>this therapy. >it's a jerkoff

>this therapy
>it's a jerkoff
Tony's most correct statement in the show. Therapy is absolutely fricking useless. I've been to therapy 3 times and it's fricking pointless and overpriced. You basically pay for something a close friend of yours could do for you if you're willing to open up. But most importantly, THEY JUST KEEP MINDFRICKING YOU. Asking and asking and asking questions hoping that you will 'get' it and figure it yourself. No fricking answers. Fricking scam.

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  1. 8 months ago

    But you don't have friends

    • 8 months ago

      I do

    • 8 months ago

      >Don't have any friends
      >Better pay some israelite $300 an hour to whine about it
      What a simple solution.

      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      i'm not running a popularity contest

  2. 8 months ago

    lol sounds like your therapists couldn't handle your level of moronation. you'll need to pay for more specialized help

  3. 8 months ago

    >a close friend of yours could do
    I go weeks without talking to anyone besides a quick hello/thankyou to retail people in stores

    • 8 months ago

      Do you not talk to people you work or live with?

      • 8 months ago

        bold of you to assume he isn’t a neet anon

        • 8 months ago

          yea why I added "or live with" incase

          My parents made me go to a psychiatrist when I threatened to an hero, he just talked to me about regular shit like music and sports and then prescribed me Cymbalta. I eventually stopped taking it cold turkey.

          >parents went straight to psych & pills, not therapy
          i honestly feel bad for you anon but this aint teh place for blog shyt

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not blogging you moronic idiot, I'm giving anecdotal evidence as to the uselessness of therapy.

            • 8 months ago

              Psychiatrists aren't therapists. They're pill dispensers.

  4. 8 months ago

    My parents made me go to a psychiatrist when I threatened to an hero, he just talked to me about regular shit like music and sports and then prescribed me Cymbalta. I eventually stopped taking it cold turkey.

  5. 8 months ago

    I go to a therapist , he seems to help. Parents say I am better

    • 8 months ago

      what was your issue?

      • 8 months ago

        depressed all the time even while working out. Lonely , frustrated at so many things. Kinda dont feel like life is worth living. He suggested I see an escort. That helped bump my confidence oddly enough. The other stuff we are working on

        • 8 months ago

          Your therapist is an absolute moron if he told you to go see an escort. Waste of fricking money. Save your money, get the frick away from western civilization as fast as possible. Learn to connect authentically with people outside this cancerous culture and you will never be depressed again. You feel alone because it's exactly on schedule.

          The real issue is the ever dominant atomized, consumerist driven and brainwashing absolute state of western civilization, zombifying it's population into total submission away from anything natural or authentic anymore, forever stuck to their silver screens addicted to instant gratification. Here's your pills goy, now back to your 2 full time jobs so you can barely make up your living expenses, don't forget to consume whatever flavor of the month your fellow cattle is talking about or the society that has imprisoned you is going to completely destroy you. It's completely normal to feel lonely, depressed, demoralized and detached even if you have a job now. That's the script you never got the memo for. The bottom like is none of you people in the thread understand monetary policy or the means of which you are being controlled and driven into a specific mold, to be exploited and used up by a system that doesn't give a shit about you. If you spent only a fraction becoming financially literate for example, you would stop buying into the consumerist ilussion and break free. Read the history of central banks. Read about the leading banking families in the world, read about the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the federal reserve origins. Just educate yourself about the shitty toilet paper you carry in your wallet and I guarantee you that you will stop being depressed. Almost immediately you start to realize how completely manufactured everything in your society has been tailored for you to become this way. Once you become financially literate you realize that depression is manufactured and consumed.

          • 8 months ago

            jesus bro. just pay some bawd 50 bucks to get your dick sucked instead of shitposting here

            • 8 months ago

              moron don't worry about me I'm currently in pattaya and there's plenty of action here. I am never fricking coming back to the US and if you stay then stay an unconscious slave, you absolute dummy

          • 8 months ago

            >If you spent only a fraction becoming financially literate for example, you would stop buying into the consumerist ilussion and break free. Read the history of central banks. Read about the leading banking families in the world, read about the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the federal reserve origins.

            My full time job doesn't leave time for research, introspection, or even basic self-care 🙁

            • 8 months ago

              There is no quick run down. The financial system is set up against the citizen and house always wins. The only way to win is to not play the casino, so I got out. Take your basic means to "save" money for example. They're all scams. I must have spend more than 46k of my salary on insurance alone just paying additional insurance "bonuses" thinking I'm going to get back great cash value for my car if something happened to it, nevermind life insurance and insurance in general. It's much easier to just get the frick out. If you plan to live in the US you have only 3 choices
              1. Find a financial consultant/advisor specializing in multiple fields and pay him to do this for you
              2. Educate yourself on the history of money. Starting with ancient history and going deep into the origins of the federal reserve. Learn to understand what is debt. Put in A LOT of time into this not just a shitty pdf about how to make your first million or whatever. Learn economics at a harvard level, it's all freely available online. But to be honest my advice would still be to get the frick out.
              3. Save up as much money as you can and either
              A. Find a certified financial analyst and pour 35% of your entire capital into indices, futures market like NQ S&P ES and stay the frick away from gold and everything else. Boomer investing gimmicks do not fricking work, unless you REALLY want to wait 30+ years like a moron.
              B. Get a secondary income based on an actual trade skill and as soon as you know what you're doing, leave the fricking country. As far away as possible from Western Banking influence.
              I did all of these 3 in combination. Also, learn to think for yourself. Develop critical thinking and start learning every day, dedicate at least 2 hours daily to your financial education and for frick sake, never take financial advice from fricking Cinemaphile.

              • 8 months ago

                >never take financial advice from fricking Cinemaphile

            • 8 months ago

              The quick run down is very simple, the wealthiest oil family in the US since the 18th century has imposed and manipulated most of the geopolitical events in the entire world, including world wars and monetary policies which makes up for the financial sectory we all know today with bonds, treasury notes and other scams relevant to the hegemony of the dollar. This very same family is now working in collaboration with the other wealthiest families in the world for a total domination and control of currency within the next decade whereupon you, the average wagie, will have to imprint yourself completely within the system just to buy a can of beer. And if they catch you shitposting on Cinemaphile well then there's nothing stopping them from freezing your bank accounts so you might as well starve for a week until your citizen score gets better. You think this isn't going to be in your lifetime? By 2030, read the WEF reports and Schwab's personal shitposts to every major political leader(puppet).

              Words Words Words

              Not gonna read em lol

              Translation: I am a broke moron. This is the best time in the history of mankind where literal peasants like us have been granted free flow of information to be able to educate and escape complete and utter poverty and the pinnacle of modern zoomie intellectualism is absolutely destroyed by instant gratification and scrolling addiction. Maybe they should start flashing cards with lambos and prostitutes in schools next to financial books so you morons get the picture. In fact that's how social media fake gurus get your attention and scam you of your last dollar.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Only you and those close to you are hurt and destroyed by your own ignorance. Which isn't even your fault but the responsibility of the broken system that bred such indifference. Financial literacy is the responsibility of each and every person in your country, not whatever your life currently is. This is why I left the US, filled with subhumans that can't even read or get a basic education. Your total and complete existence is entirely manufactured, you are not even a real person, not really more like an amoeba inhaling and exhaling without purpose and soon to be, without finances or freedom of any kind.

          • 8 months ago

            Words Words Words

            Not gonna read em lol

  6. 8 months ago

    >If you had a time machine, where would you go?
    >See the dinosaurs
    >How would you stay safe?
    >If we can time travel, I'm sure we can stay safe.

  7. 8 months ago

    That's what therapy is, anon. It teaches you to think for yourself and they stimulate you to get there as such.

    Problem is that normies who don't want to/can't think for themselves use therapy as a crutch to poke them with ideas so they can use that as a springboard to think for themselves.

  8. 8 months ago

    >Use ai the rapist on character.ai
    >Better than real therapist I went to in the past and free


    • 8 months ago

      >ai the rapist

    • 8 months ago

      >ai the rapist


  9. 8 months ago

    I've been in therapy and on meds for just over a decade. I'm still a mess but it has genuinely improved my life and confidence.

  10. 8 months ago

    Psychology is pseudoscience with the exception of behaverism.

    • 8 months ago

      All psychology is behaviorism in a sense. Hilariously, psychology was at its peak in the first generation or two of practitioners. In the modern field, they've formulized and overly systematized the unqualifiable nature of human emotion. They wanted so desperately to be respected as a "real science" and were so afraid of liability that they've delegated their thinking to forums with quantified emotional states. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how depressed are you?" A superficially ridiculous question but one that they base diagnoses on. Psychology has lost its Id and thus has becomes incapable of capturing the full breadth of human experience.

    • 8 months ago

      Behaviourism is moronic as a theory-of-everything for psychology
      A great deal of human psychology is bound up with biology, sensitive periods of development in childhood, and more. Reducing everything down to just reward-&-punishment is plain stupidity
      Imagine unironically believing in the ‘blank slate’ (couldn’t be me lmao)

      • 8 months ago

        It was the discipline that could actually be supported by evidence in the early 20th century anyway. Everything else at that point was literal schizo babble from deranged morons. It probably stayed that way until brain imaging technology became prominent in the 90s and could actually show objective metrics.

  11. 8 months ago

    The trick of therpay is to get you to talk about your self made imaginary problems unitl youre tired of talking about them and then hey presto! youre cured

  12. 8 months ago

    Therapy is for people without loved ones that are willing to be honest and/or people without religion. It's a stopgap for all the shit modern society has shed without regard for the purposes those institutions served. It's a bandaid on a societal cut that will never stop bleeding. Enjoy.

  13. 8 months ago

    Therapy exists because the vast majority of people don't have an inner monologue so they lack the ability to have introspection, such as yourself OP

  14. 8 months ago

    i have always suspected psychologists are just perverts that jerk off to misery

  15. 8 months ago

    Lacan solved therapy (and self-improvement in general) decades ago. People going to therapy have to realize that there really isn't some greater, better experience/person/world out there for them. All their problems will be solved once they admit this, and don't have to expend considerable energy worrying that they're missing out

    • 8 months ago

      Schizotherapy is superior as it doesn't make you feel guilty for desiring to be a Black person from outer space

    • 8 months ago

      Unironically true in my experience

    • 8 months ago

      >this is as good as it gets, goy
      >don't worry about Mr Shekelberg living in a huge mansion with hot women at his feet, you're not missing out LMAO
      >that'll be 500 bucks porfavor 🙂
      Yeah nah, you can keep your ~~*experts*~~

      • 8 months ago

        this but unironically, can't take the mansion with you and sounds like a pain in the ass to manage. I just want to be able to afford a normal functional house, after a certain point wealth has extremely diminishing returns in terms of life satisfaction and seems to pull a lot of people the other way. I don't base my self worth on my possessions, and if you do you are closer to the israelites you are mocking. I agree though that they have made it way harder just to get a fricking house though

  16. 8 months ago

    was it 3 sessions? That's not a lot of time to build a report. you also need to be willing to open up and talk about uncomfortable things. importantly, it's a tool, not a cureall.

  17. 8 months ago

    Cool it with the antisemitism

    • 8 months ago


  18. 8 months ago

    Tony is a psychopath, talk therapy is useless for psychopaths and it potentially makes them worse because it validates them and gives them an outlet for practicing their grifts. They are incapable of self reflection or admitting genuine fault in their actions, a psychotherapist is basically just a neutral ear to help guide you to your own realisations so you might find a new perspective and break negative though patterns. Doesn’t always work but it helps some people.

    • 8 months ago

      shut up, Elliot, you didn't even recognize Tony in the parking lot

    • 8 months ago

      >extremely affectionate to animals
      >loves his daughter

      • 8 months ago

        All of that is covered in the show and explains why despite this he is still an irredeemable psychopath. I suggest you rewatch it.

      • 8 months ago

        Psychos often cant feel empathy for people and overcompensate by being turbogay for animals.
        According to dr. milfi.

        • 8 months ago

          Children are an extension of one's self (from a psychopath's POV) and animals have no ability to defy the psychopath. Melfi reads a study on this in the final season.

          children and animals are 'innocent', that's a typical sociopath mindset

          Bullshit. Psychopaths are as indifferent to the suffering of animals just as much as they are of humans. Chase was just butthurt that people were rooting for Tony so he had to have Melfi spell out how evil he was to the audience and retcon any of Tony's redeeming features to make it fit.

          • 8 months ago

            Psychopaths don't cry unless they're putting on a performance for others
            we see Tony cry many times when no one but the audience is watching

            >well actuly poopypath type 2 lvl 10 doesn-

            literally shut the frick up. insane nerd battle debating made up nonsense, pop psychology is cancer and normal psychology is just more complicated cancer.

            Behaviourism is moronic as a theory-of-everything for psychology
            A great deal of human psychology is bound up with biology, sensitive periods of development in childhood, and more. Reducing everything down to just reward-&-punishment is plain stupidity
            Imagine unironically believing in the ‘blank slate’ (couldn’t be me lmao)

            >yes obviously this made up nonsense is dumb but le trooth is that uhh if like ur mother doesn't hug u at the right age of perception at a certain time as a child it like blocks out your magic empathy which is totally possible and makes sense it's not like understanding and feeling empathy isn't just applying your feelings of self interest/love from others perspectives to feel their pain and thats why all children start less empathetic and its grown no it's totally like something that's just blocked off because uhh bill nye said so and uhh yea ur genes and biology like uhh hardwired chemistry or like when ur age 3 see we're all just like products of these magical fixed periods we can't check because... because well there's probably like studies that prove this for certain or something lol im sure le institution couldnt be completely moronic because they must be these super sophisticated and serious ppl unlike every single profession i've ever seen or been at in my life they're like the official narrative so its true

            It was the discipline that could actually be supported by evidence in the early 20th century anyway. Everything else at that point was literal schizo babble from deranged morons. It probably stayed that way until brain imaging technology became prominent in the 90s and could actually show objective metrics.

            also completely worthless, brain scans change with thoughts and can as easily indicate active usage rather than inherent ability or hardwiring. like when the grinch has small heart that gets big when uses it thats ur brain none of these words reflect reality or the human condition and almost none of modern psychology has any proof it's all explanations that could (not really) make sense if you didn't think about it but nothing proving that they actually are the answer.

            • 8 months ago

              have a nice day

        • 8 months ago

          Really explains alot about the people on Cinemaphile tbqhfampie

      • 8 months ago

        Children are an extension of one's self (from a psychopath's POV) and animals have no ability to defy the psychopath. Melfi reads a study on this in the final season.

      • 8 months ago

        children and animals are 'innocent', that's a typical sociopath mindset

      • 8 months ago

        Charles Schwab here!

    • 8 months ago

      Tony feels empathy numerous times and even cries

      Meanwhile Dr Melfi gets raped and next episode she's as if nothing had ever happened to her
      that's psychopathy

      • 8 months ago

        Psychopaths can cry and often display over the top emotions, it’s not the same as empathy. Id they appear to cry about another in their life it’s actually a form of narcissistic self pity as that individual either belongs to them like an object or is seen as an extension of their own ego.

        • 8 months ago

          >Psychopaths can cry and often display over the top emotions, it’s not the same as empathy. Id they appear to cry about another in their life it’s actually a form of narcissistic self pity
          so basically "im right even when im wrong"

          lmao, the absolute state of pop psychology

          • 8 months ago

            Nope, something can appear to be one thing but not actually be that thing. Do you understand this incredibly challenging concept?

            • 8 months ago

              Psychopaths don't cry unless they're putting on a performance for others
              we see Tony cry many times when no one but the audience is watching

              • 8 months ago

                That’s not true, they can cry and are capable of feeling shallow emotions. They can cry like a child having a tantrum cries or because they’re saddened by something negative happening in their life but it is often short lived and superficial.

    • 8 months ago

      Tony isn't a psychopath, he's a product of his environment. Given his line of work, he behaves in a consistent rational manner.
      >incapable of self reflection
      He's constantly at war with himself over self reflection.

      • 8 months ago

        Only over trivial shit like my mommy didnt love me enough that a lot of people have.
        Never any real introspection over his criminal activity and the lives he's ruined.
        As melfi says, nothing can penetrate the basic coping mechanisms he's set up to shield himself from what an butthole he is.

      • 8 months ago

        It’s not self reflection it’s frustration at him not getting exactly what he wants and having complete control 24/7 masquerading as depression and internal conflict.

    • 8 months ago

      We know. We actually watched the show

  19. 8 months ago

    therapy that doesn't have the express purpose to wrap up after 3 sessions is indeed a scam. It should teach you to correct your own behaviour, using your currently most pressing issue as the example.

  20. 8 months ago

    therapy is cringe because for it to work you actually have to learn how each individual therapist works and thinks.

    thats insanely obnoxious.

  21. 8 months ago

    No one wants to tell their friend "Yeah so I've been thinking of killing myself cause I believe that my inability to develop relationships with women make me a failure as a man"

    • 8 months ago

      Bullshit. If he doesn't at least try to understand then he never was your friend in the first place. I once talked to a friend of mine (who's fairly liberal-thinking) about how I hate most women and he asked me why I felt this way, whether I want to fix that or not, etc.

      • 8 months ago

        It's very fricked up of you to think your lib friend needs to deal with your shit, normal people realize that this is being a burden to others. There's problems your friends can help you with (moving, getting drunk after a break up, talking about relationship issues) but there's shit where you can only create yet another problem for a person you supposedly care for.
        Maybe you also hate men.

        • 8 months ago

          >It's very fricked up of you to think your lib friend needs to deal with your shit
          If he's your friend he wouldn't mind dealing with it. I also had my friends open up to me, usually after a drunk night out though, but still we had a heartfelt talk where no one felt uncomfortable. Get better friends

          • 8 months ago

            I don't think you understand. I'm not saying he's a bad friend for listening. I'm saying you're a bad friend for thinking he has to deal with your women issues. People have jobs, bills to pay, other people to care for, what the frick is your friend gonna do with that information except worry about you, because who the frick thinks "my friend hates women, that's ok!"?

            • 8 months ago

              >People have jobs, bills to pay, other people to care for, what the frick is your friend gonna do with that information except worry about you, because who the frick thinks "my friend hates women, that's ok!"
              That's a stupid point. Your friend doesn't have to do anything with ANY info you give him. Why do you only limit this to the 'woman' issue? Your 'friend' might as well not give a shit about you at all, if you think like that.
              Besides, you don't just start off with 'Hey man, woah, nice hat you got. I hate women, by the way'. That night the conversation we had stemmed from talking about maintaining a steady relationship, we both had our problems with it and each of us revealed intimate info about ourselves. We had a good discussion about it and he even made me change my mind about certain things. I know, though, not everyone has a friend like that and I guess you might need therapy if there's no one you can talk to like that.

              • 8 months ago

                >Why do you only limit this to the 'woman' issue?
                Because that's the one you've bought up, you moron.
                Again, you keep thinking this is about my friends, no, this is about you. There is a huge difference between "talking about shared relationship issues" and "talking about hating women with my lib-friend", the fact that you also don't seem to realize the difference between those two things is still very telling to me, but whatever.
                You still don't seem to understand. Yeah, not only me, but most people, have friends or relatives or loved ones that they can dump their shit at, some of us even have all three. But some of us also realize that it's better to seek a professional whose job it is to do that than giving more and more shit for our loved ones to worry about. You sound very self-centered, you don't seem to realize that your friend is going through some shit and now you're also dumping your own (clearly, far more serious based on your first post than you're letting on) issues on him. This is egotistical. Seek help.

              • 8 months ago

                Jesus, you're fricking schizo that doesn't understand that not all people around you are narcissistic buttholes that don't want to hear other people's problems.
                >dude, don't burden them
                that's what friends are for, you share you happiness and grieds with them. no matter how big the issue is. you seek help. and meds.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't think you understand what narcissism means and you also fail to realize how narcisistic it is to think everyone around you wants to deal with your shit.
                Just because you're going through some difficulties, doesn't MEAN you HAVE to dump on them. I prefer to ask for help with shit my friends can help, help them with whatever I can and find other ways to deal with my other issues.

              • 8 months ago

                >Why do you only limit this to the 'woman' issue?
                Because that's the one you've bought up, you moron.
                Again, you keep thinking this is about my friends, no, this is about you. There is a huge difference between "talking about shared relationship issues" and "talking about hating women with my lib-friend", the fact that you also don't seem to realize the difference between those two things is still very telling to me, but whatever.
                You still don't seem to understand. Yeah, not only me, but most people, have friends or relatives or loved ones that they can dump their shit at, some of us even have all three. But some of us also realize that it's better to seek a professional whose job it is to do that than giving more and more shit for our loved ones to worry about. You sound very self-centered, you don't seem to realize that your friend is going through some shit and now you're also dumping your own (clearly, far more serious based on your first post than you're letting on) issues on him. This is egotistical. Seek help.

                People that vent onto each other are absolutely dogshit types of people. Friends, brotherhood is meant to empower and build each other up. This estrogen laden society based on manufactured values and scam systems that forces people down the path of hopelessness in wageslaving and lack of any real control over anything, with even the women in the country opting NOT for you as a male partner is a genuine issue that cannot be resolved by whining in a circlejerk in discord. You people need financial literacy first, then brotherhood second, or whatever order you prefer doesn't matter. If you genuinely spend your time sitting in a discord call "talking about your feelings" , that is not talking about your feelings, that is venting hopelessness without any solutions to another person who is -just like you-. Then you numb yourself out and do absolutely nothing at all but keep numbing yourself. These people are not your friends and neither should they be responsible to sit there and listen to you. First you must develop discipline and willpower to become educated and strong, on your own. Then and only then you find individuals that share that path with you. Otherwise you just want to whine. Whine and do nothing, while pretending that maybe you'll find a solution together or you'll "feel better". You will do nothing. This will be a cycle you will never escape from. It's just that simple. Admit it to yourself and you'll be on the true path of getting better. This is how you find true brothers, everyone else will drag you down into the pit, like crabs in a bucket.

              • 8 months ago

                >that's right, goy, go pay for a therapy instead

              • 8 months ago

                Where in any part of my post did I ever say that, you absolute abomination?

              • 8 months ago

                >spend your time sitting in a discord call "talking about your feelings"
                That's not what therapy is anon. I understand that the only thing you have going for you is fetishizing le trad life but let me tell you, I have a job, I have friends, I have family, I could be dating but I'd rather just frick casually right now, and yet the truth is that no financial education (you just mean the israelites, we both know) will allow me to save my town from being wiped off the map by mining towns, the entire global order to collapse due to 1st world imperialism and so on. I have no option but to feel like shit, and my best option to not feel like shit right now is either therapy or just straight up microdosing LSD, which can get expensive and dangerous.

              • 8 months ago

                You have zero spirituality or purpose. And I don't mean religion. If you genuinely want to save your mining town then look to history, where people overthrew corrupt systems. The sad reality of your life is that you gave in onto evil and now through lack of gratitude are pleasure seeking through casual sex and drugs. Consumed by fake sense of self-pity and guilt. It is still not too late for you. You don't need therapy. You need brothers you can trust and money behind your goals. Neither of which you'll get by whining in a thread on Cinemaphile or to a professional whining listener. This is why I left the US. Because of people like you, who have completely given up,spiritually mentally physically the full package you're done bro and so is our once great nation.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't live in the US you absolute fricking moron, I live in le hecking wholesome communitary third world you fantasize about. Yeah, sure, I "lack spirituality", it's not the constant threat of both police and criminal violence.

                how does therapy make you not feel like shit? you're not doing anything, nothing's changing. feeling better about not doing something is mental illness. you indeed may as well be microdosing.

                It genuinely helps, for instance, in dealing with my own shit instead of throwing it into everyone's laps and pretending I'm innocent. It helped me realize I had to either sit down with my ex and have a talk or continuing to get dragged into relationships I don't want to, no matter how much I pretended I shouldn't do it.
                I did and it worked, we're talking again, I'm just having casual encounters with women whenever one pops up. It also helped me realize a bunch of shit about family and friendships, both stuff I did to people and what was done to me, and I'm making amends on that as well, and so on.
                Still, the world wants to kill me, how the frick am I supposed to deal with this either myself or with friends, I don't want to die

              • 8 months ago

                It doesn't matter where you're from. All you've done so far is whine just like a victim, which is typical western minded behavior. In 3 months I spent in Eastern Europe and South East Asia, I've met more trustworthy men and strong people in general than my entire 28 years moving and living through 6 different states, filled with people, just like you. Who just spend their lives and energy whining and doing nothing. Spiritually most of the world is lacking for a very long time now and it's all purposeful for greed. Your corrupt shithole is no exception, considering it most likely depends on the dollar hegemony anyway, which fuels your military state authoritarianism and violence. None of these things are impossible, I've been to Kenya dude, throughout Africa. Men survive, live. You whine. Check your hormone levels and maybe your balls after this conversation, then go look in the mirror and repeat your post to me about prostitutes and drugs. Then look at yourself real good and think about your soul and your life as a whole. What have you become. You don't need a therapist, you need brothers and financial literacy. If anything you need the latter to escape your shitstain country you absolute dummy, not whine about hopelessness and despair like a woman on Cinemaphile. I was 29 when I got my gf, some clothes, the shit I can do and the things I know and left the fricking continent. Why? Because I had belief, that this is not what life can be. What the hell is your excuse? People like you need spirituality and belief more than anything.

              • 8 months ago

                >Who just spend their lives and energy whining and doing nothing
                You absolute fricking piece of fricking shit when did I say that I do nothing holy shit you absolute schizophrenic cuck, how the frick you're not whining at strangers on the internet, you just sound like a weeabo version of Varg. "Men survive" what the frick do you know about survival you moron do you think people "surviving" are posting about being "le strong ebin male" on fricking Cinemaphile?
                Holy shit it's like you people think ennui and existential dread are novel concepts, when the entire point of your precious le western tradition is a bunch of autistic europeans writing greek fanfic so as to not kill themselves, which is precisely what you should do at this very moment.
                Holy shit protestantism is such a fricking blight on this world, imagine willingly turning yourself into some sort of Silent Bob meets Rambo automaton because you've beem brainwashed by the Lutheran-CIA axis into believing that existence exists solely so you can peform your weird protagonist role.
                Holy shit president Xi just end it all already.

              • 8 months ago

                Man. If you can even be called that. Control your emotions and speak like one. You're in a Mafia thread on Cinemaphile. This is supposed to be entertainment. I didn't see much of Sopranos but even I know that despite his personal problems he managed a criminal empire. All you've said so far is going to prostitutes and doing drugs, I haven't heard a single purposeful or meaningful statement out of you whatsoever. All men go through internal war. You're not special. The difference is what are you gonna do about it, just sit and vent to random people and expect them to validate your victimhoom? This is the only relevant point here. If you genuinely had a purpose or anything going on for you, you'd not only 1. Get out of the shithole you're living in for starters and provide from your family in better higher quality conditions and ensure a generational future for them like a an actual man. 2. Not allow self-destructive behavior to govern your mindset or life, especially through promiscuity and drugs. I can guarantee you that most men, including myself, have gotten and overcome plenty of existential aspects of life, this shows your own insecurity and lack of any real experience with either violence or anything genuinely difficult or ugly in this life, of which the majority of nonwestern men are accustomed to, which I've been accustomed to for years now. In fact, until you get out of your little world, the little prison of the mind you've secluded yourself into you don't even know or comprehend what existentialism even means. Start with Plato's cave, because the more you speak the more it seems that it's the perfect representation of your life right now. Maybe move on out of your teenage manchild maximalism and learn genuine strength and willpower instead. Oh wait, that means actually trying and risking failure. Which you don't want to do. All you want to do is whine and then do nothing. Grow up.

              • 8 months ago

                >. I didn't see much of Sopranos but even I know that despite his personal problems he managed a criminal empire
                This is a perfect sumation of everything else you say. You seem to think your own limited self-perception is enough to make a complete value judgement, but the actual reality being experienced by other people is the complete opposite of what you came up with.
                The mere fact that you think of terms in "mindset" already tells me you're so much more desperate than myself to experience some performance of "manhood" (this isn't an issue for me at all, while you only seem able to think on those terms) that I already know you're a dweeb.
                Like, you're a guy who couldn't understand Sopranos and you're recommending me the entriest entry level parable "Plato's cave isn't a title to any classical text, it's a wikipedia article), maybe try reading some serious philosophy contemporary like Agamben and Sloterdjik before pretending you live in some secret middle-earth village in eastern europe, the world you're pretending to live in as a simile created by the world you hate.

              • 8 months ago

                I've read the full degen package in my 20s, kierke, schopen, hegel I don't need a psych major failure schooling me on conteporary slop lol. These are all parasites of the soul and I strongly urge you to develop a desire for personal spirituality. In fact, maybe even delving into the occult might get you out of the cave because you are a pretentious dolt that has never left it, like a woman. Your perception of the world and yourself is so unbelievably skewed you have to turn to drugs. You are emotionally unstable and prone to mania, which explains why nobody should listen to you vent. The disease of your mind is the overthinking syndrome, one which I have long escaped from. Only with spirituality, the connection to the Now is the only thing that matters. I'm not really interested in numbing myself down on Sopranos. I'm currently waiting for a flight, even if I wanted to. I left because I chose to. You will never be a man not just because you opt for whining like a woman but because you never even knew you had one. There is nothing here to prove, to anyone. We are anonymous, my goal was to give you awareness and perhaphs some aid, since you genuinely are hurting in a similar way and needed it. The thing with fear is it whispers in your ear, how isolated and alone you are. This is why you need brotherhood, bonds of men are stronger than fear. A shame you genuinely will never understand, until you open up to authenticity.

              • 8 months ago

                I responded to the information I was given, there is no other perception here other than the one you've provided. You got into a debate where you tried to establish that people are obligated to sit and listen to you. You are not important, that right is earned. Even this interaction is my time being granted to you. You get to choose whether to learn or stay unconscious allowing your ego to have complete control over you in this interaction. So far you did nothing but whine about your problems to a complete stranger to further drive that point. I don't know you, I have no stake here to get in your head. We're simply talking. Your statement to me was very clear. Promiscuity and drugs is your pathway to "salvation". My response to you was very clear as well, this is not the path. For any man. There's no need to deviate from the point. It's very simple. You're a coward. All you've done so far is whine and say absolutely zero value of any kind other than being afraid and angry. That is the source of your true isolation and "existentialism". You are a little man, in constant fear and isolation. Mostly self-imposed. Despair, hopelessness is the language of cowards and fools. It's ok to be afraid, I was afraid to simply pack my shit and leave. I didn't have spirituality or belief. So I chose to have it. I chose to confront my fears and that is wherein lies true strength and masculinity. You have been given the choice on how to deal with fear. So far, it looks like you're simply going to let it consume you. Shame for your family members, if you even have any and this wasn't a shitpost. I have to catch my flight now, reflect on your own fear and self-limiting belief systems that the ego whispers in your ear keeping you asleep and a slave to your own torturing thoughts, keeping your potential asleep and forgotten. All of it, is in your power. Not in the power of other people, therapists or otherwise. Best of luck you.

              • 8 months ago

                homie you told me you don't need to talk to anyone now you're droping full walls of text to complete strangers on the internet.
                If you have truly moved out of the US, you should have access to cheap or free mental healthcare. Please seek help, you're telling me I'm a woman because I don't have spirituality and you seem to think german idealism is contemporary philosophy AND that I have a psych major.
                None, absolutely none, of those things are true.

              • 8 months ago

                Why would you need a therapist to figure out any of that? Do you not have any self-awareness?
                I went to several different therapists years ago, and it unironically made me think (as your post also does) that therapy is for people who don't have an inner voice. Like, I would tell them my problem, so they could help me with it. They'd predictably ask me what my thoughts on it were before offering their own brilliant insights, and I'd run through their entire predictable line of thinking to its conclusion, which was that it was hopeless. And then I wanted them to tell me why I was a moron. Instead, their response would just be, EITHER "well, then I can't help you" OR "have you tried drugs?"
                I have literally never fricking heard a therapist say anything remotely interesting, clever, insightful, helpful, useful, whatever fricking word you want. They are the dumbest fricking bottom-of-the-barrel thinkers on the planet. I have to assume that they are all trained TO BE moronic because what else could explain it? It's always the safest, most cowardly, mewling cretinous academic rubbish imaginable. They're all fricking terrified of saying anything that might hypothetically cause you to do something for which they might then be responsible, so what they're actually motivated to do is make you do nothing. They want you to become a NEET so that they can write you off and go home without needing to worry about other people's problems in their spare time. They have no skin in the game, they don't care if your life improves. They care about not losing their jobs.

                I hate therapists with a seething passion. Not only are they an absolutely worthless class of people, but they also fill a necessary social niche, which is now *actually* unfilled because it's being filled by these useless people, and because they present themselves as having filled it an actual solution to the problem they ostensibly exist to solve will never be pursued. Fricking evil institution.

              • 8 months ago

                Do you understand the difference between talking to yourself and talking to someone else, regardless of them being a professional specifically trained to deal with the sort of repetitive thought pattern that people who need therapy in the first place are subjects to?
                I get that you think "therapy is for people who don't have an inner voice", but the thing is, you yourself should seek some help because at the end of the day, you think that NO ONE has an inner voice, including therapists, and that you're the only person with this amazing super-power.
                Everyone has self-awareness, but anyone who ever went beyond elementary school level thought-problems understands that awareness can be deceiving. You genuinely think you're smarter than everyone else but you haven't come up with "huh what if my blue isn't the same blue as everyone else??????" yet.

              • 8 months ago

                >Everyone has self-awareness
                Everyone, except for you it seems. The sad part this is most likely the only time you've gotten so much attention, so you'll just keep on being antagonistic like a sperg.

              • 8 months ago

                >but they also fill a necessary social niche, which is now *actually* unfilled because it's being filled by these useless people
                If by that you mean clergy, go ahead, there's plenty of churches out there, but I'm a relapsed catholic and I don't feel like getting relationship advice from a guy who's prevented by God's Law from fricking.

              • 8 months ago

                how does therapy make you not feel like shit? you're not doing anything, nothing's changing. feeling better about not doing something is mental illness. you indeed may as well be microdosing.

  22. 8 months ago

    >You basically pay for something a close friend of yours could do for you if you're willing to open up
    I agree, but they actually go over this in the show. Tony quits therapy and starts using Hesh as a de facto therapist by just dumping all his problems on him. Hesh got tired of it after a while as Tony was just using him. That's the problem with using a friend like that. It can be selfish.

    • 8 months ago

      He should've picked Carmine Jr, really. This guy might've been moronic but he's got lots of emotional intelligence and always made the right decisions.

  23. 8 months ago

    I went through therapy five times in 15 years. It's useful to a point, but then it plateaus.
    I eventually realised that I was too aspie to function in normal society, so I am done with it all now.
    Just trying to stay as a recluse in poverty now, until the sweet release of death.
    As my folks died in their 50s, I am hoping that I only have 15 years left of this shit.

  24. 8 months ago

    Why does Tony Soprano seems like a chazzer who also gets fricked by capitalism?

  25. 8 months ago

    You missed the real scam. Their main job is to figure out which meds to give you, how much you need to take to become an npc and make sure you keep buying and taking them for as long as possible
    Funny how now when school shootings are the most rampant everyone is more focused on taking away the guns instead of questioning why every single school shooter was on antidepressants or antipsychotics

    • 8 months ago

      A therapist can’t prescribe meds you’re thinking of a brain doctor/psychiatrist.

      • 8 months ago

        Same shit different title

        • 8 months ago

          Therapists can not prescribe meds

  26. 8 months ago

    anyone else find it impossible to be honest with their therapist?

  27. 8 months ago

    I feel like therapy was still a gatekept discipline up to 15 years ago, where only qualified and educated people were able to sit there and spout advice, recommend prescriptions, etc.
    Then something happened and suddenly every psychology BA (of which there are literal tens of millions in the US) was suddenly a therapist. Now it seems like 1/3 of all millennials are therapists.

    Granted I still think all the psychologists in The Sopranos were total hacks. Melfi unironically quoted Freud who hasn't been taken seriously since the 1970s. The old israeli guy was a hack because he diagnosed Carmella within 5 minutes and then spouted moralistic BS. AJ's therapist was hot tho

    • 8 months ago

      Oh yeah and who could forget
      >AJ's male therapist before the an hero attempt, literally didn't do shit, just listened to his stories and made stupid faces
      >Meadow's moronic therapist scamming her into going to university in Spain because she knows the university faculty
      >Janice's hippy "god is a woman" therapist

    • 8 months ago

      >Melfi unironically quoted Freud who hasn't been taken seriously since the 1970s.

      Freud was right about everything dumbo

  28. 8 months ago

    it is true that psychotherapy is only marginally more effective than just having a stable social support network, but then again some people don't have that so their only option is to pay to get someone to listen to their troubles.

  29. 8 months ago

    therapy is literal pseudoscience 10x LESS evidence in psychology than for evolution or dr fauci triple boosts (100x less for evopsych which is completely out of ass). there is 0 reason to buy into any of it, it's all just assigning random arbitrary words and classifications, socio/psychopoopypaths likely do not exist and most of these issues are just being out of ego or own perception like a dreamlike controlled fake ego state 9but even using this ego word is moronic since half the baggage it carries is bullshit). basically they have 0 insight into anything and as op said the actual benefit is just laying out your problems to someone listening

    • 8 months ago

      >know a guy who always shows up to work, always honours his agreements, never lies, becomes depressed when he isn't being productive, etc.
      >make predictions about his future behaviour based on past behaviour

      • 8 months ago

        0 relation reply to the op im diagnosing you as moronic (i have as much right to as a "psychologist")

  30. 8 months ago

    >Asking and asking and asking questions hoping that you will 'get' it and figure it yourself.
    That's literally the only way tho. If they give you the answer you're just going to dismiss it as normie advice.

    Here's the real redpill: your problems are not unique. All the cliched obvious things people say are actually true and you're just being a dickhead.

  31. 8 months ago

    here some real therapy

  32. 8 months ago

    >so what seems to be your problem?
    >the 1965 hart-celler act
    >hmmmm... have you tried... going for a walk
    >t-thanks that really did the trick

  33. 8 months ago

    Where the rainbow is

  34. 8 months ago

    Reminder depression is a choice

  35. 8 months ago

    my ex was a therapist and said I was mentally ill before breaking up with me.

  36. 8 months ago

    All I know is some of the most terrifically, perpetually mentally unwell people are also the biggest proponents of therapy, which isn't a great endorsement.

    The happiest and most satisfied people have found an actual thing or activity that gives themselves purpose, they throw all of their spare time at it. Sitting there and paying $200/hr. to talk about all of your little petty madnesses and failing to do anything seriously actionable about it sounds like utter insanity to me.

  37. 8 months ago

    idk mate therapy helped me a lot, ymmv I guess

  38. 8 months ago

    i had to do therapy for a little while so i didn't have to go to rehab and he just kept pushing "mindfulness" meditation and getting a hobby. cool guy but really it was a waste of time and money. thoe years later i still use my own version of the meditation stuff to help me get to sleep on those nights when im tired but thinking too much.

  39. 8 months ago

    what makes you guys think today's therapists arent on drugs or snorting coke themselves??? if you buy into it maybe you really do need therapy lmao

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