Tired of these reviews just no criticism just straight up dick riding this terrible movie

Tired of these reviews just no criticism just straight up dick riding this terrible movie

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Why are you watching them?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Literally woke up to this shit auto playing

    • 10 months ago


      Literally woke up to this shit auto playing

      Get your autoplay under control, or I'll do it for you!

      This movie was good. This board is nuts.

      It's ok for people to disagree on taste. I hated the frick out of it, and thought it looked like the inside of an NYC trash can, but I also recognize that was deliberate, and some people are into that.

      I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve seen some clips and I’m on the fence.
      Is the entire movie just nonstop rambling? Every clip I’ve seen just seems like the movie is allergic to just being quiet. Part of what made the 1991 movie so good was how it knew when to play up the Turtles being young, but also emphasized their training and discipline by letting have moments where they look inwards or acknowledge a threat.

      You realize this is the same dude who made sausage party? But rips are out. You can easily check if you like.

      Why are all you gays who have a hate boner for this movie so miserable that you can just think maybe people actually like the movie and there's a reason both critics and audiences gave it great reveiws.

      FRICK CRITICS, FRICK AUDIENCE POLLS. TRUST NO EYES BUT YOUR OWN. besides the rips are out. Why the FRICK would you listen to critics at this point?

    • 10 months ago

      op love the video and only made the thread because he also loves hate threads

    • 10 months ago

      Hes a dickriding gayget

  2. 10 months ago

    >that April

    Uh no

  3. 10 months ago

    >only 33k views
    Stop shilling your Youtube video

  4. 10 months ago

    I'm just glad it exposes all those people dick-riding The Last Wish and Spider-Verse etc as chasing hipster art clout instead of actually believing they have merit

  5. 10 months ago

    The only thing I get from this title is that Mutant Mayhem’s turtles are the most believable teenagers of the series, not that the movie is perfect.

  6. 10 months ago

    This movie was good. This board is nuts.

  7. 10 months ago

    This guy became a massive homosexual seemingly overnight. I actually agreed with him on a lot of things such as Moon Knight TV series and then he cucks out for Slott and becomes a shameless shill for any kind of slop.

    • 10 months ago

      >This guy became a massive homosexual seemingly overnight. I actually agreed with him on a lot of things such as Moon Knight TV series and then he cucks out for Slott and becomes a shameless shill for any kind of slop.
      I agree with this idk what the frick happened to this homie

      • 10 months ago

        This, he was so based before he had 100k subs, now he sucks.

        He learned that screaming that a thing sucks won't make shit better and at the end of the day why fricking bother with that
        Also he deleted his discord because people called him out for using the hard r lmao

        • 10 months ago

          >hard r
          I can never tell which word these twitter/discord types are talking about.
          moron or Black person. which is it. One is clearly stronger than the other.

          • 10 months ago

            the word they refer to is Black person. They say the hard r to differentiate it from the n-word: homie

            • 10 months ago

              Dang! Godzilla Mendoza said that. No wonder he feels so off, he's been pussy whipped. And now he's scared of getting ousted.

    • 10 months ago

      >This guy became a massive homosexual seemingly overnight. I actually agreed with him on a lot of things such as Moon Knight TV series and then he cucks out for Slott and becomes a shameless shill for any kind of slop.
      I agree with this idk what the frick happened to this homie

      This, he was so based before he had 100k subs, now he sucks.

  8. 10 months ago

    I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve seen some clips and I’m on the fence.
    Is the entire movie just nonstop rambling? Every clip I’ve seen just seems like the movie is allergic to just being quiet. Part of what made the 1991 movie so good was how it knew when to play up the Turtles being young, but also emphasized their training and discipline by letting have moments where they look inwards or acknowledge a threat.

    • 10 months ago

      The best moments are the ones where the turtles aren't talking. Otherwise a lot of them are doing very safe, quippy, unfunny shit or blurting out their 1-dimensional character arcs so the audience can understand their motivations. They have nothing interesting or funny to say. My theater was dead silent for most of the jokes with some of the biggest gags getting a pity chuckle.

      I sincerely do not understand how people watched this movie and then came back so fricking hyped up and excited that the turtles are now awkward kids with confidence and self-esteem problems who just want to be normal and go to high school.

      • 10 months ago

        >I sincerely do not understand how people watched this movie and then came back so fricking hyped up and excited that the turtles are now awkward kids with confidence and self-esteem problems who just want to be normal and go to high school.
        For some reason it's been decided that every teenage character has to be like this now.

  9. 10 months ago

    Why are all you gays who have a hate boner for this movie so miserable that you can just think maybe people actually like the movie and there's a reason both critics and audiences gave it great reveiws.

    • 10 months ago

      Because every single time someone gives their reasons for liking the movie, it's always the same flimsy shit that doesn't really say anything about the characters, plot, or pacing. It's always
      >they act like real teens!
      >art style is very unique!
      >haha soundtrack because they played the funny he-man song

      The art and animation are carrying the whole movie, but the plot and characters suck ass. And that's even with Black April somehow being the best written character in the whole movie. People who keep defending it are effectively just lying to themselves and getting angry when other people don't play along after seeing the same soulless, boring movie.

      • 10 months ago

        I liked the movie. I thought the overall theme was good in that all of the main characters were misfits that wanted acceptance and went about getting it in different ways. The fight choreography was good. The main villain was threatening in that he just wanted to straight up kill all of humanity. The only thing I really didn’t care for was the ultrom lady. Like, the whole thing with her and her group was out of left field outside of the beginning of the film. I also felt that there could have been a different ending where Baxter stockman could have been brought back to basically talk super fly down from what he was doing rather than defeating him through combat. The final battle should have been everyone basically holding the line until something like that could happen.

        I think most of the b***hing over this movie is fricking moronic on several levels.

        • 10 months ago

          See, I watched the same movie you did and I have trouble agreeing.
          >I thought the overall theme was good in that all of the main characters were misfits that wanted acceptance and went about getting it in different ways
          They're mutants, which makes them freaks who don't fit into society. The turtles go about seeking acceptance all in the same way: make the city love them by becoming heroes.

          >The fight choreography was good
          The scene where they're busting up different criminal groups is decent, the rest of it is pretty standard stuff that's on par with the Shrek movies.

          >The main villain was threatening in that he just wanted to straight up kill all of humanity.
          I don't think I'd call that threatened as much as it's just.... very direct? Him being a super genius and also a cackling one-dimensional maniac wasn't really threatening as much as it was just a waste of Ice Cube's VA talent. He didn't even seem to kill anyone as a fricking Kaiju.

          >The only thing I really didn’t care for was the ultrom lady.
          TCRI and Cynthia Utrom seems like leftover material from a different draft of the script. She didn't need to be in the movie at all.

          >Baxter Stockman
          Seemed pointless to put him in the story just to kill him in the first 5 minutes. No telling if the movie would be better if they wrote it different, but it definitely squandered just about everything that was there.

          >I think most of the b***hing over this movie is fricking moronic on several levels.
          I dunno man, it kinda seems like you're struggling to find something positive to saw about it. At best, it's a movie you can watch that has a beginning, middle, and end. It has characters with motivations and traits. Events transpire and the consequences of those events create a story. It is very much a movie... and that's a pretty good reason to be negative about it. 40 years of TMNT and we're still getting shit that gets the soaring praise of "it's watchable, I guess"

          • 10 months ago

            > They're mutants, which makes them freaks who don't fit into society. The turtles go about seeking acceptance all in the same way: make the city love them by becoming heroes.

            1) The turtles want to be accepted by being heroes.
            2) April, who is basically an outcast, wants to report on them to gain acceptance.
            3) Super fly wants to exterminate mankind and make mutants to gain acceptance
            4) Splinter wants to hide away but really wants acceptance.

            > I don't think I'd call that threatened as much as it's just.... very direct?
            I called him threatening. His goal was sone real supervillain shit and he could easily beat all the turtles combined by himself. He almost succeeded.

            > Seemed pointless to put him in the story just to kill him in the first 5 minutes.
            The thing is that they weren’t clear as to whether he died or not.

            > it kinda seems like you're struggling to find something positive to saw about it.
            Man, I’m not struggling at all to find positive things to say about the movie. I plainly said what I liked and disliked about the film. You just sat here and tried to diminish what I said without actually disproving a single thing that I said. Most of the b***hing that I’ve seen here over the movie has nothing to do with what’s actually in the fricking film.

            • 10 months ago

              > Most of the b***hing that I’ve seen here over the movie has nothing to do with what’s actually in the fricking film.

              Accurate summary of this boards hate boner for the movie.

          • 10 months ago

            >It is very much a movie

            Is something wrong when people start craving for movies of all time, no more and no less?

    • 10 months ago

      Because I need Seth Rogen to fail

  10. 10 months ago

    >Another homosexual hyperfocusing on the "teen" aspect because he's got shit for brains
    Wish they'd frick off and kill themselves already. Only morons who say this never liked the TMNT in the first place and think that 4 characters talking over each other is "realistic" and "relatable" instead of just obnoxious.

    • 10 months ago

      The best moments are the ones where the turtles aren't talking. Otherwise a lot of them are doing very safe, quippy, unfunny shit or blurting out their 1-dimensional character arcs so the audience can understand their motivations. They have nothing interesting or funny to say. My theater was dead silent for most of the jokes with some of the biggest gags getting a pity chuckle.

      I sincerely do not understand how people watched this movie and then came back so fricking hyped up and excited that the turtles are now awkward kids with confidence and self-esteem problems who just want to be normal and go to high school.

      As a little kid, them being teenage always felt like it was only for alliteration with turtles, they might as well have been full adults to me

      (Then later I learned it was an X-Men/New Mutants joke)

      • 10 months ago

        All this shit about the turtles needing to act like actual modern, realistic, relatable zoomeers feels it's a very female mindset. Being unable to appreciate characters for simply being cool as they are. Getting frustrated that something doesn't match their perceived notion of what that label should be. And it's not even that they need it to be a reflection of reality, just that it reflects what their algorithmic feed of mainstream slop tell them reality is like.

      • 10 months ago

        I just assumed they were 18

      • 10 months ago

        >they might as well have been full adults to me
        Yeah. Other iterations were physically bigger, more mature and experienced, and some were basically superheroes

        • 10 months ago

          >some were basically superheroes
          It kinda comes and goes in different versions, but they generally are stronger, tougher, recover more quickly, and will live a lot longer because of a combination of mutagen, turtle traits, and peak-physical-condition Batman-esque ninja training. Donnie's genius most often goes into full capeshit superscience levels in almost every version

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, which is why it's gotta be a deliberate choice in this movie to make them characters who've never even been in a real fight before
            IMO it's preferable to them being able to toss shipping containers around

            • 10 months ago

              Mutant Mayhem does something weird where they have never fought anyone before, but they are still superhumanly capable, and after botching the first few seconds of an ambush, they remain superhuman capable for the rest o the movie. I can see the appeal of doing a story about their first time out, getting a feel for real combat and putting their training into practice, but Mutant Mayhem awkwardly glosses over the fact that they are lacking confidence, but acting like they've been doing the superhero thing for years like the other versions of TMNT have.

              • 10 months ago

                They’ve probably fought eachother during their training. I think it’s wild that they learned how to actually fight from Kung-fu movies, which are made to be extra showy, which is sorta the opposite of being a good fighter or having good moves in a fight.

              • 10 months ago

                Learning from kung-fu movies is dumb and silly. That said, what were the other explanations for where their skills came from?
                I only remember the 03 cartoon, where Splinter watched his owner (secretly some kind of interdimensional karate warrior) practice moves

      • 10 months ago

        TMNT was literally the result of two guys drawing a silly image in a drunken and/or stoned haze, then sobering up and deciding to do something with it by mocking comic books.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes that's what I later learned

          The choice of turtle ninjas itself is supposed to be silly because turtles are slow and harmless

      • 10 months ago

        Many iterations there WERE adults.

        03 and the original comics and I think Archie.

  11. 10 months ago

    >"animation is a medium for all ages"
    >only kids oriented movies are supposedly good

    • 10 months ago

      Not really there are plenty of good animation for adults it's just westoids and they're gay "this is for kids" shit have basically handicapped and fricked any chance we have to create cool adult shows

      I won't use the A-word but let's be honest with ourselves

      • 10 months ago

        >Fricking scared to admit that anime is superior to current western animated slop.

  12. 10 months ago

    You guys straight up are starting to sound like Guy level schizos over this movie. I get you guys don't like it but do we really need like 4 ragebait threads a day about how the only fans of this movie are "shills". Like why not just make a thread about a TMNT product you like then.

    • 10 months ago

      >overhyped piece of Seth Rogen shit keeps getting overhyped
      >Reeee don't say bad things about this movie!
      Frick you, I'm enjoying my rage.

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe it's a thread pushing the reviewer?

      • 10 months ago

        But it's not. Everything in this thread is almost entirely made up of "Mutant Mayhem bad and people who like it are dumb" post.

  13. 10 months ago

    I prefer videos about crying about wokeness.

    • 10 months ago

      that's not woke, it's natural progression

    • 10 months ago

      >YouTube homepage
      >See thumbnail like this
      >Click "Don't recommend channel"
      You and I got better business on the internet than wasting time being upset about things that live or die depending on how much buzz our attention generated for the studio or the dung beetles that thrive off said studios' shit.

      • 10 months ago

        I do the same, the difference is that I'm not a homosexual like you

  14. 10 months ago

    Saw the movie the other day cuz our summer camp did it as a field trip for our last day

    It's alright.
    It genuinely looks amazing in motion and the artstyle is actually charming, it feels very 90's Nickelodeon in some places, and some scenes were actually good like whenever the turtles are being a family with Splinter.
    Splinter was probably the best part too actually, being voiced by Jackie Chan will do that

    It's also painfully unfunny, April is still ugly (but wasn't insufferable as a character honestly) and the heel-turn the mutants have near the end felt kind of forced but whatever

    If I wanted to be generous it's like a 6/10, but the 90s Turtle movies are still kino and my preferred choice

    • 10 months ago

      Other than the flashback/origin scene, there's really not a lot of familial action with Splinter. I also thought Jackie Chan sucked shit because he's can barely speak english, but to each their own.

      >If I wanted to be generous it's like a 6/10
      Yeah, that's about where I'd put it, too. It's not irredeemably bad, but it's not especially good.

  15. 10 months ago

    Tmnt 2 movie is the beat tmnt and nobody can prove me wrong.
    >vanilla ice
    Dont give a shit you cant tell me the turtles dancing wasnt hype.

  16. 10 months ago

    Anyone else find it weird and kinda distracting how many times the Turtles would name drop actual real world things? Like, I remember Donnie mentioning Forza Horizon.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean they used to do that all the time in the 80s series so that’s probably more a homage than anything

      • 10 months ago

        Did they? Got any in particular that they did in the 80's show??

  17. 10 months ago

    I mean I enjoyed parts of the movie, I also enjoyed parts of the bay films, but they both have major faults, this one is that they have no villains, they litterally have every viallin do a face turn and betray super fly, it would be fricking moronic if bebop and rocksteady become villains in the second film now because they already were villains

  18. 10 months ago

    Are you surpise that 99% of normie reviewers are leftoid suck ups? it all comes back to Susan Wackshitski and her army of sjws who rule over youtube and google, they frick up the website to ban everyone not on the far left.

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe the reason so many "normies" like it is because world doesn't revolve around what a bunch of nerds on Cinemaphile think?

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Then why are you so obsessed with what they think, moron?

        have a nice day. Silencing any further dissent is the mark of a coward.

  19. 10 months ago

    Its hilarious seeing this site in general degrade to the point where most of the people here have the opinions of the average out of touch boomer

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe the reason so many "normies" like it is because world doesn't revolve around what a bunch of nerds on Cinemaphile think?

      The unfiltered seething and malding on display from shills is something else.

      • 10 months ago

        Are you talking about OP shilling their shitty youtube channel?

      • 10 months ago

        >THEY'RE JUST SHILLS!!!!
        the amount of denial here is something else

        • 10 months ago

          Would be less pathetic if you were actually a shill, because at least you'd be getting paid to come here and pout about people saying mean things about a mediocre-at-best kids movie.

  20. 10 months ago

    It was perfected in 1990. Nothing else has come close since.

    • 10 months ago

      TMNT movies used to have soul

    • 10 months ago

      TMNT would compare if the Winters aspect wasn’t so underbaked.

  21. 10 months ago

    spider-sirs in shambles

  22. 10 months ago

    Noticing a trend with the totally-not-a-shill threads
    >shill shows up with some canned "I just saw Mutant Mayhem™ and it's great!" post
    >A few more non-replying posts say the same shit
    >anons reply with "lol this movie is bad actually"
    >angry homosexual starts seething and lashing out and insisting no one has any legit criticisms against the movie
    >anons provide legiti criticism
    >angry homosexual stops posting
    >new thread saying "wow I loved this movie it's so great!" shows up a short time later.

  23. 10 months ago

    "I've discovered that most critics themselves are cinematically illiterate. They don't really know much about movies they don't know the history, they don't know the technology they don't know anything so for them to try to analyse they're lost." - George Lucas

    The dunning-kruger effect is a psychological phenomenon in which the less a person knows about a subject the more they feel that they're an expert. If a person is so ignorant that they're unable to conceptualise what they don't know they believe they know everything.

    Sometimes when one dismisses a critic they use phrases such as "I'd like to see you do something better" or "you can't talk because you can't make something like this" and a counter argument that can be said to all that is "you don't have to be good at something to know when someone else is bad at it". You don't have to be a good basketball player to know and point out when someone else is bad at it, but the thing with that is you would at least have to know how the basketball game works to know. True, you don't need to be good at something to know when someone else is doing it wrong, but you must still have to know what you’re talking about and have credibility.

    Even when one is an expert on something they may not be an expert with another thing. You might be an expert at knowing how storytelling works, but they may not be an expert or have a good understanding of the material itself they are critiquing and will be called out by the bigger and knowledgeable fans of that work. To when one points out plot holes that aren't actually there, or when one doesn't even know what a plot hole is in the first place.

    This is a problem with the critics of entertainment. They need to know how both storytelling and the show or book they are talking about truly is and it probably takes more than just one casual watch or read in order to do that.

    • 10 months ago

      I think even just on a more basic level, ignorance of the material and the genre it comes from can lead people to overestimate the quality of something. People who don't give a frick or who are only peripherally aware of TMNT over the last 40 fricking years, will drastically overvalue and overemphasize slight changes and not understand how badly things are fricked up by gutting core elements while trying to punch up and modernize a story that's got decades of better material to work with.

  24. 10 months ago

    I'm 30 and I came out of the theater deciding that this movie 100% wasn't aimed at me at all. I have zero problem with that. I even liked how there wasn't a frickton of 87' nostalgiabait references (outside of the mutants themselves i guess). A lot of TMNT adaptations immediately fallback on throwing memberberries at you

    You need to ask a 14 year old Tiktok teen what they thought because that is absolutely the target demographic. The slang, references, general way of speaking were all incredibly accurate to how kids are today. I was impressed at how it didn't even sound like a 40 year old balding dough boy in the writers room trying to sound like a Tik Tok teen, it straight up felt like they had kids write the dialouge.

    Tldr; this film made me feel like a geriatric.

    • 10 months ago

      I live/have lived with 4 zoomers. They don't sound like that. They didn't sound like that when they were 15. The turtles sound like what Seth Rogen and Jeff Rowe assumed zoomers sound like by scrolling through tiktok and seeing a bunch of immature 20-something year olds acting like jackasses, and assumed that's what teens are like.

      • 10 months ago

        You understand that the point is the turtles are weirdos who's only knowledge of humans is from the media they consume right? April literally says they're weird in the movie for the way they talk and act.

        • 10 months ago

          I thought the point was that they talk like "real teens" and they're finally living up the to "teenage" part of their title, which is the one thing critics and braindead homosexuals refuse to shut up about?

          • 10 months ago

            I don't get these critics. This iteration is clearly focused on the Mutant aspect the most. It goes down to the art style of the movie, with even the humans looking like mutans. And Super Fly is the main villain.

            • 10 months ago

              If the humans look like mutants, then what makes the Turtles so special? The point is that they’re the weird ones, not the regular humans.

      • 10 months ago

        That's fair, I haven't had a reason to talk to a teenager in a long time. I guess I'm subconsciously going off of internet stuff too.

        • 10 months ago

          >I guess I'm subconsciously going off of internet stuff too.
          It's just what happens once you get past that part of your life and when you stop thinking about it, you become receptive to the painstakingly controlled and tailored version of reality presented by the trending tabs and whatever filters to the top of the algorithmic stew.

      • 10 months ago

        I have to regularly be around them, half of them sound like this when they're allowed to congregate.

  25. 10 months ago

    I'd be more impressed if the 2012 series didn't already beat this movie to the punch with the "immature kiddy turtle" bit. I guess this is a more..."realized" version?

  26. 10 months ago

    I'm going to beat this homie to death, the 2099 SUIT IS BLUE EVEN PETER DAVID SAID IT'S BLUE BLACK!!

  27. 10 months ago

    >Has Godzilla in name
    >Doesn't talk about Godzilla
    >Talks about how it's dumb movies don't let heroes wear mask and brings up movies that do
    >Doesn't bring up any JP shit which does it the most.

    • 10 months ago


      Tired of these reviews just no criticism just straight up dick riding this terrible movie

      Godzilla Mendoza sold himself to the woke for clicks and threw it all in our faces with a shitty ass smarmy clip ''FINALLY'' from some show i bet is from wokeflix.

  28. 10 months ago

    Why are americans sad about characters in movies and media in general becoming more brown with each decade?
    I eam this is what happenning with your country. The demographics are shifting. There are less whites and more browns of various shade.
    Why should the media cater to whites when they are who actually becoming minorities?

    mexicans and blacks on the other hand increase in numbers. You could as well say it is their country now, so why is every major character in the media should be white specifically now?
    It is not logical to me.

    • 10 months ago

      TMNT is American but oftentimes the stuff being racebent aren't like Snow White

  29. 10 months ago

    GM really fell off

  30. 10 months ago

    Bruh complains about interspecies in TMNT wait till you see mirage comics he so moronic

  31. 10 months ago

    oh no now where will I get my disingenous opinions parroted back at me?

  32. 10 months ago

    >MFW one reason I'm looking forward to the Ryan Reynolds produced BMFM show (And the new COW Boys of Moo Mesa one) is to get away from a bunch of dysfuntional morons who hate each other and complain about the smallest change in a continuity.

    • 10 months ago

      I disliked turtle movie for REAL reasons like April being a teenager yet again instead of an adult role model for the turtles different from Splinter, she should be the one who introduces them to pizza and becomes their mother figure/cool sister.

      >YFW the new show takes potshots at MM like the Mice being happy at not getting a movie by Seth Rogen where they and Charley would be ugly as frick.

  33. 10 months ago

    I disliked turtle movie for REAL reasons like April being a teenager yet again instead of an adult role model for the turtles different from Splinter, she should be the one who introduces them to pizza and becomes their mother figure/cool sister.

  34. 10 months ago

    But... but what do Phelan and Allison think of new turt content?

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