

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    i wish i had a gf

    • 1 month ago

      She has never been the same since the leak
      The Fappening must have really mindbroke her

    • 1 month ago

      why does this hurt everytime ive seen it a million times already

  2. 1 month ago

    >new image hash drops
    >lazy, one line post
    The shill campaign continues

  3. 1 month ago


  4. 1 month ago

    Very surprising that Netflix would allow a plotline that implies you can be turned gay by being molested by a gay man.

    • 1 month ago

      The ultimate message is that he's out and accepts himself, so that makes it okay.

    • 1 month ago

      Also that he went for a troony only because of being gay raped

    • 1 month ago

      More surprising imo that the guy basically said he got raped to get his job in TV and, by the way, it's a true story. Though I suppose it is an open secret.

      • 1 month ago

        I imagine it would be tough to criminally prosecute someone for rape if he could prove you kept coming over to his house for more drugs and buttsex

        He's pulling a Hannah Gadsby, just realized he wasn't funny as a comedian so he fabricated a rape anecdote that is impossible to verify and now he's getting fame and fortune from that

    • 1 month ago

      It was really good. An amazing story about male trauma which is rare to see. This was cathertic as I basically was in a simillar situation. I had a crazy 42 year old fall in love with me and harass me for a year. It stopped once I blocked her but unfortunately she still talks to people I know and spouts crap about me.
      This series made me feel less alone.

      i was shocked Netflix would pick up a show about how crazy a fat woman is. you never see something this day and age. Then watching it, i realized its because its filled with degeneracy homosexual and troony bullshit written directed and staring the guy whos bullshitting all this stuff cause hes the biggest narcissist in the world.
      I just wanted crazy fat chick kino but instead its more of what you have been trying to actively avoid.

      skip anything the fat chick is not in.

      It's a true story, he got raped which turned him gay. That's the reality.

    • 1 month ago

      He wasn't "turned gay" being molested by a guy, he realized he's bisexual after being molested by a guy.

      No professional production in the world would ever entertain a bullshit notion that you can turn a grown man gay.

      • 1 month ago

        >No professional production in the world would ever entertain a bullshit notion that you can turn a grown man gay.
        Bullshit notion? It's quite clear that most gay men have been molested at least once in their life. If you think being molested makes these gays "realize" they've been gay all this time you're moronic because molestation is an unnatural act, like men taking it in the poohole.

        Even though you're right no globohomosexual tv production company would allow for this rational "interpretation" of how gayness is created, it's still implied in the show. Which is actually pretty radical, even if they aren't unaware of how it can be interpreted.

      • 1 month ago

        No, I won't sanction this kind of nonsense. Your basic sexual orientation is effectively set in stone by the time you leave puberty. You could frick a guy past his twenties up the ass all you want and it won't make him any more attracted to men.

        • 1 month ago

          Self-evidently false. Just ask anyone whose taste for weird or niche porn has ever changed over time beyond the age of puberty.

      • 1 month ago

        Happened on Oz all the time.

        It's possible. The mind is broken by the trauma. But because society worships homosexuality, they just say 'you were always that way and finally realized it'. You know, the same society that pushes taking puberty blockers so you can be more feminine.

      • 1 month ago

        u don't thinl he turned gay, some people just react to trauma by repeating what happened to them again and again because in their minds that will give them control.

        • 1 month ago

          >some people just react to trauma by repeating what happened to them again and again
          Sounds gay


  5. 1 month ago

    It gave me the confidence to come out to my parents as a troony connoisseur

  6. 1 month ago

    i was shocked Netflix would pick up a show about how crazy a fat woman is. you never see something this day and age. Then watching it, i realized its because its filled with degeneracy homosexual and troony bullshit written directed and staring the guy whos bullshitting all this stuff cause hes the biggest narcissist in the world.
    I just wanted crazy fat chick kino but instead its more of what you have been trying to actively avoid.

    skip anything the fat chick is not in.

    • 1 month ago

      >signs up to a troony dating website
      >to get away from a stalker
      totally normal and rational decision

    • 1 month ago

      the two actors, the rapist and the stalker, look like they do in real life, he's not trying to make a Misery homage

  7. 1 month ago

    I've hidden this thread at least a dozen times already WTF? Must be more /misc/tard shit.

  8. 1 month ago

    homie went from qt black girl who supported him and his aspirations to a fat scottish hog and a troony. This is what they are preparing us for.

    • 1 month ago

      Egg Zachary

  9. 1 month ago

    It made me very uncomfy. Also I didn't like the "nooo I got raped give me more wiener" plot

    • 1 month ago

      There are sand Black folk in the UK forming literal rape gangs and attacking 14 year-old girls on the street and forcibly having sex with them.
      Yet this unfunny failed comedian gets his own Netflix show by claiming to be a rape victim when he quite literally went over to a gay dude's house where he knew he'd pass out and get buttfricked and then kept going over there for more buggery on a weekly basis.

      • 1 month ago

        >There are sand Black folk in the UK forming literal rape gangs and attacking 14 year-old girls on the street and forcibly having sex with them.

  10. 1 month ago


  11. 1 month ago

    >...And that's when I did something REALLY moronic
    >And I felt moronic for doing something moronic so I decided to do something incredibly gay
    >But then I felt gay
    >So because I felt gay, I decided to do something monumentally gay AND moronic
    >And I thought that was the end of me being gay and moronic
    >But little did I know, I was about to make my gayest, most moronic decision yet

    I felt 0% pity for this guy and maybe even a little contempt. He never really reached rock bottom no matter how far he dug and he's probably still digging to this day. He's still in denial.
    Even a little kid will put his hand on the stove and learn not to touch it again, this guy is just a fricking idiot and people are calling him "brave".

    • 1 month ago

      He let the guy use him for sex because he wanted to be famous, he lead the stalker on because he was deprived of affection.
      I get it tbh, the only thing I didn't get is why he didn't kiss the cute troony in public. She passed pretty well.

      • 1 month ago

        People will looking at him and judging him because they could clearly see it was troony. Also, why the frick did they have the troony bump into the older passengers?

  12. 1 month ago

    >Wahhaaa hey pchooo waheyyy ptooootooo kapow yayyyy!!
    >So my mom just died.

  13. 1 month ago

    >has a cute black gf
    >decides just just get ass raped for a tv show they make it look like its random but we dam well know he knows what hes doing
    >doesnt wanna frick the black girl anymore
    >starts chasing trannies
    i just hate how we didnt get stalker gender reverse just more gay shit but they learned to save it till episode 2 else we wouldnt watch it

  14. 1 month ago

    no, thanks

  15. 1 month ago

    >gets raped a few times
    >can't even remember it
    >only ever happens when he goes over to one specific man's house and takes drugs
    >stops happening as soon as he stops going
    Doesn't really sound so bad tbh

  16. 1 month ago

    How much of a raging narcissist must you be to create something like this? The guy needs to get over himself, I watched a few episodes and the constant self pity was impossible to sit through.

  17. 1 month ago

    The absolute state of British "men"

  18. 1 month ago

    A show that should be bad but succeeds by acknowledging that the main character is a homosexual moron who is partly to blame for his own problems.

  19. 1 month ago

    Bad writing and bad characters for the sake of creating a nightmare. I did not like it. Like watching good musicians perform poorly on purpose.

    • 1 month ago

      Wrong. Well written. The characters are moronic because they are real.
      It's a true story.

  20. 1 month ago

    I thought it was shite and I'm ashamed of myself for falling for netflix hype yet again

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