This type of marketing has ruined fanbases.

This type of marketing has ruined fanbases.

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    >Read one comic/play one game/watch one movie

    • 12 months ago

      When I was 9-years old, my mother was friends with some random person from her recent volunteer thing she did and she invited that mom + her son over. I had never met this kid before, but my mom said, "You both play video games, you'll have a lot of fun together!".

      He was one of the most annoying kids ever. Said stupid shit, played easy video games like a moron, hogged the controller, had annoying habits. But I had to keep periodically hanging out with him for several more months after that.

      I think it might've made me wiser as a child because I learned very early on from that single moment that, "Just cause we do the same thing doesn't mean we'll be friends".

    • 12 months ago

      >meet a friend and one of his friends at random in town
      >says they're going to see the new Marvel movie that night
      >asks if I want to come
      >friend of a friend asks "what team are you on?"
      >completely confused, I ask what they mean
      >"Marvel or DC?"

      • 12 months ago

        How old where you at time? because if you say anything above 12 that person was a moron

        • 12 months ago

          Its a big fricking issue ever since the internet made it super easy to wrap yourself in your own little world. You forget how normal people behave and fall back on behaviors that make sense on a message board or chat channel or social media but are super fricking weird irl.

  2. 12 months ago

    I don’t know where this came from, but they must’ve known every line sounded more cultish than the last.

    • 12 months ago

      Google search gave some brand management / customer engagement conference "X4 Summit" from 2018 or 2019

  3. 12 months ago

    But what can you do about it? Normalgays fall for it all the time specially now that they are way less religious and are looking for anything to replace religion since they don’t have the critical thinking to live without it or a substitute

    • 12 months ago

      The same way you handle any other religious fundamentalist pogrom. Secular based religions aren't an exception.

      I'm partial to Attaturk, with a strong, secular society with ironclad rules on how different religions are to interface, and with fricking bombs for the mullahs who can't play nice.

      • 12 months ago

        Ataturk currently offsets 98% of Ankara's electricity consumption ever since Erdogan hooked a generator up to his mausoleum.

  4. 12 months ago


  5. 12 months ago

    I remember I was jealous of my classmates who all had one single franchise that defined them or were completely obsessed with. While I like a ton of different shit and I'd switch between them on the regular. I don't understand how people don't get tired of consuming at some point. Like, I tried with Harry Potter and I got so exhausted of it I didn't touch it for years afterwards. Only started giving a slight shit recently when Legacy was released

    • 12 months ago

      I think that's fine or whatever people obviously like it. My issue is when someone clearly keeps buying/consuming that media despite it going in a direction they clearly don't like and refuse to move on.

      • 12 months ago

        I feel like the opposite is worse.
        The people who complain that a franchise hasn't changed to fit their personal needs.
        Even though there's no real reason for it to change, and other franchises already exist to fulfil their new desires.

        • 12 months ago

          I think the common theme is people spending money on something they clearly don't like and refusing to move on to something that suits them better. Whether it's because it's changed too much or because it refuses to change for you

  6. 12 months ago

    Just sounds like the whole nerd culture shite they pushed.

  7. 12 months ago

    Does anyone else have this issue: I don't consume much, actually I don't consume anything anymore, but usually when I meet new people I end up talking about media shit I like - most of it from the past years. All I get is "Oh yeah I know that!", like, OK you consoomed it, but did you like it? Or the way they say "Oh yeah I like all kinds of music, there's [wildly different shit] in my playlist", OK I don't have a genre bias either, but the way they say it always strikes me as weird, like, do you do this because you are open-minded or do you do this because you're a kitchen sink that swallows everything? I don't know why, I cannot point out why, but it makes me incredibly uncomfortable to speak with people about media, especially dudes. I cannot express how I feel. There's also a whole archetype of person whom might have an actual soul but lives behind 7 barriers of irony and only displays a meme persona that also influences the way you talk to them and drains you. I wanna be a grumpy unfunny frick who hates everything ESPECIALLY memes and irony.

    • 12 months ago

      I see what you’re saying. Have you considered the alternative that as time moves forward, the list of “must experience” media gets longer?

    • 12 months ago

      >about media shit I like - most of it from the past years
      Like what?

      • 12 months ago

        An example conversation I was having was about rap, I said I disliked rap and I only liked some of the old school stuff with blues bases that doesn't obsess over thug shit. I mentioned Y society. I mean, it was a structured discourse but all I get back is "Oh I know that". So many times I talk in this way, like if I'm talking about something I generally have a reason why I like it and why I stuck with it, why I enjoy it, and that's always woven into the discourse when I mention what I like and what I don't. But on the other side it's just a binary yes/no, I know it/don't know it, "this is interesting I'll check it out" and by all means they also seem enthusiastic/positive when they say it but I genuinely cannot tell if they're just circumstantially bullshitting it to make corteous small talk or they're genuinely interested in something but unable to express it.

        • 12 months ago

          They are making small talk. You are more enthusiastic and knowledgeable than they are about the subject at hand, and they are treating you with polite interest. That you're complaining about it on here might be an indicator that you're coming on too strong, too.

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