>this was considered an appropriate relationship in the 80s

>this was considered an appropriate relationship in the 80’s

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  1. 8 months ago

    It’s always been. Our modern take on sex and relationships is insane and anti human that’s why birthrates have collapsed we literally have stopped reproducing the fundamental biological behavior of survival.

    For all of human history we’ve considered males and females “adults” at 14 five or take a year maybe.

    In the last century we’ve now said you’s rent a true adult until you are in your 20’s it’s insane

    • 8 months ago

      yeah it's because of our warped perspective, not because we're extremely overworked

      >muh appeal to tradition

    • 8 months ago

      >For all of human history we’ve considered males and females “adults” at 14 five or take a year maybe.

      No we haven't going by church kept marriages records most peasant women married between 17 and 19.

      The typical hunter gather communities average age of first mensuration is about 16 to 17 from lack of bodyweight.

      Girls getting fat and lazy has moved up the time for prepuberty in modern humans by like 4 years

      • 8 months ago

        >that reddit spacing
        moronic and autistic.

      • 8 months ago

        >thats not true... the records.... age 16 or 17

        with years of courtship prior to marriage.

        >peasent women

        Now check for the ruling class. Arranged marriages by age 8, marriage by 12. Until the upper class started getting infected by their own propaganda during the industrial era and started pushing the numbers up abit. Some societies even had arranged marriages at birth, and the destined couple would be raised together and taught from day one what their respective roles would be.

        age is just an arbitrary number, maturity can be easily manipulated as youve mentioned with nutrition. But simarily, mental maturity can be tempered with experience and education. Which goes back to the peasent example. Peasents werent just undernurished with bodies maturing later, but so were their minds. Education started very young for the upper members of society, while peasent children ran around like wild animals until they were 10. As the middle class grew, these numbers shrank as more people were expected to learn and be responsible at lower ages.

        but none of that matters. 26 year olds are now children, and no amount of historical examples or rational debate is going to change the plans of those in power.

      • 8 months ago

        >most peasant women married between 17 and 19.
        that was the average, and as older women wouldn't be good catch for a marriage it means a shitload of girls under that age were getting married as well

      • 8 months ago

        >thinking they literally did nothing before marriage


    • 8 months ago

      a little history trivia for: child porn wasnt made illegal until the mid1980s in most western countries, and it wasnt until the 2000s for most asian countries. Age of consent was never enforced (outside of obvious cases of violent rape) until the 1990s.

      There's a 'controversial' clint eastwood you can sometimes find on streaming services like netflix.The plot is basically a civil war soldier hides out in a house composed entirely of women. The youngest girl is 10 or 12. The opening scene is clint being so stressed out he mouth kisses the girl, which sparks something in her and turns her into the main antagonist of the movie. She basically goes full yandere to secure clint's wiener. Really controversial right? a prepubscent lusting for an adult man? Actually, what people of the time found controverisal about the movie wasnt clint wanting to smash underaged pussy, but the fact that he wasn't playing the role of a cowboy.

      the artifical extension of childhood and its consequences has been a disaster for human kind. Immature adults are better consumers, and more obedient to those in power. Low birthrates also justify replacement immigration. It's all on purpose and those in control know exactly what they are doing.

      yeah it's because of our warped perspective, not because we're extremely overworked

      >muh appeal to tradition

      >muh muh

      If you look at the over all trend in society and the social engineering pushed by the ruling class for the pat 200 years their purpose is fairly clear: dismantle generational wealth by destroying the lower class's ability to form connected generations. They have successfully encouraged the destruction of extended families, multigenerational homes, large families, then pushed society into small families, then into single parent families, and now they overtly promote child-free lifestyles. LGBTQP isnt about degeneracy, it's about normalizing non-reproductive life styles.

      Finally, the thread for me

      When are we going back to having pedorights?

      never. the younger women start reproducing, the more children they have on average over the course of their life.

      • 8 months ago

        The Clint Eastwood movie The Beguiled was remade by Sofia Coppola 6 years ago

    • 8 months ago

      Just because you can't frick 13 year olds doesn't mean you're oppressed, dude

      • 8 months ago

        No, that is the definition of being oppressed

        Also, the 13year old girls are being oppressed because they want to frick adults but it´s illegal

      • 8 months ago

        OK, reddit.

      • 8 months ago


        I'm seeding this movie to help fellow anons out.

    • 8 months ago

      Finally, the thread for me

      When are we going back to having pedorights?

      even if they were to legalize fricking teenagers tomorrow none of you morons would score, just more pussy for chad while you sit here and shitpost about being lonely.

    • 8 months ago

      >For all of human history we’ve considered males and females “adults” at 14 five or take a year maybe.
      You fricking what moron? In ancient Greece men weren't eligible for democratic voting untill they were like 30, which was when they also gained social respect as "adults"

      • 8 months ago

        Specifically to gatekeep voting dumbass

  2. 8 months ago

    I wish it was today

  3. 8 months ago

    Finally, the thread for me

    When are we going back to having pedorights?

  4. 8 months ago

    It's all just so tiresome.

  5. 8 months ago

    little girls like adult dick
    little boys like adult pusy
    yet little kids don't like each other
    such is life

  6. 8 months ago

    its because they are both atractive
    if he was ugly you would find it weird

    • 8 months ago

      So you're saying that if I'm attractive I can date children in the current year?

      • 8 months ago

        No but you can if you're rich and israeli. Remember Polanski drugged and assraped a 12 year old and she still simps for him.

      • 8 months ago

        >current year
        It's always been a thing

        • 8 months ago

          BLURAY? WHen the frickfrickadfajsfnpaisbfipbgisdbgisdbgibsdoAWWWWRIIGIIIIHHHTTTHY THEN!!!!!!!11111111

          • 8 months ago

            Ah forget it.
            Its the shit widescreen version instead of using the 4:3 one.

            • 8 months ago

              why the frick would they put an open matte version on the bluray when 1.85:1 is how it was shown in theaters

        • 8 months ago

          Why are the mods deleting sfw, thread related webms. Fricking morons.

  7. 8 months ago


    Was it homosexuality?

  8. 8 months ago


    Was it homosexuality?

    But they still end up having sex and getting married

  9. 8 months ago

    Why are the mods deleting sfw, thread related webms. Fricking morons.

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