Thoughts on Invincible? Do you prefer the comic or the show?

Thoughts on Invincible? Do you prefer the comic or the show?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I prefer the Manga

  2. 2 years ago

    I prefer the Light Novel

  3. 2 years ago

    Great series. This was the first book I've ever finished front to back and it's all due to the Amazon show. The book is ultimately superior, but the show is not that far behind (assuming they don't pull any more Black Amber levels of creative decisions). I wonder how the show will do picrel or Battle Beast vs Thragg

  4. 2 years ago

    I like it but it's not without its faults. The show arguably, at least at this current time, is better than the original comic. Pacing is a lot better, some events are moved around for better flow, and they gave Demon Detective a cool tidbit when in the comic he was just a passing joke. Then again this season is still really early in the source material, so it could go either way. What I am hoping for is that the show disregards the time skips, which really hurt the narrative of the comic.

    • 2 years ago

      >The show arguably, at least at this current time, is better than the original comic.
      I fail to see this with how awful they ruined Amber and made it such a part of the show. Even if you ignore the race swap and the political motivations behind it, they fail horribly with challenging the status quo of secret identities and relationships

      • 2 years ago

        >ruined Amber
        You can't "ruin" Amber because she's so inconsequential to the overall plot. She's nothing, a brief stepping stone in the series. You would know this had you actually read the comic. I don't get mad over Amber because there's no point to

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Wow, you didn't even try.

        • 2 years ago

          Amber wasn't a big character in the comics, you're right. But she wasn't actively a problem in it either, that's my biggest problem with character. They took something that wasn't a thing and made it into one and it failed bad with only ideas and concepts carrying the character.
          >You would know this had you actually read the comic.
          I don't know why you assumed I didn't
          Also i'm not


          The comic is a masterpiece of western fiction. It definitely has flaws, but the way it tackled its themes and Kirkman's skill at building tension makes stand out above the rest.

          Amber is a nothing character in the comic. She exists to be a reminder to Mark that humans are fricking stupid. Them fleshing out her character is going to make it hit much harder when [events] happen.

          >She exists to be a reminder to Mark that humans are fricking stupid
          That's not even true though? Where did you even get this from? If anything she represented how in Mark's eyes it was a good thing that he kept in touch with his humanity and with humans.
          >Them fleshing out her character is going to make it hit much harder when [events] happen.
          They probably won't even had Amber's domestic abuse storyline and assuming they go one to adapt everything, I doubt if they would even bring in Mark's SA storyline to.

          • 2 years ago

            >actively a problem
            One irrelevant character being a b***h for an episode and then fricking off does not make an active problem. Try to come up with a better cover story.
            >she represents keeping in touch with humanity
            That is literally, explicitly in universe the function of William and Rick as their only real human friends, and either Kirkman did a shitty job remembering that or he made Mark an inattentive homosexual on purpose.

            • 2 years ago

              >One irrelevant character being a b***h for an episode and then fricking off does not make an active problem. Try to come up with a better cover story.
              Stop self projecting anon. Amber's an annoying character through out all of Season 1. She would've been an eh/fine character if they didn't revealed that she knew and retroactively fricked her character. The fact you think I need to make up a reason is sad on your part. Amber in the comics is fine and has an enjoyable conclusion, but in the show is bad. They failed horribly on trying to make it a political thing to challenge tropes and shit (and no this isn't a headcannon, they've said this in multiple interviews)

              >That is literally, explicitly in universe the function of William and Rick as their only real human friends
              For starters both William and Amber serve that function, like a group of people in DC represent that for Superman eg. Lois, his adoptive parents. Amber and Will serve the same function but differently, unless you're going to tell me that the role/effect of a best friend and girl friend are the same
              > and either Kirkman did a shitty job remembering that or he made Mark an inattentive homosexual on purpose.
              Wtf are you even saying here anon? How did he have a bad job at remembering it?

              • 2 years ago

                >le projection maymay
                Concession accepted.
                >revealing that you're actually just furious that she was a woman who had opinions
                wow what a shock
                >both of them serve this function
                No they don't, that's why I said in universe. Even the characters are aware that William and Rick have been saddled with the job of relevant earthlings because the superfam ignores everyone else to focus on their personal drama and space.
                >what are you saying
                Their supposed relevant friends barely appear in the book at all after their sudden outing, he ignores them before Mark and co frick off permanently. Either Kirkman forgot or Mark is an appalling friend.

              • 2 years ago

                >Concession accepted.
                You're the one accusing me of trying to create a front and assumed that I never read the comics either, but sure ig.
                >wow what a shock
                >Thinks paraphrasing with green text means jacks
                Yeah it would be crazy of me to think you're just assuming shit about me or my points
                I don't mind that Amber had opinions. I just think her opinions are flawed and the reasoning that both Amber give and Kirkman/VA of Amber are bad as well.
                > Even the characters are aware that William and Rick have been saddled with the job of relevant earthlings because the superfam ignores everyone else to focus on their personal drama and space.
                I don't know why you're trying to use in-universe shit to prove your point when this conversation was never based on that reasoning to begin with. You characters like Debbie (for awhile until she leaves for space) and Amber as well.
                >Their supposed relevant friends barely appear in the book at all after their sudden outing, he ignores them before Mark and co frick off permanently. Either Kirkman forgot or Mark is an appalling friend.
                I can't tell if you're being dumb or legit think this. Mark and Will grew apart, it was inevitable with how volatile Mark's life was getting and his increasing involvement in Space, the government, and Supe shit. I don't know why you think it was a problem that William basically vanished because his story wasn't really needy nor was there anything more that Mark or Will had left to bond with. Half of your post is just bad assumptions or just sidestepping the real things here

      • 2 years ago

        The comic is a masterpiece of western fiction. It definitely has flaws, but the way it tackled its themes and Kirkman's skill at building tension makes stand out above the rest.

        Amber is a nothing character in the comic. She exists to be a reminder to Mark that humans are fricking stupid. Them fleshing out her character is going to make it hit much harder when [events] happen.

        • 2 years ago

          >The comic is a masterpiece of western fiction.
          Slow down there, friend.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm more pissed about what they did with Eve. In the comics she went to Africa to alleviate poverty by using her powers to make irrigation ditches and shelter people whereas in the show she fricks around in the woods helping hikers and whatnot.
      Her whole reasoning is that her powers were fairly could do so much more and that there are alternate ways to help people other than fighting bad guys and flying around, which is an incredibly important idea that comes up several more times in the comic.
      Given some of the other changes to the show, I have to think that they didn't like the idea of a white woman being the savior of black people so they changed the details of her departure but dulled the overall message.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, you're complaining about a thing that hasn't even happened yet. In the comics Eve does this when she's with Mark, plus in the comics she didn't start of fricking around being a one man peace corp. They'll probably do this in S2, you do realize that there's going to be a season 2
        > I have to think that they didn't like the idea of a white woman being the savior of black people so they changed the details of her departure but dulled the overall message.
        You need to get of from whatever site that made you think this, especially since you're complaining about something that hasn't even happened yet, jfc

        • 2 years ago

          The frick are you talking about
          >a thing that hasn't even happened yet
          Here's the scene where she talks with Mark and decides to do that
          Then she makes that treehouse, and does that.
          >In the comics Eve does this when she's with Mark,
          In the comics the prior scene happens in the same scene she tells him she broke up with William. Then Mark and Amber visit Eve in Africa, they sit on the roof and have the "they don't look up" scene, remember? They hadn't broken up yet.
          >plus in the comics she didn't start of fricking around being a one man peace corp
          She literally sets out to do that. Pic related. You should probably reread the comics and rewatch the show.

          >You need to get of from whatever site that made you think this
          Amazonprime, as I was watching the show. It's obvious that the creators of the show are sensitive to race and gender, much more so than the comic. How they changed Rex's personality, how they tried to make the rock-gangster a family man, how they gave Debbie a little speech about how she's a strong realtor who doesn't need no superhero. Amber is another example of how they changed/added details that diminished the surrounding event; In the comics, she thought Mark abandoned her until he revealed his identity. In the show, he revealed his identity and she said she already knew. I think they wanted her to look a lot smarter and more independent than her comic-book counterpart, but it just makes her look like a b***h.

          • 2 years ago

            >YouTube video
            Yeah she's talked about it, as in she's going to do it. What are you trying to say here?
            >Then she makes that treehouse, and does that.
            IIRC this is when she leaves her parents to discover who she is, it doesn't mean that her African visit won't happen, it just means it hasn't happen it yet.
            >Then Mark and Amber visit Eve in Africa, they sit on the roof and have the "they don't look up" scene, remember? They hadn't broken up yet.
            Fair, I misremembered part, but it doesn't mean they wont do this though, give it some time (especially with Eve being a minor char this season)
            >She literally sets out to do that. Pic related. You should probably reread the comics and rewatch the show.
            What I meant was that INITIALLY like at the start of the story she wasn't going to Africa to do some real good she was still with the team fighting baddies every Friday, she does grow and decides this isn't what she had in mind and then proceeds to do the African "Air-Support"
            >Rex personality
            It's only the first season man, there's time to make it more "accurate". I didn't see anything wrong with the way they did it, except that really early on hint of Robot being some cold person who's willing to do whatever. I'm pretty sure one time he does it, he's by himself, but the other time it's passed off as a joke and him just being "weird"
            I mean sure I guess, but like Rex it's season 1, they have time to turn him into the Mafia-esque guy he is in the book
            This is pretty align with how she is in the comics early on, she knows her worth and isn't phased by most things due to her relationship with Omni-Man, there's even times where she bosses them around and they're like "oh frick" like they're little kids

          • 2 years ago

            Agreed. Though while I dislike the raceswap I didn't dislike the concept they were going for, I disliked how shitty they made that twist though because it recontextualizes everything she's said or done before.
            > I think they wanted her to look a lot smarter and more independent than her comic-book counterpart, but it just makes her look like a b***h.
            Actually not true. In the interview they (Kirkman and VA for Amber) wanted to use Amber as a way to challenge Mark's values and ideals, which honestly doesn't bad IMO. Like the comics, Mark needs to learn how to balance his Superhero life and his personal one. Like Both Mark's they have this comic book sense of being a hero which gets shattered many ways early on. Another thing they wanted to do was challenge the status quo of
            >Reveal superhero identity = instantly bad shit
            When you think about it, there's no real reason as to why. Not to say you should blurt it out, but like this "rule" is just from decades of writers doing this scenario exactly like this. If anything it's on the hero/heroine for trying trying to have their cake it and eat.

            Anyways, I'm sure Kirkman isn't going to do something about Amber seeing how a lot of people didn't frick with it.

  5. 2 years ago

    I really don't like the way he draws mouths.

    • 2 years ago

      Too porny?

    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    I prefer the Visual Novel

  7. 2 years ago

    I prefer the Pulp Magazine

  8. 2 years ago

    Comics, the show has that bad design, the women are ugly and Eve doesn't wear the leotard, so we probably won't see any hot women in sexy costumes, it's like The Boys live action, lots of gore and the women hiding their skin

  9. 2 years ago

    Comic was pretty fun in the beginning but lost my interest as it went on.
    Show was just shit.
    Changes to characters and dynamics that just makes them either confusing or just shallow (like the mom).
    An obsession with over the top gore (more than the comics) that just makes scenes more ridiculous than emotionally impactful.

  10. 2 years ago

    Book is far superior

    • 2 years ago

      >in the show version this would be followed by his friend getting mad and then him apologizing for using such offensive language and learning to never say gay as an insult ever

      • 2 years ago

        And yet in the book it was a running gag.

      • 2 years ago

        Probably the show, but that could easily change. The comic was an absolute slog for me after around when the brother showed up, so I don't really care if Kirkman revamps the whole thing to make it less shitty.

        No, because in the show he already knows his friend is gay (and so do we because it wasn't just randomly dropped into the book halfway through, followed by him being written out). If he said it at all, it would be because they were both in on the joke.

  11. 2 years ago

    >do you prefer comic or show

    i've only read the comic. from what i've heard the show is bad

    my opinion is that Invincible is monarchist propaganda. Mark Grayson is neutral evil.

    Allen and Dinosaurus are the most moral and adult characters

  12. 2 years ago

    Why are they Asian?

    • 2 years ago

      Why not?

    • 2 years ago

      Most likely: Ambiguous race. In the comics they can pass for being unironically White, Asian, Hispanic or even be mixed

      Best girl

      Best girl in the comics (honestly, her body is one of the best, even when she gains the weight
      Small Eve appreciation

      • 2 years ago

        Best body

        • 2 years ago

          >An acquired taste

          • 2 years ago

            Pretty good bodies
            >A fit male with a chubby sexually active girlfriend

            • 2 years ago

              >Eve being an unironic sex demon (Incubus)
              >Mark realizes that Eve is basically an immortal being and her body will always be in its prime, (plus since Mark will age very slowly, and who knows, maybe Eve can "reset" Mark as well)

              • 2 years ago

                Aged like fine wine

  13. 2 years ago

    Best girl

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Can she legally consent?

      • 2 years ago

        She's in her 20s

      • 2 years ago

        She's a e-girl you can legally frick, so in other words the perfect woman.

    • 2 years ago

      Rex should have dicked her down just to spite Rudy.

  14. 2 years ago

    I liked the comic but the show has better pacing.
    I don't like what they did to Amber and Willaim in the show.
    Amber was made into a b***h, as is said so frequently, which just makes me dislike her when she was just a 'oh right she's a character' in the show.
    William being out the closet from the get go feels like they missed a chance of making it a character arc for him. Like this is one place the show could have done better than the comic, by actually making it an arc and not just throwing out "Oh yeah I'm I'm getting Rick's dick now"

  15. 2 years ago

    The comic is great probably the best single long story you can recommend to someone, useful getting manga only readers into comics. It definitely has its ups and downs but Omniman is one of the best characters in anything. Robot is also a good villain and the final fight is great. The show is good but we will have to see how it goes. The chuds complaining about Amber are moronic. ESPECIALLY because the show adds a whole scene about TRADEWIFE HAVE SEX AND CHILDREN with Debra and Omniman. It's just annoying because the show isn't really more or less liberal from the comic and has the potential to flesh out some of the arcs (Invincible War and Dinosaurus) and fix some of the flaws (the pointless edge issues with the black invincible).

  16. 2 years ago

    comic obviously

  17. 2 years ago

    >2nd season not out yet

  18. 2 years ago

    I hope the show fixes some writing issues from the comic. There were definitely too many time skips and parallel universes.
    But seeing how they made Amber stunning, brave and brown I doubt it.

  19. 2 years ago

    How likely is it that when Eve gets plus sized in the show she'll stay that way permanently?

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