan when I was a kid. And liked quite a few "empowered women" much more than the not-so-empowered women. I wanted to see feisty and sometimes funny Princess Jasmine, not sits-there-like-a-bag-of-potatoes Princess Aurora.

              • 7 months ago

                >I wanted to see feisty and sometimes funny Princess Jasmine
                Except when it resulted in Aladdin apologizing profusely whenever Jasmine was in a bad mood and Jasmine NEVER apologizing or acknowledging that she did something to negatively contribute to the situation. Princess Jasmine was hot as shit but the Aladdin TV show struck in me that she has all of the power in their relationship dynamic. Aladdin lives rent-free with full amenities in a fricking palace with a temperamental woman as the love of his life. On a whim she could have him flayed and aside from help from Genie Aladdin would have very little power to reverse the situation. All I remember from that show is
                >Jasmine! I...I'm sorry!
                >Jasmine! But...but!! I'm sorry!
                Shit started with the second movie. I was so upset. I was like why the frick is Jasmine not acting sweet anymore? What the frick happened to her? Aladdin didn't change. She did. She just became written as such a b***h.

              • 7 months ago

                >why the frick is Jasmine not acting sweet anymore?
                anon she literally sicks a bengal tiger to a visiting dignatary as a gag and then whines about how she's the most opressed girl in the world being forced to live in a position of ultimate privilege for no work or effort

              • 7 months ago

                >Jasmine was always a rotten little b***h
                Yeah....I know.....

              • 7 months ago

                >kingdom is so savage that "they cut off your ears if they dont like your face"
                >somehow the doddering moron sultan with the psycho daughter who just released a thousand birds into a hostile death envyroment is not held accountable for this

              • 7 months ago

                >Unable to understand that a gilded cage is still a cage

              • 7 months ago

                >Unable to understand that a gilded cage is still a cage
                >unable to understand the meaning of "they will cut off your ears if they dont like your face"

              • 7 months ago

                >the meaning of "they will cut off your ears if they dont like your face"
                Their aim sucks?

              • 7 months ago

                anon you cant just bawk stuff like
                >"a GiLdEd CaGe Is StIlL a CaGe"
                and expect to have made a point.
                A cage is a cage true, but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. If youre swiming with sharks a cage is a dope ass deal, and all the best if you can get it gilded.
                Agrabah is canonically a shithole full of nothing but prostitutes, starving children, and psycho cops who cut off your hand as a punishment for bread stealing. There is no redeeming feature to freedom, the "whole new world" are cosmic venues and locations which only royal privilege could enable you to see such as far off lands or dizzing heights of the clouds.
                Its great that one falls in love with the content of one's character rather than possessions, but Aladin had that *despite* his circumstances, not because of them

              • 7 months ago

                also, I'm this anon,

                >Unable to understand that a gilded cage is still a cage
                >unable to understand the meaning of "they will cut off your ears if they dont like your face"



                this frothing incel

              • 7 months ago

                Things that suck: A life where you are never allowed leave a very confined (but pretty) space and have no interactions with anyone outside of a small group of pre-approved people, many of whom see you only as a way to become the new Sultan.
                Other things that suck: Being a peasant in a country where they totally chop off your hand for taking an apple.
                More than one thing can suck. I'm sorry that you're the kid that grew up without understanding that part.

              • 7 months ago

                funny how the movie doesnt end with her and aladin moving to a middle class neighbourhood.

              • 7 months ago

                >A life where you are never allowed leave a very confined
                Palace the size of a world wonder full of water gardens and banquet halls? With spires so tall them flying around is a feat of cosmic power?
                >interactions with anyone outside of a small group of pre-approved people
                Literally everyone depicted is an evil ass hole, you should want to have people you are forced to interact with to be pre-aproved
                >see you only as a way to become the new Sultan.
                Any of whom you have the freedom to sick a tiger on until you find one of your liking, including a figurehead so you can take power, or a real sultan so you can continue to do nothing but live a life of lavish luxury and absolutely no interests

              • 7 months ago

                also, I'm this anon,
                this frothing incel

                Right back at you, I was just making a joke. I'm not the anon you were arguing with.

        • 7 months ago

          >Pocahontas was great. For some reason Disney wants to move away from it and pretend it doesn't exist

          Except they had Pocahontas have a speaking role in Wreck it Ralph 2 and Pocahontas had a singing sequence in Once Upon a Studio. Disney is not hiding her away in their vault. She's not getting the Song of the South treatment.

        • 7 months ago

          >For some reason Disney wants to move away from it and pretend it doesn't exist
          she's constantly getting dolls still, honestly I'm shocked she gets as much merch as she does considering how in bad taste it actually is, would think they'd try to berry this one but no they're committed to her

          • 7 months ago

            I just went to Disneyland and California Adventure and the only Pocahontas merch I saw was a backpack of Miko the Raccoons face. I didn't know they still made dolls with her. Even A Goofy Movie had more representation in merch at the parks than Pocahontas. I was on the lookout because I love Pocahontas and Mulan, I didn't see much merch of either. They turned an entire area of California Adventure in to Big Hero 6 land, I have no idea why they're still pushing that dead IP

          • 7 months ago

            The backlash they'll face over cutting the only native American character on their merch outweighs the backlash they get for acknowledging her
            If they had made Brother Bear be about three sisters instead of three brothers, they would have already replaced Pocahontas with a bear girl by now

    • 7 months ago

      Atlantiscels BTFO

    • 7 months ago

      Frick thumb up their ass critics, there are way, way worse movies out there than Atlantis and Pocahontas.

    • 7 months ago

      What's their problem with fricking Oliver and Company? Half those movies on that list are pretty solid

    • 7 months ago

      >atlantis 49%
      i hate critics so much it is unreal

    • 7 months ago

      All these movies deserve these scores except Brother Bear and Atlantis. Somehow frickin' BOLT has a 90% on RT but Atlantis can't even scrape 50%? Bolt is twice as generic and half as artful as Brother Bear as well.

      • 7 months ago

        I remember Bolt being actually good and not that generic. It was pleasantly surprising. Brother Bear and Atlantis deserve higher, I dunno why critics hated them.

        • 7 months ago

          It's not total slop but it doesn't deserve to have a higher score than Shrek for God's sake.
          RT is shit

          • 7 months ago

            A former Disney executive runs RT, that's why it's shit. I wonder why Disney stopped paying off critics.

      • 7 months ago

        Brother Bear 1 was dogshit and painful to sit through as both a child and an adult, tbh. I'd say Oliver and Company is the one that really deserves a higher score. Same with Pocahontas and Robin Hood. I'll acknowledge that Disney fricked up on the Black Cauldron though. A series closer to the books would have been the most KINO thing imaginable though.

      • 7 months ago

        Brother Bear is a bad movie. Don't know about the rest of you but I am tired of the Man is Bad narrative to always insult humans. No. Bears are not social nice semi humans who have intellect. They are indeed dangerous beasts that will kill you even if you don't do anything to them. And fun fact Polar Bears in particular are the only animals on Earth that intentionally HUNT humans.

        So no, bears are shit. The narrative of Brother Bear is shit. And I for one am glad this movie bombed. Animal movies are annoying because they pretend animals are humans mentally with animal bodies to trick audiences into treating animals better than they deserve. I'm glad Bear Man got his ass killed off by a bear in real life. That's what animal fans deserve. They are proto zoophiles who deserve their deaths.

        • 7 months ago

          Something you wanna talk about? Like that seems too passionate to not have some sort of baggage attached to it, but like I get it

        • 7 months ago

          Show us where on the doll the bear touched you

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm honestly surprised critics are talking shit at Disney for being lazy when they've been lenient towards them for a while.

      It's real simple: when you make money for your industry, critics love you. They see billions and billions of dollars coming in, and they cheer them on, because that money come back to them eventually. Disney this year though? How many actual fricking flops have there been? Some people don't even remember, like that $150 million dollar Haunted Mansion movie. You take L after L, and people are just gonna think you're a loser.

    • 7 months ago

      Why the frick is Disney Robin Hood scored so low?

      • 7 months ago

        I can kind of get it being one of the more quaint disney films. The reused animations probably didn't help it either.

      • 7 months ago

        Not a good movie. If a movie is only remembered by shitty furries and has no normie appeal then yeah its shit. Disney did a hideous job with Robin Hood worse than their adaptation of King Arthur in Sword in the Stone. Disney is honestly quite atrocious and they hide it on the novelty of being the kings of animation. Not that they can brag about that anymore since they have competition nowadays.

      • 7 months ago

        Do keep in mind that this is going to be like 20 critics compared to the hundreds of critics who review modern Disney. The only people going back to review Robin Hood are super analytical people who will hold all the reused animation in it against it to give their websites clickbait.
        Also to be honest, there are a lot of long dull moments in it where nothing happens but animals looking sad or child actors mumbling

    • 7 months ago

      Atlantis below Home on the Range is criminal
      Ralph Breaks the Internet not being in the bottom 10 may be the worst crime of all though

  20. 7 months ago

    >I can't help it if execs love my face
    It's genetics! Yeah, I bought these genes and I bank on race!
    Peep the name, I'm Bob Iger
    I put the "I" in "IP merger."
    I'm passionate, I'm not petulant!
    Writers, praise me for my benevolence!

    I'd force you all to do Frozen 4
    If that's what they clamour for
    I'd be the first one to volunteer... Majors!
    If your career were to crumble
    Or if you were in trouble
    I let you work here for me
    And only charge you a little rent
    You clean up all my messes
    And (my agent's) always there when you need to vent
    I give and give and give and give
    You'd think they'd all be content
    And all I really want is just a little respect
    And this is the thanks I get?
    This is the thanks I get?

    "You're so brilliant!"
    Ah, that's the least you could say.
    There's more, admit it!
    "You're creative, bold, not overpaid!"
    Thanks. See Disney? Saved it myself.
    And you still complain? Ha! have a nice day!
    Mm, are you sure that you're not the prob?
    I'd love to see AI take your job, oh-ho!
    I cancelled fourteen projects last year
    Come on, that's a low percent!
    And now you're questioning Big Bob?
    The disrespect I just underwent
    You know I always got your back
    Yeah, really though, it's all fine
    From the day you were born and the contract was signed
    And this is the thanks I get?
    This is the thanks I get?

    I didn't wanna do this
    I swore I'd never do this
    But I'm hypnotized by how these movies flop
    'Cause I refuse to have my share price drop
    AI, write-offs, live-action remake crap?
    Anything to get our money back!
    Against Chapek, I don't wanna be measured, but
    Desperate times call for desperate measures

    Reviews for Wish aren't going well
    And still I remain unbent
    Come out critics, explain yourself
    I'm sure it's all just an accident
    Well, whoever pays them off first
    Now, that's a promotion well spent
    Honestly, keeping me safe should be worth every cent
    And this is the thanks I get?
    Oh, this is the thanks I get?!

  21. 7 months ago

    Is the goat cute? I like goats. They're my favorite animal.

    • 7 months ago

      No, they did the eyes wrong. A random sheep from a shitty low cost kid show manages to do the eyes right, why can't Disney?

      • 7 months ago

        Needs a good plapping

        • 7 months ago

          Go back, tourist.

  22. 7 months ago

    I was never going to see this in the first place but I'm really surprised that this has actual negative reviews from multiple critics. Did Disney's deal with the devil expire and do they actually have to start trying again?

  23. 7 months ago

    Here is the politicking c**t who destroys Disney. She owes her entire career to Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez who wrote Let It Go, and Idina Menzel for performing it so well.

    • 7 months ago

      Married to Doc Ock I just learned.

      • 7 months ago

        Alfred Molina? Why would he settle for that?

      • 7 months ago

        weird relationship. he was dating her while married to his wife with alzheimer’s.

    • 7 months ago

      Why does she look like Titania McGrath

    • 7 months ago

      My ELA teacher from freshman year of high school is her cousin (I live in nyc) and I remember when Lee came to our school to give a bland presentation on writing stories. it was in 2014-2015

      • 7 months ago

        Anything interesting or was it all generic?

        • 7 months ago

          All I remember is how generic it was not much about the words. Nothing about the speech stood out. A bunch of people were fawning over her.

  24. 7 months ago

    This is unironically racism. Not even the subtle profiling that leftists do without realizing it. They hate the movie simply because Asha is Black.

    • 7 months ago

      I didn't know Polygon was staffed by Klansmen

    • 7 months ago

      So if women don't turn out for this movie will the media slander them as racist women or will men be blamed again?

      • 7 months ago

        Why does it matter what the media does or says? If this film bombs, it's because the audience is racist and bigoted. This isn't some nuanced issue.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Hi, I'm from Spain. If they wanted a Black person princess, maybe don't sell it as the first Spanish princess. THAT's what's racist.

      • 7 months ago

        1. Asha is not a princess
        2. She's a moor, not a true Basque or Castillan
        3. Not only is she half moor but her mom is apparently full sub-saharan African for some reason, not even a Nafri.

        • 7 months ago

          Princess as in the merchandise line.
          But Spaniards have better representation with Sofia

          • 7 months ago

            Asha is already a princess in the Princess Line? Her design is so ugly. No little girl will want merch of her.

            • 7 months ago

              Not yet, Raya took a while to be implemented.

            • 7 months ago

              I think Asha is very pretty as far as her face goes but her dress is bland and the dress is very important.

            • 7 months ago

              No she's not in the disney princess line yet, they typically let the movies line run for a bit first before tossing them in the princess line, she isn't too bad, better than Mirabel

              • 7 months ago

                Disney store version, better quality

              • 7 months ago

                she's pretty but her dress is bland

                can't imagine a little black girl designing something like this I dunno, it's like her dress was designed by committee.

              • 7 months ago

                Man at least Tiana had some cool outfits.

              • 7 months ago

                Tiana has arguably the most stylish outfits among the Disney heroines.

              • 7 months ago

                Tiana is arguably the most boring of the Disney heroines. I think even Merida of all characters has a bigger fanbase.

              • 7 months ago

                Tiana has arguably the most stylish outfits among the Disney heroines.

                Tiana was undercut by being a frog for most of the film. If they were really worried about audiences rejecting Tiana for being black they should have made it more of an ensemble film then at least people wouldn't complain about Tiana not being human.

                You can't look at the success of so many different black artists and actors/actresses from past to present and then turn around and say that black leads can't sell. What they all had universally was charisma and panache, Tiana and Asha lack 'star power'. We're so much worse off now than the days of UPN, everyone liked the Brandy version of Cinderella, but she was really likable and had a cute dress. The current crop of creatives just suck and I unironically bet a creative team of little black girls could design a more compelling black female protagonist.

                Tiana was undercut by having a boring personality and being a perfect Mary Sue, because Disney was too afraid to upset black people by giving her flaws.

              • 7 months ago

                It was more she was given the most obvious flaw of a workaholic, having no life beyond work and their goal, I think they were too focusedon how they wanted the moviebto play out to really think twice on how they fleshed her out. Despite that I don't think Tiana is that bad, she kinda falls into the same category of princess type as someone like Cinderella, being pretty, mature, charming and resilient, with a little bit of sass, but not particularly interesting. It works against Tiana more because we wanted something new, which ultimately got us stuck with the quirky archetype.

              • 7 months ago

                Tiana was undercut by being a frog for most of the film. If they were really worried about audiences rejecting Tiana for being black they should have made it more of an ensemble film then at least people wouldn't complain about Tiana not being human.

                You can't look at the success of so many different black artists and actors/actresses from past to present and then turn around and say that black leads can't sell. What they all had universally was charisma and panache, Tiana and Asha lack 'star power'. We're so much worse off now than the days of UPN, everyone liked the Brandy version of Cinderella, but she was really likable and had a cute dress. The current crop of creatives just suck and I unironically bet a creative team of little black girls could design a more compelling black female protagonist.

              • 7 months ago

                I thought Soul was fun.

              • 7 months ago

                I take it back sort of, you are right Soul is good

              • 7 months ago

                Soul had ugly character design. Just fricking hideous art. I didn't want to see a schlubby obviously gay chinless black dude. How frick you gonna have a movie where a man never has a single romantic interest or blip below the belt? Frick out of here.

              • 7 months ago

                It was about finding meaning, passion, and the love of music man, idk what to tell you. Also, I liked the astral pirate ship folks.

              • 7 months ago

                He looked stupid and got zero b***hes.

              • 7 months ago

                Too close to home?

              • 7 months ago

                Nope. My issue is the terrible art design and how an adult man never once looking or remarking on a woman's beauty is bizarre. He's gay coded, I think. It's why I don't care for the movie.

              • 7 months ago

                >he’s gay coded
                Agree to disagree on the art I guess (don’t hate it, don’t love it. I like the design of the line guys) but I think you may have a point here. Single man living alone, close to his mom and her friends, and hangs out with a cat. Doesn’t bother me personally but I’d never considered it.

              • 7 months ago

                They have got to stop giving male characters cats. Men get cats to fulfill a niche. They like to have something respond that responds sensually to their touch and they've usually non-active. You wanna a story to boys? He's gotta have a dog. Or you do the next-best-thing that gets on some people's nerves: take different animal, make it dog-like. Easy to get the male appreciation model from that. God, how could they have fricked that up with Buzz Lightyear of all things?

              • 7 months ago

                >Tiana was undercut by being a frog for most of the film
                A BORING frog.
                >muh work
                >muh discipline
                >lawd child I gots ta WORK
                And then her love interest wasn't actually rich or something. Naveen had to have enough charm to carry himself AND Tiana. And he didn't. He turned into frog and it was like "Ok".

              • 7 months ago

                could have been salvaged by being a word hard/party hard type but she never partied

              • 7 months ago

                >And then her love interest wasn't actually rich or something. Naveen had to have enough charm to carry himself AND Tiana. And he didn't. He turned into frog and it was like "Ok".
                Naveen wasn't even rich? WTF? Aren't his parents rich atleast? I vaguely remember him working at Tiana's restaurant at the end but I didn't know that was only cus he's poor.

              • 7 months ago

                I misremembered. He was cut off from his parent's fortunes because he wasn't taking anything seriously. He has money, but zero access to it. By the end of the film he develops a work ethic. While Naveen and Tianna get married I don't like how the movie is like "Yeah, and then he went and WORKED for her as her employee!" Like, bro, that's her husband not her employee. That's co-owner level of authority.

              • 7 months ago

                The movie is heavily carried by Dr. Facilier

              • 7 months ago

                It truly is, man. I enjoy Tianna's friend and her friend's papa as well. Unbridled optimism and selflessness even in their brief appearances.

              • 7 months ago

                They were worried about BLACK activists/ audience freaking out as well. When Naveem first was floated, he looked white middle eastern/arabic. That caused some of the hoteps and al sharpton types to lose their shit, saying he HAD to be black, and that caused other activists to insist he doesn't HAVE to be any race at all.

                It's no suprise that disney went "frick it' and kept her a frog.

              • 7 months ago

                >white prince
                “Aww hell naw! You better cast a black prince for this black princess!”
                >black prince
                “Are you saying Tirana’s not good enough for a white prince like every other princess?”
                >ethnically ambiguous prince
                “Eh, whatever”
                And then nobody watched the movie.

              • 7 months ago

                Princess and the frog was successful as it shook off Disney's rep for being white racists, and let them sell tiana princess merch non stop since. It's too bad that a third of the movie is complete filler.

              • 7 months ago

                Seriously. I mean Rapunzel had a generic slip of a dress but it worked. Asha looks like a fricking peasant straight up.

              • 7 months ago

                And she doesn't even get a new one in the finale.

              • 7 months ago

                are you fricking kidding me?

              • 7 months ago

                I think she only gets a cloak

              • 7 months ago

                I know not every prince/princess gets a change of clothes but it feels like I've only been dialed into that fact since Rey.
                >generic outfit throughout entire first film
                >sorta kind changes it for second
                >goes right back to generic outfit from the first film for the third
                Utterly disappointing. Asha should have gotten a Magnifico-esque outfit. I mean the whole movie is literally the re-telling of the current status quo at Disney.

                >man has ideas, ensures quality control
                >know-nothing do-nothing woman asks questions and then insists upon herself
                >is treated kindly then quietly let go at the end of the work day
                >she rages and b***hes and can't accept that everything she brings to the table is anti-thetical to the company, to profit, etc
                >ropes other women into her horseshit delusions, women who have enjoyed the profit of the company and the positive public perception and have no reason to upset the status quo
                >oy vey stab him in the back!
                >Magnifico de-throned, now Asha [women] can run company
                >companies goes to fricking shit
                Asha should've gotten bit in the ass by her hubris and then sacrificed the rest of the movie trying to undo a problem that her sheer arrogance and wounded pride started.

              • 7 months ago

                >>man has ideas, ensures quality control
                >>know-nothing do-nothing woman asks questions and then insists upon herself
                >>is treated kindly then quietly let go at the end of the work day
                >>she rages and b***hes and can't accept that everything she brings to the table is anti-thetical to the company, to profit, etc
                other women into her horseshit delusions, women who have enjoyed the profit of the company and the positive public perception and have no reason to upset the status quo
                >>oy vey stab him in the back!
                de-throned, now Asha [women] can run company
                goes to fricking shit
                It's like a Jennifer Lee autobiography film.

              • 7 months ago

                Out of head, only Pocahontas didn't.
                Even Snow White did.

              • 7 months ago

                ...Didn't Esmerelda change clothes? I never saw Atlantis and nothing from Pixar counts. Mulan--but that's a given. Its her entire gimmick after all. Princess Jasmine and Belle, yeah. And Jane from Tarzan.

              • 7 months ago

                >...Didn't Esmerelda change clothes?
                Yes, yes she did.

              • 7 months ago

                This looks baller, she should have had this on in the finale epilogue
                >...Didn't Esmerelda change clothes?
                Yep, she's only wearing a thin white dress in the sanctuary scene
                > I never saw Atlantis
                Kida has her cool tribal gear with mask and cloak, and also the scene where she takes off her sarong to reveal her atlantean pantsu.

                Esmerelda is completely snubbed by the Disney princess line. Don't the Romani people deserve representation too?

              • 7 months ago

                Representation is one thing, but if you don't sell the merch, and feed the pig, disney is going to sideline you.

              • 7 months ago

                Which Disney princesses sell the most merch? Is there a publicly available list somewhere? I'd guess Elsa #1, and Aurora and Cinders must be pretty popular too.

              • 7 months ago

                I've got a list here, some of the entries may or may not count as princesses because who fricking knows anymore. Some have been added and removed over the years. This is international.

                Minnie mouse
                Ariel (combined)
                Snow White
                ---Power gap.
                Maid Marian

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                A HUGE amount of the alice in wonderland shit is from Japan and will never be available outside it's borders, except with insane import fees.

              • 7 months ago

                Japan is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland in general due to it being one of the oldest "isekai" stories in non-Japanese literature. I'm certain 95% of the sales of Disney Alice merch comes from them.

              • 7 months ago

                >Minnie mouse
                I don't understand this! She is so boring!
                I had no idea tinkerbell was so popular until I went to the Japanese disney parks and saw all the focus on her and peter pan
                >Ariel (combined)
                California Adventure sells only black Ariel merch but the ride features white ariel. It must be confusing for little kids. I'm amazed that Belle and Ariel outsell Elsa.

              • 7 months ago

                >It must be confusing for little kids. I'm amazed that Belle and Ariel outsell Elsa.
                Ariel makes sense since she was the most fantastical princess before Elsa

              • 7 months ago

                >Minnie mouse
                I don't understand this! She is so boring!
                I had no idea tinkerbell was so popular until I went to the Japanese disney parks and saw all the focus on her and peter pan
                >Ariel (combined)
                California Adventure sells only black Ariel merch but the ride features white ariel. It must be confusing for little kids. I'm amazed that Belle and Ariel outsell Elsa.

                >I'm amazed that Belle and Ariel outsell Elsa.
                Because of the international market. The difference is close enough that Elsa will be back in front with her next movie.

              • 7 months ago

                >California Adventure sells only black Ariel merch but the ride features white ariel. It must be confusing for little kids.

                I remember hearing a black father explain to his confused daughter, "she's an actress. she's playing a part. The original one was german. But it's OK people to act when they're not it".

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, that's what I was thinking. All this does is create confusing for kids and leads to selling less merch overall. Black Ariel is just not as appealing as Red hair cartoon ariel, even when they try to make cute chibi versions of Hailee Bailey, regular ariel is still cuter. I saw the Ariel character actor walking around in Disneyland too-she was dressed like a fricking peasant in a cheap looking dreadlock wig. No one wants that! It appeals to no one-little girls want red hair classic ariel

              • 7 months ago

                This is what the people want. Disney does nothing but create confusion with these racebent recastings.

              • 7 months ago

                Greathair but she's too old for Ariel. She'd make a good Ariel 2 for that Little Mermaid sequel movie I never saw.

              • 7 months ago

                Idk maybe we're not giving kids enough credit, but I remember I knew both the animated Cinderella and the black Cinderella were both the same story just told different ways with different people

              • 7 months ago

                This is what the people want. Disney does nothing but create confusion with these racebent recastings.

                thats a nice explanation, good dad

                Girl ended up wanting only red head little mermaid, which made her mom SO mad, and got one of them swapped out for a Tiana.

              • 7 months ago

                Based little girl. Frick her parents for forcing woke shit on the little girl ahead of what she actually wanted.

              • 7 months ago

                Dad was chill. Mom had NO chill.

                >You know there were black germans?
                >I want this one.
                >Maybe one of each?
                >I want two of this one!
                >Alright. We're going to take this one away, and get Tiana here so ariel and tiana can play together.
                >OK. But No naveem. That boy is up to no good.

              • 7 months ago

                >That boy is up to no good.

              • 7 months ago

                >OK. But No naveem. That boy is up to no good.
                lmao, she's right about that one though. Naveem was a wienery frickboy looking for a sugar mama for the first half of the film

                Did they let her have white ariel or force the black ariel on her? Tiana I don't even have a problem with, she's just boring so I understand why little girls don't like her without her parents forcing her on them.

                Mom tried every trick.
                >Swapping out toys in the cart.
                >Dropping it and saying "oh it got dirty", lets get you that one.
                >That's the new one from the movie!
                >She's a famous actress!

                Mom hated the prince charmings and eric. She REALLY wanted Naveem, or maybe prince ali.

                Ended up with Redhead ariel in the blue dress, the super premium deluxe ballroom tiana, and buffalo head beast, because beast is big and strong, and a classy dancer.

                I think, by herself she would have picked streetwear ariel, Elsa and merrida

                There was some subtext about not wanting elsa, and making sure a prince was in the cart because of gayness.

              • 7 months ago

                >OK. But No naveem. That boy is up to no good.
                lmao, she's right about that one though. Naveem was a wienery frickboy looking for a sugar mama for the first half of the film

              • 7 months ago

                Did they let her have white ariel or force the black ariel on her? Tiana I don't even have a problem with, she's just boring so I understand why little girls don't like her without her parents forcing her on them.

              • 7 months ago

                It's funny because there's a doll of her with a dress that was clearly meant to be her transformation silver dress at the end of the movie, but for whatever reason they just dropped it and kept the peasant dress

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, they don't help the black actors by dressing them as frumpy as they do, I bet little girls would like this.

              • 7 months ago

                >I saw the Ariel character actor walking around in Disneyland too-she was dressed like a fricking peasant in a cheap looking dreadlock wig
                I laughed at the visual and can imagine people hustling their kids closer like " we're gonna wait for the actual Ariel. Not the bootleg second-grade version that evidently *needed* to be a thing." Black Ariel is a consolation prize no one needed. It's just a showcase of mental fragility and honestly as a black man it's embarrassing. They just had to go and shit on this beautiful red haired girl. Couldn't just give Ariel backgrounds friends or anything. And then Black Ariel has multi-ethnic sisters meaning her dad wasn't faithful. What kind of fricking message is to send to the black community?

              • 7 months ago

                >look she's smiling!

              • 7 months ago

                thats a nice explanation, good dad

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                >I...holy SHIT that woman is sexy.
                Frollo, my man. My maaaaannnnn..

              • 7 months ago

                >gets a boner after looking at a hot gypsy woman
                >mind breaks, calls her a spell sending witch and sings about hell fire
                Bit of an overreaction innit

              • 7 months ago

                He took up a pact with God and didn't want to end up in the fire. Yet look at how it consumed him.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                >Didn't Esmerelda change clothes? I never saw Atlantis
                Those aren't in the lineup.

                >and nothing from Pixar counts.
                I don't remember if she did.

                >Mulan, Jasmine and Belle.
                They have different outfits

              • 7 months ago

                Hnnnng Jasmine. Frick, man. That's how you make a design that stays in the hearts and minds of people for decades after a work comes out. You have to make men want to love and be with the princess. You have to make girls want to love and be with the prince. This is easily done with catchy songs and both characters showing skin. Because that's evolution, man. We're all drawn to fit, unaddled physiques. Present the characters as such. Make them desire romance and then seek and obtain it.

              • 7 months ago

                Get her Holiday Tiana instead

              • 7 months ago

                hot damn that looks good, she should have worn this in the film

              • 7 months ago

                Aw shit it's Big Tyme Tianna.
                >Tianna becomes a prostitute lord

              • 7 months ago

                This looks baller, she should have had this on in the finale epilogue

                ...Didn't Esmerelda change clothes? I never saw Atlantis and nothing from Pixar counts. Mulan--but that's a given. Its her entire gimmick after all. Princess Jasmine and Belle, yeah. And Jane from Tarzan.

                >...Didn't Esmerelda change clothes?
                Yep, she's only wearing a thin white dress in the sanctuary scene
                > I never saw Atlantis
                Kida has her cool tribal gear with mask and cloak, and also the scene where she takes off her sarong to reveal her atlantean pantsu.

              • 7 months ago

                I GUARANTEE you her dress was designed by committe, and went through thousands of useless hours of meetings, with as many diversity specialists as toymakers.

              • 7 months ago

                She looks like a fricking peasant who washes clothing for a living. I don't know who this is for or why they think little girls will like it. This movie relies entirely on merch of the cute star mascot selling, but the star itself is just a lame ripoff of what already exists in Super Mario. Sad what Disney has become.

                No she's not in the disney princess line yet, they typically let the movies line run for a bit first before tossing them in the princess line, she isn't too bad, better than Mirabel

                The freckles are not cute. What were they thinking with this design?

              • 7 months ago

                Disney store version, better quality

                >here’s your centennial anniversary main character

              • 7 months ago

                >better than Mirabel
                mirabel is unironically the best disney protagonist since Hercules

              • 7 months ago

                Mirabel deserved a better third act. Her movie was a big pile of nothing in the end.

              • 7 months ago

                >Mirabel deserved a better third act.
                I wont dispute that, but the idea that in the end the family that had never built a space for the "disabled daughter" finally makes one themselves, and it's the door knob, sees family acceptance was the hole she had (not powers) and in the gleam of the metal finally sees "all of herself" reflected was a cool as hell ending

                If the family did not get its powers back, the ending would have been a lot better

              • 7 months ago

                Mirabel is the inheritor of Grandma's candle power, I thought that was the point. When Grandma dies, Mirabel will have the candle that keeps the magic house together.

              • 7 months ago

                I honestly would have preferred if Bruno was indeed evil/morally ambiguous and came back to frick with people or something. Or, alternatively, have some actual comeupance for Isabela or something. The movie seemed to be building towards some big mystery and instead it all just came down to how Abuela was a b***h. It was such an anticlimactic ending. And none of the other family members had to confront the fact that they had been bullying Mirabel for no reason all these years. And what even if the house crumbles, sure the town loses the convenience of superpowers, but nothing actually happens.

              • 7 months ago

                I remember being intrigued by Bruno's character and wanting to see Mirabel and him bond over both being family outcasts but there really wasn't much of that at all. There wasn't much of anything Encanto spread itself far too thin.

              • 7 months ago

                Too many characters. For example what’s the deal with the cousin who can hear things? Never gets a song, but she off handedly mentions always knowing Bruno was in the house. Her life and motivations are a mystery apart from liking the sister’s boyfriend.

              • 7 months ago

                Its also funny how some of the powers are super strenght, weather control, uber healing and plant growth, while others are super hearing and turning into other people. Super hearing seems so incredibly niche and turning into other people seems like more of a supervillain power than a useful one.

              • 7 months ago

                Super hearing sounds like a curse. You hear your parents every time they frick. You know when Abuela has taco shits. You can hear Bruno using a rat like a Fleshlight within the walls behind Isabella’s room. And you say nothing, I guess, to save face or because you’re so numb and broken by that point you just think it’s all normal.

              • 7 months ago

                Didn't her mother also get a shit hand?

              • 7 months ago

                >You can hear Bruno using a rat like a Fleshlight within the walls behind Isabella’s room.

              • 7 months ago

                >There wasn't much of anything Encanto spread itself far too thin.
                Its perplexing how a story can be so self contained and small and still be spread so thin. I have to assume part of it were the songs taking so much screentime when they did basically nothing in terms of advancing the plot. And they were still the best part of the movie.

              • 7 months ago

                Just too many characters. The premise required them to write lots of different characters with different powers which led the writers to feel they have to delve into all of them.

              • 7 months ago

                To me it looks like the premise was designed to be merched out and turned in to a future franchise and television show. Fortunately it bombed, so they never moved forward with the Disney+ TV show plans.

              • 7 months ago

                The story is about a single family in a single village. And its set in deep mid 20th century columbia. I really cant see how you can make a franchise out of that.
                The better explanation is that the movie was a trauma dump by the director/writer against her family. Which seems to be a trend in Disney considering Turning Red.

              • 7 months ago

                And Elemental

              • 7 months ago

                >The better explanation is that the movie was a trauma dump by the director/writer against her family.
                Jesus christ you absolute fricking illeterates thank god none of you work in hollywood

                it was a "disney-fied" adaptation of the "100 years of solitude" book, same as disney cucks and adapts every other fairy tale in the world
                The original movie was actually going to explore multiple generations and have grandma and grand daughter go to the big city and everything, and have the villain be the marble statue of the original matriarch or whatever, before the studios said "schyzo all this shit down" and its how we got Encanto

              • 7 months ago

                I really dont see how any of this contradicts the fact that the movie was just an intergenerational trauma shitfest and was intended to be that way. Director could have just had her original premise shot down and still wanted to trauma dump, and that is what we got.

              • 7 months ago

                >intergenerational trauma shitfest
                You dont make a point that the movie was bad just because you described the theme of the movie and then added "shitfest" at the end, or by moving the goalposts from it "being a self insert" to "being about a thing I dont like".

                It's like saying "Hercules is a finding the meaning of heroism shitfest film", okay m8, good for you

                It was a great Generational Trauma movie adaptation about a Generational Trauma book.

              • 7 months ago

                By shitfest I mean being a lot of the thing, and also being bad but not necessarily that the thing itself is bad.
                I really dont see how you can expect anons to have interacted with random mid 10th century columbian novel and try to call them out for illiteracy because of that. Given Disney's recent trend of having generational trauma be the antagonist in their movies I am still inclined to think that the reason why the story got picked up the the first place was because it fit into the trend and not because they wanted to faithfully adapt the book. Also, it can still be the case that the author wanted to trauma dump with the story and the adaptation provided a perfect opportunity.

              • 7 months ago

                Honestly the anon has a point. Encanto's premise could have made for a fun tv show with the tv format giving the characters the attention they deserved. Thing is there's nothing fortunate about it not getting that. No idea why that anon has such an iron rod up his ass over the film.

              • 7 months ago

                Episodic adventures with Mirabel teaming up with different members of her family, to solve various mishaps and problems in and around the village. Basically Paw Patrol but with encanto characters. It writes itself, but it could only get made if the movie was a hit, which it wasn't.

              • 7 months ago

                Encanto is one of the most disappointing films I've seen in a while. Disappointing because it had a lot going for it.

              • 7 months ago

                I meant the doll looked better than Mirabels

        • 7 months ago

          And still, they're selling an ENEMY of Spain as the protagonist of the movie. Frick them and frick moors.

          • 7 months ago

            It's not actually Spain and they aren't actually Moors. Rosas is the Disney knockoff version of Spain the same way Corona is knockoff Dalmatia and Arrendelle is knockoff Oslo.
            King Magnifico is a full blooded non-Moor.

  25. 7 months ago

    Luca made 0 fricking money. The boys looked like stupid fricking homosexuals. Like they were seconds away from looking at one another with half-lidded eyes and having their mouths full of each other's wieners. That's how fricking lame and homosexual those two boys looked and the girl in the film wasn't anywhere near cute enough to make up for the boys looking so visually unappealing and non-masculine. Strange World fell out of the womb and was strangled as it hit the floor. Encanto had a budget of 130 million and brought back 150 million from the box office. Of course this movie is going to suck a dick as well.

  26. 7 months ago

    holy frick lmao

    • 7 months ago

      Took me a while to notice that this is the top critics

  27. 7 months ago

    lol The Marvels bombed hard, now this. 2023 is like "Amerimutts cant even write anymore" year loloollollol

    Woke shit like this used to please woke critics on RT at least, but they seem to have reacted the level of total incoherence.

  28. 7 months ago

    I heard the villain jobs despite being basically omnipotent.

  29. 7 months ago

    Holy shit. Is this thing going to go into the 40s?

    • 7 months ago
  30. 7 months ago

    >Chat GPT prompt: Please write a poem about why Disney is failing and why Wish is going to be a financial bomb

    Disney's empire, its glory waned.
    Amidst the dreams and fairy lore,
    Troubles brewed, a daunting lore.

    A shifting landscape, ever fast,
    Contentions rose, shadows cast.
    Innovation’s call, a distant plea,
    While stalwart tales lost potency.

    The streaming wars, a fierce crusade,
    Disney’s might, a part did fade.
    With rivals bold, they sought to vie,
    Consumers' hearts, a fickle sky.

    Originality’s elusive gleam,
    Remakes spun, a recurring theme.
    Nostalgia’s charm, though once so grand,
    Now slips through grasp like shifting sand.

    Yet 'twas not solely Disney's plight,
    Wish, too, faced struggles, a sorry sight.
    A marketplace of dreams unmet,
    A shaky ground where hopes are set.

    Products cheap, in myriad array,
    Quality oft begins to fray.
    Long shipping waits, a bitter pill,
    Expectations dashed, goodwill nil.

    As Disney’s star dims in the night,
    Wish's future veers from bright.
    Financial woes, a looming storm,
    Their aspirations, lukewarm.

    For both, the lesson to be learned,
    Innovation’s fire must be earned.
    To captivate, one must evolve,
    Or in the din, dissolve, absolve.

    May Disney find its magic spark,
    Rekindle wonder in the dark.
    And Wish, a lesson hard to bear,
    Rise anew, with utmost care.

    The tale of these giants, a cautionary lore,
    In winds of change, adapt and soar.
    For in the realm where dreams hold sway,
    Adaptation is the price to pay.

    • 7 months ago

      >Adaptation is the price to pay.
      So we put a chick in it
      And her gay

  31. 7 months ago

    It would have been great if Magnifico showed her all the HORRIBLE wishes that keep the kingdom safe. Like "i wish my neighbor would die". Just hand that one over and say "go ahead, give him what he wants!"

  32. 7 months ago

    >Look up Atlantis
    >Kida looks hot
    >look up Atlantis rule34
    >pages of Milo getting dicked down by the black guy
    What in the frick is all this shit?

    • 7 months ago

      There's a lot of gay people who like Milo

  33. 7 months ago

    Okay, so... Everyone acknowledges that you forget your wish. They acknowledge some people have been waiting decades for their wish to be granted. They acknowledge that people change or sometimes "become more boring" when they forget their wish.

    ...And they still participate in this ceremony? It's not a mandatory ceremony. The city isn't poor and this ceremony doesn't prey on desperate people wishing for a better life. Magnifico never hides the negative aspects of giving up your wish. The citizens willingly participate in this lottery scam and somehow they're all just innocent victims and Magnifico deserves to be trapped in a mirror for eternity? And what the frick does Magnifico even get out of this? He doesn't have some sick pleasure in crushing people's dreams. He doesn't NEED surplus of wishes for power's sake.

    I actually do not understand this setup or motivation. I feel like there's some basic story beats missing here-- and don't point me to the fricking art book. Scrapped ideas shouldn't mean they omitted motivation entirely.

    • 7 months ago

      > Everyone acknowledges that you forget your wish.
      Wait they do?

      But, then what's the secret? Between that and "one wish per person" they are capable of figuring out exactly how many wishes their king has actually granted on their own.

      • 7 months ago

        And what about the people whose wishes he did grant? Are they just a bunch of ingrates?

    • 7 months ago

      > Everyone acknowledges that you forget your wish.
      Wait they do?

      But, then what's the secret? Between that and "one wish per person" they are capable of figuring out exactly how many wishes their king has actually granted on their own.

      >Everyone acknowledges that you forget your wish
      I'll need to check the film closely but some anons keep suggesting they don't actually magically forget and that Magnifico is saying they just kinda assume that it'll work or not work and leave it there rather than thinking about it, basically they're shallow and just abandon the wishes on their own, but Asha is just fricking moronic and misinterpreted.

      • 7 months ago

        No, the wishes are magically vaporized and they're forced to forget. It's the source of Magnifico's magic or something? I'll admit I was only half-watching the camrip because it's just not a good movie, but he does do something legitimately evil. It's just awkward and dumb.

        • 7 months ago

          >It's the source of Magnifico's magic or something?
          No. The movie is hella explicit.
          Magnifico studied and learned magic, it comes from his books and tomes.

          He only learns he can suck wishes for powers by accident after he slurped some darkhold juice.
          And that happened because going to the people he spent his life serving failed on account of them being such self centered spoiled babies who only think about getting more free wishes
          Which they could have always followed themselves.
          They're not even societly conditioned, Rosas gets visitors from all over the world, and after getting a tour they go "holy shit I gotta give this king my wish!"

          • 7 months ago

            So Magnifico is the new Wanda

      • 7 months ago

        No, in the first ten minutes there is a couple that asks Asha verbatim, "Do you really forget your wishes?" to which Asha responds, "Oh, yeah, yeah you do. But you forget with no regret!". It's even pointed out with Asha's seven dwarf friends that the Sleepy guy became "much more boring" when he gave up his wish on his 18th birthday. He even acts sad when he thinks about how he gave up his wish and seems to silently regret it.

  34. 7 months ago

    >Queen not only immediately betrays the king, she also doesn't even bat an eye when they give him live in prision, worse than life in prision in fact
    So in the after credits she smirks in an evil way and that's a cliffhanger I assume, right?

    • 7 months ago

      That's what pisses me off. The queen is a part of the establishment. Of COURSE whatever her husband and best friend and lover and father of her children does she would be right there to support it. You don't do whatever happened to Epstein and then let Ghislane walk free. You nail her ass to the cross alongside him! But noooo they wanted the message that the female co-ruler did no wrong. And truly for her to be so utterly ignorant of Magnifico's supposed wrong doing is more of a testament to how much he was killing it. She had no complaints. She noticed nothing. One mouse whisper later and she's stabbing him in the fricking back unprovoked.

      Reminds me of when Justin Rolland came under fire for allegations and the voice actress of Summer came out calling him a piece of shit and publically defending his girlfriend. When it came out that the girlfriend's claims were bullshit and charges and allegations dropped it was all quiet on the western front. She just jumped on the bandwagon without any evidence and gleefully shredded a professional/private relationship as she did it. This wife is on that same bullshit timing and I don't respect her as a character.

      • 7 months ago

        Ghislane was Epstein's handler. Ghislane was the brains of the operation, and Epstein was the public facing front and patsy. Look how influential Ghislane's daddy was FFS.

        I agree Magnifico's wife should be evil too.

        • 7 months ago

          If she was evil we'd have an interesting character. We haven't had an evil woman since Mother Gothel's fine ass.

          • 7 months ago

            >We haven't had an evil woman since Mother Gothel's fine ass.

      • 7 months ago

        The entertainment industry as a whole is a den of opportunistic vipers. They’d cut the fingers off their own family members if it was trendy and gave them social good boy points.

      • 7 months ago

        >That's what pisses me off. The queen is a part of the establishment. Of COURSE whatever her husband and best friend and lover and father of her children does she would be right there to support it. You don't do whatever happened to Epstein and then let Ghislane walk free. You nail her ass to the cross alongside him! But noooo they wanted the message that the female co-ruler did no wrong. And truly for her to be so utterly ignorant of Magnifico's supposed wrong doing is more of a testament to how much he was killing it. She had no complaints. She noticed nothing. One mouse whisper later and she's stabbing him in the fricking back unprovoked.
        This is realistic. That's how women in general act, and royal women in court are the biggest politickers of all. Magnifico's wife being a player on the Game of Thrones makes sense, painting her as an altruistic good guy for doing it does not make sense.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm reminded of the Bill Burr bit where white woman have managed to spin this narrative that they are just as much victims of oppression as minorities as if they weren't right there next to the the people doing the oppression and getting just as much benefit.

  35. 7 months ago

    In the end this wasn't Spain during Muslim benevolent ruling but a made up fantasy world, go figure, certain subset of Cinemaphile who I'm not going to name lied again

  36. 7 months ago

    >dude creates a way of giving wishes to people
    >wishes can't be dangerous to other people thought
    >that's considered evil so the people revolt and remove him without a fair trial or anything into an eternity of suffering
    >his wife has no problem helping the revolt

  37. 7 months ago

    The queen was either an accomplice of an """"""""""""""evil""""""""""""" deed or incredible oblivious and quick to backstabbing. Neither should be fit for a queen

  38. 7 months ago

    >Anons misinform the website to try to get a narrative going about how evil villain is not actually evil when he clearly is evil.
    The movie was trash but stop lying about this cmon.

    • 7 months ago

      We've been doing this since the book dropped and spoiled the film: theorycrafting far more interesting alternatives to the safe, boring, milquetoast approach to this setup Wish has taken while poking holes in every single act. The movie is flawed because it simply did not do enough to portray Magnifico as a villain and Asha comes off like a stupid b***h who doesn't think who comes barrelling into the scene making demands and fricking everything up in the name of "progress" and "b-but that's not FAIR!"

      >We haven't had an evil woman since Mother Gothel's fine ass.

      I always forget about the sheep. That's what they plan on, you know.

      • 7 months ago

        >We've been doing this since the book dropped and spoiled the film: theorycrafting far more interesting alternatives to the safe, boring, milquetoast approach to this setup Wish has taken while poking holes in every single act. The movie is flawed because it simply did not do enough to portray Magnifico as a villain and Asha comes off like a stupid b***h who doesn't think who comes barrelling into the scene making demands and fricking everything up in the name of "progress" and "b-but that's not FAIR!"
        That is fair, but plenty of anons are not merely interpreting the movie. They are trying to twist/not tell all the facts of the movie in order to sell the narrative that Magnifico did literally nothing wrong and was ganged up by a bunch of women/simps for no reason. That is not what happened in the movie. Would the movie have benefited from more nuance? Absolutely. But these anons dont really care about nuance. They care about spreading the narrative that disney is trying to undermine meritocracy/strong blameless male leaders for no reason whatsoever.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm betting a bunch of them haven't seen it, even though we've got camrips.

        • 7 months ago

          >They are trying to twist/not tell all the facts of the movie in order to sell the narrative that Magnifico did literally nothing wrong and was ganged up by a bunch of women/simps for no reason.
          Yeah, it's a joke. The running theme for all discussions where the villain is discussed
          >Oh yeah they're totally better than the hero. Yup. In fact, the hero is a villain!
          Doesn't help that Magnifico is more visually aesthetically pleasing, is a metahuman and is the one character really driving the plot. Of course discussion is going to primarily swell to be around him.
          >That is not what happened in the movie.
          Lots of us haven't seen it [yet] and more likely won't so I'll take your word from it.
          >But these anons dont really care about nuance.
          The movie doesn't either. So these anons would rather funpost about something more entertaining: making the movie better, and hating how Disney keeps putting out the same fricking shit.
          >They care about spreading the narrative that disney is trying to undermine meritocracy/strong blameless male leaders for no reason whatsoever.
          Yeah. Funposting, theorycrafting, and banding together to shit on Disney. The human mind is built to spot repetition and will always work to find familiarity in all manner of things. The throughline being "Disney films keep failing because they continue to repeat the following mistakes" is and will remain a popular topic of discussion for as long as the company continues down this track.

          That is the line of discussion in these threads. It may change now that the film is actually released. I highly, HIGHLY doubt that though.

          • 7 months ago

            >Doesn't help that Magnifico is more visually aesthetically pleasing, is a metahuman and is the one character really driving the plot. Of course discussion is going to primarily swell to be around him.
            I dont dispute that. In fact, I do agree that the movie would have been so incredibly better if it had centered around Magnifico/made him the protagonist. It would also have been better to have Asha be a sidekick for Magnifico as he maybe learns to be a better ruler. This could have been the villanous teamup Nimona didnt give us.
            >Yeah. Funposting
            I admire your optimism anon, but I am willing to bet this is more of an exercise in propaganda.

            • 7 months ago

              I like you, anon. For your sake I hope discussion picks up in these threads so the merit of the movie can be discussed rather than ceaseless proselytizing.

            • 7 months ago

              >I admire your optimism anon, but I am willing to bet this is more of an exercise in propaganda.
              I'd describe that part as more shitposting, ala tortanic. Although whether this is mediocre, poor, or completely fricking terrible is still in the air.

        • 7 months ago

          >That is fair, but plenty of anons are not merely interpreting the movie. They are trying to twist/not tell all the facts of the movie in order to sell the narrative that Magnifico did literally nothing wrong and was ganged up by a bunch of women/simps for no reason. That is not what happened in the movie. Would the movie have benefited from more nuance? Absolutely. But these anons dont really care about nuance. They care about spreading the narrative that disney is trying to undermine meritocracy/strong blameless male leaders for no reason whatsoever.

          Pretty much. It's a shit movie, but Anons with AN AGENDA are making up nonsense in their efforts to claim that Disney has AN AGENDA.
          It's really very very tiresome. I'm not saying that Cinemaphile was ever good, but we used to be better about sticking to arguing about what was actually IN a comic/cartoon/movie instead of trying to wage Culture Wars.

        • 7 months ago

          >That is not what happened in the movie.
          What happened in the movie
          >King Magnifico suffered a great tragedy in his youth and so decided that he should make it so there was a way for nobody else to have to go through what he did
          >He studied and mastered the power of magic then went to a deserted island in the middle of the sea and raised a prosperous city
          >People from all over the world voluntarily moved to his dope ass Rent Free magic kingdom
          >Magnifico creates a ceremony for *minimum 18 year olds only* (basically old enough to be a grandmother in this time in history) where if they want, they can give Magnifico their wish instead of doing what he did and chase it on their own, for the oportunity that maybe more than once a month he might magically grant them that wish himself
          >Such wishes include the opportunity to serve others as a knight or a master tailer, but also stupid shit like flapping your arms and fly like a bird, or a nanny for your kids that you cant be bothered to parent yourself
          >Still having your wish die, which is a possibility in the real world, is an incredibly violent act whose grief is comparable to the loss of a spouse, and thus magnifico, to no benefit to himself keeps all wishes safe in his castle.
          >in the beggining of the movie all the king wants is to find someone who believes like he does so that they can continue on his legacy of protecting his people at any cost
          >Magnifico and Asha literally have a touching duet about it, and how he's only looking for someone who'se wish is that altruistic
          >Asha imediately tries to use nepotism to promote her family's wish
          >This visibly breaks his heart he thought he had found someone but still hears it out
          >When confronted by Magnifico's reluctance to make a malformed vague and potentially dangerous wish immediately commits treason

          Why do people think Magnifico did no wrong, it's a mistery

          • 7 months ago

            Damn. Is the movie worth watching if I only care about Magnifico?

          • 7 months ago

            >(basically old enough to be a grandmother in this time in history)
            I know you are trying to poison the well, but cmon anon, this is just you coming off as incredibly ignorant.
            >Still having your wish die, which is a possibility in the real world, is an incredibly violent act whose grief is comparable to the loss of a spouse, and thus magnifico, to no benefit to himself keeps all wishes safe in his castle.
            This is literally your own headcanon. Magnifico keeps the wishes in his castle because 1. He benefits from having the population subservient to him and 2. He uses them to power up his magic.
            >protecting his people at any cost
            Keeping them subservient by stealing their memories of aspiring for more.
            >When confronted by Magnifico's reluctance to make a malformed vague and potentially dangerous wish immediately commits treason
            She rebels because she found out he is stealing people's memories along with their wishes.
            The level of misinformation is extreme. The movie is shit regardless anon, you dont have to lie and twist the truth.

            • 7 months ago

              >this is just you coming off as incredibly ignorant.
              please tell me all about the Islamic age of consent during the period of spanish history of Al Andaluz

              >iterally your own headcanon.
              Magnifico crushese Asha's mom's gift which has a violent impact on her. When asked she goes "I know this feeling... It is grief", her source of grief being obviously Asha's father
              I'm sorry you were asleep at the movie
              >she found out he is stealing people's memories along with their wishes.
              the intro song literally says "IT DOESNT HURT AND YOU WONT EVEN MISS IT WHEN YOU SAY GOODBYE"

              • 7 months ago

                >please tell me all about the Islamic age of consent during the period of spanish history of Al Andaluz
                And the relation between that and the what you said is?
                >Magnifico crushese Asha's mom's gift which has a violent impact on her.
                Which he does to hurt her. I know you are trolling anon, but holy shit, please do it better.
                Which is obviously meant to be foreshadowing about how Magnifico is bad and is brainwashing the population into thinking getting their wishes stolen is good.

              • 7 months ago

                >And the relation between that and the what you said is?
                that 18 is beyond the minimum expected for you to make such significant decisions about your personal autonomy such as what do you do about your Wish
                >Which he does to hurt her
                Yes, the movie explicits that after being driven to read the darkhold he is no longer in charge of his actions and motivations.
                He explicits anyone helping Asha is commiting treason and will never have their wish granted, which is dark and extreme (darkhold) but within king's perrogative.
                >Magnifico is bad and is brainwashing the population
                The entire population bears witness to how wish giving is never painful and they never really miss giving up their wish
                Literally everyone just moves on with their lives and accepts they'll turn into a bird and fly

              • 7 months ago

                >that 18 is beyond the minimum expected for you to make such significant decisions about your personal autonomy such as what do you do about your Wish
                You said that 18 is grandfather age in the middle ages. That is excruciantingly wrong. Now you move goalposts.
                >after being driven to read the darkhold he is no longer in charge of his actions and motivations.
                That is blatantly not true.
                >within king's perrogative.
                Because he said so, because it helps him attain his goals, which are immoral. Hence, he is immoral and villainous. Thanks for conceding the point.
                >The entire population bears witness to how wish giving is never painful and they never really miss giving up their wish
                Because they are forced to forget about it. How are you this dense?
                >Literally everyone just moves on with their lives and accepts they'll turn into a bird and fly
                They are brainwashed into forgetting. This is essentially claiming that if I make you forget that I did something wrong to you, then it is no longer wrong. That is moronic, you are moronic.

              • 7 months ago

                >You said that 18 is grandfather age in the middle ages. That is excruciantingly wrong. Now you move goalposts.
                I'm not that anon, but I think you're focusing way too much on what was an obvious joke comment when there are plenty of other actual points to debate

              • 7 months ago

                >You said that 18 is grandfather age in the middle ages. That is excruciantingly wrong. Now you move goalposts.
                Not that Anon but you're moronic if you can't make the connection between "Hey what was the AoC in Moorish Spain" and "this young woman could be a grandmother practically in this region."

                Go frick yourself, sincerely, Cinemaphile.

              • 7 months ago

                >You said that 18 is grandfather age in the middle ages. That is excruciantingly wrong. Now you move goalposts.
                You're an idiot, take a tea break

                >That is blatantly not true.
                The queen literally says "please it's the book, we have to find a way to stop him or at least reverse the book's influence on him" and then they read the book and say "oh no the book's influence is irreversible"
                You didnt watch the movie
                >Because he said so
                You get to do that when you're the king with all the wish magic you came up with, in a kingdom where giving you my wish for the chance i might grant is a deal you can make, with you, the king, the head of the judiciary legislative and executive branches.
                People who dont like it, can go learn magic find their own deserted island and come up with their rules, like Magnifico did.
                > because it helps him attain his goals, which are immoral. Hence, he is immoral and villainous.
                His goals are utterly moral
                >Because they are forced to forget about it. How are you this dense?
                Literally at no point no one is forced to forget shit, everyone explicits how they all know they forget, grandpa given the option to remember FORBIDS ASHA TO REMIND HIM

                >They are brainwashed into forgetting. This is essentially claiming that if I make you forget that I did something wrong to you, then it is no longer wrong.

                That is moronic, you are moronic. If amnesia medication existed we'd be administring it by the bucket loads to people with ptsd

              • 7 months ago

                >Literally at no point no one is forced to forget shit, everyone explicits how they all know they forget, grandpa given the option to remember FORBIDS ASHA TO REMIND HIM
                Mind you, everyone is free to wish other things
                The whole climax of the movie is about how Asha inspires people without their wishes to just move on and wish for other things, they just simply had to want it.
                This was always allowed.
                King Magnifico literally got nothing out of keeping the civilians wishes safe in a castle.

              • 7 months ago

                >they just simply had to want it.
                more specifically, they had to be put in a position of discomfort to wish for a different life, the implication being, that life in Rosas is so perfect, that you're never incentivized to pick up guitar lessons for yourself to make it better

            • 7 months ago

              >Keeping them subservient by stealing their memories of aspiring for more.
              They VOLUNTEER those wishes.
              They remember having them, they can tell people what they were, they know they'll forget them, YET THEY VOLUNTEER

              • 7 months ago

                kinda better, because the movie is explicit the darkhold is fricking with Magnifico's normal intentions and not in control of his own actions any more, while Wanda goes "no, no, this is me being reasonable its all perspective you see"

              • 7 months ago

                >the darkhold is fricking with Magnifico's normal intentions and not in control of his own actions any more
                >gets punished as if those were all his own actions and he wasnt corrupted by literal hitler magic
                Kind of fricked up in a way

              • 7 months ago

                >>gets punished as if those were all his own actions and he wasnt corrupted by literal hitler magic
                >Magnifico literally sings "I never wanted to be tethered to this book, but these are desperate times"
                >later the queen reading the book says "if you touch bad magic just once you're fricked and evil forever with no way to save yourself, and the book takes a hold of your free will so that you will use bad magic"

                It's really fricked

              • 7 months ago

                >They VOLUNTEER those wishes.
                They dont know they will forget about them if they are taken. That is the whole point of what Asha tries to tell her family and theu dont believe her because Magnifico must be such a great guy.

              • 7 months ago

                They literally sing about it

              • 7 months ago

                They sing about how they dont miss the wishes because they have been brainwashed into not thinking forgetting about your wishes is bad. They feel something missing but they dont remember what it is and they have been brainwashed into not thinking the feeling of something missing is bad.

              • 7 months ago

                >Anon believes literally no one goes "hey mike so what was your wish?" even though the movie sings about how they forget the wish if they choose to give it

              • 7 months ago

                I'm watching the film right and they and outright say near the start, out of song that they forget their wish after giving it. They outright know about that. This plot is really starting to not make any sense.

              • 7 months ago

                >film JUST started
                >already doesn't make sense
                OH NO NO NO

      • 7 months ago

        This is starting to remind me a lot of The Sea Beast, what with a quirky brown girl who topples an “evil” monarchy because people just go along with her half baked complaints.

  39. 7 months ago

    So I wonder if there's going to be comparisons drawn between Magnifico and Abuela? They're both people who built a town/city from ground up thanks to magic and share their magic with the people of the town/city. It's interesting to note that Magnifico apparently actually earned his powers through study whereas Abuela just happened upon a miracle.

    • 7 months ago

      The miracle was also powered by her dead husband's soul that was living on in order to protect her.

    • 7 months ago

      That would count on people having actually seen Encanto, anon.

      • 7 months ago

        Didn't "We Don't Talk About Bruno" go viral?

        • 7 months ago

          Yes, unexpectedly so. It wasn’t even the song they submitted for the Oscars, which it shouldn’t have been because it’s not that good of a song. Fricking tiktok

        • 7 months ago

          It got shilled. It's not particularly catchy or good, though, in my estimate. And for me Frozen was playing songs on fricking FM stations but I've never heard about Encanto except for people to sometimes go "Oh, that Bruno song". God, what a shit song.

          • 7 months ago

            >I didn't like the song so no one else could have
            You're a clown.

            • 7 months ago

              Disney owns radio stations anon. I wouldn't go as far as to say NOBODY liked it but the shilling was pretty fricking blatant. Check the difference in OC of that song vs other disney crap on viral video.

              • 7 months ago

                Bruno has quite a lot of OC made for it. Parody songs and everything.

              • 7 months ago

                I doubt. Still a pretty shit song. What could you even parody?
                >We don't about about bruno-no-no....
                Good. Song should be over then.

              • 7 months ago

                >What could you even parody?
                Literally take a character from a show, write a version of bruno with them as the topic. TF2gays even did it with pyro. Crazy thought but how about actually browsing the internet because saying what has or hasn't been done?

              • 7 months ago

                Bruno was popular enough for tasteless 12 year old TF2gays to incorporate into youtube videos no one watches? Color me surprised.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes. But for played on a top 40 station for a month or three? You would expect it to be somewhere closer to "let it go", when it's lower than "i'll make a man out of you",

                >Minnie mouse
                I don't understand this! She is so boring!
                I had no idea tinkerbell was so popular until I went to the Japanese disney parks and saw all the focus on her and peter pan
                >Ariel (combined)
                California Adventure sells only black Ariel merch but the ride features white ariel. It must be confusing for little kids. I'm amazed that Belle and Ariel outsell Elsa.

                Minnie is sold almost as a logo or icon on things like handbags a lot of the times.

                Also, remember this is international.

              • 7 months ago

                I agree with you. No one talks about Encanto. No one ever sings the Bruno song anymore. It was a forced meme. Disney paid for 2 months of Bruno on the radio to try to generate hype but it didn't work.

                Bruno has quite a lot of OC made for it. Parody songs and everything.

                Disney pays for that. They even got caught paying for R34 fanart porn when a Japanese artist talked about their Disney contract on twitter to make Frozen porn because they didn't understand the NDA and that they weren't supposed to publicly talk about it. I'm sure Disney isn't the only company that commissions R34 fanart porn of new movies either. It's a good way to generate buzz.
                >Bruno has quite a lot of OC made for it.
                There's really not that much and now Encanto is all but completely forgotten.

              • 7 months ago

                Isabela > the other, uglier sister who looks like a 45 year old childless aunt

                Dude exactly. Encanto sucked. No one I know IRL spoke about that movie. I have small nieces and nephews who after having seen it don't bring that movie up again for re-watches or anything. It's almost like the fart in the wind like Raya and Luca ended up being.

              • 7 months ago

                At first, I thought Mirabel was Isabela's mother.

              • 7 months ago

                I hate her fricking body language. She looks like an apology.
                >My hair isn't long I'm not as cute erk I'm sorry erruuuggh I'm so awkward
                This is not how I would market a movie. Isabela would be in the fricking middle because she looks the most like a princess. Long, beautiful dress. Long, beautiful hair. Gorgeous face. Dark skinned so that could have been a thing all on its own.

              • 7 months ago

                >This is not how I would market a movie.
                >Proceed to not put protagonist in the centre
                Maybe that's why you aren't marketing it?

              • 7 months ago

                Mirabel wouldn't be the star. In fact, she either be deleted from the film entirely. Isabela in her place would be far more aesthetically pleasing and the movie would do gangbusters. Because no one likes fat armed lesbian-coded protagonists in frowsy shapeless dresses cry about their more attractive, accomplished siblings

              • 7 months ago

                >Because no one likes fat armed lesbian-coded protagonists in frowsy shapeless dresses cry about their more attractive, accomplished siblings
                Isn't she fricking her uncle?

              • 7 months ago

                They're all mexican or something. Of COURSE the uncles are bad-touching the nieces.

                >Because no one likes underdogs
                This is why you aren't writing films either.

                No one likes poorly written underdogs. Hence the terrible box office take and general poor performance of the film.

              • 7 months ago

                >general poor performance of the film.
                >Literally the year's highest grossing animated film until meme 2 minions'ed it into second place
                >Won the oscar

                This is why King Magnifico will never grant your wish to work in hollywood

              • 7 months ago

                I'm no where near that corrupted industry, thank God, so self-celebratory award shows are meaningless to me.
                >Literally the year's highest grossing animated film until meme 2 minions'ed it into second place
                Sing 2 and Encanto beat out 3 anime movies, a sequel to Boss Baby and fricking PAW Patrol. Now the hugest of accomplishments. But hey, second place is better than nothing.
                >Sing 2 worldwide gross: 408 million
                >Encanto worldwide gross: 256 million
                Enjoy that silver.

              • 7 months ago

                worldwide gross: 256 million
                It was not a hit and the We Don't Talk about Bruno shit on the radio was astroturfed. No one sings that song, and kids don't wear encanto merch. It was a flop that Disney is trying to pretend was a beloved hit.

              • 7 months ago

                It was probably a hit among nerdy female teen shippers and women who never grew up.

              • 7 months ago

                Oh, so loser Disney Moms and future Disney Moms.

              • 7 months ago

                >No one sings that song, and kids don't wear encanto merch
                I know no one sings the song outside of meme award shows and shit. It just literally isn't a catchy or very good song. It's not an ear worm by any stretch of the imagination

              • 7 months ago

                >No one likes poorly written underdogs
                They like flat sues even less.
                >Hence the terrible box office take and general poor performance of the film

              • 7 months ago

                Spider-Man: No Way Home.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah MCU shit does better than the Disney musicals. Even Frozen didn't do as well as No Way Home.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, its almost like Covid is a 5-letter-word for cope when it comes to box office take.

              • 7 months ago

                Mirabel wouldn't be the star. In fact, she either be deleted from the film entirely. Isabela in her place would be far more aesthetically pleasing and the movie would do gangbusters. Because no one likes fat armed lesbian-coded protagonists in frowsy shapeless dresses cry about their more attractive, accomplished siblings

                >Because no one likes fat armed lesbian-coded protagonists in frowsy shapeless dresses cry about their more attractive, accomplished siblings
                Pretty sure she looks exactly like the director, these wokes can't help but self insert their ugly faces in to things.

              • 7 months ago

                >Because no one likes underdogs
                This is why you aren't writing films either.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, from the looks alone I thought she was an over burdened mother.

              • 7 months ago

                >company that has tried to get content pulled from paheal PAYING for 34

              • 7 months ago

                >Disney pays for that. They even got caught paying for R34 fanart porn when a Japanese artist talked about their Disney contract on twitter to make Frozen porn because they didn't understand the NDA
                I don't completely disbelieve this but I want a sauce on it, anon.

              • 7 months ago

                My only sauce was the Japanese artist's tweet. There were some articles about it when it happened, but I can't find them anywhere anymore. I think it happened during the Frozen II release.

        • 7 months ago

          It topped the UK and the US singles charts for WEEKS. Mostly due to streaming, but also got some pretty solid sales and, more inexplicably, radio play. Songs like "A Whole New World" or "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" can totally stand on their own as singles without being familiar with Aladdin or The Lion King, but it's just bizarre to hear "Bruno" divorced from the actual movie.

          • 7 months ago

            Tarzan is a pretty lackluster movie but Phil Collins really doesn't get enough praise for that score.

            • 7 months ago

              It's probably the last Disney movie that starred a male lead who wasn't a complete dipshit loser.

            • 7 months ago

              >Phil Collins really doesn't get enough praise for that score.
              Dudes. Yes he does. Yes the frick he does. Tarzan was shilled/billed all through 98/99 off of Phil Collins' back. He gets all the god damn praise a man in his position could get for that damn movie, anon. No one is going around going "AW MAN! Fricking....fricking Phil Collins never got his, man! NO ONE gives dudes props for Tarzan. And I just wanna know. I WANNA KNOOOOW. CAN YOU SHOOOOOOOOOOW ME?"

  40. 7 months ago

    Watch this space when box office results roll in for the first couple of weeks.

    > "Critic scores don't matter"
    > "Box office sales numbers don't matter"
    > "Audience attendance doesn't matter"
    > "The movie is a misunderstood masterpiece, the general public is too stupid to understand the nuance"

    • 7 months ago

      Mario is a popular IP, whereas Wish doesn't have the hook of something like Frozen.

    • 7 months ago

      >that pic

      If critics value things differently from the audience, critics are useless and critique is mental masturbation at best.

  41. 7 months ago

    >even THR and Variety gave it mid reviews
    Damn it must be actually bad.

  42. 7 months ago

    So basically the original concept of this story was that an evil power couple grant wishes and use this to steal precious things from people. The princess then teams up with a magical star twink to stop them.

    And they...didn't do this? They didn't do the incredibly marketable and interesting idea?

    • 7 months ago

      >The princess then teams up with a magical star twink to stop them.
      And you could have made him white, too. Get that white boy summer/latinas love BWC meme/PocaHOntas colonizer shit to put asses in seats.

  43. 7 months ago

    Here's to 25 years!

  44. 7 months ago

    When will the furry shit stop?

  45. 7 months ago


    Oddly enough, that Free Republic Article says he did something he didn't actually do. There was never a "we're going to make more LGBTQ content for children!" promise. The "Task Force" (following people getting angry for not saying anything about DeSantis' laws) was a limp-wristed "we've made a committee to listen to what people have to say and make sure we're a force for good for gay consumers too."

    So yeah, thank you for perfectly illustrating why Cinemaphile threads have become so tiresome. A screencap of a headline from a poorly-written article.

  46. 7 months ago

    Disney sucks

  47. 7 months ago

    >They mention how Magnifico grants one wish a month
    >His song mentions how he granted 14 wishes last year

    That really IS a high percent.

    • 7 months ago

      Lousy Smarch weather.

  48. 7 months ago

    When are we getting good Disney/Pixar movies again?

  49. 7 months ago


    >And I refuse to believe anyone wants to watch a movie about such stupid
    my boyfriend and i watched it because literally all tickets for barbie that day were sold out and it was the only other things we could stand to watch having done the trip to the mall already anyway

  50. 7 months ago


    >Same to shit like Elemental. I refuse to believe that movie is successful. It stayed in theaters WAY too long and you know what that means most of that money goes to the theaters NOT to Disney
    Yes, it was a failure, but not a gigantic one

  51. 7 months ago

    Watched the movie. Magnifico may have been a little narcissistic with an ego but that doesn’t mean he is a super villain. He-

    1.He worked for it
    2. Ppl knew what they signed up for when arriving, they knew their memories would be wiped and knew the outcome of it and yet still come over. Magnifico did not lie!
    3. Worldbuilding is awful, WHY COULDNT THEY HAVE GROUP THERAPY AND “FIND A NEW DREAM” like in Tangled?
    4. Magnifico only became then became corrupted when he got the forbidden book.
    5. Asha was also tempted by the wishes as well, and why in an interview would you be so rude and accusatory. Also she’s privileged and NEPOTISTIC because Mags knew her father!

    Conclusion: Magnifico did nothing wrong and when the wishes are his, he didn’t steal them, they willingly and knowingly gave it to him. ASHA STOLE THEM FROM HIM!

    • 7 months ago

      they could actually.
      The whole climax of the movie is about how they could have always just found new dreams all along.
      They go from dreaming about selfish shit like becoming a good tailor without any work, to living in a world where they can put in the work to be a good tailor, like they could always have, all along

      • 7 months ago

        I'm being literal.
        and this common dream of a crowd of Star people generates so much that it breaks out of Magnifico's staff and reverses his evil spell onto himself.

        Changing dreams and finding new dreams is a thing everyone could always have done. Literally new dream bubbles start shinging from their breasts.
        Magnifico never held anyone hostage, he just helf them too comfortably for them to care about anything. His flaw was being too good at his job that humans eventually break him because you have to be shit to be disney

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