This will always be accurate

This will always be accurate

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Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 12 months ago

    Post it

    • 12 months ago

      ive been here for a long time and i have no idea what you mean, do you mean the creepy weird fujos fan fics or is there some weird porn of bill

      • 12 months ago

        The latter, it's some weird ex-ftm's comic about a b***hy tomboy domming Bill.

        • 12 months ago

          A troon drew that? Frick.

        • 12 months ago

          A troon drew that? Frick.

          Oh you assumed I meant a sexual partner kek, no that only applies to potential relationships. They want someone on their wavelength that's easy to influence while they frick better men on the side. Again, I blame spineless men for not putting their foot down and asserting themselves.

          Like I said, ex. She's luckily been off the test for a while now and actually landed a decent bf. They seem happy together.

          If you're talking about Gross, she never actually transitioned, she thought about it but decided against it. So calling her an ex-ftm is wrong

          • 12 months ago

            At least she didn't frick up her body, so the only hang-up is the pronoun shit.

    • 12 months ago

      Here you go, famalam

  2. 12 months ago

    The final tier of wisdom is realizing that the club is right about a lot of things.

    • 12 months ago

      Normies will always find a way to weasel their way into the culture they once rejected, thats the true messages4tmvj

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        This will always be accurate

        >cultural immigrants are bad, frick normies, the sole focus of these companies should be catering to the existing fandom
        >why are comics dying?

        • 12 months ago

          Better to shrivel up and be reborn than continue living like this.

          • 12 months ago

            At this point I don't disagree and it doesn't matter even if I did, it's comicsgators vs woke twitter morons and whoever wins (it'll be the woke twitter morons) is going to keep pandering to their preferred audience without actually making sensible business and content moves that would expand readership.

            Big 2 are slop anyways so I'd almost rather they die, it's been 60 years of this bullshit so maybe a smaller but more interesting industry would be a step in the right direction. Trouble is the ownership of these companies. It's not going to bother Disney or Warner too much if publishers that are like 0.5% of their revenue stream are in the red. So maybe it'll just limp along like this indefinitely while morons argue about it on the internet.

        • 12 months ago

          They aren't appealing to normies or hardcore fans anymore lol, they are appealing to homosexuals and people that watch youtube videos about comics, if you were into comics in the 90s or even 00s how the frick could you stomach reading post 2010s crap and I say this as someone that got into comics reading Johns GL which is already pretty mediocre but leagues above this trite shite

          • 12 months ago

            I got into comics in the late 90s and I'm not going to defend either, the gay stuff or the stuff I was reading in the 90s and 00s. I'd rather read the latter but that's down mostly to nostalgia and familiarity, take away nostalgia and 90% of that stuff is unimpressive popcorn entertainment without much going on, or it's just garbage. And like I said, go check out comichron if you don't believe me that comics were already dying back. Saying we need to return to the 00s or comic will die is pure ignorance, they were already dying back then.

            >They aren't appealing to normies or hardcore fans anymore
            The business model and how Big 2 capeshit works still inherently pander to hardcore fans I'd say. Floppy and trade pricing is going to keep out most people who aren't already diehards, and continuity is still around to enough of an extent that only longtime readers are going to be able to understand this stuff, normies will not bother as I said. And fundamentally, Big 2 capeshit is the same characters doing the same things over and over again with slight variations and no ending or radical changes. There are exceptions to that obviously but it's undeniably a very samey genre. Also if you look at floppy sales, it's been a pretty consistent slow downward trend since 96. There wasn't any huge dropoff in 2014 or whenever you wanna say the start of the woke stuff was. So a lot of longtime readers are still reading I think, getting your sense of the fandom from places like this is misleading.

            I would agree though that this culture war stuff from the left isn't going to expand readership any more than the culture war stuff from the right would. It's the same old garbage with the same old structural problems, now with a bunch of cheap, preachy, pandering "diversity" and representation all over the place. Homosexuals are a small enough fraction of the population that it doesn't make business sense to focus on them too much but I doubt if even they're too interested.

            • 12 months ago

              What makes people think that has to do with "culture wars" one way or the other and not changing media especially because of computers/internet? Once long ago, kids picked up comic books at the grocery store, stayed loyal until adulthood, maybe shared with their kids. Now every entertainment thing competes with 50 billion other options at all times and people complain EVERYTHING is dying out. Probably everything is faced with a much smaller and much more fickle market share now it's overload there's too much damn shit out there.

              • 12 months ago

                Once again, it just does not line up with sales history. Comics have been in a bad state since 96 and before that the only reason they weren't is because morons were convinced that Grifter #1 or whatever was gonna put their kids through college.

                The internet has probably made an already bad situation even worse but it's not the root issue. Print books, including physical ones and not just ebooks, are doing fine. They had a massive sales surge during 2020 which has slowed down, as you'd expect, but still hasn't stopped. Idk anything about DVD/BluRay sales but I suspect that if you looked into that market you'd see more parallels with comics. The problem comics has isn't just more competition, it's that Big 2 comics are a terrible deal compared to literally all of their competition, the content is practically designed to drive off new readers, and the industry is largely structured around an outmoded format, the floppy (and these days maybe even the TPB).

              • 12 months ago

                >The problem comics has isn't just more competition, it's that Big 2 comics are a terrible deal compared to literally all of their competition, the content is practically designed to drive off new readers, and the industry is largely structured around an outmoded format, the floppy (and these days maybe even the TPB).
                And also that it's just less available than the competition. Even if new readers didn't have to wade through a bunch of continuity history and "where to start" threads (where they're usually told "don't worry about getting a complete story or understanding everything", I'd frick off and watch a movie too if I were them), even if that wasn't the case, it's not obvious where to go to get comics. LCS are completely absent in many parts of the country or they're often an unjustifiably long ways away in your city. There's MCS, CGN, IST etc. but normies don't know about those and even if they did, those are sites geared towards people who already know what they're looking for. No curation like you'd get on Netflix or Shudder, no review function like you'd get with books on Amazon.

                Offer an inferior deal and product, get a declining customer base, that's all it comes down to at the end of the day. Wouldn't matter if Dixon or Simone were boss, it'd be the same thing either way. But it's NOT the inevitable result of the internet or screens or attention spans either and that's the annoying part, it could be fixed but it probably won't be.

              • 12 months ago

                You also forgot Hostile writers and that prints of classic runs are improperly colored.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't like either ofc but I don't think normies are going to care. Recoloring might actually be more appealing to casuals than reprinting old comics as they are or doing very mild/tasteful restoration work. And the latter can be very expensive ofc, doesn't make sense to do it for everything and the end result is going to be a pricier product that's more boutique and that doesn't have much relevance outside the collector market. Hostile writers I don't think a casual or new reader is going to care about or even necessarily notice, it's an aspect of the fandom culture wars that you have to be fairly invested in the genre to even know much about I'd see. Normies will see unsolicited opinions about Israel and stuff like that and think "wow, this is garbage writing" but they won't know any of the context and they're not gonna go scroll through a writers twitter and old forum threads to find it.

                It really does all come down to the problems inherent in Big 2 capeshit itself, distribution, pricing, and accessibility I'd say. Fix those and you'd see comics sales at least not be declining at as quick a rate, whatever the writing quality was.

            • 12 months ago

              "Popcorn entertainment" is at least entertainment.

        • 12 months ago

          Wisdom is realizing companies never cared about you outside of the money you gave them and will toss you aside the moment more people with money show up.

        • 12 months ago

          They're dying from doing the opposite.

          • 12 months ago

            "Popcorn entertainment" is at least entertainment.

            Big 2 sales were declining from 96-2014 too. They were catering to existing fans and doing popcorn entertainment all throughout that period and it didn't work.

            • 12 months ago

              Their X-Men sales were still over 100,000, well into the 2000s, even when they were good comics.

        • 12 months ago

          Comics are dying because they are a medium trapped in the 1960's and the Comics Code. It used to be comics spanned all manner of genres - horror, adventure, mystery, even romance. You can see faint glimmers of this diversity in newspaper comics, where these genres could survive through mass syndication. But regular comics have completely stagnated and are about capeshit and capeshit only. Want to read a horror comic? Let me introduce the horror themed superhero Dr. Fantasmo. Want to read a mystery? The world's greatest crimefighting detective, Birdman. Want to read romance? Spiderchad has a new b***h and she wants the D bad. Those are your choices, and that's unironically why manga is thriving. If western comics simply stopped shoving their superhero autism into fricking everything, we could actually find some room to breathe.

          • 12 months ago

            The other stuff exists, moreso now than before. The problem is publishers are too afraid to take risks that would actually make their products desirable in the current media landscape.

            $4 a pop for 20 page disposable magazines? The hell is this, 1976?

        • 12 months ago

          Comics are dying because they are a medium trapped in the 1960's and the Comics Code. It used to be comics spanned all manner of genres - horror, adventure, mystery, even romance. You can see faint glimmers of this diversity in newspaper comics, where these genres could survive through mass syndication. But regular comics have completely stagnated and are about capeshit and capeshit only. Want to read a horror comic? Let me introduce the horror themed superhero Dr. Fantasmo. Want to read a mystery? The world's greatest crimefighting detective, Birdman. Want to read romance? Spiderchad has a new b***h and she wants the D bad. Those are your choices, and that's unironically why manga is thriving. If western comics simply stopped shoving their superhero autism into fricking everything, we could actually find some room to breathe.

          The other stuff exists, moreso now than before. The problem is publishers are too afraid to take risks that would actually make their products desirable in the current media landscape.

          $4 a pop for 20 page disposable magazines? The hell is this, 1976?

          Literally the one(1) and only reason comics are dying is because they went to being sold in gas stations, supermarkets, newsstands and drug stores to being sold in comicbook stores. That's it, every other shitty justification people come up with is postfacto rationalization. If you want somebody to buy something then you have to put it in a place where they're likely to see it and most people will never set foot in a comicbook store. Start putting comics in places where little kids will see them when they're being dragged out places with their parents and the sales will go up. Period. End of story.

          • 12 months ago

            I’m still baffled at how comic shops ever became a thing, was it just THAT popular in the early 80s and 90s?

            • 12 months ago

              Yes. They also incorporated others things like vidya, cards and tabletops games.

              • 12 months ago

                One of the shops I used to go to actively HATES video games, card games and funko pops, I genuinely have no idea how they’ve stayed open

              • 12 months ago

                >I genuinely have no idea how they’ve stayed open
                Because it's where all the based nerds with taste hang out to get away from homosexuals, the fact you stopped going to it shows that it's working.

              • 12 months ago

                It’s literally the soiest place to go, they booted me when I told them I wasn’t getting the shot after they were b***hing about it and gave them my opinion. They have resorted to begging in Facebook more than once so they have a support group, it’s just fascinating to see

              • 12 months ago

                >based nerds
                memorizing trivia of fake media is for geeks. Nerds do actual brainwork.

              • 12 months ago

                Simple. They attract boomer nerds who also hate those things and hate having to deal with homosexual millennial/zoomer nerds hanging around swapping FFO builds.

          • 12 months ago

            >Literally the one(1) and only reason comics are dying is because they went to being sold in gas stations, supermarkets, newsstands and drug stores to being sold in comicbook stores
            Isn't that just a reflection of them dying as opposed to the reason? Like manga isn't sold in gas stations, but its doing well.

            • 12 months ago

              >Like manga isn't sold in gas stations
              It is in Japan, where 99% of manga is sold.

            • 12 months ago

              Comics weren't dying yet when distribution switched from newstands to direct market.

            • 12 months ago

              When I went to Japan every news stand and convenience store had manga for sale. Mostly it was the jump comics sure but it makes more sense to charge 6 bucks for multiple books rather than charging 4 for one

              • 12 months ago

                >Mostly it was the jump comics sure but it makes more sense to charge 6 bucks for multiple books rather than charging 4 for one
                American comics are overpriced I'll give you but you also have to take two things into consideration. 1. Comics are colored and Shonen Jump isn't, it looks a lot better and it's easier on the eyes, in point of fact I'm sure most manga fans would prefer smaller fully colored books than the current situation. 2. Anthology books are only good if you enjoy most of the content, if you're only interested in one series then Shonen Jump is a scam. In fact if I see an anthology but hate one of the series in it I'll refuse it buy it on general principle even if I like everything else.

          • 12 months ago

            I would argue that’s part of it, but there’s certainly other reasons such as:
            >The Comics Code Authority
            >The monopoly superheroes held on American Comics
            >The whole collectible culture also contributed to the demise of American comics, with idiots speculating on fricking comics
            Also your argument falls apart pretty quickly when you factor pic related in to the discussion

    • 12 months ago

      >the club was right
      >Bill actively made things worse and half his friend group leave/stay with him out of obvious reluctance

    • 12 months ago

      The club in general or Bill? Neither answer is great, but I'm still curious.

    • 12 months ago

      Hello Bill.

  3. 12 months ago

    I need the cute goth girl asking for the latest Saga trade.

  4. 12 months ago

    Let me guess, leftist meme.

    • 12 months ago

      t.cultural immigrant

      • 12 months ago

        holy frick why even chime in...

        Lurk 20 years before posting again

        >shits all over your board culture

    • 12 months ago

      holy frick why even chime in...

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Lurk 20 years before posting again

    • 12 months ago

      Go back to Tumblr

    • 12 months ago

      Yes, the left has in fact co opted him and now darw his as their collective boyfriend and make tik toks about it
      It's the sad truth you can't make anything popular without them going I made this
      It happened to Danganronpa to the point I can't find videos I liked about it because there is an ocean of horrible memes about it
      It's happening to clone high, people who never watched the first season and I mean they never watched it not they didn't watch it before the second season aired are the new audience for it because they discovered it
      Anything you love will be used to hurt you so love nothing, be ready to drop Anything you like immediately after the few sign that it's moving away from you and make life as painful for the creator as you can. Doxing them, sending them death threats In the form if physical mail, following them around and snapping pictures of them when they are distracted you can later use to scare them, take pictures of their pets too that always works
      If they aren't willing to make what you like make them so afraid they will never work in entertainment again

    • 12 months ago

      morons these days are so proud of themselves for being completely unable to read more than a single paragraph of text.

    • 12 months ago

      >all these genuine replies to a lazy shitpost

  5. 12 months ago

    Name one thing women don't ruin

    • 12 months ago

      Not even sex is safe from them. b***h jist lays there like a carcass

      • 12 months ago

        You can thank the stigmatism around "prostitute culture" for that one. Women aren't going to actually know how to preform sex or practice it cuase if they did they would be slamed for being prostitutes by women and even by jerk offs here. That responsibilty sadly still unironicly falls on men.
        > yeah but being a prostitute is more glorified than ever now thanks to-
        Acting like a prostitute yes is more popular now more than ever. Actualy becoming a sex novice is another thing and we aren't there yet. Its either glorified by rich rappers who get to act that way as rich idols or by hood genrtified rats. Your more than welcome to chase strippers/hookers anon.
        TLDR: Any independent working Women worth while isn't going to be a sex novice because of the prostitute stigmatism pushed on them by either parents or society.

        • 12 months ago

          The average woman has had sex with at least 3 other people. No excuse

          • 12 months ago

            >at least 3 other people. No excuse
            I'm sorry you think that makes for a sex novice. The first time dosen't count, also your assuming the men encouraged them to learn or taught them a bunch of shit rather than just taking charge wich on average is usually the case.

        • 12 months ago

          You don't need to become a prostitute to stop being a self-centered c**t for just one hour.

          • 12 months ago

            Again, that "self-centered behavior" is normalized through forced societal standard. Most men take charge on average. If more men had took the time to actually open their mouth to ask and teach women things behind closed doors we would be swimming in experienced women. But that takes time and patience to go from teethy blowjobs so most men don't bother. Even then, most women would be hesitant as even attempting taking charge as a women who learns is part of the "prostitute" stigmatism.
            TLDR: you create what you tolerate and minimalize what you stigmatise. Thus, It has nothing to do with common courtesy when it's not common and shunned.

            • 12 months ago

              >women need to be told to be self-centered by anyone
              lmao, frick off.

            • 12 months ago

              yikes mansplaining

        • 12 months ago

          >at least 3 other people. No excuse
          I'm sorry you think that makes for a sex novice. The first time dosen't count, also your assuming the men encouraged them to learn or taught them a bunch of shit rather than just taking charge wich on average is usually the case.


      • 12 months ago

        Yeah that's why some of us unironically wait for robots/simulations

    • 12 months ago

      >Name one thing women don't ruin

      Not even sex is safe from them. b***h jist lays there like a carcass

      >Not even sex is safe from them
      >b***h just lays there like a carcass

      Anons I thought my last two ex were really bad at sex, but turns out women don't know how to give pleasure, only take it thru oral sex.

      Women please stop ruining animation and comics.

      • 12 months ago

        >last two

        I don’t think they were the ones bad at sex anon.

      • 12 months ago

        Women don't have dicks. You have to teach them how it works and the good spots to hit. Its like how women have to instruct men that jack hammering is not pleasure.

  6. 12 months ago

    if this guy has fangirls, what is your excuse Cinemaphile?

    • 12 months ago

      he's fictional

    • 12 months ago

      his "fangirls" are like three people - a gay dude, a former vtuber, and a chick coping with a bad past relationship

      do not ask me how I know this

      • 12 months ago

        >a chick coping with a bad past relationship
        Where I find girls like this? SPEAK. NOW!

        • 12 months ago

          Out in the world.

        • 12 months ago

          > anon looking to take advantage of girls coming out of abusive relationships
          I know where, but u of all people don't deserve to know

          • 12 months ago

            Not him, but he's probably broken as well.
            It feels a lot easier to strike up a conversation when the other party isn't "better" than you.

      • 12 months ago

        This is the truth, I see way more people panicking that this character has fangirls or excited that he does than actual "fangirls," of which I've seen maybe two and one was a dude. I've seen way more genuine fangirls for that character from Sausage Party that is literally a talking douche.
        Out of millions of people in the world, a small handful or weirdos will exist, some could be trolls or ironic. But this isn't a thing you just want it to be.

    • 12 months ago

      It's easy to fangirl over someone you cannot meet in real life and aren't dating or friends with their irl equivalent. Anyone that thinks bill is hot or cute or whatever would commit suicide after hanging with him for a week.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm a real dimensionalised person. Women love archetypes, concepts and cliches. If you don't easily fit into an established paradigm of hotness, they have no time for you.

      • 12 months ago

        As someone who's interacted with this particular subgroup, this is very much the case. They're able to decide just how scummy or redeemable the character can be, how easily they can be dominated, etc. The second you want to introduce a weird friend that seems like their type to them, they shut it down almost immediately because he has interests they don't like.
        Even women who fantasize about serial killers just have this internal version of what they SHOULD act like, that they'd be the exception to their downright evil acts.

      • 12 months ago

        you say that like men don't do this exact same thing, on the daily, on this very website.

        • 12 months ago

          We do, and don’t care, since the main interest here is criticizing women, not men
          I say this with a somewhat heavy heart

    • 12 months ago

      fictional characters and real life people are judged by different standards

    • 12 months ago

      I don't know!

    • 12 months ago

      I’m not fictional?

    • 12 months ago

      Bill hates women, so do I, and in reality if he wasn't a fictional character who can't say no, he'd say no.

  7. 12 months ago


  8. 12 months ago

    Seeing this in context made me really reaevaluate how I treat people and interact with society as a whole. Like I really realized "as an adult I should never show any traits that resemble Bill in any form".

    • 12 months ago

      just because he's a social moron doesn't mean he doesn't make some valid points. nerd culture did get raided by normies who just use it as apart of their "image".

      • 12 months ago

        I don't know how to tell you this but he is a completely vapid moron whose opinions are all either wrong or from a place of such deep and embarassing hatred you shouldn't admit to sharing them.

        Bill was an honest to God loser who didn't do anything with his life, never grew, and his only lifeskill was that he was able to dedicate years of his life memorizing gay ass comic book and sci-fi trivia so he can have snide and condescending opinions about shit that's fake. He spergs out about women in fandoms not cuz he's talking to an actual "leech" but because she saw how the clubs old lifestyle just sounded really miserable and hate-filled. This is all she did to "provoke" this response after he made passive-aggressive and demeaning comments to his friends GF seconds after meeting her while she is in full cosplay.

        • 12 months ago

          Whole lot of ad hom and not much of any saying how the point is actually wrong.

          Are you this much of a moron that you can't separate a shitty character from an opinion they espouse?

          • 12 months ago

            Probably should have read the comic before coming in jerking off about how LE BASED the loser character is, huh homosexual?

            • 12 months ago

              >Probably should have read the comic
              I did. Just because Bill's a loser moron doesn't make him wrong about normies invading nerd culture.

              >Calls legitimate criticisms an "Ad Hom" showing that you don't even know what that logical fallacy means AND that you're illiterate
              >"Erm, can't you separate a character from their defining motivational and plot-driven characteristics? Can't you just divorce what they're talking about in context and put it in a new context?"

              I'll pray for you, anon. My point was that Bill is a loser and the opinion both in and out of it's original context is stupid and you shouldn't be saying dumb shit like that. "Fandom invaders" it's a fricking hobby it's not a lifestyle.

              >his only lifeskill was that he was able to dedicate years of his life memorizing gay ass comic book and sci-fi trivia so he can have snide and condescending opinions about shit that's fake

              And my panels compounded with OP's shows that anyone with Bill's mindset is a jibbering basedsoaked freak that lashes out at anyone who enjoys le Epic Comic Fandom any differently than themselves.

              tldr You're a homosexual, there's some Ad Hom for ya

              >Calls legitimate criticisms an "Ad Hom"
              Comparing me to Bill is not a legitimate criticism of the argument that nerd culture was invaded by normies.

              • 12 months ago

                >Comparing me to Bill is not a legitimate criticism of the argument that nerd culture was invaded by normies.
                >"Erm, I'm just agreeing with the words of a comic book character that literally looks, acts, and emotes like a primodial soijack and I don't....get why you're calling me moronic?"

                Maybe read the comic already, jesus christ you're as dim a cellar.

              • 12 months ago

                >nerd culture
                You have to be 18 to post here.

                >more nothing ad hom rather than addressing the actual argument
                Cinemaphile is so filled with snarky liberals it's worse than goddamn most every other board. it's like twitter, tumblr, and Cinemaphile put together.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon the entire comic is entirely about why Bill is a fricking weirdo and that he sucks to be around. If you read the comic I wouldn't have to explain this to you, but I know you haven't.

                >"You can't stand seein' us get along so you gotta stick your TWAT where it doesn't belong to try to c**t everything up!"
                She wasn't doing that and no woman actually gives a shit about the opinions of fandom men in any capacity that matters to healthy, socially adjusted, secure men. Fandom is a hobby, not a lifestyle, and if you care about Fandom Lot Lizards wearing spandex as an adult with a job and a life then you're living a joke of a life.

                >"You may have ruined fandom, you and all the other cultural immigrants who invaded our territory, but this club is b***h-FREE!"
                Women being in fanspaces doesn't matter because again, Le Epic Fandom doesn't matter to anyone that matters. "Cultural Immigrants" is something that probably means more like "outsiders and non-nerds" than anything like women or minorities because if that is what he's implying than he's a fake fan that's just projecting his own xenophobia onto the writers of his favorite kid's fiction. Kid's fiction. Not even good normal adult fiction.

                I've spoonfed you enough, you're just like Bill and I'm gonna do exactly what the comic showed me to do around midwits like you.

              • 12 months ago

                >Anon the entire comic is entirely about why Bill is a fricking weirdo and that he sucks to be around.
                Anon, I've addressed that more than once. You're just being mindless.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm gonna do exactly what the comic showed me to do around midwits like you.
                Declare victory and flounce out?

              • 12 months ago

                He just leaves silently while moronic spergs bicker about him afterwards like they're any better, when they aren't. Like you. You never read the comic still LMFAO

              • 12 months ago

                >t. that poster
                Nobody's been talking about you since that post, you egotistical moron.

              • 12 months ago

                They literally responded, I can read the thread you dipshit. Was I replying to thin air?

              • 12 months ago

                Yes, that was an entirely different anon.

              • 12 months ago

                >No woman has ever joined a deliberately overwhelmingly male hobby for the sake of attention
                >Videogames arent a multibillion dollar Space that is being actively subverted by ESG investments
                Absolutely delusional

              • 12 months ago

                >nerd culture
                You have to be 18 to post here.

          • 12 months ago

            >Calls legitimate criticisms an "Ad Hom" showing that you don't even know what that logical fallacy means AND that you're illiterate
            >"Erm, can't you separate a character from their defining motivational and plot-driven characteristics? Can't you just divorce what they're talking about in context and put it in a new context?"

            I'll pray for you, anon. My point was that Bill is a loser and the opinion both in and out of it's original context is stupid and you shouldn't be saying dumb shit like that. "Fandom invaders" it's a fricking hobby it's not a lifestyle.

            >his only lifeskill was that he was able to dedicate years of his life memorizing gay ass comic book and sci-fi trivia so he can have snide and condescending opinions about shit that's fake

            And my panels compounded with OP's shows that anyone with Bill's mindset is a jibbering basedsoaked freak that lashes out at anyone who enjoys le Epic Comic Fandom any differently than themselves.

            tldr You're a homosexual, there's some Ad Hom for ya

            • 12 months ago

              >I have drawn YOU as the soijack

            • 12 months ago

              >it's a fricking hobby it's not a lifestyle.

              Unfortunately a lot of people here make it their entire identity and then get upset when their arrested development from their teen years is out of date with rest of society and culture

              • 12 months ago

                >Unfortunately a lot of people here make it their entire identity
                Why shouldn't they? Making trivial garbage into your identity is the #1 societal trend right now. Nerds are just ahead of the curve.

        • 12 months ago

          >I don't know how to tell you this but he is a completely vapid moron whose opinions are all either wrong or from a place of such deep and embarassing hatred you shouldn't admit to sharing them.
          Yes and no.

          Anything you could say about it goes out the window the moment you remember the late 10s had HUNDREDS of comics publishing whose only point was antagonizing nerds, and half of them from novel "writers" who had 0 interest or experience in the industry.

          Trying to equate these "people" to say, that very real problem presented in Eltingville where the chick looking for Saga gets creeped out of the LCS can only be done in bad faith.

        • 12 months ago

          You're trying to discuss how Bill is bad to a board full of Bills.

          • 12 months ago

            >t. Josh

            • 12 months ago

              >Everyone who disagrees with me is a fat smelly neckbeard nerd who i also hate
              Not him, but that was one of the most Bill things you coulda replied with

      • 12 months ago

        Always seemed misplaced to blame norimes for simps and companies who bend over ass backwards to pander to them.

        • 12 months ago

          >Always seemed misplaced to blame norimes for simps and companies who bend over ass backwards to pander to them
          because they're the ones acting like posers.

          • 12 months ago

            Simps support them.
            Companies bend to their will and make everything friendly for them.

            If neither changed, then the normie would adapt or leave. Similar to how a sports league just sets up a separate womens/handcap league while leaving the rules open for them to join the main one IF they meet the physical qualifications.

            • 12 months ago

              well, nerds tend to be mindless consumers, so good luck rallying them against corpos.

      • 12 months ago

        This might hold some water if 90% of dorks didn't limit their fixation to pop culture mass media.

        • 12 months ago

          >he says in 2023--decades after the culture was already co-opted by pop culture

          • 12 months ago

            Star Wars was the biggest movie of all time.

            • 12 months ago

              that was when it started, yes.

              • 12 months ago

                Right. And Star Wars is one of the chief obsessions of the Eltingville club.

              • 12 months ago

                do you think I go by the eltingville club code of conduct?

              • 12 months ago

                What does that have to do with anything. Moving on, I question how something like an interest in Star Wars, which was always mass media pop culture, can somehow be raided by the masses of people that made it popular in the first place.

              • 12 months ago

                >What does that have to do with anything
                Why would my point hinge on Eltingville club liking star wars? I literally could've asked you the same question.
                > I question how something like an interest in Star Wars, which was always mass media pop culture, can somehow be raided by the masses of people that made it popular in the first place.
                I said that was the beginning--as in, Star Wars was the birth of it.

              • 12 months ago

                >Why would my point hinge on Eltingville club liking star wars?
                I'm sorry, are you suggesting that Bill is basing his argument not from his own point of reference, but from the reference of a generation before that of the Eltingville club?
                >I said that was the beginning--as in, Star Wars was the birth of it.
                So you are defending the point Bill is making but only insofar as it is divorced from the context in which he is making it? Transplanting it to a context from which it is half a century removed? I'm lost here.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm sorry, are you suggesting that Bill is basing his argument not from his own point of reference
                no, and you basically have to be drooling to somehow arrive at that conclusion.
                >So you are defending the point Bill is making but only insofar as it is divorced from the context in which he is making it?
                Well, yeah. I've literally explained this multiple times. He's an anti-social shitbag, but he isn't wrong about how nerd culture was co-opted by pop culture.

              • 12 months ago

                >no, and you basically have to be drooling to somehow arrive at that conclusion.
                I didn't make a conclusion, I asked for clarification. Lay off the insults.
                >He's an anti-social shitbag, but he isn't wrong about how nerd culture was co-opted by pop culture.
                That's not his point.

              • 12 months ago

                >Lay off the insults.
                Go back to tumblr, pussygay.
                >That's not his point.
                Not his main point, but it's a supplementary point.

              • 12 months ago

                >ad hominem
                >Not his main point, but it's a supplementary point.
                It's not even his point at all. Bill's nerd culture is the same as pop culture.

              • 12 months ago

                People go see new movie, like movie, move on with their lives. People that like movie and want to see more, replace it with expanded universe, ttrpgs, more fanfics, discussions, appreciate it in relation to other sci-fi series, etc are the actual nerds that live there instead of visiting every once in a while. I don't particularly care about sw but I'd say that is the distinction.

          • 12 months ago

            I refuse to believe that you grew up in a time before this was the case. Or were you really going to science fiction conventions in the 1950s?

            • 12 months ago

              >I refuse to believe that you grew up in a time before this was the case.
              I refuse to believe that you actually think that's any sort of legitimate argument against mine? Like, how are you so moronic that you don't see that that isn't addressing the merit of the argument but instead going to ad hominem territory?

              • 12 months ago

                >"fallacy" fallacy

      • 12 months ago

        I don't know how to tell you this but he is a completely vapid moron whose opinions are all either wrong or from a place of such deep and embarassing hatred you shouldn't admit to sharing them.

        Bill was an honest to God loser who didn't do anything with his life, never grew, and his only lifeskill was that he was able to dedicate years of his life memorizing gay ass comic book and sci-fi trivia so he can have snide and condescending opinions about shit that's fake. He spergs out about women in fandoms not cuz he's talking to an actual "leech" but because she saw how the clubs old lifestyle just sounded really miserable and hate-filled. This is all she did to "provoke" this response after he made passive-aggressive and demeaning comments to his friends GF seconds after meeting her while she is in full cosplay.

        I don’t think anyone thinks he’s some sort of proper example on how to act, and god knows the author a wanted to use him as the scape goat for how NOT to be as a nerd, but that doesn’t mean that everything he has to say is completely invalid.

        Though which eltingville bro do you guys think would be the most likely to troon out?

        • 12 months ago

          Josh, but not for real real. Pete is Pete, Josh wouldn't pass anyways even if he tried to "fit in" to score some sympathy tang, Jerry is the most stable of the group so any sort of insanity related to self-mutilation is least likely to affect him, and Bill would just beat the shit out of anyone trying to decimate what manhood he has left.

        • 12 months ago

          People who stupid shit like this make me laugh. Because not only were women a big part of my school's anime scene, but so were lgbt people.
          I remember my girlfriend getting mad at a black anime nerd because he didn't support gay marriage, and I remember a lesbain girl who was part of the anime group and dated within the group coming out of the closet in front of a stage, also wasn't one of the earliest anime nerds and furries also gay?

          • 12 months ago

            The joke is that transgenderism is just where nerd bois go culturally now for acceptance.

        • 12 months ago

          >Though which eltingville bro do you guys think would be the most likely to troon out?
          Easily, he's the classic
          I HATE X
          BECOMES X

          and then he would be exactly as he is with the oposite side,

      • 12 months ago

        >Valid points
        But he didn't. He just spewed context-free buzzwords to ascribe his problems to other people.

  9. 12 months ago

    If they want their own community they can build it on their own rather than parasitize an already existing fandom. Of course that's too hard for these people so they'd prefer for someone to do the work for them.

  10. 12 months ago

    >those are MY HECKIN FUNKO POPS
    lol what a miserable shit

  11. 12 months ago

    This image describes modern Cinemaphile pretty well. Some of them could even be in this thread right now!

  12. 12 months ago

    Isn't the point of eltingville that most nerds and nerd culture itself is stupid?
    I mean the guys only hang out with each other because they are the only ones that are willing to hang out with each other.

    • 12 months ago

      >Isn't the point of eltingville that most nerds and nerd culture itself is stupid?
      If you're a normalhomosexual, sure--that's entirely the point.
      If you're a nerd, it's a solid criticism of nerd culture that still speaks to larger truths despite how anti-social these freaks are.

      • 12 months ago

        The main thing this gets spot on is how grubby store owners can be. Maybe not anymore, but now they are grubby in a different way.

        • 12 months ago

          Well, it also gets into how nerds get all caught up on stupid bullshit like power-levels rather than discussing the stories themselves.

          • 12 months ago

            That too, where cred is about how much trivia you know surrounding something rather than the actual contents of said thing.

            • 12 months ago

              And, in regard to OP, it is a bit more nuanced than
              >Bill is wrong!
              Like, he's addressing valid points about how pop culture co-opted nerd shit that it had previously relentlessly mocked. But, not fully co-opting it--just sort of presenting the image of "nerdy" stuff. Like how the MCU does the song and dance where they're entire existence is based around nerd shit, but they still can't help but mock it and dilute the source material.

              Nerd stuff has just been turned into another fashion statement for normalgays.

              • 12 months ago

                And, to address the snarky liberals in the thread, I'm also not saying
                >Bill is right!
                Because, obviously, he's letting his hateful nature get in the way of a girl--a normal girl at that--potentially engaging in the fandoms that he likes with the same level of interest that he does. Sure, there are a lot of posers out there, but there's nothing stopping this girl from liking "nerd" stuff--except for Bill right here.

                That's what makes it nuanced.

        • 12 months ago

          Honestly I'd be grubby too if I were a store-owner. I love the hobby, but the people who participate in it tend to be more than just socially moronic.

      • 12 months ago

        >anti social freaks self isolate in their own clubs and circles
        >normalgays want into these circles
        >get mad that they aren't full of other normalgays
        I really dont see how this is a problem at all.

    • 12 months ago

      It's not very well-illustrated in the show, but the comic demonstrates how empty and sad their lives are, since they're such outcasts that the only people willing to interact with them are other outcasts who still hate each other. Good example is the trivia-off since it's two autismos screaming pointless tidbits at each other in order to "win" a Boba Fett doll.

      • 12 months ago

        The cartoon added a relatively big audience of other nerds who came for the trivia-off, if I'm not mistaken
        In the comic the audience is basically just the shop owner

        • 12 months ago

          Nah, it still had several characters like the kid who was constantly spit talking. Let me check actually, it's pretty quick to do.

          • 12 months ago

            They had some characters who mostly show up in the finale, but none of them give a shit. The spit guy is not nearly as prominent. And the little dweeb kid that's eaten by vultures was added in.

            • 12 months ago

              Ok, just checked, yeah it's just random one-off shoppers in random panels of the comic.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, it's treated like an actual event with rules that the other kids respect. But in the book it's just them four and Joe, who doesn't really give a shit but feels a little sorry for them for knowing all this useless shit.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, it's treated like an actual event with rules that the other kids respect. But in the book it's just them four and Joe, who doesn't really give a shit but feels a little sorry for them for knowing all this useless shit.

          Also the climax hinges on a silly mistake instead of disagreement over an extremely small point.

          The cartoon pilot has a somewhat different feeling. It was either changed wholey into a sitcom, or the polemic would co-exist with sitcom elements, perhaps with sitcom being most of the running time and the nerdhate as high points.

          • 12 months ago

            The show dumbs down the trivia questions in the trivia-off and it's treated more like a light-hearted cartoon about some shitty misfits. But in the comics it's more true to life where instead of Bill having a punk little sister that's able to beat him up he's got a normal little brother who he mentally abuses.

  13. 12 months ago

    The best piece of satire of nerds in the series isn't any of the loud sensationalist stuff but when Josh sees an episode of Twilight Zone he hasn't seen before and actually is intrigued by it as a drama instead of as a nerd totem.

    • 12 months ago

      It was all of them. Was that part satire or just a neat moment?

  14. 12 months ago

    >Women have been accepted in anime and manga for decades
    >Meanwhile in American comics and cartoons
    P O V E R T Y M E D I U M S

    • 12 months ago

      That's because women mangaka put out some great fricking works and participated within the community from the start.
      Western (Specifically american) comic culture was primarily male until recent demographic shifts with terrible female writers.

    • 12 months ago

      Western women don't want simple coexistence, they ultimately want control of the medium due to their own insecurities and hatred of the male sex. They delight in making the fandom experience abysmal for men because of some perceived oppression on their part. To ignore stuff like #metoon and all the "crashing the boy's club" shit is to ignore reality itself.

      • 12 months ago

        honestly good for them

        • 12 months ago

          >t. ranny

          • 12 months ago

            what's a ranny

      • 12 months ago

        >Western women don't want simple coexistence, they ultimately want control of the medium due to their own insecurities and hatred of the male sex.

        You sound like M. Bison. The average woman doesn't know anything about animation beyond Disney and Sanrio. I asked a girl who here favorite Scooby Doo character was and she said she couldn't name all of them. The average woman knows literally NOTHING at all.

        • 12 months ago

          That's like most people in nerd circles, not exclusive to women.

        • 12 months ago

          The most effective tactic a predator can utilize is convincing its potential quarry that it isn't a threat.

  15. 12 months ago

    In this day and age, they could try becoming Youtube pundits

  16. 12 months ago

    Woman: exists
    Men: start acting like morons in various ways by either worshipping her, claiming she's Satan or some other moronic shit

    I hate humanity so much sometimes

    • 12 months ago

      breasts or GTFO

      • 12 months ago

        >if you don't act like a moron like I do, you must be a woman
        Dude why THE FRICK do you insist on embarrassing yourself
        You do realize that whenever you talk to a woman as if she's some special being different from a guy you're not living up to your title of the rational civilized human being living of the 21st century's advanced society but rather obeying your stupid animal instincts and letting them drive your actions?

        • 12 months ago

          why do you embarrass yourself by acting like a woman?

          • 12 months ago

            Do you also think all men who get into normal successful relationships act like women?

            • 12 months ago

              being subservient is not the only way to attract people.
              weren't you the one claiming i was treating them like a different species? but, now you're doing the same thing.

              • 12 months ago

                Have you considered that I'm just good-natured to most people, to begin with? Because everyone has their shit in life and deserves to be treated with basic sympathy unless they're harming you.

                To some extent it's true, you have to alter entire aspects of your personality to be deemed even tolerable to most women. This often involves adopting feminine mannerisms, as they are narcissistic by nature. I seldom blame women though, moreso men like you who enable their horrid behavior, from pussywhipping to chesting.

                That's a new one. Usually, the complaint is that women have unrealistic expectations of masculinity. That I can understand, but not your projection. I reckon that no, most of the time being a doormat won't get you anywhere.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh you assumed I meant a sexual partner kek, no that only applies to potential relationships. They want someone on their wavelength that's easy to influence while they frick better men on the side. Again, I blame spineless men for not putting their foot down and asserting themselves.

                A troon drew that? Frick.

                Like I said, ex. She's luckily been off the test for a while now and actually landed a decent bf. They seem happy together.

              • 12 months ago

                If a woman is leading you on and fricking someone on the side, you shouldn't be in a relationship with her in the first place. But this is also an extreme concept that lives in your head likely from constant exposure to various people's personal failures on the internet, rather than any personal experience, so it's akin to a boogeyman.

                >Have you considered that I'm just good-natured to most people, to begin with?
                Being subservient does not equate to being good-natured. The fact that you think so is incredibly tragic.

                You're the one who keeps bringing up being subservient. Do you think that not acting like OP pic is being subservient?

              • 12 months ago

                >You're the one who keeps bringing up being subservient.
                Because you keep equating your subservient behavior to being a good person.

              • 12 months ago

                What subservient behavior are you even talking about? Not being creepy or an butthole to people?

              • 12 months ago

                refer to

                Woman: exists
                Men: start acting like morons in various ways by either worshipping her, claiming she's Satan or some other moronic shit

                I hate humanity so much sometimes

                >Woman: exists
                >Men: start acting like morons in various ways by either worshipping her, claiming she's Satan or some other moronic shit
                the most unironically reddit, soi-guzzelling thing I've seen in some time. although, what else should I expect from Cinemaphilemblr.

              • 12 months ago

                Could you fit even more buzzwords in your post? Yes, stuff like this unironically annoys me. How many times in your life have you called yourself smart, bragged about your critical thinking, considered yourself rational? Probably far too many to be defending this kind of moronic, literal monkey-tier, animalistic behavior. Can't you do better? Can't you fricking act like an actual member of the human civilization that was only built because people managed to rein shit like that in? Worse are the people that take some sort of pride in succumbing to their animalistic instincts and being unable to talk to a woman like a normal human being.

                I'm gonna say it. Simps are worse than ethots and prostitutes.

                As annoying as they are, they are not "worse". At the end of the day, a lot of them are probably mentally ill people getting taken advantage of by selfish manipulative women. This is not all that different from any other addiction and people that take advantage of it, like fast food or alcohol or tobacco.

              • 12 months ago

                Are you implying 80% of the world's male population is mentally ill? Most men are Simps as a rule. You'll find it difficult to find a man who will judge a woman by her character and actions and not just her her genitals.

              • 12 months ago

                >Are you implying 80% of the world's male population is mentally ill?
                Why do you think I said I hate humanity sometimes? We have so much work ahead of us to move past the unhealthy life-ruining moronation that became normalized over hundreds of years of pre-civilized life.

                >How many times in your life have you called yourself smart, bragged about your critical thinking, considered yourself rational?
                >Probably too many
                Don't project your arrogance onto me as if it's some default everybody experiences. Every post you make just makes you look more any more a self-debasing loser. You're like one of those gays who proudly proclaims
                >"I'm a MALE feminist!"

                Oh please, you're on Cinemaphile, you have most definitely acted like an arrogant smartass plenty of times. Nothing about what I said is debasing, and it's not about feminism either. Do you really think that simply talking to a girl the same way you would to a guy without spilling your spaghetti is somehow humiliating?

              • 12 months ago

                Well, if things go well, alot if us fellas will just end up returning to the forest where we can't bother anyone and we'll be free to live as we will.

              • 12 months ago

                >Oh please, you're on Cinemaphile, you have most definitely acted like an arrogant smartass plenty of times
                More projection.
                >Nothing about what I said is debasing

                >literally posted reddit-tier meme format posing women as innocently just existing while wily men act like cuh-raaaazy characters
                Yeah, let's just ignore how women react to serial killers. Or, maybe, let's not do moronic, meaningless grandstanding on an anonymous forum.

              • 12 months ago

                The situation in OP pic is literally a man reacting like a cuh-razy character to a woman existing. That's why I posted it. If this was a thread about serial killer fangirls I would've likely posted about them being moronic too. Though it would've been less cathartic because women don't usually go to this place so they won't see it.

              • 12 months ago

                >The situation in OP pic is literally a man reacting like a cuh-razy character to a woman existing
                Yeah, I think the point speaks for itself in the narrative of the story. All you were doing was grandstanding while removing any nuance in the process.

                Good on you, chap. Great contribution.

              • 12 months ago

                Hey, I'm always glad to intervene in a circlejerk, and this thread has a bunch of people sympathizing with him.

              • 12 months ago

                You mean the whole section where people calmly dissected the nuance of argument--acknowledging that the characters are fricked up people but that there were also points being made?

                Yes, I'm sure your unnuanced take is the enlightened one--not some snarky liberal bullshit saying absolutely nothing while trying to seem morally superior in the process.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't care about the gatekeeping argument, that's not the real reason Bill reacts the way he does and there are plenty of morons in the thread with similar reactions. Which I'm expressing my disgust over, which you don't even have to be a liberal to do.

              • 12 months ago

                What, that he's angry about women? Yeah, like I said, that falls in with the "these are fricked up people" line that I already mentioned. And, yeah, no shit there's people on a fricking Cinemaphile thread angry about women existing.

                /co/mblr indeed.

              • 12 months ago

                I think I made my position pretty clear already, you're just trying to be petty at this point.

              • 12 months ago

                I also made my position clear. You're just signalling that you put women up on a pedestal by harping on the obvious fact that the Eltingville Club and Cinemaphile posters generally don't like women.

              • 12 months ago

                This has nothing to do with any pedestal. I'm just annoyed by self-contradictory morons who act high and mighty but cannot control their own emotions. Especially considering one of the popular talking points in Cinemaphile thread circlejerks is how allegedly rational men are compared to women.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm just annoyed by self-contradictory morons who act high and mighty but cannot control their own emotions
                >more vagaries rather than refuting any specific points
                holy concession

              • 12 months ago

                What points? I'm not trying to have a debate, I'm talking about my righteous indignation.

              • 12 months ago

                >What points?
                the supposed self-contradictions. what are they? also, how are they the ones acting high and mighty when this thread started off with you posting:

                >Woman: exists
                >Men: start acting like morons in various ways by either worshipping her, claiming she's Satan or some other moronic shit

                >I hate humanity so much sometimes

                That's peak acting high-and-mighty.

              • 12 months ago

                A person taking pride in their alleged rationality doesn't get to be a slave to their primal instincts that have nothing to do with rational decision-making in a civilized society. They could benefit from simultaneously lowering their arrogance and making an effort to be less impulsive in their actions. These two are kind of interconnected in the first place, since arrogance is rarely rational to begin with and is usually a result of impulse.

              • 12 months ago

                >A person taking pride in their alleged rationality doesn't get to be a slave to their primal instincts that have nothing to do with rational decision-making in a civilized society. They could benefit from simultaneously lowering their arrogance and making an effort to be less impulsive in their actions. These two are kind of interconnected in the first place, since arrogance is rarely rational to begin with and is usually a result of impulse.
                Making a fricking concrete point about people in this thread rather than pontificating about abstract bullshit--trying to cover up your lack of a point with larger vocab.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah, I'd rather not psychoanalyze every poster ITT just to appease. What I'm talking about is a real thing and you know it is. Bill is an arrogant smartass, so the people that identify with him are likely to be similar.

              • 12 months ago

                >Yeah, I'd rather not psychoanalyze every poster ITT just to appease
                >AKA: Yeah, I'd rather not bring up any specific examples just to prove my point
                >What I'm talking about is a real thing and you know it is
                You can't even simply state what you're trying to say.

              • 12 months ago

                I think I stated it quite well. I'm not referring to any specific post ITT, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to see them behave this way, see above why.

              • 12 months ago

                >I think I stated it quite well.
                No, you didn't. Like I said, you just clouded the fact that you don't have a point by using larger vocabulary.
                You STILL can't even just plainly express what your point is.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm sorry if all you see in that post is "big words". I'll say it another way: don't be a moron who cannot control his instincts, whether that makes you act like a simp or an butthole. You could gleam this from my very first message already.

              • 12 months ago

                >don't be a moron who cannot control his instincts, whether that makes you act like a simp or an butthole
                Oh, so you are saying the exact moronic shit I thought you were--some moron who buys into puritan bullshit that "humans are above animals".
                we're just complex animals, anon. our reasonings doing things and feeling certain ways will always be animalistically simple at its core. you are the moron for thinking you can escape this.

              • 12 months ago

                not that anon but all this talk about animals makes me wonder, is there any Cinemaphile character that makes you want to frick them like an animal?

              • 12 months ago

                >is there any Cinemaphile character that makes you want to frick them like an animal?
                why, yes.

              • 12 months ago

                I am so glad to see someone so eager to talk about such things, what is it about her that unlocks such feelings in you?

              • 12 months ago

                she has
                >big booba
                >large hips and bum
                >the dumb blonde archetype
                >a nice personality

              • 12 months ago

                I never watched the show, what is it about her personality that got you going? The rest of your opinions make sense to me like ten thousand percent but what moments in the show made you fall for her?

              • 12 months ago

                >what is it about her personality that got you going?
                she's an actual sweetheart. like, most characters on TDI are c**ty or annoying, but she's just a hot, dumb, yet sweet and devoted bimbo.
                wife material.

              • 12 months ago

                Ah, so basically she did something like say she was willing to make the peanut butter sandwiches after a long hard day or something like that which is what made her wife material to you?

              • 12 months ago

                >so basically she did something like say she was willing to make the peanut butter sandwiches after a long hard day or something like that which is what made her wife material to you?
                no, it wasn't one thing. she was just nice to other people--even the losers and weirdos. plus, she was devoted to her bf.

              • 12 months ago

                Interesting, so you feel like that there would have been a scenario where you wuold have been the bf in question? I would honestly like to know how your ideal way of meeting her would have gone down, if you are ok with revealing such intimate details.

              • 12 months ago

                >Interesting, so you feel like that there would have been a scenario where you wuold have been the bf in question?
                No, but it's nice to fantasize.

              • 12 months ago

                feel free to turn me down and just say no but I would like to know, what is your nice fantasy about her? Like say how would TDI end if you were there and it was up to you?

              • 12 months ago

                >what is your nice fantasy about her? Like say how would TDI end if you were there and it was up to you?
                Idk, I've never thought about it like that. Just, like,
                >"It'd cool if Lindsay from TDI was my gf."

              • 12 months ago

                What would her being your gf be cool tho? Like can you give a scenario or would it be just a general vibe?

              • 12 months ago

                >What would her being your gf be cool tho?
                I dunno. Surprise surprise, but I've never had a girlfriend lmao.

              • 12 months ago

                well all you gotta do is bathe on the regular and look for one. No joke, even Chris Chan had multiple chances for an rl gf and Chris Chan turned them down out of moronation. So if Chris Chan has chances to get one, so do you!

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not the incel I used to be. I could've gotten a girlfriend by now, but I waited so long that I decided to keep waiting until it's somebody I actually really like rather than just some girl who shows interest in me.

              • 12 months ago

                fair enough, just saying it is worth it to just try causal dating at the very least to get some xp points lol

              • 12 months ago

                >somebody I actually really like rather than just some girl who shows interest in me.
                you don't want that kind of relationship anyway. Its always better to date down so you have more sway in the relationship.

              • 12 months ago

                Other animals don't create civilizations and morality. If you're going to refuse to control yourself, harm yourself and others in the process, and take some sort of pride with it because you're "obeying your nature", the best solution is for you to move out of your apartment somewhere deep in the woods. It's hypocrisy of the highest order to try to enjoy the goods of the civilization without making an effort to abide by its regulations. That's one thing I don't have any sympathy for.

              • 12 months ago

                >Other animals don't create civilizations and morality
                Okay. Are you really trying to argue that we aren't just animals acting on an animalistic basis? Just answer yes or no and we can be done.

              • 12 months ago

                We are animals, but our brains are sophisticated enough to allow us to develop an environment where prioritizing our animalistic basis is useless of harmful. Which is why it's rational to make an effort to control yourself. Don't tell me it's BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to not spill your spaghetti in front of a girl.

                Yes they do. You just don't pay attention. Just because we don't trade with animals like Ants, Meerkats, Dolphins or Chimpanzees doesn't mean they dpn't exist.

                Any semblance of morality all these species have is incredibly basic compared to others, and you likely wouldn't want it applied to yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                >We are animals, but our brains are sophisticated enough to allow us to develop an environment where prioritizing our animalistic basis is useless of harmful
                Anon, you're just so deep into your human-centric view that you don't see how we're still as animalistic as we ever were. You're just riding the baseless pretensions.

              • 12 months ago

                We have developed a structure comfortable enough where we (or at least the civilized parts of humanity) don't HAVE to be animalistic to survive anymore. This won't change overnight, but if the structure is maintained for enough generations, this might very well change.

                As for baseless pretensions, do you want someone to stab you and start eating you alive while you're walking down the street? You don't? Then the least you can do is make an effort to abide by the regulations of the system that allows you to not have to fight for your life every day.

              • 12 months ago

                >We have developed a structure comfortable enough where we (or at least the civilized parts of humanity) don't HAVE to be animalistic to survive anymore.
                And, there are some pretty good arguments that humanity is being negatively impacted by this.
                >As for baseless pretensions, do you want someone to stab you and start eating you alive while you're walking down the street? You don't?
                What the frick does that have to do with the point you were making by bringing this topic up?

              • 12 months ago

                >And, there are some pretty good arguments that humanity is being negatively impacted by this.
                I'm pretty sure the quality of life in civilized countries is objectively better than in any previous period in human history. More people can allow to live comfortably than decades ago, and I don't just mean in a material sense. Can you imagine the hell it must have been to have a mental illness 100 or 200 years ago? Say what you what about the problems of mental health institutions in the modern era, at the very least they are present and a portion of the populace has some form of awareness, this is already far more than your ancestors had if they were depressed.
                >What the frick does that have to do with the point you were making by bringing this topic up?
                I am showcasing the basis of this "pretension". As for the topic, I already said: there's no animalistic basis that makes it outright impossible to control yourself and not become a complete impulsive moron when talking to a woman.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm pretty sure the quality of life in civilized countries is objectively better than in any previous period in human history.
                Again, that's arguable. Never before have humans been so anguished that they start randomly killing people. Never before have people been so debilitatingly fat.
                You wanna know why the world is getting so fat? Because, like I said, we are all running off of animalistic priorities at the end of the day--no matter how large and complex our brain has gotten.

              • 12 months ago

                >Never before have humans been so anguished that they start randomly killing people.
                You've never read a history book in your life lmao

              • 12 months ago

                Anon, those historical killings are always targeted--not random.
                Never have people been so anguished that they randomly start killing random people--without any political reason for killing those specific individuals--en masse.

              • 12 months ago

                I have doubts that most killings are truly random, it's more that the reasons are often not disclosed. In any case, if you're talking about stuff like school shootings, you should know that the deadliest one in the US was around 95 years ago.

              • 12 months ago

                >Murderers never existed before the modern age
                That's enough internet for today.

              • 12 months ago

                >Black person pretending the discussion isn't about mass killings rather than isolated murders
                big brain over here.

                I have doubts that most killings are truly random, it's more that the reasons are often not disclosed. In any case, if you're talking about stuff like school shootings, you should know that the deadliest one in the US was around 95 years ago.

                >I have doubts that most killings are truly random
                You're right, the people who shoot up grocery stores totally plotted out for every random person who was going to be there at that given time. Nothing random about the killings.

              • 12 months ago

                They weren't targeting the individuals, they we're likely targeting the store or the demographics that shop there.

              • 12 months ago

                You really think that at any point in human history, even back when you could get away with anything short of a genocide, a group of guys never said to themselves, "Hey see that village over there, let's frick 'em up".

              • 12 months ago

                >You really think that at any point in human history, even back when you could get away with anything short of a genocide, a group of guys never said to themselves, "Hey see that village over there, let's frick 'em up".
                People at war always have the political reasoning to barbarize as they please.
                I'm claiming that never was there such a notable trend of people going and randomly trying to kill their countrymen without some sort of specific motive for killing those specific people. Only modern society has pushed us to this point where it's become an actual trend.

              • 12 months ago

                >Only modern society has pushed us to this point where it's become an actual trend
                The causes behind that phenomenon(mental issues, anger) have always been around. What are novel are firearms, for allowing a single person to efficiently kill multiple people, and information technology, so people can find out about these occurrences even when it's not local or recent

              • 12 months ago

                >The causes behind that phenomenon(mental issues, anger) have always been around
                No, no, no. People are not committing homicide on random people just because they're angry or a little fricked in the head--or just because there are guns around. They're killing people because modern society makes them feel fricking hopeless.

              • 12 months ago

                homie, one of the most consistent trends in history is "[Person] kills a bunch of random people because they're mad at society".

              • 12 months ago

                I think there's lots and lots of evidence of Paleolithic murder probably caused by "frick you Dave I hate you" just little or no evidence for War. Think about how often violence is domestic violence, personal beefs, murder is between people who know each other somehow.

                It's just War that had tons of downsides for very small very early nomadic groups and no real upsides.

              • 12 months ago

                >They're killing people because modern society makes them feel fricking hopeless
                Can you elaborate? What is it, and what causes it that makes it so different than all the other types of hopelessly that came before?

              • 12 months ago

                There's no point trying to have a discussion here, but the oldest evidence of that kind of thing was I think Jebel Sahaba maybe 14,000 years at most ago
                While a long time, homosexual Sapiens have been around for hundreds of thousands of years so it's pretty recent.

                One theory is just before sedentism or agriculture there would have been nothing to gain from war rape situations instead of spontaneous personal conflict leading to assault or homicide. No one owned anything, there was nothing to steal, people were nomadic, couldn't defend territory, everyone had to pull their own weight and get along, couldn't take slaves. That doesn't mean it never happened especially put of spontaneous anger but there was nothing to game.

                Meanwhile groups relied on other groups in the area for mates, information, gathering, trading some very minor materials maybe at times getting a reputation in the area as "the group that murders people" if any witness survived would be be very helpful. Even small injuries from the skirmish could be deadly before any real medicine. I'm sure it happened but mostly just why bother. One or a few people getting mad and injuring or killing each other probably happened a lot though but that's not "war" and based on similar band societies if you did that you might be exiled or killed by your group because again it just causes trouble.

              • 12 months ago

                Meant to say that includes something like mass rape along with mass slaughter old mate exchange traditions make a lot more sense than being known as the group that rapes people along with the group that murders people also high chance of your offspring not surviving due to injury to mother, you not being around to provide, or group abandoning the baby (based on evidence, a not rare occurrence for many reason) the whole strategy just makes no sense and probably happened but wouldn't have been selected for.

                Once people started staying in one place especially agriculture, and groups got much bigger that all changed of course. That was pretty recent.

              • 12 months ago

                >Never before have humans been so anguished that they start randomly killing people.
                I am confident this is bullshit.
                >Never before have people been so debilitatingly fat.
                That's one of the side effects of a comfortable lifestyle. But that doesn't mean the solution is to go back to a less advanced state of society.
                >Again, that's arguable.
                What's inarguable is that our morality has largely become more humane, i.e. more people are allowed to have rights and be treated with sympathy. Nothing is worth reversing that.

                >Society is only possible in the first place because humans have ignored the animalistic urge to frick indiscriminately in favor of monogamist pairings
                No, that's just a reflection of our progression in mental complexity. At the end of the day though, we are still driven by animalistic urges though.

                Anon is right, the entire institute of monogamy relies on people suppressing their urge to reproduce at any opportunity.

              • 12 months ago

                I probably should've said institute of marriage*

              • 12 months ago

                >What's inarguable is that our morality has largely become more humane, i.e. more people are allowed to have rights and be treated with sympathy.
                Oh, horseshit. We haven't progressed; we've just become stupid in different ways because we're so fricking privileged.
                We let an industry form that has kids getting mutilated and made infertile for life off of this "progressive" mindset--and even advertise the fact in children's movies.
                We're as animalistic as we ever were. You couldn't even refute the fat thing; you just dismissed it. The only reason people are this fricking fat is because they mindless want to consume more and more because of animalistic instincts telling them to eat as much as they can--even though they logically know they've had more than enough.

              • 12 months ago

                >Oh, horseshit. We haven't progressed
                Again: do you think being mentally ill 100 or 200 years ago would've been the same as it is now? Can you imagine the hell of being depressed or autistic or schizophrenic in that time period where none of your friends and family can understand what is going on with you and cannot help in any way, as your relationships and life slowly fall apart and people around you grow to hate you out of your own uselessness and their helplessness to do anything about it?
                >We let an industry form that has kids getting mutilated and made infertile for life off of this "progressive" mindset
                Why do you people have to make everything about trannies? This has nothing to do with the question of civilization becoming more humane. It's like you're so terminally online that all you can think about is a group of people that makes up less than 0.5% of the population and ignore everything else. Can you comprehend the sheer amount of people that centuries ago would have lived a miserable existence likely ending in suicide or on a war, but were able to at least get a chance at being helped and changing their life in modern civilization?
                >We're as animalistic as we ever were.
                In an animalistic society someone like Bill wouldn't be in a position to b***h about women invading his picture books hobby in the first place, he'd be too busy trying to survive.
                >because of animalistic instincts telling them to eat as much as they can--even though they logically know they've had more than enough.
                I doubt that. The factor that usually contributes to overeating is an addiction to an easy source of pleasure. Which is something that is at least possible for us to control. It's not the same as a pigeon eating every scrap that gets thown their way because they can't help it.

              • 12 months ago

                Society is only possible in the first place because humans have ignored the animalistic urge to frick indiscriminately in favor of monogamist pairings

              • 12 months ago

                >Society is only possible in the first place because humans have ignored the animalistic urge to frick indiscriminately in favor of monogamist pairings
                No, that's just a reflection of our progression in mental complexity. At the end of the day though, we are still driven by animalistic urges though.

              • 12 months ago

                >that's just a reflection of our progression in mental complexity
                Yes, our mental ability called "sapience" which is literally defined as the ability to think beyond and against natural instincts.

              • 12 months ago

                Civilization doesn't spontaneously form out of mental complexity. The brains of modern-day hmo sapiens are not that different from humans living 5000-10000 years ago.
                You could take any two civilizations we have records for, even if they existed thousands of miles and hundreds of years apart, and still discern some common elements. Monogamy is usually one of those elements.

              • 12 months ago

                >Civilization doesn't spontaneously form out of mental complexity.
                Didn't say spontaneous, but thanks for the straw.
                >The brains of modern-day hmo sapiens are not that different from humans living 5000-10000 years ago.
                Also, thank you for proving my point further for me.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes they do. You just don't pay attention. Just because we don't trade with animals like Ants, Meerkats, Dolphins or Chimpanzees doesn't mean they dpn't exist.

              • 12 months ago

                >How many times in your life have you called yourself smart, bragged about your critical thinking, considered yourself rational?
                >Probably too many
                Don't project your arrogance onto me as if it's some default everybody experiences. Every post you make just makes you look more any more a self-debasing loser. You're like one of those gays who proudly proclaims
                >"I'm a MALE feminist!"

              • 12 months ago

                Men being simps is a tale as old as time. Its why prostitutes make good spies and industries of all stripes employ them to make men do stupid shit for easy money.

              • 12 months ago

                But the only way you'd find out about such behavior is if you actively find her doing shit on social media/hookup apps, which people would considered "creepy" or "stalker" behavior, because a masculine trait like ensuring your SO's loyalty is too much of a liability. You'd always be the one at fault in the eyes of most women and their male lapdogs.

              • 12 months ago

                >Have you considered that I'm just good-natured to most people, to begin with?
                Being subservient does not equate to being good-natured. The fact that you think so is incredibly tragic.

            • 12 months ago

              To some extent it's true, you have to alter entire aspects of your personality to be deemed even tolerable to most women. This often involves adopting feminine mannerisms, as they are narcissistic by nature. I seldom blame women though, moreso men like you who enable their horrid behavior, from pussywhipping to chesting.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm gonna say it. Simps are worse than ethots and prostitutes.

  17. 12 months ago

    I wonder why female hyper-nerd circles aren't parodied/addressed as much in media. They exist, and are just as bad as toxic male fanbases, just in other ways.

    Petty passive-aggressiveness, relentless shaming for small things, manipulative group dynamics.
    There's a lot of talk about men taking nerdy hobbies too seriously, but have you been in some of these female nerd circles? They take this shit more seriously than real life.

    • 12 months ago

      >I wonder why female hyper-nerd circles aren't parodied/addressed as much in media.
      way more rare. plus, people are fine with looking at ugly dudes, but ugly women are not as marketable.

    • 12 months ago

      Because most of the members of the community they'd be parodying are the ones writing modern shows. Respect women, believe women, treat them like perfect angels even when they ruin careers and drive people to suicide.

    • 12 months ago

      Women don't tend to be scrutinized as much, writers also really only have references of males.

    • 12 months ago

      The mid-late 2000's "Harry Potter fan fiction community" has to be one of the worst collections of people ever to exist without being in a position of real power.

      • 12 months ago

        How did Harry Potter of all franchises attract this much negative attention?

        • 12 months ago

          by being popular i suppose

      • 12 months ago

        I will never forget the fanfic where Daphne Greengrass date rapes Harry with a love potion and everyone blames Harry for getting her pregnant while trying to make Daphne sympathetic

    • 12 months ago

      Im surprised by this too, because I remember when I was a teenager, the school's anime nerds were id say about......75 percent female.
      Its why I despise people who defend Bill here

      This will always be accurate

      not just because its meant to criticize incel nerds who get their panties in a bunch over someone with a pair of breasts being part of their nerd space, but also because the big irony is that women have been a big part of the nerd scene for a while.
      Back in the 80s and 90s, it was mostly men who were part of certain nerd groups/fandoms, but by the turn of the century that was hardly the case anymore, as many nerd groups especially the growing anime fandom, which was gaining more steam due to a new millennial fans, because more and more female. By the mid and late 00s when moe became huge, you saw even more women than ever becoming part of the anime scene. But even back in the 80s & 90s you still had women who were part of nerd groups. just not in large numbers, I've seen old 90s con footage of women dressed as Dirty Pair characters.
      And of course everything that I just mentioned relates to the AMERICAN nerd scene. In JAPAN women from the very beginning were a significant part of the anime fandom and some spaces made a majority, especially within Doujin trade circles and in nerd gatherings.
      >The name “Tominoko Tribe” is a tongue-in-cheek play on Gundam director Yoshiyuki Tomino’s name and the Takenokozoku (竹の子族), literally “Bamboo Shoots tribe,” the name for kids who gathered around Harajuku and danced in flowing, brightly colored clothes. One of the multitudes of youth movements in Japan, the Bamboo Shoots tribe showed up sometime in the late ‘70s and continued until the early ‘80s. Predominantly female, Bamboo Shoots tribe kids would dance through the streets in groups and hang out in Harajuku.

    • 12 months ago

      More Cinemaphile than /tg/ but I think Dead Pixels got the closest to nailing an accurate portrayal of a nerdy femcel. Doesn't fully count though cause the actor is a total QT IRL

      • 12 months ago

        checked but
        why do you homies keep using that word? takes like 5 seconds to realize they don't exist

        • 12 months ago

          They want to make it seem more sympathetic than "I'm super picky and all the men I'm around disgust me," we're luckily not so far gone that we'd condone that kind of attitude.

        • 12 months ago

          They want to make it seem more sympathetic than "I'm super picky and all the men I'm around disgust me," we're luckily not so far gone that we'd condone that kind of attitude.

          Yeah should've probably put that in inverted commas.

          They actually portray a bit in the show where she's trying to bang the borderline moronic gymbro in their friendship group but is literally too spergy to do so quite convincingly but not convincingly enough to make me believe something like that could actually happen outside of fiction

          Also meant to say Cinemaphile not /tg/

        • 12 months ago

          To be fair I think the etymology of femcel is not accurate, but there hasn't been a word that perfectly describe that type of girl which are basically incels but female, sans whether or not they are voluntarily or involuntarily celibate part.

          • 12 months ago

            Femcels exist but they're the "could easily get laid but they refuse to frick anyone who doesn't match some impossible standard" breed of incels.

            their issue is just moronic standards. If you ever go to any of the popular spaces for these women like cc or lolcow you'll find countless threads about past relationships or current ones. by definition they're not celibate.
            that's what separates the incels from the "femcels". girls can get someone to take care of them within minutes, meanwhile the guys can't even get one night stands with a 6/10.
            it's genuinely offensive to think they go through the same experience.

            • 12 months ago

              Both can't form long (or even short term) relationships, sex or no.

            • 12 months ago

              Again, you’re ignoring the fact that femcel is also referring to the type of girl which is more tied to her personality/lifestyle rather than whether or not she can get laid. I’m saying there isn’t a better word to describe such kinds of people other than the traits already associated with “femcel” excluding the sex part. I don’t really understand why some people get caught up with the celibate part when it’s really about the personality.

              • 12 months ago

                Bro that's even worse. They'd rather pretend to be losers even when their solution is right in front of them.
                Larper is the word you're looking for.

              • 12 months ago

                >strawman comic
                she already knows what they have to offer and it's not much.

              • 12 months ago

                I think we might have 2 different ideas in our heads here then, because the kind of girl I’m imagining is someone who is literally insufferable, hates the opposite sex, and repulses everyone around them for being annoying. And then goes back and blames others for their shortcomings. I don’t think getting sex from a simp will change the core issue here.

            • 12 months ago

              >with a 6/10
              so only stacy counts? you're acting exactly like the women you say you hate

        • 12 months ago

          Femcels exist but they're the "could easily get laid but they refuse to frick anyone who doesn't match some impossible standard" breed of incels.

  18. 12 months ago

    b***h broke up my raiding guild. We were fricking first on server to down Arthas.

  19. 12 months ago

    The flashback with the newly formed club where everyone is much happier shows that it's not the hobbies or fandoms per se that's the issue, it's them as individuals and as a group and the bad habits and baggage they bring to the table

    The shop guy had it out for them four in particular because they got up to the worst shit , but had plenty of other customers who were just mocked for being weird

    • 12 months ago

      It's also interesting how Bill was by far the purest of them all, but clearly something bad happened that completely broke him. It's implied that his parents' divorce had something to do with it too.

  20. 12 months ago

    Fun thread.
    Not moronic in the slightest.

  21. 12 months ago

    Greetings from /tg/

    • 12 months ago

      >/tg/ is still somehow worse than Cinemaphile
      Only 2 boards I go to these days.
      Why do I do this to myself?

      • 12 months ago

        Don't forget you are here forever.

    • 12 months ago

      Damn, misty, that's homophobic. Just Teo lovers hanging out and an anime girl shames them.Smh

    • 12 months ago

      Why is this mad magazine panel from the 90's being brought up recently?

      • 12 months ago

        it killed pokemania

  22. 12 months ago

    Chad will frick a nerdy girl but Stacey won't frick a nerdy guy.

    • 12 months ago

      will live in a bottom text society

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, no shit, thats how biology works. How does it pertain to the thread?

    • 12 months ago

      Yes hypergamy is real and women can have sex with any men they want while men have to work to do so.

      • 12 months ago

        As a flipside men are less likely to be groped or raped.

        • 12 months ago

          After seeing how places like football lockers and hollywood tend to molest everyone; I am not so sure anymore.

        • 12 months ago

          Go hang around a bunch of black girls and say that again.

          • 12 months ago

            Wtf I can get free sex from black girls

            • 12 months ago

              Just tell them you have a job.

        • 12 months ago

          No, they do. Men just don't ape out about it because they're expected not to give a frick.

        • 12 months ago

          And despite have identical rates, prostate cancer gets 1/10 the research funding as breast cancer.

          • 12 months ago

            that's because we like-a da booba

          • 12 months ago

            Because men don't want to talk about it. I've seen plenty of groups focused on men mental health and health issues. But end of the day, unless its related to big dick or sex, men refuse to rally behind it.

            You can call it society conditioning or toxic masculinity, but thats the long of it.

          • 12 months ago

            It's an organ inside our butthole, yeah it's going to be less popular.

        • 12 months ago

          >As a flipside men are less likely to be groped
          Patently false, at least in the US of A

        • 12 months ago

          women who are raped are more likely to start dating him than report him to the police

          • 12 months ago

            >more likely to
            Based on a single comic?

            • 12 months ago

              I always thought the comic was made up until I met multiple women who started dating a guy after he raped her at a party
              Being friends with women and being the only guy in all female friend groups has absolutely destroyed my image of them

            • 12 months ago

              Based on the fact that every modern rape case you hear about goes the same way. Woman gets "raped" but doesn't go to the police or even stay away her "rapist", even going to private locations with them after the fact and then being shocked when they were "raped" again, then twenty years later they say they were raped to get victim points.

              • 12 months ago

                >every modern rape case
                Nice statistic

          • 12 months ago

            Is there anything that makes a woman feel more special and wanted than risking jail time and ruining your career prospects for her?

        • 12 months ago

          Men are more likely to be treated like shit for being the victim if when are.

          • 12 months ago

            That doesn't seem true. I've seen almost nothing but sympathy for any male victims I hear of.

      • 12 months ago

        True, but there's no point in complaining about the unfairness of biology

        • 12 months ago

          This, just accept it and move on, but keep it in mind.

    • 12 months ago

      >Chad will frick a nerdy girl
      Be honest, do you think all nerdy girls look like Velma? 90% of the time they're autistic obese fujoshis with PCOS and unkempt body hair. I don't think Chad is tapping that

      • 12 months ago

        You underestimate the male sex drive. Chad will bang a 3/10 if it's easy

        • 12 months ago

          A lot of those girls don't want or care about one night stands or frickbuddies though, they just want to get married. That's why this conversation is totally pointless.

          In social capital, a girl who has lots of one-night stands is only seen as an unlovable bawd. In terms of gender stereotypes, girls don't want one-and-done sex. If if the guy is a womanizer cad, by the end of the story, she's his one true love and they get married and he never even thinks of cheating on or leaving her. So is Chad doing that for obese ugly fujoshi or not? Be honest.

          These bitter online conversations are pointless coming from men or women. They can't get what they want (endless one-night stands with supermodels, endless marriage to a handsome billionaire) or they had bad relationships in the past so they sit around stewing in hatred for one half of the world's population the whole goddamn day.

          Shut the frick up you pathetic self pitying fricking pitiful losers. Not losers because you can't marry Chad or bang Stacy. Loser because instead of contributing to the world in some way, innovating, making a fortune and enjoying it, making great friends and hanging out with them, creative breakthroughs, becoming artistic masters, contributing to your communities, etc. You just sit around and feel sorry for your damn selves all day long, wah wah. With that attitude, of course you're alone or have shitty relationships, you're fricking obsessed with pussy or marriage like they're cults. They're not and don't fix everything or to be honest anything, they bring joys but at least as many potential problems you would then also b***h and cry about online.

          • 12 months ago

            Mucho texto

            • 12 months ago

              Doubtful but maybe one person will fricking read and learn before it's too late.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't think anyone is going to read your college thesis and even if they did, they aren't going to respond positively to being brow beaten.

              • 12 months ago

                I guess you did? Take it or leave it. This is Cinemaphile. Consider it tough love.

              • 12 months ago

                Nah, I just skimmed. You're not saying anything everyone hasn't heard a hundred times before. Playing the part of the impartial party who's just ascendant and floating above the rest of us cretins just makes you look like an arrogant c**t.

              • 12 months ago

                You don't have to be "ascendant" to just stop pathologically obsessing about that in an unproductive way and focus instead on success in your career, a damn hobby, friends, or the million other things there are about life. All it takes is breaking out of a self-destructive cycle of loathing for yourself and others. As a bonus, you'll even be more likely to meet people. It's that easy to do.

              • 12 months ago

                >"blah blah my shit doesn't stink"
                Don't care

                >I'm such a huge nerd LOL I read harry potter books and play DnD I'm totes gonna die alone, whelp that's what I get for being so shy and quiet tee hee.

                Just ignore it, let the idiots fall for it

              • 12 months ago

                Because that works so well for Lisa Simpson. People who identify with her adopt her behavior and a incredibly insufferable, much like Brian Griffin.

          • 12 months ago

            The rules of internet arguments:

            Whoever posts a paragraph of text loses by default due to butthurt.

            • 12 months ago

              >wah I can't read

              Rule of Internet conversations: Posting some pithy meme contributes fricking nothing. And we're not even having an argument. It's advice and you're free to leave it, have fun.

              • 12 months ago

                Let's be real here, long paragraphs don't get read due to the nature of the internet. People only tolerate them when they're reading an article or a book. They don't give long ass random internet posts the time and day. Why else do you think Twitter's popular? Not defending it, but that's reality.

          • 12 months ago

            >you're fricking obsessed with pussy or marriage like they're cults
            Yeah, if society stopped putting so much pressure for this shit we might have less people go berserk when they can't achieve it.

            • 12 months ago

              Sex and companionship are biological urges regardless of what society does.

              • 12 months ago

                Biological urges need to be restrained by society in order for civilization for function.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes but those urges are being suppressed by the powers that be to undermine the working class. Our only meaningful leverage against them is our willingness and ability to replenish ourselves. It’s a shame that women have been convinced that men are at fault for their role in our mutual biological imperative

                Bro that's even worse. They'd rather pretend to be losers even when their solution is right in front of them.
                Larper is the word you're looking for.

                Honestly I had a chance to go out with a femcel in college, she was a decent friend but legitimately hurtful in her discussions with me, I learned quickly that she was doing it because she liked me but her treatment of me took any sort of desire to pursue something deeper off the table.

      • 12 months ago

        Don't ruin the fantasy anon.

    • 12 months ago

      >Stacey won't frick a nerdy guy.
      Not with that attitude.

    • 12 months ago

      >Chad will frick a nerdy girl but Stacey won't frick a nerdy guy.
      Yeah What a equality

      Yes hypergamy is real and women can have sex with any men they want while men have to work to do so.

      >Yes hypergamy is real and women can have sex with any men they want while men have to work to do so.
      This and peeminism make it worse

    • 12 months ago

      Wrong. I've been with a goth Stacy for three years now, and I'm a fat autistic nerd. Just clean yourself regularly, don't be creepy, and be fun.

      Pic unrelated.

      • 12 months ago

        You have a steady job I'm guessing.

        • 12 months ago

          Probably a car, too. Wait, can Stacys be goths and vice-versa?

          • 12 months ago

            As a goth, not only can Stacy be goth, nowadays most goth girls are Stacies or femcels with close to zero in between.

            • 12 months ago

              Goth girls nowadays aren't goth.

              • 12 months ago

                No dude I'm not talking about random e girls I'm talking girls at concerts I see.

              • 12 months ago

                That's still not goth, part of what made the goth subculture alluring was that they were considered ostracized by other women, that they didn't concern themselves with boys the same way other girls did. You can't be a goth and a "stacy" at once, nor does simply aping the aesthetic to ride the coattails of a more or less dead trend make you goth or scene.
                Most subcultures are shadows of their former selves or people larping as though they knew what the original stuff was all about.

          • 12 months ago

            You have a steady job I'm guessing.

            >have both of these
            >still khv
            Frick my life

  23. 12 months ago

    Bro just kill them wtf. doesn't he know he's a cartoon character?

  24. 12 months ago

    >But I banned all the toxic guys who drew booba. And I did it for us.

  25. 12 months ago

    >I'm such a huge nerd LOL I read harry potter books and play DnD I'm totes gonna die alone, whelp that's what I get for being so shy and quiet tee hee.

    • 12 months ago

      I don't understand why people get butthurt over this

      • 12 months ago

        Why are outcasts mad at a a person who can get validation any time she wants but pretends to be an outcast anyway?

        • 12 months ago

          That just makes it sound like nobody is allowed to complain unless they have suffered as much as (You), which is a bitter mindset

          • 12 months ago

            Yes, it's a bitter mindset, because outcasts tend to be bitter. And in this particular case it's about their personal interests contradicting each other. Normal girl talks about her struggle and expresses fear of loneliness, but she likely doesn't want a relationship with an outcast, which, from the outcast's perspective, makes her look entitled.

    • 12 months ago

      >I'm such a huge nerd, LOL, I read Marvel and DC and Image comics, and play DnD, I'm totally going to die alone because I hate women, I fricking hate women and minorities on an unholy level, like if one comes up to me and speaks to me for more than 3 seconds the disgust and urge to beat her to death will make me have a seizure out of sheer hate, I hate women, minorities, and jannies, frick women and minorities. The worst part is that they've been invading my safe spaces all these years, I have to spend over 100k a year on new tv's and monitors because every time I watch a trailer for a new movie or game and see a woman or minority I have to scream and punch the screen. I can't even socialize with others out of fear of talking to a woman or minority by mistake... Women and minorities could be anywhere...The day I found out women and minorities were real and not just evil factions in a worldbuilding I cried. Western society has fallen. Billions must die,

      • 12 months ago

        >liberal meme

      • 12 months ago

        >Gets 500 tinder matches after cut and pasting mein kampf

        • 12 months ago

          You could honestly get away with posting anything unsavory if you take paragraphs out of context.

        • 12 months ago

          >btw babe, I have scat, diaper, vomit, and foot fetishes. that's cool, right?
          >omg yes haha so when do u wanna fuk? 🙂

  26. 12 months ago

    I now know why people despise Lisa Simpson so much.

    Why do people keep making characters like her knowing full well people hate that type of character?

    • 12 months ago

      Part of the problem lies in the Simpsons' mishandling of Lisa into being a vessel for the Harvard-graduate writing staff instead of a bright kid (who actually acted like a kid). It's the same problem Brian Griffin had where the most moral of the family cast ends up being prone to being an insufferable jackass all because the liberal bourgeois writer stuck in California confuses being intellectual with being wise

      • 12 months ago

        It's not just that. It's the fa t that the writers can't seem to conceive this type of character without making them have traits that are obnonxious, which makes people even less likely to heed their advice.

        On another note, Lisa did a 180 on pirating media, from being worried you'll go to hell for stealing cable, to being indifferent about internet piracy, which is the same thing.

  27. 12 months ago

    >It's the women that seem to have a problem with me.

  28. 12 months ago

    Bitches are not the only cause of this.
    Sometimes, companies remember they need to actually make money off stuff and completely change things to make more profit instead of remaining loyal to the original fanbase, no matter how watered down or distinct the resulting product is.
    Pic related.

    • 12 months ago

      >sometimes a company dealing in nerdshit sees that sweet female 500% inc spending carrot and starts desperately trying to prove they aren't making just nerdshit.

  29. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Would be great IF I COULD FRICKING READ IT

  30. 12 months ago

    Why are anons so autistic about trying to make their hobbies less socially acceptable if it means potentially getting zero pussy? Like seriously the way this thread sounds a bunch of the purists would sooner want to be eternal virgins if it meant having a more pure version of their love of comics, like knowing a few more facts and being judgmental is that THAT important to their lives. Me,I still read my damn camics and play my vidya and enjoy the wannabes buzzing around cause every now and then I get a blowie out of them. Anybody who wants to say I am lying has never been to a convention cause convention bawds is the place to be as an awkward nerd! You can get some pussy play there so long as you shower and can turn the autism down a tad.

    • 12 months ago

      >if it means potentially getting zero pussy?
      not everybody is obsessed with trying to frick like you are, anon.

      • 12 months ago

        Not even an obsession anymore for me, cause I know I am gonna get laid when I see a con is in town. However, your obsession on making comics fit in some place in time where you thought they were at their peak is going to do nothing for you but leave you more bitter and pissed off as time goes on since you are gonna get left behind.

        • 12 months ago

          >However, your obsession on making comics fit in some place in time where you thought they were at their peak
          You mean making them enjoyable again? Oh, God forbid I want that! Oh, no--I care about things in 2023? How fricking cringe is that???

    • 12 months ago

      >"blah blah pussy pussy pussy, I can't stop thinking about pussy"
      Who cares? Its just pussy, not everythingis about pussy. I think most people just don't want a horde of ignorant savages coming into their interests and hobbies and trying to change then to suit their tastes. It's a perfectly understandable stance.

      • 12 months ago

        this anon be like 'I DON'T CARE IF I NEVER TOUCH A TIDDY, SO LONG AS IT MEANS THAT BLACK CAT'S breasts STAY THE SAME IN COMICS FOREVER!' this kind of mentality leads to a lot of people pissed off on their deathbed

        >However, your obsession on making comics fit in some place in time where you thought they were at their peak
        You mean making them enjoyable again? Oh, God forbid I want that! Oh, no--I care about things in 2023? How fricking cringe is that???

        broaden your horizons and look up indie comics you fricking entitled cryass

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            You know what, I have genuine respect for this stance of yours. You are honest compared to other anons who are just outragegays and yet here you are saying, you are just in it for the bewbs, kudos and have a tit drawing.

            • 12 months ago

              quiet, entitled cryass.

              • 12 months ago

                Hey now, my name is semi-entitled cryass!

        • 12 months ago

          >fricking entitled cryass
          by that same logic, you're being an entitled cryass for criticizing my criticism. you feel entitled to a safe-space that is free of meanies who say bad thing about [product].

  31. 12 months ago

    >women mock and harass nerds for decades
    >nerds start to hate women when they suddenly decide they want in
    Surprised pikachu face

    • 12 months ago

      Women and chads

  32. 12 months ago

    Normies invaded this hobby. They don’t get Cinemaphile‘s underground culture of consuming DC/Marvel comics and watching exclusively Disney cartoons

    • 12 months ago

      maybe get other hobbies or try to become a craftsman in the hobby you are so passionate about then

      • 12 months ago

        Are you one of those autists that need people to write “/s”

        • 12 months ago

          No idea what you are talking about, please tell me.

          >fricking entitled cryass
          by that same logic, you're being an entitled cryass for criticizing my criticism. you feel entitled to a safe-space that is free of meanies who say bad thing about [product].

          Nah I am not asking for a safe space, I am fine with things getting different compared to you who demands that comics stay in the bubble you grew up in. See the difference is that if a comic I used to like becomes shitty I move on to find something else rather than demand they do things like the did before, cause I prefer a free market compared to a loser commie like you.

          • 12 months ago

            >Nah I am not asking for a safe space, I am fine with things getting different
            then, why are you b***hing about other people expressing their opinions?
            quit being an entitled cryass.

            • 12 months ago

              lol what a crybaby

              • 12 months ago

                lol what a crybaby

              • 12 months ago

                Tell me anon, how do you feel when it comes to normies buying funko pops of your favorite series? Don't even have to name it cause you know it happens. Personally I am cool with people doing the same thing with shows I like, just want to know your stance.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't pay attention to funko pops.

              • 12 months ago

                Yet you are so willing to argue with a man who makes fun of you for putting so much focus on them, now please tell me about your addiction to said pop funkos.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                >guy pretends to know nothing of funko pops when he mentioned them a couple posts earlier
                ok pussy lol

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                quit being a pussy and tell me how badly you need funko pops, you filthy addict!

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                >anon is now playing dumb
                here we go, I provide anon with so much material and they need to act like a dumbass housewife

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                please, say more than what so i can give it to you in the butt

              • 12 months ago

                >in the butt
                what what?

              • 12 months ago

                in the butt

    • 12 months ago

      Frick you I liked it.

  33. 12 months ago

    Someone hasn't had their pp touched in a while...

  34. 12 months ago

    But truly, which is the better read; Eltingville or Anime Club?

    • 12 months ago

      I get why eltingville is so loquacious, but it gets super tedious to read through all the references. I think that’s why I prefer anime club

    • 12 months ago

      Mort did nothing wrong.

    • 12 months ago

      KC's comic feels lighter-hearted in a good way. I can't feel good reading Eltingville but Anime Club feels just more sarcastic and for entertainment purposes... less trying to tear someone's throat out with its teeth.

    • 12 months ago

      Anime club is just trying to write a stupid story using the stereotypes, not make a point. Eltingville is a comics creators idea of the fandom from both his experiences as a fan and as a creator, so it’s bitterness comes from a real place of bitterness and embarrassment. I think anime club is more fun but eltingville is the better read

  35. 12 months ago

    Hobbies and fandoms supposed be fun and casual

  36. 12 months ago

    Gonna stick this here since I think it's pretty important to the discussion.

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Bonus section in reference to the Northwest Comix Collective

        • 12 months ago

          Cool. The strawman is still in the right.

          • 12 months ago

            How so? Almost everything Bill said there, when you take into account the context of the scene, is just plain wrong.
            Mandi (Jerry's Girlfriend and the person Bill is talking about here) did next to nothing, other than walk up to them and introduce herself. The "ruin us" line is also incredibly ironic, considering the actual reason the club fell apart in the first place was because they burnt down a comic shop due to personal drama between members.

            I'm not saying there aren't vipers or posers within fandom, but in context, that's barely what the rant was even about.

            • 12 months ago

              Same could be said of applying the entire mindset of eltingville at some guy that just buys some comics and goes to see mcu movies when they come out. Pointing this insane hyperbolic rant doesn't automatically invalidate 100% of it because it's aimed at the wrong person. It's just aimed at the wrong person in this specific instance. Also just because the author has an axe to grind doesn't mean you have to agree with him completely or you missed the point of the entire comic.

              • 12 months ago

                Still though, the club fell apart because the members were at each others throats all the time over the smallest of things.
                His rant may be valid in some sense, even if it's targeted towards the wrong person, but he fails to realize that it was him that caused his club to fall apart in the first place because he couldn't learn to relax and treat his fellow fandom buddies with a bit more respect.

              • 12 months ago

                Definitely true. I no respect for the ones so obsessed with their hobby they can't play nice and exist in public without bothering strangers. Bill is definitely in the wrong here and shouldn't do or say any of this but i do take issue with anyone saying he's 100% incorrect simply because everything he says comes in the form of a "villain speech" or coming to that conclusion and working backwards to justify the same point

              • 12 months ago

                Bill is fricking wrong
                Even if his rant were directed at “normies” or “posers” (whatever those terms mean anymore), he would still be wrong.
                Because it wasn’t women or normies or posers that ruined fandom.
                Nah, it was corporations. Frick even tho I’m a millennial I remember when comics and Star Wars was still seen as something strictly for nerds, even during the prequel era and the Sam Raimi and early Christopher Nolan Era. Then the MCU came along, and then the Star Wars sequels came along. Star Wars fan events are now more corporate than ever and the fandom lost its unique nerd appeal, same with superheroes.
                And now, thanks to the over-saturation of
                the market of Capefilms and Star Wars films, people are burned out, and it seems both SW and Capefilms are going to the way westerns and musicals
                You want to blame anyone for the death of fandoms blame corporations

              • 12 months ago

                The difference between nerdshit in decades past and now is that the companies ruin everything to appeal to normies rushing into the hobby. Nobody was buying tabletop, cards, comics, vidya, etc 30 years ago except for massive nerds and since normans decided to adopt all those things we now get rainbow logos on everything, wheelchair accessible dungeons, and watered down mass appeal game design for people that care more about posting on social media that they enjoy *hobby* than they do actually participating in it. Even when they do actually mess with this stuff they must always make sure that moral grandstanding and optics take precedence over the actual quality of the hobbies they pretend to care about.

              • 12 months ago

                The problem at the end of the day is that friendships based on mutual interests are normally doomed to a time limit, especially when they’re started young. People grow up and go into new things, and especially in nerdy stuff you have two sides of awful where they get bitter about everything, or you just simply outgrow them there’s nothing wrong or right about it, it’s just the way things are.

                Bill is right, but his demeanor and understanding of socializing means he’s destined to be alone and grow more bitter about everything there’s no happy ending to that tale

      • 12 months ago

        This whole goddamn thread is not understanding that the characters were written to be totally despicable and unsympathetic to mock that kind of fan behavior including the screaming at women bullshit and then calling people pointing out that yeah that's a bad thing to do that shit "liberal" and "pretentious" and "Lisa Simpson or Brian Griffin" as if any normal person would consider Bill's behavior acceptable. What the frick is wrong with you. What comic were you reading.

    • 12 months ago

      Bonus section in reference to the Northwest Comix Collective

      God Dorkin is a homosexual, thank god death of the author is a thing.

      • 12 months ago

        He is, but I think you could still pick up what he was trying to say with Eltingville, even without this final message.

  37. 12 months ago

    Was Star Wars ever not a product made for the masses? It gets talked about as a part of this supposedly outcast nerd culture but it was a massive hit.
    Same thing with a lot of other media. Everyone and their mother has played Street Fighter (even if it was one of those hacked Rainbow Edition versions in some rundown arcade) but I've seen people somehow claim it's an obscure series. Is it a need to feel special?

    • 12 months ago

      It's a part of a strange phenomenon where people cannot engage with any sort of media without trying to put it in their "side."
      You can see it with people trying to justify playing Hogwarts Legacy even if they agreed that it was antisemitic or transphobic or whatever, people trying to argue that fricking South Park of all things is a show with a good portrayal of disabled characters, and people pushing the Mario movie as "anti-woke" after literally saying the opposite 5 minutes ago.
      They cannot enjoy anything if it isn't part of their club, their side, their culture, so if they ever enjoy anything, they have to bend over backwards to put it in the "good category" that all good things are.

  38. 12 months ago

    Jesus christ this is so real and those guys are so fricking sad, they're so angry and for absolutely no reason.

  39. 12 months ago

    It is, and it's a feeling most nerds sadly weren't able to put into practice.
    Whenever someone tries to introduce a girl into a friend group, I immediately start harassing her and making her feel uncomfortable. I have lost numerous friendships this way but it doesn't matter. Fact is men belong with men, and women belong with women.
    It doesn't matter if she's super autistic and actually cares about the hobby, it's ALWAYS a recipe for disaster.

    • 12 months ago

      >men belong with men, and women belong with women
      based yaoi/yuri poster

    • 12 months ago

      >It doesn't matter if she's super autistic and actually cares about the hobby, it's ALWAYS a recipe for disaster.
      I mean when you're the disaster at fault, yes, every interaction with you is going to be a disaster. I don't think the girl is the one at fault.

      • 12 months ago

        I'm a pretty likable guy who can get new friends in a matter of minutes. I just firmly believe men and women are incapable of being friends.
        It literally has never worked out at all. You can find countless stories about videogame guilds or tabletop groups slowly disintegrating the moment a female is brought in. These are guys who for the most part have never tried to get a girl. What do you think it's going to happen when one is suddenly placed in their proximity?
        It's like being friends with a chicken. At the end of the day you'll still be wanting to eat it.

        • 12 months ago

          Well this sounds like a pure skill issue on your part.

        • 12 months ago

          I mean the fault lies 100% with you as you even admitted when you said you immediately sabotaged everything, literally a self-fulfilling prophesy. Those other groups are exactly the same, guys like you who sabotage sometimes on purpose on knowingly like you, so of course that happens.

          Anecdotally there are tons of coed nerd groups in the real world. Not only do they last as long as single sex ones, I'd say they tend to last longer simply because they're more likely to be adults rather than students with a graduation expiration date. Both groups of course collapse through conflict or just slowly disintegrate because people get busy or any other number of reasons, but being homogeneous or not doesn't decide stability.

          • 12 months ago

            ive been part of those groups and they are pretty boring after a while cause there's only some shit you can say when its just the lads around vs when you're around mixed gender or with your friend's gf

            you end up with an extra layer or two of bullshit you have to watch out for

            Its fun and all for a while but after a while it's like hanging out with coworkers

        • 12 months ago

          You're full of shit. I have multiple female friends I've known for 5+ years at least and it's worked out just fine.

  40. 12 months ago

    He's actually right. The comic just makes him look wrong because he's ugly and using bad language.
    Everything he says is 100% accurate.
    Look at where we are now, with nuTrek, Star Wars, Doctor Who and Ghostbusters until they reversed-course.

    • 12 months ago

      >Look at where we are now, with nuTrek, Star Wars, Doctor Who and Ghostbusters until they reversed-course.
      Every one of those franchises were 50% dogshit before their modern revamps.

      • 12 months ago

        And they became 100% more dog shit afterward.

    • 12 months ago

      Your hobby is consooming corporate franchises that are at the whim of corporate interests. (you) aren't even capable of gatekeeping anything.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh no, these 30+ year old IP's that have already been milked bonedry aren't pandering to their loyal 40+ year old fans. So sad for you, getting even more content for your already soulless husk of an IP and finding ways to be mad about it like anyone gives a shit.

  41. 12 months ago

    eh counts on the whammen that is participating, if it's your buddy's GF more likely than not it's going to be a bad time since either he's going to police himself and everyone around him or actively simp for her ingame which is also nauseating. If you have a solo female regular in your group do this experiment to see if she's a pal or a pred, invite another girl to the group and observe whether if the regular girl starts acting more hostile out of no where to the new girl, If she does it means she's only in the group to toy with the men and enjoys the monopoly of attention if she doesn't then she's a pal.

  42. 12 months ago

    The only bullying I ever experienced over liking nerd things came at the hand of other guys

  43. 12 months ago

    Are the girls who bullied nerds literally the same people who want to be nerdy now? I don't think they are.

  44. 12 months ago

    didn't loltaku/mrfeel wrote an article that fanbases suffer because they're treated like religion?

    • 12 months ago

      To some extent they function the same way, even if they don't utilize metaphysical concepts the same way religion does. You still have canon and fundamental ideas everyone agrees on, as well as purists/zealots and more liberal interpretation of source material.

  45. 12 months ago

    Everything women say, think or do revolves around two thing

    >Getting male attention
    >Filtering superior males from inferior ones

    A woman joining a male-dominated club, social group or hobby is inherently harmful because he natural instinct will be to determine which men are high value and proceed to make the other low value men feel as unwelcome, alien and ignored as possible. They will do everything in their power to convince those high value men that they're being compromised or brought down by their low value friends, they will constantly manipulate and subtly debase to drive the undesirables out and they will go to any lengths to ensure all eyes are on them as often as possible.

    What's mor eis that their presence will attract simps and frickboys who will work to help her achieve her goal of being the protagonist of the social circle and driving the losers out.

    • 12 months ago

      >he natural instinct will be to determine which men are high value and proceed to make the other low value men feel as unwelcome, alien and ignored as possible.
      mfw i've seen this irl
      no didn't suffer it, I just saw how fem friends of mine got invited a cosplay group and started playing sides in the most godawful manner.

  46. 12 months ago

    No, it never will be, that's the point.

  47. 12 months ago

    I like the story where they argue with an infomercial dude about comic trivia until he loses his mind and goes psycho.

  48. 12 months ago
  49. 12 months ago

    I look like that and say that.

  50. 12 months ago

    I'm aware of how much of a piece of shit this character is, but he's right.

    • 12 months ago

      >be 7/10 theatregay that strides across all social groups
      >can't stand other comic dweebs, they lack all critical thinking and social skills
      >gleefully throw the gates wide open for all manner of normalgays and womyn to invade the hobby
      >recline in smug satisfaction as you tear each other apart over the sanctity of spandex merchandise
      I hope it hurts.

      • 12 months ago

        >and then everyone clapped

        • 12 months ago

          Cling tight to your bat-blankie.

  51. 12 months ago

    >Lauren Faust to the bronies

    • 12 months ago

      Unironically you should see how autistic women get about the sanctity of "Women's spaces" they're basically worse than even Bill is in the op image.

      • 12 months ago

        And for this reason I will always support transwomen athletes and name and shame TERFs.

  52. 12 months ago

    Semi-related, does anyone have that one greentext of an anon making another guy's gf leave after he and his friends raped her character during a DnD session?

    • 12 months ago

      How does that even work with a DM

      • 12 months ago

        Gf was probably annoying to some extent or tried to change the rules mid-game to suit her character race (I don't have to see the text to know that she chose an elf race) and everyone piled on her DnD persona to shut her up.

  53. 12 months ago

    Women are low IQ subhumans so even goyslop mediums like comics, vidya and tabletop games get worse when they get involved.

  54. 12 months ago

    Post bill art

    • 12 months ago

      frick yeah

  55. 12 months ago


    I don't only read capeshit, second to last comic I read was Stray Bullets and I find Fanta/D&Q type alt comics and Eurocomics more interesting in like 90% of cases. When people say comics on Cinemaphile though they mean the American comic book industry and when you say the American comic book industry, it's unavoidable to talk about the Big 2. Indies have been growing and that's a good thing but the image most normies have of comics is still that they're all capeshit, the Big 2 still dominate in terms of market share, and the LCS system (yes I realize there are other distribution channels) is sustained by Big 2 sales.

    • 12 months ago

      >it's unavoidable to talk about the Big 2.
      That's the problem: The big 2 are now the small 2.

      >who sells the most?
      viz media and schoolastic
      >who publishes most new stuff?
      fantagraphics, maybe image
      >who has all the rep?

      >ooh but spiderman & batman break 6 digits
      3-4 comics that are actually exceptions that prove the rule.

      This discussion was engaging in 2012 when the big 2 seemed to be recovering and growing. 90% of people who talk comics here are hopeless charactergays who see comics in the same vein as telenovelas, and every year the "big" 2 get smaller their opinions get more disconnected from reality.

      This only gets worse with the culture war morons and moviegays aka cultural immigrants who are exactly what you said: normies who think comics are only capeshit

  56. 12 months ago


    >viz media and schoolastic
    Viz is manga so that's not the American industry. People mean American Western comics when they say comics. Viz is worth talking about in terms of sales discussions and "what do US publishers need to do?" discussions obviously and they're proof that non-capeshit outsells capeshit by a ton and the problem isn't just wokeness or chuds or the internet. But they're not the kind of comics anyone on this board means when they use the word comics.

  57. 12 months ago

    Finding out what happens to these guys in the epilogue made me sad. Josh becomes a failed comic writer, Bill lives with his sister well into his adult years without ever finding a relationship, Pete becomes a cameraman for a horror movie company and regularly gets with the scream queen bimbos that star in the movies, and Jerry becomes a pro magic player and gets a gf who is a known cosplayer. Jerry tries later to get his friends back together to renew old bonds but gives up when he realizes it's not worth it.

  58. 12 months ago

    You 'tards are pathetic. I'm LGBT, a religious minority, a racial minority, and suffer from a disability. I've been a nerd for nearly twenty years now, and in that time, I've met an array of nerds so diverse it'd make the Burger King Kids' Club look like the KKK. And you know what? We didn't just pop out of thin air, nor did we wake up one day and go "hey, let's frick over the Poindexters!" We're just like you: nerds, geeks, dorks, whatever! You just didn't notice us because society shunned and ignored us for literal decades. Fandom hasn't been stolen from you shitheads. Nobody's trying to keep you from enjoying whatever pop culture bullshit you wanna enjoy. If anything, that shit's being encouraged now. The only thing that's changed is that marginalized people are being given more opportunities, and represented more in fiction. You know what your problem is? Because it's not whatever bullshit anti-nerd conspiracy you've cooked up in your heads. It's the fact that you're all manchildren.

    Nerds are cool now! I've been hitting a stacked goth girl for three years now. I got railed by a Chad last night. Frick, all of my friends get laid like crazy. You know why? It's not because we're Chads or Stacies or whatever, because we're the furthest things from that. We're just good, fun, and well-adjusted people. Meanwhile, you absolutely mind-broken freaks lurk on the internet all day, whinging about women or queers or blacks or whatever being put in your heccin' Star Wars. Why? Because you're so insecure, if you see anyone that doesn't resemble (You) in the media you consume, you think you're never going to be represented again. As if straight, cis white men don't dominate every aspect of life already.

    I hope holding onto your perpetual victim complex is worth being sad sacks of shit for the rest of your lives. Goodbye.

    • 12 months ago

      You’re dating a girl but you also frick men?
      And you have the gall to say you’re well adjusted lol.

      • 12 months ago

        Never said dating, we're just friends that frick. Have you never had a frickbuddy before, anon?

        • 12 months ago

          No because I consider sexual relationships something to be reserved for romantic partners.

          • 12 months ago

            And how many romantic partners have you had, anon?

            • 12 months ago

              Five, and the current one going steady for over five years.

        • 12 months ago

          gross; why engage in casual sex?

          • 12 months ago

            NTA, but why not? Sex is fun, bros

    • 12 months ago

      homie you gay.

    • 12 months ago

      Lawl you're the dweeb begging for validation on a precambrian robotics forum for having meaningless sex with strangers

    • 12 months ago

      >You just didn't notice us because society shunned and ignored us for literal decades.
      That's what happened to us, but then normalgays invaded our hobby and our spaces then cemented themselves in with useful idiots like you who think we just want to be left alone because we're some sort of -ist. I'd say get fricked you utter tool but it sounds like that's something you're already proud enough of considering your entire post is just saying "SEX SEX SEX I HAVE SEX I LOVE SEX SEXY SEX SEX" like the one note drone you are.

      • 12 months ago

        >No longer be shunned for interests
        >"No I want to be shunned more"

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah but if that resulted in a MASSIVE drop in quality from the output of the interest than why would it matter that I can talk about this shit with more random buttholes than normal?

          • 12 months ago

            Quality was always low with occasional diamonds. Most comics and cartoons just suck except the good ones.

          • 12 months ago

            Pretty much this, to act as though what fandom was isn't preferable to now is an understatement. I'd take being potentially bullied for something I'm actively invested in than see that thing slowly eroded and chiseled into something I can barely recognize.
            The era of fanzines and cultural enclaves is over, long live the era of fandom stripmining.

            • 12 months ago

              There are still fanzines anon, I'm subbed to 5. Perhaps it's anecdotal but frankly nothing much has changed regarding how I engage with my hobbies in the last twenty years.

              • 12 months ago

                He probably doesn't know what fanzines are.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah and the ones that run them are some of the most obnoxious genderblob people out there, not to mention their art's usually abysmal. There is legitimately one that was about genderswapping one component of a straight couple to make them dykes, it's horrid.

                He probably doesn't know what fanzines are.

                I actually have a decent collection of them right now, need to find a decent place to store or scan them.

        • 12 months ago

          >No longer be shunned for interests as long as you're a watered down version of yourself so "casuals" don't feel too alienated*
          Also what

          Yeah but if that resulted in a MASSIVE drop in quality from the output of the interest than why would it matter that I can talk about this shit with more random buttholes than normal?

          said. I don't WANT my hobbies to be fricking huge or "socially accepted", quality has gone down the fricking drain ever since. You think I give two shits about what the people who made fun of me all my life now think about the franchises I've loved for years because it's become "acceptable"? What a load of horseshit.

        • 12 months ago

          >actually I don't have a problem with Krystal's outfit and who cares if a hot girl in a skimpy outfit is the prize for beating the bad guy in a game.
          Yeah you still get shunned.

    • 12 months ago

      Your self-centered attitude and need to brag about menial shit makes you obnoxious and unpleasant to be around, that's it, it has nothing to do with whatever label or token you scribe on yourself.
      Your kind is just simply not fun to be around both in and outside of fandom and that's why people want nothing to do with you. It's also why people particularly don't like "woke" types, because way too many of them have this obnoxious style of personality that's just incompatible with the rest of fans.
      No one cares or wants to congratulate you on the fact that you're a crippled gay latinx that likes to get bumfricked by dudes, so why the hell would we wanna hear about it in our media?

  59. 12 months ago


    So then why are you here if you're so much better than all the capegays?

    • 12 months ago

      Just because Cinemaphile houses the bottom rung of the comics scene doesn't mean the other rungs aren't present.

      • 12 months ago

        If you weren't just as shitty as all of them, you wouldn't be here.

        • 12 months ago

          >If you weren't just as shitty as all of them
          nice cope. I don't even need to post, this site is good for news.

          • 12 months ago

            Oh is there more eltingville news?

            • 12 months ago

              what's dorking been up to anyways?

  60. 12 months ago

    Ok since this isn't a gay or fujo thread.
    They scare me when they start posting their fetishes about Bill.
    They really do.
    Am I the only one?

    • 12 months ago

      Just contempt. What's to fear?

    • 12 months ago

      I hate it just because it's obviously some guy doing a bit to upset people that just want to have a normal discussion about a comic.

      • 12 months ago

        One of the girls was literally doxxed a few years ago, lol. She got chased off Cinemaphile for the most part but was active on twitter for a while after that, but has been MIA since 2021 there too. There are also a few other confirmed female artists who simp for Bill, though the trend has mostly died out it seems. Women have flavors of the month just like men do.

  61. 12 months ago

    Mark is pissbaby

  62. 12 months ago

    Just wanted to add that I remembered him saying "venom-dipped c**t" which has a nice flow to it instead of "venom-dipped prostitute c**t" which seems clunky.

  63. 12 months ago

    Someone's got mommy issues!

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, my mom touched my pp. Got a problem with that?

  64. 12 months ago

    Congrats guys. The closest thing to a normal eltingville thread I've seen in a while. If anything the constant b***hing and arguing feels more on theme than in most threads.

  65. 12 months ago

    The difference between an incel and a femcel is simply put, a man dying of thirst watching a woman drown.

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