This show gets erased from history

How is DC as a whole affected?

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  1. 3 months ago

    >Harley Quinn never happens
    >Bruce Timm's awful BatBabs never happens to ruin later BTAS/TNBA
    >no more galvanized Batwank
    >no STAS
    >no Justice League + International
    >no Hawkman gets cucked
    >no John Stewart fanboys
    >no springboard for Glenn Murakami to bastardize the Teen Titans
    >no Teen Titans 2003 means the NTTitans can finally rest in peace
    DC benefits heavily.

    • 3 months ago

      On the subject of Babs, she probably never stops being Oracle, and The Batman probably uses Tim and Steph instead of Dick and Babs.

    • 3 months ago

      >awful BatBabs

      Rent free

  2. 3 months ago

    DC goes bankrupt and will only ever be remembered from the Burton Batman films.

  3. 3 months ago

    They just make a different Batman cartoon with another staff that might be better or worst.

    • 3 months ago

      This, and it'd probably be of the same caliber as the 90's Marvel cartoons that weren't Spider-Man or the X-Menstrators.

    • 3 months ago

      Dunno about that. WB animation is a long and complicated series of total frickups from positions of power.

      Back in the 30s and 40s they were riding high with popular cartoons shown ahead of feature films. They were topical, they were funny, they were accessible. They were practically the adult swim of the 30s. But then the practice declined along with the rise of television and not long after the mob bought WB, Warner Bros Cartoons was shut down to save on costs. The last things they produced were forgotten crap anyway - Merlin the Magic Mouse? Who gives a shit?

      There was some freelance stuff in the 70s but then they started up again in the 80s for real with Friz Freleng (Freleng's own studio was sold to Marvel Comics and became Marvel Productions, which is kind of ominous) and then... they made rerun movies by editing old shorts together, often nonsensically, with new wraparound scenes (which were noticeably lower quality in many cases). This was cheaper than paying to make new animation so they did it until the mid 80s, when they pivoted to new animation based on, mainly, Daffy Duck, because that's what kids love, a duck from forty years ago.

      Anyway at the end of the decade they started putting out Tiny Toons as a co-production with Amblin (which was because Spielberg loves a duck from forty years ago). And on the basis of those being successful they got to do the DC animation, starting with BTAS. They tried feature films but lacked a house style or anything approaching a decent script and had two bombs before Space Jam, then two more bombs (final feature cats Don't Dance (1997) starring Scott Bakula, John Rhys-Davies, René Auberjonois and Don Knotts, because kids love old men singing).

      They just didn't seem to care what was working for other studios or why it was working or have the ability to look at the near to medium term and make reasonable predictions. I don't think Batman would have occurred to them without Spielberg/Tiny Toons.

  4. 3 months ago

    X-Men becomes the superhero cartoon that morons won't shut up about 30 years later

    • 3 months ago

      Anon, we still have those.

  5. 3 months ago

    Whole lot less people shipping Batman with Wonder Woman or Zatanna.

    • 3 months ago

      >Whole lot less people shipping Batman with Wonder Woman or Zatanna.
      Bruce Timm and Paul Dini really were the worst thing to happen to everyone not Batman.

      • 3 months ago

        Timm yes, but Dini was fine, kept his power level in check, and was Timm's tard wrangler until he stepped down from production.

        • 3 months ago

          Dini even married a real life Zatanna magician Misty Lee

          • 3 months ago

            >if you keep your autism under control, your dreams will come true

        • 3 months ago

          >but Dini was fine,
          Dini was the one who wanted BatZat.

          • 3 months ago

            He literally wrote the opposite, dipshit. Unlike Timm he didn't let his preferences bleed over into his work if they were inappropriate to the source material.

            • 3 months ago

              The portrayals of BruceBabs in the DCAU are also the opposite of a positive relationship.

  6. 3 months ago

    They lose the most iconic takes on most of their characters

  7. 3 months ago

    we would get a cartoon based on keaton/val kilmer's batman. it lasts two or three seasons but we're stuck in a post-modern tim burton sort of batman where everything is dark, gritty, but also goofy like the schumauker films. basically everything would be a flash in the pan in terms of looks but it wouldnt get the feel right. there is something magical in BTAS making it look like a retro cartoon. in short when you ignore the original gangster era batman feel of gotham and its villains, you lose a lot of the soul of batman. we would have a cartoon, yet it would be just about the cool movie tie in toys and not celebrating the history of batman. BTAS was that important.

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