>Thor: The Dark World was better

>Thor: The Dark World was better
Godamn, this is the kinda shit I'm reading about this one. Is it that bad? I hear some goats are funny

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's OK and quite entertaining but nothing special. It's kinda just there.

    Funny thing is I think the main reason it's not more memorable is actually that the villain is boring dog shit, but the villain and homosexual Bale's performance is the one and only thing everyone collectively praises.

    • 2 years ago

      from what i hear he barely does any god killing
      guess they had to cut his scenes to add more quips

      • 2 years ago

        >have scenes
        >an entire 20min plot section
        >where thousands of "gods" (howabout you actually go into detail about what the MCU "GODS" are, MCU...)
        >are in a tight area
        >DOESN'T have Gorr show up and slaughter them all

        One of several issues

    • 2 years ago

      >homosexual Bale

      • 2 years ago

        Bale is unironically a mentally ill

        • 2 years ago

          He is literally me

  2. 2 years ago

    It felt weird and disconnected, the dialogue wasn't that good. The children shit was a bad idea. The best part was Voldemort I guess.

    • 2 years ago

      >The children shit was a bad idea
      Thor sharing his godforce with them was actually a good idea that I'm surprised hasn't been done in the comic (afaik).

      • 2 years ago

        If he could just give people Thor powers why didnt he give the avengers some

        • 2 years ago

          Kids needed to be able to fight, Avengers already can. Also, comics lore where it does sort of come up is Odinforce, which Thor only gets when Odin is dead, so couldn't have happened before Ragnarok.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh, and he literally says a variation of the Mjolnir enchantment when he does it, suggesting it's something he can do now that he's the main Asgardian guy.

    • 2 years ago

      That was literally the best part. Yes, for me it was cringe but my little brother loved it, and that's what this is all about(or at least it should be).
      Times are darker than any recent memory so it's good to have a lighthearted superhero movie with a white chad and a hot female as leads.

      • 2 years ago

        You’re brothers dumb, my little brother watched Shazam with me and said it was so good he doesn’t watch anymore derivative garbage, I said at least let me buy Shazam 2 tickets for your 8th birthday and he said okay as long as I finish Bergman’s filmography by then and everyone in the theater clapped and watched a troony rope themselves in the lobby

      • 2 years ago

        My fear is Trump will rise again and lead us back into even darker times. May Waititi be the light that guides the way.

    • 2 years ago

      voldemort was the worst part, his introduction was weak, his powers were super over powered at times and absolute dogshit at other without any clear indication why. The empowered kids was cringe but i could at least be happy for the dumb kid actors that got to play that. The daughter thing was fricking moronic, the eternal reward for all the dead was a better wish.
      The only "good" part was jane foster and rock buddy, and it was ruined by forced homosexuality

  3. 2 years ago

    Why was Gorr such a meh villain? He was not that in the comics
    Still was a far better villain than Forgettable Evil Elf Guy from Dark World, so not sure who's saying that genuinely, OP

    • 2 years ago

      >Thor: The Dark World was better
      Lol god no. This is massive copium from homosexuals who wanted a serious Thor movie.


    • 2 years ago

      They cut most of Gorr’s scenes for being too scary.

      • 2 years ago

        >for being too scary.
        What a load of shit.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Is it that bad?

    • 2 years ago

      ...the problem here is, what exactly?

      • 2 years ago

        The kid's accent, the cgi

        • 2 years ago

          >silent webm

          >Is it that bad?

          The fish eye lense is keks

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Maybe the fact that its a 250million dollar movie using an effect that I can make in iMovie in about 30 seconds.

      • 2 years ago

        Bait or shill?

    • 2 years ago

      we wuz floating heads n' sheet

    • 2 years ago
  5. 2 years ago

    It's not great, but still better than Dark World

  6. 2 years ago

    So a floating head is the issue here? Man, you guys have some exquisitely high standards.

  7. 2 years ago

    My gripe was Russell Crowe. WTF was he even doing? I'ma research Greek history and figure out how Greek = Spaniard. That and, well, I feel his scene was way, way too long.

    • 2 years ago

      I liked his flounce as he walked down the stairs.

    • 2 years ago

      It was apparently a take of Greek immigrants from the 80s in Australia

    • 2 years ago

      He sounded fricking Russian

    • 2 years ago

      He was doing a wog accent. Honestly this whole movie was full of aussie/kiwi humor and I'm not surprised most people don't get it. I thought it was fricking great and my favourite super hero movie next to Ragnarok.

  8. 2 years ago

    Even they are shitting on it. They used to laugh at consumers behind their backs. Now they don't give a shit.

    • 2 years ago

      holy frick look at her hair hahaha
      looks like male pattern baldness paired with a mullet

      • 2 years ago

        It's just bad cgi

    • 2 years ago

      What the actual frick are they wearing?

      • 2 years ago

        they just got back from a weird orgy probably

  9. 2 years ago

    It's silly but entertaining. A little weaker than Ragnarok because that had Hela.

  10. 2 years ago

    Its pretty bad and I liked ragnarok

  11. 2 years ago

    When Jane whispered her new catchphrase to him...? Was it 'Love and Thunder' ? Otherwise it didn't come up.

  12. 2 years ago

    Dark World was dogshit.

  13. 2 years ago

    is it funnier than Ghostbusters (2016)?

    • 2 years ago

      Vomiting up blood is funnier than Ghostbusters 2016.

  14. 2 years ago

    what did the goats do? that's the only thing I've heard being praised about the movie

  15. 2 years ago

    It's a mediocre at best movie but I think the big problem for MCU is most things don't connect anymore.
    the only thing that actually tied into each other that I remember was the scarlet witch disney+ show sort of leading into dr strange, but even that was done pretty clumsily.
    Half the fun for normies is mcu being like a mega high budget series

    • 2 years ago

      it's because they've run themselves over
      Feige had 10 fricking years of slow buildup individual movies to outline the connections
      now, they have to keep pulling this shit out of their asses every time because they can't decouple anymore

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. Back in Phase 1 the movies were somewhat connected. Heck Canonically Iron Man 2, Incredible Hulk and Thor took place in the same week. Nowadays it's much more disjointed.

  16. 2 years ago

    How much natalie is in there?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Tons. She's the second main character.

    • 2 years ago

      Quite a lot. Really they are the best parts of the movie.

  17. 2 years ago

    It's still going to make over a billion dollars. The "capeshit is dead!" people are genuinely moronic, or delusional.

    • 2 years ago

      >It's still going to make over a billion dollars
      No it isn't. It's opened lower than Doctor Strange which didn't hit a billion either

    • 2 years ago

      It's making less than doctor strange 2 and that one didn't make a billion however

  18. 2 years ago

    It was like a 90's kids movie with just total nonsense going on, best capeshit movie since infinity war. why the frick did natalie portman turn into dust though?

    • 2 years ago

      >It was like a 90's kids movie with just total nonsense going on

      • 2 years ago

        I dunno it was fun in a way that I enjoy. Bale was cool and actually had a story that began and ended, and they turned the quip knob down from ragnarok which was good.

  19. 2 years ago

    It was a good movie ruined by about 10 lines of bad dialogue. The first half, the movie had the characters go out of their way to act moronic and say unaware nonsense for the sake of humor, which fell flat almost every time. These scenes immediately follow sadfatherman's daughter dying of thirst in a desert, which makes its tonedeaf humor even more inappropriate. In the second half, the movie finally starts taking itself seriously, and the humor starts to be timed appropriately and connect (like the jealous axe, and Thor being stripped while Zeus' concubines fawn over him). There really is a mile of difference between the two halves. If they had used the first half's shitty dialogue, the cancer reveal scene would have been as bad as "I have cancer." "And I like to feel shitty. *pause for laugh track*. Instead, it was handled with some appropriate gravity, which fit the breathing space moment, and the only thing out of place was it being inter-spaced with the obligatory "I have two gay days" "well I'm a lesbian" shit Disney's been so fond of recently.

    The ending scenes are it's strongest point, starting from around the time Thor leaves Jane at the hospital until the end. Just that stretch alone redeemed an otherwise 5/10 movie, bringing it to a very rough 7/10 capeshit. By editing about 10 lines from the first half and cropping out the homosexual shit, it could be a solid 8/10 and remembered well.

    • 2 years ago

      What a genuine circumcised golem you are.

    • 2 years ago

      >10 lines
      10 scenes* I should say. It's more than just quips.

    • 2 years ago

      Underrated post. One of the few posts I've seen that has legitimate talking points and it's obvious you've actually seen the movie.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm still. holding out that the cancer thing is just a bad meme

  20. 2 years ago

    This was genuinely one of the most nonsensical and irritating films I've had to endure since Transformers 5.
    The movie feels like a giant SNL skit that overstays its welcome. All characters present are flanderized and held at an emotional distance to the point that the character is all but lost behind a torrent of cringey screaming goat references and quips that don't land. Melissa McCarthy literally shows up to ham it up for a few minutes. It was depressing. Don't even get me started on the kid shit.
    Plot is a convulsing blender of characters and ideas and settings devoid of meaningful worldbuilding or thematic unity, feels like 3 nervous, rushed movies crashing into each other despite all the extra time it took to produce.
    CGI is genuinely shit at times, fights are bland and uninteresting because most of them aren't against an actual threat, none have any stakes because everyone is OP even compared to the increasingly strong monsters they face, none are emotionally investing, I remember literally one shot towards the end where the monsters were black and white and I guess that was cool. That's all I remember.
    Imagine character assassinations happening left and right, cringey jokes splattering all over you, mile a minute introductions and then topic changes, capped off with an ending that leaves you confused and totally uninterested in coming back to the franchise.
    I would much rather watch dark world than this, because I would rather be bored with closure than confused with a headache.
    Bale was ok. Campy about 70% of the time. Deserves a better movie.

  21. 2 years ago

    At least the next guardians movie will be good right?

    • 2 years ago

      I'd go so far as to say I don't think so. Not after this. If this is the bar I'm genuinely worried about every marvel project past this point.

  22. 2 years ago

    ay mein

  23. 2 years ago

    Nah, Thor 2 is easily top 5 worst marvel movies.

    Love and thunder is enjoyable as a comedy and the ending is good.

    Yes, it pushes the woke agenda, but it isn't that bad.

  24. 2 years ago

    Gonna buy a ticket each time someone is a Republican or whines about the quality of the movie. Umad? Let me know. I already boight 10 tickets from buttmad (you)s. I think the movie is great

  25. 2 years ago

    >wonder why the goats just scream all the time
    >look it up afterward
    >it's a Taylor Swift reference
    >it's not even a different scream either

    • 2 years ago

      >>it's a Taylor Swift reference

  26. 2 years ago

    This was Thor whatever that dog shit Taka Watanabe put on screen is not Thor

    • 2 years ago

      Got another ticket Chud

      • 2 years ago

        I'm gonna laugh when he adds 99% more quips to Star Wars then you'll understand

  27. 2 years ago

    It's not nearly as boring as Thor 2 at least. Sadly it's still really bad, it feels like nothing happens at all, most of the plot is just "We need to go to X, ok now we need to go to Y", and the fluff added between these is always bad or nonsense, not to mention the tonal whiplash is insane, one moment they'll be making a silly joke then 2 minutes later other they want you to feel sad about Jane dying.

  28. 2 years ago

    >I hear some goats are funny
    You should immediately discredit the opinion of anyone who told you that. There are a pair of goats that guide Thor's ship who scream every time they're on screen. That's it. That's the joke. LEL LOUD NOISES R FUNNY

    • 2 years ago


  29. 2 years ago

    >7.0 on IMDB
    So the Disney bonus is real.

    • 2 years ago

      80% on RT which is fricking awful

  30. 2 years ago

    It’s bad. Lady ghostbusters bad.

  31. 2 years ago

    >Thor: The Dark World was better
    I'll give the movie some credit, it's bad but jesus fricking christ it isn't that bad

    • 2 years ago

      Thor was at least a competent character in Thor: The Dark World. And the movie had Kat Dennings.

  32. 2 years ago

    I can put aside for a moment how obnoxious Taika Waititi was as Korg and how dumb it is that Valkyrie acts like a modern British black woman instead of an ancient Norse warrior. And I can temporarily look over how Thor seems to be regressing as a character as he turns into a complete joke. But my God, there were a lot of things that just didn’t make sense in this movie.
    >Natalie Portman’s cancer doesn’t progress when she’s in Thor mode
    >but it gets worse when she goes back to human mode
    Why didn’t she stay in Thor mode 24/7?
    >Thor (having inherited Odin’s powers) can bestow Thor powers (like Odin did in Thor 1)
    >Thor uses this to give power to untrained kids with makeshift weapons
    >the kids are then able to defeat shadow monsters with ease
    >despite the shadow monsters giving trained warriors a difficult time earlier
    Why didn’t Thor give the parents powers to help recover their kids?
    Why didn’t Thor give his powers to powerless Avengers to help them defeat Thanos?
    >Thor can shoot lightning directly out of his body
    >his powers are shown to easily defeat shadow monsters (at least when kids use them)
    >but for some reason he doesn’t use lightning when he’s tied up by the shadows
    Why did he need to call Stormbreaker?
    >Gorr needs Stormbreaker to access Eternity
    >but he kills a myriad of other gods before ever going after Stormbreaker
    Why didn’t he go after Stormbreaker immediately?
    >Stormbreaker is the key to reaching Eternity because it can power the Bifrost
    >but actually Zues’s thunderbolt can also reach Eternity (despite being unrelated to the Bifrost)
    >and the Pegasus can also reach Eternity in a matter of moments
    Why was Stormbreaker important again?
    >god at the beginning was clearly lying
    >there are multiple afterlives (like Valhalla)
    >people can be resurrected (like Gorr’s daughter or the *snap* victims)
    Why didn’t Gorr wish to be reunited with his daughter in an afterlife?

    • 2 years ago

      She is a human and can’t take all the Powuh.

      He used Thunderbolt as an amp and for his enchantment. They were empowered by thunderbolt and Thor force.

      He didn’t have the amp. Storm breaker is an amp. Gorr was literally a stupid idiot until he went on a genocide crucible and got the information likely from Sif.

      They weren’t in eternity the bifrost literally is needed to open the gate.

      Because Thor convinced him he can bring his daughter back? Giving his daughter a life she never had or got to experience?

      You can argue why didn’t he wish for him and his daughter? I am not sure if Gorr’s energy was coalesced into his daughter + the eternity like FMA.

      The movie was amazing and it gets too much hate.

      • 2 years ago

        >She is a human and can’t take all the Powuh
        Thor was reduced to human and was able to take the power.
        >He used Thunderbolt as an amp and for his enchantment. They were empowered by thunderbolt and Thor force.
        Couldn't he have done the same thing earlier in the film and in Avengers Endgame with Stormbreaker and the Odin Force?
        >He didn’t have the amp. Storm breaker is an amp.
        We've seem him shoot shooting lightning without the aid of Stormbreaker.
        >They weren’t in eternity
        Okay, but they made it all the way to the gate.
        >bifrost literally is needed to open the gate
        WTF? So literally only Asgard had the secret to reach Eternity?

        • 2 years ago

          Thor still has Asgardin physiology. Also no stage 4 cancer. Think about how Quill has celestial physiology but only unlocked it’s powers when amped up on/by Ego.

          It’s character development as you only see him using enchantments for sentimental reasons. One with an amp like Thinderbolt. Endgame was damaged and enraged Thor where he had one goal in mind and was consumed by it. He also didn’t have Thor force at that point this was a complete character arc of him becoming his true self.

          Odin at this point was dead or complacent before endgame.

          It isn’t as strong as you see Stormbreaker amped lighting caused Gorr to retreat. Stormbreaker is an amp.

          Yea that is what is stated in the movie. Asgard are also the guardians of 9 realms so it makes sense. They also hid infinity stone(s) and world ending shit in their vault.

          • 2 years ago

            >He also didn’t have Thor force
            He had Odin Force in Ragnarok.

            • 2 years ago

              It’s called the Thor Force when Thor uses it.

              • 2 years ago

                What? It's still called Odin Force. The Odin Force is named after Odin because he's the main user, but other people use it. Bor and Thor being two main ones. Thor obviously already had the power of Thor (aka Thor Force), but he inherited the Odin Force in Ragnarok.

            • 2 years ago

              It’s called the Thor Force when Thor uses it.

              But yeah even then he wasn’t in the mindset to bequeathing his power in Endgame and it took Jane Fosters relationship being rekindled (love) for him to truly find that ability.

              It also makes sense as the only other time it has been used was from Father to Son.

          • 2 years ago

            >It isn’t as strong as you see Stormbreaker amped lighting caused Gorr to retreat. Stormbreaker is an amp.
            homie, Odin laid it out in Ragnarok. He told Thor that he was now stronger than Odin and that the weapon isn't a source of power. It helps focus power, but it doesn't provide any to Thor. That's why he's able to kill a lot of enemies with just lightning and blast Hela with a massive bolt. Admittedly, it doesn't stop Hela, but it stuns her for a bit, and she's a lot more powerful than Gor.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah Stormbreaker is an amp meaning it makes everything already present stronger + summon bifrost.

              What? It's still called Odin Force. The Odin Force is named after Odin because he's the main user, but other people use it. Bor and Thor being two main ones. Thor obviously already had the power of Thor (aka Thor Force), but he inherited the Odin Force in Ragnarok.

              Odin force in MCU is the golden energy that is around Asgard and used by Odin + The destroyer.

              I believe that it still is the Odin Force but becomes the Thor Force as Thor absorbs it along with his own power. Even though he doesn’t really gain any characteristics of it other than enchantment.

              • 2 years ago

                >Stormbreaker is an amp meaning it makes everything already present stronger
                Amplifiers increase power. Stormbreaker doesn't increase Thor's power. It's like a conductor that he can send his power through.
                Go back and watch the last 20 minutes of Ragnarok. Odin claimed that Mjolnir didn't make Thor any stronger. It merely focused his strength. This is then demonstrated by Thor being able to call down "the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning" without having any weapon.
                This means he should have been able to call down lightning on Gor instead of summoning Stormbreaker.

              • 2 years ago

                >Stormbreaker doesn't increase Thor's power. It's like a conductor that he can send his power through.
                >Go back and watch the last 20 minutes of Ragnarok. Odin claimed that Mjolnir didn't make Thor any stronger. It merely focused his strength.
                Stormbreaker and Mjolnir are not the same thing. Mjolnir may not have increased Thor's power, but Stormbreaker was a "weapon of kings" designed as a "Thanos-killing kind" of weapon, and shrugged off a full power blast from the united Infinity Stones. There's a very good chance that while Mjolnir didn't increase Thor's power, Stormbreaker does.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why didn’t she stay in Thor mode 24/7
      This IS what happens in the comic, pretty much.

    • 2 years ago

      Gorr's daughter is some kind of version of Eternity
      When she first came one screen, her reflection in the water was colored like the Eternity statue

      Here is a question....so Thor asked his hammer to protect Jane. The hammer symbol glowed implying that is what it will do. Why then, does the hammer try to save her by deliberately killing her?

      • 2 years ago

        The hammer does save her. The problem his even though Thor enchanted the hammer it can only do so much.

        She’s human so even though she he can be amped up by Mjolnir she can’t fully take on its power without it damaging her human body.

    • 2 years ago

      Thor used Zeus's weapon to amp the Asgardian kids. He wasn't able to do that before until then. Jane can't sustain using the hammer for long because she was slowly dying. The hammer was just prolonging the inevitable.

      As for Gorr, he was just killing various gods and only seemed to learn about Stormbreaker very recently (after beating Sif?). Gorr was originally intended to be an antithesis to the notion of having faith in gods, so it's very in-character that he'd sooner revive his daughter than join her in some dubious afterlife.

    • 2 years ago

      The movie is flawed and a lot of your points are right, but two are directly answered in the movie.

      >Natalie Portman’s cancer doesn’t progress when she’s in Thor mode
      >but it gets worse when she goes back to human mode
      Why didn’t she stay in Thor mode 24/7?

      In the hospital, Thor tells her not to transform again because the hammer is powering itself off her mortal lifeforce, which is also why her body isn't reacting to any treatments. Also, when she's transformed, although she's stronger she's still affected by her cancer. There's a scene of transformed Jane staggering suddenly and weakening from her cancer, despite being Mighty Thor at the time. I took that to mean even if she stayed Thor, she'd still succumb eventually, even before the mortal lifeforce thing confirmed it was only a temporary delay.

      >Stormbreaker is the key to reaching Eternity because it can power the Bifrost
      >but actually Zues’s thunderbolt can also reach Eternity (despite being unrelated to the Bifrost)
      >and the Pegasus can also reach Eternity in a matter of moments
      Why was Stormbreaker important again?

      You're mistaking the shrine of Eternity for Eternity. At the shrine, the altar had a bifrost symbol that Stormbreaker spent like 10 minutes empowering to open the portal to Eternity. Thor tried repeatedly to stop it but failed. Yes, anything could get to the shrine, but only bifrost could open the portal into Eternity itself.

  33. 2 years ago

    Valhalla is only achieved through death at battle.

    Jane foster makes it to Valhalla despite dying in eternity?

    Oh she was battling cancer the whole time. Pottery.

  34. 2 years ago

    >Valkyrie is King of Asgard
    I'm so confused

  35. 2 years ago

    >No Asguardians of the Galaxy
    >No Thor hitting on Alien Bug Lady or Robot Lady
    >No Thor and Quill fighting for captain
    >No fun adventures in the galaxy that would actually be an interesting series
    >Just montage their battles in a 5 minute scene and insert Jane Foster just to kill her off in an obvious Disney + show that stretched into a movie run time

    • 2 years ago

      The whole scene was a self aware joke about how obnoxious Thor is and he is only called in when they need to nuke and army.

      Jane needed to die for Thor to lose his love again only to gain a new one through Gorr’s wish (sacrifice) This is the only dude other than Thanos to succeed in his goal.

      Only problem is they didn’t make more sentimental moments between Gorr and his daughter and just showing the pure hatred he had for the Gods for their complacency.

      Needed more development ironically he was the “worst” part of the movie. Even though for marvel films this is a 9.8

      • 2 years ago

        Thor as a character was fine and Bale was alright but as a movie it's going to be forgotten faster than Dark World

  36. 2 years ago

    Voldemort looking ass villain

  37. 2 years ago

    >action well directed
    >funny gags, mostly about relationships and jealousy
    >I liked the goats
    >all the bird aliens and shadow creatures and special effects and everything was visually great
    >too long
    >homos and trannies
    >unmemorable plotline, they just do random shit
    >like the wishing well thing literally just gets introduced at the end, why have we never heard of this fabulous thing before
    >the villain wasn’t scary when he definitely should have been scary
    >I thought ‘gods’ were just space aliens like Thor but now there are actual gods that require worship to survive or something, and I’m confused
    >homosexuals and trannies

  38. 2 years ago

    Thor>Ragnarok>Dark World>Love&Thunder
    Best Thor scene:

    Best Ragnarok scene:

    Best Dark World scene:

    Best Love&Thunder scene:

  39. 2 years ago

    People wanna pretend like anything before phase 4 was hidden gold or something when 90% was complete dogshit made to advertise the next film. Thor has never had a good movie so far. The first one came close to having some soul because of Loki and Thor but the movie focused a lot more on the shitty romance sadly.

  40. 2 years ago

    Thing I hated most, he loses every physical development he's gotten across all the movies.
    >loses savage eyepatch, brush under the rug he's blind in one eye
    >loses axe to little girl, which looks moronic, while he goes back to using his hammer, which he had a whole arc getting over losing it, which would have fit a child much fricking better anyway
    and to a lesser extent
    >loses short haircut
    so by the end of this movie, he's back to looking exactly like he did at the end of Thor 1, except his hammer has a few cracks now and his suit is made of crappier, overdesigned CGI. Amazing. Pissed me off. homie looked kino with at the start of Endgame, just keep the eyepatch and it would have been an amazing physical manifestation of all the loss and growth he's endured over the franchise, now it's all been seemingly retconned for what? absolute garbage

    • 2 years ago

      axe to little girl, which looks moronic, while he goes back to using his hammer, which he had a whole arc getting over losing it, which would have fit a child much fricking better anyway
      As far as this goes, I'm pretty sure Stormbreaker is still his, he's just letting Love use it, like he let Steve use it (and Mjolnir). I can't imagine he's just going to GIVE her Stormbreaker.

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