this really wasn't the own they thought it would be.

this really wasn't the own they thought it would be. Rather than making a movie centered around reason it was nothing but a cruel hit-piece

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    does matt walsh know the difference between gender and sex yet?

    • 11 months ago

      Do trannies know that difference yet? Do lefties know the difference between gender and personality yet?

    • 11 months ago

      there is no difference, trannies change their sex on official government documents

    • 11 months ago

      There isn't a difference though.

    • 11 months ago

      So what is a gender then?

      • 11 months ago

        sex: biological
        gender: the sum of all the socially determined indicators of what it means to be a man or a woman. When your mom tells you to "be a man" or when your friends told you that you're "acting like a girl" they're obviously not talking about your chromosomes.

        • 11 months ago

          That's cool. You can definitely be a feminine man or a masculine woman, but you're still a man or woman in every way that matters. So things like sports, bathroom/locker rooms, jails, should be determined by sex to keep the mentally ill fetish freaks away from normal people.

          • 11 months ago

            Read a study that said that the most average middle of the bell curve guy who doesn’t work out is still stronger than the over whelming majority of women

            • 11 months ago

              I don't remember which way it was but either 95% of men are stronger than 90% of women or 90% of men are stronger than 95% of women.

        • 11 months ago

          >gender: the sum of all the socially determined indicators of what it means to be a man or a woman.

        • 11 months ago

          So there are only 2 genders?

        • 11 months ago

          >socially determined

          Thats just down stream from biology though. Society does not pull those out of thin air they are determined by which you produce large or small gametes.

        • 11 months ago

          >the sum of all the socially determined indicators of what it means to be a man or a woman.
          Social indicators that are all heavily constrained by biology or evolution, so much so they're not very "social". There is a reason all the successful cultures around the globe have more or less the same "social" indicator for "gender". The Chinese and the Greek didn't evolve the same concept of "gender" by pure telepathy through the world.

          Sex: biological.
          Gender: every social construct constrained, created, built, and made by and from biology and evolution.

          I fail to see a meaningful difference, unless you're brainwashed or very ignorant. See, as long as you don't think about it, there is a distinction: once you know a little bit (and I mean 1 years of serious social science) you know it's literally a distinction without a difference.

        • 11 months ago

          >the sum of all the socially determined indicators of what it means to be a man or a woman.
          Social indicators that are all heavily constrained by biology or evolution, so much so they're not very "social". There is a reason all the successful cultures around the globe have more or less the same "social" indicator for "gender". The Chinese and the Greek didn't evolve the same concept of "gender" by pure telepathy through the world.

          Sex: biological.
          Gender: every social construct constrained, created, built, and made by and from biology and evolution.

          I fail to see a meaningful difference, unless you're brainwashed or very ignorant. See, as long as you don't think about it, there is a distinction: once you know a little bit (and I mean 1 years of serious social science) you know it's literally a distinction without a difference.

          Now a common (and moronic) rebuke is to say that no, the ancient Chinese and the ancient Greek didn't evolve the same concept of "gender" by pure telepathy through the world, but that this has nothing to do with biology or evolution.

          No, you see (which of course is utterly nonsensical given the facts or studies, but oh), it's not biology. It's patriarchy. The natural evilness of men to control women. It's in the... biology of men to want to dominate all women and enslave all women, which is why they - the men - created the same notions of gender everywhere at the same time on earth, but yet gender has nothing to do with... biology. Because... the biological need for men to enslave women is... not biology? It's patriarchy. Totally different concept. And patriarchy is bad.

          Typical post-modernist stuff. Incoherent, illogical, inconsistent, make absolutely no sense, spit on the face of facts, and is mean spirited to the extreme. Make people feel good tho.

          • 11 months ago

            >the ancient Chinese and the ancient Greek didn't evolve the same concept of "gender" by pure telepathy through the world
            Anon, China and Greek were in contact with each other. Literally any time you have a actually isolated society suddenly ideas regarding Gender change radically.

            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


                >No, because according to that logic there is no history. Nor is there oppression, for that matter. Everything as you understand it is in fact a totally made up idea. All that exists right now is your mind floating around in endless darkness imagining things that do not exist.
                and that is essentially what you gays are saying when you harp on about how sex and gender are two different things and that gender is socially constructed

                >and that is essentially what you gays are saying when you harp on about how sex and gender are two different things and that gender is socially constructed
                No. I am simply drawing a clear line to prevent that kind of insane thinking.

              • 11 months ago

                >ask for examples of isolated societies with different concepts of gender
                >all about men and women
                What did he mean by this?

              • 11 months ago

                there is no line. you people really are that insane

              • 11 months ago

                There is a line. You are simply so insane you pretend otherwise while lacking teh intellectual courage to take your own warped thinking to any kind of conclusion.

                >White cis men having a part in them is mostly irrelevant.
                no. they are pure evil, and anything remotely associated with them is evil by extension. we must kill them all

                No. We simply have to destroy their memes.

              • 11 months ago

                >n-no u!

              • 11 months ago


                >We are simply superior
                No, you aren't. You don't even believe that. You believe you're inferior garbage, and the only joy you get out of life is manipulating or coercing people into compliance. You're an abomination on society. All you do is cause trouble for others

                >you don't even believe that.
                Of course I do. I am pretty confident about my intelligence compared to you people. The fact I can look beyond memes is one of the biggest confidence boosters I have.

                I'm insecure about loads of things. Your inferiority is not one of them.

              • 11 months ago

                Forgot image:

        • 11 months ago

          >When your mom tells you to "be a man" or when your friends told you that you're "acting like a girl" they're obviously not talking about your chromosomes.
          but they kind of are though

          • 11 months ago

            Yes they are. You are a man and therefore better behave like one because not living within your gender role leads to bad outcomes.

    • 11 months ago

      There is no such thing as gender if you can make up a new one every minute.

      • 11 months ago

        there's no such thing as religion if you can make up a new one every minute.
        there's no such thing as language if you can make up a new one every minute.
        there's no such thing as nations if you can make up a new one every minute.

        • 11 months ago

          What are you even claiming here, that because social constructs exist everything you decide to call a social construct is equally valid?

          • 11 months ago

            there's no such thing as an "I" if you can make up a new one every minute.
            there's no such thing as a "you" if you can make up a new one every minute.
            everything is transient Black person, accept it and seek compassionate enlightenment instead.
            gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

            • 11 months ago

              >accept my delusions because nothing is real bro
              Nah. You will never ever be a woman, you nasty mentally-ill freak.

            • 11 months ago

              I think that castrating children is bad and people who do it should be imprisoned.

              • 11 months ago

                You right wing homophobic bigot

              • 11 months ago

                Death to pedos and homosexual child groomers.

              • 11 months ago

                >I think that castrating children is bad and people who do it should be imprisoned.
                I think that teaching children religion is bad and people who do it should be imprisoned.

              • 11 months ago

                Of course you do: You're mentally-ill.

                >Science Says: Religion Is Good For Your Health

                >There is ample reason to believe that faith in a higher power is associated with health, and in a positive way. For example, researchers at the Mayo Clinic concluded, “Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less anxiety, depression, and suicide. Several studies have shown that addressing the spiritual needs of the patient may enhance recovery from illness.

                >That said, the lack of knowledge linking religious behaviors and health is fascinating given that health care is deeply rooted in religious institutions, and vice versa. In fact, it was religious organizations that built many of the first hospitals, and clergy (supplementing low church wages) were often practicing physicians and medical providers.

                >80% of research on spirituality/religiousness and health focuses on mental health. This is because most associations with faith are related to how one thinks about the world and their role in it. Words that are often associated with religious beliefs include connectedness, hope, optimism, trust and purpose. All of which have been shown to boost mental health. Compassion, forgiveness and gratefulness are also qualities that are strongly associated with individuals who are spiritual and religious. Practicing these qualities is thought to be associated with deceased stress and increased resiliency.

                >Interestingly, although religion and spirituality correlate to an external locus of control (God as a higher power in control of our destiny), most research concludes that those who are religious have a strong internal sense of control.

              • 11 months ago

                >You're mentally-ill.
                No. I simply understand that all religions are objectively false and therefore need to be annihilated.

                >B-But it's good for your health!!!
                I really, REALLY doubt that. But, even if it is true, then I don't care. If something is fake, it's fake. The harm religion does to society is beyond compare. It has to be eradicated alongside all other fake memetic concepts for humanity to have a future. Those that can't handle a world of truth and reason have no place in society.

              • 11 months ago

                >No. I simply understand that all religions are objectively false and therefore need to be annihilated.

                >I really, REALLY doubt that. But, even if it is true, then I don't care. If something is fake, it's fake. The harm religion does to society is beyond compare. It has to be eradicated alongside all other fake memetic concepts for humanity to have a future. Those that can't handle a world of truth and reason have no place in society.

                Zero facts or studies to support your drivel, as expected.
                Concession accepted.

              • 11 months ago

                >Zero facts
                Every religion is objectively false. This is a fact. You can try to work around it by claiming that you shouldn't take the bible literally. But that's just a weak excuse. There is no such thing as magic, angels, demons, or hell. People go for god when it comes to questions of real mostly because it's the only one that can't be obviously disproven. But in doing so they only reveal how little truth there is to be found in religions.

                Is religion good for you? Sure, in the same way alcohol is good for you. It's a crutch people rely on to cope with the fact they can't manage.

              • 11 months ago

                >Every religion is objectively false.
                >This is a fact.
                >There is no such thing as magic
                What's "magic"?
                >angels, demons, or hell.
                >they only reveal how little truth there is to be found in religions
                >in the same way alcohol is good for you
                >It's a crutch
                Atheism is a crutch.

              • 11 months ago

                Correct. Every religious book is contradicted by reality. All of them describe existences and stories that, as described in stories, do not work with any understanding of not just biology but also the quantum psychics we use to maintain our society. The very technology you prove to type your post shows that the religion you follow is not real.

                >What's "magic"?
                The ability to break the rules of the universe.

                >Atheism is a crutch.
                A crutch to what?

              • 11 months ago

                >Every religious book is contradicted by reality.
                >All of them describe existences and stories that, as described in stories, do not work with any understanding of not just biology but also the quantum psychics we use to maintain our society.
                False. Also, you know nothing about quantum physics.
                >The very technology you prove to type your post shows that the religion you follow is not real.
                False. Non sequitur.
                >The ability to break the rules of the universe.
                What are "rules of the universe"?
                >A crutch to what?

              • 11 months ago

                I noticed you don't have any argument here. Every religion has been proven to be objectively false. No amount of "Don't take it literal" cope can fix that.

                >Also, you know nothing about quantum physics.
                No. I know plenty. It disproves the existence of most of what is described in the bible.

                >Non sequitur.
                No. The fact that your computer works shows all religions are false.

                >What are "rules of the universe"?
                ? The rules of the universe are teh rules of the universe. Death exists, stars exist, matter exists. If I stabbed you and ripped out your heart, you would die. The bible would disagree.

                But to what end?

              • 11 months ago

                >I noticed you don't have any argument here.
                >Every religion has been proven to be objectively false.
                >No. I know plenty.
                >It disproves the existence of most of what is described in the bible.
                >The fact that your computer works shows all religions are false.
                Non sequitur.
                >The rules of the universe are teh rules of the universe.
                >If I stabbed you and ripped out your heart, you would die. The bible would disagree.
                >But to what end?
                Ask them.

              • 11 months ago

                I have posted actual facts, you have simply posted false over and over again.

              • 11 months ago

                >>Also, you know nothing about quantum physics.
                >No. I know plenty. It disproves the existence of most of what is described in the bible.
                Kek, you have to be trolling.

              • 11 months ago

                >Every religion is objectively false. This is a fact.
                How's middle school?

              • 11 months ago

                How' the retirement home

              • 11 months ago

                >Middle school
                Please. Most people figure this out around basic school.

                So there are only 2 genders?

                There are zero.

              • 11 months ago

                >Please. Most people figure this out around basic school.
                Come back when you graduate middle school.

              • 11 months ago

                I have. As well as high school, college, and everything else.

                >No. I simply understand that all religions are objectively false and therefore need to be annihilated.

                They are real though. They are just real in a way you refuse to accept. In addition following an ideology like yours of hating religion leads to bad outcomes. Mental health goes down the shitter, depression skyrockets, people stop breeding. You are a failed hate based ideology.

                >They are real though
                They are memetic concepts. All memetic concepts should be destroyed.

                >Mental health goes down the shitter, depression skyrockets, people stop breeding.
                Good. If people have to rely on a lie to survive they do not need to survive. Having them self terminate in this manner is a gentle and kind ending.

              • 11 months ago

                >I have. As well as high school, college, and everything else.
                No you haven't.

              • 11 months ago

                >There are zero.
                No, there are two.

              • 11 months ago

                Nope. Zero. It's a memetic concept, therefore not real.

                Literally stopped reading at the prospect of a democratically elected human nature lol

                I'm not even talking about elected. I mean democratic insofar that the majority of people has decided that you are wrong.

              • 11 months ago

                >Nope. Zero. It's a memetic concept, therefore not real.

                Everything is a memetic concept.

              • 11 months ago


                When you jump. That is not a memetic concept. It is a factual act rooted in material reality, not human culture or memetic ideas.

              • 11 months ago

                No. You only experience a simulation in your mind caused by your body (we think). The entire point of the matrix movie is it could be fake. You only get experience. You can never confirmed if you really jumped or not. Everything is memetic its all in your head caused by chemical and electric signals.

              • 11 months ago

                >You only experience a simulation in your mind caused by your body (we think).
                That does not mean that you don't jump. Even if your brain tells you X, Y still happens.

                >The matrix

                >I have. As well as high school, college, and everything else.
                No you haven't.

                Yes, I have. Every one of them confirmed what I already understood as a child. All religions are self evidently false. How could they not when all of them are filled with obvious falsehoods and scientific errors?

              • 11 months ago

                >That does not mean that you don't jump. Even if your brain tells you X, Y still happens.

                No it means your only experience of a jump is a meme in your head. The jump is always a memetic experience because everything is a memetic experience. You cannot tell if what you experienced was real or faked. You only experience the meme not biology.

              • 11 months ago

                >No it means your only experience of a jump is a meme in your head
                No, because other people experience it as well. The same rules guiding your ability to jump are also the same rules that power the technology you use. All of that is perfectly consistent.

              • 11 months ago

                >other people experience it as well.
                Like the fact you're not a woman.

              • 11 months ago

                >That does not mean that you don't jump. Even if your brain tells you X, Y still happens.
                Like the fact you're not a woman.
                >Yes, I have.
                No you haven't.
                >Every one of them confirmed what I already understood as a child.
                >All religions are self evidently false.
                >all of them are filled with obvious falsehoods and scientific errors

                Sex is a biological concept. Gender is memetic.


                >Sex is a biological concept. Gender is memetic.
                Gender is a synonym for sex.

              • 11 months ago

                >Like the fact you're not a woman.
                Yes, actually. at least when it comes to sex.

                >No you haven't.
                You can repeat this until the cows come home. But if your entire argument relies simply on the anonymous nature of this website, you have nothing. Which you don't.

                >Gender is a synonym for sex.
                No. It's a different concept. Sex without gender would simply result in actual perfect equality where everybody is wholly judged for their own ability.

              • 11 months ago

                >Yes, actually.
                Glad you acknowledge it.
                >at least when it comes to sex.
                I.e. gender.
                >But if your entire argument relies simply on the anonymous nature of this website, you have nothing.
                I have the fact that you're a liar.
                >It's a different concept.
                Wrong. It's the same concept.
                >Sex without gender would simply result in actual perfect equality where everybody is wholly judged for their own ability.
                Non sequitur and delusional.

              • 11 months ago

                >I.e. gender.
                Different from sex.

                >I have the fact that you're a liar.
                Which you can only argue using the anonymous nature of this website. Therefore, it is of no value.

                >Wrong. It's the same concept.
                It is different.

                >Non sequitur
                Learn English.

                >and delusional.
                No. It's a basic fact. Without memes, you judge people as individuals.

                on whose authority? there is no such thing as objective truth, right? isn’t that what all you people believe?

                >on whose authority?
                The scientific method being applied. Which, again, we know works because of the practical application we use. The same science that can be used to prove the earth is older than the bible is used to provide the electricity you use to power your computer.

                >Sex is a biological concept.
                Exactly, gender is a biological concept.

                Gender is a memetic concept and must therefore be destroyed.

              • 11 months ago

                >Different from sex.
                False. Same as sex.
                >Which you can only argue using the anonymous nature of this website. Therefore, it is of no value.
                Notice how you didn't deny it (too late now).
                You're a liar.
                >It is different.
                It's the same.
                >Learn English.
                You don't know what "non sequitur" means?
                >It's a basic fact.
                >Without memes, you judge people as individuals.
                You claimed "Sex without gender would simply result in actual perfect equality where everybody is wholly judged for their own ability."
                You're delusional and incredibly stupid.
                >Gender is a memetic concept
                False. Gender is a biological concept grounded in objective reality.

              • 11 months ago

                >False. Same as sex.
                It is am memetic difference.

                >Notice how you didn't deny it (too late now).
                Why bother? I do not need to deny something that is factually untrue.

                >It's the same.
                You do not understand the differnece between memes and reality then that means you are unaware of reality and have to be exterminated. Sad, but true.

                >You don't know what "non sequitur" means?
                You don't know how to use it.

                >You claimed "Sex without gender would simply result in actual perfect equality where everybody is wholly judged for their own ability."
                Yes. That is what "judging people as individuals" means.

                > Gender is a biological concept grounded in objective reality.
                It's a meme that needs to be destroyed.

              • 11 months ago

                >It is am memetic difference.
                Having a stroke?
                >Why bother? I do not need to deny something that is factually untrue.
                LOL, Freudian slip there?
                >You do not understand the differnece between memes and reality
                >that means you are unaware of reality and have to be exterminated
                Projection and more evidence of your severe mental illness.
                >You don't know how to use it.
                Yes I do. You don't.
                >That is what "judging people as individuals" means.
                No it isn't.
                >It's a meme
                False. It's basic biology.

              • 11 months ago

                >Having a stroke?
                Are you?

                >LOL, Freudian slip there?
                No? There is no reason to deny something that is factually untrue. If I can disprove it, there is no need to deny it.

                Nope, that is you.

                Image is also false since right wingers refuse to get diagnosed. You would be thrown in a insane asylum if psychological tests became mandatory.

                >Because if you accept that logic then you are the only real person in the universe.
                the fact that you homosexuals fail to see that this is the logical endpoint of your ideology never ceases to amuse me

                >the fact that you homosexuals fail to see that this is the logical endpoint of your ideology never ceases to amuse me
                No. I do not. I deny that everything is false because I believe you can use the shared social and personal experiences of numberless individuals to reach the truth.

                that wikipedia article is subjective because everything is subjective, and therefore can’t be trusted

                Nope. Facts exist.

                >That objective truth also disproves the bible exists.
                >disproves the bible exists.
                More evidence of your mental illness.
                >If I am not a woman, then the bible is false.
                Non sequitur.
                >It is a memetic concept
                It's a biological concept.
                >and therefore has to be destroyed.
                Non sequitur.
                And biological reality can't be "destroyed", you mentally-ill freak.

                the bible exists
                If I am not a woman, then we need to establish that a grounded reality exists in which I am not the only person existing in teh universe and everything outside of me is simply fakeness created by my personal perception. If we accept that, we then need to examine the biological realities of what defines the differences between the sexes. That requires a understanding of biology that contradicts the stories told in the bible. If sex is rooted in biology, and our understanding of that biology is correct (Which, it has to be), then any argument made in favor of me not being a women therefore also proves the bible is false.

                If I am a woman, then the bible is correct. Because there is no reality, and everything is totally subjective as I am the only living person in a entirely dead universe.

                >It's a biological concept.

                >And biological reality can't be "destroyed", you mentally-ill freak.
                Memes can be. Something I intend to demonstrate.

              • 11 months ago

                >Are you?
                No. You seem to be.
                >There is no reason to deny something that is factually untrue.
                >factually untrue
                Thank you for admitting it.
                >Nope, that is you.
                More projection.
                >Image is also false since right wingers refuse to get diagnosed.
                Asspull and also false.
                >You would be thrown in a insane asylum if psychological tests became mandatory.
                No, leftists would be.
                >I deny that everything is false
                No, you affirm falsehoods.
                >sex is rooted in biology
                >then any argument made in favor of me not being a women therefore also proves the bible is false.
                Non sequitur.
                >If I am a woman, then the bible is correct.
                Non sequitur.
                Biology isn't a meme.
                >Memes can be.
                Biology isn't a meme.
                >Something I intend to demonstrate.
                By killing yourself like your fellow lunatic leftists? Lol.

              • 11 months ago


                >Thank you for admitting it.
                Why would I deny it? By admitting that reality and facts exist, I have already disproven your point.

                >Asspull and also false.
                Correct and also statistically and self evidently true.

                >No, you affirm falsehoods.
                I affirm reality against the mental illness that causes you to believing in religion and failing to understand english.

                >Biology isn't a meme
                Gender is not biology.

              • 11 months ago

                >By admitting that reality and facts exist, I have already disproven your point.
                You mean your own point.
                >self evidently true
                Euphemism for you being full of shit.
                >I affirm reality against the mental illness that causes you to believing in religion
                Religion is positively correlated with mental illness.
                Leftism is negatively correlated.
                >Gender is not biology.
                Yes it is.

              • 11 months ago

                No, your points. I don't expect you to understand this. You are far too lacking in intelligence.

                Stats are not a asspull, sorry.

                It's a fact.

                >Religion is positively correlated with mental illness.
                Incorrect. Because religion is a mental illness and people that believe in it refuse to be diagnosed. Until we have mandatory tests, you have no argument.

                >Yes it is.
                Nope. Meme.

                >If you assume that logic then everything is false and there is no reality.

                No there may be a reality and you certainly cannot assume that gender is separate from sex.

                I agree, but that means that the two are separate. Anything else would mean all of reality collapses in on itself and you have to accept everything being a false hood as the only option.

              • 11 months ago

                You've presented no stats to support your claim. Did you hallucinate doing so?

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Incorrect. See

                Of course you do: You're mentally-ill.

                >Science Says: Religion Is Good For Your Health

                >There is ample reason to believe that faith in a higher power is associated with health, and in a positive way. For example, researchers at the Mayo Clinic concluded, “Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less anxiety, depression, and suicide. Several studies have shown that addressing the spiritual needs of the patient may enhance recovery from illness.

                >That said, the lack of knowledge linking religious behaviors and health is fascinating given that health care is deeply rooted in religious institutions, and vice versa. In fact, it was religious organizations that built many of the first hospitals, and clergy (supplementing low church wages) were often practicing physicians and medical providers.

                >80% of research on spirituality/religiousness and health focuses on mental health. This is because most associations with faith are related to how one thinks about the world and their role in it. Words that are often associated with religious beliefs include connectedness, hope, optimism, trust and purpose. All of which have been shown to boost mental health. Compassion, forgiveness and gratefulness are also qualities that are strongly associated with individuals who are spiritual and religious. Practicing these qualities is thought to be associated with deceased stress and increased resiliency.

                >Interestingly, although religion and spirituality correlate to an external locus of control (God as a higher power in control of our destiny), most research concludes that those who are religious have a strong internal sense of control.

                >The Wager Renewed: Believing in God is Good for You

                >For example, consider the conclusion of a meta-analysis published by panelists for the National Institute of Healthcare Research:

                >The vast majority of studies report that religion has salubrious effects on health. Indeed, beyond case-reports and samples of fewer than 10 people, we have found no evidence that religion can harm health in representative samples of community residents or in systematically sampled clinical populations….We believe that the state of the evidence probably reflects reality…the dominant pattern is one in which religious involvement either has no effect or has positive effects on health. (George et al. 2000, 110).

                >Religion’s Relationship to Happiness, Civic Engagement and Health Around the World

                >People who are active in religious congregations tend to be happier and more civically engaged than either religiously unaffiliated adults or inactive members of religious groups, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of survey data from the United States and more than two dozen other countries.

                >This analysis finds that in the U.S. and many other countries around the world, regular participation in a religious community clearly is linked with higher levels of happiness and civic engagement (specifically, voting in elections and joining community groups or other voluntary organizations).

                Religious Faith and Charitable Giving

                >The differences in charity between secular and religious people are dramatic. Religious people are 25 percentage points more likely than secularists to donate money (91 percent to 66 percent) and 23 points more likely to volunteer time (67 percent to 44 percent)... For example, among those who attend worship services regularly, 92 percent of Protestants give charitably, compared with 91 percent of Catholics, 91 percent of israelites, and 89 percent from other religions.

                Less God, Less Giving: Religion and generosity feed each other in fascinating ways

                >In study after study, religious practice is the behavioral variable with the strongest and most consistent association with generous giving. And people with religious motivations don’t give just to faith-based causes—they are also much likelier to give to secular causes than the nonreligious.

                Giving USA Special Report on Giving to Religion

                >People who are religiously affiliated are more likely to make a charitable donation of any kind, whether to a religious congregation or to another type of charitable organization. Sixty-two percent of religious households give to charity of any kind, compared with 46 percent of households with no religious affiliation.

                >Religiously affiliated households give as much or more to other types of charities as non-religiously affiliated households do.

              • 11 months ago

                >I agree, but that means that the two are separate. Anything else would mean all of reality collapses in on itself and you have to accept everything being a false hood as the only option.

                Its easy for them to not be separate. There is biological sex. And then there is the socially constructed sex of behaviors caused by the two biological sexes socializing.

              • 11 months ago

                >Its easy for them to not be separate.
                Incorrect. The two have to be separate. If they are not separate, then that means observable reality does not exist.

                >And then there is the socially constructed sex of behaviors caused by the two biological sexes socializing.
                That is gender in practise and should be totally destroyed.

              • 11 months ago

                >Incorrect. The two have to be separate. If they are not separate, then that means observable reality does not exist.

                No. They can very much not be seperate. Gender roles may simply be the behaviors that will allow you to survive the consequences of biological sex. Anything that does not follow them does not survive. Which would explain why gender ideology correlates with mental illness depression sterility other failures to reproduces and ultimately poor health and suicide.

              • 11 months ago

                >Gender roles may simply be the behaviors that will allow you to survive the consequences of biological sex
                Then they are still memes and still have to be destroyed.

                >Anything that does not follow them does not survive.
                Then let's try that out. I'm sure people said the same thing about angering fairies a long time ago.

                >Which would explain why gender ideology correlates with mental illness depression sterility other failures to reproduces and ultimately poor health and suicid
                It removes the crunch and filters the weak and unworthy from those who deserve to have a place in society.

              • 11 months ago

                >I deny that everything is false because I believe you can use the shared social and personal experiences of numberless individuals to reach the truth.
                no you can’t. “truth” is a racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic concept
                >Nope. Facts exist.
                “facts” are a concept created by cis white men, and therefore can’t be trusted

              • 11 months ago

                Incorrect. The truth is, by it's very nature, against all of those things because they are memes.

                They are created by everybody. White cis men having a part in them is mostly irrelevant.

              • 11 months ago

                >White cis men having a part in them is mostly irrelevant.
                no. they are pure evil, and anything remotely associated with them is evil by extension. we must kill them all

              • 11 months ago

                >The scientific method being applied.
                again, subjective. i believe that those “practical applications” were faked, and nothing can change my mind because that’s my truth

              • 11 months ago

                > i believe that those “practical applications” were faked, and nothing can change my mind because that’s my truth
                Then you deny reality and have to be killed or removed from society. Nothing personel.

                >You seem to have a issue using non sequitur.
                I don't.
                >there is only one truth
                Correct. The truth that you're not a woman.

                You do.

                Correct. That objective truth also disproves the bible exists.

                If I am not a woman, then the bible is false.

                >it's a memetic concept
                False. It's a biological concept.
                >There is no actual root in material reality.
                False. Biology is material reality.

                >False. It's a biological concept.
                It is a memetic concept and therefore has to be destroyed.

                >False. Biology is material reality.
                Correct. Gender has no part in that.

                >there is only one truth
                nope. everything is subjective. for example, LGBTQ people have their own truth that is different from (and more important than, of course) straight people because of different lived experiences

                False. There is only one truth.

                >I'm all for a world in which we never talk about gender again and anybody that acts according to the made up concept of gender is arrested.
                holy shit trannies are mentally ill lmfao

                You do realize that " anybody that acts according to the made up concept of gender is arrested." would include trannies, right?

              • 11 months ago

                >If I am not a woman, then the bible is false.
                i'm ok with this

              • 11 months ago

                >That objective truth also disproves the bible exists.
                >disproves the bible exists.
                More evidence of your mental illness.
                >If I am not a woman, then the bible is false.
                Non sequitur.
                >It is a memetic concept
                It's a biological concept.
                >and therefore has to be destroyed.
                Non sequitur.
                And biological reality can't be "destroyed", you mentally-ill freak.

              • 11 months ago

                >There is only one truth
                invalidating and erasing the lived experiences of marginalized groups. real nice of you

              • 11 months ago

                >Then you deny reality and have to be killed or removed from society. Nothing personel.
                but there is no such thing as a shared reality. that concept has been used to justify oppression throughout history

              • 11 months ago

                >but there is no such thing as a shared reality
                Then nothing matters.

                >that concept has been used to justify oppression throughout history
                No, because according to that logic there is no history. Nor is there oppression, for that matter. Everything as you understand it is in fact a totally made up idea. All that exists right now is your mind floating around in endless darkness imagining things that do not exist.

              • 11 months ago

                >No, because according to that logic there is no history. Nor is there oppression, for that matter. Everything as you understand it is in fact a totally made up idea. All that exists right now is your mind floating around in endless darkness imagining things that do not exist.
                and that is essentially what you gays are saying when you harp on about how sex and gender are two different things and that gender is socially constructed

              • 11 months ago

                >Nope. Zero. It's a memetic concept, therefore not real.
                Wrong. It's a biological concept.

              • 11 months ago

                Sex is a biological concept. Gender is memetic.

                >Your inability to actually post a valid counterargument not only shows that I am correct. But also reveals your lack of humanity. You are not a human being.


              • 11 months ago

                >"the majority of people believe that evolution isn’t real and that god made the earth 6,000 years ago, therefore you’re wrong"

              • 11 months ago

                No. Because evolution or the age of the earth are not memetic concepts. Gender is.

              • 11 months ago

                False. Gender is a biological concept.

              • 11 months ago

                Sex is a biological concept.

                Evolution and age of the earth are only experienced through memes anon. They are memetic concepts they are faith if you believe in them or not.

                >Evolution and age of the earth are only experienced through memes ano
                No. They are experienced by understanding the facts we can find.

                Literally your entire argument comes down to "Yeah, but how do you know reality exists?". Which, if it doesn't, would rather defeat the whole purpose. Nothing is memetic if you are the only actual person in a entirely fake universe.

              • 11 months ago

                >Sex is a biological concept.
                Exactly, gender is a biological concept.

              • 11 months ago

                >No. They are experienced by understanding the facts we can find.
                >Literally your entire argument comes down to "Yeah, but how do you know reality exists?". Which, if it doesn't, would rather defeat the whole purpose. Nothing is memetic if you are the only actual person in a entirely fake universe.

                No my argument is this. Everything is a memetic experience. Gender is like all the rest of it. Gender is a collection of behaviors that may or may not be arbitrary and may or may not be biologically determined. You cannot see their cause you can only experience the meme just like the jump. The jump itself exists only as a memetic social construct just like gender. You cannot support he assumption that gender is not caused by biology. And assuming so is a religious edict. A piece of received knowledge that does not make logical sense. You cant separate sex and gender. Gender cannot be proved to be arbitrary.

              • 11 months ago

                Evolution and age of the earth are only experienced through memes anon. They are memetic concepts they are faith if you believe in them or not.

              • 11 months ago

                on whose authority? there is no such thing as objective truth, right? isn’t that what all you people believe?

              • 11 months ago

                So why mention gender if it's a non-concept? There are 2 human sexes - male and female. And there's no such thing as gender. We are in agreement?

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                See: [...]

                Again, I doubt any of this is actually true but even if it is I don't care. Telling yourself a really nice lie can be pleasant, but it is still a lie and not understanding or accepting that is a road to madness.

                you will never be a woman, bro
                that's an objective fact

              • 11 months ago

                >No. I simply understand that all religions are objectively false and therefore need to be annihilated.

                They are real though. They are just real in a way you refuse to accept. In addition following an ideology like yours of hating religion leads to bad outcomes. Mental health goes down the shitter, depression skyrockets, people stop breeding. You are a failed hate based ideology.

              • 11 months ago

                >The Wager Renewed: Believing in God is Good for You

                >For example, consider the conclusion of a meta-analysis published by panelists for the National Institute of Healthcare Research:

                >The vast majority of studies report that religion has salubrious effects on health. Indeed, beyond case-reports and samples of fewer than 10 people, we have found no evidence that religion can harm health in representative samples of community residents or in systematically sampled clinical populations….We believe that the state of the evidence probably reflects reality…the dominant pattern is one in which religious involvement either has no effect or has positive effects on health. (George et al. 2000, 110).

                >Religion’s Relationship to Happiness, Civic Engagement and Health Around the World

                >People who are active in religious congregations tend to be happier and more civically engaged than either religiously unaffiliated adults or inactive members of religious groups, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of survey data from the United States and more than two dozen other countries.

                >This analysis finds that in the U.S. and many other countries around the world, regular participation in a religious community clearly is linked with higher levels of happiness and civic engagement (specifically, voting in elections and joining community groups or other voluntary organizations).

              • 11 months ago

                Religious Faith and Charitable Giving

                >The differences in charity between secular and religious people are dramatic. Religious people are 25 percentage points more likely than secularists to donate money (91 percent to 66 percent) and 23 points more likely to volunteer time (67 percent to 44 percent)... For example, among those who attend worship services regularly, 92 percent of Protestants give charitably, compared with 91 percent of Catholics, 91 percent of israelites, and 89 percent from other religions.

                Less God, Less Giving: Religion and generosity feed each other in fascinating ways

                >In study after study, religious practice is the behavioral variable with the strongest and most consistent association with generous giving. And people with religious motivations don’t give just to faith-based causes—they are also much likelier to give to secular causes than the nonreligious.

                Giving USA Special Report on Giving to Religion

                >People who are religiously affiliated are more likely to make a charitable donation of any kind, whether to a religious congregation or to another type of charitable organization. Sixty-two percent of religious households give to charity of any kind, compared with 46 percent of households with no religious affiliation.

                >Religiously affiliated households give as much or more to other types of charities as non-religiously affiliated households do.

              • 11 months ago

                >The Wager Renewed: Believing in God is Good for You

                >For example, consider the conclusion of a meta-analysis published by panelists for the National Institute of Healthcare Research:

                >The vast majority of studies report that religion has salubrious effects on health. Indeed, beyond case-reports and samples of fewer than 10 people, we have found no evidence that religion can harm health in representative samples of community residents or in systematically sampled clinical populations….We believe that the state of the evidence probably reflects reality…the dominant pattern is one in which religious involvement either has no effect or has positive effects on health. (George et al. 2000, 110).

                >Religion’s Relationship to Happiness, Civic Engagement and Health Around the World

                >People who are active in religious congregations tend to be happier and more civically engaged than either religiously unaffiliated adults or inactive members of religious groups, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of survey data from the United States and more than two dozen other countries.

                >This analysis finds that in the U.S. and many other countries around the world, regular participation in a religious community clearly is linked with higher levels of happiness and civic engagement (specifically, voting in elections and joining community groups or other voluntary organizations).


                >You're mentally-ill.
                No. I simply understand that all religions are objectively false and therefore need to be annihilated.

                >B-But it's good for your health!!!
                I really, REALLY doubt that. But, even if it is true, then I don't care. If something is fake, it's fake. The harm religion does to society is beyond compare. It has to be eradicated alongside all other fake memetic concepts for humanity to have a future. Those that can't handle a world of truth and reason have no place in society.

                Again, I doubt any of this is actually true but even if it is I don't care. Telling yourself a really nice lie can be pleasant, but it is still a lie and not understanding or accepting that is a road to madness.

              • 11 months ago


                >No. I simply understand that all religions are objectively false and therefore need to be annihilated.

                >I really, REALLY doubt that. But, even if it is true, then I don't care. If something is fake, it's fake. The harm religion does to society is beyond compare. It has to be eradicated alongside all other fake memetic concepts for humanity to have a future. Those that can't handle a world of truth and reason have no place in society.

                Zero facts or studies to support your drivel, as expected.
                Concession accepted.

              • 11 months ago

                To be fair when a child grows up they can pick their own religion or decide religion’s not for them. If their genitals get ruined at the age of ten then that’s it for life.

              • 11 months ago

                surgery and ideology are completely different things

              • 11 months ago

                Nope, they are exactly the same. If only because both of them involve crap that is made up by right wingers.

                So why mention gender if it's a non-concept? There are 2 human sexes - male and female. And there's no such thing as gender. We are in agreement?

                >That's called a claim.
                Which I supported by facts. None of which you can disprove.

                So why mention gender if it's a non-concept? There are 2 human sexes - male and female. And there's no such thing as gender. We are in agreement?

                I don't know. Why do people keep mentioning it? I'm all for a world in which we never talk about gender again and anybody that acts according to the made up concept of gender is arrested.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm all for a world in which we never talk about gender again and anybody that acts according to the made up concept of gender is arrested.
                holy shit trannies are mentally ill lmfao

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't know. Why do people keep mentioning it? I'm all for a world in which we never talk about gender again and anybody that acts according to the made up concept of gender is arrested.
                There's no such thing as gender, so you can't arrest someone for acting like something that's not a thing. People should act like their sex if they want to be happy, but if they want to be miserable homosexuals that's fine too, not my problem.

              • 11 months ago

                >so you can't arrest someone for acting like something that's not a thing.
                Yes. But, I CAN arrest them for acting like it is a thing.

                >they are exactly the same
                >If only because
                Non sequitur.
                >both of them involve crap that is made up by right wingers.
                False. You're the one spewing crap made up by left wingers.
                >Why do people keep mentioning it?
                Because it's an essential aspect of humans and their biology.
                >I'm all for a world in which we never talk about gender again and anybody that acts according to the made up concept of gender is arrested.
                You're insane and should be locked up before you shoot up another school.

                They are not.

                Still don't understand how it works.

                Nope. Religion is false and children are not castrated. You deny reality.

                It's not. It's a memetic concept that has to be erased.

                I have no desire to shoot up a school. That would make it harder to see you all arrested.

                >Religion literally leads to castrating children.

                >Religion literally leads to castrating children.
                >Which can be judged objectively.
                Like gender.
                >I rely on the perception, not the opinion, of others.
                >That is the crucial difference between your memes and reality.
                Gender is a biological reality.


                >Like gender.
                Yes. Which means dismissing it as a meme.

                Nope. I do. Your argument once again relies upon the anonymous nature of this website thus highlighting your intellectual weakness.

                >Gender is a biological reality.
                It is a made up meme. Anybody who believes in it will be arrested.

              • 11 months ago

                that wikipedia article is subjective because everything is subjective, and therefore can’t be trusted

              • 11 months ago

                >Yes. But, I CAN arrest them for acting like it is a thing
                Acting like what? What does that mean? How does that look like?

              • 11 months ago

                >What does that mean?
                If you act like sex exists, or you profess a believe in sex as a concept, you will be arrested. The exact degree will be handled in a legalistic manner. With different severity resulting in different degrees of punishment. Ranging from minor fines for small offenses, to total erasure from society in case of a open denial of reality.

                >There is only one truth
                invalidating and erasing the lived experiences of marginalized groups. real nice of you

                Lived experiences only have value when compared with the whole.

              • 11 months ago

                But sex does exist, moron.

              • 11 months ago

                >They are not.
                Yes they are.
                >Still don't understand how it works.
                Then figure it out.
                >Religion is false
                >children are not castrated
                >You deny reality.
                >It's a memetic concept
                Gender is a biological concept.
                >I have no desire to shoot up a school.
                >That would make it harder to see you all arrested.
                More evidence of your mental illness.
                That's like saying "living in a society leads to castration".
                >Which means dismissing it as a meme.
                Gender is a biological trait. You can't "dismiss" it.
                >Nope. I do.
                >Your argument once again relies upon the anonymous nature of this website
                It relies on the fact that you're clearly a liar.
                >thus highlighting your intellectual weakness
                Non sequitur.
                >It is a made up meme.
                Wrong. It's biology.
                >Anybody who believes in it will be arrested.
                More evidence of your mental illness.

              • 11 months ago

                They are not.

                I have. Now it is your turn.

                Religion is false, children are not castrated, sex is biological and gender is memetic. I have no desire to shoot up a school and your claim otherwise is using the anonymous nature of this school therefore highlighting your own intellectual laziness.

                >More evidence of your mental illness.
                The opposite, my dear friend. It is proof that I am able to see things objectively.

                >That's like saying "living in a society leads to castration".
                Yes, actually.

                >Gender is a biological trait. You can't "dismiss" it.
                It can be criminalized and anybody like you thrown in a insane asylum. This will result in the concept being erased.

                >It relies on the fact that you're clearly a liar.
                Any claim that I am a liar revolves around you not being aware of who I am or what I believe in owning to the anonymous nature of this website.

              • 11 months ago

                >They are not.
                Yes they are.
                >Religion is false
                >children are not castrated
                False. They're castrated by activists pushing transgenderism on children.
                >gender is memetic
                Gender is biological.
                >I have no desire to shoot up a school
                >therefore highlighting your own intellectual laziness
                Non sequitur.
                >The opposite, my dear friend. It is proof that I am able to see things objectively.
                You're clearly delusional.
                >Yes, actually.
                So that's the extent of your claim?
                >It can be criminalized
                Biology can't be "criminalized".
                >anybody like you thrown in a insane asylum
                You're the one who belongs in an insane asylum, as anyone reading this thread can attest to.
                >This will result in the concept being erased.
                Biology won't be erased, despite your schizophrenic ramblings.
                >Any claim that I am a liar revolves around you not being aware of who I am or what I believe in owning to the anonymous nature of this website.
                No, it relies on being able to easily tell that you're full of shit.

              • 11 months ago

                >Anybody who believes in it will be arrested.
                nothing will happen except you hanging yourself one of these days you pathetic mentally-ill freak lol

              • 11 months ago

                >nothing will happen
                That is what people once claimed about believing in fairies or human sacrifices. Times change.

                >Material acts can still be proven simply by having everybody compare their own idea of perception

                This is just a socially constructed meme that you have decided is different from the other socially constructed meme biology. You have no logic that proves this however. The fact that something is a socially constructed meme does not prove that it is or is not caused by something objective and concrete. It also does not prove that thing is arbitrary and infinitely malleable. Gender has not been proven to be separate from sex at all and second it has not been proven to be arbitrary. You cannot assume that the gender rolls can be changed or removed and you have not proven they are anything more then the affect of biological sex. Calling gender a socially constructed meme means nothing because everything starts a meme and turns into a socially constructed meme the moment you interact with someone else.

                >But I do understand the source of the jump. Not simply the act, but the very rules of the universe that makes it possible. To deny them would mean denying reality as it exists. Which, again, you can totally do if you are ready to take that to it's logical conclusion. Which is probably a one way trip to a insane asylum.

                Once again you only experience the meme. The simulation built in your own head to reflect your experience. You only exist in the story you tell yourself constantly. The jump is an act in the story but its only a meme and can never be known deeper than that. Just like gender. You cannot assume gender is arbitrary or separate from the physical aspect (biology) that we think causes it.

                >Yes, I can. Because it's a memetic concept. There is no actual root in material reality.
                Nothing has a root outside of your experience. Gender roles are no more arbitrary be default than any other meme like jumping. This idea that there is a special set of memes isnt proven. The idea that gender is separate from sex is unproven.

                >This is just a socially constructed meme that you have decided is different from the other socially constructed meme biology.
                Incorrect. I have concluded it is different based on my application of logic and reason.

                >You have no logic that proves this however.
                Of course I do. For so many people to share this experience as having happened it means that, according to the same biological processes we use to function our technology, that something did happen. if we assume it is a falsehood, you would need to logically deduce what means were used to trick a massive part of the population.

                >The fact that something is a socially constructed meme does not prove that it is or is not caused by something objective and concrete
                Does that matter? If it based on something real or simply totally false is irrelevant. It is untrue, therefore it must be destroyed.

                >You cannot assume that the gender rolls can be changed or removed
                A basic understanding of sociology or history shows that not only CAN they be changed, they have. To deny that is only slightly less insane than denying all of reality exists. History denying is fun, but ultimately very few people can actually intellectually defend it.

                >Calling gender a socially constructed meme means nothing because everything starts a meme and turns into a socially constructed meme the moment you interact with someone else.
                No. Only if you don't understand what memes are.

                >The simulation built in your own head to reflect your experience
                Which can be used to perceive reality. Is it perfect? No. But that is why you rely on shared knowledge.

                > The jump is an act in the story but its only a meme and can never be known deeper than that.
                Incorrect. The computer you use to type your inane nonsense disproves that notion.

              • 11 months ago

                again, nothing will happen except you hanging yourself one of these days from your worsening mental illness

              • 11 months ago

                >my application of logic and reason.
                You mean your application of asspulling and bullshitting

              • 11 months ago

                Nope. Logic and reason. The thing you have failed to do.

                >>Also, you know nothing about quantum physics.
                >No. I know plenty. It disproves the existence of most of what is described in the bible.
                Kek, you have to be trolling.

                I am not. You cannot argue that I am incorrect, mostly because you are too stupid to understand quantum physics.

              • 11 months ago

                >Logic and reason.
                Things you're allergic to.
                >you are too stupid to understand quantum physics

              • 11 months ago

                Even if I was, I would keep using them anyway.

                Incorrect. You are that stupid. Self evidently so. I can show you every post you made and explain, factually, how you are too stupid.

                >ask for examples of isolated societies with different concepts of gender
                >all about men and women
                What did he mean by this?

                >Different gender roles.
                Learn to read, moron.

                >everything is subjective
                Completely incorrect. Of course there are objective truths. This is just woke moronation

                Anti woke. All anti woke thinking is founded on denying reality.

              • 11 months ago

                >atheists are titans of intellect
                >[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
                >atheists stand for free-thinking
                >[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
                >atheists are champions of reason
                >[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
                >atheists are anti-dogmatic
                >[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
                Atheism is an intelligence LARP that morons indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

              • 11 months ago

                >amazing atheist
                Post it

              • 11 months ago

                >Post it

              • 11 months ago

                Go on
                post the banana

              • 11 months ago

                No way, anon. Next time you're in a flamewar with a fedora tipper just post the most successful online figurehead of their movement.

              • 11 months ago

                Will doing so reverse the decline of church attendance among the youth?

              • 11 months ago

                Arguing with a fedora tipper is generally a pointless exercise. They're reflexively disingenuous ideologues so it's best just to point out they've bought into an ideology in order to service a superiority fantasy relating to their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence. However, truly understanding this is something they have to come to by their own accord--their beliefs and behavior says the opposite of their self-perception--all you can do is point it out.

              • 11 months ago

                God isn't real

              • 11 months ago

                Anon, I hate to tell you this, but I'm not even a atheist.

                I don't believe in religion. God might be real, it hardly matters anyway.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm not even a atheist.
                Don't really care. The facts on the ground are you're a moron LARPing intelligence as part of a plot for superiority.
                >I don't believe in religion. God might be real, it hardly matters anyway.
                See last point.

              • 11 months ago

                See, it always triggers them into replies:

                >[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
                Anon, we don't expect to be impressed. Much like we aren't impressed by a adult who doesn't believe in Satan. It's a basic fact you need to be a adult.

                >[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
                Not a real thing.

                >[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
                Even when true, not to a noticeable extent compared to everybody else.

                >[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
                No, according to the meaning of the original author. You can't pull death of the author when the author is supposed to be chosen by god.

                . You just point out they've self-indoctrinated into an ideology for the sake of LARPing intelligence. Pointing out they're adults who expect others to be impressed they don't believe in Santa underscores how basic their understanding of the subject at hand actually is. Bringing up Scientism always gets the same response as well (pic-related). Also, when they've regurgitated the expected reply (as has this anon) you can point out they've proven your point about dogmatism. Fedora tippers are easy targets.

              • 11 months ago

                >Triggers into replies
                Yeah, that's what falsehoods do.

                An enemy that numbers time in millennia with a cultural basis that goes back to preliterate man and symbolism rooted in primordial homonids appears!
                >[(You)--Choose your fighter]!
                a) Richard Dawkins: rat-faced evolutionary biologist who popularized the word meme (secret weapon: Scientism; weakness: Kafka)
                b) Sam Harris: midwit who solved the problem of induction (secret weapon: meditiation; weakness: complex thought)
                c) Christopher Hitchens: reformed commie/former gay with great talent for rhetoric (secret weapon: alcoholic snark (aka Hitchslap); weakness: Neoconservatism)
                d) Daniel Dennett: Saturday morning philosopher (secret weapon: midwit empowerment (aka Reddit); weakness: phenomenology)
                >(You) choose: YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN SANTA CLAUS, DO YOU?!
                [Counter attack: nuance. Enemy isn't 4 and is unimpressed you don't believe in Santa. Attack is ineffective.]
                >(You) choose: WHY DON'T YOU WORSHIP ZEUS?!
                [Counter attack: nuance. Even myth is meaningful in a way not reducible to materialism. Attack is ineffective.]
                >(You) choose: SCIENCE THOUGH!
                [Counter attack: nuance. Enemy brings up the history of science and its complex relationship and continuing interplay with religion. Attack is ineffective.]
                >(You) choose: FEDORA TIP!
                [Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
                >(You) choose: NO YOU!
                [Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
                >[(You) have fainted.]

                >[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
                That is not a counter attack, it is a admission of defeat. It's why religion is irrelevant.

              • 11 months ago

                Like pretending "scientism" isn't a thing because you're uneducated? Predictability is a sign of ideological possession, anon.
                >That is not a counter attack, it is a admission of defeat. It's why religion is irrelevant.

              • 11 months ago

                It's not a thing, sorry.

                This is also a admission of defeat.

                >I'm not even a atheist.
                Don't really care. The facts on the ground are you're a moron LARPing intelligence as part of a plot for superiority.
                >I don't believe in religion. God might be real, it hardly matters anyway.
                See last point.

                I am more intelligent than you.

                See last point.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's not a thing, sorry.
                It's a thing and I posted a defition alongside a prediction of how fedora tippers react to it.
                >I am more intelligent than you.
                Possibly but given the textual evidence in this thread I'd say it's unlikely. The real difference is I'm not LARPing intelligence based on the presumptions of an ideology.

              • 11 months ago

                >[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
                Anon, we don't expect to be impressed. Much like we aren't impressed by a adult who doesn't believe in Satan. It's a basic fact you need to be a adult.

                >[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
                Not a real thing.

                >[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
                Even when true, not to a noticeable extent compared to everybody else.

                >[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
                No, according to the meaning of the original author. You can't pull death of the author when the author is supposed to be chosen by god.

              • 11 months ago

                >I am not.
                You have to be.
                >You cannot argue that I am incorrect
                Sure I can. I can even prove you're incorrect but if you're either a troll or a moron so doing so will likely be pointless.
                >mostly because you are too stupid to understand quantum physics.
                I've actually studied physics in university. Did you read a popsci book or something?

              • 11 months ago

                >People should act like their sex if they want to be happy, but if they want to be miserable homosexuals that's fine too, not my problem.
                "Gluttony punishes the glutton". "Not my problem" in a way, but sadly gluttons don't die instantly, and their self-inflicted punishment makes them miserable, and their misguided delusions makes them take it out on everyone else. You may not take any interest in the glutton, but the glutton takes and interest in you.

              • 11 months ago

                >they are exactly the same
                >If only because
                Non sequitur.
                >both of them involve crap that is made up by right wingers.
                False. You're the one spewing crap made up by left wingers.
                >Why do people keep mentioning it?
                Because it's an essential aspect of humans and their biology.
                >I'm all for a world in which we never talk about gender again and anybody that acts according to the made up concept of gender is arrested.
                You're insane and should be locked up before you shoot up another school.

              • 11 months ago

                >Nope, they are exactly the same. If only because both of them involve crap that is made up by right wingers.

              • 11 months ago

                castrating children is objectively bad. religion isn’t

              • 11 months ago

                Religion literally leads to castrating children.

                Your perception and their perception can be wrong. It might be fake it might be misinterpreted. Its only a meme and the moment you lean on the opinion of others to make it its socially constructed. The other people might be fake or they might be real and just wrong or maybe real and giving you a good opinion but the info they receive is fake.

                In the end it can only be memes all the way down cause nothing is outside of your head.

                >Your perception and their perception can be wrong
                Which can be judged objectively.

                >It might be fake it might be misinterpreted.
                Besides for literal light illusions, nothing is "fake".

                >and the moment you lean on the opinion of others to make it its socially constructed.
                I rely on the perception, not the opinion, of others. That is the crucial difference between your memes and reality.

                >In the end it can only be memes all the way down cause nothing is outside of your head.
                No. Because if you accept that logic then you are the only real person in the universe. If everything else is purely hypothetical than nothing is memetic because you literally cannot even prove the basic social ingredients for memes exist.

              • 11 months ago

                >Religion literally leads to castrating children.

              • 11 months ago

                >Religion literally leads to castrating children.
                >Which can be judged objectively.
                Like gender.
                >I rely on the perception, not the opinion, of others.
                >That is the crucial difference between your memes and reality.
                Gender is a biological reality.

              • 11 months ago

                >Because if you accept that logic then you are the only real person in the universe.
                the fact that you homosexuals fail to see that this is the logical endpoint of your ideology never ceases to amuse me

              • 11 months ago

                >I think that teaching children religion is bad
                And you are correct. Just like the guy that thinks manipulating malleable minds into trooning out is bad.

                What now?

              • 11 months ago

                We should begin dismantling all memes.

                >They are not.
                Yes they are.
                >Religion is false
                >children are not castrated
                False. They're castrated by activists pushing transgenderism on children.
                >gender is memetic
                Gender is biological.
                >I have no desire to shoot up a school
                >therefore highlighting your own intellectual laziness
                Non sequitur.
                >The opposite, my dear friend. It is proof that I am able to see things objectively.
                You're clearly delusional.
                >Yes, actually.
                So that's the extent of your claim?
                >It can be criminalized
                Biology can't be "criminalized".
                >anybody like you thrown in a insane asylum
                You're the one who belongs in an insane asylum, as anyone reading this thread can attest to.
                >This will result in the concept being erased.
                Biology won't be erased, despite your schizophrenic ramblings.
                >Any claim that I am a liar revolves around you not being aware of who I am or what I believe in owning to the anonymous nature of this website.
                No, it relies on being able to easily tell that you're full of shit.


                Yes, it is false.

                They are not castrated. you are just delusional and mentally ill.

                Anonymous site, you stupid.

                English fail, you stupid.

                Projection, you stupid.

                >So that's the extent of your claim?
                The fact you cannot have castration applied on a ritualistic level without a society.

                Anybody reading this thread and thinking you are not the batshit insane one belongs in one as well.

                Though I'll freely admit they are correct for assuming I am crazy for talking with a total nutjob beyond help like you. Most normal people would have stopped responding to somebody as obviously crazy as you.

                Your memes will be erased. You will be erased. Religion will be erased. All memes will be wiped out. All those who cannot accept that are too weak.

                Nope. All website.

            • 11 months ago

              But I can make up another (you), here’s one right now

              • 11 months ago

                I think that castrating children is bad and people who do it should be imprisoned.

                Yeah but what is a gender?

                morons falling for bait

              • 11 months ago

                This “bait” is taught at the university level

            • 11 months ago

              It's cool that you want to be like water and (selfishly) want to be unbothered by things, but I like that there are people that will try to maintain the status quo whenever cultists begin to appear

        • 11 months ago

          >false equivalency
          Your person head canon about yourself is a bit different than nation building.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah but what is a gender?

        • 11 months ago

          You type of people should probably stick to food analogies, that seems more to your speed.

    • 11 months ago

      theres obviously no difference. if there was, why would trannies get surgeries? they desire to be real women, but they never will be

    • 11 months ago

      one is a bandaid slapped on leftism to reconcile fetish driven mental illness with feminist ideology, the other is biological reality.

    • 11 months ago

      The movie would be 1000x more effective if they cut everything except
      >the interview with the woman’s studies professor
      He exposed the total circle jerk that modern day higher education has become. This segment was important not so much because of woman’s studies specifically, but because his logic is basically how all higher academia is taught these days. IE, nothing is real, everything is subjective
      >the interview with the lady that does trans surgeries on kids
      This was literally just a doctor that supports transing children, which nobody with a brain agrees with
      >the interview with the female athletes
      Good at tugging on the heartstrings. Personally I love watching troons decimate women I think it’s funny and I don’t like sports anyway, but that shit appeals to the normies
      >the dad that got in trouble for calling his child whatever their birth gender was
      Dystopian bullshit that everyone disagrees with

      Take those four segments and make them like 4 15 minute YouTube vids for everyone to see. Everything else was superfluous nonsense or like you said a hit piece against specific people

      Do trannies know that difference yet? Do lefties know the difference between gender and personality yet?

      trannies are women because I like to frick trannies, but I'm not gay. problem solved.

      If you don't like a cute trap with a feminine penis, you might be gay

      trannies are women because I like to frick trannies, but I'm not gay. problem solved.

      If you don't like a cute trap with a feminine penis, you might be gay

      Matt Walsh is FtM.

      • 11 months ago

        >Last name is Money
        The jokes write themselves.

    • 11 months ago

      Trannies say gender is a social construct while denying the "social" part. Society deems what you are. It's not an individual construct. We decide. And we all decide based on sex. They also freely interchange sex and gender depending on the argument. "Gender" is now beginning to bleed into biological territory, beyond it's "social construct" territory. This isn't about making distinctions between sex and gender. It's just expressive individualism finally approaching it's own demise and taking down all the idiots who lack any backbone to express truth.

      • 11 months ago

        Correct. The activists claim that gender is a "social construct" to give it a veneer of intellectual merit. But not one would be willing to tell an individual who sincerely says "I am a woman" that in fact he is not a woman. So at root their actual understanding of "gender" is merely a postmodern act of self-expression. Another thing that pisses me off is the conflation of man/woman with masculinity/feminity. The latter are actual social constructs (to an extent), but the activists use them interchangeably with the former. And they'll cite "third genders" such as hijra, fa'afafine, etc. as their supposed evidence of trans people in non-Western societies, missing the fact that none of these groups consider themselves to be ACTUAL women within their respective societies.

      • 11 months ago

        >Society deems what you are. It's not an individual construct.
        If society deems that it is a individual construct then it is one.

        Why do you think trannies only really became a issue around the time society started to radically atomize and people grew more individual?

        • 11 months ago

          That's just the thing. Society hasn't deemed it to be an individual construct. A tiny minority of hyper-individualist autists and mentally ill women have. As to your second point, trannies are a recent thing in America and throughout history, they only pop up toward a civilizations decadent period because it is a period when individuals can totally self-absorb and atomize amongst ourselves while indulging in pornography which corrupts our sense of sexuality from a young age. There is also less outward cause for men to be men. There is no threat of invaders. There are no barbarians at the gates. The weakest kinds of men can fully afford to be the weakest man they can be. And the rest of us have to sit around having to argue the most idiotic philisophical contestion of who we are at our root. Our debates now direct inward because the outward world has become decadent and easy and spineless morons who aren't trans twist their own minds trying to rationalize how men are women and women are men, even though, deep down, they know they are denying their own human nature. They have become mentally ill by proxy.

          • 11 months ago

            >Society hasn't deemed it to be an individual construct.
            Yes, they have. Not just democratically, but in general. It has since the neoliberal turn, and it will continue to do so unless we actually abandon capitalism.

            >they only pop up toward a civilizations decadent period because it is a period when individuals can totally self-absorb and atomize amongst ourselves while indulging in pornography which corrupts our sense of sexuality from a young age.
            They have literally never popped up towards the end of a civilization. Like much of right wing thinking, that is a bad misunderstanding of history.

            > There is no threat of invaders. There are no barbarians at the gates.
            Anon, the fall of every civilization was marked by a increase of both of those phenomenon. Rome was at it's height during the time when there was no real threat, it collapsed when there was. The same is true for any empire, and it will be for the UK.

            >they know they are denying their own human nature.
            Human nature is the discussion. The root is the enemy of humanity.

            • 11 months ago

              Literally stopped reading at the prospect of a democratically elected human nature lol

            • 11 months ago

              >Yes, they have. Not just democratically, but in general. It has since the neoliberal turn, and it will continue to do so unless we actually abandon capitalism.
              >They have literally never popped up towards the end of a civilization. Like much of right wing thinking, that is a bad misunderstanding of history.

              • 11 months ago


                Your inability to actually post a valid counterargument not only shows that I am correct. But also reveals your lack of humanity. You are not a human being.

              • 11 months ago

                >Your inability to actually post a valid counterargument not only shows that I am correct. But also reveals your lack of humanity. You are not a human being.

              • 11 months ago

                >dehumanizing those you disagree with

              • 11 months ago

                They dehumanized themselves.

                >other people experience it as well.
                Like the fact you're not a woman.

                Yes, exactly. They see that I am not, in a biological and material sense, a woman. Therefore, I am factually not.

                >Your inability to actually post a valid counterargument not only shows that I am correct
                non sequitur
                also, you never made an argument, just baseless assertions

                Learn English before you use big words.

                My argument is that scientific truths disprove the existence of the bible. When it claims that all humans are decended from Adam and Eve, I can point out that DNA research has shown that to be false. When the bible claims that the world was flooded and only those in Noah's arc survived, I can show such a event never happened. When it claims that language did not exist before the tower of Babylon, I can show that language existed long before when the story of Babylon as supposed to take place.

              • 11 months ago

                >Learn English before you use big words.
                what "big words" do you have trouble with?

              • 11 months ago

                You seem to have a issue using non sequitur.

                >No. They are experienced by understanding the facts we can find.
                >Literally your entire argument comes down to "Yeah, but how do you know reality exists?". Which, if it doesn't, would rather defeat the whole purpose. Nothing is memetic if you are the only actual person in a entirely fake universe.

                No my argument is this. Everything is a memetic experience. Gender is like all the rest of it. Gender is a collection of behaviors that may or may not be arbitrary and may or may not be biologically determined. You cannot see their cause you can only experience the meme just like the jump. The jump itself exists only as a memetic social construct just like gender. You cannot support he assumption that gender is not caused by biology. And assuming so is a religious edict. A piece of received knowledge that does not make logical sense. You cant separate sex and gender. Gender cannot be proved to be arbitrary.

                >Everything is a memetic experience.
                No. Everything is experienced from your perspective. Material acts can still be proven simply by having everybody compare their own idea of perception. To deny that would mean disqualifying the very notion of reality existing.

                >You cannot see their cause you can only experience the meme just like the jump.
                But I do understand the source of the jump. Not simply the act, but the very rules of the universe that makes it possible. To deny them would mean denying reality as it exists. Which, again, you can totally do if you are ready to take that to it's logical conclusion. Which is probably a one way trip to a insane asylum.

                >You cannot support he assumption that gender is not caused by biology
                Yes, I can. Because it's a memetic concept. There is no actual root in material reality.

                >I can point out that DNA research has shown that to be false
                that’s just the scientists’ truth. they don’t speak for everyone. no one can. we all have our own truths. this is why diversity is our strength

                >we all have our own truths
                No. You have a lie you tell yourself. That is why you need to be wiped out. You have no truth, there is only one truth, and you deny it.

              • 11 months ago

                >You seem to have a issue using non sequitur.
                I don't.
                >there is only one truth
                Correct. The truth that you're not a woman.

              • 11 months ago

                >it's a memetic concept
                False. It's a biological concept.
                >There is no actual root in material reality.
                False. Biology is material reality.

              • 11 months ago

                >there is only one truth
                nope. everything is subjective. for example, LGBTQ people have their own truth that is different from (and more important than, of course) straight people because of different lived experiences

              • 11 months ago

                >everything is subjective
                Completely incorrect. Of course there are objective truths. This is just woke moronation

              • 11 months ago

                >Material acts can still be proven simply by having everybody compare their own idea of perception

                This is just a socially constructed meme that you have decided is different from the other socially constructed meme biology. You have no logic that proves this however. The fact that something is a socially constructed meme does not prove that it is or is not caused by something objective and concrete. It also does not prove that thing is arbitrary and infinitely malleable. Gender has not been proven to be separate from sex at all and second it has not been proven to be arbitrary. You cannot assume that the gender rolls can be changed or removed and you have not proven they are anything more then the affect of biological sex. Calling gender a socially constructed meme means nothing because everything starts a meme and turns into a socially constructed meme the moment you interact with someone else.

                >But I do understand the source of the jump. Not simply the act, but the very rules of the universe that makes it possible. To deny them would mean denying reality as it exists. Which, again, you can totally do if you are ready to take that to it's logical conclusion. Which is probably a one way trip to a insane asylum.

                Once again you only experience the meme. The simulation built in your own head to reflect your experience. You only exist in the story you tell yourself constantly. The jump is an act in the story but its only a meme and can never be known deeper than that. Just like gender. You cannot assume gender is arbitrary or separate from the physical aspect (biology) that we think causes it.

                >Yes, I can. Because it's a memetic concept. There is no actual root in material reality.
                Nothing has a root outside of your experience. Gender roles are no more arbitrary be default than any other meme like jumping. This idea that there is a special set of memes isnt proven. The idea that gender is separate from sex is unproven.

              • 11 months ago

                >Nothing has a root outside of your experience
                If you assume that logic then everything is false and there is no reality.

                >Gender roles are no more arbitrary be default than any other meme like jumping.
                Incorrect. The fact that people are capable of questioning the former but not the latter shows as much.

              • 11 months ago

                >If you assume that logic then everything is false and there is no reality.

                No there may be a reality and you certainly cannot assume that gender is separate from sex.

              • 11 months ago

                >Incorrect. The fact that people are capable of questioning the former but not the latter shows as much.

                This is the perfect thing to talk about. People can question the concept of jumping just like Gender. You might assume for instance that the falling after a jump is arbitrary and attempt to live as if it does not exist. Now that might go badly for you. Maybe youll fall flat on your face. When you question the concept of a socially constructed meme like jumping reality might reward you with terrible consequences.

                Now how is questioning gender different? You have made an assumption that there is a thing called gender that it is separate from sex. That there is a thing called gender roles. And that they are arbitrary. Now what happens if those gender roles are there for a good reason. Perhaps trying to forcibly change the roles society has prospered under for who knows how long is going to reward us with terrible consequences. In fact those people who think you are wrong to try and change them not just for yourself but force the change on others believe you are going to create terrible consequences.

                This in the end will be just like questioning jumping. And you cant prove them wrong. So far the rewards dont look good.

              • 11 months ago

                >People can question the concept of jumping
                No. They cannot. The physical act of moving through space is beyond discussion. Much like death is largely beyond discussion.

                >You might assume for instance that the falling after a jump is arbitrary and attempt to live as if it does not exist
                Which would be denying reality using memes. In other words: A mental illness or sign of low intelligence.

                >Now how is questioning gender different?
                Gender is a memetic concept. Jumping is not.

                >You have made an assumption that there is a thing called gender that it is separate from sex
                You see, this is the issue I have with this entire argument. You people genuinly don't understand anything I say because you are too low intelligence.

                Let me state this clearly: I do not think there is a thing called gender. I believe there is a idea of gender that is a purely memetic concept. Since it is a memetic concept, it has to be destroyed. Not because I dislike it, not because I think it's harmful, but because it is a concept that is not real people believe in. Anything, ANYTHING, that is a subjective memetic idea has to be destroyed to make room for reality. There is no exception.

                > Now what happens if those gender roles are there for a good reason.
                I do not care. All memes must and will be destroyed. If people suffer as a result, that is not a issue for me. Those people have no place in society and should be removed.

              • 11 months ago

                >Let me state this clearly: I do not think there is a thing called gender. I believe there is a idea of gender that is a purely memetic concept. Since it is a memetic concept, it has to be destroyed. Not because I dislike it, not because I think it's harmful, but because it is a concept that is not real people believe in. Anything, ANYTHING, that is a subjective memetic idea has to be destroyed to make room for reality. There is no exception.

                But everything is a meme. There is nothing that is a meme because we only interact with concepts in our heads. Only through memes can we touch the thing we think is objective reality. You from our perspective look just like the crazy moron who would question jumping. You are trying to pretend that gender roles do not exist for good reason and the only difference between you and the crazy moron questioning jumping is that the consequences have not fallen on you as quickly. The assumption that gender is arbitrary is only that an assumption and you have proven nothing of the sort.

                >I do not care. All memes must and will be destroyed. If people suffer as a result, that is not a issue for me. Those people have no place in society and should be removed.

                Right so you are just a demon then. And we should destroy you with all force as soon as possibly before you destroy others. You should be oppressed with all the powers of society into order to stop your abuse of others. Basically this is a confirmation of what I think a true leftist is.

              • 11 months ago

                >But everything is a meme.
                Nope. Accepting that means you have to deny all of reality. which I do not.

                > Only through memes can we touch the thing we think is objective reality.
                No. Memes get in the way of touching objective reality. When you clear yourself of all bias and see things based simply on facts and logic, that is what it means to rid yourself of memes.

                >The assumption that gender is arbitrary is only that an assumption and you have proven nothing of the sort.
                It's a fact based simply on the fact that it has no bearing in reality and is highly subjective among human cultures.

                >Right so you are just a demon then.
                No. I exist. Demons do not.

                >Basically this is a confirmation of what I think a true leftist is.
                I actually don't think most leftists have reached my level. Most of them are still trying to replace religion with communism. I am beyond that, I believe there is no point in that. Religion has to be destroyed and the consequences have to be felt. Once that is done, we can build a actual worthwhile society

              • 11 months ago

                >I can point out that DNA research has shown that to be false
                that’s just the scientists’ truth. they don’t speak for everyone. no one can. we all have our own truths. this is why diversity is our strength

              • 11 months ago

                >My argument is that scientific truths disprove the existence of the bible.
                That's not an argument. That's called a claim.

              • 11 months ago

                >Your inability to actually post a valid counterargument not only shows that I am correct
                non sequitur
                also, you never made an argument, just baseless assertions

    • 11 months ago

      everyone knows this difference but the alphabet crowd. the problem is conflating the importance of gender to be equal to the importance of sex. you might as well identify as yourselves by your favorite flavors of soda

    • 11 months ago

      So gender and race are social constructs, but why being trans for one is bad while the the other is seen as beautiful and empowering?

    • 11 months ago

      >All the seething /misc/tards replying to this
      Lmao. Never change dumbfricks, enjoy being on the wrong side of history

      • 11 months ago

        >troony freak coping
        Lmao. Keep applying the foundation on the 5o'clock shadow, everyone definitely thinks you're passing.

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      The question "Does he know" implies thought.

    • 11 months ago

      Hey Anon, what's a transsexual?

    • 11 months ago

      Gender was the euphemism for sex until Tumblr came out

    • 11 months ago

      one exists and the other is made up?

    • 11 months ago

      Literally is no difference. Some israelite coined "gender" because "sex" was problematic to feminists (who also coincidentally happened to be israelites). Then it gradually was ~~*redefined*~~ the same way all words are now.

    • 11 months ago

      >be incel shut in
      >chop off genitalia
      >suddenly a master of sex and womens
      Lmao xD ummm sweaty it doesn’t work like that

    • 11 months ago

      why would he when they’re the same thing

    • 11 months ago

      I don't understand but get trans people wanting to be the opposite gender, in america you should be allowed to do whatever you want that's the whole point of this country, but to claim you ARE a woman or man and not just a can't expect people to accept that.

    • 11 months ago

      do you? gender doesnt exist, its a make-believe concept invented by morons who dont understand science, >>>you are your biological sex assigned at birth<<<, if you have both genitals, or female-oriented organs in a male body with male genitalia etc, or some other breed of hermaphrodite, you are a freak/abomination that would have been thrown off the cliff by spartans and your experience is largely irrelevant.

      You dont let anorexic women starve themselves to "look prettier and not be fat", you're not supposed to let fat kids eat more mcdonalds because it makes them "happy" etc. At a fundamental level, its almost never a good idea for anyone to enable someone with a mental illness or disorder trying to impose a false reality, a delusion, onto other people, the entire transgender movement is a disgrace, full of bad faith arguments, anti-science rhetoric, emotional abuse and predators waltzing around behind troony shields with impunity.

    • 11 months ago

      Do you?
      Just kidding it's a trick question, the answer is that there isn't a difference.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Matt Walsh it's not even a man to being with.

  2. 11 months ago

    The movie would be 1000x more effective if they cut everything except
    >the interview with the woman’s studies professor
    He exposed the total circle jerk that modern day higher education has become. This segment was important not so much because of woman’s studies specifically, but because his logic is basically how all higher academia is taught these days. IE, nothing is real, everything is subjective
    >the interview with the lady that does trans surgeries on kids
    This was literally just a doctor that supports transing children, which nobody with a brain agrees with
    >the interview with the female athletes
    Good at tugging on the heartstrings. Personally I love watching troons decimate women I think it’s funny and I don’t like sports anyway, but that shit appeals to the normies
    >the dad that got in trouble for calling his child whatever their birth gender was
    Dystopian bullshit that everyone disagrees with

    Take those four segments and make them like 4 15 minute YouTube vids for everyone to see. Everything else was superfluous nonsense or like you said a hit piece against specific people

    • 11 months ago

      Was the women’s studies professor the short haired lady or are you confusing it with the gender studies professor? Or am I confusing them?
      Because in the interview with the male professor with glasses, Walsh looks really weak in that interview because he cuts the guys answer out when he asks if sex and gender are different, and we don’t get to hear his explanation, even though that question is more important than asking what a woman is and will determine the answer to the latter.
      It’s easy to argue trans men are women and trans women are men when you assume sex and gender are the same, as this movies narrative does.

    • 11 months ago

      yep, most of these movies mix in some dumb humor for redditors to lick up which devalues the premise of the whole thing. focus on the facts and leave the quips to Hollywood please

    • 11 months ago

      >let me countersignal in a moronic way so I can feel superior

    • 11 months ago

      >nothing is real, everything is subjective
      Anon, all social studies ARE subjective. It's all memetic, therefore subjective.

      The best argument you can make is that all non hard sciences are inherently flawed. Which, yes, I would mostly agree with actually.

      • 11 months ago

        No. There is objectivity.
        For instance;
        Raping a child is morally and objectively wrong. We know this because if a child is raped, it disproportionately causes negative effects on their mentality and their well being by every scientific metric.
        So if you can agree that a child being raped is objectively wrong, you’re forced to concede that there is such thing as an objective morality.there is now “flawed science” behind raping children. It is reprehensible and objectively evil

        • 11 months ago

          >Raping a child is morally and objectively wrong
          Anon, you have thousands of people that openly support child rape in the form of child brides. None of this is objective, no matter how obvious.

          >So if you can agree that a child being raped is objectively wrong
          I can't. I think it's morally abhorrent, but that's MY morality. Animals rape young all the time. Nature doesn't give a frick.

          • 11 months ago

            >I can't. I think it's morally abhorrent, but that's MY morality. Animals rape young all the time. Nature doesn't give a frick
            I’m honestly flabbergasted that you had the gall to type something so utterly asinine that I had to mentally debate myself 1000x as to whether or not I even want to respond because for you to say that “you can’t say raping children is objectively wrong,” means that you’re so far fricking gone that nothing will get through to you. In fact i decided I’m not even going to bother offering a rebuttal, just sit with yourself a minute dude. That’s really just fricking sick
            Your argument essentially boils down to “animals do whatever, we are animals, so we should do whatever”

            • 11 months ago

              >“animals do whatever, we are animals,"
              Yes, to a certain extent we are animals. Any value we have above animals is wholly obtained through our ability to reach for higher morality. However, that same feature also comes with the simple fact that any conclusion we reach and follow will always be subjective. To be beyond a animal means accepting that your choices are choices. Objective morality is for the unthinking. A penguin that rapes a child has a eternal unthinking morality.

    • 11 months ago

      You say this and yet some of the only moments that anyone remembers from the doc are matt talking to African people about gender identity. But yeah, you who has never made a thing creatively in your life surely knows better. You’re basically the nostalgia critic if people you kno

  3. 11 months ago

    trannies are women because I like to frick trannies, but I'm not gay. problem solved.

    If you don't like a cute trap with a feminine penis, you might be gay

    • 11 months ago

      i got news for you. that makes ya gay

    • 11 months ago

      alright hit them same homies up when they 40 and look like your dad

    • 11 months ago

      I, too, browse /b/, gayg0t

  4. 11 months ago

    Matt Walsh is FtM.

  5. 11 months ago

    It's the most viewed documentary of all time and completely btfo all libcucks forever. You're just angry you got so frickign pwnd you leftypol scumbucket!

  6. 11 months ago

    >involving yourself in any way in identity politics
    have a nice day.

    • 11 months ago

      rolling sirs

    • 11 months ago

      >just bury your head in the sand and let them roll over you dude lol

    • 11 months ago

      roll buddy

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I roll for name, sirs

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      redee- I mean rolling

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      good morning rollsirs

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      rolling sirss

    • 11 months ago

      GOOD morning

  7. 11 months ago

    >dude what if we riled up goys about abortion and cross dressing so they stop focusing on foreigners invading their country and us stealing their money while we avoid all our taxes lmao

    • 11 months ago

      Billionaires (the vast majority of which are not israelites) are ruing the world. Make sure you ignore them to obsess about israelites and black people!

      • 11 months ago

        Black people are pawns for billionaires and it's justified to obsess over both of them. What is the reason that most American cities are 50% no-go zone? And who makes money from that?

        I'll be as mad at blacks and billionaires as I damn well please. But go ahead take wieners up the ass for the revolution and ignore the people who are the reason the USA can't have vending machines without cages, comrade.

        • 11 months ago

          You got triggered and rushed to the defense of billionaires. Cringe bra

          • 11 months ago

            >You got triggered and rushed to the defense of billionaires
            Did you even read my post, moron?

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah, you used your israeli distraction technique to rush to the defense of billionaires and had a meltdown about black people. god forbid you focus to hating billionaires.

              • 11 months ago

                No I fricking didn't, I said I hate blacks and billionaires and I hate most white people and foreigners too. I hate all of you fricking idiots. This country's done and you're the one using a distraction technique by completely fabricating and argument for me.

          • 11 months ago

            Billionaires are currently funding DAs who refuse to prosecute disproportionately black criminals, what are leftists saying about this?

      • 11 months ago

        >2% of the pop
        >40% of all billionaires
        Such privilege to look White while also having the ability to morph into one of the most oppressed minorities of all time.

      • 11 months ago

        Why then are israelites so sensetive if they have nothing to hide? I can make a movie called "Crazy Rich Asians" but I cant say out loud "Jews love money" and any connection I make from their is schizo wrong think. People like you cant explain that, pretend this isnt factual reality, and then go on to mock people who bring this up. So what are YOU hiding?

      • 11 months ago

        hello disinfo shill, have a nice day, get a real job, either or, the richest men on earth do not appear on Forbes richest list and you're a brainlet to even pretend that list is worth reading.

    • 11 months ago

      What a load of bad faith garbage
      Chemically castrating children is being normalized and you think the only reason someone would be concerned about that is because the israelites are distracting us from taxes.

    • 11 months ago

      If the culture war doesn't matter, why doesn't the left ever make culture war concessions to team up with the chuds against the billionaires?

    • 11 months ago

      >you can’t be against LGBTQIA2PBBQ propaganda in schools and also think our border is lacking and needs to be enforced

      • 11 months ago

        Just saying one's way more important than the other. LGBTQ BS means that boys raised by single moms get their dicks chopped off, which is bad but it's a symptom of a greater problem. Open borders are free votes for people who support chopping dicks off which further entrenches their power. Just saying these issues aren't all independent.

    • 11 months ago

      It's possible to be mad about more than one thing at a time Anon. Did you think this was a clever comment?

    • 11 months ago

      >so they stop focusing on foreigners invading their country
      Why is that a issue?

      I don't want to work in a computer store. Nor do I want my friends to work in a computer store.

  8. 11 months ago

    I always think this is that actor from Silicon Valley. This dude fricked up his image. Poor guy probably had to change his facial hair.

  9. 11 months ago

    I think the own is in the fact that an otherwise regular, not especially bright guy can ask a very basic question that "the experts" clearly don't have an answer for that is legally permissible under the current regime.

  10. 11 months ago

    >the truth is cruel

  11. 11 months ago

    >basedjak on the cover
    I don't know what it is, and I don't want to know

  12. 11 months ago

    Damn. How long is this movie going to torment trannies and live in leftists heads rent free?

    • 11 months ago

      forever. one simple question completely breaks their whole ideology

  13. 11 months ago

    >this really wasn't the own they thought it would be
    The fact that it still makes people seethe and makes people like you try to post here and discredit it means it was, in fact, the own it was supposed to be.

  14. 11 months ago

    women is a trip, uncle funkle

  15. 11 months ago

    I refuse to watch this because Matt Walsh looks like the biggest stuck-up homosexual

  16. 11 months ago

    I'm so sick and tired of this troony talk already it feels old now...i just don't know why everybody hasn't already agreed on removing this shit from society already, just how fricking long and drawn out does everything have to be? When are people going to get balls again?

  17. 11 months ago

    I don't think it really had an impact other than just entertaining people who hate trannies. Not like his message is wrong, it's just most people know the answer to this. It's only the people having a big internet fight who actually care.

  18. 11 months ago

    Friendly reminder that no straight man will ever love or accept a troony freak as a woman. No biologic female will ever be okay with sharing a bathroom with a man in a skirt or having a man compete in women's sports.

    Normal people see you as disgusting freaks. Yes, every single time you are out in public 99% of people are repulsed by you and are laughing at you.

  19. 11 months ago

    Why can't I find a reasonable sounding side in this debate?

    • 11 months ago

      Because the movie is garbage. It doesn't actually make the trans skeptic side look legitimate or rational, he just does the typical american strategy of trying to pull gotcha arguments out of his ass while doing a smugjak expression.
      If he really wanted to prove his arguments validity he should have interviewed doctors who are against gender reassignment surgery, way more detransitioners, exposed how expensive the industry is and how it actually profits from its own mistakes by requiring repeat visits, which actually creates and incentive for these "doctors" to perform subpar surgery while speaking to trans people who have thus been financially ruined because of it.
      Instead he went from one mentally ill freak to the other with a WOW HOW WEEEIRD when in reality these people shouldn't be paraded on camera and should be medically incarcerated for their own good.

      • 11 months ago

        he literally did all the things you said he should have done

  20. 11 months ago

    the ending was so egregious,
    >teehee i can't open this pickle jar! can you open it for me you big strong man you!

  21. 11 months ago

    It was a solid stab at the complete bullshit the left pushes. It also forced left wing insanity into the overtone window and got a bunch of women on side.

  22. 11 months ago

    >this really wasn't the own they thought it would be
    >it was nothing but a cruel hit-piece

    They huh?
    Okay, whatever you say
    Unfortunately you'll still never be a real woman no matter how many kids you try to mutilate or groom.

  23. 11 months ago

    What is a woman anon?

  24. 11 months ago

    Why do people keep posting these deranged basedjack images? To me they are an instant sign that I should dismiss your post.

  25. 11 months ago

    Imagine still posting fedoras in 2023 lol

    • 11 months ago

      yeah fedoraposting is embarrassing, like it's 2006 reddit or something
      what happened to those guys anyway? did most of them troon out?

      • 11 months ago

        most of them are woke now. a lot of them probably trooned out. a lot of them started trooning out before it was fashionable.

        • 11 months ago

          I think its the obsessive quality of males that led them to tech in the first place. They fell into a troon hole of info about them and got obsessed with it to the point where they turned themselves into it.

          >No it means your only experience of a jump is a meme in your head
          No, because other people experience it as well. The same rules guiding your ability to jump are also the same rules that power the technology you use. All of that is perfectly consistent.

          >No, because other people experience it as well. The same rules guiding your ability to jump are also the same rules that power the technology you use. All of that is perfectly consistent.

          No other people may experience the same jump you performed or may not. They also are only working with memes in their head just like gender. The concept of the jump is socially constructed as you proved by trying to use the perspective of others to prove its real. In the end its all 100% memes you don't even know if the other people are real.

          • 11 months ago

            >No other people may experience the same jump you performed or may not
            Yes, they do. That is how a consistent reality work. Your argument only works is you assume that you are the only actual person and everybody else is a totally fake puppet. In which case, nothing is memetic because nothing besides your own mind is real.

            >The concept of the jump is socially constructed as you proved by trying to use the perspective of others to prove its real
            No. It's a fact rooted in material reality proven by perception from others. Like I said, literally the only way you could disprove it is to deny reality itself. At which point it ceases to be memetic anyway.

            • 11 months ago

              Your perception and their perception can be wrong. It might be fake it might be misinterpreted. Its only a meme and the moment you lean on the opinion of others to make it its socially constructed. The other people might be fake or they might be real and just wrong or maybe real and giving you a good opinion but the info they receive is fake.

              In the end it can only be memes all the way down cause nothing is outside of your head.

  26. 11 months ago

    can someone post that troonyjack gif of it necking itself

  27. 11 months ago
  28. 11 months ago

    chuds act like science and biology matters but doesn't matter when talking about their gay religious beliefs

    • 11 months ago

      everyone likes science until it doesn’t align with their views

  29. 11 months ago

    >chuds act like science and biology matters but doesn't matter when talking about their gay religious beliefs

    • 11 months ago

      Trannies are really okay with going outside like this

    • 11 months ago

      >women cant be men, but water can be turned into wine.

      • 11 months ago

        >Women can't be men!
        >Expect Loki transforming into a horse and getting impregnated by a hare.
        >That totally happened.

        • 11 months ago

          >women cant be men
          >water can be turned into wine.
          God can turn water into wine.

          Jonah lived in a whale!!!! HE DID!!!!!! STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!!!

          • 11 months ago

            christian lore is infinitely more compelling than alphabet people lore

      • 11 months ago

        >women cant be men
        >water can be turned into wine.
        God can turn water into wine.

  30. 11 months ago

    Should’ve gotten Klavan or Knowles do to the doc. Walsh is a dysgenic söyboy freak that makes the daily wire and the anti trans movement look bad.

  31. 11 months ago

    Trannies don't live in anybody's head rent free. They kick in the door to your head down and shit on the carpet. They put themselves everywhere until there is nowhere left to enjoy. These people do not leave you or your space alone. If you try to have a discussion without them, they insist on making it about them.
    The entire trans movement is dripping with dishonesty. When you tell me to refer to you as "she/her" you are telling me to see a woman when I look at you. I don't, you are a man. I see your imitation based on what porn ridden men like you find attractive, but more than this I see male aggression. I see the demand to dominate. I see acts of assertion and imperialist reeducation. You demand that I tell you 2+2=5 and when I refuse you become angry, aggressive and seek my removal or destruction. You are bullies who want to assert yourselves over others but have no field in which you're competitive except in social manipulation. You demand female spaces, you demand female aesthetics, you even demand the female label. You have entered into thievery and barbarism. You are dishonest, inauthentic and aggressive. You are not, will never and can never be a woman. You are the aggressor in every space. You are a man and that is how you will die.

  32. 11 months ago

    troony, if that is the most attractive you will ever look, then I don't even want to imagine what you'll look like when you're at your ugliest. You do not pass as an attractive woman or as a woman at all. Even with 50 pounds of make up and plastic surgery and clever lighting tricks, even then you still cannot escape what you really are and what you'll always be. Your femininity quotient has not increased at a rate commensurate with the loss of your masculinity. Instead you are weird and artificial. You are manufactured and lifeless. You are unearthly and eerie. You are like some kind of human deep fake. That's what you are. You are a man deprived of all the best qualities of men, but without any of the best qualities of women. Even your personality is contrived, everything about you is fake, nothing about you rings true, nobody buys the act. You'll never be accepted as a woman by anyone, never, by anyone. Even the people who pretend to accept you as a woman are only pretending, but everyone who looks at you will see something pitiable and bizarre, something utterly unfeminine in every way. You will never be able to actually have the identity that you're trying to appropriate, nor will you ever be able to fully escape the identity that you're fleeing. The best you can hope for is some kind of limbo, the worst of all worlds and yet even in that limbo state you'll still be a man.

  33. 11 months ago

    Libtards are literally mentally ill

  34. 11 months ago

    I dont get it.
    Trannies are allowed to mutilate themselves
    Most people play along with their mental illness and accommodate their weird neologisms
    Was it really too much to ask that they stop diddling kids?
    We’re they just too drunk on power by the time the debate had shifted to whether pedophilia and child trafficking should be tolerated to satisfy their needs?

  35. 11 months ago

    So how badly do you guys think Trump will lose next year?

    • 11 months ago

      I think he'll win and you'll probably cry about it.

      • 11 months ago

        But he lost last time and he's only gotten worse since then

        • 11 months ago

          >he's only gotten worse

          • 11 months ago

            After Trump lost in 2020 he fomented an insurrection, stole classified documents, and got indicted
            He made himself even more toxic than he was when he lost to Biden the first time around

            • 11 months ago

              >After Trump lost in 2020 he fomented an insurrection, stole classified documents, and got indicted
              He made himself even more toxic than he was when he lost to Biden the first time around

              • 11 months ago

                Oh and of course, Republican voters also became more insane and fewer in number

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              >he fomented an insurrection
              You're brainwashed by CNN.
              >stole classified documents
              You're confusing him with Biden.

            • 11 months ago

              >he fomented an insurrection
              It was a riot the Dems used as a Reichstag fire event complete with show trials shown on prime time television.
              >stole classified documents
              He did what every president has done but the Dems have weaponized the justice department in order to prosecute him.
              >got indicted
              See previous point.
              >He made himself even more toxic than he was when he lost to Biden the first time around
              Biden's massive unpopularity combined with the bullshit above (that only appeals to fellow travellors who already hated him) has made him more likely to win in 2024. I say this as someone who isn't a Trump supporter (eventhough that will be still be your reaction to anyone who describes reality).

    • 11 months ago

      depends how well organised the dems are at stealing the 2024 election, i mean, he'll win the nomination easily, he'll win the vast majority of americans walking into the voting booth with ease, but will he actually be allowed to be president? like Assange said before he got whacked by the fbi in 2016, Trump wont be "allowed" to win.

      Also nice cringe attempt to move the goalposts and distract from an argument you've lost 200x over. troony.

      • 11 months ago

        >he'll win the nomination easily
        >he'll win the vast majority of americans walking into the voting booth with ease
        False, he's going to lose that by an even bigger margin than last time

        • 11 months ago

          man you must be on some really nasty big pharma SSRIs to be this deluded, whats your medication regime? how many pills a day you take? 5+? I mean, just because you're fully invested in your own deluded parody of reality, doesn't mean i have to pretend you are anything but a moronic shill. American elections are about as legitimate as north korean or russian ones, cope and seethe NPC.

          • 11 months ago

            Trump lost
            Trump is going to lose even harder next time
            2028 isn't looking good either

            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Trump lost
                Trump is going to lose even harder next time
                The GOP is collapsing

              • 11 months ago


                Very little sympathy for israelite lovers.

              • 11 months ago

                Unfortunately they're your best chance for your views to reach the mainstream so if they collapse then you're kinda fricked

  36. 11 months ago

    >the bunkercel's still going
    leftism really is a mental disease

  37. 11 months ago

    >ruin every online space and make up a frickheug portion of moderators online
    >invade and infest spaces for women and lesbians
    >frick over female athletes
    >groom impressionable children online
    >screech about how your being genocided every time somebody mildly criticizes you
    >throw the most autistic vidya shitfit ever, harass actual women to tears and drive one off the internet in addition to making a literal watchlist for anyone who wanted to play a generic asscreed game with a HP skin all because a british lady (who is literally hitler guise) slightly disagreed with you one time
    >still have the fricking gall to reee about muh trans genocide
    I'm glad even the lgb are turning against these freaks, everything Walsh said was right btw.

  38. 11 months ago

    It was an honest question.

  39. 11 months ago

    What is a woman?

    a. Biology - An adult female human being.
    b. Gender - A subjective label that can be defined by anything.

    • 11 months ago

      >Gender - A subjective label that can be defined by anything.
      So it has no definition, so it's nothing. So Gender is a pointless word.

    • 11 months ago

      that's the problem, a label that can be used on anything defeats the purpose of being a label in the first place

  40. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >three mandatory daily dilations
      do they really? lmao

  41. 11 months ago

    Is this the thread were we pretend to be demonrats and bait people for (you)'s?

    • 11 months ago

      Sadly not
      Leftards (mostly from leftypol) really are this insane

  42. 11 months ago

    Leftists suffer from having an inferiority complex, and they want to make it everyone else's problem.

    • 11 months ago

      No. We are simply superior and want society to be as such accordingly.

      >I am not.
      You have to be.
      >You cannot argue that I am incorrect
      Sure I can. I can even prove you're incorrect but if you're either a troll or a moron so doing so will likely be pointless.
      >mostly because you are too stupid to understand quantum physics.
      I've actually studied physics in university. Did you read a popsci book or something?

      >You have to be.
      Intellectual laziness.

      >Sure I can
      Nope, you cannot.

      >I've actually studied physics in university.
      I'm sure you got flung out after a week.

      Incorrect. See

      Religious people refuse to get diagnosed and therefore the idea that they are less prone to mental illness or depression is inherently flawed.

      • 11 months ago

        An enemy that numbers time in millennia with a cultural basis that goes back to preliterate man and symbolism rooted in primordial homonids appears!
        >[(You)--Choose your fighter]!
        a) Richard Dawkins: rat-faced evolutionary biologist who popularized the word meme (secret weapon: Scientism; weakness: Kafka)
        b) Sam Harris: midwit who solved the problem of induction (secret weapon: meditiation; weakness: complex thought)
        c) Christopher Hitchens: reformed commie/former gay with great talent for rhetoric (secret weapon: alcoholic snark (aka Hitchslap); weakness: Neoconservatism)
        d) Daniel Dennett: Saturday morning philosopher (secret weapon: midwit empowerment (aka Reddit); weakness: phenomenology)
        >(You) choose: YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN SANTA CLAUS, DO YOU?!
        [Counter attack: nuance. Enemy isn't 4 and is unimpressed you don't believe in Santa. Attack is ineffective.]
        >(You) choose: WHY DON'T YOU WORSHIP ZEUS?!
        [Counter attack: nuance. Even myth is meaningful in a way not reducible to materialism. Attack is ineffective.]
        >(You) choose: SCIENCE THOUGH!
        [Counter attack: nuance. Enemy brings up the history of science and its complex relationship and continuing interplay with religion. Attack is ineffective.]
        >(You) choose: FEDORA TIP!
        [Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
        >(You) choose: NO YOU!
        [Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
        >[(You) have fainted.]

      • 11 months ago

        >We are simply superior
        dare i say it, ubermensch? and right wingers are unfit to live?

      • 11 months ago

        >We are simply superior
        No, you aren't. You don't even believe that. You believe you're inferior garbage, and the only joy you get out of life is manipulating or coercing people into compliance. You're an abomination on society. All you do is cause trouble for others

  43. 11 months ago



  44. 11 months ago


  45. 11 months ago

    Considering the catastrophic meltdown it caused I would say it worked

  46. 11 months ago
  47. 11 months ago

    Honestly, I could see the election going either way at this point. Mostly because either outcome would be really, REALLY fricking funny.

  48. 11 months ago

    I love how even a decade later atheist are still some of the biggest lolcows on the internet

  49. 11 months ago

    >no one is coming for your kids schizo!!! take your meds and have sex!!!

    • 11 months ago

      I have no interest in your kids. I simply want you exterminated.

      • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >t. Subhuman troony seething on the internet
        You will never be a woman, you will never achieve any of your deluded goals, you will always be a failure, a freak, a subhuman pile of garbage that should have been thrown in the garbage at birth.

  50. 11 months ago

    Leftists are mentally ill.

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