this is what comics used to be about

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  1. 6 months ago

    Wrestling? That's more of a manga thing.

  2. 6 months ago

    Why didn’t he just teleport away?

    • 6 months ago

      Skywarp is fricking moronic. Like that's his whole thing. His powers would actually make him dangerous if he could process more than one thought at a time.

    • 6 months ago

      Different iterations of G1 seem to portray Skywarp's teleportation differently. In the cartoon, as in this gif, he just teleports his entire self, but this comic issue portrayed him as creating a portal he moves through, which is less viable when you're getting hit with wrestling moves.

      Skywarp is fricking moronic. Like that's his whole thing. His powers would actually make him dangerous if he could process more than one thought at a time.

      Be fair, he's not like Sunbow Dinobots levels of stupid, even the 85 Conehead seekers were portrayed as dumber in the cartoon. His thing is lacking initiative and needing clear and precise orders from Megatron or whoever. Left to his own devices he's not usually going to think of combat uses for teleporting other than shooting or hitting his immediate opponent in the back.

      • 6 months ago

        Way back in 84, I always had a fondness for Skywarp since he was the first Transformer to wake up on the Arc.
        This is the biggest advantage of a lifetime and the first thing he does is wake up Megatron.
        Dude could have been ruler of Earth.

        • 6 months ago

          Same, Skywarp is that super-loyal guy whose first thought is repairing his leader, and he's content to just fight the Autobots and bully people smaller than himself. He's like the anti-Starscream in terms of how they are towards Megatron.

          >the writer and artist is the same person; not a single panel is wasted,
          I think my favorite thing he did in this issue was the single panel beat before Soundwave decided to piss off Starscream by bringing up Megatron. A lot of modern comics, especially capeshit, really fail at using the panels for pacing.

          I wonder if he might be able to teleport his entire self all at once and we just haven't seen it yet. Maybe it takes a bit of concentration. He probably planned out the reverse face-slam move before the battle, but when that didn't take Prime down he was out of clever tricks because he's just not that clever and generally a bad strategist, like you said.

          After his opening shot didn't work and the humans gave him an opening, his entire strategy against Optimus was to just hold back and keep shooting him, which was just pinning him down. Optimus ripping off his own arm to use as a weapon seemed to shock him into stopping shooting, too.

      • 6 months ago

        >Be fair, he's not like Sunbow Dinobots levels of stupid,

        Everyone in G1 was sunbow dinobots level of stupid. Rodimus once tried to kill himself because Springer told him to. The show was all sorts of moronic.

        • 6 months ago

          >Rodimus once tried to kill himself because Springer told him to.
          I don't remember that, what episode and what was the context?

          • 6 months ago

            >I don't remember that, what episode and what was the context?

            Five Faces of Darkness part 4. Rodimus had a near death experience and the Matrix showed him a vision of their past. He needed to know more, and Springer suggested that since dying already worked once, he should try it again. Rodimus then does so.

          • 6 months ago

            >I don't remember that, what episode and what was the context?

            Five Faces of Darkness part 4. Rodimus had a near death experience and the Matrix showed him a vision of their past. He needed to know more, and Springer suggested that since dying already worked once, he should try it again. Rodimus then does so.

            That's one of my favorite Rodimus moments really. Watching the show for the first time that helped endear me to him. You have something that connects to the afterlife. Why not exploit it in a pinch?
            Rodimus to me works best as a pragmatist willing to take risks like that.

  3. 6 months ago

    Stupid shit? They shit are.

  4. 6 months ago

    I appreciate the effort but this fight scene still mostly sucks. Little things like how bland the angles are and even the composition of the panels stilt it. You can tell he's taking inspiration from manga but doesn't get it.

    • 6 months ago


      Agreed. The colors are nice, but having to squeeze that part of the process into the making of the comic is detrimental to end product. More of that time should have been spent on laying out a proper fight sequence.
      Still, manga is winning because western comics appease people like

      I don't like how scratchy the inks are. I want clean lines. Give me clean lines.

      • 6 months ago

        >The colors are nice, but having to squeeze that part of the process into the making of the comic is detrimental to end product. More of that time should have been spent on laying out a proper fight sequence.
        Not how it works, he isn't coloring the book himself. He is, however writing and doing the line art-but he's one of those creators that's basically given as much time as he needs within reason. Doing a more elaborate fight scene is unfortunately beyond his ability.

        I don't like how scratchy the inks are. I want clean lines. Give me clean lines.

        I swear there's a bunch of boomers here who want everything to look like some boring ass 70's/80's Marvel book.

        • 6 months ago

          >Not how it works, he isn't coloring the book himself.
          Colorists don't exist outside of time.

          • 6 months ago

            >Colorists don't exist outside of time.
            He's been working on this book since last October so he's had a lot of run time- I'm sure he took as long as he needed. Colorists get the crunch- really anyone lower on the line do. They didn't get the pages until Johnson was done by his own terms.

        • 6 months ago

          I love the vehicular shenanigans. That's definitely something missing from a LOT of Transformers media. Gimme a flying truck tackle. Love it. Love a good two page spread and this book had a couple that really made use of the space.

          >I swear there's a bunch of boomers here who want everything to look like some boring ass 70's/80's Marvel book.
          Having 20+ years of capeshit "house style" shoved down your throat is a hell of a drug. I suppose I understand if this style isn't someone's cup of tea, but I've seen people try to claim it's objectively "bad" or "sloppy" and that's pretty gay of them, tbh.

          I appreciate the effort but this fight scene still mostly sucks. Little things like how bland the angles are and even the composition of the panels stilt it. You can tell he's taking inspiration from manga but doesn't get it.

          >how bland the angles are
          Personally I think, in OP's page in particular, the "bland angles" help keep things in perspective. I agree manga is more willing to experiment with angles than western comics, but it can lead to the panels themselves feeling incongruent with each other. Like yeah, they're cool to look at, but sometimes they may as well just be separate pieces of art that you can read in any direction and it doesn't matter. Like the printed-page equivalent of shaky-cam.

          I think the "bland angles" are part of the reason that this anon

          is this optimus prime doing a burning hammer?

          could easily tell Prime was copying a specific wrestling move from a Japanese guy 25 years ago. Having grounded, straightforward framing for complex action was a hallmark of some of my favorite artists during the 70s and 80s. Like actually, I don't want my western comics to just degrade into copypast-ing manga techniques ad nauseum, and I suspect that's what DWJ is trying to avoid as well.

        • 6 months ago

          >I swear there's a bunch of boomers here who want everything to look like some boring ass 70's/80's Marvel book.

          70s/80s marvel books were a thousand times saner and more interesting than the mass produced, uneditorialized shit we get today.

          Hell the entire thing I like about this new TF book so far is that it's a gigantic throwback to the 80s Marvel TF book. Big bots wake up on Earth, don't realize what biology is or how fragile creatures are, but want to play king of the hill and murder each other. It's fricking perfect and it is what Transformers should be about.

  5. 6 months ago

    I don't like how scratchy the inks are. I want clean lines. Give me clean lines.

    • 6 months ago
  6. 6 months ago

    Why do they keep making Optimus Prime a murder?

    • 6 months ago

      It's not "wage their battles to arrest the evil forces of the Decepticons"

    • 6 months ago

      He should never kill in cold blood but he IS basically a general in a war. I'm alright with him doing what he has to in a fight as long as he doesn't go full bloodthirsty edgelord revengehappy like he does sometimes in the bay movies.

    • 6 months ago

      Optimus fights to defend the innocent. Sometimes that means the evil have to die. He doesn't enjoy it, but he won't allow his own selfish desire to spare every life to cause harm to the helpless.

      • 6 months ago

        He fights to monopolize the supply of Energon.

    • 6 months ago

      >keep making

      Always was, anon. OG G1 Prime was a stone cold killer.

      Prime wasn't just dinging those 'Cons or shooting 'to wound.' He was shooting to kill.

      • 6 months ago

        He had a 0% kill rate. The best you can claim is that Thundercracker, Shrapnel, Kickback, and Megatron were injured enough for Starscream to try and take advantage of later, but Thrust, Ramjet, Soundwave, and Dirge are no worse for wear.


        • 6 months ago

          Everyone who got jettisoned would've died if not for Unicron coming along and turning them into Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Sweeps.

          • 6 months ago

            Ignoring that it was blatantly a power play and they were just weakened instead of dying, that still would result in death from their injuries not being treated instead of suffering the whole "being killed" that many of the Autobots had taken. If you want a strong leader who is capable of inflicting death to his enemies, you want Megatron.

          • 6 months ago

            That's entirely an assumption. Concepts like "statis lock" wouldn't be introduced until later in Beast Wars, but the very first episode of G1 shows the entire cast being rebuilt from far worse damage.

            Everyone who got jettisoned would probably never have been revived if not for Unicron, but they wouldn't necessarily be dead.

        • 6 months ago

          >He had a 0% kill rate
          The point is, it's not for lack of trying. He was going to straight up execute Megatron.

        • 6 months ago

          if Hot Rod hadn't got in the way, Prime would have shot Megatron, an unarmed prisoner, in the face

          frankly everyone blames Hot Rod but the truth is Prime was showboating over his captive prey, which is something only serial killers do

          • 6 months ago

            no, megs was fake surreneder.

            • 6 months ago

              Prime would have shot Megs 5 times at least before Megs was able to aim and take a shot himself

              • 6 months ago

                megs was a better charachter but prime should have shot him

              • 6 months ago

                on a tangent on a re watch of G1, the autobots are really just peripheral.

                The real fight is starscream vs megs and the different factions of deceptacons vs other decptacons. Thundercracker considers this to be the case at some point in cannon.

                inectacons vs deptacons v starscream v bruticus v shockwave v tripple changers v devastator and the list goes on.

      • 6 months ago

        He had a 0% kill rate. The best you can claim is that Thundercracker, Shrapnel, Kickback, and Megatron were injured enough for Starscream to try and take advantage of later, but Thrust, Ramjet, Soundwave, and Dirge are no worse for wear.



      • 6 months ago

        Why do they keep making Optimus Prime a murder?

        One of the IDW issues explained this, but Transformers are insanely hard to outright kill. Their brains can remain in stasis lock for millions of years and they can still be restored, sometimes by getting their bodies rebuilt, sometimes simply because they were dug up from under the mud. They need to have their brain modules prevision atomized, and even then there's a chance that they have a crystal backup or whatever of their consciousness, that can be projected into a new body.

        So Optimus shooting to kill doesn't mean jack shit because we are talking about toy robots that can be literally plugged back together like a moulinex blender.
        Remember Ultra Magnus in the movie, he was literally blown to bits, and the junkions just put the parts back together and gave him a wax job, and he just stood up like nothing happened.

        >He had a 0% kill rate
        The point is, it's not for lack of trying. He was going to straight up execute Megatron.

        Megatron was a planetary level genocidal war criminal, so it was kind of justified.

        • 6 months ago

          I didn't audibly gasp at this page, but I did silently mouth the word "whoa".

          >Optimus shooting to kill doesn't mean jack shit because we are talking about toy robots that can be literally plugged back together like a moulinex blender.
          Basically this. Bots came back from some absolute crazy "deaths". Wheeljack had his whole fricking head exploded with a point-blank shot and he still got better. I also remember a story where Optimus and Megatron were reminiscing about all the ways they maimed eachother over the years.

          The Skybound comic has made it pretty clear they're going for the same vibe, which is why I don't believe for a second that Bumblebee is dead just from Starscream blasting his face off.

          >He had a 0% kill rate
          The point is, it's not for lack of trying. He was going to straight up execute Megatron.

          >He was going to straight up execute Megatron.
          And that's a good thing. Prime was a literal participant in war and shouldn't be a pussy about killing. It's only since the Man of Steel controversy and the omnipresence of MCU-tier milquetoast bullshit that comic and cartoon fans have a stick up their ass about heroes killing villains. Skybound is doing a good job making it clear that Prime respects the sanctity of life, but if they give him any kind of "Hurrr if I kill this guy I'll be no better than him" dialogue--especially once Megatron shows up--I'm gonna be hella disappointed.

          • 6 months ago

            >but if they give him any kind of "Hurrr if I kill this guy I'll be no better than him" dialogue
            I don't think they're going to. But I'd really love to see Prime perma-kill a Decepticon early on to set a tone.

            • 6 months ago

              >But I'd really love to see Prime perma-kill a Decepticon early on to set a tone.
              ...OK, but can it not be /ourguy/?

              • 6 months ago

                There are like 10 Decepticons in the 1984 cast, most of which are cassettes that are partnered with Soundwave. To not be /ourguy/ would have to be Reflector or something.

          • 6 months ago

            >It's only since the Man of Steel controversy and the omnipresence of MCU-tier milquetoast bullshit that comic and cartoon fans have a stick up their ass about heroes killing villains.
            It's what I call tattle-tale mentality. These people don't hold any actual strong beliefs over it- they're just using it as an excuse to hate on the movie or the director they dislike. Same reason no one cries about MCU quip-kills but 10 years on we're still hearing about snapping Zod's neck.

          • 6 months ago

            >I didn't audibly gasp at this page, but I did silently mouth the word "whoa".

            I'd say it's a waste of two pages, all this shit could've been done in a single panel. Modern comics take 6 months to tell the same story as what 80s comics could do in 1 issue for this reason.
            And a transformer beating the shit out of an opponent using their own torn off arm isn't really "whoa", they already did that in the 80s.

            >Wheeljack had his whole fricking head exploded with a point-blank shot and he still got better.
            One of the decepticons in the last issue of Marvel G1 was running around during the retreat after he had his head smashed apart. It was an actual headless body running around.

            • 6 months ago

              >I'd say it's a waste of two pages, all this shit could've been done in a single panel. Modern comics take 6 months to tell the same story as what 80s comics could do in 1 issue for this reason.
              boomer fricking mentality strikes once again.
              That page you posted is fricking dull too. give me some elaborate fight scenes and battles.

            • 6 months ago

              >Modern comics take 6 months to tell the same story as what 80s comics could do in 1 issue
              There's something to be said for giving art time to breathe instead of just wanting PLOTPLOTPLOTPLOT. That's actually more of a modern mentality. People are so used to brainlessly binging hours of content to the point that any story that doesn't explicitly move the plot forward is considered "filler", regardless of whether or not the media itself was worthwhile. Take time to enjoy a story being told on its own terms. You might be surprised by how pleasant it is instead of champing at the bit for the next major plot point.

              I think the gravitas of Optimus Prime ripping his own arm off to beat the shit out of Skywarp in the name of saving some humans he literally just met is such an important character moment and honestly a spectacle that dedicating two pages to it is entirely worthwhile and is the kind of stuff that makes an issue memorable instead of just being "plot delivery vehicle #47" or whatever.

              • 6 months ago

                >Waste time doing unrelated things
                >Gets canned after 7 issues

  7. 6 months ago


  8. 6 months ago

    Seriously why are TF fans so skittish about the characters killing? It never seemed to be a problem before he Bay movies. Then suddenly all these complaints about "Murder Prime" retroactively made it like G1 Optimus Prime was a Pacifist. Meanwhile as an old frick in this fandom I remember when we ripped on Marvel Optimus sudokuing himself over a video game kill.

    • 6 months ago

      Few things.
      1. As usual. Most cartoon gays don't read the comics.
      2. The issue is less killing outright and more Optimus straight up violently executing an already defeated enemy in the most gruesome way possible. Like this wasn't some one will stand one will fall shit where he had his hand forced. It was him ripping an enemies face off as he begged for mercy. That ain't Prime. In fact if you want to know what is Prime there was some interview on youtube you can find with Peter Cullen about how he got the job for Optimus and one of the things he said was a story about how his Military brother told him, firmly but in a very family esque tone, "If you're playing a leader, don't be afraid of kindness." or something to that effect.

      • 6 months ago

        >2. The issue is less killing outright and more Optimus straight up violently executing an already defeated enemy in the most gruesome way possible. Like this wasn't some one will stand one will fall shit where he had his hand forced. It was him ripping an enemies face off as he begged for mercy.
        You forget how that scene went. Optimus was straight up mocking Megatron begging for mercy. G1 Optimus was a trash talker. From the opening miniseries he's calling Megatron an outdated model ready for the trashheap.
        >It was him ripping an enemies face off
        The live action movie establishes from scene 1- they're hard to kill. They need to be dismantled or blown up internally to stop them. The face ripping is over the top, but it's just how their anatomy works in the movies.

        • 6 months ago

          forgot my pic.

        • 6 months ago

          >The live action movie establishes from scene 1- they're hard to kill.
          It establishes what it wants to establish for an excuse to do something later. This is the most asinine kind of argument. Are you just purposely missing the point? Even if you give an excuse to explain characters acting in a way people don't like you still at the end of the move wrote them in a way people don't like and because this is fiction you could have just as easily written them in any number of ways you wanted.

    • 6 months ago

      1. Transformers fans (especially Geewunners) are literal babies that get triggered over soldiers in war killing. They want everything to be like Steven Universe where they cry and hug.

      2. Every single Transformer has a fanboy. Every single one. Even if it is a pointless side character that has nothing going for them other than to be a lackey. And the TF will get upset if a literally-who character is killed off and they instantly demand that character be brought back to life. Doesn’t help that most of the Transformers fanbase is Yaoi shippers on tumblr that see the bots as their husbandos and never want them to die.

      • 6 months ago

        >1. Transformers fans (especially Geewunners) are literal babies that get triggered over soldiers in war killing. They want everything to be like Steven Universe where they cry and hug.

        eeh, nah. G1 fanbase wouldn't care about the violence because the original G1 had robots getting their skulls caved in, decapitating themselves, impaled, thrown off the empire state building, literally being blown to ashes, and so on and on. And then they got rebuilt two issues later and did it again. which was the point.

        >I'd say it's a waste of two pages, all this shit could've been done in a single panel. Modern comics take 6 months to tell the same story as what 80s comics could do in 1 issue for this reason.
        boomer fricking mentality strikes once again.
        That page you posted is fricking dull too. give me some elaborate fight scenes and battles.

        >boomer fricking mentality strikes once again.
        That's not boomer mentality, modern comics have extremely decompressed storytelling, where almost nothing happens for an entire issue, and it's really fricking annoying.

        >That page you posted is fricking dull too. give me some elaborate fight scenes and battles.
        I posted it because of the severed arm gimmick, not because it was super elaborate, but consider that the same sequence would be half a comic in modern times to make it "more dynamic". If it looks crap it's because José Delbo was not a good artist (in his defense, he had to draw a cast of 50+ bots and he barely had character models for them).

        And having a 2 page spread of a character doing a punch does not make the fight sequence more elaborate, it just makes it drawn out. If it was Op taking down Megatron and ending the war or something, then it would be justified, but he is just taking down a random mook. For a better example, check the Superman vs Doomsday comic, where it's a normal comic for most part, but the closer the fight gets to the end, it turns into always using 2 panels per page, and the final issue has every page as one panel. Meanwhile, this comic makes defeating a small mook look like a big deal. It tries to make it look exciting, but they could've fit that sequence in like two pages total. So it comes off as a waste. cool looking but a waste.

        Old comics had plenty of elaborate fights too, see pic related.

  9. 6 months ago

    is this optimus prime doing a burning hammer?

    • 6 months ago

      DWJ loves wrestling

  10. 6 months ago

    no it isn't

  11. 6 months ago

    >this is what comics used to be about
    Agreed 100%. I just read it last night and I wanted to come here to talk about it. It was absolutely great.

    I think a lot of modern comic artists have forgotten that each page should be a spectacle. Even if you took all the dialogue out of this comic, it would still be worth turning every page, and I'm pretty sure you could still clean most of the story, although this was a heavily action-based issue. In too many comics, the dialogue and the art just feel completely divorced from each other, like each was an assembly line product that got lazily slapped together and shipped out. But this is a real comic. I think it's really helped by the fact that the writer and artist is the same person; not a single panel is wasted, the layouts are great, and there are so many fun details to notice. I'm particularly fond of how much he makes the bots feel like real vehicles when they're in alt mode, cartoon characters in robot mode, and toys while they're in the middle of transforming. There are soe very deliberate artistic choices in this book that just make me giddy all over.

    Also it's a book that really wallows in the appeal of the printed page. Like I usually don't knock reading digital if that's what you prefer, but something about this issue just made it feel extra amazing that I could have such an adventure in my hands. Just ink and paper. When I got done reading this last night, I flipped back to page 1 and immediately re-read it. I haven't done that with a comic in like 10 fricking years, man. And then when I was done reading it? I just kinda held it for a bit. Literally didn't want to put it down, lol. This comic is fricking art.

    • 6 months ago

      >the writer and artist is the same person; not a single panel is wasted,
      I think my favorite thing he did in this issue was the single panel beat before Soundwave decided to piss off Starscream by bringing up Megatron. A lot of modern comics, especially capeshit, really fail at using the panels for pacing.

      Different iterations of G1 seem to portray Skywarp's teleportation differently. In the cartoon, as in this gif, he just teleports his entire self, but this comic issue portrayed him as creating a portal he moves through, which is less viable when you're getting hit with wrestling moves.

      Be fair, he's not like Sunbow Dinobots levels of stupid, even the 85 Conehead seekers were portrayed as dumber in the cartoon. His thing is lacking initiative and needing clear and precise orders from Megatron or whoever. Left to his own devices he's not usually going to think of combat uses for teleporting other than shooting or hitting his immediate opponent in the back.

      I wonder if he might be able to teleport his entire self all at once and we just haven't seen it yet. Maybe it takes a bit of concentration. He probably planned out the reverse face-slam move before the battle, but when that didn't take Prime down he was out of clever tricks because he's just not that clever and generally a bad strategist, like you said.

  12. 6 months ago

    no this is what comics used to be about

    • 6 months ago

      No quite literally this is what comics used to be about

  13. 6 months ago

    >cool things are cool, people enjoy them
    >gays complain and want to uncool them

    • 6 months ago

      I think you posted in the wrong thread. We're talking about Transformers

  14. 6 months ago

    Pro wrestling?

  15. 6 months ago

    This comic is only liked by boomers. Just look at TFW2005, everyone prising it are 40-50+ years old.

    • 6 months ago

      >Comic book
      >Based on a nearly 40 year old property
      Shocking. Who could imagined the demographic skews to middle-aged people?

    • 6 months ago

      >Comic book
      >Based on a nearly 40 year old property
      Shocking. Who could imagined the demographic skews to middle-aged people?

      Not enough homosexual robots or b***hy British quipy writing for the digital rips/IDW crowd

      • 6 months ago

        The James Roberts crowd isn't even around anymore. Killed off the fanbase with the later stories even before reboot.

  16. 6 months ago

    DWJ is the most overrated creator of our time.

  17. 6 months ago

    Could someone PLEASE storytime this comic

    • 6 months ago

      It was leaked and storytimed last week

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