this speech literally broke me

this speech literally broke me

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  1. 6 months ago

    most of those are also applicable to men and the few that aren't are self-inflicted

    • 6 months ago

      fpbp, foids blown out, the short version of this is "i am mildly mentally ill and have self esteem issues"

    • 6 months ago

      wise powerade monke speaks the truth, as is tradition.

  2. 6 months ago

    You don't have to be thin, most women aren't these days, but it's definitely preferred. If you said you wanted to be thin, I think most men would respect that you're open about your goals and working towards them.
    You definitely don't have to have money, that just seems like a place holder. As for asking for money, well it's seen as crass no matter who you are.
    You don't have to be a boss either, again this is another weird one. Nobody wants you to be their boss, they just want you to have some level of decisiveness about your own life and even if you don't have that, most men would probably expect it and even enjoy it.

    I'm not reading the rest because they ran out of steam almost immediately.

  3. 6 months ago

    >you have to be thin but not too thin
    ahh yes maintaining a healthy weight. how oppressive

  4. 6 months ago

    Holy fricking fake problems kek. Imagine having it so easy that those are the things you complain about, that was a tough read. How vapid can one person be

  5. 6 months ago

    There are billions of women, doesn’t seem impossible to me

  6. 6 months ago

    When did you realize women are mildly moronic?

  7. 6 months ago

    >you have to be a boss, but you can't be mean
    >you have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas
    Well, duh. That's Leadership 101, man or woman. No one wants to follow a dickhead who doesn't listen to anyone else.

    • 6 months ago
      Strawberry Shortcake

      I think the moral of the story here is that Greta Gerwig is the most delusional idiot to ever live. She clearly thinks being rude and disrespectful is some kind of empowering thing.

  8. 6 months ago

    this is women complaining about other womens expectations towards women, right? i mean its certainly not men demanding all these things
    for a man its enough if youre not a landwhale and are loving and caring and a good mother
    all else is things women demand of other women or themselves without any reason at all, i guess feminism?

  9. 6 months ago

    Only in America

  10. 6 months ago

    Self imposed rules for people-pleasers.

  11. 6 months ago

    who the frick says that women should never show fear? or to have money?
    I wonder was this written by Greta or her husband? It would make more sense if written by a man because it makes no fricking sense lmaoo

  12. 6 months ago

    >what was once a "holy shit Katy Perry is so out of touch and mentally immature" meme is now "oh my god us women have it so hard" manifesto

    • 6 months ago
      Strawberry Shortcake

      I hope she’s doing well though. Hopefully raising her daughter in peace.

  13. 6 months ago

    this is what seperates a man from a woman. Woman seeks approval and acceptance from everyone

    • 6 months ago

      Imagine if the chicken knew this would happen to it after death.

      • 6 months ago

        It would cluck once and continue pecking at the ground like the moron it is.

      • 6 months ago

        Reminds me of that gif of a tree being happy with his tree bros but then he gets turned into a shoebox that ends up some reprobates cum box.

    • 6 months ago

      >doesn't even bother rinsing out the fricking trashcan
      The rest of this doesn't bother me so much since housekeeping sanitizes the shit out of everything, but that's nasty.

      • 6 months ago

        He's fine the oil kills any bacteria/viruses

        • 6 months ago

          It's still gross on general principle.

    • 6 months ago

      >not my problem

  14. 6 months ago

    This is telling me that women are more oppressive to women than men are.

    • 6 months ago

      They are. Men are so naturally nice to women that across the globe men volunteered to do all of the hard work and bring all the fruits of his labors home to the women and all the women had to do was maintain a healthy body, a clean home, and fulfil her natural duties as a mother, all things she should already want to do for herself anyway just to maintain survival. This was how good women had it until they started listening to other women, now they have to work jobs and take a wienertail of different chemicals every day just to keep from going crazy now that a bunch of insufferable ugly broads who couldn't get husbands convinced the rest of the women in the world to be like them and deny their own femininity.

  15. 6 months ago

    Literally the only thing that isn't true for men also is having to stay pretty but not too pretty that you threaten other women because you're part of the sisterhood. and that limitation seems imposed by other women.

  16. 6 months ago

    >despite claims to the contrary, Insufferable c**t Barbie went on to be the lowest selling toy in Mattel’s lineup.

  17. 6 months ago

    >It's literally impossible to be a woman.
    If you were born a man
    >You have to be thin, but not too thin
    correct, it's called being a healthy weight
    >You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin!
    Yes, the two are not mutually exclusive.
    >You have to have money
    Yes, that's how the world works, unfortunately.
    >but you can't ask or money, because that's crass
    Yes. It's called earning something, it's a foreign concept to most women, which is why nobody respects women, including other women.
    >You have to be a boss
    No you do not. Women are not and cannot be bosses, you weren't made for leadership.
    >but you can't be mean
    This is exactly why women can't be bosses, being the boss doesn't mean being mean and taking advantage of people, women are literally unable to grasp this concept though, which is why they can never be bosses.
    >You have to lead
    No you do not. At all. Women were never ever meant to lead anything and any man who wants a woman to lead him in anything is a man who is defective and suicidal.
    >But you can't squash other peoples ideas
    Leadership isn't squashing other peoples ideas, again, women are absolutely in no way whatsoever fit for leadership positions of any kind and this speech only serves to prove my point.
    >You're supposed to be a loving mother.
    >But don't talk about your kids all the damn time
    Yes. They're not our kids, we don't care THAT much. If the only thing you ever have to talk about are your kids it's because you're an uninteresting person.
    >You're supposed to stay pretty for men
    >But not so pretty that you tempt them too much
    You're supposed to show that you're an attractive woman with decency and common sense that a man should be interested in investing his life in. After you have a man you no longer have a need to doll yourself up unless you're in his presence. Doing so is inviting more men to pursue you, which kills a relationship

    • 6 months ago

      >or that you threaten other women, because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood.
      There is no such thing as "the sisterhood" women are vain and jealous and have a crabs in a bucket mentality when it comes to other women. Women only invoke "the sisterhood" when it's time to victimize men so they can set the precedent that women should be allowed to abuse men all they want and that's normal and okay.
      >but always stand out and always be grateful
      If you stand out for something positive, that's good. Gratitude is also generally a good thing for your mental wellbeing
      >but never forget that the system is rigged
      In favor of women
      >so find a way to acknowledge that but always be grateful
      I would imagine it's very easy for a woman to be grateful for a system that's rigged in her favor
      >You have to never get old.
      This is perpetuated more by women's vanity than it is by men's sexual desires. Obviously no normal attractive young person wants to frick an old lady but when you're that old you should have already built a family with your husband and have no need for outside sexual affirmation.
      >Never be rude
      Yes. Rudeness is an unattractive trait in both men and women. Don't be rude.
      >Never show off
      We all know when a woman says "show off" she means have her naked body on full display to the public. Never show off unless you're okay being a bawd who gets used and tossed aside.
      >Never be selfish
      Again, a trait that's not attractive in anyone.
      >Never fall down, never fail
      this one is a pretty fair complaint. Our society has become obsessed with punishing failure, ironically though, it's usually women who punish men for failure. Men are usually bailing women out for their inability to produce results.
      >Never show fear
      Idk where this one comes from. Men are the ones who get punished for showing fear, not women.
      >Never get out of line
      This one goes hand in hand with being rude, really.
      >It's too hard
      It's very easy if you just listen to the men in your life.

    • 6 months ago

      >or that you threaten other women, because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood.
      There is no such thing as "the sisterhood" women are vain and jealous and have a crabs in a bucket mentality when it comes to other women. Women only invoke "the sisterhood" when it's time to victimize men so they can set the precedent that women should be allowed to abuse men all they want and that's normal and okay.
      >but always stand out and always be grateful
      If you stand out for something positive, that's good. Gratitude is also generally a good thing for your mental wellbeing
      >but never forget that the system is rigged
      In favor of women
      >so find a way to acknowledge that but always be grateful
      I would imagine it's very easy for a woman to be grateful for a system that's rigged in her favor
      >You have to never get old.
      This is perpetuated more by women's vanity than it is by men's sexual desires. Obviously no normal attractive young person wants to frick an old lady but when you're that old you should have already built a family with your husband and have no need for outside sexual affirmation.
      >Never be rude
      Yes. Rudeness is an unattractive trait in both men and women. Don't be rude.
      >Never show off
      We all know when a woman says "show off" she means have her naked body on full display to the public. Never show off unless you're okay being a bawd who gets used and tossed aside.
      >Never be selfish
      Again, a trait that's not attractive in anyone.
      >Never fall down, never fail
      this one is a pretty fair complaint. Our society has become obsessed with punishing failure, ironically though, it's usually women who punish men for failure. Men are usually bailing women out for their inability to produce results.
      >Never show fear
      Idk where this one comes from. Men are the ones who get punished for showing fear, not women.
      >Never get out of line
      This one goes hand in hand with being rude, really.
      >It's too hard
      It's very easy if you just listen to the men in your life.

      >it's too contradictory
      Only because women have made it so.
      >And no one gives you a medal or says thank you.
      If you need a medal and a thank you just for behaving like a decent woman then you should be locked up, you're a drain on society.
      >And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong but also everything is your fault
      This is indeed true.
      >I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie ourselves into knots so that people will like us
      So stop doing things that aren't working and try listening to someone who knows better than you (pretty much any man in your life) for once.

  18. 6 months ago

    I can't imagine writing a wall of text like this sermonizing on a topic in a narrative. It's terrible writing and literally why show don't tell exists. And this is not a literary work but a film. A fricking VISUAL medium. It's baffling that this is somehow praised irregardless of the content. It is an offensive failed execution of conveyance.

    I'm not opposed to long monologues, but they need to contain internal conflict and dynamism. Compare this literal whine screed preaching from the pulpit of absolute authority to Hamlet's insecurity and contemplation of suicide. Hamlet's mind is not made up. He is not absolutely assured of himself and is wrestling with a real internal conflict in real time. There is growth and development in his character by the end of the monologue. Where is the development and growth here? Nothing has changed and everyone's time is wasted.

  19. 6 months ago

    Women do the opposite of literally everything she says in that speech...

    • 6 months ago

      Katie flashed her breasts @ the Library bar at Ole Miss following the upset to Alabama. Picked 4/5 right, arrived accompanied by Mississippi highway patrol in the Grove, said LSU fans smelled like corn dogs.

      She's a sweet Rebel angel.

  20. 6 months ago

    Glory to our adopted southern queen

    Still the GOAT celeb picker in the history of gameday.

  21. 6 months ago

    Women are mental. Has anyone ever witnessed an argument against one? They will bring up things that are irrelevant to the actual argument being fought. Like the Chewbacca Defense from south park.

    • 6 months ago

      the ones with common sense are all taken

  22. 6 months ago

    Such a woman's speech. No conclusions, just false accusations.

    • 6 months ago

      Only an incel sexist CHUD like you would say such a thing!

  23. 6 months ago

    I genuinely hate women and believe we should replace them with technology.

  24. 6 months ago

    You mean "figuratively broke me", because if it "literally" broke you, then you would be dead, and unable to subject us to this rancid bait. have a nice day, and Merry Christmas!

  25. 6 months ago

    >You have to be thin to be a woman!
    >75% of American women are overweight
    >Average American woman is 5’3 and weighs 170 pounds; one cupcake from obesity.

  26. 6 months ago

    I gave up on women. There's no winning with them. You can't hate them because that's sexist and you can't love them because that's objectifying. If you like women dressing loose you are pig, if you like them dressing modestly you are fetishizing purity. If you want a hot gf you are superficial, if you want a smart one you have an impossible list of demands (Mr beast situation). If you hire escorts you are doing financial rape, if you are against sex work you hate women's freedom. They are never guilty, always enough, never in the wrong. This is universal. All countries, all political sides, all religions, all ages, woke or trad, it's all the same.
    I give up, I'll never feel the touch a woman again.

    • 6 months ago

      I bit dramatic, don't you think? There's good women out there, and I think honestly think the quest to find her is still worth it in our current times

    • 6 months ago


  27. 6 months ago

    The only thing Women need to be attractive to men is a functioning vegana.

  28. 6 months ago

    >you have to be thin but not too thin
    This is women judging women
    >never say you want to be thin
    100% only women judge women for this
    >have to have money
    Only women care
    >but can’t ask for money
    Never heard anyone but parents and divorced men complain about this
    >be a boss but not mean
    Never heard anyone say a woman has to be a boss, from either sex
    >lead but not squash ideas
    Same as above, sounds like delusion
    >love being a mom but stop talking about your kids
    Well yeah? Again the only people complaining here and women who don’t have kids so it’s self afflicted
    The rest of it I cba it either also applies to men or is again delusion that no one cares about

  29. 6 months ago

    Look on the bright side Jimmy, imagine if you were a woman and had to worry about your weight

  30. 6 months ago

    I do not envy all those women who are going to have to get interviewed tomorrow with some thrown together Salvation Army outfit because all their nice dresses are on the seabed with us

  31. 6 months ago

    Frickkkk.... I just saw this crap the other day. I heard about the speech a few times, some saying it was bad, others said it was good. For some reason I didn't expect something as cringe and moronic as the dumbass speech She Hulk gave to Hulk. Shit, I never thought I'd hear anything that was that level of moronic again, but feminazis will be feminazis I guess.

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