This show was so criminally butchered from production stage until final release.

This show was so criminally butchered from production stage until final release.
We we're treated as illegal aliens when the action cartoon community had the time of the life (AS THEY BEEN DOING SINCE 2010!!!).

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  1. 5 months ago

    i have no idea what you attempted to say but listen

    this show felt like, a lot of other reboots, it was written by people who didn't really watch or like the original show
    most reboots now aren't made by people with a passion and a desire to revive something they loved, but either people who only recall seeing a few clips from the show and remembering what they 'love' incorrectly, like "the animaniacs was a totally political cartoon! i watched like two clips and they agreed with my politics that means the show was political aaaaall the time and everyone back inna day totally loved those parts and didn't consider them a drag even back then, so that little bit is all i'm gona base the show on!"
    or on the other hand, they're made by people who hate and resent the original, going "look, i can do it BETTER, i'm a BETTER person, writer, showrunner and overall creative than those hacks, i wanna take this thing and make it my own!" wherein the thing they love and wanna prove isn't the show, but themselves, using the show as a catalyst

    the numaniacs felt like the former

    • 5 months ago

      >this show felt like, a lot of other reboots, it was written by people who didn't really watch or like the original show
      That's because it was and they were.
      They hand these reboots off to people who were not only not fans but actively hate the shows and think they can do better. They're wrong and they don't do better.
      Ultimately just avoid reboots and re-whatevers. You like Animaniacs, watch the old episodes. The frick you need new ones for.

  2. 5 months ago

    Kind of bullshit this show was just screaming insecurity by season 2 they were acting like season 1 was garbage and this is sooooo much better

    • 5 months ago

      Warner Bros as a whole was a clusterfrick at that time.

  3. 5 months ago

    It felt lifeless in a lot of ways from the few clips I've seen.

  4. 5 months ago

    It's ok, they aren't and never will be the Warners.

  5. 5 months ago

    Steven Spielberg punching air rn

    • 5 months ago

      Spielberg has bigger issues to deal with right now.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          He's on Epstein's list.

          • 5 months ago

            Is he? Also what does this have to do with the video?

            • 5 months ago

              Hold on, did you saw one of those shit fake edits that were being shared around by leftists on twitter? Like the Stephen Hawking thing with the midgets or the one with the creator of Big Mouth?

              • 5 months ago

                Never heard of any of that stuff.

  6. 5 months ago

    isn't Warner Brothers bankrupt now?

    • 5 months ago

      They have alot of debt, but there is talks of merging with Paramount.

  7. 5 months ago

    Slappy is my wife

  8. 5 months ago

    >Animaniacs comes back
    >It's a shitty voregay fujo show that wants to frick dragons when it isn't shitting on the original cast, getting Pinky and the Brain wrong and doing that moronic P&tB/Buttons&Mindy knockoff Starbox.

    • 5 months ago

      >Original team was forced to do a Shenmue series no one asked for and Tower of God (South Korean web comic, no market in Japan, Japan and South Korea hate each other's guts and only agree about exterminating North Korea) when they begged for Animaniacs for years.

    • 5 months ago

      This shit made me realize I really don't want revivals of my favorite shows.

      • 5 months ago

        that's what made you realize it? why would you ever want your favorite show to continue unless you already knew and trusted the team making it? For me, it's king of the hill. I know that mike judge would be coming back, but the fact that hardwick, murphy and petty have all passed away, as well as the fact that they've already publicly said they would either get rid of kahn or recast him, tells me that there's no way this will be as good as the original series, even though the beavis and butthead reboots have all been pretty good.

        • 5 months ago

          most people were impressed with the Duck Tales revival, and often compared this reboot to that. Duck Tales 90s could NOT be revived the way it was made in the 90s and because they had the Duck Tales remaster video game, that served as a more official send off to the original version. If you were feeling nostalgic, play the Duck Tales remaster game, but nuDuck Tales was it's own thing, for better or for worse.

          Numaniacs struggles to be a rivival/reboot, where it wants to be it's own thing but it has to be as close to the 90's series as possible. To make it worse, all the people who worked on the 90's one COULD have returned to give the series a proper send off, but they cheaped out and made an ugly art style that won't hold up over the years.

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