This movie is perfect, it blue me away! Is this the greatest thriller of all time?

This movie is perfect, it blue me away! Is this the greatest thriller of all time?

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    It's just a ripoff of Hitchwiener with anime people.

    • 1 month ago

      and hitchwiener ripped off things that came before him.

    • 1 month ago

      it's nothing like Hitchwiener stylistically or thematically either for that matter

      it does have some smiliarities to Lynch's work

      • 1 month ago

        The questions of identity and people not being who they appear to be show up in plenty of Hitchwiener movies, most notably Vertigo and Psycho.

        • 1 month ago

          >The questions of identity and people not being who they appear to be show up in plenty of
          works of fiction.

  2. 1 month ago

    I'm more of a Paranoia Agent kind of guy.

    • 1 month ago

      Based. The suicide cult episode could exist by itself and still be top tier.

      • 1 month ago

        that's the worst episode.

        • 1 month ago

          What? That isn't even close, the worst episode is that shitty Dragon Quest knockoff one

          • 1 month ago

            no. that at least has something to do with the overall plot. the ghost one had no relation to anything, therefore it's the worst. also, a child committing suicide rubs me the wrong way. I just can't abide that sort of content.

            • 1 month ago

              Half the episodes are only tangentially related to the main plot, that's kind of the point of the "monster" in the first place. They beat you over the head with that during the wife rumour episode.

            • 1 month ago

              >the ghost one had no relation to anything, therefore it's the worst.
              you absolutely fricking c**t

    • 1 month ago

      Based, might be his best piece of work with Millennium Actress

  3. 1 month ago


  4. 1 month ago

    It's so unbelievably mediocre and boring. Satoshi Kon hasn't made anything good. I watched this crap to the end then I only got 20 minutes into Millennium Actress before I turned it off. Weaboos have such bad taste, nothing is too banal and pretentious for them to praise to the most excessive degree.

    The same type of person who will defend the idea that Marvel movies are as good as Michelangelo.

    • 1 month ago

      >didn't watch paranoia agent

      • 1 month ago

        That one does look good, but I don't want to be disappointed for a third time.

        • 1 month ago

          It doesn't suffer as much from the issues his films do (schizo direction, weak payoffs, not enough runtime)

    • 1 month ago

      holy zoomer can't stay focused for more than 20 minutes

      • 1 month ago

        I've read the entirety of Paradise Lost, your idea of 'staying focused' is steadily shoveling shit into your mouth and enjoying it. You wont even be able to explain why you think Satoshi Kon is so good, because he's not, you're just a dumb weeb.

        • 1 month ago

          >I've read the entirety of Paradise Lost
          Wow! Did you read it for class? All by yourself? That's impressive anon! Absolutely not something overly specific that makes you look like a dimwit!

          • 1 month ago

            In the context of this thread and your post, there's nothing dimwitted about being overly specific. It's nothing to brag about in general, but, when a moronic weaboo like yourself accuses someone of having no attention span, it shows my judgment of your crappy cartoon wasn't based on its oh so enormously difficult comprehension.

            Furthermore, let's be honest, you haven't read a book since high school. You think a crappy Jap cartoon is the pinnacle of art. It's only natural that you would feel threatened by someone with a real education.

            • 1 month ago

              Weeaboo fricking shits completely destroyed, down to the very atoms of their unholy bodies.

            • 1 month ago

              Who are you talking to? Can you not have an argument without making baseless assumptions? You need to be 18 to post here anon.

              Tell me what's the last book you've read, when and the longest one so I can have a laugh

              • 1 month ago

                >last book read
                Paradise Lost

                middle school

                >longest one
                Paradise Lost

              • 1 month ago

                Fantastically tactful evasion anon, but how does an intricate knowledge of my reading prove that you read any books at all? Or are you admitting you don't read and are therefore, out of spite, accusing me of not doing so either? Well, the last book I read was Oedipus Coloneus, yesterday, and the longest book I've read isn't really of matter here, since someone of your education would get bored of a classic book in the first ten pages as easily as the first five hundred. However I suppose it would be The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, minus a few poems.

              • 1 month ago

                You like the sound of your own voice, don't you?

              • 1 month ago

                >Fantastically tactful evasion anon
                Evasion of what? You're the one frothing at the mouth calling me a weeb for no reason. Alright then let me entertain you.

                >there's nothing dimwitted about being overly specific
                Yes there is when the book you use is a fricking ~450 pages long POEM (so about ~120 pages long for a normal book give or take).

                >It's nothing to brag about in general, but, when a moronic weaboo like yourself
                Always makes me laugh when idiots like yourself act like 99% of "cinema" is anything but fast food for the brain. Watching movies doesn't make you smarter than the rest - it just makes you more insufferable.

                >baseless assumptions, blabla...
                don't need to respond to the rest
                >Oedipus Coloneus
                Alright, short but respectable. Let's check out the longest book!

                >The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
                FRICKING KEK. Did you really pay attention to it in class or did you just look up summaries to cheat on the tests? So Paradise Lost really WAS for school after all...

              • 1 month ago



                no answer to reading or not
                Just say it anon, 'I-don't-read'. It's nothing to be ashamed about, most people in modern times don't read.

                >Yes there is when the book you use is a fricking ~450 pages long POEM (so about ~120 pages long for a normal book give or take).
                And? That's infinitely more demanding (which is not to say particularly demanding in the world of literature) than Perfect Blue, which any moronic weeb watches with perfect ability and praises it to the ends of the earth. Do you have trouble comprehending what the point is when someone uses examples?

                >Always makes me laugh when idiots like yourself act like 99% of "cinema" is anything but fast food for the brain
                I never said that, and I never said you can't watch animation. What I criticised was grown adults praising animation like it's on the level of a serious movie or, at the most ridiculous extreme, is high art. Animation is, as a medium, lower than cinema, yet that does not mean every animation is inferior to every movie, and likewise, despite literature being a high art, not every book is superior to every movie. But that is the hierarchy of mediums/arts. Satoshi Kon's attempts at being a serious director is laughable, and he forgets that animation has virtues of its own.

                >FRICKING KEK.
                Do you think for educated people Shakespeare has the same school associations as for you? Clearly he's only 'school book' in your head. Every educated person, especially in the English language, reads Shakespeare, and the entirety of his plays are regularly treated as a single work. His literary richness is inexhaustible and his dramatic genius utterly incomparable. I neither need to read exceptionally long works nor do I know exactly what the longest work I've read is (it's not something you think about as a reader excluding the landmark giant works like War and Peace). I just assume it would be Shakespeare if counted as a single work. Also I've never heard of a school teaching Milton.

              • 1 month ago



                no answer to reading or not
                >expecting me to give an answer to every pathetic attempt at a quip you make
                Here my list :
                Last book: Napoleon III - Éric Anceau. (Doesn't count since it's a biography? Okay the Metaphysics of Sex by Chudlus Evola.)
                When: Finished Napoleon III a week ago.
                Longest one: In Search of Lost Time (doesn't count since it's in 7 volumes? Then probably some shit like War and Peace)

                >And? That's infinitely more demanding (which is not to say particularly demanding in the world of literature) than Perfect Blue, which any moronic weeb watches with perfect ability and praises it to the ends of the earth. Do you have trouble comprehending what the point is when someone uses examples?
                That's still a pathetic example lmao. It's obviously the only thing """challenging""" you ever read. Your point was about patience, throw some stupid shit like Hegel or any book longer than 500 pages and it's a much argument. You just picked the only one you knew. It's too specific lmao for you not to feel like reading it was a hell of an arduous task.

                >What I criticised was grown adults praising animation like it's on the level of a serious movie
                It is. What's a 'serious movie'? The top 0.0001%? So if I'm understanding as soon as someone defends a movie you don't like you immediatly put it up against the greastest of all time?

                >Animation is, as a medium, lower than cinema
                Elaborate. Japan =/= all animation, by the way.

                >forgets that animation has virtues of its own
                what the frick are you talking about. I'm legit lost for words here, elaborate again. How is Satoshi Kon not taking advantage of the medium

                >something Shakespeare
                Yes, Shakespeare=schools. When I'm asking you to give me a book you've read you do not give me a compilation of the most read author in western schools. You give me a fricking book. A long one you remember reading. It's not hard if you've read one.
                So once again, give me a long book that's not in every school curriculum

              • 1 month ago

                me to give an answer to every pathetic attempt at a quip you make
                Yet you demanded an answer of me. You're not very good at keeping up with what has been said. If you would like to continually insist on projecting a dilettantish motivation in mentioning Paradise Lost, misrepresenting my words to justify your childish praise for a crappy animation, then I can easily deny that you've read any of these things. I can say it took you awfully long to finally name any book, and when you do you name a random French history book, an Evola book (lol) and two of the most famous 'long books' of all time. Hardly anything suggestive of a real literary education.

                >That's still a pathetic example lmao
                See here, despite the fact that Paradise Lost is entirely satisfactory for making the point, despite the fact that I explicitly said it is only demanding when compared with anime, you continue to state that I found it challenging and that it's one of the few books I've ever read. Very disingenuous arguments, the arguments that result from desperation to win an argument. 'Monsieur', if you really had any basis to your claims you could make them in good faith, and likewise if you made your claims in good faith they would have a basis to them.

                >It is. What's a 'serious movie'? The top 0.0001%?
                Once again evincing the mind of one who does not read. How can someone who supposedly read In Search of Lost Time also enjoy such self-serious, cliched garbage as that? It's like an army general admiring the tactics in LoGH.

                It comes from cartoons, as in simple drawings for popular appeal, nothing either approaching, from one direction, painting, or from the other, drama/cinema. The medium that evolves out of those simple drawings can hardly be equal to the medium that can house Shakespeare, or at least very good acting and the world around us.


              • 1 month ago

                >what the frick are you talking about.
                I will avoid going into any complicated aesthetic discussions here, but the unique virtues of animation are at the same time what stops it as a medium from making a 'serious movie' like in cinema. Animation can represent a fairy tale world (and much else that is comparable) like nothing else, but if it would even try and represent the serious pathos of, say, a tragic actor's face, it seems forced, ridiculous, or at least symbolically represented. It can't be 'serious' like a movie can. Its aims should be vastly different.

                >Yes, Shakespeare=schools.
                Well, you're a Frenchy, so that might explain your complete lack of appreciation of Shakespeare. French actors have never been able to play Shakespeare. But, as far as universal human wisdom is concerned, your nationality is still no excuse for such stupidity. And if you're not French, well, you're just an ape. But I repeat my point: I have no injunction to read extremely long works, and among the many long works I've read I don't know which would be longest, but I guessed the complete works of Shakespeare would be, taken as one work as they often are. What you are confused about, or rather what your disingenuous motivation is using under the guise of confusion, is that I am reading Shakespeare, world-famous and supposedly entry level for that reason, but I have also read his complete plays, not at all an entry level read in the modern world or in any historical school curriculum. The latter you seem to not notice or understand. In school you read individual plays like Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and rarely any more. You certainly have no basis rejecting him on his popularity, when you offered Proust and Tolstoy, and no basis rejecting him for being a compilation when giving Proust.


              • 1 month ago

                >Evola book (lol)
                Ah! I see you've got an opinion on Evola! Let's talk about it then! Why do you dislike him? Let's also talk about In Search of Lost Time too. Who's your favorite character and why? Not read it? Okay War and Peace then. Oh you're more of a Brothers Karamazov kinda guy aren't you? Not read it either? Throw some my way! Have you read the Odyssey and the Iliad? Anyway gib opinion on Evola, let's have a debate.
                Even better, show your bookshelf and I'll show mine.

                I'm active on Cinemaphile btw:
                I'm not picking a random one for the sake of the argument.

                >Hardly anything suggestive of a real literary education.
                Books that (you) have "read":
                >Oedipus Coloneus (~90 pages)
                >Paradise Lost (~120 pages)
                >Complete works of Shakespeare (~1000+, plenty of movies to cheat, plenty of classes through the years about it)

                >something Paradise Lost
                You still have yet to prove me wrong. Give me any book longer than 500 pages that you have read (should be pretty easy). If we've both read it let's talk about it.
                You argument went as follows:
                >durrr i'm not midwit i've read Paradise Lost!!!
                most "adhd" zoomers read at least one book in their lives, yes. Good job.

                >How can someone who supposedly read In Search of Lost Time also enjoy such self-serious, cliched garbage as that?
                Wow anon it's almost like I don't hold the same standards for every piece of media I interact with. People can like vastly different things (whowzers!) Some chefs even like eating doritos (gasps!)

                >Animation thing
                ...what? I'll concede here because that's just moronic. Also stop bringing up Shakespeare

                >animation's virtues
                give me 5 movies with editing like Kon's movies. Also watch Millennium Actress, that shit is feasible in theory but would require a gigantic amount of budget.
                Everything you say about animation has no basis in reality and is just pure cope.

                >Shakespeare rambling
                holy, shut up and give me one (1) book already.

              • 1 month ago

                Also when did I reject Shakespeare? Read again, and again. Until you get it.

              • 1 month ago

                Also when did I reject Shakespeare? Read again, and again. Until you get it.

                Actually frick this shit, none of us want to spend the rest of the day arguing.
                Send me your bookshelf and I'll send mine. Should be easy enough.

              • 1 month ago

                Also when did I reject Shakespeare? Read again, and again. Until you get it.

                Actually frick this shit, none of us want to spend the rest of the day arguing.
                Send me your bookshelf and I'll send mine. Should be easy enough.

                I lol'd at Evola because he's one of the first writers anyone on Cinemaphile is going to hear about. The rest of your post is nothing but more misrepresentation, like presuming that I've only read three books, or that reading Shakespeare means watching his adaptations (which are mostly garbage), or that barely reading him in school at all goes towards reading his complete works (in my case there was only one in the curriculum, but that's neither here nor there). And again, I don't need to give you any book longer than 500 pages, the point has nothing to do with that, and I don't remember the exact page count of books. Yes, I could easily go over to any number of thickish books and look at the page count, but again I don't need to, and it's clearly a diversion on your part away from the point itself, which makes you of moronic taste. As for your low standards, it's not that you enjoy things of different quality, it's that you rate garbage so extremely highly like every other weeb. That is what is criticised and deserves to be criticised. More confusion all the way through your post, just misunderstanding or misrepresentation. Cannot understand a very simple description of animation as a medium. Kon's editing has nothing special. And yes, I'm going to 'ramble' about Shakespeare when you have some major difficulty in understanding something about him. You probably are just having trouble understanding English, your second language, if not you're just being extremely dishonest. You 'rejected Shakespeare' as a contender in being a long book. I didn't say you rejected him as an author. See why my 'rambling' is necessary?

                And no, I don't want to take a photo of my private bookshelf and upload it to my computer and then post it. That's a ridiculous expectation given the purpose of this argument, which was not to discuss literature. Perhaps I will see your Nap. III book on Cinemaphile one of these days.

              • 1 month ago

                man shut the frick up. I'm not reading that shit. You've got no books (none, 0, nada, niet, zilch) and no photo. You're a midwit who wanted to appear superior and "not like the other girlzz" by bringing up the only book you've ever read in your entire life, seething and calling me a "weeb" like you're overdosing on estrogen before proceeding to humiliate yourself.

                And from what I can glance you've never read Evola either and got caught for it. Embarassing.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah I haven't read Evola, never claimed to or ever said I wanted to. Congratulations on your English skills, dumb frog. If you read any books at all, you went 'I wanna read dah most famous books of all time' so you read Proust and Tolstoy, and some random history of Napoleon III, wow what a rich education! Oh, and, haha, a Cinemaphile memebook. Now Milton and Sophocles and Shakespeare are much more interesting choices, if we're sticking to threes. And you continue to either misunderstand or misinterpret the purpose of mentioning Milton. Either way you're a dumb Frenchman and your perverted dog language will always prevent you from understanding the truth.

              • 1 month ago

                >Yeah I haven't read Evola, never claimed to or ever said I wanted to
                >"haha I know Evola guyzz! Look at me I've got an opinion!"

                Not reading the rest, I'm not seeing any bookshelf boy

              • 1 month ago

                Hahahaha, your reply only further exposes your shitty English.

              • 1 month ago

                >Hahahaha, your reply only further exposes your shitty English
                Take a break anon. Your heart might be beating too fast from this humiliation. You've got your ass cheeks clapped by an ESL who's read more books in english than you've read mcdonald menus

              • 1 month ago

                >read more books in english
                Yet to name one. A weird thing to lie about, especially since you've admitted to not reading Shakespeare since school, but totally expected from you.

              • 1 month ago

                Here's one that I know you haven't read (like any and all russian books, or books in general) and that I mentioned.
                ABSOLUTELY MOGGED

                Anyway don't come back, you've been humiliated

              • 1 month ago

                The most memed Dostoevsky book on the internet. Nevertheless, you said you'd read more English books, so you posted another Russian book. Well, do you expect me to believe your claim? You've read about 10 actual books of literature (only the most memed!) at the most, and the rest fluff like history books.

                Verbally shit your pants and claim victory again frenchy, but it doesn't work like that. Stick to your own language from now on.

              • 1 month ago

                >books in english

                >you said you'd read more English books


                And where's yours anon? Except Shakespeare of course

              • 1 month ago

                Learn better English if you're going to continue to reply. You're practically moronic with these replies.

                Nice reading comprehension by the way, homosexual. Also classics = memes. I see you're just a girl who looooves reading books xp

                Yes that's right anon, the five to ten biggest memebooks of all time equals all classics in history. You're very bright. Go read Jordan Peterson's favourite book again.

              • 1 month ago

                >Yes that's right anon, the five to ten biggest memebooks of all time equals all classics in history
                few~ reading comprehension through the roof!

                >Learn better English if you're going to continue to reply. You're practically moronic with these replies.
                Books in english vs english books, there's a nuance here that seems lost on you unfortunately

              • 1 month ago

                Nice reading comprehension by the way, homosexual. Also classics = memes. I see you're just a girl who looooves reading books xp

              • 1 month ago

                >i'm unlike the other girls, i read books

              • 1 month ago

                Also nice Shakespeare comment. I told you to read what I wrote again but it seems you can't understand basic english.

            • 1 month ago

              Third nuke just dropped
              Very nice

            • 1 month ago

              It's such a small fraction of Japanese culture. I love how they automatically assume they would be honorary Japanese. They fangirl over it. Japan was weebs who will defend them online and in person. Lmao. I thought Japanese video games and cars were cool when i was 10 years old, so i did what any normal person would do when they want to learn about a country and its culture, i checked out books about Japan at my school library. Not anime, geography books. Stuff about Shinto, their economy, some history, language, day to day life, and various other things related to Japan.

              What i didn't do:
              Solely watch anime and day dream about having a Japanese wife who give me blowy joeys and love me unconditionally just like in the anime.

        • 1 month ago

          >I've read one book, nothing personnel kid

        • 1 month ago

          >I've read the entirety of Paradise Lost

        • 1 month ago

          I keep bumping Paradise Lost down my reading list because of how much of a bloody heretic Milton was, got too many other non-prottie things to read. I like Satoshi Kon btw

    • 1 month ago

      This. I watched it once many years ago and it just throws as many ideas and imagery at the wall it can with no coherence and hopes it sticks and midwits around the world have praised it for decades. I wanted to like it too but by the end I was so underwhelmed

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          In the context of this thread and your post, there's nothing dimwitted about being overly specific. It's nothing to brag about in general, but, when a moronic weaboo like yourself accuses someone of having no attention span, it shows my judgment of your crappy cartoon wasn't based on its oh so enormously difficult comprehension.

          Furthermore, let's be honest, you haven't read a book since high school. You think a crappy Jap cartoon is the pinnacle of art. It's only natural that you would feel threatened by someone with a real education.

      • 1 month ago

        nothing wrong with that mindset necessarily, to be honest. its exactly what lynch does

    • 1 month ago

      Wow. Imagine being so wrong about Kon’s movies.

    • 1 month ago

      Magnetic Rose is pretty great but I agree he's overrated and gets a portion of his acclaim just because he was part of the 80s/90s wave of anime that broke into the west

      • 1 month ago

        Also to be clear I don't think Kon is bad, he's good, I just don't think he was the Takahata-like prodigy people make him out to be by reputation. A lot of his films have cool imagery but pretty thin writing.

    • 1 month ago

      op here, I forgot to mention I'm trans btw if that means anything

  5. 1 month ago

    The joke is instead of using blew they used the word blue, which of course is in the title of the movie. They also used the word perfect.

    • 1 month ago




      V I N C E


  6. 1 month ago

    overrated but still decent

  7. 1 month ago

    I thought it had some really good scenic shots, and it was a fairly unqiue concept for it's time(horror film based off the adian idol industry at its peak controversial)
    The only thing that brings the film down to barely average for me is The big reveal being that her ugly assistant was a stalker all along, and the MC wasnt crazy afterall and gets a happy ending handed to her
    Felt like a really dumb copout that took away all the physiological pressure and buildup of the MC throughout the movie.
    His other works like tokyo godfather are alot better.

    • 1 month ago

      That's one way to take it at surface level. I stand by the interpretation that none of it was the "real her" hence the final line. There's a multitude of clues throughout especially during the tv show she is acting in. It's quite unsettling once you really dive into analysis and draw a guess. That was the genius of Kon and why Arononfsky and Nolan among others ripped him off. Nothing is really definitive with this film. Excuse me. Who are you?

    • 1 month ago

      It's literally like every psychological horror dumbass. it wasn't trying to be smart. just a good psychological horror. I'd say it's even better than say shutter island where it tries to be muh shock value in the end because it was such a ride throughout. no need to go deeper

      • 1 month ago

        >thriller not horror

  8. 1 month ago

    It's too graphic...I watched it with a Tinder chick and then it was awkward trying to make a move considering the rape scenes

  9. 1 month ago

    I'm surprised at how viscerally a lot of people on here seems to hate this film whenever it's discussed. Ok you don't have to love it but judging by reactions on here you'd think it was literally one of the worst films ever made.
    I really liked it when I watched. One of my favorite films

    • 1 month ago

      It's because weebs hype it up so much that you feel let down when you finally watch it, and then they call you stupid when you didn't like it.

  10. 1 month ago

    battle of the fricking AP Lit students in here! Get back to class homosexuals! and get some fricking TASTE while you're at it.

  11. 1 month ago

    people flex the weirdest shit. like the number of books don't matter. it's what you retain. you can read 1000 books but stil lsound like a moron for some reason

  12. 1 month ago

    A perfectly pretentious thread for a pretentious movie handcrafted for midwit weebs

  13. 1 month ago

    So who won fellas? Dunning-Kruger anon or weeb anon?

  14. 1 month ago

    I've watched this, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Your Name, and a bunch of Ghibli movies. What else do I need?

  15. 1 month ago

    Lmao at the pseuds arguing ITT.

    I would tell them that you have to be at least 18 to post here but they are probably over 25 which makes it even sadder.

    Let me dab on you real quick.
    Books are for nerds.
    Tranime belongs on the tr/a/nime board.
    You will never have sex period.
    There devastated.

  16. 1 month ago

    let me guess, you also think lain, bebop and paranoia agent are masterpiece

  17. 1 month ago

    >the frenchfrog thinks book length = difficulty

    • 1 month ago

      the french frog thinks that anyone who claims to read books should be able to remember just about any average length book (500 pages) that they've read

      • 1 month ago

        Average length books are 200 pages bro.

        • 1 month ago

          well shit we're not reading the same books then

          • 1 month ago

            Name an average book.

            • 1 month ago

              idk Emile Zola's I guess, Nana let's say

              • 1 month ago

                That's less than 400 pages...

              • 1 month ago

                It says 432 on amazon, for Germinal it's 576. I'm talking about physical books, not pdfs or ebooks

              • 1 month ago

                It says 354 on google books, an Amazon book says 252. These are probably without academic bloating.

              • 1 month ago

                Just picked my copy of Nana and it's ~450 pages without the bloating. Letters are pretty small too

  18. 1 month ago

    it clearly was a rip off of Black Swan

  19. 1 month ago

    Saw it decades ago, way before people were wetting their knickers over it and it was mid as frick.

    • 1 month ago

      You probably saw the unfinished cut, Imperfect Blue.

      • 1 month ago

        That's true. You should take that into consideration

  20. 1 month ago

    he did nothing wrong.

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