Tim Drake’s Story Continues in New Series ‘Tim Drake: Robin’

>This September, Tim Drake’s story continues in his own Robin series: Tim Drake: Robin, on sale September 27.

>Spinning out of Batman Urban Legends and Tim Drake Pride Special, writer Meghan Fitzmartin continues the next chapter of Tim’s story with fan-favorite artist Riley Rossmo (Harley Quinn).

>This kinetic, high-energy series pulls Tim center stage as a mystery over a year in the making takes shape. A new villain who’s been hounding Tim from afar decides to take things up close and personal, putting Bernard and everyone else Tim cares about in peril. All that and Tim finally carves out a corner of Gotham City just for himself, and sets up shop in his very own…murder-shack-houseboat?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >If that wasn’t enough, break out your skateboards and motorcycles because DC has assembled a Rogues’ Gallery of artists to capture all of Tim’s iconic looks over the years, with a One Year Later Era variant by Jorge Jimenez, a 1:25 Debut Era variant by Sweeney Boo, a 1:50 Young Justice Era variant by Dan Mora, and a 1:100 Teen Titans Era variant by Jamal Campbell, with main cover by Ricardo López Ortiz.

    >Tim Drake fans can get caught up on the beginning of this story with the Tim Drake Pride Special, on sale now. And Damian fans needn’t worry; the youngest Wayne’s adventures as Robin will continue in Batman Vs. Robin, written by Mark Waid with art by Mahmud Asrar, on sale September 13.


    • 2 years ago


      They took this away from us to give us a gay Robin..I hate DC.

      • 2 years ago

        Isn't that his gay Connor tribute suit?

    • 2 years ago

      No ones gonna comment on the dick sandwich with the mayo cum?

      • 2 years ago

        Holy shit, the mother fricker REALLY HAS MAYO ON HIS LIPS ANS FACE.

        I fricking hate DC.

        Isn't that his gay Connor tribute suit?

        He wasnt gay when he had that suit. It was before everything was ruined.

        • 2 years ago

          >He wasnt gay when he had that suit. It was before everything was ruined.

          Anon I hate to break it to you but that Tim was gay as frick. Freddie E williams has said editors considered him bisexual back then.

          • 2 years ago

            This suit was literally his gay era that directly led to him being gay now.

            • 2 years ago

              > using same colors from timm/diniverse to synergize is his "gay era"

              >He wasnt gay when he had that suit. It was before everything was ruined.

              Anon I hate to break it to you but that Tim was gay as frick. Freddie E williams has said editors considered him bisexual back then.

              Literally just look at the replies to any of Fitzmartin’s tweets.

              the replies and using shit like that is a textbook example of why modern writers/readers can't understand a classic concept like male platonic friendship

              2 bros bring friends with each other does not mean they want to blow each other.

              sick of it, especially when there are dozens of examples where it's fine. only those shitheads in editorial wanted to tokenize LGBT as representation for diversity bux


              fricking hacks

              • 2 years ago

                Anon, blame Johns for not understanding how humans work, because the Tim/Kon thing was nowhere near as big during Young Justice even with early online communities thinking of Tim as gay. Tim/Kon wasn't that big until Teen titans 03 came out and instead of being rivals or opposites Tim and Kon felt overly attached.

              • 2 years ago

                i don't even think it's johns' fault

                he just had them as bffs. everything after was just fan headcanon then some of them became writers i guess

              • 2 years ago

                I’m not sure how accidental paralleling Tim’s actions and feelings regarding Kon’s death with the gay Doom Patrol gorilla pairing was. No one ever explains that one.

              • 2 years ago

                >gay Doom Patrol gorilla pairing
                Mallah and Brain is such a creepy pairing on every level. Its got bestiality plus incest plus the fact that Mallah is just a regular Gorilla not even one from Gorilla city.

              • 2 years ago

                When was this?

              • 2 years ago

                Lets see(Teen Titans 38 I think)
                Context, the Titans /Doom Patrol fight the Brain and company, who's been put in a new clone body. the titans find said clone body mangled and headless, realizing that the Brain's new body was failing so Mallah tore out his head to save him

              • 2 years ago

                Notice how Tim ruminates on the part where they couldn't successfully clone a new body

              • 2 years ago

                And now Tim, similarly, putting his head to the clone tube.

              • 2 years ago

                Notice how Tim ruminates on the part where they couldn't successfully clone a new body

                And now Tim, similarly, putting his head to the clone tube.

                It’s also worth noting that throughout these issues the rest of the Doom Patrol keep repeating that it’s “all for love” and Johns was always extremely heavy handed with the themes of each individual arc like that. I don’t know, it’s hard to understand what would motivate Johns to intentionally write this, but it’s not something anyone would do accidentally.

                My most realistic guess is he might have intended to imply that Tim had confusing romantic/sexual feelings towards Conner, but only as a result of how mentally fricked up Tim had gotten. Cassie had that resurrection cult, but in the end she (his girlfriend who he loved) can still think with a clear head and understand why reviving/cloning Conner is disrespectful to his memory. Tim’s (potentially queer) feelings for Conner are inherently wrong and crossing boundaries, and he needs to have what’s respectful to Conner’s memory explained to him by Cassie. I can see a straight writer in the early 2000s toying with this and not really seeing it as homophobic.

              • 2 years ago

                Johns in general seems to write like that, all of his same sex friendships come off as far more romantic than he probably intended, while his romances are awful

              • 2 years ago

                Its almost entirely Johns fault, man. Once Tim's grief for Kon overshadowed his girlfriend of fricking father dying and he tried desperately to try and clone him (and only him), the relationship went from being ambiguous bros to being obsessed. Kon and Tim weren't even that close in Young Justice, Bart and Kon were bigger best friends.

              • 2 years ago

                Johns just seemed to forget about steph and tim's dad, but within his solo tim did try to bring all 3 back...

    • 2 years ago

      The red costume without sleeves looks bad.

    • 2 years ago

      Two robin books at the same time ? That's a lot.

  2. 2 years ago

    We'll be getting more cuck queen Steph here

    • 2 years ago

      >mfw Tim holds Superboy's hand
      >mfw Tim tells me about kissing Bernard in a movie theater
      >mfw Tim sleeps on Bernard's chest while he strokes his hair
      >mfw I see Kon carrying Tim and Tim blushing
      >mfw I see Tim walking funny on patrol
      >mfw I see Tim biting his lip when fighting Bane
      >mfw I catch Tim looking at the security cameras for the Batcave showers

      • 2 years ago

        Fujocuck or fujolesbo?

    • 2 years ago

      But steph is fricking cass now

      • 2 years ago

        No, because Tim's getting the spotlight for now as the resident bisexual, that's being kept in the glass case in case of emergency for when the sales get too low on Batgirls in about 8 months. It says in case of emergency, eat Cass.

      • 2 years ago

        >But my fetish is canon
        Frick off

        • 2 years ago

          Cope lmao

          No, because Tim's getting the spotlight for now as the resident bisexual, that's being kept in the glass case in case of emergency for when the sales get too low on Batgirls in about 8 months. It says in case of emergency, eat Cass.

          >thinking batgirls will last 8 more issues

          • 2 years ago

            You probably the same homosexual that thought "Batgirls" was gonna bring your fetish to life. Seethe harder

            • 2 years ago

              It is. Cass and steph are gay af fr fr

          • 2 years ago

            batgirls will last 8 more issues

            Babs boomers keep seething.

            • 2 years ago

              Why did batgirls fail so hard, it was a neat concept

              • 2 years ago

                No, it fricking wasn't. That's the point.

              • 2 years ago

                It was a stupid concept that doesn't satisfy anyone. This is what you get for listening to fanfic authors on twitter.

              • 2 years ago

                Did it fail? Most people on social media that talk about comics seem to like it just fine. The only place that outright hates it is Cinemaphile, as usual.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Spinning out of Batman Urban Legends and Tim Drake Pride Special, writer Meghan Fitzmartin
    Annnnnnd dropped. I can be grateful that will will never surpassed the number of issues Tim's previous solo series had

  4. 2 years ago

    >Riley Rossmo
    Oh no no no no Timbros
    We just keep losing

  5. 2 years ago

    >Character liked for being a cute twink
    >Get some ugly art that makes him look like a goblin

    Every fricking time. DC needs some face artists to fix all these "style" guys.

    • 2 years ago

      >art in the OP
      You are the worst

      • 2 years ago

        Twitter Tim fans are already crying.

  6. 2 years ago

    I’d have been interested if both the Urban Legends story and the pride special weren’t so fricking mediocre

    • 2 years ago

      I think they read as a solid 2 issue character arc when read together at once. They suffer from not having enough pages badly.

      • 2 years ago

        I tried it and nope they legit both sucked still, Tim’s new love interest is just a bland nothing character much like Jay is for Jon that literally adds nothing to Tim as a character and they legit have no chemistry also the story was badly paced

  7. 2 years ago

    >the fake leaker was right all along
    I get that comics are all about nostalgia gayging now but being the eternal Robin is really pathetic.
    >Meghan Fitzmartin
    Its over

  8. 2 years ago

    >Tim Drake: Robin
    tim will never ever get his own identity again. damian will get his own hero identity before tim is allowed to stop being robin.

    • 2 years ago

      He was but bendis did it in the worst way possible

    • 2 years ago

      What do you think Damian will be? Is he still in death tournament namek?

      • 2 years ago

        >Is he still in death tournament namek?
        it was over over a few months

        • 2 years ago

          Well what's he up to now?

          • 2 years ago

            Grandpops drama

          • 2 years ago

            He and Batman tried to control the war between The League of Assassins and Deathstroke. That's over now and going my the book solicits he fight Batman for some reason.

    • 2 years ago

      Red Robin wasnt a new identity.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Tim Drake: Robin

  10. 2 years ago

    >Timmy Sue is getting an ongoing
    DC truly is in the shitter huh?

  11. 2 years ago

    Fitzmartin is singlehandedly reviving Tim Drake as a character somehow. All of his major apperances will be because of her fricking random anthnology pitch. I bet Zdarsky wouldn't have even bothered to take him for his Batman apparence if he wasn't bisexual and trending. Sucks for those who would rather he just fade into a literal who as he has been since 52 I guess. Maybe he would have been in some sort of YJ revival and he'd cameo sometimes like Batwoman, but he'd never ever get another solo without her.

    • 2 years ago

      She managed to bring back Tim, but her writing is still bad. In the last special, Tim and Steph reconcile in two seconds and Steph even hugs Bernard, even tho she should be going trough a massive hearthbreak. She doesn't know how to write conflict, everything is just perfect in fairyland. Tim drake is my favorite robin (I know, feel free to insult me) but i'm not excited for this series because its going to be boring fluff with zero conflict or character growth.

      • 2 years ago

        I wouldn't judge off of the Steph thing. Its clearly something that was forced and had very little page time. She seems to be a decent writer thats had pacing issues. I think the Sum of Our Parts showed some potentional. Whether those will continue or were due to the weird format of his recent appearances are anyone guess. I think its really too soon to tell (unless you hate the idea of bi Tim, then you can cry about it I guess). Her best comic was the only one that had a full page count.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't mind gay tim, I just think its too "bl webtoon by teenage girl". I want something more like Midnighter and Apollo if they're gonna do gay super heroes, but I guess you can't judge a comic if you haven't read it yet, so i'll give it a try I suppose

      • 2 years ago

        Tim Drake is my favorite Robin who isn't Steph (yes, I'm a weirdo who loves "Three issue Steph" best of the Robins), but the Pride special made Tim a lying idiot, and Fitzmartin is singlehandedly making me not want to read about Tim anymore.

        do peolple really like bernard that much, dude has no fricking personality and his ugly as frick. hell he had more character in his first appearance in the robin comics, but then dc decided nah, gay people can't have personalities

        I think Bernard is mostly a huge self insert hole for people who hate TimSteph.

        • 2 years ago

          You're just gonna have to get over the TimSteph thing. She writes solid stories but does not like that ship, and you'll probably enjoy them a lot more if you can move past those expectations.

      • 2 years ago

        Her most recent story in the DC Pride Special is awful, but I thought her first three-parter in Urban Legends was solid, and the Christmas special was cute enough. Like, it's nothing groundbreaking or anything that holds a candle to Chuck Dixon's run, but this is the best Tim content we've gotten in a good while.

        • 2 years ago

          Shes clearly uninterested in this TimSteph thing, felt obligated to address it and wants to move past it. I don't think it will be a problem in his solo if she just doesn't bring Steph up much.

          • 2 years ago

            You're just gonna have to get over the TimSteph thing. She writes solid stories but does not like that ship, and you'll probably enjoy them a lot more if you can move past those expectations.

            Hope you're getting paid for this buddy

            • 2 years ago

              How does it feel? Knowing that TimSteph will be completely ignored and buried in Tim's first solo in over a decade? Does it hurt? Its what TimSteph shippers deserve so being so fricking obnoxious. Go rot with the DickKory frickers.

              • 2 years ago

                I’m surprised people are still seething so hard an entire year later, except I’ve started to notice it’s really only the same 5 people whining hard across various different websites.

              • 2 years ago

                There are two types of them. One is geniunely mad insane shippers who spam the writer on twitter and make dozens of angry comments on reddit whenever Tim is mentioned. Most just a handful of crazies. The other is people who are just mad Tim is gay now but are too chickenshit to say so in public so they pretend TimSteph so great and untouchable when it hasn't been interesting since they were exes in RR.

              • 2 years ago

                The weirdest thing is when they cite Bendis YJ as the reason why the two characters should never be parted, as if they weren’t just essentially two barbies Bendis smashed together in hopes of getting some praise for once.

                Its so fricking funny how hard Tynion tried to push Tim as a writer on Tec and Batman, and everything he did was instantly undone and usurped by Meghan soft rebooting the character to the late 90s and she gets a solo, creates a new Tim renaissance, and has basically full control of the character now. Talk about being upstaged by some literal who new writer in a dubiously canon (at the time) anthology.

                I don't really think Tynion cared about Tim after his 'Tec run or he would've done something with him when he had his hands on Batman. Instead he shilled his new Oc's.

                She only did the one thing Tynion had always wanted to do anyway. I remember him saying on his substack how Tim’s Urban Legends story featured something he himself had wanted since he was in high school, and I immediately knew it was going to be something about Tim’s sexuality.

                He was very obviously beat down by editorial and over it by the time he was doing Batman, Meghan was a fresh hire after the 2020 bloodbath and just flat out asked for the thing he probably never had the courage to.

              • 2 years ago

                >just flat out asked for the thing he probably never had the courage to
                I don't think he could have if he asked. Shes talked about how she pitched it, and it got approved by her immediate editor, but the higher ups at DC has no idea and weren't paying attention to Tim or the "washed up bat characters" book. They would have definitely noticed if he tried to do it in Batman and probably would have stopped it.

              • 2 years ago

                I've actually heard from friends of DC editorial that they very cynically discussed which of the male Batfamily members they could have come out, to provide balance from all the lesbians. My guess is that Fitzmartin pitched to one of those editors, and they ran cover for her.

              • 2 years ago

                Looks like a TimKon fujo writing Bernard as a bland Kon stand-in. Hence the overly enthusiastic reception from Steph. Imagine if it's Clark bringing back some rando he met on War World and introduces him as his new boyfriend to Lois and Lois reacts to him the way Steph does to Bernard.
                Makes zero sense from a normal human perspective.

              • 2 years ago

                Agreed. It's just so gross, especially since Steph was supposed to be deeply in love with Tim, and didn't want to break up, plus she's already shown a jealous streak (like her whole arc when she was Robin).

              • 2 years ago

                I dunno, all the transwidows and gay widows I've seen are always on AmIthebutthole because they reacted negatively to their husbands' transitioning/coming out. It's a human reaction. This was like, the author intentionally made it weird to avoid the TimBer crazies from going after TomSteph fans (See

                How does it feel? Knowing that TimSteph will be completely ignored and buried in Tim's first solo in over a decade? Does it hurt? Its what TimSteph shippers deserve so being so fricking obnoxious. Go rot with the DickKory frickers.

                for one such lunatic. DickBabs is also as incestuous as BruceBabs btw xoxo!).
                I still think Tim should end up with Kon or in some decadent "pass Tim around" polycule. Makes a hell of a lot more sense than whatever weird uncanny valley of a relationship Tim and Bernard have.

              • 2 years ago

                Adult male Timsteph shippers have been crying in that woman’s mentions on social media for an entire year, she honestly could have buried Timsteph harder than she did and it’d be justified.

              • 2 years ago

                I agree. She could have been much harsher on TimSteph. Other writers have been on ships they didn't like for less.

              • 2 years ago

                TimKon gays should be gassed. Kon isn’t gay and has never had any interest in Tim, Tim’s the only one who made the relationship gay.

              • 2 years ago

                He's at least bicurious anon. No straight alien dresses like this. And they're just cartoons, chill.

              • 2 years ago

                It's a classic look, I'll say that much.

              • 2 years ago

                Even if he wanted to bang her, he'd ask the dude along as well. More everything,

              • 2 years ago

                This isn’t true, we know for a fact Tim coming out was a surprise to most and DC higher ups were pissed because they were already busy making plans for Jon. If it had been talked about at any point beforehand it wouldn’t have happened in an anthology book and would have gotten a big marketing push like Jon, that’s just business.

              • 2 years ago


                It's cynical but also a conversation they should be having. If you're going to create representation deliberately as something other than pandering to straight guys, you need to make an effort not to create only hot lesbians and bisexual women. Gotham's lopsided preferencing of significant queer women was extremely obvious.
                I think he's talking about editorial within the bat office, which fits with the rumor of them not telling the higher-ups what they were doing until it was too late to avoid overlap.

                says, I believe it was specifically Bat-office editors, not someone on the level of Marie Javins. And same report says that at least one of the gay male editors in the Bat-office objected, because it was so clearly cynical.

                Speaking of which, I still think they should have pushed harder with Midnighter instead of trying to make The Robin Without A Solo Gay Mostly Off Panel. The announcement of this solo is a mitigating factor for their cowardice in how they did it initially, but it should have been handled in an ongoing originally. Obviously, I probably wouldn't have been happy with the concept at all, since I am a TimSteph shipper, but at least it wouldn't feel so nakedly obvious, and hopefully wouldn't be nearly as poorly done.


                >Considering I know a number of DC editors, I can actually say - with certainty - that there was an in-office conversation about which of the core, male Bat-family members could come out so they could have gay male representation.


                >Dude… I AM GAY! Stop using homophobia as the reason for people disagreeing with a decision. This was - 100% - a marketing decision. Editors have expressed this. Sorry.


                >I’ll even go further to share that one of the editors - also gay - completely disagreed with this choice as well because it went against the character’s history.

                I dunno, all the transwidows and gay widows I've seen are always on AmIthebutthole because they reacted negatively to their husbands' transitioning/coming out. It's a human reaction. This was like, the author intentionally made it weird to avoid the TimBer crazies from going after TomSteph fans (See [...] for one such lunatic. DickBabs is also as incestuous as BruceBabs btw xoxo!).
                I still think Tim should end up with Kon or in some decadent "pass Tim around" polycule. Makes a hell of a lot more sense than whatever weird uncanny valley of a relationship Tim and Bernard have.

                I'm pretty sure that you're right - Fitzmartin was attempting to preserve the characters marketability/prevent cancelling Steph. But looks like the buttholes like the lunatic mentioned won't be placated anyway.

                Adult male Timsteph shippers have been crying in that woman’s mentions on social media for an entire year, she honestly could have buried Timsteph harder than she did and it’d be justified.

                Do show, liar.

                >Those BATMAN AND ROBIN lunch boxes and toys aren't going to sell themselves.

                The al Ghuls are more tied to the supernatural. Ra's has to be a centuries-old scholar obsessed with longevity and immortality. Nolanverse Ra's isn't recognizable as Ra's. Damian is definitely the most supernatural of the Robins.

                Jason can be a completely grounded street kid (Robin days), or he can get his Red Hood storyline by repeatedly failing to save women and children, and then maybe tortured until he loses faith in Batman (like the Arkham games). He can do the magical Lazarus zombie thing, but he can also be more grounded with just a bit of reworking.

                Lobdell's stuff is already being ignored. Yeah, Red Hood has magic stuff in the new video game, but that could be magic al Ghul stuff instead of Lobdell's OCs.

                Huh. I didn't know Tynion likes guys.

                Bernard isn't even the best love interest out of Tim's male civilian friends. But he does have that ditzy conspiracy theorist thing to tap into. There's potential.

                Bad analogy. Lois is used to being the first choice. Steph is used to people throwing her away. Steph knows she needs to put her own feeling aside, or she'll lose another connection.

                Good to know that "Steph should just shut up and take it because she deserves to be a doormat" is alive and well in Current Year.

              • 2 years ago

                It's funny that anyone would take issue with that. Like, obviously it's a marketing exercise. That's every comic! Capeshit is designed to sell totally inauthentic narrative circles over and over again. Making one of the Robins into guys is such an obvious move given the audience that it's almost shocking it took this long.

                Let me let you in on something; its not the Steph fans complaining about this. Breaking out of being Tim's girlfriend is always the best thing for her character. Its mainly Tim fans who are upset over his sexuality, but also legitimately that this is such a 180 from where there storyline was left off at.

                The three straight guys who pretend to like Tim so they can scream about gay people are not a compelling market demo.

              • 2 years ago

                ...I see. Given your obvious contempt for big two cape comics, there's really no point in talking.

              • 2 years ago

                Not sure what point you think you're making, but that's the only time I've responded to you.

                >The three straight guys who pretend to like Tim

                Anon, get out of the twitter/tumblr bubble. All those people buying Tim's solos were mostly straight men.

                >i know what was happening before i was born, and it's somehow relevant to a narrative i'm pushing about Cinemaphile shitposters today
                whatever you say

              • 2 years ago

                >whatever you say

                Why are gay people so deluded when it comes to this shit? Do you really think the majority of people buying Robin/Red Robin comics were gay?

              • 2 years ago

                >The three straight guys who pretend to like Tim

                Anon, get out of the twitter/tumblr bubble. All those people buying Tim's solos were mostly straight men.

              • 2 years ago

                I don’t understand why didn’t they chose Damian?, he was probably the easiest.

              • 2 years ago

                Tim and Damian were the only real choices, Dick and Jason are too attractive to women. I assume they didnt go with damian because his writer wanted to do the flatline thing.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't think so. I actually think Damian and Dick were off limits. Jason and Tim, as the least popular members, were probably the viable choices. Making a character gay just makes them more popular with women. Thats why there was so much seething jealousy in Dicks hardcore female fanbase when Tim was the one who got to be bisexual and not Dick.

              • 2 years ago

                Tim is the one who had 30+ years of gay speculation that somehow managed to rival even the Robin panty bed sharing era. I’m not sure why people bring up Damian as if Jon didn’t get even worse meltdowns than Tim, despite essentially being a new character himself. Plus Tim is really the ideal age to tell this kind of story. He’s young enough to be in the process of figuring himself out, but old enough that showing him cuddling in bed with his boyfriend wouldn’t feel creepy.

              • 2 years ago

                If you go on reddit you'll find about a dozen insane TimSteph shippers who constantly post about much they hate Fitzmartin on every single post about Tim and they copy paste their shit on twitter and tag her. Actually insane, the new DickKory.

              • 2 years ago

                That I didn't know. I thought they'd keep their crazy confined to anonymous grumblings on Cinemaphile and Reddit. I don't have sympathy for people who can't contain their autism from harming real people.

              • 2 years ago

                Cinemaphile seems mostly free of them. People here are more honest about just hating gay Tim rather than pretending that TimSteph was such an important and sacred ship.

              • 2 years ago

                I've seen a lot of people complain about how sudden the bi turn was and how poorly handled the breakup was but considering the writer had to walk the tightrope between a good story and not offending the lgbt alphabet soup or homophobic dingbats, I admire her for getting a regular. They say it's a pagecount issue and I agree. You need around three or four rooftop convos to broach a topic like this. If someone's writing a longform fic or those short stories older comics used to have, you can flesh it out to around 20 to 50k. Around 20 speech bubbles a page and 30 pages isn't that much. Bi dudes have it hard. I hope she puts that struggle in. Meanwhile, Wayne Family Adventures actually had Tim/Bernard go on a cute date and hold hands. They handle plot rather well because the characters are all nice and it seems aimed at tweens to teens.

              • 2 years ago

                I do agree that pagecount is the big issue. Particularly since I'm sure she didn't know if she'd get any follow up to her anthology story when she first wrote it and the one shots were trying to do a lot of character lifting with less than a full issues page count. Having an ongoing to play around with will be a good test for her. I do think shes got a decent handle on his voice as Tim and while she's regressed him, I don't think hes had any stories in the past decade that were particularly worth keeping.

              • 2 years ago

                Literally just look at the replies to any of Fitzmartin’s tweets.

              • 2 years ago

                post em

              • 2 years ago

                Since you are a failure and aren't posting them, I did a check. There's one guy who upset about the whole thing and has posted about it once or twice in her mentions. There's one bi girl who wanted it handled better, but wasn't against Tim being bi.

                >Adult male Timsteph shippers have been crying in that woman’s mentions on social media for an entire year, she honestly could have buried Timsteph harder than she did and it’d be justified.

                As I said. You're just a liar.

              • 2 years ago

                I looked too and even the two people you mentioned here are replying to every tweet she makes, and that’s just in the last few days.

              • 2 years ago

                It's cynical but also a conversation they should be having. If you're going to create representation deliberately as something other than pandering to straight guys, you need to make an effort not to create only hot lesbians and bisexual women. Gotham's lopsided preferencing of significant queer women was extremely obvious.

                This isn’t true, we know for a fact Tim coming out was a surprise to most and DC higher ups were pissed because they were already busy making plans for Jon. If it had been talked about at any point beforehand it wouldn’t have happened in an anthology book and would have gotten a big marketing push like Jon, that’s just business.

                I think he's talking about editorial within the bat office, which fits with the rumor of them not telling the higher-ups what they were doing until it was too late to avoid overlap.

              • 2 years ago

                Personally I'm thrilled with it. They're both more interesting characters when they're not around each other being forced to play house.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Tim Drake Pride Special
    Ew. I'm disgusted of living a world where this degeneracy is viewed as normal.

    • 2 years ago

      Then why do you keep living? Society will only get gayer, and the odds of your children becoming queer grows each year.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick off, troony. The pendulum will hit you in the future.

  13. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Why is he showing his armpit?

      • 2 years ago

        Of the “Gay Robin” shtick doesn’t works, he’ll become DCs armpit bawd.

    • 2 years ago

      Looks very off for tim. He is a twink.femboy not thiss buff.

  14. 2 years ago

    do peolple really like bernard that much, dude has no fricking personality and his ugly as frick. hell he had more character in his first appearance in the robin comics, but then dc decided nah, gay people can't have personalities

  15. 2 years ago

    I can't believe I'm sort of missing new52 Red Robin Tim

    • 2 years ago

      >missing nu52 red robin
      frick me too, how did it get so bad timbros?

    • 2 years ago

      The costume now is better, but that tim at least just kinda did nothing and was smart.

  16. 2 years ago

    Finally, a Gay Robin ongoing, Damain's book was honestly too straight for me.

  17. 2 years ago

    Hopefully, Bernard gets some development as a character and his role is not simply being placed in the background, doing nothing. However, seeing as how Fitzmartin is writing, I don't have too much confidence, maybe it could be different who knows?

    • 2 years ago

      What cute art
      >Look up artist

      Yikes, this guy looks like he hitchhikes and murders people in Texas

      • 2 years ago

        Holy shit, you're right.

    • 2 years ago

      He's never going to grow past bf. Eventually when she leaves they'll put another guy in that role, and hell hopefully have some character.

  18. 2 years ago

    At least they got rid of his dumb softboy twink face he's had ever since he came out.

    • 2 years ago

      >At least they got rid of his dumb softboy twink face he's had ever since he came out.

      Thats the one thing people like, no one wants some gay goblin, they want a soft frick boy.

  19. 2 years ago

    Does it end with his own mantle?

  20. 2 years ago

    Are we going to get Tim getting fricking in the ass to get monkey pox and then spreading it to others?

  21. 2 years ago

    Tim is such a shit character with nothing going for him that they had to turn him gay just to get some appeal.

    • 2 years ago

      Him being the detective Robin was a legit niche, but now he’s gonna be nothing more than a homosexual whose so afraid to admit he’s nothing but a homosexual he calls himself “bi”, just like poor Jon

      • 2 years ago

        >Him being the detective Robin was a legit niche
        Every Robin is a detective, you moron.

        • 2 years ago

          They had to be trained and were found by Batman, Tim found Bruce and became Robin because he wanted to not because a tragedy forced his life in that direction

          • 2 years ago

            Tim found Batman because of plot-armor bullshit that demanded Batman needs a new Robin after they killed off Jason for some moronic reason.

            • 2 years ago

              Just waiting for you to spout the "Tim is just the same as Carrie Kelley" idiotic lies that I know you're working your frothing way up to.

              • 2 years ago

                who came first? Tim or Carrie?

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, yes, so every character is just copying the character who preceded them.


              • 2 years ago

                Wait I'm asking because I don't know which one they made first. So the "Tim is just the same as Carrie Kelley" is actually right?
                I mean I know Tim is boring, but actually just a carbon copy of Carrie Kelley, yet manage to be even more shit is even worse

              • 2 years ago


                Carrie Kelley: Punk kid who never showed any interest in figuring out Batman's identity, but just loved being a skater chick and using a slingshot.

                Tim Drake: Nerd obsessive who figured out who Batman was and tried to get Dick to become Robin again before donning the costume.

                Exactly the same.

              • 2 years ago

                Yea? their most defining trait is figuring out Batman's identity, but Tim is done in mary sue way

              • 2 years ago

                Carrie never figures out Batman's identity. It's not her defining trait at all. Her defining trait is being a punk girl with future slang and a swish haircut.

            • 2 years ago

              >Those BATMAN AND ROBIN lunch boxes and toys aren't going to sell themselves.

              Jason is the supernatural batkid already. So Tim is gonna be the real one and only robin again? Thats hilarious.

              The al Ghuls are more tied to the supernatural. Ra's has to be a centuries-old scholar obsessed with longevity and immortality. Nolanverse Ra's isn't recognizable as Ra's. Damian is definitely the most supernatural of the Robins.

              Jason can be a completely grounded street kid (Robin days), or he can get his Red Hood storyline by repeatedly failing to save women and children, and then maybe tortured until he loses faith in Batman (like the Arkham games). He can do the magical Lazarus zombie thing, but he can also be more grounded with just a bit of reworking.

              I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Lobdell wrote the defining book for the modern character that all his current and future characterization will take from. Its even in the fricking tie in video games.

              Lobdell's stuff is already being ignored. Yeah, Red Hood has magic stuff in the new video game, but that could be magic al Ghul stuff instead of Lobdell's OCs.

              The weirdest thing is when they cite Bendis YJ as the reason why the two characters should never be parted, as if they weren’t just essentially two barbies Bendis smashed together in hopes of getting some praise for once.

              She only did the one thing Tynion had always wanted to do anyway. I remember him saying on his substack how Tim’s Urban Legends story featured something he himself had wanted since he was in high school, and I immediately knew it was going to be something about Tim’s sexuality.

              He was very obviously beat down by editorial and over it by the time he was doing Batman, Meghan was a fresh hire after the 2020 bloodbath and just flat out asked for the thing he probably never had the courage to.

              Huh. I didn't know Tynion likes guys.

              I've actually heard from friends of DC editorial that they very cynically discussed which of the male Batfamily members they could have come out, to provide balance from all the lesbians. My guess is that Fitzmartin pitched to one of those editors, and they ran cover for her.

              Bernard isn't even the best love interest out of Tim's male civilian friends. But he does have that ditzy conspiracy theorist thing to tap into. There's potential.

              Looks like a TimKon fujo writing Bernard as a bland Kon stand-in. Hence the overly enthusiastic reception from Steph. Imagine if it's Clark bringing back some rando he met on War World and introduces him as his new boyfriend to Lois and Lois reacts to him the way Steph does to Bernard.
              Makes zero sense from a normal human perspective.

              Bad analogy. Lois is used to being the first choice. Steph is used to people throwing her away. Steph knows she needs to put her own feeling aside, or she'll lose another connection.

              • 2 years ago

                The worst thing about both Steph and her fans is the massive victim complex.

              • 2 years ago

                Let me let you in on something; its not the Steph fans complaining about this. Breaking out of being Tim's girlfriend is always the best thing for her character. Its mainly Tim fans who are upset over his sexuality, but also legitimately that this is such a 180 from where there storyline was left off at.

          • 2 years ago

            Bring a smart robin is a bad niche because thats the role all robins fill. Dick, Jason and Damian all have unique personalities. Tims most unique trait was went he went his own obsessive brand of crazy that one time and thats not sustainable. Now hes the diversity robin, which is a niche they were originally pushing him out for in favor of Duke. Unlucky for Duke, Tim is a more lucrative pick now so Duke's vanished and Tim gets a solo specifically off the back of being bisexual.

            • 2 years ago

              I really think Bernard has potentional if they mine him for his conspiracy bullshit and play it off of Tims own unique conspiracy bullshit.

              • 2 years ago

                >Tim and Bernard crack the case of the tainted water supply that makes everyone who drinks it gay
                >they find out its real and it does work
                >decide to leak more of it into the system for LGBT rights

        • 2 years ago

          And every robin is angry, and every robin is acrobatic and a leader. They all overlap.

    • 2 years ago

      >gay just to get some appeal
      lmao he's still the boring ones. It probably going to be jarring how homosexual he is in recent comics but become hard ass stoic gay on the upcoming one

  22. 2 years ago

    I hope it's just a mini, this chick is no Chuck. We'll find out tomorrow if Robin is stealth cancelled. I'd worry about the lil sweet potato pie more if he didn't just join the Justice League.

    • 2 years ago

      Damian’s book is ending and Mark Waid is writing him for a Demon story.

      Rumors say Damian is becoming a new identity and will be the magic/supernatural bat kid. And he’ll team up with Frankenstein in Justice League Dark.

      • 2 years ago

        >Damian gets spooky adventures
        >Tim gets Bernard

      • 2 years ago

        Jason is the supernatural batkid already. So Tim is gonna be the real one and only robin again? Thats hilarious.

        • 2 years ago

          Outside of Lobdells fan fiction, there’s nothing supernatural about Jason besides his resurrection vía Lazarus pit.

          • 2 years ago

            I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Lobdell wrote the defining book for the modern character that all his current and future characterization will take from. Its even in the fricking tie in video games.

            • 2 years ago

              >Lobdell wrote the defining book
              It can't be defining if no one was reading it.

      • 2 years ago

        I feel like they could have announced that all at the same time. Solicits will tell tomorrow. I don't really think the title indicates it's an ongoing tbh, "Tim Drake: Robin." Probably just a 6 issue mini to bundle with the previous gay backups for a trade.

        Hopefully it's him that gets the new identity at the end. Or both of them. They can't do Batman and gay son and they don't seem to wanna do Batman and Robin so make room for a new one I guess.

        • 2 years ago

          If it was only 6 issues they'd announce it like that and not a solo. They've probably got 12 and more depending on how well it sells. I can't think of any books that were specifically sold as solo ongoings that got cancelled at 6 excluding covid/production issues.

          • 2 years ago

            All the other pride books, Aquamen, etc.

            They don't always announce it

            • 2 years ago

              Aquamen is a weird one I'll give you that but I think it would have continued if it hadn't sold so terribly

              • 2 years ago

                I looked back at the solicit for 17 and I kinda do think it's the end. It's more issues than last time I suppose. If it's really Mark Waid then I'm kinda okay with it. They seem to be set on Jon being Superman so I guess they need to elevate Damian a notch. "Dark Detective" could be cool I guess, with Frankenstein and a 666-inspired suit.

                I've been in a slow cope ever since Bendis had Tim in a Damian style costume in Young Justice

              • 2 years ago

                Jon as Superman doesn't sell great but it sells more than Damian Robin and does really well digitally.

            • 2 years ago

              Aquamen is a weird one I'll give you that but I think it would have continued if it hadn't sold so terribly

              Tim at the very least has an edge over gay Aquaman and the other pride characters, but I’m still curious to see how he manages to sell after a decade of DC sabotaging the character for seemingly no reason.

              I’m actually surprised at the amount of hype he’s getting right now, kind of spits directly in the face of the “no one will care after the headlines fade” mantra from a year ago.

              • 2 years ago

                The batman fujo fanbase is no joke and has literally never been pandered to ever. I'm very interested how this series does. If it does better than Damian I wonder if they'll just make Tim The Robin again.

              • 2 years ago

                >The batman fujo fanbase is no joke and has literally never been pandered to ever.
                That's a good thing honestly. Jon is a good example of how not to do pander to those people. Why? Because fujos like to live in their own fantasy where they can "correct" what the writers have laid down. When the writers intrude on that fantasy by making a character gay and give them a gay love interest, you get the ire of the fujos.

              • 2 years ago

                Fujos like Jon and Jay though. Jons books sales went up and stayed steady after they got together.

              • 2 years ago

                If fujo baiting is their goal they definitely shot themselves in the foot with the artist, but on the flipside they could be intending to convince readers from the onset that Tim will no longer be just a pretty boy who likes to be spooned going forward.

                I guess if they can strike enough of a balance to keep boomer fans (who I’ve seen a surprising amount of rejoicing from) from being too turned off, while still giving an appropriate amount of development to Tim’s gay relationship, this book might have a much wider appeal than a Tim solo comic would’ve had in the last decade.

              • 2 years ago

                You know that one pic of that gender reveal where the dad is clearly distressed by the situation to the point of being red? That's the old Timgays.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe they should have supported Tim more.

              • 2 years ago

                >Tim's loyal fanbase is the reason he's gay now

              • 2 years ago

                If it was a loyal fanbase we wouldn't be here.

              • 2 years ago

                That didn't stop Tom Taylor from making Jon gay.

              • 2 years ago

                Most of Tim’s loyal fanbase is either gay or too old to be sucked into culture war youtube shit tbh. Or girls.

              • 2 years ago

                >Most of Tim’s loyal fanbase is either gay
                >gay people
                >reading capeshit comics

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly out of all of the characters in DC you are probably a little bit gay if your favorite is one of the Robins

              • 2 years ago

                Meghan is both a fujo and a Tim boomer so I guess that tracks. Her Tim reads like Tim from 20 years ago.

              • 2 years ago

                I agree. Her writing is still a little too sloppy but she seems to have a much better handle on what people like about Tim than Tynion did, and Tynion considered himself to be the biggest Timgay in the industry.

              • 2 years ago

                Its so fricking funny how hard Tynion tried to push Tim as a writer on Tec and Batman, and everything he did was instantly undone and usurped by Meghan soft rebooting the character to the late 90s and she gets a solo, creates a new Tim renaissance, and has basically full control of the character now. Talk about being upstaged by some literal who new writer in a dubiously canon (at the time) anthology.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't really think Tynion cared about Tim after his 'Tec run or he would've done something with him when he had his hands on Batman. Instead he shilled his new Oc's.

              • 2 years ago

                Tynion seemed pretty checked out in general in his Batman run.

              • 2 years ago

                >and everything he did was instantly undone

                What did he do besides have Steph and Tim do smoochies?

              • 2 years ago

                To be fair, having Tim and Steph do smoochies is all writers before now have been capable of doing with the character since 52. And its been boring every single time.

              • 2 years ago

                >The batman fujo fanbase is no joke and has literally never been pandered to ever

                Does all the gay ass Batman/Joker stuff not count as pandering?

          • 2 years ago

            The title screams planned miniseries. It's just weird for an ongoing.

            Fujos like Jon and Jay though. Jons books sales went up and stayed steady after they got together.

            I think they mainly like Jon. His ship with Damian was relatively healthy. Pretty much no creative time is spent on Jay. Tim has the advantage of a boyfriend who's at least not ridiculous looking and comes with a potentially amusing personality if they ever get around to letting him talk, so a moderate amount of fic involving him has been written in the past year.

            • 2 years ago

              Bernard was actually a pretty funny character for the few issues he appeared in. I don’t think the conspiracy nut thing desperate fans have latched onto really helps with his chemistry with Tim, but I think Tim having an obnoxious, weaselly and insecure boyfriend would be pretty fun.

              • 2 years ago

                It doesn't help with their chemistry, but it does help generate a character for him, and he really needs it with how little he's had to do since showing up again. Additional chemistry may not be necessary, depending on how Fitzmartin is writing. Transplanting the stuff from the pride anthology issue would be a good start.
                >oh no, someone's trying to kidnap my big spoon again

        • 2 years ago

          DCs website literally calls it an ongoing series my dude. Its in the title of the official announcement.

      • 2 years ago

        >the real reason Tim didn't get a new name and costume with his new ongoing is because Damian is leaving Robin so they need Tim so that there is still a Robin
        Can you fricking imagine

      • 2 years ago

        Tim is so pathetic.

  23. 2 years ago

    There's nothing heroic about being homosexual. I don't know whey they had to do Tim dirty this way.

    • 2 years ago

      >There's nothing heroic about being homosexual

      i dunno, being a persecuted minority has been a common trait throughout all of heroic fiction.

      • 2 years ago


        No gay person in a major city in the US is being persecuted. New York gays are better off than most minorities.

      • 2 years ago

        Being gay today is the equivalent of being a pampered pet of the elite. No, there is nothing heroic or cool about being gay.

      • 2 years ago

        homosexuals have fought to make pedophilia legal, homosexuals have fought to make it legal to willingly give a person aids without their knowledge, the acceptance of gays has lead to nothing but pain for the world

      • 2 years ago

        Let me guess, you stood with Jussie too right?

  24. 2 years ago

    >Meghan Fitzmartin
    Can’t this b***h go to Marvel?

  25. 2 years ago

    Weird how in a few years DC managed to turn the best robin Batman ever had into the worst one.

    i seriously hope he dies

    • 2 years ago

      Tim was never the best Robin Batman ever had.

  26. 2 years ago

    Tim gets a new book after 11 years and we can't even get 200 posts. Dead character.

  27. 2 years ago

    they REALLY need to give Tim his own identity a la Nightwing. It's seriously moronic that there's two robins and Damien is a way WAY better robin with actual robin stories to tell

    • 2 years ago

      They tried that once with 'Drake', see how that turned out.

      • 2 years ago

        What a shitty name

  28. 2 years ago

    So, like, does Riley Rossmo have an extra art style up his sleeve that won't make this look like someone vomited all over the pages?

  29. 2 years ago

    >it's another anons can't handle their self-insert is gay because that means they might be gay thread

  30. 2 years ago

    >time gets bland white bread bernard
    >Steph rebounds with Chad Kyle Mizoguchi and is gonna be best girls sister in law
    Steph chads stay winning

  31. 2 years ago

    Dick just seems bi as frick. The boy fricked an alien, is able to love anyone and def seems like he'd enjoy being pegged.

    Jason just seems mostly straight and can tell when someone is really hot and will appreciate their hotness but it would have to be a REALLY special guy for him to date. Probably tried it out once and was like naw.

    Tim is just.... Tim doesn't even seem bi he's just straight up gay and poor boy has been in the closet his whole life. He's not going back to pussy he loves sucking dick too much.

    Damian just seems demisexual or asexual. Like he thinks Flatline is cool cause she like killed him but like it should have taken a few more convos for him to actually fall for her.

    • 2 years ago

      >Dick just seems bi as frick. The boy fricked an alien
      >Anyone who wants to frick Starfire must also want to frick men
      What is wrong with you?

      • 2 years ago

        He's bi but not for getting with Kori. He flirts with anything that moves but seems to gave rapport with all the males too. Like Slade or even Bruce.

      • 2 years ago

        after Grayson runs I can't see Dick as other than bi

      • 2 years ago

        You're probably arguing with a "sexually confused teenager"

    • 2 years ago

      Demisexuality isn't a thing. Normal people don't want to frick every anonymous hole they see, most people want to have sex with people they know and trust and love. The "demisexuality" label was literally created by Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy yaoi roleplayers as a joke. Look it up.

      Also, Damian is a 14-year-old boy, and the son of Batman. Makes sense he doesn't prioritize romance. Wouldn't blink if he grew up to like boys and/or girls, but he's just a kid for now.

      Dick is super straight. Starfire is an extremely womanly woman, Dick is a ladies' man. Dick isn't attracted to men, but men are attracted to him.

      Jason is just stunted and messed up. Less experienced than Tim. He's never initiated, but he's never said no either. Who knows what he likes.

      Tim doesn't have romantic chemistry with anyone except Jubilee in the X-Men crossover.

      • 2 years ago

        Source on the demisexuality thing.

    • 2 years ago

      Just because old morally dubious men want to frick Dick doesn't necessarily mean Dick wants to frick them back. I personally see Dick giving a handjob in a threesome but thats basically it. I do agree that Jason seems straight and Tim seems like a repressed gay loser and girls are only attracted to him because hes nonthreatening and doesn't want to frick them.

      • 2 years ago

        The funny thing is that the writer that made jason Red Hood sees him as bi, which is probably the biggest thing writers wise any of the robins have.

    • 2 years ago

      anon with all due respect get off the internet its melting your brain

  32. 2 years ago

    I hope Timgays are happy with the their b***hing. Enjoy your 12 issue girl drama no-action pussy book.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't you mean "no pussy" book?

    • 2 years ago

      So, just like all the other books?

  33. 2 years ago

    More example of the artist's work?

    • 2 years ago

      Which artist?

      • 2 years ago

        The one that does the cover and is supposedly doing interiors.

        • 2 years ago

          I believe this is the artists website https://rileyrossmo.com/

          • 2 years ago

            Knew the name was familiar, drew that manhunter book. Nice style, doesnt seem tofits wit the writing.

  34. 2 years ago

    The superfluous Robin

  35. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
  36. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Looks good with long hair.

  37. 2 years ago
    Tim Drake Appreciation Thread

    If the writer was truly progressive then Tim will lose his rimjob v-card to a character named Chuck or Dixon

  38. 2 years ago
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  44. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Homophobic dick

  45. 2 years ago
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  49. 2 years ago

    Should have gone with ace

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely not, but that art is cute.

      • 2 years ago

        Makes the most sense, biromantic ace.

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    Dark Crisis YJ preview is reconfirming that Timkon will be addressed at some point in the mini, buckle up boys.

    • 2 years ago


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  99. 2 years ago

    Is this imagedump some bizarre paggro timkon thing? >>>/cm/ is that way.

    • 2 years ago

      Just posting the pics in my PC.

  100. 2 years ago
  101. 2 years ago

    Good for Tim, maybe the homosexual angle is actually giving him shit to do.


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