>Gorr uses the Necrosword to peel the religious tattoos off his body before embarking on his crusade against the gods.

>Valkyrie nurses Sif after Gorr cuts off her arm, and two develop an attraction. Sif later nurses Valkyrie when she herself is injured in battle against Gorr, and they ultimately become a couple.

>Gorr confronts and tortures the dwarf Eitri (Peter Dinklage) for information on Stormbreaker before butchering him for serving the gods.

>Thor reminisces about the end of his relationship with Jane Foster to the sound of ABBA’s “Waterloo.”

>Thor remains in contact with the Guardians of the Galaxy during his quest. In each of their video messages, the Guardians are in a different planet, dealing with a different crisis caused by Gorr butchering the local gods, and getting increasingly tired and battered with each new message.

>Gorr finds Axl Heimdallson’s music player, listens to Kate Bush’s “Running up That Hill” while reminiscing about his daughter, and performs a ceremonial interpretative dance in her honor.

>After their confrontation with Zeus in Omnipotence City, Thor and his band would retreat to the “Moon of Shame” to recover and figure out their next move against Gorr, the God Butcher. There, they encounter the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum), now with robotic limbs after Gorr cut off his arms and legs. Harboring no ill towards Thor for overthrowing him on Sakaar, the Grandmaster uses the available junk to build a tank-like robotic body for Korg’s disembodied head, and gives Thor some words of encouragement before departing to places unknown.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >At the Moon of Shame, Valkyrie encounters another Valkyrie (Lena Headey) who also survived Hela’s massacre and went on a self-imposed exile. She commends Valkyrie for finding the strength to fight again, and advises Valkyrie not to give up on either the Asgardian children or herself.

    >Zeus realizes his mistakes and visits Thor on Earth, giving him the thunderbolt and encouraging Thor to save his people.

    >Post-credits scene reveal that Thor’s goats Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher are evil and have sabotaged and attempted to get Thor killed numerous times during their adventure.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Zeus realizes his mistakes and visits Thor on Earth, giving him the thunderbolt and encouraging Thor to save his people.

      To some extent, I would have preferred this to happen to the bullshit of throwing lightning at Zeus and "killing" him.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Zeus didn't die, though.

      • 4 weeks ago

        But how were they gonna introduce hercules then in the post credit scene for a movie that will never happen?

    • 4 weeks ago

      why are we suddenly getting more clips
      i thought blu ray came out

      love it tho

    • 4 weeks ago

      >It's like the romans say
      >A pretty quarry

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Concepts deleted before filming.

    >In Omnipotence City, Thor approaches the hedonistic and decadent Satan – Russell Crowe’s original role – for information on how to reach the Shadow Realm where Gorr is keeping the Asgardian children. They also run into Jesus, whom they address as “the god of carpenters.”

    >Gorr abducts the Asgardian children not to lure Thor into a trap and steal Stormbreaker, but to use their purity in a ritual to open the gates of Eternity.

    >The Guardians of the Galaxy join the final battle, fighting Gorr’s shadow horde to give Thor and Jane the chance to defeat Gorr himself.

    >Thor combines Mjolnir, Stormbreaker and Zeus’s thunderbolt into a superweapon that he uses to destroy the Necrosword.

    >Eternity (voiced by Morgan Freeman) converses with both Thor and Gorr. Thor admits his bravado masks his fear of losing Jane and being alone, while Gorr realizes he holds on to anger to avoid the sorrow of losing his daughter. This is what drives Gorr to wish his daughter back to life and entrust her to Thor rather than wish for the all gods to die.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >In Omnipotence City, Thor approaches the hedonistic and decadent Satan – Russell Crowe’s original role – for information on how to reach the Shadow Realm where Gorr is keeping the Asgardian children. They also run into Jesus, whom they address as “the god of carpenters.”

      This would have been funny, but fricking controversial, even though it comes from the same director who played Hitler

      >Gorr abducts the Asgardian children not to lure Thor into a trap and steal Stormbreaker, but to use their purity in a ritual to open the gates of Eternity.

      If we add to this that Gorr tells the children his plan and tells them how their parents or no God will come for them, that would have given more reason to see that Gorr is in the wrong, harming innocent children has his daughter for a hatred already bordering on the irrational for the gods

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Thor combines Mjolnir, Stormbreaker and Zeus’s thunderbolt into a superweapon that he uses to destroy the Necrosword.

      This would have been tremendous shit.
      Although if they had done something like "Thor uses Stormbreaker to propel Zeus' lightning bolt with the energy of the Bifrost" it would have made more sense.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >Valkyrie nurses Sif after Gorr cuts off her arm, and two develop an attraction. Sif later nurses Valkyrie when she herself is injured in battle against Gorr, and they ultimately become a couple.

    Why do they put so much time and effort into making "I'm a lesbian" Valkyrie's defining trait?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because Tessa Thompson.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because being a black lesbian woman is something important Anon, this way they cover 3 spaces in minority bingo in one fell swoop, which can be beneficial instead of having a black a gay and a woman on screen

      And if you make her role relevant instead of just being a "The gay black woman", it's an added benefit, although that's more for the viewer, the first three points are enough for Disney (Or any production company honestly, Let's not fool ourselves)

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because being a black lesbian woman is something important Anon, this way they cover 3 spaces in minority bingo in one fell swoop, which can be beneficial instead of having a black a gay and a woman on screen

      And if you make her role relevant instead of just being a "The gay black woman", it's an added benefit, although that's more for the viewer, the first three points are enough for Disney (Or any production company honestly, Let's not fool ourselves)

      It's just a character having a love interest.

      You don't question most of the movie being about Thor and Foster's relationship.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why is loving women so important to Thor?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Should have kept the scene where he guts the midge.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Probably the only redeemable thing about these scenes is Gorr doing a dance, but I'm sure they would have done a stupid dance instead of something really solemn or representative.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >Gorr confronts and tortures the dwarf Eitri (Peter Dinklage)
    missed KINO

    • 4 weeks ago


  7. 4 weeks ago

    I've only heard this movie was shit, but all of this sounds like it would be even WORSE.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Sif was wasted

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Some of these are whatever, and might have just been more improv bloat once Tiger Monchichi started filming them but this
    >Thor remains in contact with the Guardians of the Galaxy during his quest. In each of their video messages, the Guardians are in a different planet, dealing with a different crisis caused by Gorr butchering the local gods, and getting increasingly tired and battered with each new message.
    Was actually the most necessary thing they could have cut from the movie because without it there's nothing really to make us believe that Gorr is an actual threat

    • 4 weeks ago


      The movie didn’t explain why killing Gods was bad outside of killing is le bad.

      Showing that killing Gods of planets hurts them would show that the Gods are needed and that Gor destroying them would lead to catastrophe.

      • 4 weeks ago

        In the original Gorr story Thor felt that Gorr was right

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I didn't think I could hate Mr. Cohen even worse but after reading this now I do.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    It's actually good that none of this happened, and the movie is completely pointless and inconsequential.
    If all of these things had happened, they'd still be of the same horrible quality of the scenes in the final film, but they would make the movie feel like more of a necessary watch for Thor's character arc.
    As it is right now, you could have Thor 5 not even mention the little girl character, and nobody would even remember she exists and wonder what happened to her.

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