This show was an unmitigated pile of shit

This show was an unmitigated pile of shit

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  1. 11 months ago

    1st season was kinda comfy

    • 11 months ago

      yeah i chuckled a bunch. by the second season I wanted to light his mustache on fire with a blow torch.

  2. 11 months ago

    Third season was one of the most pretentiously self indulgent pieces of shit I have ever had the displeasure of watching. It's a misandrist mudslide of dismissal and gaslighting. Fricking hell it's all awful.

    Post below is what someone else said that I felt like saving.


    >genuine human compassion and vulnerability
    That's a fricking lie. It's masquerading as that. But I think this is a good example of female toxicity. It gives you the impression that men are allowed to be vulnerable, open and honest. But they are only allowed to do that if it's ok with women and doesn't inconvenience them in any way. In the first season Roy says he can't control how he feels but because it's feelings of betrayal an anger towards a woman they all just tell him to get over himself. There's other weird fricked up shit too like Rebecca fricking one of the players who's basically her employee. Or that Ted's now ex-wife is dating their couple's therapist. The last two things are acknowledged as potentially being an issue in one line but then brushed off and everyone thinks it's ok. I get that it's ultimately a comedy and I'm enjoying it for the most part but the "wholesome" facade kind of terrifies me.

    • 11 months ago

      It absolutely isn't a wholesome show, it's written by adults with arrested development who use this show as their free version of therapy to cope with their issues.

      >Ted's ex-wife now dating their couple's therapist

      Any other show would've explored this because it makes for good drama, in Ted Lasso though it's too uncomfortable to tackle and makes a woman look bad so it's swept under the rug

    • 11 months ago

      Agreed with everything said there.
      This is pretty much gaslighting for men, under the guise of "fixing toxic masculity".
      The show isn't even about Ted Lasso in the last season.
      As for the men - they're all "problematic". Roy is a rageaholic, Ted is too toxicly positive and hides hidden trauma, the indian with the fricked eye is a traitor and a doormat, etc etc.
      Meanwhile: Keely is pretty much a dumb bawd but is "empowered" every step along the way despite fricking everything in sight without giving a shit, Rebecca essentially fricked an employee and we got the view that "oh poor woman, so torn aww" (this is one of those great, imagine it was the other way around and a volleyball team coach was fricking one of the women) and so on and so forth.
      Men are constantly told to be more "vulnerable" yet when they are in the wrong way they get chastised. Women don't really get corrected in any way.
      Oh yes, not to mention that Rebecca was a complete hystical c**t (she did everything out of spite and vengefulness and barely turned the ship around - by herself mind you - in the last season and not screechingly hating Rupert after STEALING his fricking football club, after being a fricking waitress just because she was cheated on)
      Also this utterly absolutely moronic idea that unskilled people can be better than pros:
      >Ted is a fricking idiot when it comes to football, but BY THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP AND PUSSIFICATION THE TEAM WINS
      >Rebecca is a fricking waitress but she knows how to manage a football club no biggie
      >Keely is a vapid nude model who can barely talk yet she's a marketing mogul
      This show is moronic top to bottom and whoever watched it because it's "wholesome" probably needs a post-it note to remember to breathe.

    • 11 months ago
  3. 11 months ago

    i hope anyone that watched this show gets thrown in a vat of acid

  4. 11 months ago

    Pure Wholesome chungus Redditor shit

    • 11 months ago

      >Men sodomizing themselves and inevitably leading to deadly health issues? Well, I'll be damned that is some real love right heckin there

  5. 11 months ago

    1st season was okay, but seriously over rated by normies during covid because they genuinely killed themselves when they couldn't leave their house.

    Season 2 fell off a cliff though, the football side of the show was completely gone, the conflict between Ted and the general english xenophobia was already resolved in the 1st season, it became a therapy show for childless reddit millenials and wine moms.

    Season 3 failed to acknowledge any of the flaws the 2nd season had and somehow managed to be so bad that even the idiots that happily slurped up the goyslop that was the 2nd season waked up to how saccharine and sappy it's become

    At least it won't sweep the emmies again

    • 11 months ago

      The most recent season doesn't even seem to have a coherent plot, it's just sesame street for adults. With each episode trying to cure men of "toxic masculinity" and telling women they're great no matter what

      • 11 months ago

        This is why the show falls flat for most people.
        They barely leaned into the sports side at all, the team rising up in the league and beating Man City is captivating, instead we get episodes about.....Keely?

    • 11 months ago

      I mostly agree. I didn't like S1 but it was harmless. S2 was bad and S3 is some of the worst TV I've ever seen and I lasted 3ish episodes. Why are they even an hour now? That's super inconvenient for a comedy.

      Funnily enough Mythic Quest had a similar progression, though I think it started better

  6. 11 months ago

    Feels good knowing I quit halfway through season 1. This show is for losers. It's like an SSRI in TV form.

  7. 11 months ago

    ted lasso: well butter my biscuit

  8. 11 months ago

    Why were ((they)) trying to boost this piece of shit so hard before giving up? When it won those awards nobody even knew what the frick it was then it just slid into obscurity again.

  9. 11 months ago

    Of course they couldn't leave football alone and had to use their stupid little show to subvert and deconstruct everything about it through their mentally diseased minds. Frick this show. The fact they added this annoying homosexual into the goyslop game FIFA lol

  10. 11 months ago

    I still maintain that this show has been pumped up unorganically, probably by Apple to give the impression that it is good. I watched the first two episodes of Season 1 on an airplane as I don't have Apple TV and it was horrible from the start. The charactacutures were as if it was 1950 or something and neither the Brits or Lasso had any understanding of each other's culture at all. Something about Lasso being surprised at how much they drank tea in England...stuff like that. No nuance, like maybe being surprised at how the Premier League does not have a playoff system like the Stuff like, "who knew it rained so much in London" and the Brits saying how funny his accent was, like they had never heard an American accent before.

    • 11 months ago

      It's normie bait for people to talk about at the office
      >omg it's so funny remember that one scene
      >yeah totally, see you at lunch

      It's crazy how it become ingrained into normie culture, like even other network's shows like HBO's White Lotus had characters asking each other if they watch Ted Lasso.

      • 11 months ago

        It had all the hallmarks of a show for average people to feel like they are watching something important
        >British culture
        >strong girl boss
        >power of positivity

        Some midwit will come away thinking they learned something meaningful from it and will have their notions accept and congratulated from the radio morning show on the way to work, which will solidify what they are going to say to the other normie cattle. The cycle repeats itself until it even infects the people who produced this propaganized garbage, now they feedback loop their own poop.

        • 11 months ago

          What's hilarious and sad about your post is that you're right but the show isn't about any of those things except 1 (even though it sells itself as what you described)
          >British culture - none, except a Pub with dimwits
          >soccer - what soccer? lol
          >strong girl boss - plenty of those around - unqualified women who ACE jobs they have no experience in
          >power of positivity - only when approved by the girl bosses and woman therapist
          This is really like a woman wrote what she thinks a football club is.

          • 11 months ago

            I've only seen the first episode, thought it'd be about those things lmao

  11. 11 months ago

    It's normie bait for people to talk about at the office
    >omg it's so funny remember that one scene
    >yeah totally, see you at lunch

  12. 11 months ago

    Did this man really deserve 20 minutes of screentime per week for a romance plot on a prestige Apple+ Emmy Award winning drama?

    • 11 months ago

      This was one of the most egregious bits of shit writing for me, they spend so much time on him and still his "redemption arc" is a single scene long and his reconciliation with his father comes out of fricking nowhere

    • 11 months ago

      In fairness to them they succeeded in making one of the most deeply unlikeable characters in television.

    • 11 months ago

      Nate being setup as the manager of the opposing team actually could have been good if the show actually had football in it.

  13. 11 months ago

    Was ok. Not really bad even when 2nd and 3rd season being included.

    People have too high of an expectation for something that wouldve been shown on fx or free aired tv

  14. 11 months ago

    Everything that fricking unfunny piece of shit moron is in is a pile of shit. I hate this homosexual and every "comedian" that was with him in that shitty i want to kill my boss movie.

  15. 11 months ago

    I watched a few minutes of this and it’s hilarious, it’s like Sesame Street for adults. Forced wholesomeness and the messages are delivered like government PSAs. “Just be a DECENT FRICKING PERSON”: the show

  16. 11 months ago

    I hated that hockey players started to follow this shit virtuously for whatever fricking reason.

  17. 11 months ago

    What happened to Jedi Temple?

  18. 11 months ago

    sudekis does this annoying little head bobble after every line. I don't know how anyone can take him seriously after noticing that. Every line
    >head bobble
    >eyebrows raised
    Every time. I can't stand when he shows up in anything.

  19. 11 months ago

    >'ate Jason Sudoku
    >'ate Ryan Reynolds
    >'ate Rob MCelodeon
    >Simple as

  20. 11 months ago

    the thought of footballers in real life calling some paki manlet 'wunderkid' because he made a sub is the only funny thing about this programme.

  21. 11 months ago

    season 1 was good.
    they really jumped the shark on season 2 though.

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